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Present: Albert Yau, Alexandra Noack, Alice Chen, Alice Polegris, Annabelle Ilar-Newbold, Barbara Franchetto. Betty Wong, Charles Bleier. Christine Pickering, Cindy Ewin, Clara Williams, Darinka Pejic, Diana Spacca, Ellen Chen, Giselle Bloch, Grace Lee, Heather Angel, J Pang, Jian Ma, Jimming He, Joanne Bleier, Kamau Adisa, Karen Chan, Kathy Kawasaki, Lan Nakano, Liz Sahsuvar, LoisDemone, Louis Chan, Lydia Lin, Mary Kishi, Mercy Yan, Merisa Tang, Milica Kefer, Myoin Ahn, Pat Mills, Patty Daly, Pauline Barle, Percy Brik, Ray Nakano, Richel Steffler, Robin Drutz-Cole, Rose Ren, Sandra Lewis, Sandy Angus, Stella Kavoukian Scharf, Stephen Wong, Sufang Wang. Susan Movat, Susan Vincent, May May Tam, Teresa Hin, Tina Faird, Todd Bushell, Toni Taros, Viivi Johnston, Wen Li Wang, Xenia Christensen

Musical Prelude

Thank you to Tiffany Tsang in grade 10 for the beautiful piano music interlude prior to the start of the meeting. It is wonderful to showcase YMCI student talent.

Mercy Yan welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the York Mills School Administration, Staff and Parent Council members.

Student Council Report: Eric Yan introduced the 9 most popular clubs in the school. Clubs are an important aspect of school life. York Mills has gold, silver and outstanding achievement awards. Each club was introduced and gave some information on their goals and activities.

1. Student Council – represents the entire school body – organize events . Comprised of Grade 10, 11 and 12 students. The council works for the students and helps to make school fun. They work as a team to ensure school events are successful. Example of events:

➢ Fri Nov 7 – School Much Music dance.

➢ Feb/2008 – Semi formal

➢ Lunchtime events – dating game, arm wrestling, club fest,

➢ Carnival – end of year event

2. YMAC – York Mills Athletic Council – over 600 students participated in YMAC last year. The purpose of this council is to support school spirit, run intramurals and sports tournaments, ending the great season with an athletic banquet. Points are awarded based on your athletic season, how well you did and leadership.

3. Technical Crew Club: Manage lights, sounds and technical aspects of events at York Mills. Currently there are 12 members of the technical crew. The club manages small school assemblies to large events.

4. Music Council – This is a group of students that run events to raise money for musical events at the school. Nov 27 and 28 – talent show at York Mills. This was a very successful event last year and will be bigger and better this year. The Council is looking for a wide range of talent. Auditions will be held starting in late Sept.

5. Year Book Committee: Purpose is to preserve the memories at York Mills. Have over 100 pages in the yearbook, which is completed in March and distributed by the end of the year. Their goal is to make the best year book York Mills has seen in its 52 year history.

6. Multicultural Assembly - This club embraces diversity and celebrates culture. Multicultural events are an annual tradition at York Mills. It is a school wide initiative with students and staff.

7. Stage Crew – This club is responsible for set up and maintenance of performance stage and technical. They have mentors come in and talk to the club members.

8. Ambassadors Club – Purpose of this club is to give back to the community. Promote volunteerism and fundraising for specific projects. Young Street Mission will be one of the projects for this year. This club is open all year round to all students.

9. Empowered Student partnership (ESP) – Great turn out this year. This club is a group of dedicated students helping to make school enjoyable and raise school spirit. Possible upcoming events are a casino night and an addition awareness night. These events include sports in gym, games and video games.

Principals Report:

Clara Williams welcomed all the parents to the meeting. A big ‘Thank You’ to the guidance dept for getting the school up and running so smoothly. Check the website weekly for new update on the School website and Clara’s blog. Be sure you are on our email list if you want to receive the blog online.

➢ School is fully staffed, however, the Library continue to be closed period 1. Will have news sometime this week about additional staffing.

➢ Timelines for special notices for colleges and university have been distributed and communicated to the students.

➢ Whole school initiatives for character development – Each month there will be a focus on a different character development. Respect is the focus for this month followed by responsibility, empathy, kindness & caring, fairness, honestly, cooperation, integrity and perseverance in June.

➢ Safe and caring school weeks ends this week officially. Staff continues to keep vigilant. Doors are locked at 1:00 pm each day to keep intruders out.

➢ Student Success/Credit Recovery – all students met with success last year. This is geared for those students identified as high risk, failing behind each year.

➢ Announcements have been made advising students of the clubs still requiring members.

➢ An all candidates debate for student only will be held at lunch on Sept 25.

➢ Settlement worker is settling in. Supporting York Mills for Mandarin and Cantonese languages.

➢ Lates Committee – students seem to be getting better at getting to class on time. Meet consistently with late students on Wednesday to council them about the need to be to class on time. Also issues with parents dropping off very late.

➢ Last year’s graduating students gave a gift of digital clocks to the school. They are on order for the first floor.

➢ Iron fence was extended at the front of the school along the sidewalk. Looks much better and protects the sign.

➢ Vandalism situation last June created flood that necessitated buying new computers, science equipment & replacing ceiling tiles, etc.

➢ New sign for YMCI has been ordered for above the front doors and is awaiting installation.

➢ Performances – the school will be involved in the Sears festival this year. Will be smaller more frequent productions. Looking at involvement of the Canadian Stage this year with Drama Club, Tech and Stage.

Vice Principal’s Report

Todd Bushell

Photo day was held earlier this month for school pictures. TTC photo day was also held. Photo retake day is Tuesday Oct 14. Interim reports will be sent home on Friday Oct 17 in the afternoon. The reports are based on the first 6 weeks of school. Mid term reports will be distributed on Thursday Nov. 13. Curriculum night will be held on Sept 25.

> Literacy test – Over 90% of students at York Mills passed the test. The marks were well above the Ministry averages.

> For those who didn’t pass, there will be additional preparation sessions. The next test will be held on April 2, 2009.

> Peer tutors are a great way for students to get valuable help with school work.

> Academic awards will be presented on Oct 3, 2008.

Alexandra Nowack

The school Advisory council asked for a ‘Wish list’ from teachers and staff on items needed for the classrooms. Here is the list:

1. Increase in Doug Scott award (for this year)

2. College funding for students

3. New instruments for the music department

4. Smart board for technical program

5. Extra support for Developmentally Disabled program (ie. pottery teacher)

6. Projector for the ceiling in the Titan room

7. New light and sound board in the cafeteria

The list will be reviewed and discussed at the next SAC meeting.

School Council Executive nominations – Mercy Yan

➢ Mercy reminded parents about completing the donation and membership forms.

➢ Mercy introduced the nominations for YMSAC chairs, Treasurer and Vice-Chairs. No additional nominations were put forth.

➢ Jean – volunteered as Co-Secretary.

➢ One grade 12 parent and one grade 11 parent is needed to assist with the grade 12 graduation.

o A grade 11 parent volunteered and a grade 12 parent.

o 3 grade 10 parents volunteered to be vice-chairs.

> Susan Movat made a motion to elect the school council. The motion was seconded by Giesle Bloch. The council was approved.

Names of 2008-2009 York Mills Collegiate School Advisory Council (YMSAC) Executives:

|Name |Executive Position |Email address |Phone Number |Phone Number |

| | | |(Home) |(Mobile) |

|Mercy Yan |Co-Chair |mercy_yan@ |(416) 441-3988 |(647) 267-8226 |

|Stephen Wong |Co-Chair |swong@toronto.ca |(416) 397-9175 | |

| | |or | | |

| | |swong0430@ | | |

|Joanne Bleier |Co-Chair |jbleier4430@ |(416) 781-4430 |- |

|Annabelle Ilar-Newbold |Treasurer |anewbold@ |(416) 447-4450 |- |

| | |or | | |

| | |ailarnewbold@ | | |

|Sandy Angus |Secretary |sangus@ca. |(416) 447-9234 |- |

|Jean Wong |Secretary |jeanwang39@ |(647) 728-1426 |(416) 857-3596 |

|Giselle Bloch |Vice-Chair |gfbloch@ |(416) 879-0280 |- |

|Lois Demone |Vice-Chair |loisdemone@ |(416) 385-2555 |- |

|Cindy Ewins |Vice-Chair |ewinsc@ |(416) 618-9084 |- |

|Christine Pickering |Vice-Chair |christine.pickering@ |(416) 499-7129 |- |

| | | |(messages) | |

|Liz Sahsuvar |Vice-Chair |lizeng@ |(416) 730-8465 |(416) 996-8465 |

|Stephen Li |Vice-Chair |sli@georgebrown.ca |(416) 491-4896 |- |

|Lan Nakano |Vice-Chair |lanpnguyen@ |(416) 491-6783 |(416) 668-9887 |

|Tori Taros |Vice-Chair |hometanos@ |(416) 439-4830 |(416) 508-5000 |

|Barbara Franchetto |Vice-Chair |bfranchetto@ |(416) 447-3616 |- |

|Sandra Lewis |Vice-Chair |sandra.lewis@tel.tdsb.on.ca |(416) 385-2161 |- |

|Mey Mey Tam |Vice-Chair |mmeytam@.hk |(647) 350-6381 |- |

|Tina Fard |Vice-Chair |tina_fard2000@ |(416) 441-4554 |- |

|Robin Drutz-Cole |Vice-Chair |robin.cole@sympatico.ca |(416) 449-2246 |(416) 895-2246 |

|Charles Bleier |Grad Committee |acctjock@yahoo.ca |(416) 781-4430 |(416) 903-0430 |

|Merisa Tang |Grad Committee |merisa.or@ |(416) 250-7476 |- |

Mercy Yan adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m.

The Next YMSAC meeting is scheduled for Nov 5 in Titan Hall, 7:30 pm. The agenda will include a presentation on drugs in the community.

Check out the York Mills website at It is current and provides valuable information.


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