Anatomy I Exam 1 - Angelfire

Anatomy I Exam 1

1. The lowest level of organization of the human body is ________________.

2. The defining structures of the chemical level are ______________ and _________________.

3. Cytology is based at the __________________ level.

4. __________ are the basic fundamental units of life.

5. ___________ is the study of tissues.

6. “Tissue” is two or more ________ _________ that come together for function.

7. “Organ” is a structure of two or more different types of _________.

8. Two or more organs coming together for a specific/common function is a _____________.

9. The highest level of organization of the human body is ________________.

10. ____________ is the vertical plane that divides the body into an anterior and posterior half.

11. ____________ is the horizontal plane that divides the body into an inferior and superior half.

12. ____________ is the vertical plane that divides the body into a left and right half.

13. A diagonal plane on the body is known as _____________.

14. Large spaces within the body are known as _____________.

15. The _____________ houses the brain.

16. The vertebral canal houses the ______________.

17. The ___________ contains 3 different/ separate cavities.

18. The 3 different/ separate cavities in the thoracic cavity are _________________.

19. The pleural cavities house the __________.

20. The pericardial cavity houses the ___________.

21. The ___________ separates the thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity.

22. The ___________ is all one cavity, separated imaginarily.

23. The abdominal cavity occupies the ___________ portion of the abdominopelvic cavity.

24 . The pelvic cavity occupies the ___________ portion of the abdominopelvic cavity.

25. The imaginary structure which separates the abdominal cavity and the pelvic cavity is the ______________.

26. _____________ means covers the organ by adhering to its surface.

27. _____________ means lining the wall of a cavity.

28. _____________ is the membrane that adheres to the surface of the heart.

29. _____________ is the membrane that lines the wall of the pericardium cavity.

30. The visceral pericardium are _________________ the same, but ________________ different.

31. _____________ is the membrane that adheres to the surface of the lungs.

32. _____________ is the membrane that lines the wall of the pleural cavity.

33. _____________ is the membrane that adheres to the surface of organs in the abdominopelvic cavity.

34. _____________ is the membrane that lines the wall of the abdominopelvic cavity.

35. _____________ is anything on the Earth, living or non-living, that has weight and takes up space.

36. All matter is composed of basic substances called _______________.

37. Of the 112 different elements, how many occur naturally?

38. How many of the naturally-occurring elements are found in the body?

39. 96% of the body’s mass (weight) is composed of ___________, ___________, _____________, and _____________.

40. Each element is composed of tiny particles called ____________.

41. All atoms are similar in structure, but will vary in ____________, _______________, and ______________.

42. The structure, or anatomy, of an atom is _________________.

43. The two main areas of an atom are ______________ and ________________.

44. The nucleus contains 2 subatomic particles which are _______________ and _______________.

45. A nuclear missile can travel at speeds exceeding ________________.

46. The orbit contains one type of subatomic particle which is ______________.

47. Electrons have a ____________ charge, while neutrons have a _______________ charge.

48. In a neutral atom, the number of electrons will equal the number of ______________.

49. ______________ are the smallest of the subatomic particles.

50. Atoms of different ____________ contain different numbers of protons .

51. The number of protons in an atom equals ________________.

52. The # of protons + neutrons = _______________.

53. ______________ are atoms of the same element, with the same atomic number, but different atomic weights.

54. Most atoms will combine with other atoms to form ______________.

55. Atoms combine together by a process called _______________.

56. _____________ cause the bonding.

57. When an atom bonds it will gain, lose, or share _____________.

58. The 1st shell closest to the nucleus can hold a maximum of _____ electrons.

59. The 2nd shell closest to the nucleus can hold a maximum of _____ electrons.

60. The 3rd shell closest to the nucleus can hold a maximum of _____ electrons (in biological systems).

61. Atoms follow ____________, which states most atoms will react with other atoms to obtain 8 e- in their outer shell to become most stable.

62. In _______________, atoms gain or lose e- to become stable and bond to other atoms

63. When an atom will lose a single electron to become stable, it is called an _______________, and it will become a positive ion .

64. When an atom will gain a single electron to become stable, it is called an _______________, and will become a negative ion.

65. An ______________ is an atom that has become charged by gaining or losing electrons.

66. A positive ion is also known as a _______________.

67. A negative ion is also known as a _______________.

68. Since opposite charges attract, positive and negative ions will combine and will be held together by a ____________ bond.

69. _______________ are positive or negative ions in a solution.

70. In ________________, two or more atoms will share electrons to become stable and bond with other atoms.

71. The 2 subtypes of covalent bonding are ______________ and _______________.

72. In _______________, electrons are shared equally.

73. Polar covalent bonding is due to ________________.

74. Anything that is polar is going to have a ______________ associated with it.

75. The most abundant molecule in the body is ______________.

76. A liquid or gas in which another liquid, gas, or solid dissolves in is a _______________.

77. The solid, liquid, or gas that has been dissolved in a solvent is a ________________.

78. A solute dissolved in a solvent is a _______________.

79. Polar molecules dissolve in ______________.

80. Weak bonds between a Hydrogen atom of one molecule and an oxygen or nitrogen atom of another molecule is a _______________.

81. A hydrogen bond is only ___________ as strong as other bonds.

82. A hydrogen bond adds _______________ to molecules.

83. A hydrogen bond is designated by a ____________.

84. A hydrogen bond is most important for ____________ and ____________.

85. A hydrogen bond has no exchange or sharing of ______________.

86. The strongest bond is ______________.

87. The second-strongest bond is ________________.

88. The weakest bond is _______________.

89. Two or more atoms bonded together is a _______________.

90. Two or more different elements of atoms bonded together is a

91. When atoms or molecules react, the bonds between ___________ are either formed or broken.

92. The 2 main types of reactions are _______________ and _______________.

93. The breaking of bonds between atoms to make molecules smaller is a ______________ reaction.

94. The forming of bonds between two atoms to build molecules is a ______________ reaction.

95. A Kentucky Wildcat fan jumping up and down when a player makes a three is a __________ reaction.

96. A _____________ reaction will release energy.

97. A _____________ reaction will store energy.

98. The two types of compounds in the body are _____________ and _______________.

99. Organic compounds always contain ___________ and ___________.

100. ______________ compounds usually bond ionically or polar covalently.

101. Salts, acids, and bases are examples of _____________.

102. A substance that dissolves in water and dissociates into ions, and the ions are not H+ or OH is ___________.

103. A substance that dissociates in water into ions and at least one of those ions will be a H is _____________.

104. A substance that dissociates in water into ions, and one of those ions is OH is ______________.

105. A secondary definition of a base is any substance that picks up _____________ ions.

106. Body fluids must maintain balanced quantities of ___________ and ______________.

107. A solution’s acidity or alkalinity is measured in units of __________________.

108. “pH” is the abbreviation for __________________.

109. pH is based on the concentration of ____________ in a solution.

110. The pH scale runs from _____________.

111. The more H+ you have the __________ the number .

112. Pure water has a pH of ____________.

113. The pH of water is considered ______________.

114. In water, the amount of ____________ and _____________ are equal .

115. Below pH 7 – solution is _____________.

116. In an acidic solution, there is a higher concentration of ______________.

117. Above pH 7– solution is ____________.

118. In an alkaline solution, there is a higher concentration of ______________.

119. In the stomach, the pH is measured at 2, which is ____________ g/L of H+.

120. There is a _____________ difference between pH numbers.

121. A __________ maintains proper balance of pH.

122. A buffer picks up H+ or OH- ions to replace a _________ acid or base with a _________ acid or base.

123. An organic compound consists of a ______________ skeleton.

124. An organic compound has ____________ covalently bonded to the carbons.

125. The 4 Biological Organic Groups are ____________, ______________, ____________ and ____________.

126. Carbohydrates always have C, H, and O; with a ____________ ratio of H to O.

127. The two bonding characteristics of carbohydrates are _____________ and ______________.

128. Carbohydrates are the _____________ energy source burned.

129. Carbohydrates are the structural component of ____________ and _______________.

130. Monosaccharides contain _______________ carbons.

131. 2 monosaccharides bonded together form a ________________.

132. 3 or more monosaccharides bonded together form a ________________.

133. Two examples of monosaccharides are _______________ and ______________.

134. Three examples of disaccharides are ___________________, ___________________, and ________________.

135. Three examples of polysaccharides are __________________, __________________, and ________________.

136. ________________ is many glucose molecules bonded together in plants.

137. ________________ is many glucose molecules bonded together in animals.

138. ________________ is found in the cell walls and seed coats of plants.

139. The polysaccharide which is undigestible in humans is ________________.

140. The storage form of glucose in plants is ________________.

141. The storage form of glucose in animals is _______________.

142. The two bonding characteristics of lipids are _____________ and ______________.

143. Lipids always have C, H, and O with _____________ for every O.

144. The three main functions of lipids are ________________, ________________, and ________________.

145. The 3 main types of lipids are _______________,________________, and _______________.

146. The building blocks of fat are ________________ and ________________.

147. The two types of fats are _________________ and _______________.

148. In a saturated fat, the molecule contains the maximum number of ____________.

149. In a saturated fat, there are no ______________ bonds.

150. Saturated fats mainly come from _________________.

151. Unsaturated fat molecules are usually found in _______________.

152. At room temperature, an unsaturated fat is what form?

153. The building blocks of phospholipids are _______________, _______________, and _______________.

154. The building blocks of steroids are __________________.

155. Steroids form ___________ bonds.

156. Proteins always contain which elements?

157. The building blocks of proteins are______________.

158. The three main functions of proteins are _________________, __________________, and _______________.

159. 2 amino acids bonded together form a _________________.

160. 3 or more amino acids bonded together form a _________________.

161. The bond between two amino acids is called a _________________.

162. A peptide bond is formed between the _____________ of one group and a ______________of another.

163. Nucleic acids always contain which elements?

164. The building blocks of nucleic acids are __________________.

165. Each nucleotide is composed of _______________, _________________, and ________________.

166. The five nucleic acids are __________, ___________, __________, __________, and __________.

167. The three functions of nucleic acids are ___________, ___________, and ___________.

168. Organic molecules are built up and broken down by ________________ and ________________.

169. ______________ is the study of cells.

170. Most cells of the body have the same basic features, but will vary greatly in _________, __________, and ___________.

171. All cells are divided into two main areas, __________________ and ________________.

172. One characteristic of a cell membrane is it is the _______________ structure.

173. The cell membrane also ________ the cell and help determine the _______________.

174. The proper term for inside the cell is _________________.

175. Two proper terms for outside the cell are ______________ and ______________.

176. The proper term for being inside a jail cell is ______________.

177. By controlling the movement of material into and outside the cell , the cell membrane is known as a ____________.

178. The cell membrane is composed of a ______________ with ________________.

179. Each phospholipids molecule has ________________ and _________________.

180. The fatty acid tails are ______________ tails.

181. The fatty acid tails contain what type of charge?

182. The fatty acid tails are ____________ in water, which makes them _____________.

183. The phosphate group have ____________ heads.

184. The phosphate group is ______________ in water, which makes them _____________.

185. The two types of proteins associated with a cell membrane are ____________ and ______________.

186. _____________ proteins are located along the surface of a cell membrane.

187. _____________ proteins are embedded in the surface of a cell membrane.

188. __________ is the dominant molecule inside and outside of cells.

189. Non-polar tails repel and go to the ___________________ of the bilayer.

190. Polar heads are attracted to water and go to the _____________ of the bilayer.

191. The cell membrane is a _______________ that is completely non-polar in the middle.

192. The ______________ are for support and act as receptors.

193. The ______________ form channels and carriers.

194. ________ and ___________ will determine if a molecule gets in or out of the cell.

195. The cell membrane is ____________ permeable.

196. Non-polar substances which are _____________ and ____________ pass right through the non-polar bilayer, with no help.

197. Some examples of substances which pass right through the non-polar bilayer are : ______, _______, ______, ______, and ______.

198. ____________ are lipid insoluble and water soluble.

199. Small polar substances pass through ______________.

200. Some examples of small polar substances are _______, _______, _______, ________, _______, and _______.

201. Large polar substances combine with _____________ and are transported across the cell membrane.

202. Some examples of large polar substances are _______, _______, and _______.

203. Molecules move through the cell membrane either by a _____________ or ____________ process.

204. In a(n) _________ process, the cell must use energy.

205. In a(n) _________ process, the cell does not use energy.

206. ______________ is the movement of a substance from a region of high concentration to low concentration .

207. Facilitated diffusion requires a _________________.

208. ______________ is used for large polar molecules.

209. ______________ is the forceful movement of material through a membrane from a region of high pressure to an area of low pressure

210. Osmosis is a special type of simple diffusion involving the diffusion of _____________ through a selectively permeable membrane.

211. During osmosis, a ________________ is required for the process.

212. If the same concentration of solution is inside and outside the cell, that solution is ______________.

213. If a solute is such that there is a higher concentration of water outside the cell and water enters the cell, that solute is ______________.

214. If too much water enters the cell, what will happen?

215. The action of a cell bursting from too much water is called ______.

216. The action of a cell shrinking due to loss of water is called ______.

217. The three types of active processes are ____________, ______________, and _____________.

218. Active processes differ from passive processes in that they require ________________.

219. ____________ is the process where the cell membrane invaginates around a substance.

220. ____________ is the process where a vesicle forms around a substance and fuses with the cell membrane to release outside the cell.

221. ____________ is the process of a substance moving against a gradient from a region of low concentration to high concentration.

222. What two items are needed to complete active transport?

223. ____________ is the form of endocytosis which is the engulfing of a liquid.

224. ____________ is the form of endocytosis which is the engulfing of a solid particle.

225. During endocytosis, the advancing segments which engulf the substance are called _______________.

226. The contents of cytoplasm can be divided into which two groups?

227. Cytosol is made up of ____________, _____________, _____________, and ______________.

228. The largest organelle is _______________.

229. The main function of the nucleus is to house __________________ to drive the cell activities.

230. The fluid inside the nucleus is _________________.

231. The largest item within the nucleus is the _____________.

232. The nucleolus is composed of ____________.

233. The function of the nucleolus is _______________.

234. Ribosomes are very small bodies composed of _____________ and _____________.

235. rRNA stands for _________________.

236. The function of a ribosome is _______________.

237. ________________ float in the cytoplasm, not attached to the endoplasmic reticulum.

238. Free polyribosomes produce proteins which are used ______________ the cell.

239. Ribosomes which are attached to the ER produce proteins which are used ____________ the cell.

240. The _______________ is a series of canals that transport material around the cell to the cell membrane.

241. The endoplasmic reticulum will also transport material to ______________ for storage.

242. The 2 types of E.R. are __________ and ____________.

243. Which type of E.R. has attached ribosomes?

244. Which type of E.R is agranular?

245. The function of smooth E.R is ______________.

246. The function of rough E.R. is ______________.

247. The ____________ is similar in structure to E.R.

248. The Golgi apparatus is composed of 3-20 flattened membrane sacs called _______________.

249. The function of a Golgi apparatus is to ______________.

250. _______________ are membrane bound vesicles produced by the Golgi apparatus.

251. The function of the lysosomes is _______________.

252. _____________ are large bean-shaped organelles in the cytoplasm.

253. Mitochondria contain DNA in order to ________________.

254. Mitochondria are known as the ____________ of the cell.

255. The innerfolded membrane of the mitochondria is called the ________________.

256. The central cavity of the mitochondria is called the _____________.

257. The function of the matrix within the mitochondria is ________________.

258. Cellular respiration is the transfer of energy from _____________ into ________________.

259. ______________ are any temporary storage vesicle inside the cytoplasm.

260. ____________ is an extensive network of protein fibers inside the cytoplasm that adds to cell shape and support.

261. The 3 types of protein fibers are ______________, ______________, and ________________.

262. Microtubules are what shape?

263. Microtubules are composed of the protein _____________.

264. Microfilaments are what shape?

265. Microfilaments are composed of the protein _____________.

266. Intermediate filaments are what shape?

267. Intermediate filaments are composed of the protein _____________.

268. The centrosome is a pair of _______________.

269. The centrosome is composed of ________________.

270. The function of a centrosome is to _________________.

271. ___________ and ____________ are hair-like projections that extend off a cell to provide some kind of movement.

272. Both cilia and flagella are composed of ______________.

273. The shape of cilia is ________________.

274. The action of the cilia is _________________.

275. The function of the cilia is ________________.

276. The action of the flagellum is __________________.

277. The function of the flagellum is __________________.

278. The ____________ are folded extensions of the cell membrane.

279. Microvilli are not composed of _______________.

280. The function of microvilli is _________________.

281. DNA stands for _________________.

282. DNA is a ____________ stranded molecule.

283. As a complete molecule, DNA contains the ________________.

284. Each strand of DNA is a series of _______________.

285. Each nucleotide contains a 5-carbon sugar called ______________.

286. Each nucleotide contains a phosphate group and 1 of 4 ______________.

287. The 4 nitrogen bases which are on a nucleotide are _____________, _____________, _____________, and _____________.

288. The 2 strands of DNA are held together by _____________ bonds between the ______________ bases.

289. Within the specific hydrogen bonds, adenine will bond with ______________ and guanine with ______________.

290. The 2 strands of DNA are twisted to form a ______________.

291. Since chromosomes are composed of DNA, if we replicate DNA, then we replicate the ________________.

292. What is meant by saying DNA is semi-conservative ?

293. Chromosomes are located in which organelle?

294. A single stranded chromosome is ________________ molecule.

295. A double stranded chromosome is ________________ molecule.

296. A ______________ is each chromosome strand, only in double strand.

297. A ______________ is the point where two chromatid of a double-stranded chromatid attach.

298. DNA and RNA are both _______________.

299. In the 1960’s hippies often took trips on__________________.

300. Cell division takes approximately how long?

301. The two major phases of cell division are _____________ and _______________.

302. During interphase, the nuclear membrane and the nucleus are _____________.

303. During interphase, the chromosomes appear _______________.

304. During interphase, the chromosomes complete which action?

305. Mitosis is divided into _____________ phases.

306. ____________ is the first phase of mitosis.

307. What happens to the nuclear membrane during prophase?

308. What happens to the nucleolus during prophase?

309. During prophase, the double-stranded chromosomes will _____________, _____________, and ____________.

310. During prophase, the centrioles move to opposite poles and form _______________.

311. What happens to the nucleus during metaphase?

312. During metaphase, the chromosomes line up where?

313. During metaphase, the chromosomes attach to ______________ at the ________________.

314. What happens to the nucleus during anaphase?

315. During anaphase, the spindle fibers _____________, splitting the _____________.

316. During anaphase, when the spindle fibers shrink, the ________________ are pulled to opposite poles.

317. The final phase of mitosis is _____________.

318. During telophase, __________________ reform around each set of chromosomes.

319. During telophase, the ______________ reappears.

320. During telophase, the ______________ forms.

321. During telophase, the cleavage furrow forms to split the _______________.

322. The process of the cleavage furrow dividing the cytoplasm into two cells is called ________________.

323. At the completion of telophase, there are two identical _________________.

324. DNA and RNA differ in ____________ important characteristics.

325. The 5 carbon sugar in DNA is _______________.

326. The 5 carbon sugar in RNA is _______________.

327. ________________ is the nitrogen base which is exclusive to DNA.

328. ________________ is the nitrogen base which is exclusive to RNA.

329. DNA is ____________ stranded.

330. RNA is ____________ stranded.

331. Of either DNA or RNA, which will leave the nucleus and enter the cytoplasm?

332. DNA acts as a template to form RNA, which is important for ________________.

333. A ____________ is a sequence of nitrogen base pairs on a DNA molecule .

334. A gene contains the information for the production of one kind of protein, or ________________.

335. _______________ is the building of a protein based on the gene in DNA.

336. _______________ is the process in which the genetic code of a gene on DNA is used to produce RNA.

337. _______________ is the process of assembling amino acids into a protein specified or based on a sequence of RNA.


1. As you go down the list of the 6 levels of the human body, the number of units at each level decreases.

2. As you go down the list of the 6 levels of the human body, complexity of the units at each level decreases.

3. 3.8% of the body is composed of Ca, P, S, Na, K, C, I, Fe, Mg

4. Water is the most important solvent

5. All compounds are molecules, but not all molecules are compounds.

6. The pores of a nuclear membrane are very small to prohibit organelles from entering the nucleus.

7. There is one flagellum per cell.

8. During Interphase, the nucleolus is present.

9. Prophase is the shortest phase of mitosis.

10. This test was really, really hard.


1. Describe a Dehydration Synthesis reaction

2. Describe a Hydrolysis Decomposition

3. Write the cellular respiration equation

4. Describe DNA replication


1. Head a. sacral

2. Eye b. popliteal

3. Shoulder blade c. patellar

4. Skull d. scapular

5. Ear e. dorsum

6. Spinal column f. occipital

7. Face g. sternal

8. Back of elbow h. frontal

9. Neck i. inguinal

10. Nose j. axillary

11. Between hips k. antebrachial

12. Armpit l. facial

13. Mouth m. mental

14. Buttock n. femoral

15. Arm o. buccal

16. Chin p. oral

17. Hollow behind knee q. mammary

18. Front of elbow r. antecubital

19. Breastbone s. acromial

20. Sole t. plantar

21. Forearm u. digits

22. Breast v. cephalic

23. Heel w. tarsal

24. Wrist x. pubic

25. Navel y. coxal

26. Anterior surface of the knee z. cranial

27. Palm aa. digits

28. Hip bb. otic

29. Fingers cc. palmar

30. Groin dd. nasal

31. Thigh ee. orbital

32. Pubis ff. gluteal

33. Ankle gg. olecranal

34. Top of foot hh. vertebral

35. Toes ii. cervical

36. Base of skull jj. umbilical

37. Forehead kk. carpal

38. Shoulder ll. calcaneal

39. Cheek mm. brachial


1. Superior a. back

2. Inferior b. away from the surface

3. Anterior (ventral) c. toward the head

4. Posterior (dorsal) d. farther from the attachment of a limb

5. Medial e. toward or on the surface

6. Lateral f. farther from the midline

7. Intermediate g. between two structures

8. Ipsilateral h. nearer to the midline

9. Contralateral i. opposite side

10. Proximal j. nearer to the attachment of a limb

11. Distal k. same side

12. Superficial l. away from the head

13. Deep m. front


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