Study Guide: Test on Greece and Rome

Study Guide: Unit 4, Part B Ancient RomeWednesday, January 20th, 2016Multiple Choice ExamSuggestions: I suggest you answer the questions first; in doing so, you will probably find the definitions to most of the words listed below. Good luck Keywords:- Latins/Etruscans- Rape of Lucretia - Romulus and Remus - plebeian- patrician- consul- republic- dictator- the 12 Tables- paterfamilias - forum - Cincinnatus - Punic Wars- Hannibal - Scipio - imperialism- province- latifundia- “Roman Lake” - Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus- Marius - Sulla - Julius Caesar- Pompey- Crassus - census- ara pacis (museum)- Augustus- Lepidus - Marc Antony - Cleopatra - Pax Romana- “bread and circus”- Realism (art) - Greco-Roman- Pantheon- Caligula- Claudius- Nero - aqueduct- keystone- hypogeum - bread and circus - Hadrian - Marcus Aurelius - Via Appia (Appian Way)- Spartacus - Siege of Masada - Judea - trinity - Jesus - messiah - gospels- Bible- new testament- vestal virgins - Cult of Isis/Cult of Mithras - resurrection - Paul (one of the Apostles)- inflation- messiah - pagan - orthodoxy- Edict of Milan- Council of Nicea- catholic (what does it translate to?)- heresy/heretic- Theodosius I and Theodosius II - Huns, Visigoths, Franks, Saxons, etc.- Attila the Hun- MercenaryQuestions to consider:You should know the general order of the time periods in Rome What are the geographic characteristics of Italy/Rome? Why was it difficult for early Romans to establish a settlement (i.e. Who else existed there)Why did Roman legends connect Rome’s founders back to Greek civilizations? What type of government did Romans want to form after Etruscan rule? What is a republic? How was the roman republic organized? Know the basic role of the senate, consuls, assemblies of tribes and centuries, tribune and dictatorWhy were the plebeians upset with the set up of the early republic? How did their reforms make it more reflective of a democracy?How did the 12 tables reflect more of a plebian voice? How did the plebeians gain more rights later in history?How did Cincinnatus embody the ideals of a true republic?What’s the difference between a republic and an empire?How did Carthage influence Roman attitudes about conquest?What advantages did Roman military have over other armies? How did this help their empire grow? Why were conquered people open minded to have the Romans rule them (initially)? Why is a republic ill equipped to govern a large amount of land? How does empire building threaten a republic?How did the senate start to fail the needs of the people as Rome started to grow?How did the Gracchus brothers try to help the poor during the tense days of the republic? What needs did the people have? Why did the senate’s response to the Gracchus brothers spell doom for them?How did Caesar rise to power and why does history shed a positive light on his name? (i.e. achievements he is credited for) Which men made up the first triumvirate? How did Caesar respond when Crassus and Pompey tell him he was stripped of power?What types of policies does Caesar enact after he is “appointed” dictator?How did the senate respond to Caesar’s growing power?Why was Caesar’s death the true end to the republic?What happened after Caesar was murdered? How did Antony respond?Who comprised of the 2nd Triumvirate? How did Octavian come to be the first true emperor? (i.e.How did he deal with the other two?)Why was society well-governed during the Pax Romana? How did Augustus help stabilize society? How was architecture similar to/different from the Ancient Greeks?How was power passed in the government under the empire?Did other emperors in the period of the Pax Romana effectively maintain it? (Know the policies of: Caligula, Cladius, Nero—and how society thought of each)Know the answers to the Engineering an Empire video worksheetWhat was the city of Rome like during the Pax Romana?How did the government deal with the problems that existed?How did emperor Hadrian improve society/the empire? Why was Marcus Aurelius a unique emperor? What does cosmopolitan mean? Why is Pompeii a famous city? How does Pompeii illustrate the pos/neg sides of living in a Roman city? How did the people in Pompeii explain the destruction happening around them?Be able to recognize the areas conquered by the Roman empire. How did slavery function in the Roman republic/empire? What jobs did slaves serve?Who were the slaves under Roman rule?How were slaves treated? Why did slaves obey? How did Romans respond to uprisings (of any type) Know the story/response of Spartacus’ rebellion and the siege of the Masada Who was the founder of Christianity and where did the religion originate from? What similarities/differences exist between Christianity and Judaism? What was Christianity like in its early days?What (general) values did early Christians follow? How did the principles of Christianity reflect ethical monotheism (hint: see Sermon on the Mount) What types of people were initially attracted to Christianity? What was Roman religion like before Christianity and what was Roman policy towards other religions? Why did Christianity threaten Roman government? How did the Romans respond to Jesus and treat the Christians? How was Christianity able to spread after Jesus’ death? What problems existed in Rome after the Pax Romana ended? Why did these problems emerge?How did Diocletian become emperor? How did Diocletian respond to the problems in society (Know the “bold move” policies he enacts”)? What type of effect did this have on society? How did Constantine rise to power?How did he try to fix the problems in society (Know the “bold move” policies he enacts”)? What type of effect did this have on society?How did Constantine’s (and further Roman emperors’) religious policies change the culture and political landscape of Rome?Know about the changes Constantine enacted in regards to Christianity and politicsKnow the effects of the Council of NiceaKnow the actions Theodosius I and II each took and how that affected the empireWhat are the political, economic, social, and military reasons credited to causing the fall of Rome? You should generally know how they are interconnected as well! (see class chart and class notes and docs!) How did the fall of Rome spell doom for WESTERN Europe? ................

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