Doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/0381r0

IEEE P802.11

Wireless LANs

|Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group |

|Date: 2012-03-12 |

|Author(s): |

|Name |Company |Address |Phone |email |

|Stephen McCann |Research in Motion (RIM) UK |200 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 |+44 1753 667099 |smccann@ |

| |Ltd |3XE, UK | | |

IEEE 802.11 Plenary Meeting – Session #132

Hilton Waikoloa, Waikoloa, HI, USA

March 12th – 16th, 2012

IEEE 802.11 Opening Plenary, Monday 12th March 2012

Presiding chair: Bruce Kraemer (Marvell Semiconductor) opened the meeting at 11:04 HAST.

Jon Rosdahl Vice-chair 1 (VC1) CSR

Adrian Stephens Vice-chair 2 (VC2) Intel

Stephen McCann Secretary Research in Motion

There are 298 voting members of IEEE 802.11

1. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-12-0181r2)

1. Chair: This is the main agenda for the week and shows the allocation of meetings to time slots.

2. Chair: Any modifications to the agenda? None seen.

3. No objection to the approval of the agenda.

2. January 2012 (Jacksonville) WG Minutes (11-12-0083r1)

1. Move to approve the January 2012 minutes

2. Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd: Stuart Kerry

3. Following neither discussion nor dissent the minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

3. Notices

1. Please note that photographs and recording devices are not allowed in these meetings and put cell phones to vibrate please.

4. Attendance

1. Please can you remember to login and register your attendance.

2. 8 people attended this meeting for the first time out of 160 people in the room.

3. Chair: Please note that there is a newcomer training session will be after lunch at 13:30 in room “Kona 2”

5. Financials (11-12-0211r1)

1. VC1: For the Okinawa, Japan Meeting, we have had 2 very generous sponsors and we hope to return to Japan in the future. Therefore the excess from that meeting will be used for Japan and held by the sponsor until we return.

2. The Jacksonville meeting also returned a surplus.

3. No questions

6. Policy and Procedures (ec-12-0005-03)

1. VC1: There are two documents which now capture proposed LMSC changes. These will be discussed on Wednesday, by the 802 ExCom, if you are interested. They then intend to vote on these during the ExCom meeting on Friday.

2. These documents are in the EC document area on mentor:

3. VC1: Regarding patent information, please view for IEEE-SA patent information and also 11-12-0045r1.

4. The VC1 called for essential patents information.

5. No statements were made.

6. VC1: I would also like to mention other guidelines for this meeting.

7. Chair: Also, there is also a link to the LoA database in 11-12-0183r0

8. ()

9. No questions

7. Announcements (11-12-182r1)

1. Missing chairs and replacements

1. Please note that several groups are missing officers this week. Names in grey are those people who could not attend.

2. Michael Montemurro will be temporary chair for ARC this week, as Mark Hamilton is not available.

3. No questions

2. Joint Meetings this week

1. Chair: On Thursday afternoon, there is an 11aa/11ae meeting. This is not a joint meeting, but a split meeting of 1 hour each.

2. There will be a joint meeting between 11aa and IEEE 802.1AVB on Thursday morning.

3. PAR Meetings this week

1. Chair: There are some PAR meetings this week, to review the PARs of the other IEEE 802 Working Groups (WG).

2. There is a long list this week:

• 802.1AX-rev, revision to 802.1AX link aggregation, PAR and 5C

• 802.1Qbu, amendment for frame preemption, PAR and 5C

• 802.1AEbw, amendment for extended packet numbering, PAR and 5C

• 802.1Xbx, amendment for MAC security key agreement protocol (MKA) extensions, PAR and 5C

• 802.1Qbv, amendment for enhancements for scheduled traffic, PAR and 5C

• 802.3bk, amendment for extended Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (ExEPON), PAR and 5C

• 802.21d amendment for multicast group management, PAR and 5C

• 802.15.4n amendment for China medical band, PAR and 5C

• 802.15.4p amendment for positive train control (PTC), PAR and 5C

• 802.15.8 new standard for peer aware communications (PAC), PAR and 5C

3. If you are interested in any of them, please come along to one of the PAR sessions, chaired by Jon Rosdahl. Otherwise, please send him an email. These will then be reviewed during the IEEE 802.11 closing plenary.

4. Meeting Rooms and other IEEE 802 meetings (11-12-0183r0)

1. Chair: Please note that this is a plenary, whereas we have always been here during an interim. Therefore there are some special meeting rooms outside this dedicated convention area. IEEE 802.18 is meeting in another area (“Bellavista”), which is underneath the “Kirin” restaurant. Furthermore IEEE 802.21 and 802.22 are meeting in Ocean Tower.

2. However IEEE 802.11 meetings are all in this area.

3. Agendas for other working groups are available.

5. May 2012 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA

1. Chair: Please note that the hotel booking and registration are now both open.

6. Officer Elections (11-12-0183r0)

1. Chair: Nominations are now open for Chair and VC1 together with VC2. The actual elections will take place on Wednesday. Does anyone else want to be nominated?

2. No response.

3. Chair: The call for candidates is now closed.

4. The current list is: Chair - Bruce Kramer, VC1 - Jon Rosdahl and VC2 - Adrian Stephens.

5. Chair: 11-12-0203r0 provides some material about my background, position and also a view on what IEEE 802.11 will do going forward. Please note that if I am re-elected as Chair then it will be my last 2 years in this post.

6. VC1: 11-12-0322r0 provides material about my experience.

7. VC2: 11-12-0231r0 provides material about my experience over the last two years.

8. Chair: This will be expanded upon during the mid-week plenary on Wednesday.

9. Chair: This process will be repeated for sub-group officers in May and nominations are now open. Nominations will close during the open plenary of the May session.

7. Lunch

1. Please note that lunch will be provided as a buffet for free. However, please note that all staff will be checking for badges.

8. Wednesday Social

1. The Social will be held at the Luau area on the far side of the lobby from here (Kamehameha Court), towards the lagoon tower.

9. IEEE 802.11-2012

1. At this point, all approvals have been given and it should now be published in early April. Following this, awards will be presented in July 2012. In addition to this, 11aa and 11ae have also been approved by the EC. Then 11aa will be published mid April and 11ae at the end of April.

10. IEEE 802 ExCom

1. There is not a lot of material for the IEEE 802 ExCom this week. The two current study groups, CMMW and ISD may require extensions.

11. IEEE 802.1 Architecture (D1.3)

1. The last ballot failed at 72%. There are currently 100 comments for this group to consider. IEEE 802.11 submitted about one third of these comments and these will be reviewed in the ARC session on Wednesday.

12. SmartGrid

1. ExCom has now considered creating a new IEEE 802 TAG (Technical Advisory Group) for SmartGrid, which will be discussed in the IEEE 802.11 SmartGrid meetings this week.

13. Obituaries

1. Jim Carlo and Don Loughry, both prior IEEE 802 chairs, have passed away since the Jacksonville meeting.

2. Chair: Please join me in a moment of silence.

3. Chair: There are two memorial books in the registration area, if you wish to leave a message of condolence. These will be then distributed to their families at the end of the week.

4. VC1: There is also a blog area from the main IEEE 802 website for your additional comments.

14. Wednesday

1. There are other topics for discussion, which will come up on Wednesday.

15. Tutorials

1. There are no tutorials scheduled for this week. If you have any topics for July 2012 please put them forward as soon as you can to get one of the tutorial time slots.

8. Documentation and Attendance (11-12-0038r1)

1. VC2: The ANA has nothing to report at the moment.

2. There are currently 298 voters. There were 2 people who lost their voting rights during the recent TGac letter ballot.

3. ePoll was used for this letter ballot and indeed the VC2 will meet with the IEEE staff to discuss some issues that were raised.

4. Please remember to do your attendance.

5. There is a online calendar if you wish to download it for your device.

6. Also remember to use the local server to download documents to save external bandwidth.

7. If you think you should have a voting token on your badge, please ask at the registration desk for a new badge.

8. Chair: There were 690 people who registered for this meeting, with IEEE 802.11 being the largest group, followed by IEEE 802.3.

9. Status of all groups (11-12-0182r1)

1. The status of each group was presented.

2. Some extra notes not covered in the slides:

1. Editor’s Meeting: This occurs at 7am on Tuesday morning

2. WNG: There are 3 presentations scheduled for this week at 8am on Tuesday morning

3. TGaf chair: This snapshot is now out of date, as there will be a joint session with TGac on Thursday morning to discuss physical layer issues. Therefore most of the TGaf meetings this week will be preparing for that joint meeting.

4. Chair: Please can you send me an updated snapshot for this.

5. No questions

10. Any Other Business

1. None

2. Meeting recessed at 12:32 HAST

Wednesday, 14th March 2012

IEEE 802.11 Mid Week Plenary

Presiding chair: Bruce Kraemer (Marvell Semiconductor) opened the meeting at 10:34 HAST

146 people present.

11. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-12-0181r3)

1. Chair: There are some adjustments which have been made to this document. The IEEE 802.18 update has been postponed to Friday.

2. Any objection to accepting this change to the agenda?

3. No objection, so moved and approved.

12. Call for Essential Patents

1. Call for essential patents

2. None

13. CAC

1. Reminder about 19.30 meeting on Thursday. Need to consider documentation for the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) meeting on Friday.

14. Announcements

1. Social

2. In this hotel this evening at the Kamehameha Court, that is the Luau venue, near the reception. Please can you remember to obtain badges for any guest, otherwise they will not be allowed in.

3. Lost & Found

4. A Korean or a Japanese android phone was found last night around this meeting area and is now with hotel security.

15. Liaisons

1. IEEE 802.19 : Co-existence (11-12-0412r0)

1. Chair: When TGac was balloted, there was supposed to be a comment from IEEE 802.19 on the co-existence issue. Do you know what the status is?

2. TGac Chair: I think it passed.

3. Chair: Ok, but let’s check anyway.

4. VC2: Yes, it did pass in IEEE 802.19

2. TGaa MAC Address (11-12-0426r1)

1. ANA chair: I wanted to discuss this issue now for a few minutes, rather than having a separate TGmb meeting.

2. C: I would like to speak as an IEEE 802 Registration Authority Committee (RAC) member. I don’t see why IEEE 802.11 can’t do this. So, for one address this is ok, but for future multiple addresses I don’t think the RAC would be very happy. Therefore I recommend option 2.

3. Q: Isn’t this asking for a broadcast group address?

4. A: Therefore you cannot derive individual addresses from this.

5. ANA chair: No, I think its ok.

6. Chair: Can anyone from TGaa comment on this.

7. TGaa vice-chair: A group address is indeed required, but TGaa doesn’t have an opinion about which option is chosen.

8. Chair: The IEEE 802 RAC chair has mentioned that there is an issue here. We don’t have to resolve this today, but there is an outstanding RevCom comment for the 11aa draft, prior to publication. Therefore I think option 1 is the safest.

9. ANA chair: Does anyone object if IEEE 802.11 adopts option 1.

10. None seen.

3. Bluetooth SIG

1. There are no specific issues to report, but the relationship between Bluetooth SIG and IEEE 802 continues especially in the area of SmartGrid.

4. Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA)

1. Two main issues:

1. On 25th January 2012, the Wi-Fi CERTIFICATION protected Management frames (11w) was announced.

2. The 20th February meeting was held in Vienna, Austria

2. Near term certifications

1. Hotspot 2.0 (11u)

3. Medium term certifications

1. 60 GHz

2. VHT5

4. Other certifications

1. Wi-Fi multimedia and admission control


3. Wi-Fi Display

5. Future certifications

1. TV White Spaces

2. Smart Grid

6. The next member meeting is in Toronto, Canada in June 2012

7. Chair: The liaison we sent to Wi-Fi Alliance for information on Wi-Fi Direct was honored and a response was returned that the ISD SG is currently analyzing. I would like to thank Ian Sherlock as liaison officer and the WFA for their prompt response.

5. IETF (11-12-0428r0)

1. Chair: There are no actions this time are there?

2. No.

6. 3GPP

1. There is nothing to report this time.

2. No questions

16. Officer Elections

1. Chair Election (11-12-0183r0 slide #31)

1. Chair: I now turn the meeting over to the VC1 for the WG Chair election.

2. VC1: These are the nominations for WG Chair:

1. Bruce Kraemer (11-12-0203r1)

3. Q: I have issues about connecting to the IEEE 802.11 mailing list. Also I would like an email indication of every time a document is uploaded to the document server.

4. Bruce: We provide newcomer training for the IEEE 802.11 email lists. Access will be given to the email reflectors at the end of the meeting. Regarding indication of new documents, I don’t think we will.

5. Q: Sure, but for other SDOs, there are different rules.

6. Bruce: There is a read-only email list if you are interested.

7. C: As I’ve been here for 20 years, I would like you to re-consider and re-appoint Stephen McCann as WG secretary.

8. Bruce: I shall certainly consider that.

9. Yes: 113, No: 0, Abstain: 0

10. Bruce Kraemer is duly elected as WG Chair.

11. VC1: I now hand back the chair to Bruce Kraemer.

2. VC1 Election

1. Chair: These are the nominations for 1st Vice Chair

1. Jon Rosdahl (11-12-0322r0)

2. Q: You don’t mention anything about your company support. Do you have the correct document including the statement of support?

3. A: yes

4. Q: At the moment I understand that if a WG chair is not available at the EC, a WG vice-chair (VC) cannot stand in on the EC.

5. A: Sure, however this rule hopefully will change on Friday and afterwards a nominated VC will be allowed to stand in for the WG chair.

6. Yes: 106, No: 1, Abstain: 0

7. Jon Rosdahl is duly elected as 1st Vice-Chair.

3. VC2 Election

1. Chair: These are the nominations for 2nd Vice Chair

1. Adrian Stephens (11-12-0231r0)

2. No questions

3. Yes: 109, No: 0, Abstain: 0

4. Adrian Stephens is duly elected as 2nd Vice-Chair.

17. Room Change Requests

1. Chair: I’ve received requests from TGad and TGah, as TGad has now finished for the week.

2. The new requests are:

1. TGac and TGah: Thursday PM2

2. The other request from TGah for Wednesday is not possible due to no room availability.

3. Could TGac take the Wednesday PM2 slot today that TGad has freed.

4. TGai requests PM2 today and tomorrow.

5. TGah would like the additional time to go through many technical submissions.

3. Chair: Ok, I suggest:

4. TGah: Thurs PM1

5. TGac: Thurs AM1

6. TGai: Wed PM2 and Thurs PM2

7. Chair: Is there any objection to these changes?

8. None seen

9. Note: The TGaf PHY session will be on Thurs AM1 and we hope the TGac PHY people will attend.

18. ePoll

1. VC2: This was used for the first time for the TGac letter ballot. There were some problems and feedback was given to the IEEE-SA staff yesterday.

19. Comment resolution guideleines (11-11-1625r2)

1. VC2: Please can people look at this document and read it regarding guidelines for processing comment resolutions.

2. Chair: These were developed to improve and normalize behavior across our task groups as regards comment resolution.

20. ARC

1. The ARC standing committee met this morning and the recommendation is that IEEE 802.11 retains it’s “No” vote. Basically no updated draft is currently available regarding the resolved IEEE 802.11 comments.

2. Chair: Thanks to Michael Montemurro for chairing the ARC SC today.

3. Chair: I believe that there will be a re-circulation of the next draft within the next couple of weeks, where we can re-visit this.

4. Q: In the IEEE 802 meeting, they were asking the No voters to change their votes. Do you know if anyone else did?

5. Chair: Officially I don’t know.

6. There is more information in the ARC closing report.

21. ETools (ec-12-0015-00)

1. VC1: This is a presentation given by IEEE-SA regarding their ETools update: . Most changes should be available for the May 2012 interim meeting.

2. Please note that IEEE will change web accounts to use email identifiers as user names shortly.

3. Q: My IEEE email address is an alias. Will that still be ok?

4. A: I think so.

22. IEEE 802.11 Operations Manual (11-09-0002r9)

1. VC1: Here are some suggested changes to the IEEE 802.11 Operations Manual, picking up editorial changes and typos.

2. There are also some changes which have been brought down from superior documents.

3. I would like to present this again on Friday for WG approval.

4. C: There is a typo, as it says 625 in the URL for the comment resolution guidelines as opposed to 1625.

5. Chair: There are also some more rule changes within this document.

6. No questions

23. Any Other Business

1. None

2. Meeting recessed at 12:30 HAST

Friday, 16th March 2012

IEEE 802.11 Closing Plenary

Call to order at 08:02 HAST by Bruce Kraemer (Marvell).

97 people present in the room.

24. Agenda (11-12-0181r4)

1. Chair: There are some changes in this version, specifically updated motions and extra reports. There are also some additional documents (11-12-0183r2, 11-12-0430r0, 11-12-0429r0) that I will refer to.

2. Chair: At the moment, the meeting is planned to finish at 11:00 HAST.

3. Any objection to adopting the changes to the agenda.

4. None seen

25. Call for Essential Patents

1. Call for Essential Patents and Letters of Assurance (LoA)

2. None

26. Announcements (11-12-0183r2)

1. Minutes and documents

1. Please can everyone remember that minutes, reports, web-updates and timelines should be completed once the meeting is closed.

2. May 2012

1. There is currently a rough agenda for the May 2012 meeting and there will be our usual CAC meetings between now and that meeting.

3. LoA (slide #44)

1. Please look at this slide for a reference to the current LoA database.

4. IEEE Shop (slide #47)

1. As of 1st March 2012, many IEEE 802 standards are now available for $5. However, our specific IEEE 802.11 draft specifications still require some attention. For example the 802.11s draft should now have been replaced with the IEEE 802.11s-2011 published document.

2. Q: With regard to TGac, please can get put this in the store as quickly as possible, as some regulators are waiting for it to appear.

3. Q: Should these be updated for each new draft once they are approved during sponsor ballot.

4. Chair: Yes, it should happen automatically.

5. Q: What about older versions, as sometimes requested by external legal entities.

6. Chair: Perhaps we should look into some form of long term storage for them.

5. Drafts to ISO (slide #46)

1. No questions

6. July 2012 tutorials (slide #47)

1. Chair: If you have any topics for the May 2012 plenary, please can you inform the chair.

7. Chair elect appointments (slide #48)

1. These are the appointed positions that hope to be confirmed at this afternoon’s IEEE 802 ExCom meeting.

27. Meeting Location

1. Chair: Can I have a show of hands to see who is in favor of returning to this location again?

2. For: 41, Against: 26

28. Documentation & Attendance (11-11-0430r0)

1. VC 2: The documentation system has been working fine this week.

2. The attendance was good, although the newcomer’s session was quiet (7 people)

3. TGah and TGai were the busiest groups this week. 1 person achieved 20 slots this week.

4. No questions

29. WG Reports

1. Publicity

1. Nothing to report

2. Timelines

1. A few changes this time to the TGaf dates that will be updated over the weekend.

2. No questions

30. TGaa ANA OUI allocation (11-12-0426r2 slide #10)

1. ANA Chair: Since the Wednesday meeting, so responses have been given to whether group addresses to be could assigned.

2. Therefore as ANA, I suggest that IEEE 802.11 allocates a value and then I take responsibility for subsequent number allocations, so that the OUI is managed by IEEE 802.11.

3. Straw Poll: Do you agree with “proposed response – 3”

4. Yes: 56, No: 0, Abstain: 7

31. PAR reviews (11-12-0386r2)

1. Chair: The VC1 ran some meetings this week to discuss PARs from other working groups. This slide set contains the summary of the comments raised.

2. VC1: There were 10 PARs reviewed this week.

3. No questions

32. WG Committee Reports (11-12-0430r0)

1. Technical editor (slide #7)

1. No questions

2. WNG SC (slide #14)

1. Three presentations this week.

2. No questions

3. ARC (slide #16)

1. No questions

4. JTC1 SC (slide #20)

1. No questions

5. Regulatory SC (slide #26)

1. Some statements about decoupling regulatory information from our standards, as regulatory changes are occurring more often.

2. Please look at 11-12-0437r0 for more references.

3. No questions

6. Smart Grid SC (slide #34)

1. No questions

7. TGaa (slide #41)

1. TGaa is now complete.

2. Chair: Thanks for your proposal about the future relationship with IEEE 802.1avb. I think this is best way forward at the moment.

3. No questions

8. TGac (slide #46)

1. No questions

9. TGad (slide #52)

1. No questions

10. TGaf (slide #57)

1. No questions

11. TGah (slide #65)

1. No questions

12. TGai (slide #71)

1. Q: Has your timeline changed?

2. A: No

13. CMMW Study Group (slide #81)

1. No questions.

14. ISD Study Group (slide #89)

1. Q: Can you change the typo on the 1st slide of the closing report.

2. A: yes

33. Liaison Reports

1. IEEE 802.15 (11-12-0457r0)

1. No questions

2. IEEE 802.21 (11-12-0458r0)

1. Q: I saw that there was a PAR for 802.21.d this week.

2. A: Yes, that is included in the slide deck.

3. IEEE 802.18 (11-12-0436r0)

1. Chair: regarding the TVWS paper that will be discussed at the EC this afternoon, not all TVWS groups in 802 were initially consulted. However, is the content still problematic to IEEE 802.11

2. A: Yes, as the document was based on poor reading of the February 2012 FCC rules. It assumed that all TVWS would be auctioned off. Therefore this is not a good position for a IEEE 802.

3. Chair: So where is it going to go?

4. A: No specific place at the moment. It’s really just for archiving.

5. C: I agree that this document was generated incorrectly and will be out of date as soon as it is finished. I ask that this document not be approved by the IEEE 802 EC.

6. C: There was no representation of IEEE 802.15 and also Canadian rules within the document. In addition, there is confusion about White Spaces use and unlicensed spectrum.

7. VC2: My concern is that if IEEE 802 produces an incorrect document that is not very good for external fora. Therefore it would be better to do nothing that approve this document.

8. Chair: So, the recommendation is to leave it as an IEEE 802.18 document (18-12-0030r2) that should just be left on mentor and not taken any further.

9. C: IEEE 802.18 has approved a motion for the document to go to the EC. I’m not sure what the EC intend to do.

10. C: I did not mean to suggest that we erase any documents on mentor. I think it should be considered as an interesting piece of work that is not to go any further.

34. Coffee Break

1. Chair: I would like to take a short break and re-convene at 10am. We should then be able to finish at 10.30am.

2. Is there any objection?

3. None seen.

35. Working Group Motions (Old Business) (11-12-0429r0)

1. Teleconferences (slide #4)

1. Move to approve the following teleconferences

|Group |Dates |Start Time |Duration |

|TGai |Tuesdays from Mar 27 to May 29 |9:00 ET |1 Hour |

|TGah |Wed April 11 |10:00 ET |1 Hour |

| |Wed April 18 |19:00 ET |1 Hour |

| |Wed May 9 |10:00 ET |1 Hour |

|TGac |Mar 22, Apr 5, Apr 19, May 3, 24; June 7 |10:00 ET |2 Hours |

| |Mar 29, Apr 12, Apr 26, May 31 |20:00 ET |2 Hours |

|TGad |Apr 26, May 10, May 31, |10:00 ET |2 Hours |

| |Apr 19, May 3, May 24, June 7 |20:00 ET | |

|TGaf |Tuesdays ad nauseum |21:00 ET |2 Hours |

|JTC1, ARC, REG SCs |Calls to be arranged on 10-days notice as required | | |

|Smart Grid |Calls to be arranged on 10-days notice as required |14:00 ET |1 Hour |

|ISD SG |April 17 |10:00 ET |1 Hour |

|CMMW SG |April 19, 26, May 3 |19:00 ET |1 Hour |

2. Moved Adrian Stephens, 2nd Jon Rosdahl

3. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

2. Working Group Operations Manual (slide #6)

1. Adopt document 11-09/0002r10 as the 802.11 Operations Manual.

2. Moved: Jon Rosdahl, Seconded: Adrian Stephens

3. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

4. Q: When does this become effective?

5. Chair: Now.

3. TGac motion (slide #8)

1. Authorize TGac to hold an ad-hoc meeting on July 11-13 in California, for the purpose of advancing the comment resolution process.

2.  Moved by Osama Aboul-Magd on behalf of TGac

3. [TGac vote: Moved: Adrian, Seconded: Brian , Result: 25-0-0]

4. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

4. CMMW Study Group Extension (slide #10)

1. Request the IEEE 802 LMSC to extend the 802.11 China Millimeter Wave Study Group.

2. Moved by Xiaoming Peng on behalf of CMMW SG, 2nd: Andrew Myles

3. [CMMW SG vote: Moved: Xiaoming Peng, Seconded: Andrew Myles, Result: 13-0-1]

4. For: 59, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes 100%)

5. ISD Study Group Extension (slide #8)

1. Request the IEEE 802 LMSC to extend the IEEE 802.11 ISD Study Group.

2. Study Group Result: Moved: Dwight Smith, 2nd : Joseph Levy, Result: 36/0/1

3. Moved on behalf of ISD SG by Stephen McCann, 2nd: Marc Emmelman

4. For: 61, Against: 1, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes 98.39%)

36. Working Group Motions (New Business) (11-12-0429r1)

1. TGaf Liaison (slide #14)

1. To better understand the needs and plans for the TVWS in Japan, Approve a liaison from the IEEE 802.11 WG to the White Space Promotion Committee. Hiroshi Harada of NICT has offered to serve as liaison.

2. Moved: Richard Kennedy, Seconded: Michael Montemurro

3. C: This is important to obtain regulatory information on TV White Spaces in Japan.

4. C: I speak in favour of this motion, as the Japan Government needs to be able to liaise with IEEE on this issue.

5. For: 68, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes 100%)

6. Chair: I would like to thank Hiroshi (in absentia) for becoming our new liaison

37. Interpretation Request (11-12-0459r0)

1. This is regarding 802.11n.

2. Move to approve the response in 11-12-0459-00 as the IEEE 802.11 WG interpretation response to the indicated interpretation request.

1. Moved: Dorothy Stanley, 2nd : Eldad Perahia

2. For: 59, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes 100%)

38. US Energy Star (11-12-0183r2)

1. Please note that there is a request for comments (by March 30th 2012) on this topic. Access points are called out as one of the devices within this initiative.

2. No questions

39. Future Venues (11-12-0183r2)

1. Chair: Our next meeting (session #133) is in Atlanta, Georgia, USA and the early bird registration closes in two weeks time.

2. Nanjing has now been confirmed for September 2013.

3. In September 2014, we are considering either Kobe, Japan or Seoul, Korea.

4. Singapore has now been confirmed for March 2015, at the Sands Hotel.

5. Chair: I apologize that the other dates for 2015 are incorrect; so I’ll update the slides.

6. C: Please note that Early Bird hotel registration for Atlanta finishes today, whereas the meeting early bird registration finishes in two weeks time.

7. Chair: Please can you also complete the poll that has been distributed on the email reflector, before noon today. The results will be considered in the EC this afternoon.

8. Chair: We may have a rule change this afternoon, to instigate motions for future venue decision making at the EC itself.

40. Other New Business

1. None

41. Adjournment

1. Chair: I propose to adjourn

2. The meeting is adjourned without objection at 10:45 HAST

Annex A: Attendance & Affiliation

|Name |Affiliation |Attended >= 75%?|

|Franklin, Antony |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |FALSE |

|Aboulmagd, Osama |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Ahmed, Hanan |Huawei R&D USA |TRUE |

|Aiello, Roberto |Itron Inc. |TRUE |

|Amini, Peiman |Broadcom Corporation |TRUE |

|Armstrong, Lee |US Department of Transportation |TRUE |

|Asai, Yusuke |NTT |TRUE |

|Ashley, Alex |NDS Limited |TRUE |

|Astrin, Arthur |Astrin Radio |FALSE |

|Au, Kwok |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Auluck, Vijay |Intel Corporation |TRUE |

|Aust, Stefan |NEC Communication Systems, Ltd. |TRUE |

|Baik, Eugene |Qualcomm Incorporated |TRUE |

|Bajko, Gabor |Nokia |TRUE |

|Barber, Phillip |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Batra, Anuj |Texas Instruments Incorporated |TRUE |

|Baykas, Tuncer |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |TRUE |

|Berkema, Alan |Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. |TRUE |

|Boehlke, Kenneth |Summit Semiconductor |TRUE |

|Boucachard, Philippe |Canon Research Centre France |TRUE |

|Boytim, Mathew |Sensus |FALSE |

|Buffington, John |Itron Inc. |TRUE |

|Bynam, Kiran |SAMSUNG |FALSE |

|Cai, Lin |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Calcev, George |Huawei R&D USA |TRUE |

|Canchi, Radhakrishna |Kyocera Communications Inc. |TRUE |

|Cardozo, Ruben |Landis Gyr Group Worldwide |FALSE |

|Cariou, Laurent |France Telecom |TRUE |

|Carney, William |Sony Corporation |TRUE |

|Cha, Jaesun |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |TRUE |

|Challans, Romana |The Serval Project |TRUE |

|Chang, Kim |Huawei R&D USA |TRUE |

|Chang, Kuor-Hsin |Elster Solutions |TRUE |

|Chang, Xin |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Chaplin, Clint |Samsung Information Systems America, Inc. |FALSE |

|Chen, Bin |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Chen, Lidong |NIST |TRUE |

|Cheong, Minho |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |FALSE |

|CHERIAN, GEORGE |Qualcomm Incorporated |TRUE |

|Chitrakar, Rojan |Panasonic Singapore |TRUE |


|Choi, Sangsung |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |TRUE |

|Choo, Li |Institute for Infocomm Research |TRUE |

|Choudhury, Sayantan |Nokia |TRUE |

|Chu, Liwen |STMicroelectronics |TRUE |


|Coffey, John |Realtek Semiconductor Corp. |TRUE |

|Coop, Kenneth |Teradyne, Inc. |TRUE |

|Cordeiro, Carlos |Intel Corporation |TRUE |

|Correal, Neiyer |Motorola Solutions, Inc. |TRUE |

|De Ruijter, Hendricus |Silicon Laboratories |TRUE |

|de Vegt, Rolf |Qualcomm Incorporated |TRUE |

|Demessie, Yohannes |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |TRUE |

|Ding, Gang |Qualcomm Incorporated |TRUE |

|Dong, Xiandong |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Doppler, Klaus |Nokia |TRUE |

|Durand, Roger |Research In Motion Limited |TRUE |

|Eastlake, 3rd, Donald |Huawei R&D USA |FALSE |

|Ecclesine, Peter |Cisco Systems, Inc. |TRUE |

|Edgar, Richard |CSR plc. |TRUE |

|Emmelmann, Marc |Fraunhofer FOKUS |TRUE |

|Erceg, Vinko |Broadcom Corporation |TRUE |

|Fang, Ping |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Feng, Chengyan |ZTE Corporation |TRUE |

|Filin, Stanislav |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |TRUE |

|Fischer, Matthew |Broadcom Corporation |TRUE |


|Ghosh, Chittabrata |Nokia |TRUE |

|Ghosh, Monisha |InterDigital, Inc. |TRUE |

|Gloger, Reinhard |Nokia Siemens Networks |TRUE |

|Godfrey, Tim |Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. (EPRI) |FALSE |

|GONG, DANING |China Academy of Telecommunication Research (CATR) |FALSE |

|Goodall, David |Broadcom Corporation |TRUE |

|Grandhi, Sudheer |InterDigital, Inc. |TRUE |

|Grau, Stephen |Juniper Networks, Inc. |TRUE |

|GU, HWERS |huawei |TRUE |

|Gurtov, Andrei |Centre for Wireless Communications / University of Oulu |FALSE |

|Halasz, David |Motorola Mobility |TRUE |

|Han, Seunghee |LG ELECTRONICS |TRUE |

|Hansen, Christopher |Broadcom Corporation |TRUE |

|Harada, Hiroshi |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |TRUE |

|Harkins, Dan |Aruba Networks, Inc. |TRUE |

|Hart, Brian |Cisco Systems, Inc. |TRUE |

|Hedayat, Ahmadreza |Cisco Systems, Inc. |TRUE |

|Herbst, Thomas |Silver Spring Networks |FALSE |

|Ho, Chin |Institute for Infocomm Research |TRUE |

|Hoang, Anh |Institute for Infocomm Research |TRUE |

|Hoang, Dien |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |TRUE |

|Howard, David |On-Ramp Wireless, Inc. |FALSE |

|Hsieh, Jing-Rong |HTC Corporation |TRUE |

|Hu, Chunyu |Broadcom Corporation |TRUE |

|Hunter, David |WireFi Networks Inc. |TRUE |

|Inoue, Satoru |K-micro (Kawasaki Microelectronics) |TRUE |

|Inoue, Yasuhiko |Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) |TRUE |

|Iso, Akio |iSospacenet Research Corporation (iSR) |TRUE |

|Iwaoka, Mitsuru |Yokogawa Electric Corporation |TRUE |

|Jee, Junghoon |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |FALSE |

|Jin, Sunggeun |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |TRUE |

|Jindal, Nihar |Broadcom Corporation |TRUE |

|Jones, Vince |Qualcomm Incorporated |TRUE |

|JOO, SEONG-SOON |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |TRUE |

|Junell, Jari |Nokia |TRUE |

|Kafle, Padam |Nokia |TRUE |

|Kaneda, Shigeru |Space-Time Engineering |TRUE |

|Kang, Hyunduk |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |TRUE |

|Kasslin, Mika |Nokia |TRUE |

|Kato, Shuzo |Tohoku University |TRUE |

|Kennedy, Richard |Research In Motion Limited |TRUE |

|Kerry, Stuart |OK-Brit |TRUE |

|kim, Daegyun |SAMSUNG |FALSE |

|Kim, Eunkyung |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |TRUE |



|Kim, Taejoon |Nokia Research Center |TRUE |

|Kim, Yongsun |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |FALSE |

|Kim, Youhan |Qualcomm Incorporated |TRUE |

|Kim, Youngsoo |Samsung Electronics |FALSE |

|Kitazawa, Shoichi |ATR Wave Engineering Laboratories |TRUE |

|Kivinen, Tero |AuthenTec |TRUE |


|Ko, Gwangzeen |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |FALSE |

|Kojima, Fumihide |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |TRUE |

|Koskela, Timo |Renesas Mobile Corporation |TRUE |

|Kraemer, Bruce |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |TRUE |


|Kwak, Joseph |InterDigital, Inc. |TRUE |

|Kwon, Young |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Lambert, Paul |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |TRUE |

|Lan, Zhou |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |TRUE |

|Lansford, James |CSR plc. |TRUE |

|Lee, Anseok |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |TRUE |

|Lee, Donghun |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |FALSE |

|Lee, Jack |SAMSUNG |TRUE |

|Lee, Jae |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |TRUE |

|Lee, Soo |Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) |TRUE |

|Lee, Wookbong |LG ELECTRONICS |TRUE |

|Lei, Zhongding |Institute for Infocomm Research |FALSE |

|Levy, Joseph |InterDigital Communications, LLC |TRUE |

|Li, Feng |China Academy of Telecommunication Technology(CATT) |TRUE |

|Li, Liang |Vinno Technologies Inc. |FALSE |

|Li, Yunbo |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|LI, YUNZHOU |Tsinghua University |TRUE |

|Lindskog, Erik |CSR plc. |TRUE |

|Liu, Hong |China Mobile Communications Corporation (CMCC) |TRUE |

|Liu, Jianhan |MediaTek Inc. |TRUE |

|Liu, Yong |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |TRUE |

|Loc, Peter |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Luo, Long |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Luo, Yi |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Luo, Zhendong |China Academy of Telecommunication Research (CATR) |TRUE |

|Lv, Kaiying |ZTE Corporation |TRUE |

|Malinen, Jouni |Qualcomm Incorporated |TRUE |

|Mano, Hiroshi |Alliedtelesis R&D center K.K. |TRUE |

|Mccann, Stephen |Research In Motion Limited |TRUE |

|Mcdermott, Thomas |FUJITSU |FALSE |

|Merlin, Simone |Qualcomm Incorporated |TRUE |

|Miller, James |InterDigital, Inc. |TRUE |

|Montemurro, Michael |Research In Motion Limited |TRUE |

|Mori, Kenichi |Panasonic Corporation |TRUE |

|Morioka, Hitoshi |Allied Telesis R&D Ceter |TRUE |

|Murias, Ronald |InterDigital, Inc. |TRUE |

|Myles, Andrew |Cisco Systems, Inc. |TRUE |

|Nagai, Yukimasa |Mitsubishi Electric Corporation |FALSE |

|Nagao, Yuhei |Kyushu Institute of Technology |TRUE |

|Nakano, Hiroki |Trans New Technology, Inc. |TRUE |

|Nandagopalan, Sai |Tensorcom, Inc. |TRUE |

|Ngo, Chiu |Samsung |TRUE |

|Notor, John |Notor Research |FALSE |

|Ogawa, Hiroyo |Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) |TRUE |


|OH, SER |Institute for Infocomm Research |TRUE |

|Onishi, Ryokichi |Toyota InfoTechnology Center |TRUE |

|Oyama, Satoshi |Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) |TRUE |

|Paljug, Michael |Raytheon Company |TRUE |

|Pandey, Santosh |Cisco Systems, Inc. |TRUE |

|Pantelidou, Anna |Renesas Mobile Corporation |TRUE |


|Park, Hyunho |Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instititute (ETRI) |FALSE |

|Park, Minyoung |Intel Corporation |TRUE |

|Pathmasuntharam, Jaya |Institute for Infocomm Research |FALSE |

|Peng, Xiaoming |Institute for Infocomm Research |TRUE |

|Perahia, Eldad |Intel Corporation |TRUE |

|Petranovich, James |ViaSat, Inc. |TRUE |

|Petro, John |NSA/IAD |TRUE |

|Ping, Xu |ZTE Corporation |FALSE |

|Poncini, Victoria |Microsoft Corporation |FALSE |

|Ponnampalam, Vishakan |MediaTek Inc. |TRUE |

|Pope, Steve |Self Employed |FALSE |

|porat, ron |Broadcom Corporation |TRUE |

|PULIKKUNATTU, Rethanakaran |Broadcom Corporation |TRUE |

|Pyo, Chang-Woo |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |TRUE |

|Ramasastry, Jayaram |Silver Spring Networks Inc. |TRUE |

|Reede, Ivan |AmeriSys Inc. |TRUE |

|Reuss, Edward |NO AFFILIATION |TRUE |

|Rison, Mark |CSR |TRUE |

|Rosdahl, Jon |CSR plc. |TRUE |


|Safonov, Alexander |IITP RAS |TRUE |

|Sakoda, Kazuyuki |Sony Corporation |TRUE |

|Sampath, Hemanth |Qualcomm Incorporated |TRUE |

|Sanwalka, Anil |ProSoft Technology |TRUE |

|Schelstraete, Sigurd |Quantenna Communications, Inc. |TRUE |

|Schwoerer, Jean |France Telecom |FALSE |

|Segev, Jonathan |Intel Corporation |TRUE |

|Seok, Yongho |LG Electronics |TRUE |

|Shao, Huairong |Samsung Information Systems America, Inc. |TRUE |

|Shellhammer, Stephen |Qualcomm Incorporated |FALSE |

|Sherlock, Ian |Texas Instruments Incorporated |TRUE |

|Shi, Wei |CSR plc. |TRUE |

|Shimada, Shusaku |Yokogawa Co. |FALSE |


|Siep, Thomas |CSR plc. |TRUE |

|Signorino, Irene |Microsemi Corporation |FALSE |

|Sim, Michael |Panasonic Singapore |TRUE |

|Smith, Dwight |Motorola Mobility |TRUE |

|Smith, Graham |DSP Group |TRUE |

|Song, Chunyi |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |FALSE |

|Stacey, Robert |Apple, Inc. |TRUE |

|Stanley, Dorothy |Aruba Networks, Inc. |TRUE |

|Stefani, Lawrence |General Dynamics C4 Systems |TRUE |

|Stephens, Adrian |Intel Corporation |TRUE |

|Struik, Rene |Struik Security Consultancy |TRUE |

|Suh, JUNG |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Sum, Chin-Sean |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |TRUE |

|Sun, Bo |ZTE Corporation |TRUE |

|Sun, Chen |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |TRUE |

|sun, sheng |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Takahashi, Kazuaki |Panasonic |TRUE |

|Takai, Mineo |Space-Time Engineering, LLC |TRUE |

|Teo, Joseph |Institute for Infocomm Research |FALSE |

|Tetzlaff, Thomas |Intel Corporation |TRUE |

|Thrasher, Jerry |Lexmark International Inc. |TRUE |

|Tingleff, Jens |CSR plc. |TRUE |

|Tong, Fei |CSR plc. |TRUE |

|Tran, Ha |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |TRUE |

|Tsukada, Kazuyoshi |Buffalo Inc. |TRUE |

|Umehira, Masahiro |Ibaraki University |FALSE |

|Van Zelst, Allert |Qualcomm Incorporated |TRUE |

|Varshney, Prabodh |Nokia |TRUE |

|Vermani, Sameer |Qualcomm Incorporated |TRUE |

|Villardi, Gabriel |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |FALSE |

|Vlantis, George |STMicroelectronics |TRUE |

|Wang, Chao-Chun |MediaTek Inc. |TRUE |

|Wang, Haiguang |Institute for Infocomm Research |TRUE |

|Wang, James |MediaTek Inc. |TRUE |

|Wang, Junyi |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |TRUE |

|Wang, Lei |InterDigital Communications, LLC |TRUE |

|Wang, Qi |Broadcom Corporation |TRUE |

|Wang, Xuehuan |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Ward, Lisa |Rohde & Schwarz |TRUE |

|Watanabe, Fujio |NTT DoCoMo, Inc. |TRUE |

|Wei, Hung-Yu |National Taiwan University |TRUE |

|Wen, Lei |China Academy of Telecommunication Research (CATR) |TRUE |

|Wong, Eric |Broadcom Corporation |TRUE |

|Wu, Tianyu |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Yang, Xun |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Yang, Yang |Wuxi SensingNet Industrialisation Research Institute |FALSE |

|Yang, Yunsong |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Yee, Peter |NSA/IAD |TRUE |

|Yeow, Wai-Leong |Institute for Infocomm Research |FALSE |

|Yokoo, Kaoru |FUJITSU |TRUE |

|Yu, Zhan |Panasonic Singapore |TRUE |

|Yucek, Tevfik |Qualcomm Incorporated |TRUE |

|Yunoki, Katsuo |KDDI R&D Laboratories |TRUE |

|Zein, Nader |NEC Corporation |FALSE |

|Zhang, Junjian |ZTE Corporation |TRUE |

|Zhang, Xin |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |FALSE |

|Zhao, Mu |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Zheng, Jun |Broadcom Corporation |TRUE |


|Zhou, Mingtuo |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |TRUE |

|Zhu, Chunhui |Samsung Information Systems America, Inc. |FALSE |

|ZHU, LI |ZTE Corporation |TRUE |

|Zhuang, Yan |Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd |TRUE |

|Zuniga, Juan |InterDigital, Inc. |FALSE |

Annex B : Working Group Officers

B.1 Working Group

|Name (Affiliation) |Position |Contact Details |

|Bruce Kraemer |IEEE 802.11 Working Group Chair |5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA |

|(Marvell Semiconductor, | |Phone: +1 (321) 427-4098 |

|Inc.) | |Fax: +1 (321) 751-3988 |

| | |bkraemer@ |

|Jon Rosdahl |1st Vice Chair (Policies and Procedures) |+1 (801) 492-4023 |

|(CSR plc) |Treasurer |jrosdahl@ |

|Adrian Stephens |2nd Vice Chair |Phone: +44 1954 204 609 |

|(Intel Corporation) |(Attendance, Ballots, Documentation and Voting) |adrian.p.stephens@ |

| |Co-Technical Editor | |

| |802.11 Assigned Numbers Authority | |

|Stephen McCann |Secretary |+44 1753 667099 |

|(Research in Motion (RIM) |Publicity ad-hoc Chair |stephen.mccann@ |

|UK Ltd.) | | |

|Peter Ecclesine |Co-Technical Editor |+1 (408) 527-0815 |

|(Cisco Systems, Inc.) | |petere@ |

B.2 Standing Committees

|Name (Affiliation) |Position |Contact Details |

|Clint Chaplin |Wireless Next Generation (WNG) Chair |+1 (408) 768-0827 |

|(Samsung Electronics) | |clint.chaplin@ |

|David Bagby |Architecture (ARC) Chair |+1 (650) 637-7741 |

|(Calypso Ventures Inc.) | |David.Bagby@ |

|Andrew Myles |ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC6 shadow committee (JTC1) Chair |+61 2 84461010 |

|(Cisco Systems, Inc.) | |andrew.myles@ |

|Rich Kennedy |Regulatory Chair |+1 (972) 207-3554 |

|(Research in Motion) | |rikennedy@ |

B.3 Task Groups

|Name (Affiliation) |Position |Contact Details |

|Dorothy V. Stanley |TGmb Chair |+1( 630) 363-1389 |

|(Aruba Networks) |(REVmb Revision and Maintenance) |dstanley@ |

|Graham Smith |TGaa Chair |+1 916 799 9563 |

|(DSP Group) |(Video Transport Streams) |graham.smith@ |

|Osama Aboul-Magd |TGac Chair |+1 (613) 287-1405 |

|(Huawei) |(Very High Throughput < 6 GHz) |osama.aboulmagd@ |

|Eldad Perahia |TGad Chair |+1 (503) 712-8081 |

|(Intel Corporation) |(Very High Throughput 60 GHz) |eldad.perahia@ |

|Michael Montemurro |TGae Chair |+1-905-629-4746 x14999 |

|(Research In Motion) |(Prioritization of Management Frames) |mmontemurro@ |

|Rich Kennedy |TGaf Chair |+1 (972) 207-3554 |

|(Research in Motion) |(TV White Spaces) |rikennedy@ |

|David Halasz |TGah Chair |+1 330-283-2715 |

|(Motorola Mobility) |(Sub 1 GHz Operation) |dave.halasz@ |

|Hiroshi Mano |TGai Chair |+81-3-5436-8350 |

|(Allied Telesis R&D center |(Fast Initial Link Setup) |hmano@root- |

|K.K.) | | |

B.5 Study Groups

|Name (Affiliation) |Position |Contact Details |

|Eldad Perahia |CMMW Co-Chairs |+1 (503) 712-8081 |

|(Intel Corporation) |(China Millimeter Wave) |eldad.perahia@ |

|Xiaoming Peng | |+65-64082429 |

|(Institute for Infocomm | | |

|Research) | | |

|Stephen McCann |ISD Chair |+44 1753 667099 |

|(Research in Motion (RIM) |(Infrastructure Service Discovery) |stephen.mccann@ |

|UK Ltd.) | | |

B.6 Liaisons

|Name (Affiliation) |Position |Contact Details |

|Stephen McCann |Liaison to 3GPP |+44 1753 667099 |

|(Research in Motion (RIM) |(3rd Generation Partnership Project) |stephen.mccann@ |

|UK Ltd.) | | |

|Tom Siep |Liaison to Bluetooth SIG, Inc. |+1 214 558 4358 |

|(CSR plc) |(Special Interest Group promoting Bluetooth technology |tom.siep@ |

| |and qualifying conformant implementations) | |

|Clint Chaplin |Liaison to IEEE 802.15 and IEEE 802.21 |+1 (408) 768-0827 |

|(Samsung Electronics) | |clint.chaplin@ |

|Rich Kennedy |Liaison to IEEE 802.18 |+1 (972) 207-3554 |

|(Research in Motion) | |rikennedy@ |

|Eldad Perahia |Liaison to IEEE 802.19 |+1 (503) 712-8081 |

|(Intel Corporation) | |eldad.perahia@ |

|Dorothy V. Stanley |Liaison to IETF |+1( 630) 363-1389 |

|(Aruba Networks) |(Internet Engineering Task Force) |dstanley@ |

|Ian Sherlock |Liaison to WFA |+1-972-995-2011 |

|(Texas Instruments Inc.) |(Wi-Fi Alliance) |isherlock@ |

Annex C : Minutes

This Annex contains references to all IEEE 802.11 SC/TG/SG & Ad Hoc Committee (AHC) minutes from this meeting. Please note that they are NOT subject to the approval of these minutes, but are confirmed and approved by their individual group in the opening meeting at their next session.

|WG |TE |12-0381r0 |

|TGAA |TGC |12-0447r0 |

|TGAC |TGC |12-0469r0 |

|TGAD |TGC |12-0358r0 |

|TGAF |TGC |12-0465r0 |

|TGAH |TGC |12-0468r0 |

|TGAI |TGC |12-0472r0 |

|CMMW |SGC |12-0404r0 |

|ISD |SGC |12-0414r0 |

|ARC |SCC |12-0425r0 |

|WNG |SCC |12-0405r0 |

|JTC1 |SCC |12-0451r0 |

|REG |SCC |12-0470r1 |

|SmartGrid |SCC |12-0453r0 |

|PAR meeting |AHG |12-0368r2 |




This document constitutes the minutes of the IEEE 802.11 full working group for the March 2012, Waikoloa, HI, USA meeting.

Please note that all affiliations at this meeting are shown in Annex A.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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