Administrative Goals 2012-2013

Value Statement 1 – Curriculum

Vision and Mission – Prepared/Responsible

(Align and teach Common Core Standards K-12; Offer career choices courses; STEM courses; CTE courses that prepare students for a career of their choice; Offer AP courses, dual-credit courses and advanced courses that prepare students for college work of their choice; Offer interview skills, resume preparation, work skills and citizen responsibilities, guidance for students.)

Goals: To have an aligned, rigorous curriculum based on KCAS for grades 1-5.

|Strategies |Evidence of Success |Impact |

|Action Steps |How will we know that we are making process? What data are we using to | |

|What steps are required to reach our goal? |measure? | |

| | |Has this activity had impact? How do we know? What |

| |Progress Monitoring/Benchmark |are the specific outcomes/reasons for progress and |

| | |success? What are the reasons expected impact did |

| | |not occur? |

|2012-2013 |2013-2014 |2014-2015 | | |

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|Each team will continue to create their units of |Each team will finish creating their units|Each team will revise their units of instruction. |Team meetings – binder checks | |

|instruction |of instruction. | | | |

| | | | | |

|Use effective feedback to drive student |Continue to use effective feedback to |Students will be self-reliant and able to self-assess | | |

|self-monitoring |drive student self-assessment |and it will be less teacher-driven |Rubric design involving students | |

| | | |Assessments will show student self-assessment component | |

| |Review and revise common core assessments | | | |

|Create common assessments and use that data to | |Review and revise common core assessments | | |

|drive instruction |Focus on needs improvement areas of PRs to| |CRT/Principal meetings with staff to develop common core assessments | |

| |move to the distinguished level | | | |

|Use program review to strengthen curriculum in the | |Have no more than 10% of our PR benchmarks needing | | |

|areas of A&H, Writing and PL/CS | |improvement |Monthly monitoring of PR evidence – CRT | |

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| |Using correlate information from last | | | |

| |year’s KPREP, determine benchmarks for | | | |

|Use SI and MAP as predictors for student success on|MAP/SI to predict success on KPREP | | | |

|KPREP | |Use SI and MAP as predictors for student success on | | |

| |Use KPREP math data to determine area(s) |KPREP | | |

| |of growth needed in each grade and | |Review/Analyze SI/MAP data comparable to KPREP results to determine those | |

| |determine strategy(ies) to achieve success| |from 2012 testing data | |

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|Improve math scores utilizing Math in Focus, SI, | | | | |

|math club, math specialist | | | | |

| | |Use KPREP math data to determine area(s) of growth | | |

| | |needed in each grade and determine strategy(ies) to |Analyze KPREP data and develop strategies with teams | |

| | |achieve success | | |

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Value Statement 2 – Instruction

Vision and Mission – Prepared/Responsible

(Actively engage and motivate students to learn by using best teaching practices; provide intervention and enrichment opportunities for students; Teach interview, resume preparation, work skills and citizen responsibilities; Use cooperative learning, small group, effective strategies; Teach skills building; Teach learning targets; Monitor curriculum map; Reteach using data, Celebrate; and Partner with parents and community to prepare students for college and career readiness.)

Goals: Use KCAS to design, plan and implement rigorous instruction for grades 1-5.

|Strategies |Evidence of Success |Impact |

|Action Steps |How will we know that we are making process? What data are we using to | |

|What steps are required to reach our goal? |measure? | |

| | |Has this activity had impact? How do we know? What |

| |Progress Monitoring/Benchmark |are the specific outcomes/reasons for progress and |

| | |success? What are the reasons expected impact did |

| | |not occur? |

|2012-2013 |2013-2014 |2014-2015 | | |

|Student-friendly learning targets will be posted in|Student-friendly learning targets will be |Student-friendly learning targets will be posted in all|Walkthroughs; evaluations; assessment data | |

|all classrooms |posted in all classrooms |classrooms | | |

| | | | | |

| |Continue to implement L. Cawkins 1-2; | | | |

|Implement Lucy Cawkins 1-2; standards-based writing|standards-based writing grades 3-5 and, |Continue to implement L. Cawkins 1-2; standards-based | | |

|grades 3-5 |possibly, include grades 3-5 in LC |writing grades 3-5 and, possibly, include grades 3-5 in|KPREP data; Program Reviews; Meetings throughout year to share student work | |

| |training |LC training |samples (Lisa Shaw King) | |

|Provide tutorials/interventions for students | | | | |

|needing additional support |Teachers will provide students with | | | |

| |effective feedback to improve student work| | | |

|Teachers will provide students with effective | | | | |

|feedback to improve student work | |Teachers will provide students with effective feedback | | |

| | |to improve student work |Student work; Team meetings; Increase in student achievement | |

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| |Use MAP, SI, classroom, common, formative | | | |

| |and summative assessments to drive their | | | |

| |instruction | | | |

| | | | | |

|Use MAP, SI, classroom, common, formative and | | | | |

|summative assessments to drive their instruction | |Use MAP, SI, classroom, common, formative and summative| | |

| | |assessments to drive their instruction | | |

| | | |Team meetings – binder checks | |

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| |Teachers will utilize best practice | | | |

| |(Kagan, MFALs, LDC, cooperative learning | | | |

| |groups, differentiated instruction, etc.) | | | |

| |to improve student achievement | | | |

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|Teachers will utilize best practice (Kagan, MFALs, | | | | |

|LDC, cooperative learning groups, differentiated | |Teachers will utilize best practice (Kagan, MFALs, LDC,| | |

|instruction, etc.) to improve student achievement | |cooperative learning groups, differentiated | | |

| | |instruction, etc.) to improve student achievement | | |

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| | | |Assessment data | |

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Value Statement 3 – Assessment

Vision and Mission – Prepared/Responsible

(Perform in the top 10% to 20% of highest performing school districts on the KPREP assessment; Increase the number of students each year meeting benchmarks to

ensure all students are college and/or career ready.)


|Strategies |Evidence of Success |Impact |

|Action Steps |How will we know that we are making process? What data are we using to | |

|What steps are required to reach our goal? |measure? | |

| | |Has this activity had impact? How do we know? What |

| |Progress Monitoring/Benchmark |are the specific outcomes/reasons for progress and |

| | |success? What are the reasons expected impact did |

| | |not occur? |

|2012-2013 |2013-2014 |2014-2015 | | |

| | | | | |

|Create common core assessments that align with |Revisit/Revise |Refine |Student work; lesson plans; PDCA, Assessment results and plans to reteach | |

|common core standards | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Continue to develop student friendly learning | | | | |

|targets that use higher order thinking verbs in | | |Lesson plans, walkthroughs, instructional rounds, assessments | |

|them (create, analyze, evaluate verbage) | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Frequent use of formative assessment to drive | | | | |

|student instruction | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Use assessment data to individualize student needs | | |Lesson plans, walkthroughs assessment results, binder checks | |

|and use that to remediate student learning | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Use effective strategies to deliver instruction | | |Data: MAP, SI, STAR, DIBELS, etc., Binder checks | |

|(Kagan/Marzano, TE) | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Use technology and programs to evaluate and improve| | | | |

|student performance (STAR, SI, MAP, etc.) | | | | |

| | | |Assessment results, walkthroughs, lesson plans, evaluations | |

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Value Statement 4 – Safety

Vision and Mission – Safe

(Discipline policies and procedures are in place and consistently followed to address bullying and inappropriate behavior at each school and department-transportation, food service, extra-curricular activities; Safety plans are in place at each school. Staff can implement safety plans for emergency situations; Alternative education plan an procedures are in place to address students who need additional support.

Goals: Provide and promote a positive, safe, orderly environment for students and staff.

|Strategies |Evidence of Success |Impact |

|Action Steps |How will we know that we are making process? What data are we using to | |

|What steps are required to reach our goal? |measure? | |

| | |Has this activity had impact? How do we know? What |

| |Progress Monitoring/Benchmark |are the specific outcomes/reasons for progress and |

| | |success? What are the reasons expected impact did |

| | |not occur? |

|2012-2013 |2013-2014 |2014-2015 | | |

| | | | | |

|Implement new PM pickup that involves |Continue safe and effective pickup with ID|Review and continue safe and effective pickup with ID |Efficacy of the plan using the following data: | |

|identification protocol |protocol based on date from 2012-13 |protocol based on data from 2013-14 |Number of cars | |

|Re-route bus and car pickup/drop off to ensure | | |Number of students picked up | |

|student safety | | |Number of adverse incidents/month | |

|Continue to implement anti-bullying lessons through| | | | |

|classroom guidance | | |Track the number of incident referrals through IC | |

|Ensure every teacher has a copy of the safety plan | | | | |

|and practice intruder drill two times per year and |Revisit and revise safety plan if | | | |

|monthly fire drills and tornado/earthquake drills |necessary |Revisit and revise safety plan if necessary | | |

|as required | | | | |

| |Continue to do drills as required | |Drill information reports | |

| | |Continue to do drills as required | | |

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|Collect reliable feedback regarding customer | | | | |

|service | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Using data collected, make | | | |

| |changes/improvements |Survey again and use data to make changes/improvements | | |

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Evaluation Plan: How will we know that we have reached our goals? What will be our measure?

Communication Plan: How will we communicate our plan to our students, staff and community?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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