Ancient History Course Syllabus

Ancient History Course Syllabus

Instructor: Mrs. Niznik

Office/Classroom Location: Room 235

Email: aniznik@

❖ Course Description

➢ This course seeks to answer the question, “Where did we come from?” The course looks analytically at the array of ancient civilizations of the world. The students will trace the development of these civilizations and compare and contrast them. The students will begin with an introduction on the concepts and technology of archeology. Historical background will also be presented at this time. Using the tools of archeology and history, the student will then explore the ancient and lost civilizations around the world. Emphasis will be on the Western World, but a few non-Western cultures will also be examined. Students will explore the history, people, contributions, and heritage of the Ancient worlds.

❖ Textbook and Required Materials

➢ Textbook:

▪ Ancient and Medieval Worlds by Helen Howe and Robert T. Howe.

▪ World History: Patterns of Interaction. Holt McDougal, 2012.

➢ Required Materials: Chromebook, notebook, handouts, and pen/pencil

❖ Grading Policy

➢ In calculating marking period grades, each student will be evaluated on a point system. Each assessment is worth a set amount of possible points.

□ Total Points Earned

□ Total Points Possible

➢ The following will contribute to the student’s grade: tests/quizzes, individual and group projects, class work, homework, and the final examination.

➢ Tests will always be announced beforehand; however, quizzes will not always be announced.

➢ Homework is based on a “two strikes your out” policy. Students will have one day to complete unfinished homework assignments for half credit; no credit will be given for homework thereafter.

➢ Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any student proved guilty of such activity will automatically receive a zero for that specific item.

❖ Make-up Work

➢ If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to get missed notes and/or assignments from the teacher and/or his/her classmates.

➢ Tests, quizzes, and assignments missed due to absences must be completed within one week of their original due date, unless otherwise denoted by the teacher. In addition, it is the student’s responsibility to coordinate make-up test and quiz dates with the teacher. Any assignment that is missed will appear as a zero in Home Logic, until the time it is made up by the student.

❖ Disciplinary:

➢ Disciplinary actions are at my discretion. I will always give a warning to most behavior issues. After the warning, I will ask you to go to the history hut. If that happens, you will serve detention with me after school. Failure to serve my detention by the end of the week will result in going through the main office.

❖ Classroom Rules/Expectations

➢ Be on time!

➢ Be prepared!

➢ I dismiss you - not the bell!

➢ RESPECT yourself, others, and school/classroom materials and procedures!

➢ Ask questions as well as express ideas and concerns!

➢ Have fun and smile!

❖ Movie Clips/documentaries:

➢ Throughout the school year, I will use a variety of films to aid student learning. These films are used with professional discretion and strongly assist visual learners. While some of the scenes may contain brief moments of violence, profanity and/or nudity, students have always taken a great deal away from these lessons.

Sample of films:

❖ Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark (PG)

❖ Secrets: Richard III Revealed (Smithsonian Channel)

❖ Iraq’s Lost Treasure (National Geographic)

❖ Strange Egypt (History Channel)

❖ Exodus: Gods and Kings (PG-13)

❖ Troy (R)

❖ Alexander the Great (National Geographic)

❖ Ancients Behaving Badly (History Channel)

❖ Gladiator (R)

❖ There may be times where I will want to show another film/documentary that is not on this list. By signing the syllabus below, you are granting me permission to use professional judgment on Movies that may be rated PG-13 or R.


By signing this syllabus, I am agreeing that I have read and comply with the contents and expectations of this class.

STUDENT NAME (Print):________________________________________________________________________

Student Signature:__________________________________________(Date)_______________

PARENT/ GUARDIAN NAME (Print):________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________(Date)_______________

Parent/Guardian EMAIL:________________________________________________________


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