Introduction - Department of Education and Training Victoria

Computer Census 2015Submission Quick Guide v1.0School ICT Progression StrategyTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc409685024 \h 3Help PAGEREF _Toc409685025 \h 3Background PAGEREF _Toc409685026 \h 3Completing the Computer Census PAGEREF _Toc409685027 \h 4Entering Census information PAGEREF _Toc409685028 \h 5Field contents PAGEREF _Toc409685029 \h 6Computer data selections 2015 PAGEREF _Toc409685030 \h 10Related Documents PAGEREF _Toc409685031 \h 10Accountabilities PAGEREF _Toc409685032 \h 10Contact PAGEREF _Toc409685033 \h 10Review PAGEREF _Toc409685034 \h 10Approving Authority PAGEREF _Toc409685035 \h 10IntroductionThe Census of Computers in Government Schools (the Census) is now included in the School ICT Progression Strategy (SIPS) annual ICT self-assessment survey.Principals are responsible for the accuracy and timely submission of the Census. Specialist Technicians are responsible for completing accompanying ICT survey.Your school’s Specialist Technician will assist you to complete the Census of Computers in schools as part of your school’s SIPS ICT annual self-assessment.School ICT Progression Strategy (SIPS) > Select “Assess”. (requires a School Principal, Learning Technologies Coordinator, Specialist Technician, School Technician’s username and password).Principals, Learning Technology Co-ordinators and Specialist Technicians have access to edit the Census survey.The Census must have the endorsement of the Principal before it may be submitted with the ICT survey.Please check computer numbers for the whole school against the results for the 2014 Census, to ensure accuracy. A summary report was emailed to your school when the 2014 Census was submitted and later, a summary version was emailed to your school’s email address on 10 October 2014. Once the Census and SIPS ICT annual self-assessment is complete, you are able to view your school’s ICT age, capability and maturity, and compare against the region and state average using the PRISM School ICT Dashboard.PRISM School ICT Dashboard > Select “Review”. (requires a School Principal, Learning Technologies Coordinator, Specialist Technician, School Technician’s username and password).HelpQuestions regarding this guide or the Census should be directed first to your Specialist Technician, then to the online Service Gateway ().Select ‘Log a Service Call’ and choose Census of Computers.BackgroundIn previous years, the Computer Census was submitted on eduWeb using the Computer Numbers application. The old Census system has been closed and the SIPS version of the Census is now available in a single submission portal at: the Computer CensusBrowse to the SIPS web application at: and login with your User Name and Password. The survey application will open at the following page:Click on the ‘Assess’ tile.Upon entering your school’s Survey Response page, the following tabs will be available:Survey, Census, Network Performance, Device Performance and AttachmentsClick the Census TabThe bottom of each page has Save, Next and Previous buttons to navigate between tabs.As a general rule completing this section requires you to:Add computers obtained since the last CensusRemove computers which are no longer in useCheck your existing information is accurate for all computers listed on your CensusPlease do NOT include the following in your Census data:Excluded ItemsDescriptionNotebooks for Teachers and Principals (eduSTAR.NTP)Do not enter information about notebooks provided by the Department as part of the Notebooks for Teachers and Principals Program (formerly NTPP). This information is collected from central systems.EBook readersDevices such as Kindles, Kobo’s and the like are designed primarily for the purpose of reading digital books and periodicals and are not included in the Census.Other devicesDevices such as music players, iPods, phones and similar devices are not included in the Census.Tablet devices are included in the Census, this includes both Apple iPads and Android tablets.Entering Census informationIf any computer information has been previously entered you will see it listed, otherwise the list will be blank.Add rows:Select the Add button to begin entering computer information.Edit rows:Select the Highlighted ‘Edit’ at the start of the row you wish to alter and update the required information.The data entry screen will appear to allow you to enter information. Click through each field and select the relevant options.Field contentsThe following briefly describes the content required for the entry fields listed above:QuantityList how many devices of this type in your fleet. Note – identical machines with the same purchase date may be listed on a single row.Purchase DateThe date these machines were purchased, leased, upgraded or otherwise acquired. Click into the field to use the date picker.If the machine you’re entering is a virtual machine, select the date the host machine was purchased.UseChoose the general use type of a machine (desktop, notebook, Tablet) and the general area of use (admin, staff, student).Administration computers are defined as any machine connected to the administration (CASES) books and notebooks were originally a distinct type of laptop, recent Funding TypeFunding TypesDefinitionSchool/State FundedFully funded by Victorian government grants, Student Resource Package, or school funding.Includes: purchased, leased or donated computers.Excludes: NSSCF-funded computers, co-contribution funded, and student or staff owned computers.Co-ContributionPartially funded by the student/parent and partially by Victorian government grants, Student Resource Package, or school funding.Includes: netbook trial computers, netbook programs and computers initially funded by the government which become the property of the student under agreement with the school.NSSCFComputers for Years 9–12 funded by the Federal government’s Digital Education Revolution National Secondary Schools Computer Fund.Student OwnedComputers 100% owned by the student or parent with no school or Government funding component.Staff OwnedComputers 100% owned by the staff member with no school or Government funding component.Allocation TypeSubjectDefinitionSharedThe computer is used by more than one individual throughout the school year.Servers should be listed as SharedDedicated to one Individual for more than 12 MthsOnly one Individual has use of a particular computer for more than 12 months. This may include the students taking the computer home. This may also apply to staff computers.BYOD (Bring your own device)The student or staff member brings their own computing device to use for school purposes.TypeThe type refers to the processor type. E.g. 32-bit processors are x86, 64-bit processors are x64 and most mobile devices use an ARM architecture. Note: Ensure the correct processor hardware type is selected.Most newer Intel/AMD processors are x64, even if a 32-bit operating system is installed on the device.Allocation of computers to Funding TypeThe Allocation Type has implications for software licencing, please ensure BYOD only goes with student owned or staff owned.Funding TypeAllocation TypeSchool/State FundedSharedOR Dedicated to one Individual for more than 12 MthsCo-ContributionSharedOR Dedicated to one Individual for more than 12 MthsNSSCFSharedOR Dedicated to one Individual for more than 12 MthsStudent OwnedBYODStaff Member OwnedBYODModelThe model of computer used.If the model isn’t listed, select either:“Other Device with Legacy Processor” if using an older processor like a Pentium 3“Other Device with Modern Processor” if using an unlisted modern processor.Please enter the processor model in the comments.Operating SystemSelect the Operating System used from the drop down list.If the OS used isn’t listed, select “Other” from the drop down list and enter the OS used in the comments.CampusSelect the appropriate campus number. For single campus schools, this will be campus one. Multi-campus schools may need to adjust their data to apportion computers correctly to their campuses. This may require additional data rows and mentAdd any comments that may assist with identifying the location or type of device, or purchase details, lease information puter data selections 2015The following computer details can be chosen from the drop down lists in the ‘Add’ and ‘Edit’ screens.Related DocumentsThis guide is written to accord with the Census of Computers in Schools Policy document. This document is available through Policy and Resources Group, Information Technology Division.AccountabilitiesPrincipals are responsible for ensuring that the Census data is accurate and submitted on time. The Specialist Technician is responsible for completing the accompanying ICT survey and assiting in the completion of the Census.The Department’s Information Technology Division is responsible for quality assurance of the Census process and providing reports and analysis of the results.ContactQuestions regarding this guide or the Census should be directed first to your Specialist Technician, then to the online Service Gateway ().ReviewThis Guide will be reviewed together with the supporting policy, every 12 months, or earlier if necessary.Approving AuthorityChanges to these guidelines may not be invoked without prior approval by the General Manager, Information Technology Division. ................

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