Chapter 9 Study Guide - Weebly

Chapter 9 Study Guide

The Byzantine Empire, Russia, and Eastern Europe

1. The highest official in Byzantine church_________________________________

2. Mongol armies who ruled much of medieval Russia ___________________________

3. An area of southeastern Europe extending into the Mediterranean Sea _________________________

4. A Byzantine emperor determined to revive ancient Rome __________________________

5. A document that limited the power of Magyar rulers _________________________________

6. The open, treeless grassland of southern Russia ______________________________________

7. The capital of the Byzantine empire _________________________________________

8. A tsar who brought much of northern Russia under his rule _________________________________

9. A tsar who left Russia seething with rebellion at the time of his death _________________________

10. The center of the first Russian state _________________________

11. What made Constantinople so rich and powerful?

12. What emperor is known for creating a “Body of Civil Law”?

13. Describe what caused a battle between Eastern and Western Christianity.

14. What caused the decline of the Byzantine Empire?

15. Which Russian region was a great highway of nomadic migration?

16. What Mongol government method served as a model for later Russian rulers?

17. Describe the ruling methods of Ivan the Great.

18. Why did the state of Poland-Lithuania weaken in the late 1600s?

19. In the 900s, West Slavs of Poland were influenced by missionaries spreading what?

20. The Magyars who raid Europe eventually settled in ___________________.

21. Describe the achievements of Justinian.

22. The Byzantine church later is known as the _________________________.

23. Byzantine scholars are known for their books in the field of ________________________.

24. Medieval Russian traders often used _______________________to reach the Byzantine world.

25. Kiev and its culture stemmed form what two peoples?

26. What civilization began in the farming region of Ukraine?

27. What were the effects of the Mongol takeover of Russia?

28. What happened in 1380 between the Russians and the Mongols?

29. Describe the reign of Ivan the Terrible.

30. In medieval Eastern Europe, goods and cultural influence traveled along the _______________and __________________ rivers.

31. Islam was introduced in the 1300s by the _____________________.

32. What lasting impact did the Magyars have on the kingdom of Hungary?


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