World War II Project - Trading CardsDue January 15, 2016SS5H6 – Students will explain the reasons for America’s involvement in World War II.Students will create a trading card for each person or event/place listed below (think baseball cards). The front of the card should have a picture and or illustration of the person or event. The name of the person or event should NOT be on the front of the card – only the picture/illustration. On the back of the card place the name of the person or event along with the following information.For a person: *Personal data (Date and place of birth/death)*The country they’re from, title if they have one (e.g., president, prime minister, dictator, emperor) *Role they played in the war, any actions they took that effected the war in any way, include any important datesFor places or events:Name and describe the event, explain the impact it had on the war, include the locations and dates. Include facts like numbers of troops or aircraft.People1. Franklin Roosevelt7. Benito Mussolini2. Harry Truman8. Francisco Franco3. Adolf Hitler9. Emperor Hirohito4. Joseph Stalin10. “Rosie the Riveter”5. Winston Churchill11. Tuskegee Airmen6. Hideki TojoPlaces and Events1. The bombing of Pearl Harbor4. V-E Day2. Iwo Jima5. V-J Day3. D - Day6. HolocaustStudent: Date Submitted: World War II Project RubricCategory/Score4 – Above & beyond3 – Met all the requirements2 – Met most of the requirements 1 – Met some of the requirementsTOTAL POINTSFormatFollowed all directions and used correct formatMost of the directions were followed and project was close to format assigned.Directions were not followed and didn’t use correct format.Quality of WorkProject was complete with a card for each person, event, or place.Project was almost complete with a card for most of the people, events or places.Project was incomplete, all of the cards were not turned inAccuracy of InformationAll information was complete and correct.Most of the information was included and was mostly correctInaccurate or missing informationNeatness, Creativity, & PunctualityProject was very neat, colorful, legible (easy to read), and was turned in on timeProject was fairly neat and colorfulProject was not turn in on time and work was not neat or easy to readTotal Points Earned out of 14PointsPercentage GradePointsPercentage Grade 17128621413933211410042953664375085796410711179 ................

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