Humanities 2210: Ancient World through Renaissance

Review for final exam: Multiple choice questions

I. Prehistory

1. Which of the following terms refers to one of the “big stones” used in the construction of a site such as Stonehenge?

a. megalith

b. menhir

c. cairn

d. cromlech

2. Which of the following terms refers to a stone structure consisting of two posts roofed with a capstone, covered with earth, and used as a burial chamber?

a. megalith

b. menhir

c. cairn

d. cromlech

3. Which of the following terms refers to the category of megalithic structure that includes Stonehenge?

a. dolmen

b. menhir

c. cairn

d. cromlech

Prehistory Answers

1. Answer: a page 17

2. Answer: c page 18

3. Answer: d page 18

Review for final exam: Multiple choice questions

II. Mesopotamia

1. Which of the following rivers is associated with ancient Mesopotamia?

a. the Yellow

b. the Nile

c. the Indus

d. the Tigris

2. Which of the following rivers is associated with ancient Egypt?

a. the Yellow

b. the Nile

c. the Indus

d. the Tigris

3. Which of the following pairs of metals combine to form bronze?

a. copper and tin

b. copper and iron

c. copper and silver

d. copper and gold

4. Which of the following terms refers to a religion that includes many gods (and goddesses) often associated with natural forces and realms?

a. monotheism

b. theocracy

c. henotheism

d. polytheism

5. Which of the following was the Akkadian sun god?

a. Shamash

b. Ishtar

c. Ea

d. Enlil

6. Among the following residents of Mesopotamia, which was the only monotheistic group?

a. the Akkadians

b. the Assyrians

c. the Hebrews

d. the Babylonians

7. Which of the following pairs correctly identifies the subjects illustrated in the two main panels of the rectangular box known as the Standard of Ur?

a. “Winter” and “Summer”

b. “Heaven” and “Earth”

c. “Planting” and “Harvest”

d. “War” and “Peace”

8. Which of the following leaders guided the Akkadians to conquer virtually all other cities in Mesopotamia and named himself “King of the Four Quarters of the World?”

a. Romulus

b. Remus

c. Sargon

d. Moses

9. Which of the following is considered the first existing monumental work made through the lost-wax casting technique?

a. the dedicatory statues from the Abu Temple

b. the Cylinder Seal of Adda

c. the Standard of Ur

d. the Head of an Akkadian Man

10. In cuneiform, which of the following symbolizes a god?

a. a triangle

b. a star

c. a wheel with five spokes

d. a ram's head

11. Who is considered responsible for having introduced the principle of talion to Mesopotamian culture?

a. Hammurabi

b. Sargon

c. Gudea

d. Naramsin

12. Which of the following terms refers to a state ruled by a god or by the god’s representative?

a. monotheism

b. polytheism

c. henotheism

d. theocracy

13. Which of the following terms refers to a religion that includes many gods (and goddesses) often associated with natural forces and realms?

a. monotheism

b. polytheism

c. henotheism

d. theocracy

1. Answer: d page 36

2. Answer: b page 36

3. Answer: a page 36

4. Answer: b page 39

5. Answer: a page 39

6. Answer: c page 39

7. Answer: d page 41

8. Answer: c page 45

9. Answer: d page 45

10. Answer: b page 46

11. Answer: a page 48

12. Answer: d page 74

13. Answer: b page 76

Review for final exam: Multiple choice questions


1. In ancient Egyptian religion, which of the following ruled the underworld and was god of the dead?

a. Osiris

b. Anubis

c. Horus

d. Seth

2. In ancient Egyptian religion, which of the following was the child of Osiris and Isis?

a. Re

b. Anubis

c. Horus

d. Seth

Answer: c page 77

3. Which of the following ancient Egyptian leaders ruled circa 3,000 B.C.E. and is credited with unifying both Upper and Lower Egypt?

a. Djoser

b. Khafre

c. Khufu

d. Narmer

Answer: d page 77

4. In ancient Egyptian religion, which of the following was comparable to an enduring “soul” or “life force,” a concept shared by many other religions?

a. ba

b. ka

c. maat

d. cartouche

Answer: b page 80

5. A particularity of Djoser’s Pyramid in Saqqara is that

a. it is the largest

b. it is a stepped pyramid

c. it is a mastaba

d. it is preceded by a Sphynx

Answer: b page 81

6. The three great pyramids of Khafre, Khufu and Menkaure are also called:

a. Tumbs of Tutankhamen

b. Pyramids of Giza

c. Pyramids of the Valley of the Kings

d. Pyramids of Saqqara

Answer: b page 82

7. Which of the following was the primary material used to construct the polished sheath that covered each of the great pyramids at Giza?

a. gold

b. ivory

c. ebony

d. limestone

Answer: d page 83

8. Which of the following languages is NOT among those present on the Rosetta Stone?

a. Greek

b. Hebrew

c. demotic Egyptian

d. hieroglyphics

Answer: b page 83

9. Which of the following terms refers to an ornamental and symbolic frame reserved for the names of rulers, present on the Rosetta Stone, and of key importance in unlocking its code?

a. cartouche

b. pylon

c. mastaba

d. votive

Answer: a page 83

10. Which of the following animals is depicted in the Great Sphinx at Giza and supports the head of a king wearing the royal headcloth?

a. crocodile

b. jackal

c. lion

d. hawk

Answer: c page 84

11. In ancient Egypt, which of the following materials was of key importance in the mummification process, primarily because it absorbed the body’s fluids?

a. natron

b. resin

c. papyrus

d. oils

Answer: a page 91

12. During the mummification process, many of the body’s inner organs were removed, dried, coated in resin, and, in some cases, each was placed in its own container. By what name is this container known?

a. cartouche

b. mastaba

c. canopic jar

d. sarcophagus

Answer: c page 91

13. If the deceased person’s heart did not balance with the feather of Ma’at in the ancient Egyptian “last judgment,” the dead person

a. was condemned to physical torment

b. was condemned to nonexistence and to be eaten by Ammit.

c. gained an afterlife

d. had to answer to the questions of the gods

Answer: b page 98

Answers to Egypt

1. Answer: a page 77

2. Answer: c page 77

3. Answer: d page 77

4. Answer: b page 80

5. Answer: b page 81

6. Answer: b page 82

7. Answer: d page 83

8. Answer: b page 83

9. Answer: a page 83

10. Answer: c page 84

11. Answer: a page 91

12. Answer: c page 91

13. Answer: b page 98

Review for final exam: Multiple choice questions

IV. Minoan/ Mycenaean

1. Who is the legendary ruler of Crete's ancient capital, Knossos?

a. Priam

b. Minos

c. Aegeus

d. Agamemnon

2. Which of the following creatures did the inhabitants of Crete associate with male virility and strength?

a. tigers

b. lions

c. bulls

d. horses

3. Which of the following Greek terms can be translated as "double ax"?

a. kyklos

b. tholos

c. areté

d. labrys

4. Which of the following ancient structures was known as the "House of the Double Axes"?

a. the palace of Priam at Troy

b. the palace of Minos at Knossos

c. the palace of Agamemnon at Mycenae

d. the palace of Theramos at Akrotiri

5. Which of the following is the legendary Minoan queen who gave birth to the Minotaur?

a. Pasiphae

b. Ariadne

c. Aegeus

d. Daedalus

6. Which of the following provided Theseus with a weapon and thread to help him kill the Minotaur?

a. Aegeus

b. Daedalus

c. Ariadne

d. Pasiphae

7. Who is considered the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey?

a. Homer

b. Socrates

c. Plato

d. Aristotle

8. Which of the following is used in "epic" meter?

a. areté

b. tholos

c. hexameter

d. kyklos

9. Which of the following is the central character in the Iliad, which focuses on his "rage"?

a. Agamemnon

b. Patroclus

c. Hector

d. Achilles

10. Which of the following Greek terms can be translated as "virtue," and can be interpreted as "reaching one's highest potential"?

a. labrys

b. areté

c. tholos

d. kyklos

11. Who is best remembered as the King of Troy during the action of the Iliad?

a. Priam

b. Aegeus

c. Minos

d. Agamemnon

12. During the action of the Iliad, who is considered the greatest warrior among the Greeks battling against the Trojans?

a. Menelaus

b. Agamemnon

c. Odysseus

d. Achilles

13. Who is the Trojan prince and warrior that killed Patroclus and enraged Achilles during the action of the Iliad?

a. Agamemnon

b. Menelaus

c. Hector

d. Priam

14. Which of the following ancient structures is a citadel city that depended on cyclopean masonry for its construction and was entered through a massive Lion Gate?

a. the ancient city of Mycenae

b. the palace of Minos at Knossos

c. the ancient city of Troy

d. the palace of Theramos at Akrotiri

Answers to Minoan/Mycenaean

1. Answer: b page 135

2. Answer: c page 136

3. Answer: d page 137

4. Answer: b page 137

5. Answer: a page 137

6. Answer: c page 140

7. Answer: a page 144

8. Answer: c page 145

9. Answer: d page 145

10. Answer: b page 147

11. Answer: a page 148

12. Answer: d page 148

13. Answer: c page 148

14. Answer: a page 141

Review for final exam: Multiple choice questions

V. Greece

1. Which of the following terms translates as "top of the city" and refers to the portion of an ancient Greek city-state that functioned as its religious center?

a. agora

b. acropolis

c. homoioi

d. helots

2. Which of the following terms refers to the portion of an ancient Greek city-state that served as public meeting place, marketplace, and civic center?

a. agora

b. acropolis

c. homoioi

d. helots

3. Who is the author of an extensive History of the Persian Wars and is recognized as the first writer in the Western tradition who devoted himself to historical writing?

a. Herodotus

b. Hesiod

c. Aeschylus

d. Homer

4. Which ancient Greek city-state was the home to the Sanctuary of Apollo?

a. Athens

b. Delphi

c. Thebes

d. Corinth

5. Which of the following terms refers to columns carved in the form of female figures?

a. caryatids

b. entasis

c. stylobate

d. peristyle

6. In ancient Greek architecture, which of the following orders featured scrolled capitals?

a. Corinthian

b. Doric

c. Ionic

d. None of the answers are correct.

7. In ancient Athens, which of the following terms identifies free men who came from some other polis in Greece or from a Greek colony?

a. barbarians

b. citizens

c. metics

d. slaves

8. Regarding the women of ancient Sparta, which of the following statements is NOT accurate?

a. They were taught to read and write.

b. They were permitted to join the military forces and could hold positions of authority.

c. They could own and control their own property.

d. They could take another husband if their first had been away at war for too long.

9. Who cast the bronze statue known as Doryphoros (Spear bearer), which was celebrated throughout the ancient world as a demonstration of a treatise on proportions of the human body?

a. Kritios

b. Phidias

c. Thales

d. Polyclitus

10. On the Athenian Acropolis, which of the following was considered the centerpiece?

a. the Propylaia

b. the Parthenon

c. the Erechtheion

d. the Temple of Athena Nike

11. On the Athenian Acropolis, which of the following served as a monumental entryway to the complex?

a. the Propylaia

b. the Parthenon

c. the Erechtheion

d. the Temple of Athena Nike

12. Who is considered responsible for designed the giant statue of Athena Parthenos housed in the Parthenon?

a. Callicrates

b. Ictinus

c. Phidias

d. Mnesicles

13. Which of the following is NOT included among those illustrated in the metopes on the four sides of the Parthenon?

a. centaurs

b. Amazons

c. Trojans

d. Persians

14. On the Athenian Acropolis, which of the following features caryatids?

a. the Propylaia

b. the Parthenon

c. the Erechtheion

d. the Temple of Athena Nike

15. Who specialized in writing comedies and is the playwright for Lysistrata?

a. Aristophanes

b. Euripides

c. Aeschylus

d. Sophocles

Answers to Greece

1. Answer: b page 164

2. Answer: a page 164

3. Answer: a page 178

4. Answer: b page 165

5. Answer: a page 166

6. Answer: c page 166

7. Answer: c page 190

8. Answer: b page 191

9. Answer: d page 194

10. Answer: b page 194

11. Answer: a page 194

12. Answer: c page 195

13. Answer: d page 198

14. Answer: b page 201

15. Answer: a page 206

Review for final exam: Multiple choice questions


1. Which of the following rivers is associated with the city of Rome?

a. the Tigris

b. the Tiber

c. the Euphrates

d. the Arno

2. Which of the following terms refers to the land-owning aristocrats who served as priests, magistrates, lawyers, and judges in ancient Rome?

a. patricians

b. vigils

c. plebians

d. pietas

3. Which of the following terms refers to the poorer class who were craftspeople, merchants, and laborers in ancient Rome?

a. patricians

b. vigils

c. plebians

d. pietas

4. Which of the following terms refers to the "dutifulness"--a relationship that prescribed that a family and clients equally owed "total obedience" to the pater in ancient Rome?

a. patricians

b. vigils

c. plebians

d. pietas

5. When it was most prominent, which of the following settlements controlled most of the wealth of the western Mediterranean, including agricultural and commercial resources in Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, and the eastern portion of the Iberian Peninsula?

a. Athens

b. Carthage

c. Alexandria

d. Macedonia

6. Who is remembered for having marched through the Alps with his army of nearly 100,000 men and a large contingent of elephants?

a. Hannibal of Carthage

b. Scipio Africanus

c. Philip V of Macedonia

d. Pompey the Great

Answers to Rome

1. Answer: b page 234

2. Answer: a page 241

3. Answer: c page 241

4. Answer: d page 241

5. Answer: b page 242

6. Answer: a page 242

Review for final exam: Multiple choice questions

VII. Late medieval

1. Who is the author of the Divine Comedy?

a. Francesco Petrarca

b. Dante Alighieri

c. Geoffrey Chaucer

d. Giovanni Boccaccio

2. Which of the following provides a startling description of Florence during an outbreak of the plague?

a. The Canterbury Tales

b. the Decameron

c. Book of the City of Ladies

d. The Book of the Deeds and Good Manners of the Wise King Charles V

3. Who is the author of The Canterbury Tales?

a. Dante Alighieri

b. Francesco Petrarca

c. Geoffrey Chaucer

d. Giovanni Boccaccio

1. Answer: b page 476

2. Answer: b page 481

3. Answer: c page 484


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