Assignment # 01 of 3

Student Name: ____________________________ ID:________________1-Learning Outcomes being assessed:LO 2 Describe and compare various I/O devices and peripherals available and evaluate their features in terms of relative speed and cost. (A2)LO 4 Describe how software is stored and executed in a computer (A1)LO 5 Describe Local and Wide Area Networks. (A2)LO 6 Use GUI and command line driven operating systems effectively and evaluate their relative merits (A1)In this assignment, each student is asked to visit local IT shops to inquire about the price and specifications of a certain device such as personal computer, laser printer, inkjet printer, or a scanner then the student needs to analyze the specifications and prices of the various types of devices and decide which one suites personal use/small office/large office, finally the student is required to give a class presentation explaining his/her findings and justifying his/her decision.2-Handing in format instructions Sign the 2nd page and include it in your assignment Submit a softcopy of your work 3-Marks Problem/questionMarks allotted Marks obtained Feedback to studentsTask A60Task B20Task C20Total 100Program Manager Approval: _____________4-Academic Integrity Forms of academic impropriety Lecturer Findings1-is there verbatim copying or unidentified and unacknowledged quotation of another's work or from Internet?2-is there paraphrasing of another's work by simply changing a few words or altering the order without clear identification and acknowledgement?3-is there unauthorized co-operation between a student and another person or student?4-others □ viva □ progress assessment □ changes in writing style □ different spelling style 6- plagiarism report summary using KIC S/WLecturer Conclusion Lecturer Signature :________________ Important clarification to the students 1-What is the Academic plagiarismTaking someone else’s work and submitting it as your work without adequate mention of the source (as in the table above). 2- Punishment to academic plagiarism The punishment to academic plagiarism may take the following forms according to level of the academic breach Zero in the assignment and receive Academic Warning Zero in the assignment and receive Academic Warning with recommendation to the program manger to take more action if the action is repeated (as indicated in the student handbook section # 5). ????? ??? ?????? ???? ???????? ?????????????? ??? ? ????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ????? ??? ?? ???? ?????????? ? ????? ??????? ???????? ???? ???? ????? ???? ?????? ?? ???????? ????????? ? ????? ?? ???? ???????? ?????? ??? ?????? ????????????? ???????? ??????????????? ???????? ????????? ? ??? ???? ???????? ? ?????? ?? ???? ??? ??????? ?????? :????? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ?? ??? ??????????? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ????? ?? ??? ????? ????? ???????? ?????? ????? ??????? ???? ?? ???? ????? ????? (??? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ??? 5)Honor Code Pledge: In case of not complying with the above, the student will be penalized accordingly. I confirm that I fully understand the above mentioned points regarding Academic Integrity Student Signature:___________________Mini PC is name of a product that describes a small-size Personal Computer with the minimum components. Study the market in your area and/or others, such as Internet, then make a comparison between two types of Mini PCs (one runs Mac OS and the other runs Android OS). This comparison should include the following details: Processor type and capabilities (such as number of cores, cache size, etc… )Graphics Processor Operating system and its security and backup facilities Memory and the its technical specification Storage devices Network connectivity and speed Display and Graphics specification Other type of connectivity Use the table 1 below for the comparison Show the different ways to connect input devices such as Keyboard and Mouse to the above min PC for both Mac and Android (use drawing and/or picture to show ) Select a screen to be attached to the mini PC that runs Android and mention its specifications. Important Note: -All abbreviated terms must be written in complete form -There will be a presentation for each one about the above tasks (See the assessment marks for it below)Table1 :Use the following format for comparison AspectMin PC 1(Type and model)Mini PC 2 (Type and model)Processor type and capabilities -----Graphics processor Operating system and its security and backup facilities Memory and the its technical specification Storage devices Network connectivity and speed Display and Graphics specification Other type of connectivity Assignment Marking Scheme Problem/questionMarks allotted Assessment Scheme Task A6040 marks for complete and detailed specifications Processor type and capabilities Graphics Processor Operating system and its security and backup facilities Memory and the its technical specification Storage devices Network connectivity and its speed Display and Graphics specification Mouse and keyboard specification Other type of connectivity 20 marks for oral explanation of the significance of the above specifications Task B20Use a drawing, picture to show the connection 10 each way of connection Task C2010 for suitable selection 10 for the specification Total 100 7.1 Presentation Assessment criteriaEvaluation PointTotalMarkRemarksIntroduction 5The subject & presentation agenda should be identified clearly. Contents 30The subject should be interest to the audience. Topics should be covered. Use of IT 15Use of PowerPoint or any presentation software; timing, proficiency.Language10Clear language with acceptable grammar munication skills10Anything that supports the delivery of data. Interaction between the presenter and the audience.Enthusiasm to subject10An effort should be noticed in presentation preparation. Conclusion. References.Confidence 10Good personality, with clear voice and acceptable knowledge level. Questions 10Question response, student comments. Total100 ................

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