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NETCONG - Mrs. Anna Romano of 137 Ledgewood Avenue died October 29 at St. Clare's Hospital in DenvUle. She was 82. Services will be


WASHINGTON - Services were held Saturday morning in the DeVoe Funeral Home, Washington for Mrs. Eva Kent, 88, of 204 Broad St.,



BELVIDERE - Clifford B. HOPE - John L. MacVicar,

Fowler, 92, of Belvidere R. D. 1 86, of Shiloh Road, Hope, a

who died Thursday shortly after retired farmer, died Monday in

admission to Warren Hospital, the Allentown, Pa., Hospital

owned the Hobson Printing Co., after a short illness.

David E. Sliker Killed In Blairstown Accident

Dawn Kristiau Andes

Ronald Mark Michalski

conducted from the Pichi Washington, who died Wed- 16th and Butler Street, Wilson, Born in Rahway, he was a son

Funeral Home in Stanhope at nesday in Warren Hospital after from 1907 to 1945.

of the late John and Katherine BLAIRSTOWN - Services Sliker's body wasn't severly

9:15 a.m. today (Thursday), a long illness.

While operating the Hobson Fuhr MacVicar. He had lived in were held Tuesday from the burned and neither was the car.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Joseph followed by a Mass of the Born in Oxford, she was a Company, opened a second Hope 50 years.

Raymond H. Konkle Funeral The origin of the fire on Bilker'a

Andes Jr. of Sherwood Park, Michalski of 129 Roosevelt Resurrection at St. Michael's daughter of the late George and business -- Ecclesiastical His wife, the former Augusta Home, Blairstown, for David E. body wasn't determined.

Long Valley, announce the birth Avenue, Hackettstown, anof their second child on October nounce the birth of their third 24 at Hackettstown Community son, Ronald Mark, at Hospital. Named Dawn Hackettstown Community Kristian, the infant weighed Hospital on October 23.

Church at 10 a.m. Interment will be at Gates of Heaven Cemetery in East Hanover.

Born March 20,1891 in Cesa, Italy, Mrs. Romano was a

Sarah Blessing Hartman.

Press-specializing in religious

She was a member of the cards.

Washington United Methodist In 1947, he sold both

Church and a past matron of the operations and helped his

Eastern Star Chapter in brother Earl set up a print shop

Sager, died in 1964.

Sliker, 20, Wishing Well Road,

Survivors include a son, John, Blairstown, who was killed

Blairstown, R.D. 4; four early Saturday in a one-car

daughters, Mrs. Pearl Wisner, accident on Route 94, Blair-

Blairstown, R.D.; Township.

Born in Stroudsburg, Pa. hf was a son of Mrs. Doris Kinney Sliker of Blairstown and the late. Andrew Sliker.

five pounds, nine ounces.

The infant weighed seven daughter of the late Frank and Irvington.

at 1000 S. Main St., Phillip- Margaret Davis, and Mrs. June State Police at Blairstown He was a 1972 graduate of

The Andes' other child is pounds, seven ounces and joins Rose Perfetti Puco. She had Her husband, Floyd H. Kent, sburg. He bought the business Holderith, both Tolleson, Ariz., said Sliker's eastbound car North Warren Regional Hi#:

Karen, two and a half.

brothers Joseph Jr., three; and lived in Netcong most of her life died in 1981.

and moved it to Belvidere Road, and Mrs. Hope Leone, Rahway; flipped on its roof, skidded a School, Blairstown, and had.

Mrs. Andes is the former Miss David, 22 months.

and was a member of the Survivors include a sister, Harmony Township, in 1980. two brothers, Frank, Blair- distance, and the victim was worked as a carpenter.

Patricia Lee Gares, daughter of Mrs. Michalski is the former Rosary Society of St. Michael's Mrs. Anna Denman, Dunedin, The Wayside Press operation stown, R D , and William, Point thrown out onto the roadway in Surviving, in addtton to his

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gares of Miss Mary Dannaf, daughter of Church. Her husband Paul is Fla.; a halfsister, Mrs. Helen specialized in antique type for Pleasant; a sister, Mrs. Pearl the westbound lanes.

mother, are five sisters, Mrs.

Long Valley. The baby's Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dannaf of deceased,

Haebrle and a halfbrother, cards and pamphlets for an- Stevenson, Titusville, Fla.; 15 Police said a passing Jacquelyn Dautista, Morris

paternal grandparents are Mr. Hackettstown. Paternal Survivors include four sons, Minard Womelsdorf, both of tique dealers.

grandchildren and 13 great- motortist found Sliker's body a Planins; Mrs. Linda Sipley,

and Mrs. Donald E. Andes of grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P., Michael J., William Union Beach; a granddaughter Services were held at the grandchildren.

flame on the roadway and Sussex; Mrs. Mabel Klaver,

Catawissa, Pa.

Norman Glenn

Perrine Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Glenn Perrine of Mansfield Village,

Hackettstown, announce the




2, L6


?Hhalclkde, AttsStoOwnn'

Community Hospital Named

Normani GlennJr., the baby weighed eight pounds, 3 ^


Paternal grandparents are

MWra.sahnidngMtorns. Earnndest Pmearrteinrenoafl

SSSTSS^'^IS; BHroiwdgaer.d Conover of High

''? B e t h a n y L y n n

Man no

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Manno of 3 Bell's Lane, Hackettstown, on October 25 at Hackettstown Community Hospital. Named Bethany Lynn, she weighed nine pounds, 2V2 ounces.

The infant joins a half brother, John, eight; and half sister, Dawn, six.

Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fortunato Manno of 205 East Baldwin Street, Hackettstown. Maternal grandparents are deceased.

White Township Needs M i c h e l l e M a r i e


Anthony ("Tony") Amato Their first child, a daughter.

Joseph Michalski of Perth Am boy, are deceased.

Daniel Patrick.


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Linden D a r U n g o f 84 Changebridge

^ a d , Montville, are the

p a r e n t s of a son> D a n i e l

P a t r i c k i ^m October 24 at; Hackettstown Community

Hospital. The infant weighed

eight pounds, 9te ounces.

M r s Darling is the former

Miss Eiaine pozmak.


Carrie Lynn Fricke J

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Fricke of 270 Main Street, Hackettstown, announce the birth of their second daughter on October 22 at Hackettstown Community Hospital. Named Carrie Lynn, the infant weighed seven pounds, 61* ounces. She joins a 20-month-old sister, Connie Marie.

Mrs. Fricke is the former Miss Donna Wickkiser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wickkiser of Oxford. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bailey of Hackettstown.

Rondiii Lee Groff

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Groff of Washington, R. D. 4 are parents of a daughter, Ronda Lee, born October 19 in Dover General Hospital, weighing six pounds

V. and Richard J., all of Net- and three great-grandchildren.

cong; five daughters, Mrs. A daughter, Mrs. Catherine

Agnes Burke of Hackettstown, Bartow, died in March 1972.

Mrs. Frances Francomacaro Interment was in Hazen

and Mrs. Rose Sorrano of Cemetery.

Hopatcong, Mrs. Rachel Balzano and Mrs. Paula Tardive, both of Netcong; 31 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren.

MRS. VIOLA A. DRAKE Mrs. Viola Drake, wife of William Drake, formerly of Long Valley, died suddenly of a heart attack last Thursday,


October 25, at their home at

ROXBURY Twp. Cook Port St. John, Cocoa, Fla.

Conkling II of 3 Conkling Road, Services were held Monday

75-year-old retired township tax morning at the Brevard

collector, died of a heart attack Funeral Home, Rock Ledge,

October 25 while driving on Rt Fla., with burial at Chapel Hill

517 in Green Township Sussex Cemetery in the vicinity of



prPoonloicuencesdaiddeadCoonnkalinrrgivawl aast

A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Ader, Mrs. Drake

Newton Memorial Hospital. was born in Long Valley

Born in Netcong June 6,1898, February 16,1911, and spent all

Mr. Conkling was a son of the her life there until 8^ years ago

late Silas and Nellie Conkling. when she and her husband

He lived most of his life on the moved to Florida following his

family farm in Flanders. He retirement as custodian of the

was a member of the Ledgwwod Long Valley Middle School. Her

Baptist Church, the Flanders only survivor beside her

Fire Company and was a husband is a sister living in

charter member and director of Newark.

the Roxbury Township

Historical Society.


Survivors are his wife, Kathryn; two sons, Cook HI, Trenton, and Daniel, Huntsville; a sister, Mrs. Jerry Baker, Flanders; and a brother, Frederick Conkling, also of Flanders.

Services were conducted

WASHINGTON - Mrs. Edith B. Bodine, 68, of 4673 Felton St., San Diego, Calif., formerly of Washington R.D. 1, and widow of the late John M. Bodine, former Warren County Clerk, died Wednesday in the Hillside Hospital, Diego, Calif.

Monday afternoon at Born in Schooleys Mountain,

Ledgewood Baptist Church by she was a daughter of the late

the Rev. M.E. Wetzel and in- Frederick C. and Jenny Petty


convenience of the family in the MacFadden Funeral Home, Belvidere. Interment was also at the convenience of the family.

CLIFFORD FOWLER BELVIDERE - Private services were held in the MacFadden Funeral Home, Belvidere, for Clifford B. Fowler, 92, Belvidere R.D. 1, who died Thursday in Warren Hospital shortly after admission.

Mr. Fowler was a selfemployed printer.

Born in Waterbury, Conn., he was a son of the late Henry and Jennie Pickett Fowler. He had lived in the Belvidere area since 1907.

His wife, Julia Shafer Fowler, died in 19S9.

He was a member and elder of the United Presbyterian Church, Belvidere; a charter member of the Easton Rotary Club; a member of the Belvidere Rotary Club and the Roxburgh Grange.

Survivors include a daughter, Ruth, at home; a son, Burton, Trenton; three brothers, Frederick, Lewis and Alfred, all in Connecticut.

Interment was in Belvidere Cemetery.

MRS.IRVINFRITTS WASHINGTON - Services were held Sunday afternoon in the DeVoe Funeral Home, Washington, for Mrs. Anna B. Fritts, 89, of 270 Wyoming Ave., Washington, who died Thursday

Services were held Thursday in the Raymond H. Konkle Funeral Home, Blairstown. Interment was in Hope Moravian Cemetery.


BELVIDERE -- Services were held Tuesday morning in the MacFadden Funeral Home, Belvidere, for John P. Mclnerney, Jr., 46, of Ledge Road, Belvidere, R.D., a lab assistant at Hoffman-LaRoche, Belvidere, who died Friday night in Warren Hospital where he had been a patient for a day.

Born in New York City, he was a son of John P. Mclnerney, Sr. of Ireland and the late Mary Piggott Mclnerney.

He had lived in the area for 34 years. Mr. Mclnerney was a member of St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Belvidere.

In addition to his father, he is survived by his widow, the former Angelina Leggio; two sons, John A. and Shawn, both at home; three sisters, Mrs. Madeline Gerhart, Staten Island; Mrs. Catherine Collette, Brooklyn and Mrs. Rose Wheeler, Belvidere, R.D.

A Mass of Christian Burial was held in St. Patrick's Church. Interment was in the church cemetery.

MRS. GEORGE HISSIM EFFORT -- Mrs. Mary Quick Hissim, 87, died October 24 in Brookmont Acres. Funeral services were held Monday at the Clements

quickly extinquised his burning shirt. The motorist was not identified. The accident happened at about 4:30 a.m.

Sliker was pronounced dead on arrival at Warren Hospital.

Trooper William Benner, who investigated the accident, said

FELIX E.GILLIS HACKETTSTOWN - Felix E. Gillis, 73, of 209 Sharp Street, died suddenly October 24 at Hackettstown Community Hospital.

Born November 8, 1899 in Belgium, Mr. Gillis was a son of the late Alphonse and Christina Hienrich Gillis. He moved here a year and a half-ago from Bayville and had been imployed as an electrician at Alcoa Aluminum Corporation in Edgewater before retiring eight years ago. His wife, the former Bertha Rice, died in 1971.

Graveside services were conducted privately by the Rev. Thomas P. Armour at the George Washington Memorial Park in Paramus.

Surviving is a niece, Mrs. Martha Schierbaum of Hackettstown.

Funeral arrangements were made by the Cochran Funeral Home in Hackettstown.

Stroudsburg, R.D.; and Mrs. Dolly Ferrari, Hainesburg; his maternal grandfater, Stanton Kinney, Clearwater, Fla.; and his maternal grandmather Mrs. Mabel Kinney Lincroft.

Interment was in Stillwater Cemetery.

GEORGE SOKOLOWSKI HACKETTSTOWN - George Sokolowski of 113 Lafayette Street, 82-year-old retired estate gardener, died last Thursday, October 25, at Hackettstown Community Hospital after a long illness.

Born December 20, 1891 in Russia, Mr. Sokolowski came to the United States in 1914. He lived in Stanhope and Elizabeth before moving to Hackettstown in 1918. His wife, Mrs. Josephine Sokolowski died in 1965. Mr. Sokolowski was a member of the Holy Family Polish National Catholic Church in Great Meadows.

Graveside services were conducted Saturday morning at the Pequest Union Cemetery in Great Meadows under the direction of the Metzler Funeral Home of Hackettstown.

Surviving is a son, George Jr, of Hackettstown.

a iViri. t raflii anu six ounces al Qirtn. 5ne William Timte of 23 Delbar joins two brothers, Robert, 13 Drive, Budd Lake, on October and Randy, 10.

Presbyterian Cemetery. Arrangements were made by

the Smith Funeral Home of

She was a member of the Washington Chapter 136, Order of Eastern Star.

in Warren Hospital.

Born in Hunterdon County, she was a daughter of the late

Funeral Home in Easton and interment was in Pequest Union Cemetery, Great Meadows.

25 at Hackettstown Community Hospital. Named Michelle Marie, the infant weighed six

Mrs. Margaret Bodine of Washington is the maternal grandmother.

Dover. MRS.



pounds, lO'z ounces. Mrs. Timte is the former Miss

Jacqueline Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Smith of Hackettstown. The baby's paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Timte of

Samuel Budd Emery II Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Emery, 611 Mansfield St., Belvidere, are parents of a son, Samuel Budd II, born Oct. 16 in Warren Hosptal.

ASBURY -- Services were

held Monday afternoon in the

Brandt Funeral Home,

Bioomsbury, for Mrs. Maybelle


89, of who

Mine Road, Asbury, died Friday at

Hunterdon Medical Center,

Dearborn, Mich.

Carmen Edith Gonzalez

Flemington, after a long illness.

Hilary Lynn Hull

Mr. and Mrs. George Gon- Born in Martins Creek, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. Paid L. Hull, 45 E. Washington Ave.,:

zalez, 28 E. Washington,

Washington Ave., are parents of a

sne was a daughter of the late Elmer and Laura Kisselbach

Washington, are parents of a daughter, Carmen Edith, born Smith,

son Hilary Lynn, born Oct. 18 in Oct. 12 in Warren Hospital.

Mrs. Faye was of Methodist

Warren Hospital.

April Lynn Davis


Santi Jack Briglia

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Survivors include her

: Mr. and Mrs. Lonne Briglia, Davis, Changewater, are husband, Fred; a son, Andrew,

Hampton, are parents of a son, parents of a daughter, April Asbury R.D.; a brother Fred

Santi Jack, born Oct. 15 in Lyn, born Oct. 16 in Warren smith, address unknown; four

Hunterdon Medical Center. Hospital.

grandchildren and four great-


. ?VJ;J*_0NAl;D.s5HEETZ , Washington Township. Rites Interment was in Bioomsbury

^ n i u r i -military iUi^rm w e r e a t t h e TrimmerMemorial services were held October 26 F u n e r a l H o m e h e r e w U h ^


for Pvt. Ronald Scheetz of Glen t e r m e n t Gardner, who was found dead cemetery



HACKETTSTOWN William E. Powell Jr., 69, of

Survivors include a son, Willard F. Bodine, Washington R.D. 1; a sister, Mrs. Blanc ia Shaw, Rahway; and two grandchildren.

Services were held Monday in the DeVoe Funeral Home, Washington.

Interment was in Washington Cemetery.

MRS. OSCAR YEAGER OXFORD -- Services were held Monday morning in the DeVoe Funeral Home, Washington, for Mrs. Anna C. Yeager, 67, of Oxford, R.D., who died Friday in Warren Hospital after a long illness. A funeral mass followed in St. R0Se 0f Lima Catholic Church Oxford, of which she was a member. Born in Newark, she was a

TOttgnrri 01 UIC m i e iiiviuaiJ

and Mary Hickey Jordan. Survivors ? include her

husband, Oscar Yeager; a son,

Mr. and Mrs. John Stires. She was a member of the

United Methodist Church, Norton and its WSCS.

Her husband, Irving L. Fritts, died in 1945.

Survivors include a son, Newton with whom she resided; two grandsons and several great-grandchildren. *

Interment was in Union Cemetery, Grandin.

GRAHAM R.KITNER WASHINGTON - Graham R. Kitner, 58, of 116 W. Washington Ave., Washington, a driller for Kero Quarry, Stanhope, died Monday in the Warren Hospital. A native of Adron, Ohio, he was son of Mrs. Murty Kitner, Oxford and the late Floyd Kitner.

Survivors include his widow, the former Elma T/vsey- two sons, Graham E., Hope, and Jay B., Belvidere; a daughter, Miss Corliss Kitner, at home; a brother, Albert, Belvidere, and

Mrs. Hissim was a member of the Hackettstown Methodist Church.


In the matter of the Estate of C. Staats Backer, Deceased. RULE TO BAR CREDITORS.

Pursuant to the judgement of the Surrogate of the County of Warren, made on the Twenty third day of October A.D., 1973, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the Estate of C. Staats Backer late of the County of Warren, to present the same subscriber. Executrix on or before the 23rd day of April, A. D., Ninteen Hundred and Seventyfour, being six months from the date of said judgement; and any creditor neglecting to bring in and exhibit his or her claims under oath or affirmation, within the time so limited, will be forever barred of his or her action against the said Executrix Dated October 23, 1973

Florence). Backer, Executrix

Stover and Stover

Washington N.J. Attorney Fee: S12 SO








Lnnuo f * l , F4Ipi > f r








October 19 in a parked car in P v t g ^ ^

R.D. Asbury died Thursday, Thomas, San Bernardino, three grandchildren.


Cochran Funeral Home HACKETTSTOWN


Medical Patients Louis Aiosa, Port Murray. 'John Munson, 115 Plane Street, Hackettstown.

Surgical Patient Mrs. Annie Drummond, 101 Christopher Street, Hackettstown,

Main Street, Glen Gardner, was 18 years old and had been stationed with the 241st Military Police Company at Fort Monmouth.

Born in Phillipsburg, January 20, 1955, he was a son of Lowell and Mari Swartz Scheetz of Glen Gardner.

In addition to his parents, he is survived by a sister, Brenda, at home.

October 29, at Warren Hospital in Phillipsburg after a brief illness.

Born February 23, 1904 in Mexico City, Mexico, Mr. Powell was a son of William and Daisy Young Powell. He lived in Hackettstown before moving to Asbury three years ago and had been employed as a machinist security guard at Picatinny Arsenal.

Services were conducted at the Cochran Funeral Home in

Calif.; a daughter, Mrs. Marie Paruzzese, Short Hills; two brothers, Edward Tierney, Bellrose, N.Y. and George Gordon, Dearborn, Mich., a sister, Mrs. Gertrude Jeffrey, Hazlet; and five grandchildren.

MRS. FREDERICK LaRIEW WASHINGTON - Services were held Tuesday afternoon in the Ford Funeral Home, Washington, for Mrs. Edna LaRiew, 107 E. Washington

Services will be held at 1 p.m. today from the DeVoe Funeral Home, Washington.

Interment will be in North Hardyston Cemetery, Sussex.

Notice The above ordinance was presented lor final reading and passed at the regular meeting of the Borough Council of Washington, October 23, 1973.


905 High Street Hackettstown, New Jersey 07840





Vote for Anthony Amato by writing his name on the bottom line, column 3, "Personal Choice", and mark " X " in box before his name.

X I Anthony Amato

Paid for by Committee to Elect Anthony Amato WWWBW^


Hackettstown last night Ave., Washington, who died (Wednesday) by the Rev. Alvin Saturday in Easton Hospital. R. McKinnon. Cremation She was the widow of Dr. followed at the Rosedale Frederick LaRiew, who died in

k- ? No Parking Worries

Funeral Service

Crematory in Orange.


Surviving is his wife, Mrs. Born in Asbury, she was a

Dorothy Rice Powell.

daughter of the late Samuel L.

and Sarah Smith Stout.


A btepson, William S. LaRiew

EASTON - Mrs. Bertha of Washington, is the only

You never have to worry about finding a parking place when you drive to our funprai home,- for our private parking area is available

Miller, 79-year-old former survivor.

for your convenience. In ad


seamstress and hospital Interment was in Asbury

housekeeper, died October 24 in Presbyterian Cemetery.

Easton Hospital.

Services were held Saturday at the Ashton Funeral Home in

T. Y. Ward & CO,

Easton with interment at Northampton Memorial Shrine.

Cemetery Memorials

lib h

dition, it is illuminated during evening hours to provide further convenience and safety.

SINCt 1915

Among her survivors are six daughters, one of whom is Mrs. Elsie Fonte of Hackettstown.

Phone 852 2330 Hackettstown, N.J.

We have built the newest most spacious Funeral Home in this area to render the finest in funeral service.

Ford Funeral Home

PHONE (201) 689-0046

T e l : (201) 852 2420

The policy of our firm will be, as always,


to meet any financial circumstance and


Metzler Funeral Home

serve every religious faith.

ffct?6* S. %%d. Otmvt

. i, Thomas DeVoe

124 High Street Hackettstown, N J .

Henry R. Scala Jr.



ntuontt nutria

MO mtut i

_ phone 689-0119

Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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