Chapter 14 Section 1 “The Renaissance in Italy”

Chapter 14 Section 1 “The Renaissance in Italy” – Practice in formal outlining

I. The Italian City-States

A. As the center of the Roman empire, it made sense for the Renaissance to begin in Italy.

B. Much of Italy survived the Middle Ages and began centers of manufacturing and trade.

C. Rich middle class developed and promoted cultural rebirth.

D. Florence became the key city for the Renaissance to flourish.

1. It became the home for famous artists, poets, architects, and scientists.

2. The Medici family ruled most of Florence and became strong patrons of the arts and sciences.

II. What was the Renaissance?

A. It was a time of great creativity in the arts and sciences and encouraged people to think beyond religion.

B. The focus shifted from the afterlife to appreciating the beauty of life in the here and now.

C. The Renaissance supported a spirit of adventure in exploring the unknown or unfamiliar.

1. Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas for the Europeans.

2. Copernicus developed a new theory on viewing the universe.

3. These new views troubled the Church leaders.

D. A new type of intellectual pursuit began known as “humanism.”

1. It was based on the study of classical culture.

2. People focused on subjects such as math, history, science, and classical studies of ancient Rome and Greece.

3. Petrach was a leading humanist who was instrumental in

bringing back interest in the classical studies of Rome and Greece.

III. The Golden Age in the Arts

A. Artists were influenced by the humanist movement.

(Now, continue the rest on your own. Homework tonight is to complete the next two sections. We will do the last section together in class.)

V. Italian Renaissance Writers

A. Castiglione wrote a book about how to be the perfect courtier (member of the king’s/lord’s court)

1. Men were supposed to be athletic, good at games, knows music, literature, but not arrogant

2. Women were supposed to be graceful, kind, lively, beautiful and a balance to their men.

B. Castiglione created the ideal for a Renaissance man or women.

C. Machiavelli wrote the important political science book called The Prince.

1. He is known for coining the term “the end justifies the means.”

2. He believed that it was okay to use manipulation in order to get what you want in life.

3. His work inspires debate on the ethics of politics…how far should one go to get power?


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