A Journey in Faith — To Love and Serve the Lord

[Pages:12]A Journey in Faith -- To Love and Serve the Lord


My dear Brothers and sisters

ON ALL SOULS Day, six young men came to a cemetery to pray. Although they were not the children of that lady in the grave, they had still etched on her tombstone, "Dear Mama". She was not their mother, but she became their mama. How she became a mother to them is narrated by these young men. "Here is the dust of the holy woman," said the leader of the six, "who found me two years ago, a stranger both to the people of this city Chicago and to God. She invited me to her Bible class, and though my garments were threadbare, she invited me to her home. She spoke to me about Jesus and the better life. I was constrained to give my heart to God, and to this day Jesus is mine, and I am His." The second man said, "My friend and I were homeless and friendless in this city. We had heard about this lady's Bible class, but the eyes of this lady missed no young man who appeared to be lonely, friendless, or homeless. After the class, she approached us and questioned us about our temporal and spiritual conditions. She gave us a place to stay and slowly made us to give a place to Jesus in our lives." The fourth man said, "We have more reason to thank this lady than any of you. Two years ago, my two friends and I were drunkards. This lady found us at the Young Men's Christian Association rooms and took us to her house. We told her that once we had been Christians, but now we had wandered far away into sin. She looked into our eyes and said, while tears stood in her eyes, `My Jesus is anxiously hunting and calling for His wandering sheep; let me lead you back into the fold.' She prayed with us, she entreated for Jesus' sake, for our mother's sake, and for our own sake. She induced us to sign the pledge, placed her hands upon our heads, and offered, oh, such prayers for us. Then and there, new strength came into our lives, and from that day to this, by the grace of God, we have been able to live a sober life. Boys, I tell you this dear woman was a mother to us."

OUR LORD JESUS claimed, "I am the Good Shepherd." It is a proclamation, which must be heard loud and clear, and without any ambiguity by all of us. He is the Good Shepherd, and there is no alternative to Him or any competition to this claim. Any good shepherd must know his sheep. If they wander, as most sheep do, he must go after and fetch them back. The same is applied to Jesus, or rather Jesus applies it to Himself. He knows the sheep.

He who has numbered the stars in the heavens and called them by name knows each one of us by our names, and He who has even counted the very hairs of our head, takes special notice of His children.

JESUS KNOWS US because He loves us and has sympathy for us. A loveless heart has no knowledge or intimacy, but Christ's heart is full of love for us. He not only knows us personally but also our many needs. He will provide for our needs by leading us to luscious pastures where we could savor and relish like sheep to our full. It was said, "Strike the shepherd, the sheep will get scattered," but in the case of the Good Shepherd ? our Lord Jesus Christ, His death in a mysterious way gathers His sheep. His death is our security; His death is our salvation. By His death, Jesus the Good Shepherd has ransomed us from the jaws of eternal death. The pharisees and scribes refused to listen and believe in Jesus because they did not belong to Him as His sheep. Jesus Himself said that the sheep which belong to Him and believed in Him, He gives eternal life. We who are His sheep must listen to His voice and make His word as laws to guide and command our lives. His voice is sweet to the ears and soothing to the heart. Those who belong to the Shepherd have discerning ears and obedient hearts. They submit to His guidance by a willing obedience to all His teachings and cheerfully conform their lives to His spirit and pattern. We who belong to Him as His sheep must follow Him faithfully just as a soldier follows his commander. We have to set Christ, not only as a seal on our hearts, but also take Him as the light for our paths. We must mark His footprints and walk upon them. We must lead our lives by following `the prescription of His commands, intimacies of His providence, and the directions of His Spirit.' May the Lord Jesus Christ who is our Good Shepherd guide, guard, and nourish us always.

May God bless you and your families. Fr. Tomy


SAINT MARY, OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS 1955 E. Commerce, Milford, Michigan 48381

Administrator: Fr. Tomy Kattikanayil Fr.tomy@

Website: Phone: 248-685-1482 FAX: 248-684-5642

RCIA: Deacon Tim Pilon deacontimpilon@, 248-390-5436

PARISH OFFICES Parish Secretary: Cherie Makie parishoffice@ Christian Service Coordinator: Judy Vance j.vance@ Clerical Associate - Data Coordinator:

Kathleen Quittschreiber kathleen.q@

FAITH FORMATION OFFICES 248-685-2702 Director of Faith Formation: Colleen Gonzalez

c.gonzalez@ Faith Formation Admin Assistant: Alyson Mejia

faithformation@ Adult Formation & Men's Ministry: Faith Formation

Director of Youth Ministry: Olivia Frailing youthministry@

MINISTRY OF MUSIC Music Minister & Organist: Kurt Dicksen

k.dicksen@ Guitarist: Joe Hassell 810-623-4794

PARISH COUNCIL Council President: Larry Chludzinski Council meeting is the fourth Tuesday of the month.

WORSHIP Commission meeting is the second Tuesday of the month.

CHRISTIAN SERVICE Chairperson: Jerri Somervell Commission meeting is the second Tuesday of the month.

FAITH FORMATION Chairperson: Mike Ciarelli Commission meeting is the second Tuesday of the month.

FINANCE Chairperson: Keith Hughes Commission meeting is the third Tuesday of the month.

BAPTISMS Please call the Parish Office to arrange for

your child's baptism.

MARRIAGES Arrangements may be made by contacting the Parish Office at least six months before the wedding date. You must also

be a Parishioner six months previously.


on Saturdays at 9:00am & between 4:00pm-4:50pm Mondays 6:30-6:55 pm, & Wednesdays 8:30am-8:55am

or anytime upon request by calling the Parish Office.

Rev. 3-18-22


Ashley Brown, ashleybr3000@, 248-880-6520 Bethany Jakubowski, beppy0630@, 248-238-3704


Over 75 parishioners came together on April 13 to pack a rice/soy pilaf mix. We started with an empty parish hall, then unloaded all the tables and bins from the KAH trailer. In an hour and a half, we packed 10,263 meals, loaded everything back into the trailer and left the hall as we found it. We hadn't done a pack in two years so it was nice to be able to come together and KAH was nice enough to hold our balance. This year we made up the $3500 and then some and ALL of our meals are going with KAH's 2nd shipment to Poland to help with the Ukrainian refugees. Thank you for your support and belief in this program! Shout out to the KC's for their donation and pack help! See the "St. Mary Our Lady of the Snows" Facebook page for all the pics!


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"You ask how the bread becomes the Body of Christ, and

the wine... the blood of Christ. I shall tell you: the Holy

Spirit comes upon them and accomplishes what surpasses

every word and thought."

~ St. John Damascene

The term Transubstantiation means that the substance of bread and wine are removed and replaced by the substance of the Body and Blood of Christ. This quote by St. John tells us that it is the power of the Holy Spirit that accomplishes this. During the Eucharistic Prayer, when the priest places his hands over the bread and wine, he invokes the power of the Holy Spirit to change them into Jesus' Body and Blood. This is a miracle!! There is no other explanation. The Holy Spirit transforms simple elements into the greatest spiritual food. As St. John says, this "surpasses every word and thought." It is more that we can ever imagine. What a gift our faith gives to us!



Justice takes courage. Those who speak out for and act on behalf of those who are being mistreated often face persecution. In some parts of the world, they face torture and death. Jesus is the good shepherd and promises that no one will snatch his sheep out of his hand. We can face the greatest threats with courage when we stand up for what is right because we know that even if the worst possible thing happens to us, we will end up in the protection of our good shepherd.

The challenge this week is to overcome your fear and speak up for or act on behalf of someone who is being mistreated... knowing that Jesus has your back.


will be observed on Sunday, May 8, 2022 also known as "Good Shepherd Sunday." The purpose of this day is to publicly fulfill the Lord's instruction to, "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest" (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2). Please pray that young men and women hear and respond generously to the Lord's call to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, societies of apostolic life or secular institutes. Resources for promoting vocations can be found on at .

Loving God, Is it I, Lord? Are you calling me to a vocation of ministry in the Church as Priest, Sister, Brother or Deacon? Or if I am already living out a life's vocation, are you asking me to help call others to the ministry of leadership in the Church? We do need men and women to help lead us as Church, Lord. We are your people of the valley, prairie and pines, the Archdiocese of Detroit. Speak to us Lord. Open the minds and hearts of many men and women to live your Word and build your Kingdom. Speak to me Lord. Plant your Word within me so that whatever you call me to be or do I may say Yes, Here I Am Lord. Lord here I am! What would you like me to do with my life? (Pause to listen to God for a moment) Teach me to do your will, Lord. And let your Holy Spirit guide me!

Happy Mother's Day! "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." ? 3 John 1:4

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Join us for a weekly episode showing and discussion. No preparation necessary; just come and get to know Jesus like you've always imagined! Rooms: 6-8 Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm: May 11, 18, 25,

June 1, 8, 15, 29 Friday mornings at 10:00 am: May 13, 20, 27,

June 3, 10, 17, 24



ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Furniture Barn

Is seeking working appliances for the furniture barn in Milford. If you have a working appliance that you are willing to donate--please contact the parish office for further information.

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Clothing Drive

May 14th-15th

TRUCKS WILL BE in the upper lot. You may drop off clean, well cared for, used clothing packed in sturdy plastic bags before and after all Masses.


MY BROTHER KNIGHTS, our Council has had some very successful fundraising events over the past year. A special thanks goes out to all the Local Milford and surrounding businesses that have donated so generously to our events. Grocers such as the Mattie's Fresh Market, Kroger, and The Village Butcher have provided us with food for our Fish Fries, Country Breakfast, and Concerts in the Park. Desserts for our St. Jude Golf Outing and Veterans Christmas party at the Piquette Center. The restaurants up and down Main Street in Milford have given us gift cards, bought and sold raffle tickets and helped in many other ways. We want to thank all of you, and we want to encourage our Knights and Parishioners to support our local businesses as they have supported us. God Bless all of you!

FROM FULTON J. SHEEN: "And the day men forget that love is synonymous with sacrifice, they will ask what kind of a God is it who asks for mortification and self-denial. "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13)

Enjoy Sunday with your family. Gus LaRuffa ? PGK (248) 912-7406 Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Council 7444


August 5-7, 2022

May Committee Chair Meeting Reminder Friday, May 13 at 7:00 pm

All committee chairs for the fair are requested to attend a Parish Fair meeting in Room 7/8 at 7:00 PM on Friday, May 13th. We hope to see everyone there. If you cannot make the meeting, please email the fair email by May 10th with your status. Thank you for all you are doing!

John and Cindy Schmitz, 2022 Fair Chair Couple 586-215-2772 / 248-821-5032 or saintmaryfairchair@

Kevin and Danielle Hetzel, 2022 Fair Co-Chair Couple


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Thank You for Your Easter Flower Donations

In Memoriam

Edward and Mary Esslinger Stanley and Helen Jagielski Dennis Souffrin Joe Mesojdec Maria Jaklic Doris Thome LaVonne Mayville Richard Kostin John Muller, Sr. Stanley and Angeline Sorek Casimer Sorek Cynthia Sheen Ellsworth and Florence Gauntt Eleanor Ann Gauntt Edward and Dolores Janeczko Walter and Lottie Majtyka George and Helen Janeczko Marcella Loewengruber Leo Janeczko Milo and Velma Miller

Doris Thome Nicholas Thornton Dick and Sue Offenbacher B ud and Audrey Apking Diane Botto Ron Kowalski Jack Slotka Lee and Susan Pratt John and Anne Neville Valeria Elmy Nicole Ross Mr. and Mrs. Carriere Mr. and Mrs. Ross Norma Harris Grandpa and Grandma Gusa Grandpa and Grandma Konopitski Grandpa and Grandma DeWitte Edward Konoptski Chuck Hunter, Sr. Edward Lentz

Andrew Serocki Juan Colon Tom DeWitte Diane DeWitte Anne Louise Sordyl Jennifer Anne Sordyl Mike Biernacki Rosemary Gorski Dabate Family Terriaco Family Ciampittiello Family Marino Melarugni Joe and Concetta DiPonio Bob and Helen Peitz Gilardone Family Gary E. Bellaver Brian Refalo Robert Saukko Helen and Bill Griggs Janet Schauer


QUITE OFTEN, AT some time in our lives, we experience the death of a loved one, an unexpected tragedy or misfortune of some sort. Sometimes, we just don't know how to cope with this or where to turn. My disabled son recently passed away, suddenly. I was at home with him and unable to help him. When the EMS arrived, they, too, were unable to revive him. I watched as they tried unsuccessfully to resuscitate him. Feeling helpless, I sprayed Holy Water in the room and asked the Police Officer to place a holy oil on him, as the EMS worked on him. I then placed a call to my Thursday Afternoon Prayer Group, asking that they begin the Divine Mercy Chaplet, as things did not look good. Another call was made to a second Prayer Group that I pray with-----and the call went "around the world,"-----to the UK, Ireland, Uganda and other places. That was all that I could do-----and I felt at peace-----that God was hearing prayers from all around the world. I trusted in His decision.

FOR YEARS, I have prayed for my family the Prayers with "the promise" that they would be safe and their souls saved. "The Reparation Prayer to the Eternal Father" includes the promise that "I will descend from Heaven to take your soul and that of your relatives, until the fourth generation." Of The Divine Mercy Chaplet, Jesus said: "You will go to a dying sinner, and you will continue to recite the chaplet, and in this way, you will obtain for

him TRUST." In their final moment, be assured that the grace of eternal salvation for certain, depends on your prayer. Sooner would heaven and earth turn into nothingness than would MY MERCY not embrace a trusting soul." Pray the chaplet for our country and the world. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU is what we must repeat and believe in with all our hearts.

THE NOVENA OF Surrender states: "Jesus, I surrender myself to you. Take care of everything." With each Rosary, we pray: "I bind this Rosary with all my children to the Immaculate Heart of Mary." Blessed Mother promised "to see to their souls." (This definite and final solution was given to Fr. Gobbi by Our Blessed Mother to console the parents who are so concerned about the salvation of their children, young and old alike.) St. Padre Pio will adopt us and our families as his Spiritual Children (if we ask). He said: "Once I take a soul on, I also take on their entire family as my spiritual children. I shall stand at the gates of Paradise until all my spiritual children have entered." Remember, too, St. Joseph the Protector of families and the Church.

Until next week, Love & Prayers,

Arlene Loehr

P.S. The greater the sinner, the greater his right to (the ocean of) God's Mercy.

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5th Sunday of Easter


WE LIVE IN a caustic environment, where

kindness, love or renewal are often mocked as soft or unrealistic. It can be legitimately discouraging. But the word from the beginning was that it would not be easy, and

"My children, I will be with you only a little while longer."

- John 13:33

the pathway would be through pain. Nothing is achieved

without imagination, and today's readings provide a vision

for those of us willing to continue the quest for something

new. Like the early Christians, we can help to create a

renewed earth.


Building the early church amid hardships. Revelations 21:1-5a

The great vision of a renewed earth. John 13:31-33a, 34-35

"I give you a new commandment: Love one another."


Reluctant Sheep

SHEEP GET AN awfully bad rap, linguistically. Some are quick to label people as "sheep" if we think they haven't sufficiently questioned authority or if they're too willing to go along with someone else's plan. We say someone has "the wool over their eyes" if they aren't willing to see what we think is very obvious. "A wolf in sheep's clothing" is what we call someone looking to take advantage of those too gullible to identify a real threat.

TAKING ALL THIS into account and considering how often we are referred to as sheep in Scripture, you've really got to wonder if God trying to tell us something about ourselves.

IF YOU LOOK at the phraseology associated with sheep, it's no wonder that nobody wants to be one. Sheep are innocent. Sheep can't protect themselves. They're vulnerable and easily misled.

WE WANT TO see ourselves as the opposite of all that. We like to think we're shrewd, with plenty of common sense. We want to believe that we don't have to rely on anybody for anything. We would sooner identify with the wolf than with the sheep -- at least the wolf can take care of himself.

WE DO THIS because we often resist the need to rest in the greatness of God. Like a child walking to school alone for the first time (forgetting his mom is following watchfully in the car), we want to think we can handle it all by ourselves.

THE TRUTH IS that God is trying to tell us something by comparing us to sheep: You don't have to do this on your own.

EVERY TIME I look at an obstacle and think that there is no way around it, I am forgetting that I have a shepherd who knows the location of the gate.

-- Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS



TODAY, WE CELEBRATE "Good Shepherd Sunday" where we reflect on the care and love of Jesus for us. Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will show that you are indeed the disciple of Jesus , the Good Shepherd, as it will bring your love to those who live in fear and doubt, loneliness and dread.

Please note that ALL MONIES donated to St. Mary St. Vincent de Paul remain in this area, and are used to assist local families in need.

IF YOU HAVE questions or are interested in joining us, please contact Julie Jacobs at (248) 396-2857.


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Ruth Ayers

Patricia & Ronald

Arlene Banka


Samantha Barlow

Lea Lawitzke

Dawn Baxter

Greg Lemanski

Karen Beck

Ron Lemon

Nancy Beck

Patricia Long

Bob Behmer

Phil Machecha

Laurie Benedetto

Aldona & Stan Manvydas

Bernadine Bettley

John Matusiak

Shirley Bible

Christina McCarthy

Patricia Billinghurst

Donna Mercer

Raymond Billinghurst Joe Mills

Mel Boomer

Adam Moore

Amy Nowicki Boyers

Pat Moore

Monica Brooks

Charlotte Moss

Tom Buckley

Rose Marie Nardone

Tony Bular

Brian Ney

Sharon Callahan

Janice Oleszczak

Marguerite (Babs)Carlise Michael Opalko

Christine Cavanaugh

David Ostrenga

Pete Cenzer

Carol Lynn Pearce

Trevor Cline

Karen Perdue

Richard Cole

Alex Petkus

Jodie Courtney

Mike Polcyn

Cheryl Crawford

Don & Marilyn Ponto

Emmett Michael Collop Jamie Quinlan

Cliff & Mary Cunningham Fran Rabideau

Susan Daurety

Mackenzie Rajdl

Mary Jane DeCender

Cindy Rashid

Rick & Russ DeLong

Anthony Rastique

Mario DelPup

Leti Rastique

Thomas DeWitt

Robert Reid

Laura Drahozal

Paula Reynolds

Terry Dreslinski

Rex Richmond

Josie Duncan

Marilyn & John Rogers

Elizabeth Dunn

Henry Rossi

Lisa Fegan

Pat Sanom

Mary Finnegan

Flor Santiago

Andrea Foster

Eileen Sausa

Thomas Fuja

Gloria Schulte

Natalina Gaviglio

Karen Scott

Michael Hachigian

Joy Shick

Lori Haile

Carol Shubitowski

Eli Hansen

Edna Skop

Dennis Henry

Vera Smith

Ann Marie Howard

Jerry Snyder

Virginia Iaconelli

Scott Soukup

Jackie Johnson

Kristin Stoneback

Casey Jones

Joan Thome

Pat (Grams) Kanny

Bob Tomczyk

Linda Keesler

Susan Truner

Patricia Kelly

Michael Trupiano

Sam Kirk

Bill Tumidanski

Donna Kozlowski

Mary Vanderveer

Delaney Kraemer

Helen Vaquera

Barb Kuehnl

Nina White

Rose LaBorde

Arlene Yearn

Tom LaFave

Michael Zoner

Peter Zuk

SAINT MARY PARISH 1955 E. Commerce, Milford, Michigan 48381 Website: Email: parishoffice@

Weekend Masses Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday : 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon

Children's Liturgy of the Word Sunday, 10:00 am Mass

Weekday Masses Monday: 7:00 p.m. Tues., Wed., Thurs., Friday: 9:00 a.m. Sat., 8:30 am

Holy Day Masses 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.


Monday, May 9, 7:00 pm Giovanni Fallone, requested by Mario and Pat Fallone Anne and Jennifer Sordyl, requested by Husband Doug & Dad

Tuesday, May 10, 9:00 am Kenneth Jenkins, requested by Pete and Fran Cenzer ~ Anthony Marcheff (for good health), requested by Tetyana

Wednesday, May 11, 9:00 am Lou Margiotta, requested by Carol, Dana, Gina, and Angela ~ Jeanne Fader (Special Intentions), requested by Family

Thursday, May 12, NO MASS Friday, May 13, 9:00 am

Mary Hart, requested by Pat Kowalski Maureen Simms, requested by Mario and Pat Fallone Saturday, May 14 8:30 am (presider) Fr. Tomy Andrew Lowisz (5th Anniversary), requested by Lottie Lowisz Richard Lowisz, requested by Lottie Lowisz 5:00 PM (presider) Fr. Tomy James Virga, requested by Family Phillip Stapleton, requested by Friends of the Stapleton Family Sunday, May 15 8:00 am (presider) Fr. Tomy Tom Jones, requested by Pat Kowalski Tom Hammond, requested by Pat Kowalski 10:00 am (presider) Fr. Tomy Rita Pace, requested by Mary Shura and Family Dennis Bagley (2nd Anniversary), requested by Jackie Bagley 12:00 Noon (presider) Fr. Tomy Sandra Petrovich, requested by Anna Spina Mary Hart, requested by her Sister, Sue Neirynck

On behalf of the Parish Family of St. Mary, we would like to extend our deepest Sympathies and prayerful

reassurances to the family and friends of:



OFFERTORY REPORT Thank you so much for your great generosity and open-hearted support of St. Mary. Our annual budget is based on weekly contributions of $22,482.00. Last weekend's contributions were $26,621.00 which included Online Giving donations.

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Several members of the Parish Council have completed their term of service. We are seeking members to fill their positions. Time of service is a 3 year commitment. If you are interested in helping to shape the parish, please give your name to Fr. Tomy or call the parish office.

The Parish Council is group of parishioners who have agreed to represent us as a cross-section of our community leading us toward our Parish goals in line with our vision statement. There are three parts to this group:

? Members of the Pastoral team include the Pastor. ? The Commission Chairpersons include Worship, Education, Christian Service and

Administration along with a senior and youth representative.

? Members at large, all of whom serve a three-year term.

All are welcome to serve: the only requirement being that you are a registered parishioner over the age of 18. Membership is by lottery selected each year. Officers of the Council, President, Vice-President and Secretary are elected by the council at large.

The Parish Council meets monthly, September through June, on the fourth Monday of each month at 7:30 pm. The Finance Commission meets September through June, on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm.


"Jesus hide me in Your Sacred Heart. Be my refuge." Come and visit with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

FRIDAYS Exposition at 1:00pm Adoration Until 4:50pm,

followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday Mass to Follow at 5:00 pm (note the time change)


members will be available after all Masses this weekend, May 7 and 8. We will be waiting for you in the front pews after each Mass (10am will be at the back of the Church).


Are you called to pray for others? Talk to a team member

after Mass to find out more.


Biscuits & Gravy



COST IS A FREE-WILL DONATION Proceeds will benefit the IHM Sisters of Monroe, MI


Bacon and Eggs

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Coffee & Juice


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