Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day

Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day

Welcome to Ancient Rome, one of the largest and most impressive empires ever known. You will be working in groups of three (sometimes four) as you uncover details about the Gods, people, and places of Rome. Keep an open mind as your team begins this assignment. Your cooperation with team members is essential for success. And don’t forget to have some fun while you learn!!

Use this direction sheet to complete the four parts of this project. Follow the steps and divide work accordingly. ALL STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO COMPLETE A FAIR SHARE OF WORK. When the project is complete, each student will complete a form describing all work performed for the project. Students who do not participate actively will not receive the same grade as their team members.

I Map of a Roman City

On the paper provided in class, your team will create a map of a fictional Roman city. You must include basic map features as well as architectural structures.

A. title H. arch

B. grid system I. aqueduct

C. key J. market place (forum)

D. decorative compass rose K. Senate building

E. roads (Roman themes) L. villas/apartment buildings

F. temple M. bath house

G. sports stadium N. theater

Each member of the team will be required to select one building for detailed research. The individual portion of the map will require each team member to select one building and create an inlay or lift-up flap. (One building for each team member.) The inlay or flap will include information about: the function of the building, any interesting architectural features, any historical details, or any miscellaneous information you may uncover.

Use color and be neat. A ruler is much better for drawing a straight line than freehand. Your team may add extra details with approval. Books, web sites and classroom posters will be helpful research tools.

II Roman Deity Poster board

Each team is required to choose a Roman God as their patron and team name. Use the internet to select a god/goddess. Check with me to make certain your selection is favorable for research.

Use the internet or books to obtain the following information:

1. A short biography of your God about three or four sentences long.

2. A symbol or picture representing your God. (You may draw by hand if you like.)

3. A description of festival days associated with your God. Find out dates and what happened on festival days.

After your team has selected a God, your group will research and present information on a poster board OR use :


| |







III Interview

Each person is responsible for researching and writing an interview with a Roman person. Each team member must choose a character from the list provided, create five questions for an interview, and write a first person response that will be presented to the class. . Here are your choices:

nobility (patrician man or woman) gladiator soldier student priest Senator

* You may choose a character not listed only with special permission.

Create a setting. Introduce yourself and the person you are interviewing. Describe the interviewing venue (place). Your interview questions and answers must be written in the first person. Questions must be open (answers should not be yes or no). Conduct research to provide detailed answers that reflect an understanding of that character’s life in Ancient Rome.

The interview will be presented to the class as part of a classwork grade. If you are typing use twelve point. Any point larger than 12 is not acceptable. Spelling and grammar are an important part of your grade.

IV Emperor Report Card

Each group will choose a Roman Emperor from the following list. Emperors not listed below can be individually approved.

Julius Caesar Nero Caligula Hadrian Marcus Aurelius

Titus Claudius Constantine

Using books and the internet each team will research their emperor and create an informative report card. Be creative in your research. Your job is to teach your classmates about your emperor and find out interesting facts that people will want to know. The report card will use the following format:

| | |

|Name of Emperor |Portrait of |

|(dates when your emperor ruled) |your emperor |

| |Information about childhood and/or life before becoming emperor |Picture representing this |

| | |time in the emperor’s life |

|Early Life |(fact #1) | |

| |(fact #2) | |

| |Information about remarkable achievements or noteworthy behavior |Picture representing this |

| | |time in the emperor’s life |

|Why is he famous or infamous?|(fact #1) | |

| |(fact #2) | |

| |(fact #3) | |

| | | |

|Evaluation |In your own words, write a short paragraph expressing your opinion |Final Grade |

| |about how this emperor conducted himself. | |

V Myth Presentation (Extra Credit)

Your group will randomly select a Greek/Roman myth that will be used to create a presentation. I have selected several myths you may use. However, if your group would like to use a different myth you must seek approval first. Your presentation will include a visual aspect as well as an oral presentation of the story. The visual must include the following ideas:

|Name of myth or story |

|The Characters |The Plot |

| | |

|List of the important characters/monsters and a brief description|Provide a brief summary of the plot using your own words. |

|of each. (Limit yourself to 8 characters if you have a large |Include any commentary that helps explain the story. (For |

|myth.) Provide any important information about the origins or |example, if the story has a moral, try to explain it in your own |

|background of each character. |words.) |

|Visuals |

| |

|Use any visuals that will help present the story to the class. You may create a storyboard that demonstrates each step, a comic |

|strip, a collage of pictures, a flow chart, or another idea that your team has created. Be resourceful and thorough. |

If this part of the project is completed for extra credit, each participating member of the group will receive an increase to their overall score. An A or B on the myth will bump your final grade by 1/3. For example, an A would become an A+, a C+ would become a B-, etc. If your group receives a C on the extra credit assignment, I will award a homework pass.

Name __________

Date __________

Period __________

Use the following organizer to help generate questions for your interview assignment. Your interview must include at least 5 questions. Each response should reveal thoughtful research and excellent writing. Yes and No answers for interview questions are not acceptable.

Question #1: ______________________________________________

Question #2: ______________________________________________

Question #3: ______________________________________________

Question #4: ______________________________________________

Question #5: ______________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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