Was Ancient Sumer a Civilization

Was Ancient Sumer a Civilization?

Scientists sometimes describe a society or group of humans as “highly civilized.” What do you think this means? Fill in the empty spokes on the diagram below with words that describe characteristics of a society that is highly civilized. For each spoke, draw a simple illustration that is an example of that description.

In this chapter you will analyze artifacts from ancient Sumer to determine whether ancient Sumer was a civilization.

Section 5.1 Introduction

1. When did archeologists begin finding artifacts in the region of Mesopotamia?

2. Sketch in the current countries that comprise the “Fertile Crescent.”

3. In what country can Mesopotamia be found today?

4. What one artifact helped us to learn a great deal about Sumer?

5. Describe this artifact:

Section 5.2 Characteristics of Civilization

1. a stable ___________ supply, so that the people of a society have the food they need to survive

2. a _____________ structure with different social levels and jobs

3. a system of ___________________, so that life in the society is orderly

4. a _______________ system, which involves a set of beliefs and forms of worship

5. a highly developed culture that includes ________ such as painting, architecture, music, and literature

6. advances in ___________________

7. a highly developed written _______________

Section 5.3 Stable Food Supply

What TWO things did Sumerians invent to help create a stable food supply?

|innovation |How did it help stabilize the food supply? |

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Section 5.4 Social Structure

Fill in the chart, including details about the people within each social class.

Section 5.5 Government

1. Why do civilizations have a system of government?


3. Sumerian city-states were rule by __________. The Sumerians believed that their kings were chosen by the __________ to rule in their place. This belief made their kings __________ __________.

4. What was the job of the king?

5. What officials did the king have to help him rule and what were they duties?

6. Why was it important to have an army?

Section 5.6 Religion

1. What role does religion play in a civilization?

2. Describe what a ziggurat was and why they were built.

3. Besides building ziggurats, what other ways did Sumerians express their religious beliefs?

Section 5.7 The Arts

What part of culture do “the Arts” include?

|Type of “Art” |Description |

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Section 5.8 Technology

1. What is technology?

|Invention |How did it affect Sumerian life? |

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Section 5.9 Writing

1. What is cuneiform? Describe it.

2. What did the Sumerians use to write with?

3. What was cuneiform used for?

Was Ancient Sumer a Civilization?

Scientists sometimes describe a society or group of humans as “highly civilized.” What do you think this means? Fill in the empty spokes on the diagram below with words that describe characteristics of a society that is highly civilized. For each spoke, draw a simple illustration that is an example of that description.

In this chapter you will analyze artifacts from ancient Sumer to determine whether ancient Sumer was a civilization.

Section 5.1 Introduction

1. When did archeologists begin finding artifacts in the region of Mesopotamia?

2. Sketch in the current countries that comprise the “Fertile Crescent.”

3. In what country can Mesopotamia be found today?

4. What one artifact helped us to learn a great deal about Sumer?

5. Describe this artifact:

Section 5.2 Characteristics of Civilization

1. List and describe the 7 characteristics of civilization

Take notes for each section of the reading, including important facts and details.

|Section 5.3 Stable Food Supply |Section 5.4 Social Structure |

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|Section 5.5 Government |Section 5.6 Religion |

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|Section 5.7 The Arts |Section 5.8 Technology |

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|Section 5.9 Writing |

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Characteristics of a Highly Civilized Society


Traffic Laws

Make laws to protect people



Stable Food Supply


The Arts




1. Find the oval in the diagram that corresponds to each section as you read it.

2. In the space around that oval, make a simple drawing of each artifact you analyzed that you think is an example of that characteristic of civilization. Some artifacts will be listed beside more than one characteristic. (Hint: Technology only has ONE artifact.)

3. Next to each drawing, complete this sentence: (Name of artifact) relates to this characteristic of civilization because…

4. Complete the spoke diagram by connecting each drawing to the oval with a line.

Social Structure





Stable Food Supply

The Arts

Characteristics of a Highly Civilized Society

Make laws to protect people

Traffic Laws



Social Structure

Complete the spoke diagram below by drawing or finding pictures of modern items that are examples of each characteristic of civilization. For each picture, follow these steps:

1. Glue or draw the picture next to the characteristic to which you think it is related.

2. Complete this sentence: (Name of artifact) relates to this characteristic of civilization because….

3. Draw a line connecting the picture to the oval.


1. Find the oval in the diagram that corresponds to each section as you read it.

2. In the space around that oval, make a simple drawing of each artifact you analyzed that you think is an example of that characteristic of civilization. Some artifacts will be listed beside more than one characteristic. (Hint: Technology only has ONE artifact.)

3. Next to each drawing, complete this sentence: (Name of artifact) relates to this characteristic of civilization because…

4. Complete the spoke diagram by connecting each drawing to the oval with a line.

Social Structure

The Arts

Stable Food Supply






Complete the spoke diagram below by drawing or finding pictures of modern items that are examples of each characteristic of civilization. For each picture, follow these steps:

1. Glue or draw the picture next to the characteristic to which you think it is related.

2. Complete this sentence: (Name of artifact) relates to this characteristic of civilization because….

3. Draw a line connecting the picture to the oval.

Social Structure

The Arts

Stable Food Supply







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