Overall Division Rules

Overall Division RulesSECTION: PLAYER EQUIPMENT The referee shall not permit any team member to wear equipment or apparel, which is dangerous to other players or themselves. Examples of illegal items include, but are not limited to: 1.) A guard, cast, or brace made of hard or unyielding leather, plaster, pliable plastic, metal or any other hard substance-even though covered with soft padding when worn on the elbow, hand, finger, wrist, or forearm; 2.) Head decorations and headwear, except for a headband no wider than 2 inches and made of nonabrasive, unadorned, single colored cloth, elastic, fiber or soft rubber. Rubber, cloth or elastic bands may be worn to control hair, but not on wrists; 3.) Jewelry of any kind, except earring studs.SECTION: PLAYER AND COACHES ELIGIBILITY AND CONDUCT 1: The date that is be used to determine players playing age shall be July 31st of the current year. Players turning 18 on or before August 1st will be ineligible to play. Players must also be in good standing withenrollment in a public or private high school. Home schooling is permitted with permission from the Athletic Director.2: Each player must furnish a birth certificate or appropriate proof of birth date and have an up to date physical (coaches will keep copy) 3: All coaches must remain in front of their team bench or be subjected to a technical foul. 4: Any player receiving a direct technical foul in the first half of a game isSuspended for the remainder of the game (1st and 2nd half).5: Any player receiving a direct technical foul in the second half of a gameIs suspended for the remainder of that game and the first half or his Next game.6: Any team receiving two direct technical foul during a game will forfeit that game. The two direct technicals can be on a coach(s), player(s) or one on each. The coach/player or both receiving the technicals thatcauses a team to forfeit must meet with the Athletic Director before the team can participate in the next scheduled game. At that meeting it will be decided if any further action would be warranted. Any team forfeiting two games because of technicals will automatically be suspended for 2 games and will not be eligible for post season play. Any team that forfeits three games because of technicals will be suspended for the rest of the season. Any coach/player that receives a total of 2 direct technicals during a season will be suspend for the next two games. Any coach/player that receives 3 direct technical during a season will be suspended for the remainder of that season.NOTE: Any person receiving a game suspension may not partake in any team activities including, but not limited to, sitting on the bench or coaching from the stands. 7: Any player participating in a violent act, such as fighting, biting, kicking, swinging at another player, etc., shall receive a minimum 5 game suspension on the first offense and permanent dismissal from the league on the second offense. A technical foul must be called on the player. If warranted a player may be dismissed from the league immediately.8: Any player or coach under the influence of alcohol or any other illegal drug, participating in any game or practice, shall be dismissed from the league immediately.9: A team must have five players in order to start a game. A team will be allowed a grace period of ten minutes from the scheduled starting time of the game to comply with this requirement. After this time period the game will be a forfeit. The team forfeiting will have the option to play two 10 minute periods with officiating, but the scorebook will not be kept. 10: Coaches are required to furnish the full names of all players and coaches, on the proper form, to the scorekeepers at least five minutes before game time. 11: Only one Head Coach and one Assistant Coach shall be allowed on the team bench during a game. Only one coach can be standing at anytime.Coaches should be coaching players and not officiating. Any coach questioning officiating is subject to a direct technical foul.12: Overtime period will be a 1 minute period (1st only). On the 2nd overtime period will be a sudden death period (first team scores wins). If not team has scored in the period (sudden death 1 minute), each team will be awarded 1 free throw (must be different shooter each time) until a winner is decided.13: A team roster may have up to 10 players. No one may be added to a roster without approval from the Athletic Director. A player must participate in over 50% of the league games to be eligible for post season play (senior division). A player can only be listed on one roster and play for one team in any division(s).14: After the final horn of a game it is completed. No changes or protests are allowed. Protests can only be made on eligibility of a player or rules violation during the contest. No protests can be made on judgment calls or officiating. The Athletic Director has final decision on any protest.15: A coach that knowingly plays an ineligible player or knowingly violates a league rule is subject to suspension or termination.16: Playing an ineligible player or violation of leagues rules will result in automatic forfeit of game.17: Coaches are responsible for conduct of parents/fans. Coaches will be asked to help control conduct that is not becoming of good sportsmanship. A parent/fan’s conduct can result in an indirect technical foul being assessed to a team and could cause forfeit of game if so warranted. The Athletic Director reserves the right to remove anyone from the gym that does not comply with these requests.18: There shall be a 5-minute or less half time intermission for each game and 5 minutes between games. Any game beginning earlier than the scheduled time must be agreed upon by both coaches. ................

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