Standard: WHI - FCPS


WHI.6 The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Rome from about 700 b.c. to 500 a.d. in terms of its impact on Western civilization by

a) assessing the influence of geography on Roman economic, social, and political development;

b) citizenship, and the development of democratic features in the government of the Roman Republic;

c) assessing the impact of military conquests on the army, economy, and social structure of Rome;

d) assessing the roles of Julius and Augustus Caesar in the collapse of the Republic and the rise of imperial monarchs;

e) explaining the economic, social, and political impact of the Pax Romana;


Benchmark 3.6: The student understands the causes and consequences of the unification of the Mediterranean basin under Roman rule.

A.     Describe the influence of geography on, and the contributions of the Etruscans and the western Greek colonies to, the development of early Roman civilization (central location, Italian Peninsula, Alps and Mediterranean for protection from eastern powers, sea borne commerce).

C.     Describe the major phases in the territorial and cultural expansion of Rome (Punic Wars, campaigns of Caesar, Africa, Asia, Gaul, the British Isles, Hellenistic world).

F. Describe the political and social institutions of the Roman Republic (including representative democracy, patricians, plebeians, foreign citizenship, Twelve Tables, Senate, assemblies, consul, veto, tribune, slavery) and rights and responsibilities of citizenship (taxes, military service).

G.     Analyze how Rome was transformed from a republic to an empire (spread of slavery, migration of farmers, unemployment, inflation, civil war, first triumvirate, Julius Caesar, Marc Antony, Augustus Caesar).

Topic: Rome

Video Title: World History: Ancient Civilizations

Clip Title: Rise of the Roman Empire

Length of segment: 8min 21secs


Start with Etruscans, Roman Republic government, Senate’s role/size, Expansion through trade and military, reasons for fall of Republic, rise of Roman empire, Julius Caesar, civil war, Octavian, civil service, infrastructure development, abuses of emperors, Pax Romana

Teacher Preparation: Print out post-video handouts, have scissors/glue

Follow up: Have students create a timeline of events leading to the rise of the Roman Empire using the topics on the next sheet (have them cut out and place/glue in the correct order). Go over as a class the chronological sequence of events (perhaps on an overhead so all students end with the correct order), and discuss how one event leads to the cause of another.

Recommended lesson length: 15-20mins

Place the following topics from the video in chronological order:

Etruscans rule Rome

Julius Caesar

Pax Romana

Creation of the Senate

Fall of Roman Republic

Civil War

Roman Republic government


Expansion through trade and military

Use of civil service

Rise of Roman Empire

Abusive emperors




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