ANCIENT ROME - Thousands of Printable Worksheets and …


What do you know about Ancient Rome?

Ancient Rome was a civilization that began as a small village in Italy. They eventually were in control of the Mediterranean after the rule of ancient Greece.

Ancient Rome was connected to other cultures through trade. They learned many customs and ideas from these cultures and used them in their daily lives.

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Romans are often remembered for their architecture. They built temples, public baths, and forums in the middle of their cities. Romans were also known for their arenas where they watched fights between gladiators.

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The government in ancient Rome changed frequently, depending on what the people wanted or who was in charge. Many people tried to take control of Rome and turn the republic into a dictatorship. Some were successful for a short time, and many strong leaders are remembered from this time. Julius Caesar and Augustus were two of these leaders. Both are remembered for their impact on ancient Rome.

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