Administrative Goals 2012-2013
Value Statement 1 – Curriculum
Vision and Mission – Prepared/Responsible
(Align and teach Common Core Standards K-12; Offer career choices courses; STEM courses; CTE courses that prepare students for a career of their choice; Offer AP courses, dual-credit courses and advanced courses that prepare students for college work of their choice; Offer interview skills, resume preparation, work skills and citizen responsibilities, guidance for students.)
Goals: To increase College/Career Readiness for all students by expanding curriculum/enrichment opportunities, implementing clear student-friendly learning targets with congruent tasks and matching formative assessments, utilizing effective intervention strategies, and providing skills/feedback to students for productive citizenship.
|Strategies |Evidence of Success |Impact |
|Action Steps |How will we know that we are making process? What data are we using to | |
|What steps are required to reach our goal? |measure? | |
| | |Has this activity had impact? How do we know? What |
| |Progress Monitoring/Benchmark |are the specific outcomes/reasons for progress and |
| | |success? What are the reasons expected impact did |
| | |not occur? |
|2012-2013 |2013-2014 |2014-2015 | | |
|CURRICULUM DATA: |CURRICULUM DATA: |CURRICULUM DATA: |1. Departmental Curriculum checklists | |
|Snapshots (website) - |Snapshots (website) - |Snapshots (website) - |2. Snapshot/learning target posting monitoring | |
|Monthly walkthroughs |Monthly walkthroughs |Monthly walkthroughs |3. Monthly administrative snapshot walk-through (snap-walks) | |
|Program review audits |Program review audits |Program review audits |4. Daily walk-throughs | |
|Monthly administrative Snapwalk: |Monthly administrative Snapwalk: |Monthly administrative Snapwalk: |5. 3 internal program review audits | |
|Posted clear, student-friendly learning targets|Posted clear, student-friendly learning targets |Posted clear, student-friendly learning targets |6. annual SACs internal audit | |
|Congruent task |Congruent task |Congruent task |7. departmental data analysis of assessment | |
|Formative assessment |Formative assessment |Formative assessment |8. Enrollment data for AP, dual credit, STEM, online classes, Area | |
|Student technology use |Student technology use |Student technology use |Technical Center, Work-Based learning | |
|Active student engagement |Active student engagement |Active student engagement |9. opportunities for intervention/enrichment through GT services, | |
|High level thinking |High level thinking |High level thinking |transition classes, tutorial sessions, and ESS numbers | |
|Real-world prep tasks |Real-world prep tasks |Real-world prep tasks | | |
| | | | | |
|AP enrollment |AP enrollment |AP enrollment | | |
|Dual credit enrollment |Dual credit enrollment |Dual credit enrollment | | |
|STEM enrollment |Online enrollment |Online enrollment | | |
|Area Technical Center enrollment |STEM enrollment |STEM enrollment | | |
|Work-based learning enrollment |Area Technical Center enrollment |Area Technical Center enrollment | | |
|GT services |Work-based learning enrollment |Work-based learning enrollment | | |
|Transition class |GT services |GT services | | |
|Tutorial sessions |Transition class |Transition class | | |
|PLAN |Tutorial sessions |Tutorial sessions | | |
|A. Curriculum and Instructional focus |PLAN |PLAN | | |
|1. CASL departmental facilitators will lead |A. Curriculum and Instructional focus |A. Curriculum and Instructional focus | | |
|each department through completion of standards|1. Complete the final section of CASL plan – | | | |
|deconstruction (KCAS Math/English including |communication how |1. Re-assess CASL plans and review/tweak learning | | |
|Literacy Standards in Science, Social Studies, |2. Review/tweak learning targets and Standards |targets and Standards Based Units, with rigorous | | |
|and Technical areas or 4.1 Core Content for |Based Units. |congruent tasks and matching assessments—embedding | | |
|those without new standards) to create/tweak |3. Work with Science and Social Studies on new |best practice instructional strategies. | | |
|clear, high-level, student-friendly learning |standards when released. |2. Work on moving “proficient” areas in program | | |
|targets with congruent rigorous/relevant tasks,|4. Professional development for English, Social |reviews to distinguished. | | |
|and formative assessments connected to those |Studies, and Science staff for LDC materials, and|3. Continue to utilize regular collaboration with | | |
|targets. |MFAL PD for math department. |faculty dedicated to curriculum, instruction, and | | |
|2. Each teacher will complete/tweak Standards |5. Work on moving “needs improvement” areas in |assessment. | | |
|Based Units for all core classes and elective |all program reviews to proficient. | | | |
|classes, excluding Advanced Placement, which |6. Continue to utilize regular collaboration | | | |
|will submit College Board syllabus. |time dedicates to curriculum, instruction, and | | | |
|3. Follow-up Professional Development through |assessment. | | | |
|departmental Professional Learning Communities | | | | |
|will be provided to complete process and move | | | | |
|forward with CASL plans. | | | | |
|4. Teachers will post student-friendly learning| | | | |
|targets in a visible location in classroom and | | | | |
|incorporate them daily into instruction with | | | | |
|students, utilizing congruent tasks/activities | | | | |
|and formative assessment. | | | | |
| | | | | |
|B. Calendar Development | | | | |
|1. Teachers refine and utilize trimester | | | | |
|calendars for each class they teach, adjusting | | | | |
|where necessary, by posting weekly snapshots on| | | | |
|their websites, including learning targets, | | | | |
|tasks/assignments, and formative assessments. | | | | |
| | | | | |
|C. Common Planning and PLC’s | | | | |
|1. Core departments will use common planning to| | | | |
|share best practice instruction, create and | | | | |
|score ACT/Quality Core-like multiple | | | | |
|choice/constructed response items, analyze | | | | |
|student assessment data, and create | | | | |
|intervention and enrichment activities to | | | | |
|address student needs. | | | | |
|2. Elective departments will use monthly | | | | |
|meetings to assess and work on needs | | | | |
|improvement areas of their program reviews. | | | | |
|3. Create monthly faculty meetings and | | | | |
|continue to utilize non-instructional work days| | | | |
|for faculty collaboration. | | | | |
| | | | | |
|DO | | | | |
|A. HQPD, PLCs, and leadership teams | | | | |
|1. Continue to provide teachers with |DO | | | |
|opportunities (6 hours of HQPD) to grow |Continue first-year instructional plans, |DO | | |
|professionally in content-specific areas and |particularly focusing on Kagan and |Continue first-year instructional plans, | | |
|with best practice instructional practices. |differentiation strategies. |particularly focusing on Learning-Centered Schools | | |
|2. Continue to refine and improve upon the | |and questioning techniques. | | |
|Professional Learning Communities process and | | | | |
|expectations. | | | | |
|3. Each faculty member will complete one | | | | |
|collegial visit and participate in | | | | |
|cross-curricular lesson-- to improve upon | | | | |
|instructional process, | | | | |
|4. Utilize research-based instructional | | | | |
|strategies, like pre/during/post reading | | | | |
|strategies, CHAMPS classroom management, | | | | |
|cooperative learning, formative assessments, | | | | |
|differentiation, questioning techniques, | | | | |
|graphic organizers, next generation learning, | | | | |
|etc. Re-focus on CHAMPs and reading strategies | | | | |
|this year. | | | | |
|5. Offer opportunities for all teachers to lead| | | | |
|and be a part of school improvement plans and | | | | |
|reflection/assessment of our school. | | | | |
|6. Perform annual self-assessments using SISI | | | | |
|or SACS accreditation standards to initiate | | | | |
|CSIP process for year, involving all | | | | |
|stakeholders. | | | | |
|7. Complete 3 internal program review audits | | | | |
|8. Implement a pilot program for teachers on | | | | |
|student technology use for instructional | | | | |
|purposes in collaboration with Central Office. | | | | |
|CHECK | | | | |
|A. Data Disaggregation | | | | |
|1. Through advising, students will participate | | | | |
|in Test Talks to discuss formative MAPs testing| |CHECK | | |
|and summative EOC/EPAS testing and utilize ILP-| |1. Analyze student self-monitoring results, EOC and | | |
|increasing student accountability. | |EPAS growth. | | |
|2. Through testing fairs and parent/teacher | |2. Maintain data boards, utilizing results to | | |
|conferences, parents will receive information | |determine curriculum/instruction needs. | | |
|on student achievement through assessment and | |3. Continue to analyze assessment results and | | |
|receive individual testing conferences. | |determine curriculum/instruction needs and | | |
|3. Analyze student data based upon EPAS | |individual student needs. | | |
|assessments and MAP testing to determine | |4. Continue tracking/self-monitoring. | | |
|intervention needs and enrichment opportunities|CHECK |5. Continue to analyze EOC results and assess | | |
|like AP. |1. Faculty training on progress monitoring, |classroom use of QC materials. | | |
|4. Design and utilize form to track student |including student self-monitoring in the | | | |
|progress on assessments – not meeting |classroom | | | |
|benchmarks. |2. Evaluate data boards from previous year and | | | |
|5. Create and maintain data boards in data |maintain summative boards and create formative | | | |
|room to gauge progress: AP, EPAS, EOC, and |boards through departments for analysis. | | | |
|on-demand. |3. Continue to analyze assessment results and | | | |
| |determine curriculum/instruction needs and | | | |
|B. Common Assessments: Formative/ Summative |individual student needs. | | | |
|Assessments |4. Continue tracking/self-monitoring. | | | |
|1. Assess and re-design common assessments, |5. Analyze EOC results and assess classroom use | | | |
|including formative and summative, to ensure |of QC materials. | | | |
|they are measuring deconstructed learning | | | | |
|targets and modeling ACT/QC-like format | | | | |
|2. Design and utilize student self- monitoring | | | | |
|tool to track student progress on assessments | | | | |
|3. Include constructed response scoring plan in| | | | |
|the assessment process; provide Live Scoring, | | | | |
|where possible. | | | | |
|4. Create a summative assessment pep talk | | | | |
|meeting schedule for every tested group by | | | | |
|grade level, not by test | | | | |
|12th grade – ASVAB, KOSSA, COMPASS | | | | |
|11th grade – ACT, On-Demand, EOC, KOSSA | | | | |
|10th grade – PLAN, On-Demand, EOC, KOSSA | | | | |
|9th grade – MAP | | | | |
|5. Utilize MAP assessment as plan to monitor | | | | |
|student progress and provide differentiation in| | | | |
|the ninth grade and with all special education | | | | |
|students; identify student intervention needs | | | | |
|for 10th grade students | | | | |
|6. Through department formative | | | | |
|assessments/common assessments, target students| | | | |
|who may need extra motivation and | | | | |
|interventions; formulate individual student | | | | |
|plans. | | | | |
|7. Embed ACT-like testing and the Quality Core | | | | |
|curriculum in all core classrooms; in addition | | | | |
|to state EOC Algebra II, Biology, English II, | | | | |
|and US History, purchase Algebra I, Geometry, | | | | |
|English I, and Chemistry | | | | |
|8. Train faculty in all core areas with QC | | | | |
|materials. | | | | |
| | | | | |
|ACT | | | | |
|A. Tutorial and Enrichment | | | | |
|1. Each department/class will gather data and | | | | |
|create plan for in-class re-teaching and | | | | |
|tutorials. | | | | |
|2. Continue Math and English tutorials during | | | | |
|SSR time for ACT and individual course | | | | |
|tutorials. | | | | |
|3. Provide ESS Tutoring Center two days a week| | | | |
|with a teacher and peer tutors. | | | | |
|4. Continue to provide academic and social | | | | |
|transition lessons for ninth graders through | | | | |
|SSR by using PAWSS mentors | | | | |
| | | | | |
|Response to Intervention | | | | |
|1. Provide classroom teachers with reading | |1. Continue to seek opportunities to re-teach, | | |
|strategies to integrate into the core content | |tutor, and intervene for students during the school | | |
|classroom. | |day, while also offering after-school programs. | | |
|2. Continue to identify students needing | |2. Assess current programs for effectiveness; seek | | |
|intervention assistance using assessment data: | |stakeholder input. | | |
|MAP/EPAS | | | | |
|3. Using data identify students for specific | | | | |
|intervention programs: | | | | |
|a. 9th grade Reading Class for struggling | | | | |
|readers targeted by 8th grade MAPs and EXPLORE |ACT | | | |
|scores, focusing on content-specific reading, |1. Continue to seek opportunities to re-teach, | | | |
|and embedding pre/during/post reading |tutor, and intervene for students during the | | | |
|strategies |school day, while also offering after-school | | | |
|b. Daytime ESS pull-out program, using Read |programs. | | | |
|Naturally and individual-specific reading |2. Assess current programs for effectiveness; | | | |
|strategies to increase individual student |seek student input and parent input. | | | |
|reading levels |3. Students will be provided with self-monitoring| | | |
|c. Reading Support Classes for students with |methods toward their progress by classroom | | | |
|disabilities (Reading labs) |teachers, after teacher training. | | | |
|d. Collaborative literature transition classes| | | | |
|for freshman and senior years | | | | |
|4. Continue School-wide reading period (SSR) &| | | | |
|expand on literature circles and reading | | | | |
|tutorials | | | | |
|5. Continue summer reading program 9th – 12th | | | | |
|grade, incorporating AP summer work and | | | | |
|expanding on reading and accountability | | | | |
|options. | | | | |
|6. Provide systematic monitoring, maintenance | | | | |
|plans, and support systems in place for | | | | |
|struggling readers beyond ninth grade year. | | | | |
| | | | | |
|B. MATHEMATICS: | | | | |
|1. Provide classroom teachers in mathematics | | | | |
|with context for all units of study for core | | | | |
|content; create clear-learning targets and | | | | |
|formative assessments connected to those | | | | |
|targets, embed tutorials and re-teaching as | | | | |
|needed throughout units and utilizing ACT | | | | |
|Quality Core. | | | | |
|2. Identify 9th grade mathematics placement | | | | |
|criteria for successful math | | | | |
|foundation/transition to high school: 250 MAP, | | | | |
|18 Explore and 9th grade test placement (2 out| | | | |
|of 3) | | | | |
|3. Determine criteria for student intervention | | | | |
|in mathematics and find a realistic way to | | | | |
|provide remediation for students who are not | | | | |
|understanding core content; create an Algebra I| | | | |
|lab for 3rd trimester for students who failed | | | | |
|first two classes. | | | | |
|4. Implement a tutorial pullout program during | | | | |
|SSR to assist struggling students that fall in | | | | |
|the priority needs area(s). | | | | |
|a. Group 1 – Juniors who need assistance in | | | | |
|mathematics based on Plan scores. | | | | |
|b. Group 2 – Freshmen who need weekly help to | | | | |
|prevent them falling behind in individual math | | | | |
|classes | | | | |
|5. Purchase computer software to be used in the| | | | |
|classroom to assist students in the priority | | | | |
|needs areas. | | | | |
|6. Students who do not meet ACT college | | | | |
|readiness benchmarks will complete an | | | | |
|intervention through senior year coursework. | | | | |
| | | | | |
|B. Maintenance | | | | |
|- Departments will create a plan for | | | | |
|maintenance using tactics such as bell ringers,| | | | |
|exit slips, journal entries, word walls, and | | | | |
|core content posters. | | | | |
| | | | | |
|C. Monitoring | | | | |
|1. Principals will monitor teacher classrooms | | | | |
|through walk-through observations and webpage | | | | |
|snapshots. Each member of the administration | | | | |
|team will conduct at least one walk-through on | | | | |
|a daily basis. | | | | |
|2. Teachers will adjust instruction based on | | | | |
|regular formative assessment data to re-teach | | | | |
|material and/or refer students for tutoring. | | | | |
|3. Parents will monitor student progress | | | | |
|through the use of teacher websites for | | | | |
|instructional snapshots, parent portal, and | | | | |
|interval progress reports. | | | | |
Value Statement 2 – Instruction
Vision and Mission – Prepared/Responsible
(Actively engage and motivate students to learn by using best teaching practices; provide intervention and enrichment opportunities for students; Teach interview, resume preparation, work skills and citizen responsibilities; Use cooperative learning, small group, effective strategies; Teach skills building; Teach learning targets; Monitor curriculum map; Re-teach using data, Celebrate; and Partner with parents and community to prepare students for college and career readiness.)
Goal: To improve College/Career Readiness for all students by enhancing instructional practices through high quality professional development, technology integration, data analysis, progress monitoring, PLC Collaboration, student/staff recognition, and parent/community involvement.
Goal: To improve customer service by communicating and connecting with all stakeholders more effectively.
|Strategies |Evidence of Success |Impact |
|Action Steps |How will we know that we are making process? What data are we using to | |
|What steps are required to reach our goal? |measure? | |
| | |Has this activity had impact? How do we know? What |
| |Progress Monitoring/Benchmark |are the specific outcomes/reasons for progress and |
| | |success? What are the reasons expected impact did |
| | |not occur? |
|2012-2013 |2013-2014 |2014-2015 | | |
|PLC Collaboration |PLC Collaboration |PLC Collaboration |Parent/Teacher connections – conferences, phone contacts, e-mails. | |
|Teacher collegial visits |Teacher collegial visits |HQPD |TIPS registration | |
|HQPD |HQPD |Teacher collegial visits |Stakeholder surveys | |
|Alumni Association |Alumni Association |Alumni Association |Website hits | |
|SBDM elections |SBDM elections |SBDM elections |Alumni Association enrollment | |
|Parent/teacher conferences |Parent/teacher conferences |Parent/teacher conferences |Student awards | |
|Home visits |Home visits |Home visits | | |
|Ninth Grade Night Outs |Ninth Grade Night Outs |Ninth Grade Night Outs | | |
|Advising Sessions |Advising Sessions |Advising Sessions | | |
|Committees/Leadership teams |Committees/Leadership teams |Committees/Leadership teams | | |
|Parent/Community Survey |Parent/Community Survey |Parent/Community Survey | | |
|Parent Connection events |Parent Connection events |Communication: one-call/IC/website | | |
|Communication: one-call/IC/website |Communication: one-call/IC/website |Parent Connection events | | |
|Club/Community Service |Club/Community Service |/Community Service | | |
|BYOD registration |BYOD registration |BYOD registration | | |
|Teacher of the Month |Teacher of the Month |Teacher of the Month | | |
|Student awards |Student awards |Student awards | | |
|Tutorial sessions |Tutorial sessions |Tutorial sessions | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| |1. Utilize stakeholder survey to assess | | | |
|A. PARENT CONNECTIONS: |programs and create new opportunities |A. STAKEHOLDER CONNECTIONS: | | |
|1. Provide multiple parent connection activities in|and/or enhance current ones. |1. Utilize stakeholder survey to assess programs and | | |
|one night as a menu of events: parent/teacher |2. Award first Alumni Association and |create new opportunities and/or enhance current ones. | | |
|conferences, curriculum fairs, CCR advising, and |Kentucky scholarships. |2. Continue to utilize feedback to increase stakeholder| | |
|workshops like mock interviews. |3. Continue to build business |involvement and communication effectiveness. | | |
|2. Provide multiple means for parents to acquire |relationships for student incentives |3. Continue to include faculty departmental goals as | | |
|information: parent portal, website, e-mail |through Kentucky and Advanced Kentucky |part of plan and CSIP | | |
|distributions, one call, teacher webpages, and |Scholars. | | | |
|newspaper articles. |4. Award first Advanced Kentucky Scholars| | | |
|3. Revise website with more parent/stakeholder |certificates. | | | |
|friendly accessible information and regular |5. Continue to include faculty | | | |
|updates. |departmental goals as part of plan and | | | |
|4. Create Ninth Grade Night Out programming |CSIP | | | |
|connected to athletics with student incentives. | | | | |
|5. Continue transition programming early to | | | | |
|integrate parents into high school culture and | | | | |
|implement opportunities for improved communication:| | | | |
|8th grade parent night, TIPS. | | | | |
| | | | | |
|1. Continue Truancy Diversion Program, extending | | | | |
|collaboration with multiple stakeholders to | | | | |
|intervene early for students. | | | | |
|2. Expand alumni association to encourage | | | | |
|involvement, extend invitations, and provide social| | | | |
|network. | | | | |
|3. Encourage home visits as part of a mentoring | | | | |
|program for at-risk students. | | | | |
|4. Create a parent/community/student survey to | | | | |
|solicit feedback from all stakeholders regarding | | | | |
|vast school improvement and school initiatives and | | | | |
|add community/parent members to advising. | | | | |
|5. Expand on Kentucky Scholars Advising committee | | | | |
|and award first Kentucky Scholars certificates. | | | | |
|6. Increase student BYOD to 40%. | | | | |
|7. Continue ACHS Impact- fall and spring. | | | | |
|8. Pilot program for clubs/organizations to | | | | |
|participate in community service. | | | | |
| | | | | |
|C. FACULTY/STAFF: | | | | |
|1. Departmental PLCs | | | | |
|ARTS & HUMANITIES: | | | | |
|1. Teachers will consistently document and collect | | | | |
|evidence for activities and add them to the shared | | | | |
|drive as proof of meeting such requirements of the | | | | |
|Program Review. | | | | |
|2. Teachers will research potential sources for | | | | |
|programmatic enhancement. | | | | |
|3. Teachers will utilize departmental time for | | | | |
|alignment and additional resources for program | | | | |
|review. | | | | |
|ENGLISH: | | | | |
|1. Practice Quality Core multiple choice and | | | | |
|constructed response released items. Provide | | | | |
|feedback on the thought processes of MC and model | | | | |
|strategies for constructed response form. | | | | |
|2. Implement ACT online and ACT practice material | | | | |
|from books. Teachers follow plan. | | | | |
|MATH: | | | | |
|1. Implement Quality Core and ACT items into | | | | |
|regular instruction. | | | | |
|2. Find incentives for students who utilize the | | | | |
|ACT online program, practice the ACT on their own, | | | | |
|and who perform well on the ACT; math teachers will| | | | |
|incorporate ACT questions regularly. | | | | |
|3. Pull students during SSR for ACT preparation and| | | | |
|content remediation. | | | | |
|PLV: | | | | |
|1 Each CTE teacher is responsible for monitoring | | | | |
|and advising students to stay on track to become | | | | |
|completers and to take and pass KOSSA. | | | | |
|2. All teachers will utilize best practice | | | | |
|teaching methods and strategies to raise the levels| | | | |
|of student achievements to meet department goals. | | | | |
|3. All teachers will use common formative and | | | | |
|summative assessment within each subgroup of the | | | | |
|department and will analyze student results to aid | | | | |
|in preparation for KOSSA exams. | | | | |
|4. All teachers will participate in formulating | | | | |
|PLCS program review. | | | | |
|SCIENCE: | | | | |
|1. Continue ACT weekly guided practice | | | | |
|2. Embed ACT Quality Core curriculum into Standards| | | | |
|Based Units and instruction | | | | |
|SOCIAL STUDIES: | | | | |
|1. Integrate ACT readings/questions and ACT Quality| | | | |
|Core materials | | | | |
|2. Change Open Responses to Constructed Responses | | | | |
|like in ACT Quality Core. | | | | |
|3. EOC teachers provide specifics on skills needed | | | | |
|to be successful | | | | |
|4. Teach analytical skills | | | | |
|5. Practice writing | | | | |
|6. Seek increased motivation on tests | | | | |
|7. Use formative assessment to guide interventions | | | | |
| | | | | |
|2. Faculty meetings and team involvement | | | | |
| | | | | |
|3. Teachers will post grades weekly on IC and | | | | |
|contact parents for students who are failing | | | | |
| | | | | |
|3. STUDENTS | | | | |
|1. Principal’s Advisory Council – student survey | | | | |
|2. Student Council | | | | |
|3. Mentoring program | | | | |
|4. Morning announcements | | | | |
|5. Incentives for performance | | | | |
Value Statement 3 – Assessment
Vision and Mission – Prepared/Responsible
(Perform in the top 10% to 20% of highest performing school districts on assessment; Increase the number of students each year meeting benchmarks to ensure all students are college and/or career ready.)
Goals: To increase overall College/Career Readiness average beyond 70% and into top 10% of the state, by improving scores in ACT, PLAN, COMPASS/KYOTE, ASVAB, and KOSSA and to increase End of Course Assessment and K-PREP On-Demand scores into top 10% of state.
|Strategies |Evidence of Success |Impact |
|Action Steps |How will we know that we are making process? What data are we using to | |
|What steps are required to reach our goal? |measure? | |
| | |Has this activity had impact? How do we know? What |
| |Progress Monitoring/Benchmark |are the specific outcomes/reasons for progress and |
| | |success? What are the reasons expected impact did |
| | |not occur? |
| 2012-2013 |2013-2014 |2014-2015 | | |
|ASSESSMENT |ASSESSMENT |ASSESSMENT |Annual summative assessment data: EPAS, AP, EOC, KPREP | |
|CCR- 65% |CCR – 70% |CCR- 75% | | |
|College – 46% |College – 50% |College – 52% |Student tiered interventions with progress monitoring for EPAS in | |
|Career – 15% |Career- 20% |Career- 23% |English/Reading/Math | |
|9th grade MAP – |9th grade MAP |9th grade MAP |9th grade – EXPLORE | |
| | | |Reading/English- reading class, recovery pull-outs, Literature co-teaching | |
|ACT (12th grade) – 20.3 |ACT (12th grade) – 21 |ACT (12th grade) – 21.6 |collaboration, struggling reading literature circles, academic lab for | |
|ACT (11th grade)– 19.5 |ACT (11th grade)– 20.0 |ACT (11th grade)– 20.6 |special education students | |
|English – 51.5% |English – 57.5% |English – 65.5% |Math – Algebra I – all-year, 3rd trimester recovery class, SSR tutoring | |
|Math – 26.5% |Math – 32.0% |Math – 38.7% |10th grade – MAP/EPAS benchmarks | |
|Reading 39% |Reading 43% |Reading 48.6% |Reading/English – Reading recovery pull-outs; academic labs | |
|Science – 20% |Science – 23% |Science – 26.1% |Math – SSR tutoring, academic labs | |
| | | |11th grade – PLAN | |
|PLAN – 17.7 |PLAN – 18.0 |PLAN – 18.7 |Reading/English – SSR tutoring pull-outs | |
|English – 70.5% |English – 73.5% |English – 76.7% |Math – SSR tutoring pull-outs | |
|Math – 31.9% |Math – 35.0% |Math – 38% |12th grade – ACT | |
|Reading – 46% |Reading – 51% |Reading – 57.2% |Reading/English – Senior composition placement; COMPASS testing | |
|Science – 23.8% |Science – 28.3% |Science – 33% |Math – Intro to College Math, personal finance; KYOTE/COMPASS testing | |
| | | | | |
|EOC |EOC |EOC |Formative assessment multiple choice and constructed response exams – | |
|English II – 70% |English II – 75% |English II – 80% |scored, analyzed, and individual student monitoring/tutoring | |
|Algebra II- 62% |Algebra II- 65% |Algebra II – 70% | | |
|US History- 40% |US History- 45% |US History- 50% |Mock AP exam monitoring & study session involvement | |
|Biology- 60% |Biology- 65% |Biology- 70% | | |
| | | |Career major completors and KOSSA tests qualifying scores | |
|AP Qualifying scores-60% |AP Qualifying scores- 60% |AP Qualifying scores-60% | | |
|COMPASS |COMPASS |COMPASS |COMPASS benchmarks met through dual-credit and after interventions | |
|ASVAB |ASVAB |ASVAB |throughout senior year | |
|Industry certificates |Industry certificates |Industry certificates |Industry certificates awarded through ATC and CTE programs | |
| | | | | |
| | | |College readiness benchmark scores met: | |
| | | |MAP, PLAN, ACT, COMPASS, and EOC | |
|A. ACT/PLAN/EOC Quality Core: | | | | |
|1. Purchase Quality Core components (English I, |1. Re- purchase Quality Core components |1. Re-purchase Quality Core components (English I, | | |
|Algebra I, Chemistry, and Geometry) and create |(English I, Algebra I, Chemistry, and |Algebra I, Chemistry, and Geometry) and create | | |
|four-week benchmark assessments for those classes |Geometry) and create four-week benchmark |four-week benchmark assessments for those classes and | | |
|and state-assessed classes (Biology, English II, |assessments for those classes and |state-assessed classes (Biology, English II, Algebra | | |
|Algebra II) to determine college readiness. |state-assessed classes (Biology, English |II) to determine college readiness. | | |
|2. Train one-third of all Math, Science, and |II, Algebra II) to determine college | | | |
|English teachers in Laying the Foundation and/or |readiness. |2. All Math, Science, and English teachers will have | | |
|Quality Core training. | |participated in Laying the Foundation and/or Quality | | |
|3. Utilize Quality Core formative assessment pool |2. Two-thirds of all Math, Science, and |Core training. | | |
|items and benchmark assessments in core classes, as|English teachers will have participated in| | | |
|well as embed ACT/QC-like questions into all |Laying the Foundation and/or Quality Core |3. Continue programming featuring ACT, Quality Core, | | |
|assessments. |training. |AP, dual-credit opportunities—holding students | | |
|4. Establish curriculum document with Common Core,| |accountable at high levels and re-assessing annually. | | |
|Quality Core, and ACT College Readiness standards |3. Continue to train faculty with QC | | | |
|side by side with clear student-friendly learning |materials, utilize QC and ACT-like | | | |
|targets for teacher use in Standards Based Units. |assessment questions, and analyze student | | | |
|5. Use ACT Online Prep in classrooms, through |performance formatively. | | | |
|workshops, and by students individually to improve | | | | |
|ACT scores. |4. Continue programming featuring ACT, | | | |
|6. Integrate reading and math interventions for |AP, dual-credit opportunities—holding | | | |
|seniors who do not reach benchmarks to pass COMPASS|students accountable at high levels and | | | |
|test and keep them out of remedial college classes.|re-assessing annually. | | | |
|7. Continue 30 Point Club/recognition for ACT in | | | | |
|all tested areas and composite | | | | |
|8. Provide student incentives for ACT/PLAN/AP | | | | |
|testing efforts | | | | |
|9. Continue Kentucky Scholars and Advanced Kentucky| | | | |
|Scholar diploma tracks, identifying student | | | | |
|incentives and utilizing stakeholders in advising | | | | |
|process. | | | | |
|10. Maintain AP enrollment and above global score | | | | |
|ranking. | | | | |
|11. Continue to send all new AP teachers to AP | | | | |
|summer institutes and current teachers to updates | | | | |
|as needed. | | | | |
| | | | | |
|1. Increase communication and dual credit | | | | |
|opportunities for students through BCTC and Online | | | | |
|learning | | | | |
|2. Continue to use college readiness benchmarks as | | | | |
|criteria for admittance into Early College | | | | |
|3. Offer more dual credit options on campus through| | | | |
|trimester and prepare/recruit more ACHS teachers to| | | | |
|instruct – offer scholarship to teacher going back | | | | |
|to get Master’s in area and vetted to teach dual | | | | |
|credit | | | | |
|4. Educate students about taking and passing | | | | |
|COMPASS/KYOTE, college entrance exams | | | | |
|5. Train staff members to be proctors for college | | | | |
|entrance exams | | | | |
|6. Seek opportunities to maintain college coach | | | | |
|position, targeting 1st generation college students| | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
|1. Continue to require incoming freshmen to choose | | | | |
|career major in order to have more career major | | | | |
|completers in areas that take KOSSA testing and/or |CAREER READINESS: | | | |
|provide articulation agreements for college credit.|1. Continue to collaborate with CTE and | | | |
|2. Follow career majors 9th and 10th grade year; at|ATC staff to assess our current career | | | |
|the end of 10th grade, students would have option |measures and opportunities for students, | | | |
|to continue or drop the major for other coursework.|involving stakeholder input. | | | |
| | | | | |
|3. Attach ILP with career majors as 9th and 10th | |CAREER READINESS: | | |
|graders to individualize and maximize plans. | |Continue to collaborate with CTE and ATC staff to | | |
|4. Plan for work-based learning to career major in| |assess our current career measures and opportunities | | |
|order for students to experience true career | |for students, involving stakeholder input. | | |
|practicum experiences and maximize the course for | |Attach work-based learning to career major in order for| | |
|seniors. | |students to experience true career practicum | | |
|5. Plan for students earn career major certificate| |experiences and maximize the course for seniors. | | |
|upon completion of career major at awards ceremony,| |Plan for students earn career major certificate upon | | |
|much like Kentucky Scholars certificate. (2014-15) | |completion of career major at awards ceremony, much | | |
| | |like Kentucky Scholars certificate. (2014-15) | | |
|B. CAREER TESTING: | | | | |
|1. Require all seniors to take ASVAB during the | | | | |
|1st trimester. | | | | |
|2. Provide incentives for students taking KOSSA, | | | | |
|ACT Workkeys, and ASVAB tests – final exam | | | | |
|exemptions | | | | |
| | | | | |
|1. Implement Operation Preparation and community | | | | |
|members into advising process. | | | | |
|2. Continue advising process, allowing staff | | | | |
|members to meet with students individually three | | | | |
|times a year to discuss post-secondary plans, | | | | |
|choose best course of study, monitor credits, | | | | |
|challenge students, etc. | | | | |
|2. Utilize career majors and course of study | | | | |
|selection requirements in scheduling process to | | | | |
|educate students on CCR, ACT college admission | | | | |
|standards, scholarship standards | | | | |
|3. Utilize KHEAA Bus and educate students on “Go | | | | |
|Higher” accounts made available to seniors for | | | | |
|scholarship information. | | | | |
|4. Create pilot program through drop-out prevention| | | | |
|coordinator on expanding work-based learning | | | | |
|opportunities for at-risk students. | | | | |
|5. Collaborate with Harrodsburg Area Technical | | | | |
|Center to educate advisors/students on non-four | | | | |
|year degrees, vocational/technical centers, and | | | | |
|other career opportunities | | | | |
|6. Use ILP during the advising and scheduling | | | | |
|process | | | | |
|7. Provide College/Career fairs that include | | | | |
|sessions on mock interviewing, career training/work| | | | |
|etiquette, and resume writing | | | | |
|8. Utilize EPAS data to recruit more students to | | | | |
|take AP classes for rigor and college experience | | | | |
Value Statement 4 – Safety
Vision and Mission – Safe
(Discipline policies and procedures are in place and consistently followed to address bullying and inappropriate behavior at each school and department-transportation, food service, extra-curricular activities; Safety plans are in place at each school. Staff can implement safety plans for emergency situations; Alternative education plan an procedures are in place to address students who need additional support.
Goals: Decrease behaviors that are barriers to the educational process, i.e., attendance, discipline, and drop-outs.
|Strategies |Evidence of Success |Impact |
|Action Steps |How will we know that we are making progress? What data are we using to | |
|What steps are required to reach our goal? |measure? | |
| | |Has this activity had impact? How do we know? What |
| |Progress Monitoring/Benchmark |are the specific outcomes/reasons for progress and |
| | |success? What are the reasons expected impact did |
| | |not occur? |
|2012-2013 |2013-2014 |2014-2015 | | |
|TARGET BEHAVIORS |TARGET BEHAVIORS |TARGET BEHAVIORS |Behavior- monthly reports on referral numbers, including top offenses, and | |
|Total referrals- 2200 |Total referrals- 2100 |Total referrals- 2000 (12% reduction in 3 yrs.) |communication of that number with staff. | |
|Fights/Assaults - 9 |Fights/Assaults - 8 |Fights/Assaults - 7 | | |
|Drugs/Alcohol - 9 |Drugs/Alcohol - 8 |Drugs/Alcohol -7 |Attendance- Weekly/Monthly grade level attendance. | |
|Weapons - 1 |Weapons - 1 |Weapons - 1 | | |
|Bullying/threats - 9 |Bullying/threats - 8 |Bullying/threats - 7 |Ninth Grade Center- Bi-weekly 9th grade team meetings to discuss attendance,| |
| | | |behavior, and academic issues with 9th grade students. | |
|Attendance - 94% |Attendance – 95% |Attendance – 96% | | |
|Retention rate- 2% |Retention rate- 1.85% |Retention rate – 1.5% |Connectivity- monthly club day attendance, trimester mentoring | |
|Graduation rate – 88% |Graduation rate – 90% |Graduation rate – 92% |participation, trimester service participation. | |
|Drop-out rate – 1.56% |Drop-out rate – 1.46% |Drop-out rate – 1.36% | | |
|LOP 175 students |LOP 150 students |LOP 125 students |Ninth Grade Night Outs –participation | |
|TDP 20 phase II |TDP 17 phase II |TDP 14 phase II | | |
| | | | | |
|9th grade referrals - 850 |9th grade referrals - 820 |9th grade referrals - 790 | | |
|9th grade retention – 10% |9th grade retention – 8.5% |9th grade retention- 7% | | |
|9th grade retention w/ ................
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