Mrs. Anderson's Language Arts

2017-2018 English 8 Independent Reading Log

Mrs. H. Anderson

DUE: __________________(the first day of the month you have English class)

Name:_____________________________________________________ Period:_____________

During the month of:__________, I read ___________ hours and ___________ minutes.

OKAY TO READ: novels 700+ lexile, magazine, or newspaper articles, comic books or graphic style novels, some websites (ask me), poetry, non-fiction books, textbooks, play scripts, etc.

NOT OKAY: instant messaging, texting, social networking sites (Facebook, Tumblir, Twitter, etc.), some websites (ask me)…

I read the following items (15 points): (THREE DIFFERENT TYPES OF TEXTS REQUIRED)

EXAMPLE CHART from John B. Gradesaver(:

|Title |Author |Genre |

|1.Required: The Hunger Games |Suzanne Collins |fiction book |

|2. Required: Gifted; Out of Sight, Out of Mind |Marilyn Kaye |fiction book |

|3. Required: “Pinellas County Sheriff: Homeless |Anna M. Phillips |non-fiction article in the Tampa Bay Times online |

|Shelter Must Be Funded” | | |

|4. Optional: Cleopatra |Diane Stanley |non-fiction book |

|5. Optional: “How to Get Better Grades in High |NA |non-fiction Wiki-how online |

|School” | | |

IR Log RACE Response Example—

John B. Gradesaver

How does the author “hook” the reader? Explain.

|R = Restate the |John Grogan, the author of Marley and Me hooks the reader by pairing the story of an adorable, yet |

|question |mischievous, dog with his own journey into marriage and parenthood. |

|A = Answer the |Grogan gets the initial interest of the reader by focusing on the excitement of adopting a cute, soft, and |

|question |cuddly Labrador retriever puppy as a way to practice for the future of becoming a mom and dad. |

|C= Cite the evidence |The brilliant author maintains his strong hook on his audience throughout the book with Marley's hilarious |

|(direct quote) |antics, “[Marley]… touched our souls and taught us some of the most important lessons of our lives. ‘A |

| |person can learn a lot from a dog, even a loopy one like ours…’”(Grogan 279). |

|E = Explain |For example, soon after Marley becomes an official member of John and Jenny's family, he makes a memorable |

| |mark on the young married couple's romantic evening. After a well-prepared, delicious meal at home, John |

| |has a wonderful surprise for his beautiful bride, a stunning gold necklace. Jenny could not wait to put her|

| |new piece of jewelry around her neck and in doing so, her fingers slipped and the necklace dropped to the |

| |floor. Marley hopped up and stormed in to eat the necklace! After a trip to the vet that evening, all they|

| |had were some pet laxatives and the waiting game. Three days later John was digging through dog piles in |

| |the back yard looking for the expensive necklace. |

|E = Extend |Grogan maintains the strong hold he has on his audience throughout the book by including even more of |

| |Marley's loveable silliness paralleled with the growth of the Grogan family. A true family includes the |

| |pets who fill our lives with joy and love, even if at times, they cause stress. |

|Title |Author |Genre |

|1. Required (Your 700+ lexile book) | | |

| | | |

|2. Required | | |

| | | |

|3. Required | | |

| | | |

|4. Optional | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|5. Optional | | |

| | | |

Reflection Journal (20 points): Using at least TEN complete sentences, FILL the space below with thoughts and reactions to one of the pieces that you read. Use the questions on the Mrs. Anderson Reflection Question Menu to choose from.

The Question I Am Responding To: (copy the question EXACTLY as it appears on the question menu):


My Response to the Question with a 10 sentence RACE Response:




I can verify that the reading hours above are correct.

__________________________________________________________________ ________________________

(Sign here, please.) (phone number)

|Independent Reading Log Rubric |

|Scoring (hours per month): |Question/Response: |

| |(40/40=100%) Exceeds expectations |

|8+ hours: 20 points |Shows high level of knowledge and understanding of the text |

|7+ hours: 19 points |Highly sophisticated vocabulary used |

|6+ hours: 18 points |Demonstrates creative and new ways of thinking |

|5+ hours: 17 points |Uses prior knowledge and the text to support ideas or opinions |

|4+ hours: 16 points |Uses correct conventions with sophisticated sentence structure |

|3+ hours: 15 points |  |

|2+ hours: 14 points |(35/40=88%)= Meets expectations |

|1+ hours: 13 points |Shows knowledge and understanding of the text |

| |Sophisticated vocabulary used |

|Your Grade: |Demonstrates sound thinking |

|Time: __________/20 points |Uses the text to support ideas or opinions |

|ADULT Signature :___________/10 points |Uses correct conventions with basic sentence structure |

|Reading List: _____________/30 points |  |

|Reflection: _______________/40 points |(30/40=75%)= Working towards expectations |

| |Shows some knowledge and understanding of the text |

|*Extra Credit: ________________ |Somewhat sophisticated vocabulary used |

|10+ hours = 10 extra points |Reveals some evidence of thinking process |

|20+ hours = 20 extra points |Expresses ideas or opinions |

| |Uses somewhat correct conventions with basic sentence structure |

|TOTAL:_______________/100 = ______________% | |

| |(20/40=50%)= Significantly below expectations |

|Teacher comments: |Shows little knowledge and understanding of the text |

| |Only basic vocabulary used |

| |Reveals little evidence of thinking process |

| |Uses incorrect conventions frequently; interferes with reader’s |

| |comprehension |

| | |

Most Asked Questions:

Q: Can I use a novel that I am reading for another class (i.e. Reading, Science, Social Studies) for this log?

A. YES!!! Absolutely.:) However, you must always be reading a book with a lexile score (check ) of 700 or above that interests you.

Q: What if I am absent on the day that this reading log is due?

A: As long as it is an excused absence, you may hand it in the next class with no late credit penalty. The reading logs follow the late credit policy for all assignments.

Q: May I read a book that I’ve read before?

A: No, for the reading logs, I would prefer you are always reading something new to you to help you grow as a reader.

Q: How do I keep track of my minutes?

A: I’m so glad you asked! On the following page is a calendar that will help you record your weekly totals.

Q: Do I have to fill out the calendar?

A: Yes. The calendar is the way I will know from where you got your total on the first page of the log. In fact, if your calendar is not filled out, and I doubt your total, I may not give you the fullest points you claimed for your time. Basically, I’m asking you to do what’s right and BE HONEST. Also, if you do not total your minutes, you will lose points. Yes, you may use a calculator to get the number, but you should come to class with the correct number filled in.

| |

|Month of :______________________________(You must fill correctly number the dates on the calendar and the number of minutes read each day. |

|*The minimum of minutes read daily should be 20.) |

| |


|Sunday |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Saturday |

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During this month, I read ___________________ hours and ________________ minutes.

Mrs. Anderson Reflection Question Menu

Make sure to write about different questions and prompts – do not use the same one over and over!  You may come up with your own question, but Mrs. Anderson must approve your question before you write your response. Thanks!(

Prompt Choices to Respond to Fiction

➢ Describe the problem/conflict of this book.

➢ Summarize the main events in this book.

➢ Who is your favorite or least favorite character?  Why?

➢ Do any of the characters remind you of yourself, a family member, or a friend?  How?

➢ Are there situations in the story where you would have acted differently than one of the characters?  Describe what you would have done.

➢ Compare and contrast two characters.  Include at least three important similarities and three important differences.

➢ Describe the setting (time and place).  Does it remind you of anywhere you are familiar with?

➢ Describe the climax (the turning point of the story when the action reaches a critical point).

➢ What do you like best about the story?  The least?  Why?

➢ Does this story remind you of other books you have read, movies you have seen, or experiences you have had?  Describe the similarities.

➢ Would you recommend this book to a friend?  Why or why not?

➢ Write three words from this section of the story that you don’t know.  Look them up and define them.  Write three sentences using each of these words.

➢ If you could ask the author one question, what would it be?  Why do you want to know this?

➢ Why do you think the author wrote this selection?

➢ What did the author do in order to “hook” the reader?  Explain.

➢ What “pictures” does the author create in your mind?  Describe them.

➢ Have you learned anything interesting that you didn’t know before reading this selection?  Explain.

➢ Are the characters believable?  Why or why not?

➢ Write a letter to one of the characters giving him/her advice on how to handle a problem or situation he/she is facing.  Be sure to include a greeting and a closing.

➢ If you could spend one day with a character, who would it be and what would you do?  Explain why you chose these activities for this particular character.

➢ How has the main character changed over the course of the story?  What do you think is the cause of the change?

➢ What was the best part of this book?  Explain.

➢ Are there any parts you would change?  Explain.

➢ How did you feel while reading this book?  Why did you feel this way?

➢ How did the author make you feel the way you did?  Explain, thinking about the language used, description of people and places, etc.

➢ Pretend you are a character in the story.  Write a diary entry as the character, explaining what has happened to you and how you feel about it.

➢ Using the text, illustrate a descriptive passage, a key scene, or a character (this should take some time and effort . . . no stick figures!).  Describe the picture in 5 sentences.

➢ Create a timeline of important events in the story.  Give corresponding page numbers by each event.

➢ What are two attributes that describe a particular character?  Give at least two examples for each attribute that support your opinion.

Prompt Choices to Respond to Non-Fiction

Top of Form

Bottom of Form


• What topic(s) does this book or article describe?

• Was the information easy for you to understand? Why?

• What facts did you like learning about the most? Why?

• What information would you like to share with someone else? Why?

• Would you like to read more books or articles about this topic? Why?

• What else would you like to know about this topic? How can you find it out?

Text Structure

• What is the text structure of the book or article: description, compare/contrast, problem/solution, chronological order, or cause and effect? How do you know?

• Were there any special text features in the book? (headings, sub-headings, table of contents, index, etc?

• How did the text features help you in your reading?


• Who is the author? What qualifies the author to write this information?

• What would you ask the author if you ever met him or her?

• What kind of research did the author have to do to write this information?

• Does this book or article provide recent information? Where could you look to find more information about the topic?


• Did you understand what the author was saying? What information was the easiest to understand? What information was the hardest to understand? Why?

• Would this book or information be different if it were written ten years ago? Why?

• By reading this, did you discover anything that could help you outside of school?

• Is this book like any other book you have read? How is it alike or different? Which one do you like better? Why?

• Was the information well organized? Give an example of why or why not?

• Was the information told straight to you or is it in story form? How can you tell?

• What could the author have done to make the information easier to understand?









In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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