November 29, 2005

- M I N U T E S -


The regular meeting of the Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit Board was called to order by Robert Ball, President, at 5:45 p.m. in the Board Room of the Intermediate Unit office building in Edinboro, Pennsylvania. Present were John Anderson, Robert Ball, Katherine Beaver, Dr. Kathleen Benson,

Dr. Carol Bocan, Peggy Gates, Elwin Rose, Richard Szychowski,

Louise Twargoski, Richard Unkle.

Also present were David Minnis, Executive Director, Dr. Marjorie Wallace, Assistant Executive Director, Michelee Curtze, Dr. Mary Desmone,

Vince Humes, Della Gentile, Edward McAtee, Dr. Ann Noonen, Paula Varee, and George Joseph, Solicitor.

Absent were Maryann Frontino, Don Linder, Becky Okel, Roger Rockwell,

John Schwanke, Jan Van Tuil, and Kathleen Weed.


Board Member

It was moved by Mr. Rose and seconded by Mr. Anderson that approval be granted to appoint Don Linder, Northwestern School District, to a term ending December 31, 2006. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Anderson-yes; Ball-yes; Beaver-yes; Benson-yes; Bocan-yes; Gates-yes; Rose-yes; Szychowski-yes; Twargoski-yes; Unkle-yes


of Minutes

It was moved by Dr. Bocan and seconded by Mrs. Twargoski that the minutes of the meeting held on October 26, 2005, be approved as presented. Motion carried unanimously.



It was moved by Mrs. Twargoski and seconded by Mrs. Gates that the October Treasurer’s Report be approved as presented and a copy filed for audit. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Anderson-yes; Ball-yes; Beaver-yes; Benson-yes; Bocan-yes; Gates-yes; Rose-yes; Szychowski-yes; Twargoski-yes; Unkle-yes


of Bills

It was moved by Mrs. Twargoski and seconded by Mr. Rose that the list of bills be approved as presented and paid:

Vouchers #66095 through #66669

Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Anderson-yes; Ball-yes; Beaver-yes; Benson-yes; Bocan-yes; Gates-yes; Rose-yes; Szychowski-yes; Twargoski-yes; Unkle-yes

Recognition of


Mr. Ball welcomed Margie Tucci, representing PSEA professional employees.


Executive Director

Mr. Minnis reported: The Budget Committee will meet prior to the January Board meeting to review the 2006-2007 proposed General Operating Budgets. There will be no increase to the districts. Grants will be used to supplement the budget. The superintendents will review the budget prior to the January Board meeting, as well. In Harrisburg, much of the focus of both the Senate and House of Representatives has been centered on the special session proposals to provide property tax relief. With no consensus reached on how to address the issue, legislators already have examined numerous plans as they continue to introduce new ideas or modify existing ones.


It was moved by Mr. Rose and seconded by Mr. Szychowski that the following retirement be accepted with regret:

a. Barbara Santillo, Instructional Media and Technology Services, Secretary, retirement effective December 5, 2005, at noon

Motion carried unanimously.


It was moved by Mr. Anderson and seconded by Dr. Benson that the following leaves be accepted:

a. Anne Saturnino, Special Education, Occupational Therapist, requesting unpaid Child-Rearing Leave from November 12, 2005, through January 17, 2006

b. Sandra Weaver, Special Education, Autistic Support Aide, requesting an extension of her unpaid Family Medical Leave from November 3, 2005, through December 19, 2005 (original request was from November 3, 2005, through November 28, 2005)

Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Anderson-yes; Ball-yes; Beaver-yes; Benson-yes; Bocan-yes; Gates-yes; Rose-yes; Szychowski-yes; Twargoski-yes; Unkle-yes

Employment of


It was moved by Mrs. Twargoski and seconded by Mr. Szychowski that the personnel as listed be employed at the salaries indicated with the exception of Elizabeth Ball. (See back of Secretary’s Book.) Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Anderson-yes; Ball-yes; Beaver-yes; Benson-yes; Bocan-yes; Gates-yes; Rose-yes; Szychowski-yes; Twargoski-yes; Unkle-yes

It was moved by Mrs. Twargoski and seconded by Dr. Bocan that the personnel, specifically Elizabeth Ball, as listed, be employed at the salary indicated. Mr. Ball refrained from voting for Elizabeth Ball for personal reasons. (See back of Secretary’s Book.) Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Anderson-yes; Ball-abstain; Beaver-yes; Benson-yes; Bocan-yes; Gates-yes; Rose-yes; Szychowski-yes; Twargoski-yes; Unkle-yes

E-Rate Proposal Approval

It was moved by Dr. Bocan and seconded by Mrs. Twargoski that approval be granted that in the event the January 25, 2006, meeting is cancelled, the Board grants the administration authorization to evaluate all proposals received prior to the January meeting and to act as deemed necessary to ensure maximum discount advantage under the E-rate program. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Anderson-yes; Ball-yes; Beaver-yes; Benson-yes; Bocan-yes; Gates-yes; Rose-yes; Szychowski-yes; Twargoski-yes; Unkle-yes



It was moved by Mr. Rose and seconded by Mrs. Gates that the Transportation Contracts for 2005-06 be approved. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Anderson-yes; Ball-yes; Beaver-yes; Benson-yes; Bocan-yes; Gates-yes; Rose-yes; Szychowski-yes; Twargoski-yes; Unkle-yes

Special Needs


It was moved by Mr. Szychowski and seconded by Mrs. Gates that the Special Needs Drivers for 2005-06 be approved. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Anderson-yes; Ball-yes; Beaver-yes; Benson-yes; Bocan-yes; Gates-yes; Rose-yes; Szychowski-yes; Twargoski-yes; Unkle-yes


It was moved by Dr. Bocan and seconded by Mrs. Gates that the following resolution be adopted as follows:

Be it resolved, that the Board of Directors of the Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit authorizes the filing of applications/contracts, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, for the 2005-06 and 2006-07 school years for the following programs:

a. Early Childhood Intervention

b. Educational Program Services

c. Instructional Media & Technology Services

d. Management Services

e. Federal, State, and Nonpublic Services

f. Special Education Services

g. Technology Solutions & Services

Be it Further Resolved, that Mr. David G. Minnis, Executive Director, is authorized to act as the official representative of the Intermediate Unit in connection with these applications/contracts, and will provide such additional information as may be required. (See back of Secretary’s Book). Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote: Anderson-yes; Ball-yes; Beaver-yes; Benson-yes; Bocan-yes; Gates-yes; Rose-yes; Szychowski-yes; Twargoski-yes; Unkle-yes


It was moved by Mr. Rose and seconded by Mrs. Twargoski that the following resolution be adopted as follows:

Be it resolved, that the Board of Directors of the Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit grant permission to solicit bids for the following items for the 2005-06 and 2006-07 school years:

a. Vans

b. Automobiles

c. Summer Foods Service Program (food preparation)

d. Copy Machines

e. Computer Equipment

f. E-Rate

g. Programmatic Materials

Be It Further Resolved, that Mr. David G. Minnis, Executive Director, is authorized to act as the official representative of the Intermediate Unit in connection with these bids, and will provide such additional information as may be required. (See back of Secretary’s Book). Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Anderson-yes; Ball-yes; Beaver-yes; Benson-yes; Bocan-yes; Gates-yes; Rose-yes; Szychowski-yes; Twargoski-yes; Unkle-yes




It was moved by Mr. Anderson and seconded by Mrs. Beaver that approval be granted for the following Service Purchase Contracts:

a. Achievement Center, to provide assistance to Wattsburg Area School District with students who have behavior problems through the Safe School Initiative Grant, 486 hours @ $30.00 per hour, not to exceed $14,580.00 (11/1/05-6/30/06)

b. William A. Nichols, Inc., to provide supervision services to Regional Choice Initiative and Act 89 programs, 130 days @ $281.42 per day, not to exceed $36,584.60 (1/1/06-6/30/06)

c. Perseus House, to provide behavioral support staff for Perseus House, 1239 hours @ $24.73 per hour, not to exceed $30,640.47 (8/29/05-6/8/06)

Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Anderson-yes; Ball-yes; Beaver-yes; Benson-yes; Bocan-yes; Gates-yes; Rose-yes; Szychowski-yes; Twargoski-yes; Unkle-yes



It was moved by Mr. Szychowski and seconded by Mrs. Twargoski that approval be granted for the following Contracted Payroll:

a. Marlene Byler, to provide computer instruction services for the Adult Education Program at the Warren County Job Center, 260 hours @ $18.22 per hour, not to exceed $4,737.20 (1/3/06-6/30/06)

b. Eric Hamilton, to provide teaching services at North Coast School, 363 hours @ $18.09 per hour, not to exceed $6,566.67 (1/3/06-6/23/06)

c. Joan Heglin, to provide teaching services at John E. Horan Garden Apartments, 260 hours @ $16.08 per hour, not to exceed $4,180.80 (1/3/06-6/30/06)

d. Joan Heglin, to provide teaching services at Friendship Towers, 260 hours @ $16.08 per hour, not to exceed $4,180.80 (1/3/06-6/30/06)

e. Scarlette MacFarlane, to provide teaching services at Northwestern High School for the Alternative Diploma program, 300 hours @ $17.05 per hour, not to exceed $5,115.00 (1/3/06-6/23/06)

f. Larry Neal, to provide teaching services for the Warren Adult Education program, 520 hours @ $17.05 per hour, not to exceed $8,866.00 (1/3/06-6/30/06)

g. Suzanne Patorini, to provide teaching services at the John E. Horan Garden Apartments, 273 hours @ $17.00 per hour, not to exceed $4,641.00 (1/3/06-6/30/06)

h. Virginia Pollard, to provide teaching services and GED instruction services, not to exceed $11,076.00 (1/3/06-6/30/06)

i. Richard Potosnak, to provide administration support to Technology Solutions and Services, 65 days @ $196.63 per day, not to exceed $12,780.95 (1/1/06-3/31/06)

j. Alice Ruble, to provide teaching services at the Smith Education Center in Corry, 364 hours @ $16.55 per hour, not to exceed $6,024.20 (1/3/06-6/30/06)

k. Edward Smith, to provide support specialist services, 65 days @ $132.84 per day, not to exceed $8,634.60 (1/1/06-3/31/06)

l. Ruth Zak, to provide teaching services at the Asbury Center for Adult Education, 338 hours @ $23.05 per hour, not to exceed $7,790.90 (1/3/06-6/30/06)

Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Anderson-yes; Ball-yes; Beaver-yes; Benson-yes; Bocan-yes; Gates-yes; Rose-yes; Szychowski-yes; Twargoski-yes; Unkle-yes

Permission to


It was moved by Dr. Bocan and seconded by Mrs. Twargoski that the Permission to Travel be granted to the following:

a. Laura Yaeger, TaC Education Consultant, be granted permission to attend the Reading Apprenticeship to be held on March 2, 2006, through March 5, 2006, in Rockville, Maryland

Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Anderson-yes; Ball-yes; Beaver-yes; Benson-yes; Bocan-yes; Gates-yes; Rose-yes; Szychowski-yes; Twargoski-yes; Unkle-yes



Attorney Joseph reported that Patrick Clair took his place as a co-presenter with Emily Leader for a Pennsylvania School Boards Association workshop on Wednesday, November 2, 2005, regarding IDEIA regulations, as he was unable to attend for health reasons.

The NCLB update regarding the NEA lawsuit and the Eastern Michigan lawsuit was dismissed. The Attorney General in Connecticut lawsuit is pending.

Regarding RCI, the Auditor General began audits in the school districts. Corry Area School District was asked how RCI was developed, questions on adopted policies, compliance, and college credit for high school work. Attorney Joseph was able to satisfy their questions. Any districts needing information for audit purposes, may call him.

Attorney Joseph was elected for a three year term as Secretary to the Solicitors Association which in 2008 will give him a seat on the Executive Board of PSBA. He will be a courier for our IU and Northwest Region.


There being no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Mr. Anderson and seconded by Mrs. Gates that the meeting adjourn at 6:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Winkelbauer

Assistant Board Secretary


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