The Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra were important to ...

World History CLASS SET

World History

I: 8000 B.C.E. - C.E. 600 Review Quiz

1. The Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra were important to ancient India because they were

A. high mountain ranges that protected India from invasion

B. great rivers that flowed through India’s fertile northern plain

C. Aryan gods to whom the priests prayed for rain

D. ruling dynasties that united the people of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro

2. Which belief system was the basis for the civil service exams given during the Han, Tang, and Song dynasties?

A. legalism

B. Buddhism

C. Daoism

D. Confucianism

3. What was one of the most important contributions of the Greek city-state of Athens?

A. development of direct democracy

B. diffusion of a monotheistic belief system

C. promotion of the equality of all humans

D. creation of a writing system using hieroglyphics

4. At the height of its power, which ancient civilization controlled the entire coastal region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea?

A. Phoenician

B. Roman

C. Persian

D. Carthaginian

5. A person who practices Hinduism would most likely

A. believe the Vedas are sacred

B. worship in a synagogue

C. pray facing Mecca

D. make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem

6. What would a geographer conducting research be most likely to do?

A. use carbon-14 to determine the age of artifacts

B. analyze the reasons women vote for certain candidates

C. observe the effects of wind patterns on regional trade

D. design a survey to determine the online spending habits of young people

7. One way in which the ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, and Mayas are similar is that these civilizations developed

A. irrigation systems

B. iron weapons

C. wheeled vehicles

D. block printing systems

8. Which geographic factor contributed to the formation of independent city-states in ancient Greece?

A. tropical rainforests

B. fertile farmland

C. navigable rivers

D. mountainous topography


• Which generalization can be made based on these statements?

A. Leaders often use religion to unify an empire.

B. Many political leaders encourage religious toleration.

C. Leaders sometimes use religion as a reason to wage war.

D. Political leaders usually become the head of the church in their country.

10. What is one way in which animism, Shinto, and Daoism are similar?

A. emphasis on harmony with nature

B. monotheistic belief systems

C. belief in the idea of nirvana

D. reliance on the teachings of the Vedas

11. Which body of water is located between Southwest Asia and Southeast Asia?

A. Pacific Ocean

B. Caribbean Sea

C. Indian Ocean

D. Black Sea

12. Which river system is found in Mesopotamia?

A. Nile River

B. Yellow River

C. Tigris and Euphrates rivers

D. Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers

13. Which description accurately identifies Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle?

A. rulers of the Roman Republic

B. artists of the Italian Renaissance

C. religious leaders of the Protestant Reformation

D. philosophers of ancient Greece

14. Hunting and gathering, subsistence agriculture, and the barter system are characteristics of a

A. market economy

B. command economy

C. traditional economy

D. mixed economy

15 Hammurabi’s code of laws and Qin dynasty legalism are similar in that both promoted the idea that

A. worship of leaders will maintain the power of an empire

B. an informed citizenry will help maintain peace and prosperity

C. equality of the people is the most important goal of government

D. harsh punishments for crimes will lead to a more orderly society


• Asoka incorporated Buddhist ideas into the laws he had carved on rocks and pillars placed throughout the Mauryan Empire.

• Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.

• Prince Vladimir required all Russians to become Eastern Orthodox Christians.


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