2017-2018 Bill 1238 Text of Previous Version (May 8, 2018 ...

A SENATE RESOLUTIONTO CONGRATULATE DEBORAH POLSON ANDERSON OF KERSHAW COUNTY UPON THE OCCASION OF HER RETIREMENT FROM THE SOUTH CAROLINA STATE LIBRARY, TO COMMEND HER FOR HER MORE THAN THIRTYNINE YEARS OF EXEMPLARY SERVICE TO THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, AND TO WISH HER CONTINUED SUCCESS IN ALL HER FUTURE ENDEAVORS.Whereas, the members of the South Carolina Senate are pleased to recognize Deborah Anderson upon the occasion of her retirement on May 16, 2018; andWhereas, in her thirtynine year career with the South Carolina State Library, Deborah has worked for every State Library Director to date. She has been a dedicated and loyal state servant and has performed the duties and responsibilities of her position admirably, consistently going above and beyond expectations and the call of duty; andWhereas, Deborah has been a steadfast pillar in her community of Kershaw and in her church home, Oak Ridge Baptist Church; andWhereas, she has been married to Jerry Anderson for thirtyfive years, and from their union, four children and seven grandchildren have been born; andWhereas, the members of the Senate are grateful for the many years of service and devotion that Deborah Anderson has given to the State Library and the State of South Carolina. The members take immense pleasure in wishing Deborah well as she enters retirement and trusts that she will find much enjoyment in her grandchildren and the more leisurely pace of the days ahead. Now, therefore,Be it resolved by the Senate:That the members of the South Carolina Senate, by this resolution, congratulate Deborah Polson Anderson of Kershaw County upon the occasion of her retirement from the South Carolina State Library, commend her for her more than thirtynine years of exemplary service to the State of South Carolina, and wish her continued success in all her future endeavors.Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be presented to Deborah P. Anderson.XX ................

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