Behavior Syllabus -

Pre- ap English I: Composition


Course Studies

Since this is a Pre-AP class, we will be moving at a fast pace. If you are not able to grasp a concept, I will tutor you so that you can keep up.

1. This course will give you a foundation for AP Language (junior year).

2. We will be focusing on the three main essays for the AP test: rhetorical analysis, synthesis, and (if time permitting) argument.

3. We will also be learning how to use grammar as a tool to improve our writing.


1. 1-subject notebook that is used for this class only


Behavior Expectations

1. Follow directions the first time I ask.

2. Stay in your seat during work time.

3. Do not do anything that will distract others from learning.

Rewards for Constructive Actions

1. I will choose a student of the week for each class.

2. This student will receive class recognition, a prize from the prize drawer, extra

credit, phone call/email home, and the comfy chair on Friday.

3. Students will also receive Pawsitive referrals to the principal.

Consequences for Unconstructive Actions

1. Conference after class noting behavior expected.

2. Telephone conference with parent about student's behavior problem.

3. Referral to the principal for consequences and parent notified.

4. Each time the student displays the same inappropriate behavior after the first referral, another one will be given.

*NOTE: I reserve the right to change the order of consequences at my discretion.*

Attention Signal

1. I will raise my hand and count out loud from one to five. Once you see my hand raised, you should raise yours as well. By the time I get to five you should have stopped talking and have your hand raised.

Noise level

1. I will set the timer for certain assignments to be done without any talking. Once the timer goes off, you may talk.

2. There should be no side conversations while I’m teaching.

Absent Work

1. Previous assignments will be listed on the make up calendar and can be found in folders on the back wall. I will switch out the work every two weeks, so if you don’t retrieve the work before then, you cannot make it up.

Weekly Grades

1. I will hand out progress reports every Monday or Tuesday. Please check to see if you have any zeros. I will automatically put zeros in for assignments missed due to absences until the work is turned in.

Grade Set-up

1. Every assignment, quiz, or test you complete will be checked or graded on a point system. At the end of the trimester, your grade will be calculated by the percentage of points you have accumulated out of the total points possible.

Mrs. Valdivieso’s Contact Info

1. 839-5118


How to check your child’s grades online:

1. Go to

2. Click the Parents and Students blue button on the left.

3. The Parent Portal link is the 4th on the list.

4. If you haven’t signed up for Parent Portal, click on the Parent Portal information link.

How to find the lesson plan schedule:

1. Go to

2. Click on Anderson County High School (1st link on the left).

3. Click on Teacher Web Pages (2nd link on left).

4. Click on my name, the last in the Language Arts department (Melanie Valdivieso).

5. Click on the current week’s lesson plans (on the right).

Pre-Ap English I: Composition

Contact Info

Please sign and return this portion to me for a daily grade.

We have read the above classroom information. We understand that we may call/email the teacher with any questions or concerns.

Student's printed name ____________________________________________________

Student signature __________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian signature ___________________________________________________

Please fill out the contact information.

|Parent/Guardian Names | | |

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|Work Phone #s | | |

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|Cell/Home Phone #s | | |

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|Email Addresses | | |

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Street Address _____________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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