Before the - Federal Communications Commission

Before the

Federal Communications Commission

Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of )


Requests for Review of )

Decisions of the )

Universal Service Administrator by )


Acadia Parish School District ) File No. SLD-138914

Crowley, Louisiana )


Aikahi Elementary School ) File No. SLD-142759

Honolulu, Hawaii )


Anderson School ) File No. SLD-133664

Staatsburg, New York )


Austin Independent School District ) File No. SLD-142935

Austin, Texas )


Bacon County School District ) File No. SLD-172671

Alma, Georgia )


Baldwin Public Library ) File No. SLD-140060

Baldwin, New York )


Boone County Schools ) File No. SLD-199596

Madison, West Virginia )


Brockton Public Schools ) File No. SLD-149481

Brockton, Massachusetts )


Buffalo and Erie County Public Library ) File No. SLD-137691

Buffalo, New York )


Carl Schurz High School ) File No. SLD-143629

Chicago, Illinois )


Caribou School District ) File No. SLD-148247

Caribou, Maine )


Cheney Public School District ) File No. SLD-142969

Cheney, Washington )


Clarion-Goldfield Community School District ) File No. SLD-184888

Clarion, Iowa )


Cotulla Independent School District ) File No. SLD-150101

Cotulla, Texas )


Corpus Christi Independent School District ) File No. SLD-180054

Corpus Christi, Texas )


Craig City Schools ) File No. SLD-166840

Craig, Alaska )


Crown King Public Library ) File No. SLD-173850

Crown King, Arizona )


Delano Elementary School District ) File No. SLD-124472

Delano, California )


De Kalb County School System ) File No. SLD-153570

Decatur, Georgia )


Education Consortium for Lakeside Youth ) File No. SLD-118542

Services )

Fort Washington, Georgia )


Enchanted Lake Elementary ) File No. SLD-142755

Honolulu, Hawaii )


Fairfax County Public Library ) File No. SLD-153862

Fairfax, Virginia )


Folsom Cordova Unified School District ) File Nos. SLD-152091, SLD-

Folsom, California ) 152093, SLD-152094, SLD-152126,

) SLD-152128


Fort Wayne Community School District ) File No. SLD-160143

Fort Wayne, Indiana )


Henderson Free Library ) File No. SLD-151107

Henderson, New York )


Hood River County School District ) File No. SLD-148907

Hood River, Oregon )


Jackson County ) File No. SLD-201189

Marianna, Florida )


Kaneohe Elementary ) File No. SLD-143123

Honolulu, Hawaii )


Keolu Elementary ) File No. SLD-142877

Honolulu, Hawaii )


Kerman Unified School District ) File Nos. SLD-141904

Kerman, California )


Kyle Community Library ) File No. SLD-154065

Kyle, Texas )


Lake County Schools ) File Nos. SLD-200217, SLD-

Tavares, Florida ) 200173


Little Miami Local School District ) File No. SLD-153675

Morrow, Ohio )


Livingston Parish School District ) File No. SLD-144581

Livingston, Louisiana )


Manhasset Union Free School District ) File No. SLD-136937

Westbury, New York )


Marion County ) File No. SLD-138811

Ocala, Florida )


Mercer County School District ) File No. SLD-160177

Princeton, West Virginia )


Miami-Dade County ) File Nos. SLD-200364, SLD-

Miami, Florida ) 200137, SLD-200498, SLD-

) 201317, SLD-200350, SLD-200412


New Albany-Floyd County School Corporation ) File No. SLD-133549

New Albany, Indiana )


Niu Valley Intermediate ) File No. SLD-142929

Honolulu, Hawaii )


Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction ) File No. SLD-146789

Olympia, Washington )


Old Town School Department ) File No. SLD-142237

Old Town, Maine )

Parrottsville Community Library ) File No. SLD-179326

Parrottsville, Tennessee )


Pinellas County Schools ) File No. SLD-152562

Largo, Florida )


Rib Lake School District ) File No. SLD-153280

Rib Lake, Wisconsin )


Ritchie County Schools ) File No. SLD-200227

Harrisville, West Virginia )


Shawnee Library System ) File No. SLD-147437

Carterville, Illinois )


Simpson County School District (2) ) File No. SLD-163572



Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School ) File No. SLD-149993

San Diego, California )


Somerton School District No. 11 ) File Nos. SLD-148778,

Somerton, Arizona ) SLD-153067


Spartanburg County School District Six ) File No. SLD-140859

Spartanburg, South Carolina )


St. John the Baptist ) File No. SLD-181667

Petersburg, Nebraska )


Tomahawk School District ) File No. SLD-183249

Tomahawk, Wisconsin )


Torah High School of Long Beach ) File No. SLD-137640

Long Beach, California )


Visitation Academy ) File No. SLD-147758

Bay City, Michigan )


Waikiki Elementary ) File No. SLD-142919,

Honolulu, Hawaii ) NEC.471.02-17-00.07200005


Wells Public Library ) File No. SLD-144481

Wells, Maine )


West Shore Community College ) File No. SLD-74627

Scottville, Michigan )


Wetzel County School District ) File No. SLD-161553

New Martinsville, West Virginia )


Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service ) CC Docket No. 96-45


Changes to the Board of Directors of the ) CC Docket No. 97-21

National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc. )


Adopted: September 1, 2000 Released: September 5, 2000

By the Accounting Policy Division, Common Carrier Bureau:

The Accounting Policy Division (Division) has under consideration the above-captioned requests for review of decisions issued by the Schools and Libraries Division of the Universal Service Administrative Company (Administrator).[1] These requests seek review of decisions issued by the Schools and Libraries Division of the Universal Service Administrative Company (Administrator).[2]

The Commission’s rules provide that the Common Carrier Bureau (Bureau) must issue a decision resolving a request for review of matters properly before it within ninety days unless the time period is extended.[3] The Bureau requires additional time to review the issues presented. Accordingly, we extend by an additional sixty (60) days the deadline by which the Bureau must take action regarding the instant requests for review of decisions by the Schools and Libraries Division.

Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to section 54.724(a) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 54.724(a), that the time period for taking action in the above-captioned requests for review of decisions by the Schools and Libraries Division IS EXTENDED BY an additional sixty days, to November 21, 2000, for Acadia Parish School District, Crowley, Louisiana; to November 7, 2000, for Aikahi Elementary School, Honolulu, Hawaii; to November 24, 2000, for Anderson School, Staatsburg, New York; to November 10, 2000 for Austin Independent School District, Austin, Texas; to November 3, 2000, Bacon County School District, Alma, Georgia; to November 27, 2000, for Baldwin Public Library, Baldwin, New York; to November 14, 2000, for Boone County Schools, Madison, West Virginia; to November 14, 2000, for Brockton Public Schools, Brockton, Massachusetts; to November 14, 2000, for Buffalo and Erie County Public Library, Buffalo, New York; to November 17, 2000, for Carl Shurz High School, Chicago, Illinois; to November 14, 2000, for Caribou School District, Caribou, Maine; to November 10, 2000, for Cheney Public School District, Cheney, Washington; to November 10, 2000, for Clarion-Goldfield Community School District, Clarion, Iowa; to November 13, 2000, for Corpus Christi Independent School District; to November 10, 2000, for Cotulla Independent School District, Cotulla, Texas; to November 13, 2000, for Craig City Schools, Craig, Alaska; to November 13, 2000, for Crown King Public Library, Crown King, Arizona; to November 17, 2000, for De Kalb County School System, Decatur, Georgia; to November 6, 2000, Delano Elementary School District, Delano, California; to November 17, 2000, for Education Consortium for Lakeside Youth Services, Fort Washington, Georgia; to November 17, 2000, for Enchanted Lake Elementary, Honolulu, Hawaii; to November 14, 2000, for Fairfax County Public Library, Fairfax, Virginia; to November 7, 2000, for Folsom Cordova Unified School District, Folsom, California; to December 1, 2000, for Fort Wayne Community School District, Fort Wayne, Indiana; to November 7, 2000, for Henderson Free Library, Henderson, New York; to November 21, 2000, for Hood River County School District, Hood River, Oregon; to November 7, 2000, for Jackson County, Marianna, Florida; to November 14, 2000, for Kaneohe Elementary, Honolulu, Hawaii; to November 14, 2000, for Keolu Elementary, Honolulu, Hawaii; to November 13, 2000, for Kerman Unified School District, Kerman, California; to November 21, 2000, for Kyle Community Library, Kyle, Texas; to November 14, 2000, for Lake County Schools, Tavares, Florida; to November 21, 2000, for Livingston Parish School District, Livingston, Louisiana; to November 14, 2000, for Little Miami Local School District, Morrow, Ohio; to November 24, 2000, for Manhasset Union Free School District, Westbury, New York; to November 14, 2000, for Marion County, Ocala, Florida; to November 11, 2000, for Mercer County School District, Princeton, West Virginia; to November 3, 2000, for Miami-Dade County, Miami, Florida (SLD-200412); to November 10, 2000, for Miami-Dade County, Miami, Florida (SLD-200364, SLD-200137, SLD-200498, SLD-201317, SLD-200350); to November 24, 2000, for New Albany-Floyd County School Corporation; to November 14, 2000, for Niu Valley Intermediate, Honolulu, Hawaii; to November 28, 2000, for Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, Olympia, Washington; to November 28, 2000, for Old Town School Department, Old Town, Maine; to November 13, 2000, for Parrottsville Community Library, Parrottsville, Tennessee; to November 28, 2000, for Pinellas County Schools, Largo, Florida; to November 28, 2000, for Rib Lake School District, Rib Lake, Wisconsin; to November 3, 2000, Ritchie County Schools, Harrisville, West Virginia; to November 3, 2000, Shawnee Library System, Carterville, Illinois; to November 20, 2000, for Simpson County School District (2); to November 6, 2000, for Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School; to November 7, 2000, for Somerton School District No. 11, Somerton, Arizona (SLD-148778); to November 17, 2000, for Somerton School District No. 11, Somerton, Arizona (SLD-153064); to November 7, 2000, for Spartanburg County School District Six, Spartanburg, South Carolina; to November 14, 2000, for Springfield Public Schools, Springfield, Massachusetts; to November 17, 2000, for St. John the Baptist, Petersburg, Nebraska; to November 21, 2000, for Tomahawk School District, Tomahawk, Wisconsin; to November 24, 2000, for Torah High School of Long Beach, Long Beach, New York; to November 20, 2000, for Visitation Academy, Bay City, Michigan; to November 14, 2000, for Waikiki Elementary, Honolulu, Hawaii (SLD-142919); to December 1, 2000, for Waikiki Elementary, Honolulu, Hawaii (NEC.471.02-17-00.07200005); to November 6, 2000, Wells Public Library, Wells, Maine; to November 17, 2000, for West Shore Community College; and to November 7, 2000, for Wetzel County School District, New Martinsville, West Virginia.


Sharon L. Webber

Deputy Chief, Accounting Policy Division

Common Carrier Bureau


[1] Letter from Mary Robbins, Acadia Parish School Board, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 26, 2000; Letter from Les Goto, Hawaii State Department of Education (on behalf Aikahi Elementary School), to the Federal Communications Commission, filed May 15, 2000; Request for Review By Anderson School of Decision of the Universal Service Administrator, CC Docket Nos. 96-45 and 97-21, Request for Review, filed May 30, 2000; Request for Review By Austin Independent School District of Decision of the Universal Service Administrator, CC Docket Nos. 96-45 and 97-21, Request for Review, filed June 13, 2000; Letter from Shane Bennett, Bacon County School District, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 9, 2000; Letter from Barbara Hopkins, Baldwin Public Library, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 31, 2000; Letter from Gary D. Sumpter, Boone County Schools, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 19, 2000; Letter from David H. Kimball, Brockton Public Schools, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 22, 2000; Letter from Kenneth H. Stone, Buffalo and Erie County Public Library, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 19, 2000; Letter from Joan M. Harris, Carl Shurz High School, to Federal Communications Commission, filed April 28, 2000; Letter from Lynn McNeal, Caribou School District, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 18, 2000; Letter from David Sackville-West, Cheney Public School District, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 16, 2000; Letter from Clarion-Goldfield, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 14, 2000; Letter from John Ristaino, Cotulla Independent School District, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 14, 2000; Letter from Darrell M. Johnson, Craig City Schools, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 17, 2000; Letter from Susan Hite, Crown King Public Library, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 17, 2000; Letter from Bette Swilley, De Kalb County Schools, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 22, 2000; Letter from Ronald Garcia, Delano Union Elementary School District, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 9, 2000; Letter from Ronald McClay, Education Consortium for Lakeside Youth Services, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 22, 2000; Letter from Nathaniel Hawthorne, counsel for Fort Wayne Community School District, to Federal Communications Commission, filed July 5, 2000; Letter from Les Goto, Hawaii State Department of Education (on behalf of Enchanted Lake Elementary), to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 23, 2000; Letter from W. Joseph Coleman Jr., Fairfax County Public Library, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 22, 2000; Letter from Kelly J. Calhoun, Folsom Cordova Unified School District, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 15, 2000; Letter from Corpus Christi Independent School District, filed June 16, 2000; Letter from Yvonne Reff, Henderson Free Library, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 12, 2000; ne 12, 2000; Letter from Robert Freeman, Hood River County School District, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 25, 2000; Letter from Frank E. Waller, Jackson County, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 12, 2000; Letter from Les Goto, Hawaii State Department of Education (on behalf of Kaneohe Elementary), to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 24, 2000; Letter from Les Goto, Hawaii State Department of Education (on behalf of Keolu Elementary), to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 19, 2000; Letter from Larry Teixeira, Kerman Unified School District, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 17, 2000; Letter from Ed Greene, Kyle Community Library, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 26, 2000; Letter from David Coggshall, Lake County Schools, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 19, 2000; Letter from George Long, Little Miami Local School District, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 18, 2000; Letter from J. Rogers Pope, Livingston Parish School Board, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 26, 2000; Letter from Winston E. Himsworth, E-Rate Central (Manhasset Union Free School District), to Federal Communications Commission, filed April 3, 2000; Letter from Doug Joiner, Marion County, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 18, 2000; Letter from Nathaniel Hawthorne, counsel for Mercer County School District, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 7, 2000; Letter from Helen Blanch, Miami-Dade County, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 16, 2000; Letter from Anthony Machado, Miami-Dade County, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 7, 2000; Letter from New Castle Community Schools, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 20, 2000; Letter from Dennis A. Cahill, New Albany-Floyd County School Corporation, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 30, 2000; Letter from Les Goto, Hawaii State Department of Education (on behalf of Niu Valley Intermediate), to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 24, 2000; Letter from Clare Donahue, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 2, 2000; Letter from Richard M. Beaudoin, Old Town School Department, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 1, 2000; Letter from Judy Myers, Parrottsville Community Library, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 16, 2000; Letter from Bob Liles, Pinellas County Schools, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 1, 2000; Letter from Robert L. Anderson, Rib Lake School District, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 2, 2000; Letter from Deanna Poole Ammons, Ritchie County Schools, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 8, 2000; Letter from Shawnee Library System, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 7, 2000; Letter from Simpson County School District, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 23, 2000; Letter from Simcha Weiser, Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 9, 2000; Letter from Robert Cassidy, Somerton School District 11, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 12, 2000 (regarding SLD-148778); Letter from Robert Cassidy, Somerton School District 11, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 22, 2000 (regarding SLD-153064); Letter from Robert E. Pettis, Spartanburg County School District Six, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 15, 2000; Letter from Peter J. Negroni, Springfield Public Schools, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 15, 2000; Letter from Jean Reicks, St. John the Baptist, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 23, 2000; Letter from Lin Kautza, Tomahawk School District, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 26, 2000; Torah High School of Long Beach, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 27, 2000; Letter from Visitation Academy, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 24, 2000; Letter from Les Goto Hawaii State Department of Education (on behalf of Waikiki Elementary), to Federal Communication Commission, filed May 24, 2000; Letter from Les Goto Hawaii State Department of Education (on behalf of Waikiki Elementary), to Federal Communication Commission, filed May 24, 2000 (regarding SLD-142919); Letter from Sandra Broomfield, Wells Public Library, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 9, 2000; Letter from Deborah Luskin, West Shore Community College, to Federal Communications Commission, filed June 20, 2000; Letter from Nathaniel Hawthorne, Wetzel County School District, to Federal Communications Commission, filed May 15, 2000.

[2] Section 54.719(c) of the Commission's rules provides that any person aggrieved by an action taken by a division of the Administrator may seek review from the Commission. 47 C.F.R. § 54.719(c).

[3] 47 C.F.R. § 54.724(a). The Accounting Policy Division previously extended, by 30 days, the time period in which to consider certain of the above-captioned requests for review. See Request for Review of Decisions by the Universal Service Administrator by Acadia Parish School District, Crowley, Louisiana et. al, Federal State Board on Universal Service, Changes to the Board of Directors of the National Exchange Carrier Association, Inc., CC Docket Nos. 96-45, 97-21, DA 00-1855 (rel. August 18, 2000).


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