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Review The Roman Empire in the First Century Web site:

but before answering the questions below, go to this page: ? Social Order

Read each of the pages listed on the right side of the screen under “Social Order”; in yellow; starting with “Patricians” and ending with “On the Frontiers”.

Next, read the pages under “Life in Roman Times” – again, all the links in yellow; “Family Life” through “Chariot Races”

1. Since slavery in the Roman Empire was not based on race, how did one become a slave?

2. In what ways was slave labor essential to the success of the Roman economy? Give at least three examples.

3. What was manumission?

4. What social programs and systems were put in place by the emperor and the government to keep the slaves, freemen, and plebeians from rebelling against the upper class? How did these programs lead to decreased productivity among the workers?

5. Describe the types of work typically done by:

• slaves:

• freemen:

• plebeians:

6. Why were slaves allowed to wear the same types of clothing as regular Roman citizens rather than special garments that would mark them as slaves?

To further illustrate the differences between the social classes in Rome, view the video clips :

Episode 1: Urban Life:

Read about life in the empire here:

Episode 3: Seneca’s Lessons:

In addition, access the Virtual Library feature

And read Seneca on Slaves:

1. How would you describe the lifestyle of an average Roman?

2. How do you think most people treated their slaves based on the words of Seneca?

3. Based on what you have seen and heard, what threat did people in the lower social classes present to Roman leaders?


“Religion” View and its subtopics, Then view the following videos and answer the questions that follow:

Episode 1: Disasters Strike

In what ways was it helpful for a Roman emperor to proclaim himself a god or an heir to a god?

How was religion used to explain the natural disasters that affected the empire?

Episode 2: Jesus’ Message

Why were people such as Jews and Christians persecuted by the Romans?

Why were religious leaders like Jesus considered politically subversive by Roman leaders

Episode 3: Rome Burns

How were people with unpopular religious beliefs shunned and persecuted?

Even though they risked persecution, why were so many people willing to accept the teachings of Christianity?

1. What was the objective of Roman worship?

2. How did Roman cult worship differ from most of today’s religions?

4. Who were the three most important Roman gods? Why?

4. Explain the concept of “divine rule” and how this was used by the emperors.

7. Explain the process the Romans used to get the gods to honor their prayers/requests.

9. Who were the Vestal Virgins and what was their job?

10. How did Augustus use religion to keep from being overthrown?

Review the timeline:

Use the timeline along with these other features on the site:

• Emperors []

• Life in Roman Times []

• Enemies and Rebels []

Answer each question below related to the way criminals, prisoners of war, and people in positions of power were treated. Examine how Roman entertainment glorified violence by making death a part of the entertainment experience.

1. For people accused of crimes, what were some of the typical punishments used in ancient Rome?

2. During times of war, what were some of the ways that extreme violence was demonstrated by the inhabitants of the Roman Empire?

4. Learn about religious persecution and how Jews and Christians were victimized by the residents of ancient Rome.

5. Discuss why chariot racing and gladiators were so popular in ancient Rome and what one could expect to see when watching:

• a gladiator performance:

• a day at the chariot races:

In the space below, record any additional information you find related to violent acts perpetrated by the Romans.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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