Fairview Elementary School

Fairview Elementary School

Parent Handbook


Whether you are returning for another year at our school or you are new to our school….Welcome to Fairview Elementary School!

School Hours:

Doors will open at 7:20. Please do not drop your child off before 7:20.

7:40- Breakfast will begin being served

8:05- Breakfast doors will be closed

8:10- Classes begin- Your child will be counted tardy if they are not at school by the 8:10 bell

Please be sure you have your child at school before 8:00 if they are planning on eating breakfast. This will give them time to eat before the bell rings at 8:10.

3:10- Car rider bell

3:20- Bus rider bell- Children will go to gym until buses arrive


When dropping off your child each morning, please be sure your child has everything ready to go so they can get out of the car quickly and keep the line moving. A staff member will be outside each morning to help the flow of traffic and help children into the school safely. For the safety of everyone, please do not pass cars in front of you.

When picking up your child at the end of the day, you MUST have your school-assigned car rider tag in your window. Without this tag, you will need to come into the school office and check out your child. Please do not park and walk up and get your child from the car rider line. Everyone needs to go through the car rider line. If for some reason you must walk up to get your child due to an appointment time, please get your child from the front porch area and walk in to the office and sign out your child. After signing your child out, please exit out the side door on the first grade hallway.


Parents are encouraged to pay for breakfast and/or lunch at the beginning of each week so the children will have a balance on their accounts. Account balances will carry over each week. If a child is without money on their account and didn’t bring any money to pay for their meal, the child will still be allowed to eat that day. The cafeteria staff will alert the child that they need to bring in money for their charges and lunch. After three charges, the child will need to come to the office to call someone to either bring them lunch and/or money.

Student Prices:

Breakfast Prices: $1.00 Visitor lunch price: $3.75

Lunch Prices: $1.75

Parents are welcome to eat breakfast or lunch with their child. If seating is available with your child’s class, please sit at that table. If there are not enough seats at the table, please sit at the yellow table in the cafeteria with your child. Children are not allowed to sit at the yellow tables UNLESS they are accompanied by their parent.

Lunch times:

Preschool: 11:10-11:40

Mrs. Coker’s class and Mrs. Carringer’s class: 11:20-11:50

Possible new kindergarten class: 11:25-11:55

Mrs. Parrott’s and Mrs. Coffey/Yankee’s class: 11:35-12:05

Mrs. Cantrell’s class: 11:40-12:10

Mrs. Dayton’s and Mrs. Boshear’s class: 11:45-12:15

Mrs. Harmon’s and Mrs. Duncan’s class: 11:50-12:20

Mrs. Barrington’s and Mr. Comb’s class: 12:05-12:35

Mrs. Cummings and Mrs. William’s class: 12:15-12:45


It is the responsibility of the student to know the assignments/homework and turn it in on time. Students in 4th and 5th grade will be given a Student Planner to write down assignments. Each class will have a set of rules/expectations/consequences for poor behavior/not turning in work. Consequences may be, but aren’t limited to: Isolated Lunch, Missing recess, and time-out of the classroom in the office.

All students will be given a Fairview Elementary School Folder which will go home once a week with graded papers, important notes, etc. This will need to be brought back the next school day if at all possible.


Please be sure to bring in a parent note and/or doctor note if your child arrives late to school, checks out early from school, or is absent from school. As Code of Conduct states: Any time out of a school day is considered a tardy. The first six tardies are excusable by a parent note or by a parent signing the sign in/sign out sheet. After 6 tardies, a late check-in or early check-out can be excused only by a medical excuse, legal excuse, or at the principal’s discretion. A student who is tardy three times for an unexcused reason shall be assessed one unexcused absence.

If a student has 15 or more absences a semester or 20 or more during the school year, an attendance committee will meet with the parent to determine whether extenuating circumstances exist.

Each student needs to turn all notes into the teacher when they arrive at school. The notes are sent to the office each morning. All parent and doctor notes must be turned into the school within 3 school days of the child’s return to school.

Visitors in Building:

Between the hours of 7:20-3:30, all visitors must report to the office. If you need to talk to your child’s teacher, please DO NOT go to the teacher’s room. For the safety of the children, the teacher’s full attention needs to be on the children from the time they enter the classroom to the time the children are dismissed from school. . Teachers have been instructed to report the names of parents that are not abiding by this school rule. We are not trying to keep you from talking with your child’s teacher. This is very much encouraged. We are just asking that it not be during the hours that the teachers are supposed to be monitoring children and/or getting lessons together for the upcoming day. If you need to talk to your child’s teacher, please feel free to stop by the office. We will be sure the teacher gets the message to contact you during their planning period. It is crucial that we all work together to make this a safe school.

Please feel free to send an email to your child’s teacher. This is also a good way to keep the communication lines open on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. Teacher email addresses can be found on our school website: .


Access to Skyward is available with a Login ID and Password. If you do not know this information, please call the school and we will send home with your child the computer-generated Login ID and Password. We can’t give this information out over the phone. Once you are in Skyward, you can change your personal password to one of your choosing. You can use Skyward to check information concerning your child such as: Grades, cafeteria account balance, attendance, etc. Teachers will be adding information to their websites this year such as assignments, pictures, upcoming field trips, spelling words, project due dates, classroom newsletters/notes, etc.

Smoking on School Campus:

Anderson County Board Policy states that smoking is prohibited at educational facilities. Educational Facilities are defined as all buildings and grounds within each respective school campus. Fairview Elementary School is a smoke and tobacco free campus. This includes the parking lot.

Dress Code:

• Flip flops aren’t allowed at FES, however, Crocs or Croc-like shoes with a back or sandals with a back strap are allowed at school. Tennis shoes are encouraged.

• Shirts and blouses must completely cover abdomen, back, shoulders, and chest,

• Clothing must not display: Racial or ethnic slurs/symbols, vulgar or sexually suggestive language or images AND clothing should not promote products that students may not legally buy such as alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs.

• No holes or frays are allowed in pants. Holes must be permanently patched.

Violence, Threatened Violence, Bullying/Intimidation:

As stated in the Code of Conduct: A student will not use violence, threats, force, coercion, intimidation, fear, passive resistance, or any other conduct that causes the disruption, interference or obstruction of any school purpose; nor shall any student acting alone or with others direct against any other student any intentional or reckless act that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of that student.

Students shall be provided a safe learning environment. It shall be a violation for any student to bully, intimidate, or create a hostile educational environment for another student.

These prohibitions apply while on school property, in school vehicles or buses, or at any school-sponsored activity.

Money/Notes to School:

When sending in school notes for your child, please be sure to include the child’s full name, date, and teacher’s name.

When sending in money:

When sending a check, please use the memo line at the bottom of the check to write child’s full name and the purpose of the check (for example: yearbook, field trip, lunch money, etc.).

When paying in cash, please put the money in an envelope labeled with your child’s full name, amount, and purpose of the money (cafeteria, field trip, yearbook, etc)

School Breakfast/Lunch Menu:

Please check our school website for this information: . The menu is located on the left side under News & Events- Just click on ‘Lunchroom’.

Fairview Elementary PTO:

Our PTO officers for the upcoming 2010-2011 year:

Elizabeth McMurray-President

Terri McCall- Vice President

Christy Horne- Secretary/Communication Office

Tammy Milen- Treasurer

Feel free to check out the PTO FES Facebook Page or email them at


PTO meetings will be held once every 4-6 weeks. PTO meeting times will be at 3:30 or 6:00. It will alternate each meeting. Dates/Times will be announced.

School T-Shirts/Apparel:

School shirts/apparel will be available for purchase again this year, but with a different company and look of the shirts. The school is not making any money off the sales, but we wanted to offer this service to anyone that wanted school apparel. Brochures will go home the first week of school with the items available and the price of each item. Checks will be made payable to Spirit and Pride. Apparel will arrive in 2-4 weeks in an individual bag with your child’s name on the front of the bag.


The parent/guardian of a student with allergic reactions to insect bites/stings must provide the written medication order form from the physician, dentist, or nurse practitioner with signed parent consent for use of prescription drugs, inhalants, and over-the-counter drugs, including lotions, salves, and ointments.

The parent/guardian must notify the principal immediately upon knowledge that a student has diabetes.

The parent/guardian must provide a current professionally labeled bottle from a pharmacist for prescription drugs.

The parent/guardian must provide an unopened bottle with the student’s name on the bottle for over-the-counter medications.

All medications brought onto school property must be taken to the principal’s or nurse’s office and be administered by the school nurse or self-administered with assistance from the principal, nurse, or principal designee after he/she has received appropriate training.

The parent/guardian must bring the medicine to school and must pick up any unused medicine at school. Student possession of any medication is strictly forbidden. A student may be allowed to have in his/her possession certain specific emergency medication (Epi-pen, inhaler, etc.) after completion of the following: a. written documentation and a prescription from that student’s physician; b. signed parent/guardian permission; c. consultation and approval by the school nurse.

Fairview Elementary School Upcoming Important Dates

August 9- First full day of school for students

August 31- First PTO Meeting 3:30

Sept. 1- Coupon Book Sale Begins- This fundraiser and an Otis Spunkmeyer cookie sale fundraiser in October will be the only fundraisers we have this year. This will help provide funds for new playground equipment and a promethean board for our school. (PTO may have a fundraiser in the spring- Money raised would go to the PTO- the PTO uses funds to help the school/teachers)

Sept. 6- Labor Day- No School

Sept. 7-13- Book Fair

Sept. 9- Open House/Parent Meetings/Title 1 Meeting- Classroom meetings will be offered two times- 5:30 and 6:00- Annual Title 1 Meeting will be at 6:30 in cafeteria.

Sept. 10- Midterm/Progress Reports Go Home

Sept. 13- Grandparents Day Lunch

October- Fall Carnival- Dates/Times to be announced at a later time

October 6- Parent Conferences- 3:30-6:30

October 8- First Grading Period Ends

October 11-15- Fall Break

October 18- Otis Spunkmeyer cookie fundraiser sale kicks off

October 22- Grade Cards Go Home

October 29- End of cookie sale

November 2- No School- Inservice Day for Staff

November 11- Veteran’s Day Breakfast in the library at 8:30- Children related to Veteran’s can come join them for a short program in the library at 9:15 (songs, poems, etc). Veteran’s Celebratory Walk around school at 9:45. All classrooms will be lining the halls to show their appreciation for our Veterans.

November 12- Midterm/Progress Reports Go Home

November 18- Thanksgiving Lunch at FES (Tentative date)

November 24-26- Thanksgiving Break- No School


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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