Tennessee State Government

IDEA WRITTEN ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLAINT# 19-44Name of the school system: Williamson County Schools (WCS)Description of the violations:WCS failed to provide Student with an appropriate individualized education program (IEP); WCS failed to implement Student’s behavior intervention plan (BIP) on the bus; andWCS denied Student a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) Description of the law or regulation determined to be violated: 34 C.F.R. §300.324 Development, review, and revision of IEP 34 CFR 300.320 Definition of an IEP 34 C.F.R. §300.17 FAPE SBE Rule 0520-01-09-.05. FAPEWCS must correct these violations by implementing the following corrective actions:Provide training for all appropriate staff on the aforementioned regulations no later than 4/15/20; Within ten (10) days of completion of training, provide the department with an agenda, content, and sign-in sheets as documentation of appropriate training content and appropriate staff participation;Convene an IEP meeting within 10 days of receipt of this letter and review Student’s IEP: a. discuss the need for any additional assessments relevant to determining Student’s present levels of performance (PLEPs);b. based on PLEPs, create or revise measurable annual goals (MAGs) for Student;c. review BIP for continued behavioral support of Student and discuss a plan for ensuring that the BIP is fully implemented in the bus setting;d. review service times listed to ensure that they do not exceed the allotted school day hours; ande. discuss whether compensatory services are needed based on the failure of the IEP to accurately reflect Student’s PLEPs and to create updated and appropriate MAGs prior to the 12/11/19 IEP meeting;Within fifteen (15) days after the IEP meeting, provide documentation to the department of the IEP team decisions and discussions required under step #3;Within ten (10) days of completion of this meeting, provide documentation to the department of the IEP team decisions regarding IEP revisions and decision regarding compensatory services; andWithin ten (10) days of completion of all required compensatory services, WCS must send to the department final signed documentation from Complainant verifying completion. Final determination of the department: The Department will monitor and document WCS compliance with corrective measures ordered. ................

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