Before the Office

Daily Prayer The Liturgy of the Hours2093034402572300Music and additional texts for use with:The Divine OfficeorCommon Worship: Daily PrayerDO BenedictusBlessed be the Lord, the God of Israel!He has visited his people and redeemed them.He has raised up for us a mighty saviourin the house of David his servant,as he promised by the lips of holy men,those who were his prophets from of old.A saviour who would free us from our foes,from the hands of all who hate us.So his love for our fathers is fulfilledand his holy covenant remembered.He swore to Abraham our father to grant us,that free from fear, and saved from the hands of our foes,we might serve him in holiness and justiceall the days of our life in his presence.As for you, little child,you shall be called a prophet of God, the Most High.You shall go ahead of the Lordto prepare his ways before him.To make known to his people their salvationthrough forgiveness of all their sins,?the loving-kindness of the heart of our Godwho visits us like the dawn from on high.He will give light to those in darkness,those who dwell in the shadow of death,and guide us into the way of peace.CW BenedictusBlessed be the Lord the God of Israel?who has come to his people and set them free. He has raised up for us a mighty Saviour,?born of the house of his servant David.Through his holy prophets God promised of old?to save us from our enemies, from the hands of all that hate us, to show mercy to our ancestors,?and to remember his holy covenant.This was the oath God swore to our father Abraham: to set us free from the hands of our enemies,?free to worship him without fear,?holy and righteous in his sight all the days of our life.And you, child shall be called the prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way,?to give his people knowledge of salvation?by the forgiveness of all their sins.In the tender compassion of our God?the dawn from on high shall break upon us,?to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of daath, And to guide our feet into the way of peace.Produced for private use, by Fr Richard Peers, not for distribution or publication.Table of celebrations:Common WorshipThe Divine OfficePrincipal FeastSolemnityFirst Vespers is celebrated except on a Monday.All texts from the Proper or Common.Te Deum is used at the Office of Readings / CW at Lauds.FestivalFeastLauds and Vespers: all texts from the Proper or Common Prayer During the Day: ferial antiphon(s) to the psalms, Reading, Response and Collect for the feast.Te Deum is used at the Office of Readings / CW at Lauds.Lesser festivalMemoriaPsalmody and antiphons of the feria. Benedictus and Magnificat antiphon from the Proper (if provided) or Common.The hymn, reading, intercessions from the feria or common.Prayer During the Day entirely of the feria.From 17-23 December, during the Christmas Octave and in Lent a commemoration concludes Lauds or Vespers with the Benedictus/Magnificat antiphon and the Collect of the saint following the Collect of the Day.Optional memorias: are observed, ad libitum, as memorations: may be observed by inclusion in litanies / intercessions / the Eucharistic Prayer etc or as Lesser Festivals / Memorias in open seasons.Only celebrations for which there are Proper texts are included in the Sanctorale, an Ordo or Liturgical Calendar should be used alongside mon tone for the responsories in CW and at the Office of Readings in DO:-`*~cc3ccc4ccccYcccccc7ccc6ccc4cccc]ccccYcccccc5ccc3ccc4cccc]Tone for the Responsories at Lauds and Vespers in DO:-vcxvvQxx3x5x1xx{xRxx3x1x2cccvv]Before the OfficeThe Angelus (except Eastertime)V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary.?R. And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.?V. ?Hail Mary, full of grace,?????The Lord is with Thee;?????Blessed art thou among women,?????And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.R.?Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners,?????now and at the hour of our death. AmenV. Behold the handmaid of the Lord.?R. Be it done unto me according to thy word.?????Hail Mary, etc.V. And the Word was made Flesh.?R. And dwelt among us.?????Hail Mary, etc.V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.?R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.Let us pray.Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that as we have known the Incarnation of Christ Thy Son by the message of an angel, so by His Passion and Cross may we be brought to the glory of His Resurrection. Through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.Eastertime: Regina caeliJoy to thee O Queen of Heaven, alleluia. ?He whom thou wast meet to bear, alleluia. ?As he promised has arisen, alleluia. ?Pour for us to God thy prayer, alleluia.V. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, alleluia. ?R. For the Lord has truly risen, alleluia.Let us pray.O God, who gave joy to the world through the resurrection of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant we beseech Thee, that through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, His Mother, we may obtain the joys of everlasting life. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.A Prayer Before the OfficeBefore the first Hour of the dayLord, God, I offer this Divine Office to you, together with the adoration and praise of the angels and saints, as well as that of all the priests of your Church, all holy monks and nuns, all consecrated to lives of prayer and all the devout faithful. I present to you, holy Father, together with the prayers of holy Mary the mother of Jesus and the prayers of all the saints, this chorus of prayer, made holy in the prayer of Jesus and made one with His intercession at the right hand of your glory. May all the words of this prayer be acts of pure love, adoration, thanksgiving, satisfaction, trust and surrender to your holy Will. Let this prayer be for my weak self a spiritual communion, an act of humility, and of perfect self-denial; and may it be a sacrifice of praise and glory to you, O Blessed Trinity. Amen.I offer this Office for (here state the intention) to the glory of the Holy and Undivided Trinity and for the salvation of the whole world.Before other HoursEternal Father, through the Heart of Jesus your Son, in union with Mary the Mother of Jesus, Saint Joseph her husband, N. and all the saints, I humbly offer this holy Office as a sign of love and as a means of reparation.?I offer this Office for (here state the intention) to the glory of the Holy and Undivided Trinity and for the salvation of the whole world.Table of Contents TOC \o "2-2" \t "Heading 1,1" Before the Office PAGEREF _Toc453147274 \h 5The Angelus PAGEREF _Toc453147275 \h 5Eastertime: Regina caeli PAGEREF _Toc453147276 \h 5A Prayer Before the Office PAGEREF _Toc453147277 \h 6Opening verses PAGEREF _Toc453147278 \h 11Te Deum PAGEREF _Toc453147279 \h 17Lauds PAGEREF _Toc453147280 \h 21Common Antiphons for Lauds PAGEREF _Toc453147281 \h 22Lauds Sunday Week One PAGEREF _Toc453147282 \h 22Week One Lauds Weekdays PAGEREF _Toc453147283 \h 23Lauds Sunday Week Two PAGEREF _Toc453147284 \h 24Week Two Lauds Weekdays PAGEREF _Toc453147285 \h 25Lauds Sunday Week Three PAGEREF _Toc453147286 \h 26Week Three Lauds Weekdays PAGEREF _Toc453147287 \h 27Lauds Sunday Week Four PAGEREF _Toc453147288 \h 28Week Four Lauds Weekdays PAGEREF _Toc453147289 \h 29Prayer During the Day PAGEREF _Toc453147290 \h 31Hymns for Prayer During the Day PAGEREF _Toc453147291 \h 32Antiphons for the Psalmody at Prayer During the Day PAGEREF _Toc453147292 \h 41Vespers PAGEREF _Toc453147293 \h 45Lucernarium PAGEREF _Toc453147294 \h 46Incense Psalm PAGEREF _Toc453147295 \h 52Common Antiphons for Vespers PAGEREF _Toc453147296 \h 54Week One Sundays - First Vespers PAGEREF _Toc453147297 \h 54Week One Sundays - Second Vespers PAGEREF _Toc453147298 \h 54Vespers Week One Weekdays PAGEREF _Toc453147299 \h 55Week Two Sundays - First Vespers PAGEREF _Toc453147300 \h 56Week Two Sundays - Second Vespers PAGEREF _Toc453147301 \h 56Vespers Week Two Weekdays PAGEREF _Toc453147302 \h 57Week Three Sunday - First Vespers PAGEREF _Toc453147303 \h 58Week Three Sundays - Second Vespers PAGEREF _Toc453147304 \h 58Vespers Week Three Weekdays PAGEREF _Toc453147305 \h 59Week Four Sunday - First Vespers PAGEREF _Toc453147306 \h 60Week Four Sundays - Second Vespers PAGEREF _Toc453147307 \h 60Vespers Week Four Weekdays PAGEREF _Toc453147308 \h 61Lauds and Vespers in Ordinary Time PAGEREF _Toc453147309 \h 63Vespers Saturday in Ordinary Time PAGEREF _Toc453147310 \h 63Lauds Sunday in Ordinary Time PAGEREF _Toc453147311 \h 66Vespers Sunday in Ordinary Time PAGEREF _Toc453147312 \h 69Lauds Monday in Ordinary Time PAGEREF _Toc453147313 \h 71Vespers Monday in Ordinary Time PAGEREF _Toc453147314 \h 74Lauds Tuesday in Ordinary Time PAGEREF _Toc453147315 \h 76Vespers Tuesday in Ordinary Time PAGEREF _Toc453147316 \h 79Lauds Wednesday in Ordinary Time PAGEREF _Toc453147317 \h 81Vespers Wednesday in Ordinary Time PAGEREF _Toc453147318 \h 84Lauds Thursday in Ordinary Time PAGEREF _Toc453147319 \h 86Vespers Thursday in Ordinary Time PAGEREF _Toc453147320 \h 89Lauds Friday in Ordinary Time PAGEREF _Toc453147321 \h 91Vespers Friday in Ordinary Time PAGEREF _Toc453147322 \h 94Lauds Saturday in Ordinary Time PAGEREF _Toc453147323 \h 96From All Saints’ Day until the day before the First Sunday of Advent PAGEREF _Toc453147324 \h 99Temporale PAGEREF _Toc453147325 \h 101Advent PAGEREF _Toc453147326 \h 101The Nativity of Our Lord PAGEREF _Toc453147327 \h 112Sunday in the Octave - The Holy Family PAGEREF _Toc453147328 \h 11926 December - Stephen, Martyr PAGEREF _Toc453147329 \h 12227 December - John, Apostle PAGEREF _Toc453147330 \h 12428 December - Holy Innocents PAGEREF _Toc453147331 \h 12529 December – Thomas of Canterbury PAGEREF _Toc453147332 \h 127The Naming and Circumcision of Jesus PAGEREF _Toc453147333 \h 128Mary, Mother of God PAGEREF _Toc453147334 \h 132January 2nd until the Epiphany of the Lord PAGEREF _Toc453147335 \h 135The Epiphany of the Lord PAGEREF _Toc453147336 \h 139The Baptism of Christ PAGEREF _Toc453147337 \h 145Lent PAGEREF _Toc453147338 \h 151Passiontide PAGEREF _Toc453147339 \h 157Maundy Thursday PAGEREF _Toc453147340 \h 162Good Friday PAGEREF _Toc453147341 \h 163Holy Saturday PAGEREF _Toc453147342 \h 165Easter PAGEREF _Toc453147343 \h 169Ascension Day PAGEREF _Toc453147344 \h 179From the day after Ascension Day until the Day of Pentecost PAGEREF _Toc453147345 \h 184The Day of Pentecost PAGEREF _Toc453147346 \h 189Trinity Sunday PAGEREF _Toc453147347 \h 195Corpus et Sanguis Christi PAGEREF _Toc453147348 \h 209The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus PAGEREF _Toc453147349 \h 215Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary PAGEREF _Toc453147350 \h 219Christ the King PAGEREF _Toc453147351 \h 221Sanctorale PAGEREF _Toc453147352 \h 227January PAGEREF _Toc453147353 \h 227February PAGEREF _Toc453147354 \h 239March PAGEREF _Toc453147355 \h 253April PAGEREF _Toc453147356 \h 267May PAGEREF _Toc453147357 \h 275June PAGEREF _Toc453147358 \h 291July PAGEREF _Toc453147359 \h 303August PAGEREF _Toc453147360 \h 343September PAGEREF _Toc453147361 \h 377October PAGEREF _Toc453147362 \h 401November PAGEREF _Toc453147363 \h 421December PAGEREF _Toc453147364 \h 439Commons PAGEREF _Toc453147365 \h 453Dedication of a Church PAGEREF _Toc453147366 \h 453The Blessed Virgin Mary PAGEREF _Toc453147367 \h 459Apostles PAGEREF _Toc453147368 \h 467Evangelists PAGEREF _Toc453147369 \h 473Martyrs PAGEREF _Toc453147370 \h 477Doctors of the Church / Teachers of the Faith PAGEREF _Toc453147371 \h 485Bishops and other Pastors PAGEREF _Toc453147372 \h 491Members of Religious Communities PAGEREF _Toc453147373 \h 497Missionaries PAGEREF _Toc453147374 \h 505Any Saint PAGEREF _Toc453147375 \h 507Hymns for Any Saint PAGEREF _Toc453147376 \h 511Office of the Dead PAGEREF _Toc453147377 \h 517Antiphons for CW Canticles PAGEREF _Toc453147378 \h 525Old Testament Canticles PAGEREF _Toc453147379 \h 525New Testament Canticles PAGEREF _Toc453147380 \h 533CW Psalter PAGEREF _Toc453147381 \h 541Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament PAGEREF _Toc453147382 \h 565Lauds and Vespers after the reading(s) PAGEREF _Toc453147383 \h 569Intercessions PAGEREF _Toc453147384 \h 569The Lord’s Prayer PAGEREF _Toc453147385 \h 570Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc453147386 \h 572Triple alleluia antiphons PAGEREF _Toc453147387 \h 573Compline PAGEREF _Toc453147388 \h 577Anthems to the Blessed Virgin Mary PAGEREF _Toc453147389 \h 587Appendices PAGEREF _Toc453147390 \h 595Sources PAGEREF _Toc453147391 \h 595Celebrations for the Sodality of Mary, Mother of Priests PAGEREF _Toc453147392 \h 596A Four Week Psalter for use with Common Worship: Daily Prayer PAGEREF _Toc453147393 \h 597The Four Week Psalter from The Divine Office - Liturgical / Vulgate numbering PAGEREF _Toc453147394 \h 598The Four Week Psalter from The Divine Office – Hebrew / numbering PAGEREF _Toc453147395 \h 600KeyDO: The Divine OfficeCW: Common Worship Daily PrayerInside front cover Benedictus, DO and CW Inside back cover Magnificat, DO and CWOpening versesCW - Ordinary TimeLauds -v`*~(vc3ccvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvbbv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvxxxxxcvbcccccccccvvv] O Lord open our lips -v`*~(vcv3ccbbbvv4ccccc6ccccvcc5ccccc6ccc7vv6ccccbc4ccccc6cvxcvb] and our mouth shall proclaim your praise.Vespers -`*~(bbv3ccc4ccccc6ccccbbc5vv4cccv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vxbbbbbbvbbbbbbbbbbvvvvvbbbb] O God make speed to save us. -`*~(v3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvv4vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvxvb]O Lord, make haste to help us.Seasons - tone for the opening verses and Thanksgiving:Repeat as often as needed until the final line Final line-cvvcccvTxx3x5x{xTxx3x2x{ xWxx3x1x]-ccvvvvvc5cvvc3cvvvv1cvccbb1ccvvvc1ccc1cvvbbbbc1ccvcbbb1bcvbbv2c3cvcbbbbv2cbbbbb1ccvc1ccbc] Blessed be God, Father, Son and Ho - ly Spi -rit.-cccvvvc5ccvc3cvbbc1ccvvc2bv3cbcc2cvvvc1cvvcvv1cvcvbbbbb] Blessed be God for e - ver.Saints - tone for the opening verses and Thanksgiving:-cvvcccvTxx3x5x{xTxx3x2x{ xWxx3x1x]-ccvvvvvc5cvvc3cvvvv1cvccbb1ccvvvc1ccc1cvvbbbbc1ccvcbbb1bcvbbv2c3cvcbbbbv2cbbbbb1ccvc1ccbc] Blessed be God, Father, Son and Ho - ly Spi -rit.-cccvvvc5ccvc3cvbbc1ccvvc2bv3cbcc2cvvvc1cvvcvv1cvcvvvbbbbb] Blessed be God for e - ver.On celebrations of the saints in Ordinary Time the following texts may be used with the verses from the orders for All Saints to Advent.LaudsBlessed are you, Sovereign God,?ruler and judge of all,?to you be praise and glory for ever.In the darkness of this age that is passing awaymay the light of your presence which the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint N and all the saints enjoy surround our steps as we journey on.?May we reflect your glory this dayand so be made ready to see your facein the heavenly city where night shall be no more.?Blessed be God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.?VespersBlessed are you, Sovereign God,?our light and our salvation,?to you be glory and praise for ever.?Now, as darkness is falling,?wash away our transgressions,?cleanse us by your refining fire?and make us temples of your Holy Spirit.?By the light of Christ,?dispel the darkness of our hearts?and make us ready to enter your kingdom, where the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint N and all the saintssing your praise for ever.Blessed be God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.DO - The first Hour of the day:-c70c2cvvvvv5vvvvvbvvv6vvvvbbv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv{vvvvvvvbvbbbvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvYvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvcc] O Lord, o-pen our lips. And we shall praise your name.CW And our mouth shall declare your praise.All other Hours:-c70c2cvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvYvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvvvv{vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvbbbbbbbbvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvbbbvv5vvvvvvbbv5vvvvvcc] O God, come to our aid. O Lord, make haste to help us.CW O God, make speed to save us.-c70cvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvbvv8vvvvvvvvvv8cvvvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv] Praise the Fa-ther, the Son and Ho-ly Spi-rit; -c70vvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvc]vc4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvc] the God who is, who was and is to come at the end of the a-ges.-c70cvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvcc] Lent: -c70cv7vv6vv5vv4vvvvvvvcv5vcvvvvvvc] Al-le-lu - ia. A - men. At Vespers on Sundays, Solemnities and Festivals / Feasts(the middle two stanzas are omitted if the Phos Hilaron and Incense Psalm are sung afterwards)-`vcvvvvRxx5x{xTxx4x{xWxx5x{x5xRxx3xx2x]O God, come to our aid! CW O God, make speed to save us.O Lord make haste to help us!We have called to you, Lord, make speed to save us,Hear our voice when we cry to you.Let our prayer arise before you like incense,the raising of our hands like an evening ob-lation.Into your hands I commend my spirit,it is you who will re-deem us, Lord.O radiant light, O holy glory,of God the Father’s deathless face,heav’nly, holy blessed Jesus Christlighting the vesper lamps we sing your praise.Give praise to the Father His Son, Jesus Christ the Lord,to the Spirit who dwells in our hearts,both now and for ever. A-men.DO - Common tone for the Invitatory, for use with Psalm 94Antiphon -v70cxYxxx5x6x7xx]xYxxx4x5x2xcc] Psalm tone -v70cc4x5c6xbbbYxxx8xc7xx6c5xx7bbb,x]xYxxx5x7xx6c5xcc]AntiphonCome, ring out our joy to the Lord; hail the God who saves us.?Let us come before him, giv-ing thanks, with songs let us hail the Lord.AntiphonA might-y God is the Lord, a great king a-bove all gods.?In his hands are the depths of the earth; the heights of the moun-tains are his. To him belongs the sea, for he made it?and the dry land shaped by his hands.AntiphonCome in; let us bow and bend low;?let us kneel before the God who made us?for he is our God and we the people who belong to his pas-ture, the flock that is led by his hand.AntiphonO that today you would lis-ten to his voice!?"Harden not your hearts as at Mer-i-bah,?as on that day at Massah in the des-ert?when your fathers put me to the test; when they tried me, though they saw my work.AntiphonFor for-ty years I was wearied of these pe-ople?and I said: 'Their hearts are astray, these people do not know my ways. Then I took an oath in my anger:?'Never shall they en-ter my rest.'"AntiphonGlory be to the Father, and to the Son,and to the Holy Spirit.As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,world without end. Amen.AntiphonTe DeumOrdinary Sundays -c`cxTxx2x]xExx7x]xxIxx6x]xWxx5x] Feasts/Festivals -v7cvvvc1vvvvvcvv8vvvvvvvvvv7vvvcvv6c5vvcc4xvc7xvvvv5vvvvvcc2vvvvvc3vvvvcc4xvx] We praise you, O God; we praise you, O God.-v7cccQxx4x5x6x]xYxx8x6x5x]xTxx7x6x4x]xTxx2x1x4x] We praise you, O God,we acclaim you as the Lord; all creation worships you, the Father everlasting.To you all angels, all the powers of heav’n, the cherubim and seraphim, sing in endless praise:Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, Heav’n and earth are full of your glory.The glorious company of apostles praise you.The noble fellowship of prophets praise you.The white-robed army of martyrs praise you. Throughout the world the holy Church acclaims you:Father, of majesty unbounded,your true and only Son, worthy of all praise, the Holy Spirit, advocate and guide.You, Christ, are the King of glory,the eternal Son of the Father.When you took our flesh to set us free you humbly chose the Virgin's womb.You overcame the sting of deathand opened the kingdom of heav’n to all believers. You are seated at God's right hand in glory.We believe that you will come and be our e then, Lord, and help your people, bought with the price of your own blood, and bring us with your saintsto glory everlasting.Solemnities / Principal Feasts, Sundays of Christmas, Epiphany and Easter and daily in the Easter Octave-`v*ccvSx]cccfxvvvvvvvbbvDbbbbbbcvvSccvv]cbbbbbbhvvccvvcbHvvvvvvvvHccbbbbb]bbbbbvvcJxvvvvcJccbbvvvvcHcccGvvvvvv]cccvvchxcc] RWe praise you, O God: we a - cclaim you as the Lord.-`v*ccc4cccc4ccccv3xc2cvvcv6vv,cc{ccYxxbvvvvvvvvvv5ccc6ccvc7cccc6vv,cc{ccv4x4cc5cc6cccccUxcccccccc] We praise you, O God: we acclaim you as the Lord: All creation worships you -`v*c{vvvcYxxxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvxbbbbbbbx7cc6ccvc5ccc6ccc6vv,cc{ccYxxxxbbbbcbcc] the Father everlasting. To you all angels, all the pow’rs of heaven: the cherubim and-`v*ccYxxxxvbbvcv4vv3vvvcv4ccccc2vvncvvvvvvvvc] Seraphim sing in endless praise. R-`v*cv4ccc4ccbbc3cc2ccbbc6cbc6cccc6vv,ccc{ccc6ccc6ccbbc5vvv6ccbbbbbc7ccccc6vv,vvvvvv{ccc7cccc6cccc5cccc6vv,vvvvvv{cc6ccc6ccvv4vv3cvvvc] Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho-ly Lord, God of pow’r and might: hea-ven and earth are full of-`v*cvvvv6cccc2cc2vvnccvvvv] Your glo-ry. R-`v*cccRxxxxxxcccvxvvvvvvv3ccvv2xvvc6xvvvv6vb,vvvvv{cvvcYxxxxxxxvvvvcc] The glorious company of the a-pos-tles praise you: the noble fellowship of-`v*cvvvv5vv6cc7ccccvvc6cvccc6vv,vvvvv{cccYxxxxxxbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbc7vv6cbbc5ccccc6cccvvc6vv,cccxbbbbbbbxcc] prophets praise you. The white robed army of martyrs praise you:-`v*cccYxxxxxvvxxxxc4vv3xbbbbb4xc2ccccc2vvnxxcc] throughout the world the holy Church acclaims you. R-`v*cvvvvRxxvvvvvxbbbbb3ccc2ccc6ccvc6vv,cbvvc{cccYxxxxvxvvvvvvvvvvvvbbvvvbxc5vv6cc7cccc6vv,ccccvcc] Father of majesty unbounded: your true and only Son, worthy of all praise,-`v*ccYxxxxxx4vv3cccvv4vvx2vvnxxcc] the Holy Spirit advocate and guide. R-`v*cccRxxxvvvvvvvvvvvvvbbbbvvvvv3vvvvc2ccv6cc6vv,ccv{ccYvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvc5ccvvv6ccv7ccbc6cc6c,bbbbbbx6xbbbbbbb6bbbbbx6xvc6ccbbc] You, Christ, are the King of glory: the eternal Son of the Father, when you took our-`v*{cccUxxxxxxccc8ccc9ccccc8vv.x{xYxxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvxvvcc] flesh to set us free: you humbly chose the virgins womb. You overcame the-`v*ccc7vv6cc5cccc6vv,vvvvvvv{cccYxxxxxxxxxxbbbbbbx4vv3x4cc2cc2vvnxcc] sting of death: and opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers. R-`v*cccRxxxxxxxxbbx3ccc2vvvvc6cc6vv,cvvvv{cccYxxxxxbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbxxccc5vv6vvvvvc] You are seated at God’s right hand in glory: we believe that you will come to be-`v*ccc7cccc6vv,vvvvvvv{cccvvRxxxxbbbbbbbbbbbbbxcc5ccccc6cccc7ccc7vv.vvvvvbbb{cccUxxxbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccccbbxcc] our judge. Come, then Lord, and save your people, bought by the price of-`v*ccc8cccc9ccccbbbbc8vv.vvvvv{vvvvYxbbbxc6cccc7vv6bbbbbcc5ccccc6vv,vvvvvv{ccYxxbbbbbbb4vv3cc4cc2ccc2xxcc] Your own blood and bring us with your saints to glory everlasting. RLaudsCommon Antiphons for LaudsLauds Sunday Week OneFirst psalm-v7cbbbbc6cccc7ccc8ccvc9c.cbv8vvvvcvv7vv.vvvvv6vvvvvvv5vv,vccvb{vccvv8vvvvbvv6vvvcvvv5vvvvvcbvvvvv2vvvvcvvvvvv1vvvvbbvv2vvvvvvbbvv4vvvvv4x] viMy God, I long to gaze on you to see your strength and your glory.-v7ccRxx2x4x5x{xTxx6x7x6x{xYxx7x6x5x{xTxx4x2x4x] Or-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Old Testament Canticle-v7cvcc1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv7vv6vv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vv6vv5ccccc] vii From the midst of the flames the three young men cried out with one voice: Blest be God, -v7cbbvv4vvvvv3vvvvv2vv3vv2vvvvv1vvvvvv]al-le - lu - ia.-v7ccvvccTxx6x5x{xUxx6x5x{xYxx5x4x{xRxx6x5x{xYxx4x5x{xRxx2x1x]Or-v7vcvvTxc3x5x{xUxc6x4x5x{ xYxc5x4x{xRx6x5x {xRxc3x2x3x{xRxc2x3x1x]Or-v7vcccvvQxx4x5x6x{xYxx8x6x5x{xTxx7x6x4x{xTxx2x1x4x]]Praise Psalm-v`*~c1vvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv&vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvv8vvvv4vvvvvv5vv4vvvv4vv3vvvvvvvv$cvvv]iiAll the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.-`*~xRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Week One Lauds WeekdaysFirst psalm-v`ccc7cvvvc5ccvc8ccvvcv7cvvccc6cccvc5cc6vv7ccv5vv,x]vThe dawn from on high shall break up-on us.-v`ccWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]Or-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]Fridays - Psalm 51-b70vvvv2vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv$b4vvb5vvvvvvv6vv,vvvvvvvc6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvb7vvvvv5vvvvvvv8vvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vb,vvvvvv6vvvcbc] Make me a clean heart, O God, and re-new a right spirit with-in me.-b70vvvvTxx$4x5x7x{xYxx5x6x2x{xWxx4x2x5x{xTxx6x5x$4vccbc]Old Testament Canticle-v7cbbbbv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv@vvvvvv@ccc2vv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv%vv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv$vv3vv@cc]xvcYxx5x4x5xcc{xxTxx6x4vv3vv2x]iIn the morning fill us with your love, O Lord.Or-vcccvvYxx5x4x{xTxx6x4x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x6x{xTxx6x5x{xRxx3x2x]Praise Psalm-`*vvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv4bbbmvvvvbvv4vvvv6bbbb,vvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv4bbbbmvvxcvv]vLet the peoples praise you, O God, let all the peoples praise you.-`*vvvvvYxxx5x4x{xRxxx3x2x3x{xTxxx3x4x{xUxxx6x3x4x]Or-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]Lauds Sunday Week Two First psalm-v7cvc1vvv2vv4vvvv2vvvv4vv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvb{vvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vv3vvvvvv1vvvvvvc] vii Blest is he who comes in the name of the Lord, al - le - lu - ia.-v7ccvvccTxx6x5x{xUxx6x5x{xYxx5x4x{xRxx6x5x{xYxx4x5x{xRxx2x1x]Or-b7cccTx3x5x{xUx6x4x5x{ xYx5x4x{xRx6x5x{ {xRx3x2x3x{xRx2x3x1x]Old Testament Canticle-v70cv4vv2vvb3bvvvvv4vvvvvv5vv4vv3vvvvv4vvbbbbb{vv5vv4vv5vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3bbvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv{vvv3vv1vv2vvvv3vvvvvv4vv5vvvvvv4vvvvvb] viii Al - le – lu - ia! Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord, al - le - lu - ia.-v70cv4vvv5xRxx2x3x4x{xExx2x1x]-v70vcvvvRxx2x4x{xTxx6x4x{xRxx5x7x{xYxx4x5x{xTxx7x4x{xTxx3x4x]Praise Psalm-v`*cc7vvvvvv8vvvvvvvv9vv8vvvv7vbb6vvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv]All the ends of the earth have seen the sa-ving power of our God.-v`*ccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x{xTxx3x5x4x{xExx4x3x2x]Week Two Lauds WeekdaysFirst psalm-v7ccvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv2vvvvv{vvv6vvvvv6vvvv7vvvvv8vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv]] iMy soul is a-thirst for you as in a dry and thirsty land.-v7vcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Or-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2x]Fridays - Psalm 51-b70vvvv2vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv$b4vvb5vvvvvvv6vv,vvvvvvvc6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvb7vvvvv5vvvvvvv8vvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vb,vvvvvv6vvvcbc] Make me a clean heart, O God, and re-new a right spirit with-in me.-b70vvvvTxx$4x5x7x{xYxx5x6x2x{xWxx4x2x5x{xTxx6x5x$4vccbc]Old Testament Canticle-v7ccvc2cvvcv4ccv2ccvvvvv1vvvvcc4cvcv5cc4ccv{c6cvvc6cvcvvc9vvvvvvvvvvvb9ccbbbb8bbvc7ccvbb6cc5cvvvvvv4c2vvvvv1ccvvc2vx] i Trust in the Lord for ever, for the Lord God is an e-ver-last-ing rock.-v7vcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Or-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{vvvTx4x5x6xx{ ccUx5x7x6x{vvvIx6x4x5x {vvvRx4x5x4x{vvvTx3x1x2x]Praise Psalm-v`*ccv6vvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv]Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.-`*vvvcYxx4x6x{xUxx4x6x{xYxx7x4x{xExx4x5x{xYxx4x3x{xExx4x2x] Lauds Sunday Week ThreeFirst psalm-v70cbbbbc4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvv4vv5vvvv{vvvv4vvvvvvvvvv7vvv6vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv] viiiThe Lord is king, with majesty enrobed.-v70vcvvvRxx2x4x{xTxx6x4x{xRxx5x7x{xYxx4x5x{xTxx7x4x{xTxx3x4x]Old Testament Canticle-v7cvcc1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv7vv6vv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vv6vv5ccccc] vii From the midst of the flames the three young men cried out with one voice: Blest be God, -v7cbbvv4vvvvv3vvvvv2vv3vv2vvvvv1vvvvvv]al-le - lu - ia.-v7ccvvccTxx6x5x{xUxx6x5x{xYxx5x4x{xRxx6x5x{xYxx4x5x{xRxx2x1x]Or-v7vcvvTxc3x5x{xUxc6x4x5x{ xYxc5x4x{xRx6x5x {xRxc3x2x3x{xRxc2x3x1x]Or-v7vcccvvQxx4x5x6x{xYxx8x6x5x{xTxx7x6x4x{xTxx2x1x4x]]Praise Psalm-v`*~c1vvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv&vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvv8vvvv4vvvvvv5vv4vvvv4vv3vvvvvvvv$cvvv]iiAll the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.-`*~xRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Week Three Lauds WeekdaysFirst psalm-vb7vv6vvvv8vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv{vvbb1vvvvvv2vv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv] I will bless your name, O Lord; I will bless your name.-vb7vvvvRxx3x4x5x{xTxx1x5x6x{xYxx5x6x8x{xYxx5x6x4x]Or-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2x]Fridays - Psalm 51-b70vvvv2vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv$b4vvb5vvvvvvv6vv,vvvvvvvc6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvb7vvvvv5vvvvvvv8vvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vb,vvvvvv6vvvcbc] Make me a clean heart, O God, and re-new a right spirit with-in me.-b70vvvvTxx$4x5x7x{xYxx5x6x2x{xWxx4x2x5x{xTxx6x5x$4vccbc]Old Testament Canticle-b7vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv2vvvvv{vvvv1vvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv{vvvv9vvvvv8vvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv] Lord, you are great, and do mar-vel-lous deeds: you a-lone are God.-b7vvvvWxx6x5x6x{xYxx8x5x6x{xYxx5x4x3x{xExx4x6x2x]Or-v7cccvvYxx5x4x{xTxx6x4x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x6x{xTxx6x5x{xRxx3x2x]Praise Psalm-b7vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vv6vv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvv]vii The loyal heart must praise the Lord.-v7ccvvccTxx6x5x{xUxx6x5x{xYxx5x4x{xRxx6x5x{xYxx4x5x{xRxx2x1x]Or-b7vccvvvTx3x5x{xUx6x4x5x{ xYx5x4x{xRx6x5x {xRx3x2x3x{xRx2x3x1x]Lauds Sunday Week FourFirst psalm-v7cvc1vvv2vv4vvvv2vvvv4vv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvb{vvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vv3vvvvvv1vvvvvvc] vii Blest is he who comes in the name of the Lord, al - le - lu - ia.-v7ccvvccTxx6x5x{xUxx6x5x{xYxx5x4x{xRxx6x5x{xYxx4x5x{xRxx2x1x]Or-b7cccTx3x5x{xUx6x4x5x{ xYx5x4x{xRx6x5x{ {xRx3x2x3x{xRx2x3x1x]Old Testament Canticle-v70cv4vv2vvb3bvvvvv4vvvvvv5vv4vv3vvvvv4vvbbbbb{vv5vv4vv5vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3bbvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv{vvv3vv1vv2vvvv3vvvvvv4vv5vvvvvv4vvvvvb] viii Al - le – lu - ia! Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord, al - le - lu - ia.-v70cv4vvv5xRxx2x3x4x{xExx2x1x]-v70vcvvvRxx2x4x{xTxx6x4x{xRxx5x7x{xYxx4x5x{xTxx7x4x{xTxx3x4x]Praise Psalm-v`*cc7vvvvvv8vvvvvvvv9vv8vvvv7vbb6vvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv]All the ends of the earth have seen the sa-ving power of our God.-v`*ccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x{xTxx3x5x4x{xExx4x3x2x]Or-`*vvvcYxx4x6x{xUxx4x6x{xYxx7x4x{xExx4x5x{xYxx4x3x{xExx4x2x]Week Four Lauds WeekdaysFirst psalm-vcvc3vvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv3vvvv{vv33vvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv{vvv3vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvv8vv5vvvvvvv] iv I call to God and he saves me, in the evening, morning and at noon; he sets my soul at peace,-vcvcvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv]for he hears my voice.-vcvcYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x4x3x]Or-vcvcExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]Or-vcvcYxx5x6x{xIxx7x6x{xUxx5x6x{xTxx7x6x{xYxx5x4x{xYxx5x3x]Fridays - Psalm 51-b70vvvv2vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv$b4vvb5vvvvvvv6vv,vvvvvvvc6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvb7vvvvv5vvvvvvv8vvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vb,vvvvvv6vvvcbc] Make me a clean heart, O God, and re-new a right spirit with-in me.-b70vvvvTxx$4x5x7x{xYxx5x6x2x{xWxx4x2x5x{xTxx6x5x$4vccbc]Old Testament Canticle-v7cbbbbv2vv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv8vv7vv6vvvvv6vv5vv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vv4vv5vvvvv6vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv]bbbbvcYxx5x4x5xcc{xTxx6x4vv3vv2x]iWis-dom of God, be with me, always at work in me.Or-b7vcccvvYxx5x4x{xTxx6x4x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x6x{xTxx6x5x{xRxx3x2x]Praise Psalm-cvvcc1vvvvvvvv5vv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvv{vv3vv4vvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vv3vvvvvvvv2vvvv3vvvvv1vvvv1vvvvvvvvv]vO praise the Lord; O praise the Lord, Jerusalem.-cvvcccvTxx3x5x{xYxx3x5x{xTxx6x3x{xWxx3x4x{xTxx3x2x{xWxx3x1x]Prayer During the DayDO-c70c2cvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvYvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvvvv{vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvbbbbbbbbvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvbbbvv5vvvvvvbbv5vvvvvcc] O God, come to our aid. All: O Lord, make haste to help us.CW: O God, make speed to save us.-c70cvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv8cvvvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv] All: Praise the Fa-ther, the Son and Ho-ly Spi-rit; -c70vvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvc]vc4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvc] the God who is, who was and is to come at the end of the a-ges.-c70cvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvcc] Lent: -c70cv7vv6vv5vv4vvvvvvvcv5vcvvvvvvc] Al-le-lu - ia. A - men. CW Tone for the Preparation and Praise sections, except in Eastertime-`*vxWxx5x4x3x{xExx5x7x6x{xYxx9x8x7xvv{xUxxx6x5x6vx]] The antiphon is sung as a refrain to the Praise section-v`*vvvvv6cvb4cvc2ccvc&cvcvv{cc6cc7ccbbbbc8cccvvcv(cccvvc{vvvcc9cc8ccvvv7ccvc6cvvc5vvvc3cvc@cvvvv@ccccccccccccv] Holy is God, Holy and strong, Holy and living for e-ver.Eastertime-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]-v7ccv4ccvvvv5cvvvvc6ccc$ccvc5vv6vvvvvc5ccvvv4ccvv2vv1ccc4cvvvv5vv6ccvv5vv4ccvv$cvvvv]viAl – le – lu - ia, al – le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia.Hymns for Prayer During the DayFestivals / Feasts and Principal Feasts / Solemnities-v`*vv3x3x3x5x5x4vv3x2x3x{x3x5x6x7vv6x5x6x]-v`*vv7x5x4x3x2x4vv5x6x5x{x4x3x5x4vv3x2x3x]Into the silence of our hearts, With Father and with Son,in answer to our constant prayer, O Holy Spirit, come.Then every thought and word of ours With wonder will inspire,And all will find in us that loveWhich you alone may fire.Most holy Father, grant our prayer Through Christ your only Son, That in your Spirit we may live And praise you ever One.Sunday Weeks One and Three-v7vvx1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x] -v7vvx5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]To God the Father, thanks and praiseFor this, the first and dawn of days;the day when he, creation’s spring,Did light and life from chaos bring.The day on which his well-loved SonO’er death and hell the triumph won;The day on which their Spirit came,their gift to all, in wind and flame.To God our Father, through his Son,And in the Spirit, with them one,We, new created on this day,New songs of love and glory pay.Sunday Weeks Two and Four-v7vvx1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x] -v7vvx5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]The Spirit’s prompting, like the sun,To prayer now gathers us as one,And all we do, each hope and cryIn Christ the Lamb is lifted high.Let us, restored by midday grace,In clearer light now seek the faceOf God most humbly manifestIn sister, brother, poor and guest.O Father, this we ask be doneThrough Jesus Christ, your only Son,Whom in the Spirit we adore:One God who reigns for evermore.Week One-v`vvvv&x9x7x^x5x3x2x3x]vvvvvvv6vx7x6x8x7x6x5x6x]vvvvvvvv5x3x4x5x3x2x1x2x]O blessed Lord, creator God,In you all things are rendered pure, By you are strengthened to endure.O blessed holy hand of God,All things are sanctified by you; Adorned, enriched you make them new.O blessed majesty of God, Containing all that you have filled;All things are done as you have willed.O blessed, holy Trinity,Serene and certain in your ways; You are the light of endless days.Week Two-v7vvfxfxgx]xhxlxkxjx]xhxhxhxjx]xkxfxhxgx]xfx] -v7vvhxhxhx]xgxhxfxgx]xdxsxsxsx]xhxgxfxdx]xsx]Come Holy Spirit, live in us,With God the Father and the Son, And grant us your abundant grace To sanctify and make us one.May mind and tongue made strong in love, Your praise throughout the world proclaim, And may that love within our heartsset fire to others with its flame.Most blessed Trinity of loveFor whom all human hearts were made, To you be praise in timeless song,And everlasting homage paid.Week Three-v7vv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x] -v7vv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]Lord God and Maker of all things, Creation is upheld by you.While all must change and know decay, You are unchanging, always new.You are our solace and our shield, Our rock secure on which to build, You are the spirit’s tranquil home, In you alone is hope fulfilled.To God the Father and the Son And Holy Spirit render praise, Blest Trinity, from age to age,The strength of all our living days.Week Four -v7vvfxfxgx]xhxlxkxjx]xhxhxhxjx]xkxfxhxgx]xfx] -v7vvhxhxhx]xgxhxfxgx]xdxsxsxsx]xhxgxfxdx]xsx]Eternal Father, loving God,Who made us from the dust of earth, Transform us by the Spirit’s grace, Give value to our little worth.Prepare us for that day of daysWhen Christ from heaven will come with mightTo call us out of dust again,Our bodies glorified in light.O Godhead, here untouched, unseen, All things created bear your trace; The seed of glory sown in usWill flower when we see your face.Saturdays throughout the year-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]When all the world before him lay,God rested on the seventh day;his holy voice proclaimed it blestand named it for the Sabbath rest.And he who death by death subduedand on the Cross our life renewed,on Saturday his Sabbath kept,as in the heart of earth he slept.His servants while on earth we dwellhave our six days to labour well,to conquer evil, seek the blest,until we reach our Sabbath rest.Then that great Sunday shall ensuewhen heav’n and earth are made anew;our lives from sin will then be freeand all on earth our joy shall see.Most blessed Trinity of love,for whom the human heart was made,to you be praise in ceaseless songon this our Sabbath blessed day.Advent Daily-v7ccvv4x5x6x6x5x7x6x6x{x6x9x8x8vv7x6x6x]-v7ccvv6x6x6x5x4x4x7x6x{x6x5x6x4vv3x1x2x]Light bearing Christ, come down to us,And light in darkness sow;Come down and save our fallen worldWhose sinful ways we know.Prepare us for your light and truth,Who watch and wait for you;Restore our once lost dignity;Come, Lord, and make us new.Almighty Father, speak the wordYour peoples long to hear,And with your Spirit dwell with us:Lord God of love, draw near.Christmas Daily-v7ccvvaxaxfxfx]xgxgxhxfx]xkxkxlxjx]xgxkxyx]-v7ccvvhxhxgxhx]xfxgxfxdx]xfxsxaxfx]xfxdxrx]Unto us a Child is given,Christ our Saviour brings release; Counsellor, Eternal Father,God made man and Prince of Peace.Born of Mary, gentle Virgin, By the Spirit of the Lord;From eternal ages spoken:This, the mighty Father’s Word.Love and truth in him shall flower, From his strength their vigour take. Branches that are bare shall blossom; Joy that slept begins to wake.Praise the everlasting Father And the Word, his only Son; Praise them with the Holy Spirit, Perfect Trinity in One.Lent Daily-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]This season calls us to returnThat by repentance we may learnTo seek but Christ and Christ alone,Who by his cross makes us his own.O may the joy of holy LentBring us the patience to repent,To lose our lives for Christ todayAnd run by faith the gospel e make our yoke, O Christ, so sweet,Our burden light, our joy complete,That we may praise the TrinityThis day and all eternity.Passiontide including Good Friday-v`cccex]xgxgxfxfx]xexxex]xgxgxhxhx]xuxxccvv]]-v`cccux]xlxlxkxkx]xjxjxyxxux]xhxgxfxfx]xex]Alone, in depths of woe,Upon that scornful treeHangs Christ, redeemer of the world,In shame and agony.His feet and hands outstretchedBy hammering nails are torn;In mocking, on his head is thrustA crown of bitter e, kneel before the Lord:He shed for us his blood;He died the victim of pure loveTo make us one with God.Holy Saturday-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]Today, the earth in vigil keepsThe Sabbath of the Bridegroom blest.The Cross, in stillness, bare now stands,As Christ the Lord is laid to rest.Today, the pow’r of hell is crushed.The gates of bronze are trampled down.The Lord of life now marches inTo wake the dead and claim his crown.Today, he calls them, by their names,Those souls enslaved since Adam’s Fall.He comes to save them from hell’s grasp:The Christ, who died to save them all.Today, our righteous forebears sing,And David’s harp rings out in praiseOf Christ, their conq’ring risen Lord,Who lives and reigns for length of days.Easter Daily-v`*vcvsxfxgx]xyxxhxlxkx]xuxxuxhxgx]xyxxsxgxfx]xexccv] -v`*vcvdxgxgx]xrxxfxjxjx]xyxxgxhxsx]xtxrxxdxdx]xwxx]O Tree of Life, by running stream,Your roots sink deep in ancient dreamOf life reborn from death’s dark floodturned crystal clear by paschal blood.O Tree of Life, we hunger still,For fruit that grows on that far hill.we seek the One who rose aloneFrom throne of wood to glory’s Throne.O Tree of Life, we bow in praiseBefore the One to glory raisedIn love to reign in majestyThrough your bright wood, O living Tree!Pentecost-vvcc2x3x4x5x4x6x5x$x3x{x2x4x5x6x8x77x5x^x]-vx6x9x8x9x6x8x6x%x4x{x4x5x6x77x6x%x3x6x]O Breath of life, come sweeping through us,Revive Thy church with life and power;O Breath of life, come, cleanse, renew us,And fit Thy church to meet this hour.O Wind of God, come bend us, break us,Till humbly we confess our need;Then in Thy tenderness remake us,Revive, restore, for this we plead.O Breath of love, come breathe within us,Renewing thought and will and heart;Come, Love of Christ, afresh to win us,Revive Thy church in every part.The Blessed Virgin Mary-v7ccvv4x5x6x6x5x7x6x6x{x6x9x8x8vv7x6x6x]-v7ccvv6x6x6x5x4x4x7x6x{x6x5x6x4vv3x1x2x]See, from his throne in heaven aboveGod gazes down on earth,To choose the woman who will bringThe Prince of Peace to birth.The sinless Eve brings God’s own peace,For she and she aloneHas been conceived in grace, to beGod’s mother and our own.Praise God, from whom all graces flow,Praise Mary’s child, his Son,Praise God the Spirit, sent by both,With both for ever one.Antiphons for the Psalmody at Prayer During the Dayon Principal Feasts / Solemnities one of the antiphons given for Lauds or Vespers is usedOrdinary Time – Sundays use the triple alleluia antiphons-v`cc2ccc2cccvv3cccv5cccc6ccvvvv5vvvvvvv^vvvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvc] Ev’ning, morning and at noon I will cry to you.CW for Psalm 119-v`bbvc2ccvvvc2ccvbbbb3cccv5cccvc6ccvv5vvvvvvv^vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv2xc] Lead me, O Lord, in the path of your commandments.-v`cccTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x6x7x{xUxx6x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5xv] Or-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]Seasonal Antiphons Advent-`*~cvv3vvvvvv3vvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv]viiiThe angel of the Lord brought the good news to Mary and she conceived by -`*~cv8vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvv2vvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvv]the power of the Holy Spirit. -`*~cvvcExx4x{xRxx6x{xYxx4x{xRxx3x]Or-`*~cvvcYxx7x6x{xRxx5x3x{xRxx6x7x{xUxx8x6x{xRxx5x6x{xYxx4x3x]Or-`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{ xRxx2x4x6x {xYx4x3x{xRx6x7x6x{xYx7x3vvvvv]4 part -`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{vvvvRx5x3x]Christmas-bb7cccv4ccccv2vv3cccc2ccccc1cccc4vv5cccc7c6ccc5ccc4cccc5cc5cccc6vv7ccccc8vv7cc6cccc5ccccc4ccccc2cv1cvvvvvv2ccccc4cccv]vithey found the child, with Ma - ry his mother and kneeling down they worshipped him-bb7cccvRxx3x4x5x{xTxx1x5x6x{xYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x6x4x]Or-cvvcccvRxx5x4x{xTxx4x5x{xRxx6x5x{xTxx4x6x{xTxx4x2x{xTxx2x4x]Epiphany-b7vcvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvv4vvvv{vvvv6vvvvvv8vvvv8vvvvvv8vvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv6vvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv{vvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv4vv2vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv] vi We have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth.-b7vcvvvvvvYxx7x5x8x{xYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x6x{xIxx5x7x6x]Or-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Lent-b7vcvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv6vvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv8vvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vv2vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv] viArmed with the justice which is the power of God, let us prove ourselves with great patience.-b7vcvvvvvvYxx7x5x8x{xYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x6x{xIxx5x7x6x]Or-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Passiontide-b7vcvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvv5vv6vvvvbb5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvbbvvv8vvvvvvvbbbbb8vvvbbb{bbbbv8vvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvv6vvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvbbbbbbbbbbbbb2vbvvv1vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv] To me life is Christ, and death gain. I will glory in the cross of my Lord Jesus Christ.-b7vcvvvvvvYxx7x5x8x{xYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x6x{xIxx5x7x6x] Or-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Octave of Easter-v`*vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv{vvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv9bb.vvvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6bbb,vvvvvv{bbb4bbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbb6bbb,bbbbbb6bbb,bbbbbbb]Since you have been raised to life with Christ, you must look for the things of heav’n, al-le-lu-ia.-v`cWxx3x5x4x{xRxx5x7x6x{xYxx7x5x3x{xExx2x1x2x]Or-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{xWx3x4x{ xTx4x5x3x{xRx3x4x6x {xRx3x4x2x]Easter-v7ccv4ccvvvv5cvvvvc6ccc$ccvc5vv6vvvvvc5ccvvv4ccvv2vv1ccc4cvvvv5vv6ccvv5vv4ccvv$cvvvv]viAl – le – lu - ia, al – le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia.-v7ccRcvvv3x2x4x{vvRxcv3x4x5x{vvYxcv5x7x6x{ vvYxvc5x6x4x{vvWxvc1x2x4x {vvvYxc5x6x4vvvv]Or-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]Or-v7vcccvvYxx5x4x{xRxx2x4x5x]VespersLucernarium First Vespers of Sundays in Ordinary Time-c`v*vcRxxxxvvvvvxxxxxgvvvvchvvvxrxcc]ccvvvvcUxxxxccccc] Hail, gladdening Light, of his pure glo-ry poured who is the immortal-c`v*chxsccccccfccccccdcccceccc]vvvlvv.vvvvvvvLcvvcckccvjvvvcv]vvvvvvhvvvvvvvvscccchccccgxcvfvvvscccceccvccwxc] Fa-ther, heaven—ly, blest, ho—li—est of ho—lies, Je—sus Christ our Lord.-c`v*vvvRxxxxxxvvvvvvvvvvvvbbbxgvxbhxbrxc]xUxxxvvvvhccccccsccvccfcccc] Now we are come to the sun’s hour of rest, the lights of eve—ning round-c`v*vvdcvceccc]xvvvlccvcvlvcvvccLccvckcccjccc]vvvvvvhccccsccvchcccvvcgvvvvvvvv]cccvvfvvsccccdvvncccScvvvc]cvvvwxc] us shine, we hymn the Fa-ther, Son and Ho—ly Spi—rit di— vine.-c`v*vvvvvRxxxxxxvvvvvvvvvvxcgccchcccrxc]xjccc]vvvhcccccscvccfcccvcdccvccexvv] Worthiest art thou at all times to be sung with un—de—fi—led tongue,-c`v*bcocccckcccjcc]xcyccbcHxbbbbbbbHcccgcbbbbbbbbc]ccrcccveccc]ccc^x]xclcccccbbbbbclccclccckcccjccc]cccchcccvv] Son of our God, gi—ver of life, a— lone: there—fore in all the world-c`v*csccchccccgcccc]cccrcccccecvvv]vvvvwx] thy glo-ries, Lord, they own.Second Vespers of Sundays in Ordinary Time-v7vxixlxkxuxyxtxx]xuxhxfxgxgxrxx]-v7vxrxkxkkxlxkxuxyx]xixhxjxhxgxrxx]-v7vxrxsxdxfxsxqx]xrxgxhxjxhxtxrxx]O gladsome light, O grace?Of God the Father’s face,?The eternal splendour wearing; Celestial, holy, blest,?Our Saviour Jesus Christ, Joyful in thine appearing.Now, ere day fadeth quite,?We see the evening light,?Our wonted hymn outpouring; Father of might unknown, Thee, his incarnate Son,And Holy Spirit adoring.To thee of right belongs?All praise of holy songs,?O Son of God, life-giver; Thee therefore, O Most High, The world doth glorifyAnd shall exalt for ever.Advent-vcvv6vvbbb77xx6x5x^x@x5x4x3x1x@x2x]vcvv6vvbbb77xx6x5x^x@x5x4x3x1x@x2x]-vcvv2vvv3x4x5x^x^x8x7x6x5x7vv8x6x]vcvv5vv4x3x1x@x2xv]Joyful the light of God the Father’s glory?Shining forever through the life of Jesus,?Scatt’ring earth’s darkness with the heavenly splendour Of realms eternal.Now with the fading light of sunset round us, Shade after shade of gathering darkness deepening We sing to Father, Son and Holy Spirit?Psalms of the evening.Ground of our be-ing, Source of life eternal, Light of our darkness, joy of earth and heaven, To you alone belong the thankful praises?Of all creation.Christmastide-v7vvvhxgxjxhx]xgxfxfxdxx]ccsxdxfxhx]vvgxsxsxax]-v7vvvsxgxdxfx]xgxjxjxhxbbbbb]]xgxlxkxfx]xfxdxrx]Light of gladness, Lord of glory, Jesus Christ our king most holy, Shine among us in your mercy: Earth and heaven join their hymn.Let us sing at sun's descending As we see the lights of evening, Father, Son and Spirit praising With the holy seraphim.Son of God, through all the ages Worthy of our holiest praises, Yours the life that never ceases, Light which never shall grow dim.Epiphany to Ash Wednesday-v7ccfx]xhxkxlxkx]xkxjxhxhx]xgxhxjxgx]xgxfxhx] -v7ccfx]xgxhxhxgx]xgxfxsxsx]xaxfxgxgx]xhxgxfx]O gladsome light, Lord Jesus Christ, In you the Father’s glory shone. Immortal, holy, blest is he,?And blest are you, his holy Son.Worthy are you of endless praise?O Son of God, life giving Lord, Wherefore you are, through all the earth And in the highest heaven adored.Now sunset comes but light shines forth, The lamps are lit to pierce the night. Praise Father, Son and Spirit, God?Who dwells in the eternal light.Lent -v7vcc2x3x4x5x4x6x5x4vv4x3xx{vvv2x4x5x6x8x7x5x6vv6xx] -v7vcc6x9x8x9x6x8x6x5vv5x4x{x4x5x6x7x6xv5v5x3vv3x6xx]Or -`vccsx]xjvvvkxjx]xlvvvjxhx]xvgvvvhxdxcc]xgxfxdx]xwxsx]-`vccvgvvvhvxjx]xyxgx]xrxx]v]cccsxc]xjvvvkxjx]xlvvvjxhxxv]-`vccvgvvvhvvxdx]xgxfxdx]xsvvvvdxfx]xgvvvjxhx]xdvvvgxfx]xtxv] Light of the world, in grace and beauty, Mirror of God’s eternal face, Transparent flame of love’s free duty, You bring salvation to our race.Now, as we see the lights of evening, We raise our voice in hymns of praise; Worthy are you of endless blessing, Sun of our night, lamp of our days.First Vespers of Principal Feasts/Solemnities Daily in the Octave of Christmas-v7vvvcRxxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv5cvvv4ccvv5vvv6ccvv6cc6vvvvvv6cvc6ccvv6vvvvvc7cvc5ccc6ccc6ccc{ccvvc6ccc6cc7ccvc8cc6ccvvvc7ccc5ccvvvvvvv]O gladdening light of the holy glory of the immortal Father, heavenly, holy, blessed-v7vc6cc4ccvcc4cccc]vvvvvvvvRxxxxxxvvvxxxxxxvvvvvv4vnvvvvvvvRxccccccc]Jesus Christ. Now that we have come to the setting of the sun and see the-v7cc5ccc4cvvvc5vv6cccvv6cccc6ccvcc5cccc6cccc6ccvvvvvvv6vvc7ccvvvvc8cvcvc6cvcv7cvv5ccc6vv5ccc4ccccRxxvvvvvvvvvvvvcc4ccc5ccv]ev’ning light, we give praise to God , Father, Son and Holy Spi- rit. Worthy are you at all-v7vvvc4cccc4cvvc5ccvc6cccvvc6cccvvcc6ccvvv6vvvv6vvvvvc7vvvv6ccvc5ccv6v7vv8vv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5cccc6ccc7cc8vvvvvvv6cc7cvvvvv]times to be worshipped with holy voices, O Son of God and giver of life.-v7ccc5cccvv6cccc7ccc6cccc5ccccc5cc4cc5cccc4bbnx]Therefore all the world glorifies you.Second Vespers of Principal Feasts / Solemnities and Easter Octave-v70cvvGcvvvvgccvc2cccvvvvv5bbbmbbbbc{cvGcccGccHcccvv7cc6vv,cbbcHcccGccccGccvcGccGcccGccccGcccbbcGccbbbb$FccFccbbbbFxvvvv] O Ra-diant Light, O ho-ly Glory of God the immortal bless-ed Fa-ther in-v70cv5cccbbb5cccGccccvHvccvvc7vv6ccvcbb%ccc{vcgccvcGcccGccvcGccvcGccccvvGcccvcHccc7ccvvhvv,ccHccvcHccvcJcccvvvv] heav-en. O Christ Je—sus! Now as the sun-set comes up-on us and we see-v70bvHccc5ccc$fccvbbbbtcc{ccGcccvvv5vv2ccbvbbbbcgvv,ccv{ccGcccGccccvvGccvcHccccJccHcccv5vvv$fcctcv{vcGccvHcccvjvvvvvvvvHcccc]the ev’-ning lights, we praise God, Fa-ther, Son and Ho-ly Spi - rit! It is right at-v70cHcccGccccGccbcGccvcbbbbGcbbbbbbbbbbbbbb$FcccbbbFcccGccbcGcccbbbGcccGccgvvmcc{ccHccccjccchccctccc{ccgcccGccccGcccvv]all times to sing your praise with all the universe, O Son of God: you are the-v70v$FccFccFccvctx] life of the world!Eastertide outside the OctaveRefrain-`*~vvvvv6xYxvvvvvvccc^vv%ccvvvcYxxvvvvvvvvvxvcc8ccc8ccvc7cc^vvvvvvcTxxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvx6cc7cccvvc^cvvvvvvvvv] Hail, O joyful light, eternal Splendour of the Father, holy and blessed Jesus Christ-`*~xYxxxxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvxxxvvvvvvvvvvvc7vvvvcUxxxxvvvvvvvxccYxxxccc] Now we have come to the setting of the sun, and contemplate the light of the-`*~vvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvYcccccccccccccccccccvccccvv5ccccTcccccccvvcccccRcccccccc5cccccccv] evening, we sing to the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit of God. R-`*~xYxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcv7vvvc7xcYvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvxccc] Worthy are you at all times to be praised, by holy voices, Son of God you-`*~vvvvvYccccvvcvv5cvvvccTccccccvvcccccvvvcc4cc4cc5cccccv] Giver of Life whom the world glorifies. R-`*~xYxxxxxxxxxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvxxc7vvvxUxxccxxccc] You have caused to shine forth in our hearts of flesh, the image of your-`*~vvvvvYccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccxxxxcxvvvvvvvxcvv5ccccTcccvvvvvvccv] heavenly brightness; You wish us to seek the splendour of your Face, so that-`*~vTxvvvvvvvvvvvvxvvvvvvvvc4ccc4cccc%xvvcc] in your Light we may see Light. R-`*~xYxxxxxxxxvvvvxxvc7xcvvvUxvvvvcxYxxxxxxvvvxccc] To us who flee from the darkness of death, and who march towards your light;-`*~vvvvYcccccccccccccccccccccccccvv5cccTcccccccRccccccvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvcv4cccc5cccccccccccccv] grant that we may arrive one day, at the brightness of your kingdom. R-`*~xYxxxxxxxxc7x7vvvccUxxxxvvvvvxxcYxxxccc] We give glory to the eternal Father, to his well-beloved Son, Jesus Christ,-`*~vvvYccccccccvvvvvvvvvvcccvv5ccvccTccccccccRcccccccvvvvvvvvvvvvvccccv4cv5cccccccccccccv] To the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete: Holy and Blessed Trinity. ROrdinary Time WeekdaysMemorias-vcv6x6x6x6x2x4x3x2ccx{x6x6x7x5x6x8x7x6x] -vcv6x7x8x9x8x6x8x7vv6vv5x{x6x6x7x5x3x5x6x6x]Week One and Three-`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx]Week Two and Four-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]O Light of gladness, Sun divine,?Of God the Father’s deathless face, O image of the Light sublime,?That fills the heav’nly dwelling place.O Son of God, the Source of Life, Praise is your due by night and day. Our happy lips must raise the strain Of your esteemed and holy name.Lord Jesus Christ, as daylight fades, As shine the lights of eventide,?We praise the Father with the Son, The Spirit blest and with them one.Incense Psalm -c7x1vvvvvc4xvc5xvvvvvc6vvvvvcvv5ccc6cvcc7cccvc8ccvcc6cc8ccc9ccvvc8cccc6ccc4vv6cvc5ccvcc4ccvvc5cccc6cx] iMay my prayer come before you Lord, rising up like the incense, and my hands-c7vvvv5cvvvc4ccc2ccvv2ccvc1cc2cc4x]xYxxx5x4xx{xxTxxWxx4xxx] as the ev’ning sacrifice.-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]CWO Lord, I call to you; come to me quickly; hear my voice when I cry to you.Set a watch before my mouth, O Lord, and guard the door of my lips;May my prayer ...Let not my heart incline to any evil thing;let me not be occupied in wickedness with evildoers.But my eyes are turned to you, Lord God;in you I take refuge; do not leave me defenceless.May my prayer ...DOI have called to you, Lord; hasten to help me!Hear my voice when I cry to you.Set, O Lord, a guard over my mouth;keep watch, O Lord, at the door of my lips! May my prayer ...Do not turn my heart to things that are wrong,to evil deeds with those who are sinners. To you, Lord God, my eyes are turned:in you I take refuge; spare my soul! May my prayer ...Common Antiphons for VespersWeek One Sundays - First Vespers First Psalm-v7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv{vvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvv2vvvvv2vvvv]Per.My prayers rise like incense, my hands like the evening oblation.-v7cccYxx4x5x6x{xTxx3x4x2x]-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2x]Second Psalm-`*vvvc6vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv{vvv3vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvv5vv4vv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvv]vBlessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.-`*vvvcYxx4x6x{xUxx4x6x{xYxx7x4x{xExx4x5x{xYxx4x3x{xExx4x2x]Week One Sundays - Second VespersFirst Psalm-v7vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvv1vvvvv{vvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv{vv4vvvvv2vvvv3vv4vvvv5vvv]The Lord’s revelation to my Master: ‘Sit on my right.’ Al-le-lu-ia.-v7vxvTxx5x4x5x{xTxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x5x]Second Psalm-v7vvvvvvvv4vvv3vvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvv{vvvv4vvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv]viGlorify the Lord with me, together let us praise his name.-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]Or-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Vespers Week One WeekdaysFirst Psalm-c7x1vvvvvc4xvc5xvvvvvc6vvvvvcvv5ccc6cvcc7cccvc8ccvcc6cc8ccc9ccvvc8cccc6ccc4vv6cvc5ccvcc4ccvvc5cccc6cx] iMay my prayer come before you Lord, rising up like the incense, and my hands-c7vvvv5cvvvc4ccc2ccvv2ccvc1cc2cc4x]xYxxx5x4xx{xxTxxWxx4xxx] as the ev’ning sacrifice.Or-vcccvvYxx5x4x{xTxx6x4x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x6x{xTxx6x5x{xRxx3x2x]Or-`*~c6bbbvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vv7vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv{vvvvv4vvvvvv7bbbbbvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv] ii I will hear what the Lord God has to say; a voice that speaks of peace.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Second Psalm-bvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv1vvbbbbb] vOur help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth.-cvvcccvTxx3x5x{xYxx3x5x{xTxx6x3x{xWxx3x4x{xTxx3x2x{xWxx3x1x]Week Two Sundays - First VespersFirst Psalm-`*bvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv9vv8vvvvvv7vvvvvv{vv7vvvvv6vvvvv4vv3vv6vvvvv4vvvvv] Your word is a lamp for my steps, O Lord. Al-le- lu - ia.-`*vxRxx3x4x6x{xYxx4x6x7x{xUxx6x4x6x{xYxx4x3x4x]Second Psalm-`bvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvbbv5vvvbbbbvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv{vvvvv9vvvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv] viiHow many are your works, O Lord, in wisdom you have made them all.-`vxWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]Week Two Sundays - Second Vespers First Psalm-v7vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvv1vvvvv{vvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv{vv4vvvvv2vvvv3vv4vvvv5vvv]The Lord’s revelation to my Master: ‘Sit on my right.’ Al-le-lu-ia.-v7vxvTxx5x4x5x{xTxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x5x]Second Psalm-v`*ccvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2xc]vGreat are the works of the Lord, to be pondered by all who love them.4 lines-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]5 lines-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x{xRx3x4x2x]Vespers Week Two WeekdaysFirst Psalm-c7x1vvvvvc4xvc5xvvvvvc6vvvvvcvv5ccc6cvcc7cccvc8ccvcc6cc8ccc9ccvvc8cccc6ccc4vv6cvc5ccvcc4ccvvc5cccc6cx] iMay my prayer come before you Lord, rising up like the incense, and my hands-c7vvvv5cvvvc4ccc2ccvv2ccvc1cc2cc4x]xYxxx5x4xx{xxTxxWxx4xxx] as the ev’ning sacrifice.Or-vcccvvYxx5x4x{xTxx6x4x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x6x{xTxx6x5x{xRxx3x2x]Or-v7ccv2vv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7v5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vv,vvv{vvv8vv.vv6vvvvvvvvv7vv6vvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv4vvmvvvvc]Give light, O Lord, to my eyes; joy to my heart.-v7ccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]-v7cvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Second Psalm-`*~bv1vvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6bbbb,vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv4vvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv8bbbb.vvvv{vvvvv6vvvbbv8vvvvvvv9vv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4bbbmvvvvbbbbb] iiI shall offer within his tent a sacrifice of joy; I will sing and make music for the Lord.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Week Three Sunday - First VespersFirst Psalm-v7vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvv7vv6vvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vv7vv6vvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvv3vvvv2vv3vvvv1vvvvvv]viiFrom the rising of the sun to its setting, may the name of the Lord be praised, al-le-lu-ia.-v7ccvvccTxx6x5x{xUxx6x5x{xYxx5x4x{xRxx6x5x{xYxx4x5x{xRxx2x1x]Or-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Second Psalm-`vvvvvvvvv3cccv2vvvvvvv3vvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv{vv3vvvvvv7vvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvv]iThe cup of salvation I will raise, I will call on the Lord’s name.-`vvvvvExx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x7x{xUxx6x5x6x{xYxx5x4x3x]Week Three Sundays - Second VespersFirst Psalm-v7vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvv1vvvvv{vvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv{vv4vvvvv2vvvv3vv4vvvv5vvv]The Lord’s revelation to my Master: ‘Sit on my right.’ Al-le-lu-ia.-v7vcccvTxx5x4x5x{xTxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x5xc]Second Psalm-v7vvvv4vvvvv1vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvv4vv5vvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv9vv8vvvv6vv4vvvvvvv2vvv1vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv]viI will bless the Lord, who gives me counsel, who ev-en at night di-rects my heart.-v7vvvvvRxx3x4x5x{xTxx1x5x6x{ xYxx5x6x8x {xYxx5x6x4x]Or-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Vespers Week Three WeekdaysFirst Psalm-c7x1vvvvvc4xvc5xvvvvvc6vvvvvcvv5ccc6cvcc7cccvc8ccvcc6cc8ccc9ccvvc8cccc6ccc4vv6cvc5ccvcc4ccvvc5cccc6cx] iMay my prayer come before you Lord, rising up like the incense, and my hands-c7vvvv5cvvvc4ccc2ccvv2ccvc1cc2cc4x]xYxxx5x4xx{xxTxxWxx4xxx] as the ev’ning sacrifice.Or-vcccvvYxx5x4x{xTxx6x4x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x6x{xTxx6x5x{xRxx3x2x]Or-v7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv] vi Blessed are those whom you teach, O Lord, whom you train by means of your law.-v7vvRxc3x2x4x{ccRxc3x4x5x{ccYYxc5x7x6x{{{ ccYxc5x6x4x{ccWxc1x2x4x {ccYxc5x6x4x]Second Psalm-v7vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv]viFrom the rising of the sun to its setting; the name of the Lord is to be praised.-v7vvRxc3x2x4x{ccRxc3x4x5x{ccYYxc5x7x6x{{{ ccYxc5x6x4x{ccWxc1x2x4x {ccYxc5x6x4x]Week Four Sunday - First Vespers First Psalm-vcccvvv2vvvv2vvvvvvbbbv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvbvv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv6vvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvv2vvvvvv]iDying you destroyed our death, rising you restored our life. Lord Jesus, come in glory.-vvcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Second Psalm-b7vcc6vvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vv1vvcvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv]iI am sure I shall see the Lord’s goodness, in the land of the living. Al – le – lu - ia.-vcccvvWxx4x5x6x{xYxx8x7x6x{xYxx7x8x6x{xYxx5x4x2x]Week Four Sundays - Second VespersFirst Psalm-v7vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvv1vvvvv{vvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv{vv4vvvvv2vvvv3vv4vvvv5vvv]The Lord’s revelation to my Master: ‘Sit on my right.’ Al-le-lu-ia.-v7vcccvTxx5x4x5x{xTxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x5ccx]Second Psalm-`ccvvvcv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvv5vvvvv6vvv5vvvvv8vvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvv{vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv]viiYours is an everlasting kingdom, your rule lasts from age to age.-`ccvvvccWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]Or-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Vespers Week Four WeekdaysFirst Psalm-c7x1vvvvvc4xvc5xvvvvvc6vvvvvcvv5ccc6cvcc7cccvc8ccvcc6cc8ccc9ccvvc8cccc6ccc4vv6cvc5ccvcc4ccvvc5cccc6cx] iMay my prayer come before you Lord, rising up like the incense, and my hands-c7vvvv5cvvvc4ccc2ccvv2ccvc1cc2cc4x]xYxxx5x4xx{xxTxxWxx4xxx] as the ev’ning sacrifice.Or-vcccvvYxx5x4x{xTxx6x4x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x6x{xTxx6x5x{xRxx3x2x]Or-c7xvvv2vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv9vvvvvv9vvvvvv8vvvv6vv5xv6vvvvv6vvvvv{vvvv4vvvvvv6vv7vvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvv4vv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv] iWorship the Lord in his ho-ly temple, sing to him with all your skill.-c7xWxx6x5x6x{xYxx8x5x6x{xYxx5x4x3x{xExx4x6x2x]Or-vcccvvYxx5x4x{xTxx6x4x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x6x{xTxx6x5x{xRxx3x2x]Second Psalm-c7xv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvv{vvv2vvvvvvv4vvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv] Per.The Lord will bless those who fear him, the little no less than the great.-v7cccYxx4x5x6x{xTxx3x4x2x]Or-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]Or-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x{xYx5x6x4x]Lauds and Vespers in Ordinary TimeVespers Saturday in Ordinary TimeFirst Vespers of Sunday-c4x4x5x6x5x5x4x3x{x5x3x4x2x1x4x4x4x] -c4x4x5x6x5x5x4x3x{x5x3x4x2x1x4x2x2x]Week One and ThreeCreator of the earth and sky,ruling the firmament on high,clothing the day with robes of light,blessing with gracious sleep the night.That rest may comfort weary men,and brace to useful toil again,and soothe awhile the harassed mind,and sorrow's heavy load unbind.Day sinks; we thank thee for thy gift;night comes; and once again we liftour prayer and vows and hymns that weagainst all ills may shielded be.Thee let the secret heart acclaim,thee let our tuneful voices name,round thee our chaste affections clingthee sober reason own as King.That when black darkness closes day,and shadows thicken round our way,faith may no darkness know, and nightfrom faith's clear beam may borrow light.Rest not, my heaven born mind and will;rest, all the thoughts and deeds of ill;may faith its watch unwearied keep,and cool the dreaming warmth of sleep.From cheats of sense, Lord, keep me free;and let my heart's depth dream of thee;let not my envious foe draw near,to break my rest with any fear.Pray we the Father and the Son,and Spirit blest: O Three in One,blest Trinity, whom all obey,guard thou thy sheep by night and day.Week Two and FourO fire that fuels the stars and suns,Rekindled in our evening flame:Your blinding radiance yet is dimmedBefore the One from whom you came.When out of darkness first you dawned,You ushered in God’s gifts untold:On this the eighth, unequalled day,You blazed where life lay dead and cold.For Christ, our light, unquenchable,Death sought to master and defy,Yet from a darkened empty tombLife gave definitive reply.The universe will not be shamed,Delighting God in endless ways,For neither human sin nor prideCan silence its unceasing praise.CW Canticle -`vccc6cccvcc4cccc5ccccc6ccc7cccc8ccc7ccc6ccc9ccc9cccc8cccc7ccccc8ccccc7ccccc5cvc6cccccccxvvv] vii God’s love was revealed among us so that we might live through Jesus.-v`vcccvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]DO Canticle-cvv1ccc5cccc3cccbbbbcv2cc3cc3bbbcvv3cc4ccbbbc5c3cccbbc2cccc1xbb]cxTxx3x5xcc{xRxx3x2x1x]v* At the name of Jesus, ev’ry knee shall bow.Magnificat -bvvvccbc2cccbbbbbv4ccvvvbbbc2ccccvvc2ccvbbbc1cc4cvvvvc5cvvcc4ccvvc5cc4ccc4c6ccc6cvvvcc6cccvc9ccvvc9cvvv] i You have looked with favour on your lowly servant, from this day-bvcvvc8ccv77ccc6ccc5cvv4ccc5cvvvc4cccc2cccc1ccc2cvvvv] all generations will call you blessed.-vcccvvYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6xx{{xRxx4x5x4x{xTxx3x1x2x]DO-`vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvv8vv7vvvvvv5vvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv6vvvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vv6vvvvv5vvvvv6vv,vvvvvv]vii My heart ex-ults in the Lord I find my joy in him.-`cccYxx4x6x{xIxx7x5x6x{xTxx4x3x4x{xTxx3x4x2x]Lauds Sunday in Ordinary TimeInvitatory antiphonDO-vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv{vvvv6vvvvvvvv3vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvv3vv2vvvvvv{vvvv1vvv2vvvvvvvv3vv4vvvvv5vvvv4vvvvv33vvvvvvvvv3bvvvvvvc]iv We are the people of the Lord, the flock that is led by his hand: Come, let us adore him.-vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]CW -v7cccRxxxxxxxxccx5x6x4x]cvbbcv1cvvvvv1xcv1xcc4x5cvvvvv6vvvvvc5ccc2xv4vvvbbbbvvvv4vvxbbb] Sing his praise and ex-alt him for e – verOr-c7cvcc4vvvvvc4vvvc2vvvvvc4ccv5ccc5ccvc4ccvv5cvvvvvc6cccc5cvc7ccv6ccvvv{cc5cvvvvc6vv5cccc4cvc5ccc5vv4ccc4xc] vi God is the cre-a-tor and re-deem-er of all: O come, let us worship.-v7vvRxc3x2x4x{ccRxc3x4x5x{ccYYxc5x7x6x{{{ ccYxc5x6x4x{ccWxc1x2x4x {ccYxc5x6x4x]Or + ^ * / /-bb70ccbTxx4x{xTxxUxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x4x5x{xRxxExx1x3x4x5x]-bb70cccc5vv7xvvv5xx{xv3vv4xvvvvv5xx]A - men. A — men.In the beginning, on the first day of the week, + when the Lord created the heavens and the earth, * when the Spirit hovered ov-er the waters, ^?behold the Word of the Lord re-sounded: *?/ “Let there be light! And there was light.” /Jerusalem, raise your voice, for behold your Light, +?over the People of God shines the glory of the Most High; * when the fullness of time comes, +?God, who has spoken by his Son, makes known his glory, ^?the son who upholds the universe by his po-w’rful Word, *?/True light, that shows all people his coming in-to this world. /When the Christ was lifted up on the Cross as a flame, + He make the light shine in our hearts; ^?on the morning of the Pasch he is risen, *?/bathed in Light, as in a robe. /In his flesh he assumes his splen-dour and majesty, * he is the new day that the Father has given, +?Day of glad-ness and day of joy; ^?now we are enlightened in the Lord, +for his glory is in our hearts, *?/and the Lamb has become the light of the new Je-ru-sa-lem. /Walking in the light of the Lord, we awake the dawn! + Drinking of the source of Life within the Ho-ly Spirit, * and in the light of the son who has saved us, ^?We will see the uncreated light of the Father, */ and we will sing the glory of God three times ho-ly, now and for a-ges unending. /-c`xuxjxkxuxtx]xhvv,xGxhxjxyxtx]vxuxjxlxixux]xhvv,xGxfxgxexwx]-c`xuxhxgxixux]xgvv,xHxjxkxoxox]xuxhxgxyxtx]This is the first day of the world’s creation,When from deep silence Wisdom spoke and stars played - Day too, of new birth, in Christ’s death and rising,Forming a new earth.This day the light broke, called forth out of chaosBy God creator, through the Word that love spoke;As with bright spread wing, Wisdom, warm-breathed, hovered - Life’s ground of being.This is the new day, raised in Christ beyond time: Gift full of promise, both the first and eighth day! Goal of creation - Alpha as Omega,Christ its completion.Throughout our planet praise wells up to bless you, Abba, most holy, with your Word and Spirit,As at time’s dawning, so through endless ages,For this new morning.CW Canticle -v70bvvv1vvvvvvvv3xvc5vvvvvvcv6vvv5vvvv5ccvc6ccvvbvc8vvvvvvvbv7vv5cvbbbvvvv5ccbvbc5cccc6ccbc5ccv5vc3ccbc2ccc3vv4vvvvvvv3vvvv2vv1vvvvvv1vvvvvvc]i* Splendour and majesty are yours, O God; you are exalted as head o-ver all.-v70vvcccvvQxx2x3x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x3x4x{xRxx3x2x1x]Benedictus -bvvccbb6vvvvcbbc5ccccc4ccvbcc5ccbc6ccc2ccc{bc4cbbc5cbbc6ccbcc6vvvvvv2bbbbbbbx6ccbcc5cbbc6ccbbbbbbcbb8c9vvvvvv{vvv6bbbbbbbbc5cccc8c6ccc5c4ccc2cbbc2xb]i You have raised up for us a mighty Saviour, born of the house of your ser-vant David. -vvcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]DO-`*~vbvv3cccccvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvbvv3vvvvv{cv6vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvv3vvvv3vvnvvvvvvv]viii Through the loving mercy of our God the Rising Sun has come to visit us.-`*~vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvvRxx5x3x]Vespers Sunday in Ordinary Time-v7cc4x5x4x5x6x7x5x6x{x6x6x7x5x4x5x7x6c7c8c7c6x] -v7cc5x6x7x8x6x7x7x6x{x5x6x7x6x5x6x5x4xxc]Can we conceive when time was not,The nothingness of cosmic sleep?When, formless, there was only void,No near, no far, no height, no deep?In love’s embrace, God’s uttered WordThen sounded from Life’s boundless heart:Like suns exploding into space,“Light!” burst forth, dazzling, in the dark.Upon the deep there spread delightFor God had smiled, and deemed it “good!”Like solar winds was Wisdom’s breath,Her warmth yet gentle on her brood.Dividing light from darkness, thenGod called light “Day!” and darkness “Night!”Then ev’ning came and morning came –The first of days and God’s delight.CW Canticle 72-ccvvv5cvc6ccvv6ccvv8cccvc8ccc7cvv6ccvcv5cccvv6cvcc6ccvv6vvvcv5vvvvvc3vvcc4ccvc5cvvvc2cvvvvvvv4vvvcc3ccvvvb1cbcvv1ccvvc1ccc] Let us rejoice and exult and give glory and homage to our God, al - le - lu - ia.DO – may be used with CW Canticle 72-ccvvvvv5c6ccvvvvvvv8ccvc8ccvc7c6ccv5ccvvvv6cvcc6ccvvvvvvv6vvvvvcvv5v3vvccc4ccvvvvc5cvvvc2bv4vvvcc3ccvvvb1cbcvv1ccvvcvc] Praise God all you his servants, both great and small, al - le - lu - ia. -cxcTxxxxxxcccccxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvx6cx8xx{vvvvvvv8vvx7vvx6ccvv5vv6xx] Al - le—lu - ia.-cxcYcccccxxvvvvccc5x4x5xx{xc5c3vvcc4xc5vvvvvc5ccc{ccccc2c4vvvvvc3cccv1xc1xccc] Al - le—lu - ia. Al - le—lu - ia.Or-v7ccc4ccc5cccc6cccc4cccbbbbcc5vv6cccc5cccc4ccc2vv1ccccbbc4cccc5vv6ccc5vv4cvbbc4x] Al—le—lu—ia, Al—le—lu—ia, Al—le—lu—ia,-v7cccYxx5x4x5x{ccv6vvvvvcc5vvvvvvv4cccc5x]cUxx6x5x6x{ccv7xcc6cbcc5cccc6x] Al—le—lu—ia, Al—le—lu—ia,-v7ccc*xx6x5x4x{ccv8xcc6ccc5cccc4x]c%xx4x2x4x] Repeat triple alleluia. Al—le—lu—ia,Magnificat -v`*~cvcv4vvvvcvvv6cvvvvcc8cvvvvvcc7vvxc6cvvvvvvc6ccc7xcc6ccc6cc6cc4cccc3cccc4xcc] ii You have done great things, O God, and holy is your name.-v`*~xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xUxx6x5x4x]DO-`*~vxvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vb.vvvv{vvvv6vvvv6vvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv]iiThe Lord has done marvels for me, holy is his name.-`*~xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xUxx6x5x4x]Lauds Monday in Ordinary TimeInvitatory antiphon-c7ccc4vvvvvvc4ccvv3ccc5cccc5ccccc6ccvvc{cvvc5cvvvc6vv5ccvvc4cvc5ccc5vv4ccc4xc] vi God orders all things well: O come, let us worship.-v7vvRxc3x2x4x{ccRxc3x4x5x{ccYYxc5x7x6x{{{ ccYxc5x6x4x{ccWxc1x2x4x {ccYxc5x6x4x]Or + ^ * / /-bb70ccbTxx4x{xTxxUxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x4x5x{xRxxExx1x3x4x5x]-bb70cccc5vv7xvvv5xx{xv3vv4xvvvvv5xx]A - men. A — men.On the second day, the Lord God of heav'n and earth, ^ established his throne in the heaven saying +?"Let there be a firmament to separ- ate the waters." *?/ and the firmament of heav-en became the dwell-ing of his glory. /The vault of heaven proclaims the work of his hands, +?because in the heavens he established the Word of his covenant; ^ "My love which I founded forever in the heavens, *?/ I will establish in the de-scend-ants of David, my be-l?v-ed.”/Bless Christ the Lord in the firmament of his glory; +?From the east he rises up and comes forth: ^?On the paschal morn he was raised up, light for up-right hearts, *?and the King of glory opened for us the gates of heaven: *?/all those he leads in his way shine like the resplend-ent vault of heaven. /As we await the new heavens and the new earth, +?let the God of heav-en be blessed for ever, ^?the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit, +?/to the Trinity be praise and glor-y for a-ges unending. /-vv7c4x4x5x6x7x6x5x6x{x6x5x8x8x5x6x7x6vv5x] -vv7c6x6x5x6x5x4x3x4x{x5x6x5x4x3x4vv5x3x2x]Week One and ThreeO splendour of God's glory bright,O thou that bringest light from light,O Light of Light, light's living spring,O Day, all days illumining.O thou true Sun, on us thy glancelet fall in royal radiance,the Spirit's sanctifying beam upon our earthly senses stream.The Father, too, our prayers implore,Father of glory evermore;the Father of all grace and might,to banish sin from our delight.To guide whate'er we nobly do,with love all envy to subdue,to make ill-fortune turn to fair,and give us grace our wrongs to bear.Our mind be in his keeping placedour body true to him and chaste,where only faith her fire shall feed,to burn the tares of Satan's seed.And Christ to us for food shall be,from him our drink that welleth free,the Spirit's wine, that maketh whole,and, mocking not, exalts the soul.Rejoicing may this day go hence,like virgin dawn our innocence,like fiery noon our faith appear,now know the gloom of twilight drear.Morn in her rosy car is borne;let him come forth our perfect morn,the Word in God the Father one,the Father perfect in the Son.Week Two and FourDawn’s radiance washes over earth,Refreshed and rested from the night:The grateful world, awake, awareIs bathed in Christ’s baptismal light.Emblazoned thus, our earth proclaimsIts first foundation and its end.Another day stirs life afresh:Its gifts from God to God all tend.O Christ, indwelling source of life,Reflecting fair your Abba’s face,Your radiance brightens all the earthAs we awake in your embrace.Within your love we sing our praise,Transcendent God who nurture all;Day’s dawning spelndour send us forthTo answer within our lives your call.CW Canticle -v7ccv4ccc5cccvc6cccvvvvc7cccvbc6cccc8cccc7ccbvc5ccbbc4cbbbbcc3ccbbbbc4ccbbc2ccccc1cbbccb2cbbbc5ccbbbc6cc4cbcc4vxvvvbbbbbb] vi All the earth, shout and sing for joy, for great in your midst is the Holy One.-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]Benedictus -v`*~cvv3ccbbbbbvv1ccbbbc2bcbbbbbbb3bbccbbb4ccbbcb4ccbbbc3ccc2cccbc3ccbbbbc4cccc3ccbc3cccbb3cc6ccbc7cccbbbbbbb8ccbbbc6cccc7vv6ccc4ccvcc3cccvv] viii You have set us free to worship you without fear, holy and righteous in your sight.-v`*~vvExcx1x2x3x{xRxcx3x4x{xRxcx2x4x6x{vccvRxcx5x3xcxbbbbbbbbbb]DO-v7cbv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvv4ccccbb5ccvcc6ccvc6cccc7cc6cc5cc4vv5vvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvnvvvvv]i Let us serve the Lord in holiness all our days.-vvcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Vespers Monday in Ordinary Time-c4x4x5x6x5x5x4x3x{x5x3x4x2x1x4x4x4x] -c4x4x5x6x5x5x4x3x{x5x3x4x2x1x4x2x2x]Week One and ThreeO boundless Wisdom, God most high,O Maker of the earth and sky,who bidd'st the parted waters flowin heaven above, on earth below.The streams on earth, the clouds in heaven,by thee their ordered bounds were given, 'neath th’untempered fires of daythe sun-parchèd soil should waste away.E'en so on us who seek thy facepour forth the waters of thy grace;renew the fount of life within,and quench the wasting fires of sin.Let faith discern the eternal Lightbeyond the darkness of the night,and through the mists of falsehood seethe path of truth revealed by thee.O Father, that we ask be done,through Jesus Christ, thine only Son;who, with the Spirit blest and thee,doth live and reign eternally.Week Two and FourThe blazing energies of light,Unleashed when God said “Let it be,”In fusion formed the womb of life,The rain clouds and the raging sea.These parted, each to its domain,Divided by the vault of sky;Untamed and turbulent, unchecked,Within them life and death would vie.Those waters clothed our planet home,So terrible and yet so fair:The gift without which all would cease,Yet placed, so fragile, in our care.Both sign and sacrament of life,Of love awash, poured out and fresh:Engulfing all that sin would spawn,While nurt’ring life in all the rest.This evening came and morning cameThat second day when waters burst:Both flood and freshness for our world,Chaste herald of our second birth.CW Canticle -vccvc3cccc3ccvc2cccvvc3cbcc5cvvvc6vv5cbbc7ccc6ccc6ccc7ccvvc8ccbbcc9ccbc8cc7vv6ccc7cc5ccc6cc6xccccccbb] iv The glorious grace of God is freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.-cccvvYxx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{{xIxx7x6x7x{xYxx5x6x3x]DO Canticle-vccvvc3ccccv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvv3vvvvv{vvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vv6vvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6cccccbb] iv May God our Father give us power through his Spirit so that Christ may live in our hearts.-cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{ xTxx4x6x5x{xTx7x6x {xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3x]Magnificat -~cbbvv6ccc4cc5ccbbc6ccc7cc6bbbcc6ccc8ccbc7cccc6cccc2ccbbbc3cccc4cbbbbbbcc5ccbbccc3cccbc4cccc4xccccccxbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb] vii My spirit rejoices in you, O God, my soul proclaims your greatness.-v`vcccvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]DO-`bbvvv6vvvvbvv4cccvvc5ccvvvvcv6vvvvvcbbbc7cc6ccvc8ccc7cccc6ccc5ccccv6ccc6ccvvvvc2ccvvv3ccc4cc5ccc6ccc6ccc6cccc5ccc3cvcc4ccc4vvmvvvvvv]viiHe has looked with mercy on his humble servant; now all generations will call me blessed.-`cccYxx4x6x{xIxx7x5x6x{xTxx4x3x4x{xTxx3x4x2x]Lauds Tuesday in Ordinary TimeInvitatory antiphon-v`*~ccbbbc4xc5vvvvcc6vvvvvcc7vvvvx5ccvcc6vv5cccc4cccc{ccv4vvvcc3vv1cccc3cvvc5ccc5vv4ccvc4cccb]ii God fills the earth with goodness: O come, let us worship.-v`*~xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xUxx6x5x4x]Or-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Or + ^ * / /-bb70ccbTxx4x{xTxxUxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x4x5x{xRxxExx1x3x4x5x]-bb70cccc5vv7xvvv5xx{xv3vv4xvvvvv5xx]A - men. A — men.On the second day, the Lord God of heav'n and earth, ^ established his throne in the heaven saying +?"Let there be a firmament to separ- ate the waters." *?/ and the firmament of heav-en became the dwell-ing of his glory. /The vault of heaven proclaims the work of his hands, +?because in the heavens he established the Word of his covenant; ^ "My love which I founded forever in the heavens, *?/I will establish in the de-scend-ants of David, my be-l?v-ed.”/Bless Christ the Lord in the firmament of his glory; +?From the east he rises up and comes forth: ^?On the paschal morn he was raised up, light for up-right hearts, *?and the King of glory opened for us the gates of heaven: *?/all those he leads in his way shine like the resplend-ent vault of heaven. /As we await the new heavens and the new earth, +?let the God of heav-en be blessed for ever, ^?the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit, +?/to the Trinity be praise and glor-y for a-ges unending. /-v7c4x4x5x6x7x6x5x6x{x6x5x8x8x5x6x7x6vv5x] -v7c6x6x5x6x5x4x3x4x{x5x6x5x4x3x4vv5x3x2x]Week One and ThreeThe wingèd herald of the dayproclaims the morn's approaching ray:and Christ the Lord our souls excites,and so to endless life invites.Take up thy bed, to each he cries,who sick or wrapped in slumber lies;and chaste and just and sober standand watch: my coming is at hand.With earnest cry, with tearful care,call we the Lord to hear our prayer;while supplication, pure and deep,forbids each chastened heart to sleep.Do thou, O Christ, our slumber wake:do thou the chains of darkness break;purge thou our former sins away,and in our souls new light display.All laud to God the Father be,all praise, eternal Son, to thee;all glory, as is ever meet,to God the holy Paraclete.Week Two and FourO sister dawn, how light your touch;How bright your face upon the earth!Awakened are we all to lifeAs you call us from sleep’s small death.You, sister, graced that Easter mornWhen Life, entombed, was lost from sight.You roused the women with their spiceAnd guided them to greet the Light.Your dawning opens wide our eyes;Our talents are awakened, too!Our hands, so grasping, rest has freedTo welcome gifts we never knew.Aroused, awakened and aware,Hands turn to labour, hearts to pray:What yesterday was only glimpsedStands now as fresh and clear as day.With dawn and all the gifts of day,We praise you, Abba, Breath and Word:A world so prodigal and freeReveals your loving hand, O God.CW Canticle -v7ccvvvc6cc8ccvc6cbbcc5cccvc4cccc5cccc6ccbcc5cccvvcc6cccc5cbbcc6ccbbcc5ccvc4ccc4cbbbcc2ccbbc1cbcc4cvvvvvvvbbbbbbbbb] vi Spirit of God, teach us your ways, that we may walk in the way of peace.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]Benedictus -v`*~bvv3ccvc4cccc6ccc5ccvvvc6ccc7ccc6ccvcc4cccv3ccvvc6ccvvbvv8cvvvvvvvvc7ccvvc6cvvvc4cccc5cccvvvc6vv4cvvvc2cvbb3bbbbbbvc3xc] viii In your tender compassion, O God, the dawn from on high shall break upon us.-v`*~vxvExcx1x2x3x{xRxcx3x4x{xRxcx2x4x6x{vccvRxcx5x3xxb]DO-`ccv2ccccv2ccvcv4ccvcc5cccvvv6vvvv6vvvvvv7vv8vvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv{vvv7vvvvv8vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv3vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvv,vvvvvvv]viiThe Lord has raised up a mighty Saviour as he promised through the lips of his prophets.-`cccYxx4x6x{xIxx7x5x6x{xTxx4x3x4x{xTxx3x4x2x]Vespers Tuesday in Ordinary Time-c4x4x5x6x5x5x4x3x{x5x3x4x2x1x4x4x4x] -c4x4x5x6x5x5x4x3x{x5x3x4x2x1x4x2x2x]Week One and ThreeEarth's mighty Maker, whose commandraised from the sea the solid land,and drove each billowy heap away,and bade the earth stand firm for aye.That so, with flowers of golden hue,the seeds of each it might renew;and fruit trees bearing fruit might yield--and pleasant pasture of the field;our spirit's rankling wounds effacewith dewy freshness of thy grace:that grief may cleanse each deed of ill,and o'er each lust may triumph still.Let every soul thy law obey,and keep from every evil way;rejoice each promised good to winand flee from every mortal sin.O Father, that we ask be done,through Jesus Christ, thine only Son;who, with the Spirit blest and thee,doth live and reign eternally.Week Two and FourLife, never bounded or constrained,Tamed chaos, took the floods in hand,Determined these should now recedeAnd bare what would become the land.And so, this day, their bound’ries set,God named one “Earth" the other “sea”.And then, beholding both were good,Love’s eye was drawn to shrub and tree.Life thus addressed our mother earth,And charged her: colour, bloom and root.Be lavish in the gifts you bearOf greening forests, plants and fruit.And so it was and it was good.Our planet’s splendours stood untrod;Each peak, each valley, plain and pondPoured forth its poetry to God.Thus evening came and morning cameThe third day, when our earth first breathed;So fragile, faithful, fruitful free:By Life sustained, by Love conceived.CW Canticle -b7vcc4cc2vv1cccbc4ccvccbb5cc6cc8cc8ccccbbbc9ccc9cccbbbbc6vv5ccvcc4ccc2ccc2ccc2ccvcc1ccccc4cccccccccccbbx] vi I saw the holy city coming down out of heaven from God.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]DO Canticle-`*vcv4vv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvv6vvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv{vv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2cbbx] vi O Lord, you have created all things; by your will they came to be and were made.-`*cvvcvTxx6x5x{xYxx5x6x{xTxx7x6x{xYxx5x7x{xYxx5x3x{xYxx3x5x]Magnificat -b7cc2ccbbbc2ccbbbbc6vv7ccc6bbcc5cccc4ccccc5ccbcc6ccbcc6ccbbcc8cccc9ccv8cc6cbc5ccvc4ccc5cc3cc1cc4xxxx]i You have mercy on those who fear you, from generation to generation.-v7vcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]DO-`*~v3cvvvc4c6ccvvc4cccc3cvvvc2ccc3cccc4ccccc3ccccc3cccvvc5vvccv6vvvvvv7vv6ccvv5cccc4cccvvc3ccc2ccc4ccc3vvmvvvvvv]viii The Lord fills the hungry with good things but the rich he sends empty away.-`*~vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvvRxx5x3x]Lauds Wednesday in Ordinary TimeInvitatory antiphon-c7ccc4vvvvvx4xvc3ccvv5vvvvv5vvvvvc6xc{cvvbbc5cvvvvc6vv5vvccc4cvc5cvcc5vv4ccc4xbbbbb]b vi God comes to set us free: O come, let us worship.-v7cvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Or + ^ * / /-bb70ccbTxx4x{xTxxUxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x4x5x{xRxxExx1x3x4x5x]-bb70cccc5vv7xvvv5xx{xv3vv4xvvvvv5xx]A - men. A — men.On the fourth day, the Lord God who dwells in unapproachable light + created the sun, the moon and the stars, *?to govern the day and the night, ^?and to mark the days of our seas-ons and feasts, */ and turn our hearts to the Rising Sun who comes to save us. /Jesus, the true light, +?chose to make his dwelling in the Vir-gin's womb; *?like a champion, he came out of the brid-al chamber, ^?and leaping forth, joyful and filled with strength, +?he has opened the way of the pasch, *?/ He came down from heaven to earth, to lead us from earth to heaven. /When he died on the cross, +?the sun and moon lost their light, *?on seeing the death of the Just one for the unjust; ^?but on the third day he was raised up, *?/and his eyes, more brilliant than the sun, brighten the new Je-ru-sa-lem. /On the last day, +?the sign of his cross shall appear in all its glory, *?the sun will darken, the moon and the stars will lose their light, ^?and behold coming down out of heav-en from God *?/ the new Jerusalem, beautiful as a bride prepared to meet her husband. /Her face will shine with the light of God, +?she will not need the sun to shine, ^?for God will be her light, *?/ in the joy of an eternal wed-ding feast for a-ges unending. /-vv7c4x4x5x6x7x6x5x6x{x6x5x8x8x5x6x7x6vv5x] -vv7c6x6x5x6x5x4x3x4x{x5x6x5x4x3x4vv5x3x2x]Week One and ThreeYe clouds and darkness, hosts of night,that breed confusion and affright,begone! o'erhead the dawn shines clear,the light breaks in and Christ is here.Earth's gloom flees broken and dispersed,by the sun's piercing shafts coerced:the Daystar's eyes rain influence bright,and colours glimmer back to sight.Thee, Christ, alone we know; to theewe bend in pure simplicty;our songs with tears to thee arise;prove thou our hearts with thy clear eyes.Though we be stained with blots within,thy quickening rays shall purge our sin;Light of the Morning Star, thy graceshed on us from thy cloudless face.All laud to God the Father be,all praise, eternal Son, to thee;all glory, as is ever meet,to God the holy Paraclete.Week Two and FourWhere stretch the limits of the stars?Who fathoms all the gifts of earth?Within the origins of lifeOne Word, in labour gives them birth.Its silence fills the stellar night;Its sound plumbs deep our planet’s core:Poured out for us, enfleshed in full,This Word – none other – Mary bore.From earth, the Word drew nourishment,From us, the body we possess;Our sun provided warmth and light –With these the Word took on our flesh.All things created, great and small,At dawn of time God sanctified:Now these, enfleshed within the Word,Return God’s love thus glorified.For only thus the Word preparedTo consummate the sacrificeFor which God’s heart had ever yearned,For which Love would alone suffice.Creation’s dawning God deemed “Good.”Yet still we scarce believe our worth:But pregnant, full, the Word here dawns,And yearns in us to come to birth.CW Canticle -v`*bbbbvc6ccc6ccvc4ccv5ccvvcc6cccvvvv5ccvc6cccvc7cccc6ccc6cvbbbbc6ccc4ccccc2cccc3cccc4ccbc5vv4cbc3ccc2ccc2ccbbbx] v Return to the Lord, who will have mercy, to our God who will richly pardon.-v`*cccvvWxx3x5x4x{xRxx5x7x6x{xYxx7x5x3x{xExx2x1x2x]Benedictus -b7cvc4cccbbbbbbc5cccc4ccc3ccc2cccc2ccc2ccc4ccc5cvcc7cccvc6cvc5ccc8ccvcc6cccc7cc6cvcv5cc6cc4cccxccccvc] vi You show mercy, to our ancestors, and remember your holy covenant.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]DO-v7cvv4cccvc4cccvv4vvvvvvv5vvvv6vvv4vvvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvmvvvvvv]viThe Lord has visited his people he has come to redeem them.-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]Vespers Wednesday in Ordinary Time-c4x4x5x6x5x5x4x3x{x5x3x4x2x1x4x4x4x] -c4x4x5x6x5x5x4x3x{x5x3x4x2x1x4x2x2x]Week One and ThreeMost holy Lord and God of heaven,who to the glowing sky hast giventhe fires that in the east are bornwith gradual splendours of the morn;who, on the fourth day, didst revealthe sun's enkindled flaming wheel,didst set the moon her ordered ways,and stars their ever-winding maze;that each in its appointed waymight separate the night from day,and of the seasons through the yearthe well-remembered signs declare:illuminate our hearts within,and cleanse our minds from stain of sin;unburdened of our guilty loadmay we unfettered serve our God.O Father, that we ask be done,through Jesus Christ, thine only Son;who, with the Spirit blest and thee,doth live and reign eternally.Week Two and FourThere was no sun to rule the day,No moon to roam the night untilOur God flung forth the nebulae,The planets, suns and stars at will.With these God made the greater lightTo dawn and blaze upon our day;A lesser lamp illumined nightAnd marked each month along its way.Thus time, the seasons and the yearsBegan their endless ordered round;The moon called for the festivalsOn which God’s praises would resound.And so it was, and it was panions, friends, the stars would be:Bright beacons in the cosmic night,Sure bearings both on land and sea.Thus evening came and morning came.The fourth day saw our day-star, sun,Bright symbol of undying light,Undimmed when day and night are done.CW Canticle -b`bvcc2vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv{vvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vv5vvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvx] vii Rejoice and be glad for you are the light of the world, and great is your reward in heaven.-v`vcccvvWxcx5x6x7xc{cxUxcx9x7x6xc{xcYxcx8x7x5xc{xcYxcx3x2x5x]DO Canticle-vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv9vvvvv9vvvvvv8vvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvccv]iGod has taken us out of darkness and given us a place in the kingdom of his Son.-vvcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Magnificat -ccv3ccc5cccc6ccvcc7ccvvcc8ccc7cccc6ccc7v5cc3ccc6cc5ccc4ccc3cvccv2ccvc3cccv4ccc5cccc3ccc6cc6ccx] iv Remember your promise of mercy, to Abraham and his children for ever.-vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]DO-v7cvv2ccc6vv7vvvvv6vvvvvbb5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2bbbnvvvvvvv]i The mercy of the Lord endures from age to age on those who fear him.-vvcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Lauds Thursday in Ordinary TimeInvitatory antiphon-ccc3vvvvcc4vv2cvcv3ccv4ccvc5cccc6ccc5ccc5ccc5ccc]cc5cvcc6vv4ccvvc5cvvc6cc5vv5vv4ccc3cccv]iv God calls us to love one another: O come, let us worship.-vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]Or-cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{ xTxx4x6x5x{xTx7x6x {xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3x]Or + ^ * / /-bb70ccbTxx4x{xTxxUxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x4x5x{xRxxExx1x3x4x5x]-bb70cccc5vv7xvvv5xx{xv3vv4xvvvvv5xx]A - men. A — men.On the fifth day, the Lord and Master of Life, +?created all living things in the depths of the sea, and in the heights of heaven, ^?he blessed them saying, +?"Be fertile and mul-ti-ply!” *?/ and behold they sprang forth to live in the water and in the breath of the Spirit. /On the day of his coming, +?the Lord spoke to the heart of Jerusalem, *?/ "How I have longed to gather your children like a bird gathers its young un-der its wings!" /In dying on the cross he stretched out his arms, +?image of the Tree of Life in the new and e-ter-nal Kingdom, ^?/ and the birds come to seek refuge in its branches, far from the nets of the fowler. /And we who await in faith his glorious re-turn, +?have been plunged into the waters of baptism in the bath of life: * henceforth, the monster who reigns in the waters has no power over us, + because Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, the Saviour, ^?like Jonah, spent three days and three nights *?/ engulfed in the belly of the Monster, in the depths of the sea. /Raised up on the third day, +?he told his disciples: "Cast your nets in-to the sea," *?an image of the good news thrown like a net into the sea of hu-man-i-ty, ^ so that all people, gathered into the Kingdom, *?/ might sing the glory of God for a-ges unending. /-vv7c4x4x5x6x7x6x5x6x{x6x5x8x8x5x6x7x6vv5x] -vv7c6x6x5x6x5x4x3x4x{x5x6x5x4x3x4vv5x3x2x]Week One and ThreeLo! golden light rekindles day:let paling darkness steal away,which all too long o'erwhelmed our gazeand led our steps by winding ways.We pray thee, rising Light serene,e'en as thyself our hearts make clean;let no deceit our lips defile,nor let our souls be vexed by guile.O keep us, as the hours proceed,from lying word and evil deed;our roving eyes from sin set free,our body from impurity.For thou dost from above surveythe converse of each fleeting day;thou dost foresee from morning lightour every deed, until the night.All laud to God the Father be,all praise, eternal Son, to thee;all glory, as is ever meet,to God the holy Paraclete.Week One and ThreeStill dim, a fresh new world now dawnsAs dark departs before the day.Night by our day-star is deposed‘til brother sun has had his say.The moon, the stars, the earth and sunSing out their sacrificial praise,And bend their brilliance to that lightWhich sets all other lights ablaze.As day and night to each give way,They herald Christ’s self-offering,Whose eucharist embraces all,Whose holiness fills ev’rything.Here is the triune sacrifice:God’s Love, by Love, in Love outpoured.The cosmos is by Christ espoused:In earth’s embrace God is adored.CW Canticle-v7cc2cvvc4ccvbbc2cc2ccvc1ccc4cvc5cvc4ccvc6ccvc6cvcc9ccc9ccvcc8vcc7ccc6ccvcc5ccccc4ccvc5cccc4ccc2vvv1ccc2vx] i I have given you as a light to the nations, and I have called you in righteousness.-v7vcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Benedictus -v~vvvv6vvvvcbbbbbc4ccc5cccvc6cvcc7vv6ccbc8ccvc7ccbbc6cccc5cccc6cccc7cc6ccc6ccbbbbc2cccbc3cccbbbbbbb4ccbbbbc5cbbbc6ccbbbc5ccbbbbc3ccbbc2ccc] vii You promised, O God, to save us from our enemies, from the hands of all that hate us.-`cccYxx4x6x{xIxx7x5x6x{xTxx4x3x4x{xTxx3x4x2x]DO-cccvvvvv6cccc6ccccc5cvcc6cccc3cvvcc3cccvvc6cccvc7ccc8ccc8cccc7ccc7cccvc6cccc5cccc4ccc4cccc2cccc3vvnccc]ivGive your light, O Lord, to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death.-cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{ xTxx4x6x5x{xTx7x6x {xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3x]Vespers Thursday in Ordinary Time-c4x4x5x6x5x5x4x3x{x5x3x4x2x1x4x4x4x] -c4x4x5x6x5x5x4x3x{x5x3x4x2x1x4x2x2x]Week One and ThreeAlmighty God, who from the flooddidst bring to light a twofold brood;part in the firmament to fly,and part in ocean's depths to lie;appointing fishes in the sea,and fowls in open air to be,that each, by origin the same,its separate dwelling-place might claim:grant that thy servants, by the tideof blood and water purified,no guilty fall from thee may know,nor death eternal undergo.Be none submerged in sin's distress,none lifted up in boastfulness;that contrite hearts be not dismayed,nor haughty souls in ruin laid.O Father, that we ask be done,through Jesus Christ, thine only Son;who, with the Spirit blest and thee,doth live and reign eternally.Week Two and FourOur mother earth, her mantle green,Lay ripened, seeded and at rest;She yearned to nurture all to life,Providing nourishment and rest.So God, unbounded, uncontained,Ordained the oceans teem with lifeAnd bid the skies be filled with flight:With fish and fowl the world was rife.These each were blest and both deemd good.God urged them mate and multiply:Thus life would ever be increasedAnd God in all be glorified.With song and plumage, soaring flight,Birds blazoned forth God’s gifts so free;While sea-life, fathomless and feared,Reflected, dark, God’s mystery.Thus evening came and morning cameThe fifth day, filling air and sea.Life overflowing and outpouredDepends upon diversity.CW Canticle -vcbc3cvvvc6cvc7ccvvvc8ccvvvvvc9ccvvcc8vccc6ccvc7ccvvvc8ccvc6cccvc7ccvvcc5ccvvvvc8ccvc8ccvv7cvvvvvvc6ccvc5ccc2ccvvvvc3ccc3cx] iv All nations shall come and worship you, O Christ, and share in the feast of your kingdom.-vvcccvvExcx2x3x5x{xTxcx3x5x6x{xYxcx5x3x5x{xTxcx3x2x3vvvvxvvvvvv]DO Canticle-`*vvvcv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv{vvv2vvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv]vThe Father has given Christ all power, honour, and kingship; all people will obey him.-`*vvvcYxx4x6x{xUxx4x6x{xYxx7x4x{xExx4x5x{xYxx4x3x{xExx4x2x]Magnificat -bbbbcbbbc3vvccc6cccvvc4cccc3cvcbbbc2ccc3cccc4ccbbbbbbvc3ccccc3cccbbbcc6ccbbc7vv6ccbbbc5cvcc4cccc3cc2ccc4ccc3ccvcc] iv You have filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty.-cccvvYxx3x5x6xc{xcUxx5x6xc{{xcIxx7x6x7xc{xcYxx5x6x3xv]DO-`*~v4vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7bbb,vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvv1bbbbbbnvvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8bbbv.vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvv4vvmvvvvvv]iiHe has put down the mighty from their thrones: the poor in spirit he has raised on high.-`*~xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xUxx6x5x4x]Lauds Friday in Ordinary TimeInvitatory antiphon-`*~ccc4ccc3cccc4cccc6ccccbbbc5cccc4ccccvv4bbbbbbbbbbbc3vv1ccbbc3ccc5cbcc5vv4cccc4cccx]ii God has redeemed the world: O come, let us worship.-`*~cRx3x4x{vvvYxc5x4x5x{vvvYxc5x6x7x{ vvYvvvv4x6x5x{vvvRxc1x3x4x {vvvTxv3x4x]Or + ^ * / /-bb70ccbTxx4x{xTxxUxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x4x5x{xRxxExx1x3x4x5x]-bb70cccc5vv7xvvv5xx{xv3vv4xvvvvv5xx]A - men. A — men.On the sixth day God comp-let-ed the work of his hands, ^ while his infinite Wisdom played with him, as a be-lov-ed child, * / He said: “Make hu-man-ity in our image, and in our likeness.” /In his image he created him, +?and made him from the dust of the earth, *?/ and God showered him with blessings for he saw that it was very good. /What are we, Lord, that you remember us, + That you made us almost equal to the angels, * crowned us with glo-ry and splendour; ^?but we turned a-gainst you, */ broke the Cov-enant and left the house of the Father. /God so loved the world, +?that he gave us his o-nly Son, ^?the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation, * / to renew in his flesh all things in heav’n and on earth. /He came in human likeness, +?to become the High Priest merci-ful and faithful, *?/ and to make all humanity resp-lendent in the glory that was predestined. /For this reason God exalted him and made him Lord, +?so that in Him we could put on the new humanity, ^?for he always predestined that we would reproduce the image of his son, *?/ so that we would sing his glory in the Holy Spirit, now and for a-ges unending. /-vv7c4x4x5x6x7x6x5x6x{x6x5x8x8x5x6x7x6vv5x] -vv7c6x6x5x6x5x4x3x4x{x5x6x5x4x3x4vv5x3x2x]Week One and ThreeEternal Glory of the sky,blest hope of frail humanity,the Father's sole-begotten One,yet born a spotless Virgin's Son!Uplift us with thine arm of might,and let our hearts rise pure and bright,and, ardent in God's praises, paythe thanks we owe him every day.The daystar's rays are glittering clear,and tell that day itself is near:the shadows of the night depart;thou, holy Light, illume the heart!Within our senses ever dwell,and worldly darkness thence expel;long as the days of life endure,preserve our souls devout and pure.The faith that must be possessed,root deep within our inmost breast;and joyous hope in second place,then charity, thy greatest grace.All laud to God the Father be,all praise, eternal Son, to thee;all glory, as is ever meet,to God the holy Paraclete.Week Two and FourLord, lover of the human heart,Earth’s source, her dawn, her day and rest:How holy is our planet-home,Whose gifts your love all manifest.So deep your love, so reckless sure,You loved us even in our sin:Pursued us, shared our pain and death,Determined at the last to win.Embrace, enfold us with your breath;So warmed, may we be set ablaze.Close draw us to your wounded side –The wounds we bear will then be grace.Love, crucified, twice hallows earth,Which God deemed good and filled with grace:Here, holy ground, here heaven’s gate;With awe therefore our earth embrace.We bless you, holy, deathless One,We bless you, Christ, God’s wounded Word,We bless you, Breath, our breath and life;Your praise through all the earth be heard.CW Canticle -v7cccbc6ccc8ccbbc6ccc5ccc4ccbbbcc5ccbbc6cccc5cccc6ccc5ccc4ccccc2vvb1ccc4ccvvvv] vi Raise us up, O God, that we may live in your presence.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]Benedictus -b7vvc4cccbvc5ccvcv6ccc7ccvcc6ccvvvvc5ccvvc6cc8ccc7ccc6cccbb7ccvvbb5cvcbbc6ccc5ccvvc4ccvc3ccvc4ccc2cc1ccvvc2ccvvc4cccc] vi Give your people knowledge of salvation, O God, by the forgiveness of all their sins.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]DO-`*~vvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vv4vvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvv4vvmvvvvvv]iiShow us your mercy, O Lord, remember your ho-ly covenant.-`*~xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xUxx6x5x4x]Vespers Friday in Ordinary Time-c4x4x5x6x5x5x4x3x{x5x3x4x2x1x4x4x4x] -c4x4x5x6x5x5x4x3x{x5x3x4x2x1x4x2x2x]Week Two and FourGod our maker, who from thy thronedost order all things, God alone;by whose decree the teeming earthto reptile and to beast gave birth:the mighty forms that fill the land,instinct with life at thy command,are given subdued to humankindfor service in their rank assigned.From all thy servants drive awaywhate'er of thought impure todayhath been with open action blent,or mingled with the heart's intent.In heaven thine endless joys bestow,and grant thy gifts of grace below;from chains of strife our souls release,bind fast the gentle bands of peace.O Father, that we ask be done,through Jesus Christ, thine only Son;who, with they Spirit blest and thee,doth live and reign eternally.Week Two and FourThe fields and plains were still ungrazed,The ground untouched by things that crawl,When God called creatures forth to play,And wondrously earth bore them all.Then Life, beholding all was good,In overflowing joy conceived:“Let us now human beings make”God gave them breath that Sabbath eve.“Let them, together and alone,our image be, our likeness bear.To you I give your kin the beastsAnd all the earth into your care.“For she has borne all living things;her fruits will give you nourishment.As for the flocks and herds, let themWith grass and foliage be content.”Thus evening came and morning came,The sixth day, giving God delight,For everything was very good,One with another ordered right.The earth God saw, was now completeA marvel of diversity.So mirrors earth its Maker’s life,Revealed within the Trinity.CW Canticle -`ccc6cccbbbc4ccvc5cbbc6ccc7ccc8ccbbcc7cbbbbc6ccccbbbc9cccbbcc9cccc8cccc7cccbbcc8ccccc7cc7cccc5ccccc6ccx] vii Our hope is not in vain, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts.-v`vcccvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]DO Canticle-b7ccvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvv5vv6vvvv4vvvvv] vi You alone are ho-ly.-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]Or-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Magnificat -bvcvvbbc3vvvvcc6cccccbbbbb4cbbbbbbc3ccbbbbc2cvvccc3cccc4ccvc3ccccc3ccc3vvvvvvc6cc7v7vvvvv6cvvc5ccc4ccc3c2cc3ccccccccccccvv] i You have scattered the proud in their conceit, and lifted up the lowly.-vcccvvYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6xx{{xRxx4x5x4x{xTxx3x1x2x]DO-`*~v3vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvvv]iiThe love of the Lord is ours for he promised it to Abraham for ever.-`*~xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xUxx6x5x4x]Lauds Saturday in Ordinary TimeInvitatory antiphon-c7ccc4vvvcc4cvc4ccc5vv4ccc3ccccc5cccc5ccccv6cccc{cc5cvvvc6vv5cvvcc4cc5ccvc5vv4ccc4xc] vi Our life is hid with Christ in God: O come, let us worship.-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]Or-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Or + ^ * / /-bb70ccbTxx4x{xTxxUxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x4x5x{xRxxExx1x3x4x5x]-bb70cccc5vv7xvvv5xx{xv3vv4xvvvvv5xx]A - men. A — men.On the seventh day God rested +?having finished all his work, ^?/ inviting all creatures to enter in-to God's rest. /In mercy for us sinners +?the Creator gave us the Son, +?and the Word took flesh a-mong us ^?/ in the flesh of Mary, daughter of Sion, God chose a place of growth and rest. /After dying on the cross, +?the Master of the Sabbath was laid down in the earth, *?and on the seventh day rested in the tomb, ^?so that all might be accomplished, *?/ he went to preach the good news to the pris-on-ers ?f death. /On the paschal morn, +?he opens a new day that will ne-ver end, *?this is the day when Christ en-ters his rest, ^?we have welcomed in faith his word of truth, *?/ and we await in hope to enter into the rest and peace of his love. /So let us sing to the Father, the Son and the Ho-ly Spirit, * / to whom be glo-ry for a-ges unending. /-vv7c4x4x5x6x7x6x5x6x{x6x5x8x8x5x6x7x6vv5x] -vv7c6x6x5x6x5x4x3x4x{x5x6x5x4x3x4vv5x3x2x]Week One and ThreeThe dawn is sprinkling in the eastits golden shower, as day flows in;fast mount the pointed shafts of light:farewell to darkness and to sin!Away, ye midnight phantoms all!Away, despondence and despair!Whatever guilt the night has broughtnow let it vanish into air.So, Lord, when that last morning breaks,looking to which we sigh and pray,O may it to thy minstrels provethe dawning of a better day.To God the Father glory be,and to his sole begotten Son;glory, O Spirit blest, to theewhile everlasting ages run.Week Two and FourCreator of this dawning day,Creation finds its rest in you:Though all must change and taste decay,You touch our hearts and they are new.We bless you, Abba, for this earth,For all the wonder it retains.Though we may spurn you in our sin,Your selfless gift of love remains.Touched by this gift may mind and heartYour praise throughout the world proclaim,And may this love deep in our hearts,Set others blazing with its flame.The seventh day, this day of rest,You call us to rehearse your reign:To cease from work and with delightTo rev’rence all that you sustain.Most blessed Trinity of love,For whom the human heart was made,To you be praise in timeless songOn this our Sabbath, blessed day.CW Canticle -v`vvvcvc2cvvvcvb4vvvvvvvbc6vccvvvv4x3vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vxvv3vvvvvvc4xvvv6xvv4cx3vvvcbc5vccbbbbbbvc6cccbc5ccvvvvvc3cc2cvvvvvvvvvvvvvxvvvvvvvvvvv] v Thus says our God, I will comfort you, you shall see and your heart shall rejoice.-v`vvYxc4x6x{xUxc6x4x6x{xWxc3x4x{xTxc4x5x3x{xRxc3x4x6x{xRxc3x4x2x]Benedictus -v7cc4ccvvc5ccc6ccc5ccc6cccvc4cccvvvc5ccvvc2ccc1cccc1cccc1ccvvvc2vv4ccvc4cc5ccv4ccc1ccvv2vv4cccc4cccc4cvvvvvvvvvvcc] vi Shine on us, O God, who dwell in darkness, and guide us into the way of peace.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]DO-v`vvvvv2cccbbbc4ccccv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvv4vvvbvv2vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vv,vvvvvvvvv]vLord guide our feet into the way of peace.-v`*ccvvYxx4x6x{xUxx6x4x6x{xRxx3x4x6x{xRxx3x4x2x]From All Saints’ Day until the day before the First Sunday of AdventLaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~vbbbbbv3ccvbbbbc4xcbbb6vvvvvvvv7cvcc6ccc5ccvvcc6cvvcc4cccbc5ccv6cccc3xc3x] viiiThe Lord, the King of kings, O come, let us worship.-`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{ xRxx2x4x6x {xYx4x3x{xRx6x7x6x{xYx7x3vvvvv]4 part -`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{vvvvRx5x3x]CW Canticle -bvvvvc3cbbbc6cccc7cccc8bbbbbbc7bbbbbbbbbbc6bbcc5cx3bbbbbc3bbbbbbbbbc4x{bbbbbb5cx6vvcc6bbbvvv7ccc7bbbbcc8c7cc6xv] iv I will make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.-vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]Benedictus -v7ccvvv5vvvvvc7cccc6vv5cccv5ccvvv7cccvvc6cccc8ccvc8ccvbbbbc8ccvc6cccc7ccc8cc9cccc9ccc8vv7ccbbbv5ccvc4ccvvc5cc5cxvvvv] vi You will guide us with your counsel, O God, and after, receive us with glory.-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]VespersCW Canticle -v7vvvvvbbvc1bbbbbbvvcv2ccbbbbbcc1ccccbbb1vbbbbbv5cbbbbbcc4cbbbbbbbbbbc4vv3ccbbbbbbc3vvvvc5cc{cv6cvbbbbbb5vv7vv6vv5vvvvvc4vvbbbbb5bbccbv5ccc6ccb5cc3cvc4cvvc5ccvvvc6c5cvvvvv4vvvvv2vvb1vvvvc]vii* We have come before the throne of God to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. -v7vvvvvTxx3x5x{xUxx6x4x5x{xRxvcx3x2x3x{xRxx2x3x1x]Magnificat -vvvvvvcc2cccc2vv1ccc4ccccc5cccv4vv6ccvvvc6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv9ccc8ccc7cccc6cccc5ccvc4cvcc2cccc1ccc2xccccccccccvvvvv] i The righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.-v7cccvvYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6xx{{xRxx4x5x4x{xTxx3x1x2x]TemporaleAdventLaudsInvitatory antiphon-vv`vxv2cvvx2vvvvcc4vvvvvvc5cc6cc6ccc6ccvccc7cvcvv5cvcc6cccc{cv6cc4ccc3cc4cccvc3cccc4ccc3cvcc2xvvv] v From the root of Jesse will spring a shoot; let us adore our coming king.B 17-23rd December-vv`vx2xvvc3cccc4cccv4ccvc5ccvcv3ccvvc4cccc{cvvvc6ccvvcv3ccvb5ccv4vvvvv2vv3vv2ccc2vvccvvv] v Now the Lord is close at hand; come, let us a-dore him.C 24th December-vv`vcc2cc6ccvvvc4ccc6cccvc7vv6ccvcc6ccc7ccc7ccccv6cc4ccvc6vv7vv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvv3ccvv4ccvc6vv7ccc6cccvc6cccc4cccv5vvvvvvv4ccc2ccc22cccvvv] v Today you will know the coming of the Lord, and in the morning you will see his glory.-vv`cvvYxc4x6x{xUxc6x4x6x{xWxc3x4x{ xTxc4x5x3x{xRxc3x4x6x {xRcx3x4x2x]-`vcGvvvFx]xdxdxdxsxvvvvvv]xgxgxhxxGvvvvbHxvvvvv]xjxjxHvvvvGxdxwbbbbnxvv]-`vcGvvvFx]xdxdxdxsxvvvvvv]xgxgxhxxGvvvvbHxvvvvv]xjxjxHvvvvGxdxebbbbnxvv]-`vcJvvvKx]xlxjxJvvvHxgxvvv]xhxhxjxxGvvvbbbHxvv]xuxJvvvHxgxdx]xwbbbbnx]-`vcGvvvFx]xdxdxDvvvSxDvvvFx]xgxgxhxxGvvvHx]xjxjxHvvvGxdxebbbbnxccccc]Behold the Bridegroom cometh in the middle of the night,and blest the one whose loins are girt, whose lamp is burning bright;but woe to that dull servant, whom the Master shall surprisewith lamp untrimmed, unburning, and with slumber in the eyes.Do thou, my soul, beware, beware, thou in sleep sink down, thou be given o'er to death, and lose the golden crown;but see that thou be sober, with a watchful eye, and thuscry - "Holy, holy, holy God, have mercy upon us."That day, the day of fear, shall come; my soul, slack not thy toil,but light thy lamp, and feed it well, and make it bright with oil;who knowest not how soon may sound the cry at eventide,"Behold the Bridegroom comes! Arise! Go forth to meet the bride."Beware, my soul; beware, beware, lest thou in slumber lie,and, like the Five, remain without, and knock, and vainly cry;but watch, and bear thy lamp undimmed, and Christ shall gird thee onhis own bright wedding-robe of light - the glory of the Son.Hymn 17-24 December-v7c2x5x6x9x8x8vv7x6x6vv5x{x6x7x6x5vv4x3x4x3x2x]-v7c4x3x4x5vv4x3x4x5x6x{x6x9x8x8vv7x6x5vv7x5x6x]In glory now upon the earthThere dawns the One who brings new birth; The image of God’s glor’ious faceWho draws the world in deep embrace.So join the song creation sings,For Christ, God’s reign of mercy brings! For us who seek our truest home Here is our peace, God’s great Shalom.Rejoice, you desert hearts rejoice,To slake our thirst there sounds a voice God’s Word in human flesh we see: Behold our God’s epiphany.O Lamb of God, we greet your reign,Awaiting your return again.Rejoice O Beth’lem, House of Bread,In you both heav’n and earth will wed.CW Canticle -`vvvbbbcc2cvbbbvb4vvvvbc6vccvvvvv4bbv3vvvvvbbbvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvbv5vvvvvv3vvcbb4xv6xvv4cx3vvvc2cvvvx] v Lift up your voice with strength, O herald of good tidings.-v`cvvYcx4x6x{xUcx6x4x6x{xWcx3x4x{xTcx4x5x3x{xRcx3x4x6x{xRcx3x4x2x]Benedictus to 16 December-v7ccc1cccc2ccc4ccvcc5ccvcc5cccc4cc5ccc4cc3cc4ccc4ccc4vv5vv6ccc6vcc7vv6cc5ccc4cvcc2ccc4vv5cc4cvvvvvv2vv3vvvvvvvv1vvvx] vi Look towards the east, O Jerusalem, and see the glory that is coming from GodBenedictus 17-24 December-v7cccbbb4xc2ccbbbbb1cbbbbbc4ccc4cccc5ccc6cccbbbbbv7cccv7cccbv6cbccbb5cccv4cbbvv5vvvvvvbvvv6ccccv5ccccc4cccbbbbc4ccvvv] vi Like the sun in the morning sky, the Saviour of the world will dawn; like-v7ccc6ccc5ccb6ccbbc5ccccc5ccc4ccccc6cccccb7cccbbbc8cccbbc9cccccb8ccccc4cc5vv6ccc5vv4cvvvv] rain upon the meadows, the Christ will come down u-pon us.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]Vespers-v706vc5x3x5x7x8x8x6x7x{x7x8x6x7x6x5x4x5cvvcv] -v706vc7x6x4x5x6x5x4x3x{x3x5x6x7x6x5x4x5xv]Creator of the stars of night,thy people's everlasting light,Jesus, Redeemer, save us all,hear thou thy servants when they call.Thou, sorrowing at the helpless cryof all creation doomed to die,didst save our lost and guilty raceby healing gifts of heavenly grace.Thou cam'st, the Bridegroom of the bride,as drew the world to eventide;proceeding from a virgin shrine,the spotless Victim all divine.At thy great Name, exalted now,all knees in lowly homage bow;al things in heaven and earth adore,and own thee King for evermore.To thee, O Holy One, we pray,our Judge in that tremendous day,ward off, while yet we dwell below,the weapons of our crafty foe.To God the Father, God the Son,and God the Spirit, Three in One,laud, honour, might and glory befrom age to age eternally.Hymn 17 / 19 / 21 / 23 December-v`c3x5x7x7x7x6vv8vv7x6x5x{x6x7x5x3x5x6vv4vv3x2x3x] -v`c6x6x3x3x4x5vv4x3x2x{x5x6x7x7x7x6vv8vv7x6x5xbbbbb]vvvv6x7x5x4x{x5x6x4x3vv2x3x]O Myriam, prepare the dayWhen God takes shelter at your breast: The Word, creation’s source and end, Soon with our features will be fleshed. Chorus: Maranatha, come, now, Lord Jesus.The inner chamber of your heart,- expectant, hallowed, fenced around—Grows full, so heavy now with childWhose name, ‘God heals’, through earth will sound.This Word, though birthless, comes to birth, Whose day the prophets strained to see. Compassion, justice now embraceAnd bare God’s great fidelity.You angel choirs mark the day: Prepare a new song for our earth. God comes, self-stripped of majesty To die; but dying, gives us birth.Hymn 18 / 20 / 22 December-v706vc5x3x5x7x8x8x6x7x{x7x8x6x7x6x5x4x5cvvcv] -v706vc7x6x4x5x6x5x4x3x{x3x5x6x7x6x5x4x5xv]O Radiance Christ, O joyous light,Whose mirth brings all the stars to birth:Our Abba’s fullness far outpouredBeyond the fragile hopes of earth.Word sounding in creation’s core,Embodied in a maiden’s heart;Received in wonder: wonderfulSuch God-gift fleshed within this ark.Relentless as the searing sunYet gentle as the day-sprung dew,A voice cries in our wilderness:“Receive the Gift; be born anew!”Emmanuel, God-now-with-us,God’s commonwealth embracing all,Touch us and ages yet to be:in glory, come! Be all-in-all.CW Canticle -vv7vccvvvvc4ccb5cbbbc6cc5ccbc4ccc5ccccc4ccbbc{ccbbc6c,cccvv5vb,vbbbbbbcc6c,ccbbvc2vv4vv3ccc2ccc2cccc]xYxx4x5x{xExx4x2x] Surely I am coming soon. A—men, come, Lord Je-sus.Magnificat-c2xc2vvv1vvvvv2cvvvvc3vvvvvvc4ccc3ccc2vv6vvvvvvvv6cccv6vvvvv7vvvvvv8vv7vv6ccc{cc6cccv?vv7vv6vv5ccccc6cccc4cccv3cc2ccvc3xvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvcc] i Lord Je- sus, you are the One who is to come, the one whom we await with longing hearts-v7vcccvvWxcx3x4x5x{xTxcx4x5x6x{xYxcx5x4x5x{xTxcx4x3x2vvvvbbbbbbb]17 December – O Sapientia-`*cc2vvv5vvv4vvv5vvv4vvv3vvv4vvv3vvvvvvvvvvv2vv3vvvvvv3cccccc4cc3ccccc4ccccc5ccccc4ccccc3cccc4ccc5cccc3vv4vv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvbb]iiO ________ Wisdom, coming forth from the mouth of the Most High, -`*ccvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvv4vv5vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv]reaching from one end to the other mightily, and sweetly ordering all things:-`*ccvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv]Come and teach us the way of prudence.18 December – O Adonai-`*cc2vvv5vvv4vvv5vvv4vvv3vvv4vvv3vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvv3cccc4ccvvvv3cc4ccc5ccc4ccccc3c4ccvvc5cc3vv4vvvvv3vvvv2vvvvvvvvv]iiO ________ Adonai, and leader of the House of I -sra el,-`*ccvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv5bvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vv5vvvvvv2vvvvvv5vvvvv2vvvvvv]who appeared to Moses in the fire of the burning bush and gave him the law on Sinai:-`*ccvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv]Come and redeem us with an outstretched arm.19 December – O Radix Jesse-`*cc2vvv5vvv4vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvv3vvvv4vv3vvvvv2vvvvbbbv3vvvvvvv3ccc4bbvvvv3ccbbbb4ccbbbc5ccc4ccbbbc3cbbbbbbbbb4vv3vvvv2vvvvvvvvv]iiO __Root of Jes-se, standing as a sign among the peoples;-`*ccvv3vvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvbbbbvv5vvvvvvbbbbb6vv5bvvvbbbbbbbbv6vvvvbbbbbbbbbbvvvv7vvvbbbbbvvv6vvvvbbbv7vvvvbbbvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvbbbbbbvv4vvvvvvvvbbvv2vvvvvv]before you kings will shut their mouths, to you the nations will make their prayer:-`*ccvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvv4vvvv4vvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvb3vvxv]Come and deliver us, and delay no longer..20 December – O Clavis David-`*cc2vvv5vvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvv4vvvvvv3vvvvv4vv3vv2vv3vvvvvvvv3cccv4ccvvvv3ccc3vvvcc4ccc3cvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvc5ccc3c4ccvv3vvvvvvv2ccvvvv]iiO __ Key of Da___vid and sceptre of the House of Is - ra - el; -`*ccvv3vvvvvv2vvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvbbbbbvv6vvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvbbbvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vv6vvvvbbv5vvvvv4vv5vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv]you open and no one can shut; you shut and no one can o - pen:-`*ccvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvbbbb4cc3ccccc2vvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv]Come and lead the prisoners from the prison house, those who dwell in darkness -`*ccv4vvvvvvv2cccc2vv4vvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv]and the shadow of death.21 December – O Oriens-`*cc2vvv5vvv4vvv5vvv4vvv3vvv4vvv3vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3ccvcc4cvvvvvc3vccc4ccc5cccc4cc3cc4ccc5ccc3vv4vv3vvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv]iiO ________ Morning Star, splendour of light eternal and sun of righteousness:-`*ccvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vv4vvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvxv]Come and enlighten those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death.22 December – O Rex Gentium-`*cc2vvv5vvv4vvcccv5vvv4vvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvv2vv3vvvvv3cccc4ccvvvvv3cccc3vvvvv4vv3vv2vvvv]vvvvvv3vvvvv4vv5vv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv]iiO __ King of the nations, and their de-sire, the cor- ner-stone making both one:-`*ccvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv]Come and save the human race, which you fashioned from clay.23 December – O Emmanuel-`*cc2vvv5vvv4vvv5vvv4vvv3vvv4vvv3vvvvvvvvvvvvvv2vvc4cc3cc3vccc4cccvc5cccc4ccvvc3cccc4vvvv3vvvv2vvvvvv]iiO ________ Emmanuel, our king and our lawgiver,-`*ccvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv6vvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvv4vv5vvvvvv2vvvvv]vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv]the hope of the nations and their Saviour: Come and save us, O Lord our God.-`*vxExxx2x3x{xTxxx4x3x4x{xTxxx4x5x6x{xRxxx2x3x]Antiphons for the Sundays of AdventAntiphon 1-ccvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv{vvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv3vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvvc]ivBehold, there shall come a great prophet and he shall establish a new-ccvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vv4vvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvv3xx]ccccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc]Je-ru-sa-lem. Al- le- lu-ia.-cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{ xTxx4x6x5x{xTx7x6x {xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3x]Antiphon 2-v`cvv2vv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv9vvv6vvvv7vv6vvbbvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vbbvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv2vvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvv]viiSi-on, the city of our strength: a saviour shall be set there-in: open the gates for God-v`cvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvbbbbvvv5vv3vvvvvv1vvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvv]xcYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]is with us. Al - le - lu - ia.Or-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 3 – First Vespers and Lauds-cccvvvvv6vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvc]ivThe Lord is coming he will not delay. He will put to flight what darkness hides-cccvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv3vvvvv5vvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6x]ccccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc]and show himself to all the peoples.-cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{ xTxx4x6x5x{xTx7x6x {xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3xAntiphon 3 – Second Vespers CW Canticle 72Advent Sunday 1-cccvvvv1vvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvv{vv8vvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv2vv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv1vvvvc]Behold I am coming soon to reward ev’ryone according to their deeds, says the Lord.Advent Sundays 2 and 3-ccvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv8vvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vv6vvv5vvvvv6vvvv{vvvvvv6vvvvvvv66vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv] Let us live justly and honestly while we are awaiting, in hope, the coming of the Lord. Advent Sunday 4-cccvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv{vvv8vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv5vv3vv4vvvv5vvvvv{vv2vv4vvv3vvv1vvvvv1vvvvvvv]Great will be his reign and peace will be ev-er-last-ing, al-le-lu-ia.-cxcTxxxxxxcccccxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvx6cx8xx{vvvvvvv8vvx7vvx6ccvv5vv6xx] Al - le—lu - ia.-cxcYcccccxxvvvvccc5x4x5xx{xc5c3vvcc4xc5vvvvvc5ccc{cvcccc2c4vvvvvc3cccv1xc1xccc] Al - le—lu - ia. Al - le—lu - ia.Weekdays in AdventAntiphon 1-vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv{vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvv8vvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvv5vvvv4vvvvv{vv3vv4vvvvv2vvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvv]ivBehold there shall come a great prophet and he shall establish a new Jerusalem, al - le-lu-ia.-cccccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc]-vccvccvcYxx5x6x{xIxx7x6x{xUxx5x6x{xTxx7x6x{xYxx5x4x{xYxx5x3x]Antiphon 2-`*ccvv6vvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvv6vvvvvv7vv6vvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvv{vvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvv7vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvv]vBehold the Lord will come and with him all his ho-ly ones: and there shall be a great light in that -`*ccvv4vvvv{vv3vvvvv4vvvv2vvvvv2vvvvv]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]day. Al-le-lu-ia.-`*vvvcYxx4x6x{xUxx4x6x{xYxx7x4x{xExx4x5x{xYxx4x3x{xExx4x2x]Antiphon 3-vcccvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv{vvvv6vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv8vvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvv]iYou are the one who is to come, O Lord. We look to you to save your people.-vvcxYxx7b7x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x]-vcccvvYxx5x4x{xTxx6x4x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x6x{xTxx6x5x{xRxx3x2x]Weekdays in Advent 17th - 24th DecemberAntiphon 1 (Lauds)-`*~vvv4vvvvv4vv3vv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv{vvbbbv3vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvc]iiMy soul has yearned for you in the night, and as the morning breaks I watch -`*~vvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv]xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x3x4x]for your coming.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Antiphon 1 (Vespers)-`*~vvvv6vvvvvv6vv5vvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvv4v3vvvv3vvvvvvv3vvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvv4vv3vv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvv]viiiFor Sion’s sake I will not be silent, until her Just One comes forth like the -`*~vvv4vv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvvvvvvvv]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x]splendour of dawn.-`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{ xRxx2x4x6x {xYx4x3x{xRx6x7x6x{xYx7x3vvvvv]4 part -`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{vvvvRx5x3x]Antiphon 2-v`vvvc2vvvvv5vv4vvvvvvv5vvvvv7vv6vvvvvv6vvvvv5vv7vvvvvv9vvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvv{vvvbbbbb6vv7vvvvvvbvv6vvvvvbbvvv5vv3vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvbbvv3vv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvv3vvvvvc]viii*Awake, awake! A-rise, O Jerusalem! Loose the bonds from your neck, O captive-v`cvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vv2vvvv2vvvvvvvvvc]xTxx3x5x6x{xTxx3x1x2x]daughter Si- on.-`ccvvccTxx6x5x{xExx4x2x{xExx5x6x{xYxx7x5x{xExx4x5x{xTxx3x2x]Antiphon 3-cvvvcvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv{vvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvv{vvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vv3vvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvccc1vvvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvc]v*Let the earth be opened, and bud forth a Saviour: let us re-turn to the Lord, our God.-xTxx3x5x6x{xTxx2x3x1x]-cvcvTxx3x5x{xYxx3x5x{xTxx6x3x{xWxx3x4x{xTxx3x2x{xWxx3x1x]The Nativity of Our LordFirst Vespers-vvvc1x3x5x6vv5x4x5x3x{x5x6x8x7vv6x5x6x{x6x9x8x7vv6x5x3x6x{x6x6vv5x3x2x4x3x]A great and mighty wonder,Redemption drawing near:The Virgin bears the infant,The Prince of Peace is here.The Word becomes incarnateAnd yet remains on high;on earth is heard the anthemAs glory fills the sky.The angels sing the story:Rejoice, O distant lands,Let valleys, forests, mountainsAnd oceans clap their hands.He comes to save all nations:Let all now hear his word;Approach and bring him worship,The Saviour and the Lord.Antiphon 1-v`cvvv4vv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvv9vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv3vvvvv6vvvvvvvv]xcYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]viiLift up your heads for behold your redemption is nigh.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-v`ccvvv2vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvv5vvvvv3vv4vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv]viiBegotten before the daystar and Lord before all ages, this day our Saviour appeared -v`cvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv]xcYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]to the world.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 3-vccvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv9vvvvv8vvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvv77vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvcccv]iThe Word of God born of the Father before time began, humbled himself today-vccvvvv2vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvvvvv]vcxYxx7b7x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x]for us and became a man.-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2x]CW Canticle -vvvvvvvvvvvvc1ccvc2ccc3cc5vv6cc5ccc6ccc5ccbc5vv6cc7ccc6cc5ccccc5cccv{cv5vvvvvvvvv6cccc5ccvc3ccv2ccc3cc2cvvv3xcccccccbb] iv Christ is the image of the in - vis-ib-le God, the firstborn of all creation.-vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]Magnificat-`vcbbbbbbbc5cccc5ccccc4ccc3vv2cccc5vv6cbbcc3ccc5vv6vv7vv8cccc7ccbbbbbbbcc9cbc8vv7cbbbc6vv7cccc5ccc5ccc5ccc6vv7vvvvvvv8vv7ccxx] vii This night we know that the Lord comes, and at break of day, we shall see-`vvvcvvv6vv5vv6vvvvvbvv6vv7vv5vvvvvbbbvv5vvvvbbvv5vvvvbbbvvv6cccvbbbb5ccbbbbbbc6vv7ccvbbbbbbbv5cccbb6cbbcv5cbbbbbv4ccbbbbbc3bbbccbbbvbb2cc5vv6ccc3cbbccc5ccbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbcc] God’s glo-ry. To-mor-row the world’s sin will all be wiped a-way by Christ-`vvvvvc6cccc7vv8ccccc7x]cccYxx4x6x{xIxx7x5x6x{xTxx4x3x4x{xTxx3x4x2x]our Sa - viour.LaudsInvitatory antiphon-vccvvvvvvvv5vv3x5vvvvc6vv5xv4vvvvvc5vv,vvvc{xvv6vv,cccc4vvvvv5vvvvv6cc5vv4ccvc3xx] iv Christ is born for us; come, let us adore him.-vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxxx3x5x6x{xYxxx5x3x5x{xTxxx3x2x3x]-cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{ xTxx4x6x5x{xTx7x6x {xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3x]-bb70ccvvjx]xhxgxgxhx]xubbb.xxlx]xkxhxjxgx]xrbbbmxvvvvvx]-bb70ccvfx]xfxfxgxhx]xjxxgxhxlx]xkxjxkxkx]xubbb,xvv]Let sighing cease and woeGod from on high hath heard,heaven's gate is opening wide, and lo!The long expected Word.Peace! through the deep of nightthe heavenly choir breaks forth,singing, with festal songs and bright,our God and Saviour's birth.The cave of Bethlehemthose wakeful shepherds seek;let us too rise and greet with themthat infant pure and meek.*We enter at the doorwhat marvel meets the eye?A crib, a mother pale and poor,a child of poverty.*Art thou the eternal Son,the eternal Father's ray?whose little hand, thou infant one,doth lift the world alway?*Yea faith through that dim cloud,like lightning darts before,and greets thee, at whose footstool bowedheaven's trembling hosts adore.*Chaste be our love like thine,our swelling souls bring low,and in our hearts, O Babe divinebe born, abide and grow.So shall thy birthday morn,Lord Christ, our birthday be,then greet we all, ourselves newborn,our King's nativity. CW Canticle -v7cccb4cbbbc5cc6ccbbbc5ccbcv5ccc4vvbbcv{cbbbvv4ccbbb7cc6cbbc6cbcbbbbb4cc2cc4vvcvcv]vi To us a child is born, to us a son is given.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]Benedictus-v`cvvvv2ccv3vv4ccv5ccvc4ccvv3cvcv6ccc6cccvc8ccvvc7cccc5cccvc3cccvc6ccccc5ccc4ccc3ccc6cccc6cccc9cccccv6xvv] vii To us is born a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, and all the heav’nly hosts now-v`cvvvv7vvxc{cvvvc5cbbb3cbcv6ccc5vv4cbbcv3cbbc6vccc9ccvvv6cccc] sing: Glory to God in the highest.-`cccYxxx4x6x{xIxxx7x5x6x{{xTxxx4x3x4x{xTxxx3x4x2x]Second Vespers-b7cvvsxdxfxgx]xyxxhvvvgx]xyxxyx]v]xhxhxjxkx]xuxxhvvbgx]xYxvvvvvvvv]-b7cvvsxdxfxgx]xyxxhvvvgx]xyxxyx]v]xhxhxjxkx]xuxxhvvbgx]xYxvvvvvvvvv]-b7cvvhxhxlxhx]xtxxfx]xsxfxhxfx]xEx]v]xhxhxlxhx]xtxdvvvfx]xWx]Of the Father’s heart begotten Ere the world from chaos rose,He is Alpha: from that Fountain, All that is and hath been flows;He is Omega, of all thingsYet to come the mystic Close.*By his word was all created;He commanded and ’twas done;Earth and sky and boundless ocean, Universe of three in one,All that sees the moon’s soft radiance, All that breathes beneath the sun.*He assumed this mortal body, Frail and feeble, doomed to die,That the race from dust created Might not perish utterly,Which the dreadful Law had sentenced In the depths of hell to lie.O how blest that wondrous birthday, When the Maid the curse retrieved,Brought to birth mankind’s salvation, By the Spirit blest conceived,And the Babe, the world’s Redeemer,In her loving arms received.*This is he, whom seer and sybilSang in ages long gone by; This is he of old revealedIn the page of prophecy;Lo! he comes, the promised Saviour;Let the world his praises cry!Sing, ye heights of heaven, his praises; Angels and Archangels, sing!Wheresoe’er ye be, ye faithful, Let your joyous anthems ring,Every tongue his name confessing, Countless voices answering.*Hail! thou Judge of souls departed; Hail! of all the living King!On the Father's right hand throned, Through his courts thy praises ring,Till at last for all offencesRighteous judgement thou shalt bring,*Let the storm and summer sunshine, Gliding stream and sounding shore,Sea and forest, frost and zephyr, Day and night their Lord alone;Let creation join to laud thee Through the ages evermore.Antiphon 1-v`ccvv2vvvv3vvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvv7vvvvv8vvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvb6vvvvv9vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv]viiUnto us is born this day in the city of David a Saviour who is Christ the Lord.-v`xcYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-v`ccvvv2vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvv5vvvvv3vv4vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvv]viiBegotten before the daystar and Lord before all ages, this day our Saviour appeared -v`cvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv]xcYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]to the world.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 3-vcccvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvbbbv77vvvvvv6vvvvvvbv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvbbv5vvvvvv6vvvcccv]iThe Word of God born of the Father before time began, humbled himself today-vccbvvv2vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvvvvv]vcxYxx7b7x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x]for us and became a man.-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2x]CW Canticle -vvvcvvvvvvvvv1ccvc2ccc3cc5vv6cc5ccc6ccc5ccbc5vv6cc7ccc6cc5ccccc5cccv{cv5vvvvvvvvv6cccc5ccvc3ccv2ccc3cc2cvvv3xcccccccbb] iv Christ is the image of the in - vis-ib-le God, the firstborn of all creation.-vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]Magnificat-vvvvvvcc4ccccc5ccc6ccccc6cc5cbbcc6ccc7vv6ccvv5ccc4ccc6ccbbcc5cccbbbc4ccc5ccc5cccc6ccbbbcc5ccc6cccc7vv6xc] i When peaceful silence lay ov - er all, and night was in the midst of her swift-vvvvvvcc5xc{ccc4cccbc5cccc6vv5cc4cccc3ccccbc4cbbcc5cccbbcc4vv3bbbx2vvvv1bbbbbbbbbc2bbbbx4x3xvbv2vvv1bbbbbbbbbbbbbc2bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb4bbbbc3cc2ccbbbbbbbbbbbc2x] course: from your royal throne, O God, down from the heavens, leapt your almighty Word.-vvcccvvYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6xx{{xRxx4x5x4x{xTxx3x1x2x]DO-`*vcc2vvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv{vvv2vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv{vvv2vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv]Today Christ is born, today the Saviour has appeared; today the angels sing for joy, -`*vcc8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv{vvvv2vvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvv{vvvv9vvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvv{vvvv9vvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv]the archangels rejoice; today all peoples shout for joy: Glory to God, glory to God, -`*vcc9vvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvv{v7vvvvv5vvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv]glory to God, al-le-lu-ia.-`*vccWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]Sunday in the Octave - The Holy FamilyFirst Vespers-bb706vcc3vv4x5x6x5x4x5x4x3x{x5vv6x7x8x7x5x6x7x7x]-bb706vcc8vv8x0x7x7x6x5x4x3x{x1vv2x3x4x3x1x2x2x3x]The Good News that the angels bringis first lived out at Nazareth,where simple gifts of hearth and homeare honoured, shared, in work and rest.?Both Mary, Joseph and their Soneach have their destiny to live:God’s fragile gifts unfold in each,as each learns to receive and give.?Like fam’lies everywhere, unique,they challenge all our treasured dreams:they knew displacement early on,then lived the life of refugees.No strangers, they, to every claimthat daily life demands of all;each day brings troubles of its own:we too must struggle with Love’s call.?But after night, day dawns afresh,demanding that we start again:a new creation, here and now,that nurses us through joy and pain.?The sword that Sim’eon prophesiedwill spare no family in its time;and Jesus, thirty years from now,will show us just how steep that climb.Antiphon 1-v706bbbv3vvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vv5vvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv8vv7vvvvvvv5vvvvv7vvvv7vvvvvvv]6/14Jacob became the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary. She gave birth to Jesus-v706vvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv]xExx1x3x4x{xExx2x3x1x]who is called the Christ.-v70vcvcExx4x3x{xRxx3x4x{xExx5x4x{xExx5x4x{xRxx3x5x{xRxx1x3x]Antiphon 2-`*~vvvv2vvvv3vvvvv4vvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvv8vvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvb6vvvvvv9vvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv]2Unto us is born this day in the city of David a Saviour who is Christ the Lord.-`*~xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x3x4x]-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Antiphon 3-v`ccvvv2vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvv5vvvvv3vv4vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvv9vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv5vvvv]viiBegotten before the daystar and Lord before all ages, this day our Saviour appeared -v`cvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]to the world.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Magnificat-vccvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vv3vvvvvv1vvvv1vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv3vv1vvvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvvv5vvv6vvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv8vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv]vThe child Jesus remained in Jerusalem, and his parents did not know it. They thought-vccvvv8vvvvvvv8vvvvvvv8vvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vv6vv3vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvv1vvvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv]he was in the group of trav’lers and looked for him among their relatives and friends.-cvvcccvTxx3x5x{xYxx3x5x{xTxx6x3x{xWxx3x4x{xTxx3x2x{xWxx3x1x]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-vcvvvvcv5vvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvv5vvvvvvvvvc6vv5xvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvc5vv,vvvcvvv6vvccvc4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6cvvvc5vvvvv5vvvvvv4vvccv5vvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvc3xx] ivLet us adore Christ, the Son of God, who made himself obedient to Mary and Joseph.-cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{ xTxx4x6x5x{xTx7x6x {xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3x]-bb706vcc3vv4x5x6x5x4x5x4x3x{x5vv6x7x8x7x5x6x7x7x]-bb706vcc8vv8x0x7x7x6x5x4x3x{x1vv2x3x4x3x1x2x2x3x]The Gospel in a simple home Begins at Nazareth and there Mary and Joseph and their Son The ways of love and labour share.Each with a mystery to live,The pattern of a special call.No strangers are they to the claims That life can make upon us all.Glory to you, O virgin born,With Father and with Spirit too,Who long to give your life and loveAnd share it all the ages through.Benedictus-vccvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvv8vvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvv3vv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvvvv2vv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv]vLord, give us light through the example of your fam’ly and guide our feet into the way of peace.-cvvcccvTxx3x5x{xYxx3x5x{xTxx6x3x{xWxx3x4x{xTxx3x2x{xWxx3x1x]Second Vespers - All as at First Vespers, except:Antiphon 3-ccvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5bbbb,vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvv{vvvv8vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv{vvvvv6bbb,vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvcvc] The Lord, the King of kings, has been born for us on earth: now the salvation of the world, -ccvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvv{vvv2vvvvvvvvv2vv3vvvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvv{vv5v2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv]our redemption, has come to us, al - le - lu - ia.-cxcTxxxxxxcccccxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvx6cx8xx{vvvvvvv8vvx7vvx6ccvv5vv6xx] Al - le—lu - ia.-cxcYcccccxxvvvvccc5x4x5xx{xc5c3vvcc4xc5vvvvvc5ccc{ccccc2c4vvvvvc3cccv1xc1xccc] Al - le—lu - ia. Al - le—lu - ia.26 December - Stephen, MartyrLauds and Day Hour of the Saint, Vespers of the OctaveInvitatory antiphon-`*~cvvvvv4vvvvvvvv1vvvvvv3vvvvvv4vv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vv2vvvvv1vv3vvvvvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vv5vvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vv5vv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv]Come, let us worship the newborn Christ who has giv-en the glorious crown-`*~cv3vvvvvvv1vv3vvvvvvv4vv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvv]to Saint Stephen.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]-bb706vcc3vv4x5x6x5x4x5x4x3x{x5vv6x7x8x7x5x6x7x7x]-bb706vcc8vv8x0x7x7x6x5x4x3x{x1vv2x3x4x3x1x2x2x3x]O Stephen, first to give your lifeFor him who was your living breath; Through you the Gospel gained new ground The day that you were stoned to death.In this the season of Christ’s birthWe celebrate your martyrdom:His wounds upon the cross would be God’s open door through which you come.God’s is a festive open house,Where all might freely enter in.For this you died, as Christ had done, Proclaiming all to be God’s kin.All glory,Virgin-born, we sing,Whose birth flung wide the royal gates. Through Stephen and those, countless, slain May love obliterate all hate.Antiphon 1-v`ccvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv3vv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vv4vvvvv5vvvvvv4vv3vvvvvv]cvvvTx3x4x5x{xTx4x5x3x]iiMy soul clings to you, your right hand holds me fast, O my God.-`cvvvcExx2x3x{xTxx3x4x{xTxx4x3x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x4x{xRxx2x3x]Antiphon 2-v`ccvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv3cvc3cccc3cvvc6cvvcc5cvvcc4cccc5cvvc3cc]xvvTxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x3x]iiStephen saw the heavens o-pen; he saw and entered in.-`cvvvcExx2x3x{xTxx3x4x{xTxx4x3x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x4x{xRxx2x3x]Antiphon 3-`*vccv3vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv6vvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvvv]viiiBehold I see the heavens open, and Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father.-`*~vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvvRxx5x3x]Benedictus-v70vvcvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvvvv1vv2vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv]viiiThe gates of heaven opened out to blessed Stephen, and he was crown’d first of -v70vvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv]vvvvvRxx2x3x4x{xTxx4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xTxx6x4x]martyrs.27 December - John, ApostleLauds and Day Hour of the Saint, Vespers of the Octave. From the Common of Apostles, except:-bb706vcc3vv4x5x6x5x4x5x4x3x{x5vv6x7x8x7x5x6x7x7x]-bb706vcc8vv8x0x7x7x6x5x4x3x{x1vv2x3x4x3x1x2x2x3x]O John, beloved of the Lord,Who deeply drank beside his breast, You understood whence came this Word And what you heard, you manifest.You pierced the sun on eagle’s wings,And soared to where the light first shone. Within God’s co-eternal Word,You wrote, God’s life and light are one.Mount Tabor’s holy, dazzling blaze Seemed indescribable to you;Yet everything you wrote shines forth Resplendent with its glor’ious hue.The secrets of your lover’s heart Could wed the cross with victory: You knew the glory of Christ’s hourYet shared his mother’s agony.All glory, Christ, O virgin born,Enfleshed in full humanity.We praise you for blest John, your friend, Who lifts love’s veil: eternity.Benedictus-v7cvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvv5vvv4vvvv5vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvv{vvvb5vvvv4vvvvv5vvvbbbbbv7vv6vv5vv6vv4vv5vvvvvvbbv5vv4vvvbbbbbv3vvbbbbbbbvv1vvvvv1vvvvvvvv]viiThe beloved disciple said to Peter: It is the Lord --- al – le - lu -ia. -v7cccvvvvvTxx3x4x{xUxx6x4x5x{xRxx3x2x3x{xRxx2x3x1xvvv]28 December - Holy InnocentsLauds and Day Hour of the Innocents, Vespers of the OctaveInvitatory antiphon-b70ccvvv5vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvv4vvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvvv2vv4vvvvvvvvvvv@cccc2ccccc2cccccc4ccc5vv6vv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vv2vvvvvv2vv4vvvvvv%ccc]iiCome, let us wor-ship the new born Christ; he crowns with joy these children who died for him.-b70ccvcvvTxcx4x5xcc{xcUxx6x5x6ccx{xcUxx6x7x8xcc{xcYxx4x5xv]-bb706vcc3vv4x5x6x5x4x5x4x3x{x5vv6x7x8x7x5x6x7x7x]-bb706vcc8vv8x0x7x7x6x5x4x3x{x1vv2x3x4x3x1x2x2x3x]A tyrant king is filled with fear,His power challenged by a child. News of a new and royal birth Leaves Herod vengeful, raging wild.The shepherd-king of IsraelComes, powerless, to share our plight; Yet power spurns the poor and small And ruthlessly will only fight.Thus even with the dawn of peaceThe blood of innocents is shed,And Rachel inconsolable,Must wonder where God’s path has led.For Holy Israel, then and nowHas suffered for this child’s birth;Its former holocausts of praise; Hate parodies with wholesale death.What profit is this wasteful wrong? Its horror and enormity?For death comes in this infant’s wake Who gives us God’s divinity.O Virgin born, your birth in flesh Makes every death a new-born birth; Draw meaning out of loss and pain For ev’ryone who walks our earth.Antiphon 1-v70cc3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vv5vv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv7vv8vv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv]viiiBy their death these martyrs have proclaimed what they could not preach with-v70cvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvvvvv4vv5vvvv4vvvvvvv]vcvvvRxx2x4x{xTxx3x4x]their infant voices.-v70vcvvvRxx2x4x{xTxx6x4x{xRxx5x7x{xYxx4x5x{xTxx7x4x{xTxx3x4x]Antiphon 2-`*~vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vv5vvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv6vv7vvvvvvv4vvvvv6vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vv4vvvv5vv4vvvvvv3vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv]ii From two years old and under, did Herod slay all the male children, instead of the Lord.-`*~xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x3x4x]-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Antiphon 3-`*~vvvvvv3vv4vvvvvv3vvvv3vv2vvvvvv2vvvvvv3vv4vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvv]xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x3x4x]iiTheir angels do always behold the face of my Father.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Benedictus-v`ccvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv2vvvv1vvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vv3vvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvv3vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvv5vv6vvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv]vThese innocent children died for Christ, and are now in the glory of heaven as -v`ccvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvvvvvvv1xvv]they follow the sinless Lamb.-v`cvvvvTxx3x5xx{xxYxx5x3x5xx{xxExx2x3x5xx{xxExx2x3x1xx]29 December – Thomas of CanterburyBishop, MartyrLauds and Day Hour of the Saint, Vespers of the OctaveLauds-b7cvvsxdxfxgx]xyxxhvvvgx]xyxxyx]v]xhxhxjxkx]xuxxhvvbgx]xYxvvvvvvvv]-b7cvvsxdxfxgx]xyxxhvvvgx]xyxxyx]v]xhxhxjxkx]xuxxhvvbgx]xYxvvvvvvvvv]-b7cvvhxhxlxhx]xtxxfx]xsxfxhxfx]xEx]v]xhxhxlxhx]xtxdvvvfx]xWx]Hail the love and power amazingof the incarnate living Word! Year by year the song upraising,join we all with one accord, blessed saints and martyrs praising, who have died for Christ, their Lord.Sing we now, for naught esteeming Tyrant’s rage, saint Thomas dies, how the murderer’s weapon gleaming, place of prayer and praise defiles; yet the martyr’s life-blood streaming still for pardoning mercy cries.How he lived a life laborious, be the wondrous story told; how he died a martyr glorious, bishop wise, confessor bold; how he reigns with Christ victorious clothed in white with crown of gold.To the Lord of all creation, in whose love the martyrs rest, to the God of our salvation, whom their dying breath confessed, honour, praise and adoration, Father, Son and Spirit blest.1 January - Mary, Mother of God or The Naming and Circumcision of JesusWhere Mary, Mother of God is celebrated the Holy Name is observed on 3rd January using the Office found on 7th August.The Naming and Circumcision of JesusFirst Vespers-x2x2x3x4x5x6x5x6x{x6x9x9x8x8x6xbb]-x5x7x77x6x5x4x5x6x{x5x4x5x3x1x2x]O Christ you speak the names of GodIn tongues we understandTo touch and heal the deafened earWith love’s almighty hand.You are the presence of our God,Not hid in cloud or flameBut clothed in living flesh of earthCalled by a human name.You are the mercy of our God,Soft fallen as the rain,To penetrate the hardened heartAnd wash away our pain.You are the glory of our GodIn earthen lantern borneTo light the way that we must walk,The path your feet have worn.Antiphon 1-v`cvvvv2vvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvbvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvbbvv1vvvvv3vvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvv]cYxc5x6x7x{xYxc5x3x4cvvv]vii Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved, al-le-lu-ia.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-v`*ccvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvc]vThe fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; holy and awesome is his name,-v`vvvc4vvvvv3vvvv2vvvv2vvvvvvv]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]al-le-lu-ia.-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]Antiphon 3-v70vv4vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvv2vvvvv2vvvvv]ccYx5x6x7x{xYxx4x5x2x]iiiI will rejoice in the Lord; I will joy in the God of my salvation.-v70cccvvYxx7x6x{xUx6x5x6x{ xIx7x5x6x{xUx5x7x6x {xRx5x4x{xTx4x3x2x]Magnificat-v7vvvbvv1bcc5ccv5ccc6vv5ccc4ccc5vv,bbbbbbbbbc1cbbc4cbbc4cbbc5ccc4cbc3cc4ccc{cc4ccbc3ccbbc2ccbcv4ccbbbbbbbbbc3cccbbbbb2ccbbbbc2vv4vv3xb2bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1bbbbbbbbbbbbbc] viTo us a child is born, to us a son is given, and he shall be called the Prince of Peace-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~cc3vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvv3vvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvx]ii At the name of Jesus, ev’ry knee shall bow ; come, let us worship the Lord.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]-`*x3x3x3x2x3x5x4x3x{x5x6x6x6x5x6x6x7x]-`*x7x7x6x7x5x6x5x3x{x3x2x3x5x6x3x2x3x]O happy day, when first was pouredthe blood of our redeeming Lord!O happy day, when first beganhis sufferings for sinful folk!Just entered on this world of woe, his blood already learned to flow;his future death was thus expressed,and thus his early love confessed.From heaven descending to fulfillthe mandates of his Father's will,e'en now behold the victim lie,the Lamb of God, prepared to die!Lord, circumcise our hearts, we pray,our fleshly natures purge away;thy Name, thy likeness may they bear:yes, stamp thy holy image there!O Lord, the Virgin-born, to theeeternal praise and glory be,whom with the Father we adore,and Spirit blest for evermore.Benedictus-`*~bc2cccc4ccccv6ccc5cccc4vv5cccv4vvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv]viiiYou shall call his name Jesus for he will save his people from their sins.-`*~vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvRxx5x3x]Second Vespers-v706vc4x8x7x8x6vv,x5x{x6x5x4x3x1vvnx]bc3x4x5x4x6vv,x7x{x8x8x7x6x4vvbmx]At the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow, every tongue confess him King of glory now;'Tis the Father's pleasure we should call him Lord, who from the beginning was the mighty Word.Humbled for a season, to receive a Name from the lips of sinners, unto whom he came,Faithfully he bore it?spotless to the last,?brought it back victorious, when from death he passed;Name him, brothers, name him, with love as strong as death, but with awe and wonder?and with bated breath;He is God the Saviour, he is Christ the Lord, ever to be worshiped, trusted, and adored.In your hearts enthrone him; there let him subdue?all that is not holy,?all that is not true;Crown him as your Captain in temptation's hour;?let his will enfold you?in its light and power.Brothers, this Lord Jesus shall return again,?with his Father's glory with his angel train;for all wreaths of empire meet upon his brow,?and our hearts confess himKing of glory now.Magnificat-v7vvvvvc4vvccc5xcc4ccvcc5vv6ccccc6cvvccc5ccvc4ccc{cc4ccc5vv7cc6c,ccc5ccc6cccc5vv4ccccbbbb]vi You have done great things, O God, and ho-ly is your name.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]Mary, Mother of GodFirst Vespers-`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx]The root of Jesse bears a budwhere once a barren branch was borne;for Sarah’s offspring is with child;she suckles him, our God’s firstborn.He holds the planets to their coursewho nestles in her arms asleep.The co-eternal Word of Godshe cradles now in slumber deep.The law which girds the universe,God’s Torah teaching Wisdom’s ways,in Mary, both have come to birth;a source of scandal and God’s praise.This Jewish daughter’s bold consent,her wonderment, her “Let it be!”has touched the very depths of Godand ever changed the way we see.Antiphon 1-`*~(vvvvv3vv1vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvv4vvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvvvv3vv5vvv6vv5vvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvv6vvvvv5vv4vvv3vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv]vi O wonderful exchange! The creator of humankind, assuming a living body, deigned -`*~(vvvv3vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvv3vv2vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvbbbv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vv5vvbbbbbbv] to be born of a virgin: and becoming man without a man’s concurrence, bestowed on us-`*~(vvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvv5vv4vv5vvvbbv3vvvbb3vvvvcv]vvvvv3x4vv5xTxxx4x5x3x{xTxxx3x4x5x3x] his di- vin –i-ty.-`*~(vvcvTxx6x5x{xYxx5x6x{xTxx7x6x{xYxx5x7x{xYxx5x3x{xYxx3x5x]Antiphon 2-vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vv3vv2vvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvv2vv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvv7vv8vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvv7vvvvvvvv]ivIn the bush seen by Mos-es as burning yet unconsumed, we recognise the preservation-vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvv5vv4vvv3vvvv3vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvv6vv5vvvvvvvv4vv5vvvvv3vvvvv]ccvYvvx5x3x6x{xTvvx4x6x3vvvc]of your glorious vir-gin-i-ty: O Mother of God, intercede for us.-cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{ xTxx4x6x5x{xTx7x6x {xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3x]Antiphon 3-vvvvvvvv1vvvvvv3vvvv4vvvvvvv5vv6vvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vv6vv5vvvbbvvv5vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvbvvv5vv6vvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvbbbv5vvvvvvvvvv5vb3vv2vvvvvvbbvv3vvvvvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvvv]vO Virgin Mary, how great your cause for joy; God found you worthy to bear Christ, our Saviour.-cvvcccvRxx5x4x{xTxx4x5x{xRxx6x5x{xTxx4x6x{xTxx4x2x{xTxx2x4x]Magnificat-`*~vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvv6vvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv6vvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vv4vv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvvvvv]viii Eve had shut all her children out of paradise; the Virgin Mary opened wide its gates.-`*~vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvvRxx5x3x]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*cccvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvv3vv4vv5vvvv3vvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvv{vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv]vChrist is born of Mary: come, let us worship him.-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]-vvcccvv4x4x5x6x7v7x6x5x6x4x5x{vvvv77x8x9x8x7v7x6x5x4x5x6x]-vvcccvv6x6x9x6x6x5x4x3x2x5x{x4x6x5x4x3x5x4x3x4x2xvvbbbvvb]Hail Miriam, most holy Wisdom’s child,you model all we yearn and hope to be.You are the crown of generous womanhood;in you there dawns a new humanity.The freeing grace that Eve, our sister, spurned,returns to us in you a hundredfold.Your childbearing opens heavens doorsand gathers all the lost into its fold.O gate through which such royal progress goes,O beacon guiding all upon their way,behold how peoples everywhere redeemed,have blessed the fruit your womb has borne this day.O Jesus, born so fair of Mary’s flesh;she carried you to term, nine months, content:be praised for this, God’s boundless love for earth,which drew our sisters bold and blest consent.Benedictus as on the Magnificat at First VespersSecond Vespers - all as at First Vespers, except:Magnificat-`*~ccv1vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvv3vvv1vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv3vvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv]ii You bore him who created you yet for e-ver you remain a virgin.-`*~xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xUxx6x5x4x]January 2nd until the Epiphany of the LordLaudsInvitatory antiphon-vccv5vv3x5vvvvc6vv5xv4vvvvvc5vv,vvvc{xvv6vv,cccc4vvvvv5vvvvv6cc5vv4ccvc3xx] iv Christ is born for us; come, let us adore him.-vvcccvvExxx2x3x5x{xTxxx3x5x6x{xYxxx5x3x5x{xTxxx3x2x3x]-cv2x1x2x4x5x4x3x2x{vv6x5x6x4x5x6x6x{vv6x8x9x6vvvv7v7x6x5x4x{vv5x6x2x1x4x3x2vvv]Word of God, you spoke creationFrom the chaos of the flood;Word made flesh, you wrought salvationBy the spilling of your blood.Love of God, revealed among us,Life of God made light of earth,Into being you have sung us,Into life brought us to birth.Word of God, we all adore you,Flame that burns away the night,Word made flesh, we bow before you,Child who topples thrones of might:Splendour of God’s hidden glory,Fullness of God’s faithful love;Born with us to death’s dark story,Raised for us in light above.Benedictus -v`bbbbcvv2ccv3vv4ccv5ccvc4cccv3cvc6ccc6ccbbcvc8ccvvc7cccc5cccvc3cccvc6ccccc5ccc4ccc3ccc6cccc6cccc9cccccv6xvv] vii To us is born a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, and all the heav’nly hosts now-v`cvvvv7vvxc{cvbvvc5cbbb3cbcv6ccc5vv4cbbcv3cbbc6vccc9ccvvv6cccc] sing: Glory to God in the highest.-`cccYxxx4x6x{xIxxx7x5x6x{{xTxxx4x3x4x{xTxxx3x4x2x]Vespers-b7cvvsxdxfxgx]xyxxhvvvgx]xyxxyx]v]xhxhxjxkx]xuxxhvvbgx]xYxvvvvvvvv]-b7cvvsxdxfxgx]xyxxhvvvgx]xyxxyx]v]xhxhxjxkx]xuxxhvvbgx]xYxvvvvvvvvv]-b7cvvhxhxlxhx]xtxxfx]xsxfxhxfx]xEx]v]xhxhxlxhx]xtxdvvvfx]xWx]Of the Father’s heart begotten Ere the world from chaos rose,He is Alpha: from that Fountain, All that is and hath been flows;He is Omega, of all thingsYet to come the mystic Close.*By his word was all created;He commanded and ’twas done;Earth and sky and boundless ocean, Universe of three in one,All that sees the moon’s soft radiance, All that breathes beneath the sun.*He assumed this mortal body, Frail and feeble, doomed to die,That the race from dust created Might not perish utterly,Which the dreadful Law had sentenced In the depths of hell to lie.O how blest that wondrous birthday, When the Maid the curse retrieved,Brought to birth mankind’s salvation, By the Spirit blest conceived,And the Babe, the world’s Redeemer,In her loving arms received.*This is he, whom seer and sybilSang in ages long gone by; This is he of old revealedIn the page of prophecy;Lo! he comes, the promised Saviour;Let the world his praises cry!Sing, ye heights of heaven, his praises; Angels and Archangels, sing!Wheresoe’er ye be, ye faithful, Let your joyous anthems ring,Every tongue his name confessing, Countless voices answering.*Hail! thou Judge of souls departed; Hail! of all the living King!On the Father's right hand throned, Through his courts thy praises ring,Till at last for all offencesRighteous judgement thou shalt bring,*Let the storm and summer sunshine, Gliding stream and sounding shore,Sea and forest, frost and zephyr, Day and night their Lord alone;Let creation join to laud thee Through the ages evermore.Magnificat-vcvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv9vvvvvv8vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvv6vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv] i The Word of God born of the Father before time began, humbled himself today for us-vcvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv]cvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]and became a man.Antiphons for weekdays in Christmas after the OctaveAntiphon 1-b7vcvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv{vvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv] vi The fullness of time has come, for God has sent his Son to earth to redeem us all.-b7vcvvvvvvRxx3x4x5x{xTxx1x5x6x{xYxx5x6x8x{xYxx5x6x4x]Or-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Antiphon 2-`*~cv1vvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv7vv.vvvv{vvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvv8vvvv4vvvvvv6vv5vvvv4vv3vvvvvvv4vvmvvvvvv]xRvvx3x4x6x{xYxvv5x3x4x]iiAll the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Antiphon 3-b7vcvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvv4vvvv{vvvv6vvvvvv8vvvv8vvvvvv8vvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv6vvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv{vvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv4vv2vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv] vi We have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth.-b7vcvvvvvvYxx7x5x8x{xYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x6x{xIxx5x7x6x]Or-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]The Epiphany of the LordFirst Vespers-`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx]Gift-laden magi make their wayTo One whose gift surpasses all:Our Abba’s fullness here outpoured,Now nestled in a cattle-stall.Gold long had gilt the court of kingsAnd incense gave the gods delight,But myrrh was bitter, deemed for death,And shed on these a diff’rent light.Unschooled, mere shepherds see this birth,Not priests so learned in the law;Now magi come, uncircumcised,To worship on a stable floor.Creation’s very core is changed:The Lord of all, baptised bends lowAnd, plunging into Jordan’s depths,Comes up with earth renewed in tow.The commonplace is charged with life,A marriage feast becomes a sign;God weds our earth, a cherished bride,While changing water into wine.O God, whose gifts are manifestIn ways beyond imagining;O Abba, Word and Spirit-breath,With joy your boundless love we sing.Antiphon 1-v`ccvvv2vvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvv3vv4vvvvv5vvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvbbbbbvvv8vvvvv9vvvvbbvvv7vvvvbbbbbbbbv5vvvvvv]viiBegotten before the daystar and Lord before all ages, this day our Saviour appeared -v`ccvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]to the world.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-vcccvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vv4vvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv]iWe have seen his star in the east and have come with gifts to adore him.-cvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Antiphon 3 Lauds-v7vvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv]vi We have all received of his fullness for grace and truth have come through Jesus Christ.-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]Or-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Antiphon 3 First Vespers as in DO also for use with CW Canticle 63-v`*vvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv9vvvvvv{vv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv{vvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv]The star shines like a flame; it points out God, the King of kings: the Magi saw it and offered-v`*vvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv9vvvvvvvv8vv7vv8vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv]xYxx7x9x6x{xRxx6x4x3x]presents to the great King.Refrain-v`*vvv6vvvvvvvv9vv8vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv{vvvv6vv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvc]O praise the Lord, all you nations, praise the Lord all you peoples.CW Canticle-vvccvvvv5xc6ccc5bbb3cc3cc5vv7ccbbbbc8cccbbbb7vv6ccbbbbbb6vv5vvvvvc4vvvvvvv3vvcvc2cv1cbbcv2vv6vv5ccbv6ccbbbv5ccvvvvvc4cvvbbc3vv2cc2vv6cbbbbc5vvx] viii* You cre-a-ted all things, O God, and are worth- y of our praise for e - ver.-vcxTxx3x4x5xv{xYxx5x6xv{xYxx4x6x8xv{xvYxx7x5vvvvvx]Magnificat-v7vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vv3vvvvvbbvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvv7vv6vvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvv8vv7vvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv]vi They found the child with Mary his mother and kneeling down they worshipped-v7vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv6vvvv7vv6vvvv5vv4vvvvv4vvvvv]cccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]him, al -le- lu - ia.LaudsInvitatory antiphon-v`vvc2ccvcv4ccbbbbc5ccc5cbbbc4cbbbc5cccbb6cc6cbbbbc7ccv{vvvbbc6ccbbbbbb5vv4cccc5cvc3cvcbbbb2ccc2cccc] vii Christ is man-i-fest-ed unto us: O come, let us worship.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]-`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx]More dazzling than the dawning sun,This star that blazes at Christ’s birthProclaims to all the waiting world:Our God enfleshed upon this earth.They who have listened to earth’s ways,Who long have studied heaven’s stars,Come seeking Wisdom’s only source –Their route a different one to ours.Prostrate before the throne of grace,They offer gifts both choice and rare:Gifts God first gave our mother earth,Her gold, her frankincense and myrrh.Earth’s sacred gifts speak mysteries:Incense God’s holiness extolled,God’s sovereign realm the gold proclaimed,But myrrh the cross and death foretold.The magi, finding all they sought,They travelled home a different way;For nothing now remained the sameIn light of what they found this day.CW Canticle-v`*cc6ccc6cccc7cccc6ccbc6cc6cccc9ccc9cc8vv7cc8vx{cc7cccc6ccc4ccc5cccc2vv3cccbv4c5cc6cbbbbbc7vv9ccc8vv7vv6xcc] Above you the Holy One a-ris-es, and above you God’s glory app-ears.-v`*ccYxx7x9x6x{xRxx6x4x3x]Benedictus-v7vvvbbbvvc1ccc5ccc3cccc5vv6vv5cvcc5cccc5vv6ccc5ccc4vv2ccc4vv5vv4ccc{cvv3cccc4cccc5cccc4cccc7vv6cccc5vv6cc5ccvv1vv2vvvvvv4vv2cccc3vv2ccc1x]vii* This is the Christ, the Chosen of God, the one who will bring healing to the nations.-v7cvTxx3x5x{xUxx6x4x5x{xRxx3x2x3x{xRxx2x3x1xvvv]DO-v7vvv1vvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv{vvvv1vvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvv] Today the Church has been joined to her heavenly bridegroom, since Christ has purified her of her -v7vv8vvvvvv8vvvvvv8vvvvvv7vv8vvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvv8vvvvv{vvvv1vvvvvvv2vvv4vvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvv{vvv4vvvvvv2vvvv4vvvvvvvv1vvvv{vvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv]sins in the riv-er Jordan: the Magi hasten to the royal wedding and offer gifts: the wedding guests -v7vv6vvvvv5vvvvv{vvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvv4vvvvvv2vvv4vvvvvvvv1vvvvvv{vv2vv4vvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv]rejoice since Christ has changed water into wine, al – le – lu - ia.-v7cvRxx3x4x5x{xTxx1x5x6x{xYxx5x6x8x{xYxx5x6x4x]Vespers -`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx]All you who seek the gentle Christ,To heaven lift your eyes and see,The sign of glory without end,Revealing his descent to earth.This gleaming star outshines by far,The brightness of the sun’s full glow,For it declares that God made Man,Has come to bless and save us all.Behold three sages from the east,The lands of sunrise and of hope,Perceive the standard of the King,And its good tidings read aright.“What is this wondrous thing?” they say,“A King who thus commands the starsWhom pow’rs above adore in fear,Whom light and heaven’s realm obey.For we perceive a glory new,Transcendent, endless and sublime,Far older than the skies above,Unfathomed by the dark abyss.”He is the King of nations all,Expected by the Jews of old,The promised seed of Abraham,Born of his race in course of time.To God the Father, heav’nly light,To Christ, revealed in earthly might,To God the Spirit blest we raise,Our equal and unceasing praise.CW Canticle-vvcc5xc6ccc5bbb3cc3cc5vv7ccbbbbc8cccbbbb7vv6ccbbbbbb6vv5vvvvvc4vvvvvvv3vvcvc2cv1cbbcv2vv6vv5ccbv6ccbbbv5ccvvvvvc4cvvbbc3vv2cc2vv6cbbbbc5vvx] viii* You cre-a-ted all things, O God, and are worth- y of our praise for e - ver.-vcxTxx3x4x5xv{xYxx5x6xv{xYxx4x6x8xv{xvYxx7x5vvvvvx]Magnificat-v7vvvvvvc1bbbbbbcv2cccc1cccc1vv5cc5ccvvcc5ccbcc4cc4vv3ccc3vvvvc{cc5cccc5vv6cc5cc{cc4vv5ccbcc5ccccc4cccc5ccbc6ccc5vv7vv6vv5xc] vii* Behold my servant whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul de-lights;-v7vvvvvbbv5ccc6ccb5ccc3cccc4cmccc5cccc6ccccc5cccc4vvc2ccbc1vvxc] the anointed one on whom my spirit rests.-v7vvvvvTxx3x5xv{xvUxx6x4x5xv{xvRxvcx3x2x3xv{xRxx2x3x1xvvvvvvvv]The Baptism of Christ The First Sunday of Epiphany (The Second Sunday of Epiphany when 6 January is a Sunday)First Vespers-bb706vcc3vv4x5x6x5x4x5x4x3x{x5vv6x7x8x7x5x6x7x7x]-bb706vcc8vv8x0x7x7x6x5x4x3x{x1vv2x3x4x3x1x2x2x3x]Christ comes to us, compassion’s source,whom John proclaims the world’s true light;comes to the desert’s edge, its dark,submitting to its fearsome night.?His hidden years has led to this,here was the servant God had sent:now conscious of his Abba’s willChrist seeks to live it to the end.?Creation groans; oppressed, awaitssome word of healing for the poor:the bound all yearn to be released,the blind, for sight to be restored.?“You are my son”, a voice proclaims,“This day have I begotten you!”Anointed, cherished, here beholdhumanity in Christ made new!?We bless you, Abba, in this Word,in whom compassion, justice meet:with Spirit-Breath who brings to birthGod’s commonwealth, whole and complete!Antiphon 1-`*~v3vvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv]viiiI baptise you with water but he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.-`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{ xRxx2x4x6x {xYx4x3x{xRx6x7x6x{xYx7x3vvvvv]4 part -`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{vvvvRx5x3x]Antiphon 2-v`*vvvv2vvvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvv7vvvv8vvvv9vvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv6vvvvc]vJesus stood up and cried “If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink”.-v`*cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]Antiphon 3 First Vespers as in DO also for use with CW Canticle 63-v`*vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv{vv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv9vv8vvv9vvvvv7vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vv4vvvvv2vvvvvvc]As soon as Jesus was baptized, he came up from the water and suddenly the heaven’s -v`*vvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv]xYxx7x9x6x{xRxx6x4x3x]open’d for him.Refrain-v`*vvv6vvvvvvvv9vv8vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv{vvvv6vv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvc]O praise the Lord, all you nations, praise the Lord all you peoples.Antiphon 3 Lauds and Second Vespers-cccv3vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv3vvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvv8vvvv8vvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvc]ivI am Alpha and Omega the First and the Last the Beginning and the End, I am the-cccvvvvv9vvvvvv9vvvvvv8vvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvx]ccccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc]Resurrection and the Life. -cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{ xTxx4x6x5x{xTx7x6x {xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3x]Responsory-`*~cvv3ccvv3vvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvcc] This is he who has come by water and by blood.-`*~cvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvcc] This is Jesus Christ our Lord.-`*~cvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvv8vvvvvv7vvvv7vvvcc] Praise the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit,Magnificat-v7vvvbbbvvc1ccc5ccc3cccc5vv6vv5cvcc5ccvc5vvvv6cc5cccv4vv2cccc4vv5vv4cvvv4vv2ccc3vvcccc2ccccc1xcvvv] vii* This is my son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.-b7cccTxx3x5x{xUxx6x4x5x{{xRxx3x2x3x{xRxx2x3x1x]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-v`ccvvv2xbb4cc5ccc5cvvcc6cvvcc5cccvcc6ccccv7cccc8ccc7cvvvv6cc5ccvcccc6ccccc6cvcc5vv4cccbbc5bbcc3ccc2cbcc2ccc] vii The beloved Son, with whom the Father is well pleased; O come, let us worship.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]-bb706vcc3vv4x5x6x5x4x5x4x3x{x5vv6x7x8x7x5x6x7x7x]-bb706vcc8vv8x0x7x7x6x5x4x3x{x1vv2x3x4x3x1x2x2x3x]The spacious span of morning skyis shadowed by a cloud of lightas God who fathers-forth the worldbends low, confirming Jesus’ life.Down-draft of Love, the Dove descends,the primal waters’ light-winged life:the promised peace beyond the flood,she christens Christ her heart’s delight!The favoured firstborn of God’s heartis plunged into a fluid fire.It heralds blood in passion poured:yet rising, Christ bears earth, entire!O Trinity, our soul-full share,the bridegroom’s friends today rejoiceas to his own he comes confirmed,embracing all who hear his voice.Benedictus-v7vvvvbbvc1bbbbbbbbv2ccv1ccc1vvvvvc5ccvvc5cbbbcbc4cvvvvvc4vv3ccvvvc3vvvvvbbbbvc5ccc5vvvvvvc5vv6cc5cc{cvvvc4vv5ccbcvc5ccc5vvbbbbbbc4vvc5ccbc6ccc5vv7vv6vv5xc] vii* Jesus is baptized and the whole world is made holy; Christ washes away our sins-v7vvvvvbbbbv5ccbbbbc6ccb5cc3cc4cvvcbbv5cccbc6cvcc5cc4vvbbcv2ccb1vbbbbc] and purifies us with the Holy Spirit.-v7vvvvvTxx3x5x{xUxx6x4x5x{xRxvcx3x2x3x{xRxx2x3x1x]Vespers-`*~cvvexx]xdxhxixux]xhxfxex]xex]xdxhxxixyx]x&x]-`*~cvvox]xkxjxyxux]xkxhxrx]xex]xdxhxixux]x^xxccc]With Christ we share a mystic grave,with Christ we buried lie;but 'tis not in the darksome caveby mournful Calvary.The pure and bright baptismal floodentombs our nature's stain;new creatures from the cleansing wavewith Christ we rise again.Thrice blest, if through this world of strife,and lust and selfish care,our resurrection mantle whiteand undefiled we wear.Thrice blest, if through the gate of deathglorious at last and freewe to our joyful rising pass,O risen Lord, with thee.And now to thy thrice holy Name,the God whom we adore,to Father, Son and Spirit blest,be glory evermore.Magnificat-cvccvv5vv6vvvvvvvvv5vv3vvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vv7vv8vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvv5vvvv{vvv5vvvvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvv5vvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvv]viii*Draw water from the wells of salvation, for Christ our Lord has made creation holy.-vccxTxcx3x4x5xc{xYxcx5x6xc{xYxcx4x6x8xc{xYxcx7x5xxvvvv]LentLaudsInvitatory antiphon-~ccc5vvvvvvc5vvvvc6vvvvv7vvvvvvc6xvvvc5vvx6vvvv6vvvvvc5vvx4xvvvvc3xcc6cc6cccc7vvvvvvcc6xvvc5xvvvvvvvx] O that today you would listen to God’s voice: harden not your hearts.-~cccTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x6x7x{xUxx6x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x]-bb7ccc5x4x5x5x6x4x5x7x6x5x{x5x6x7x8x7x5x7x6x4x5x]-bb7ccc6x6x5x4x2x4x5x5x4x5x{x5x4x5x5x6x4x5x7x6x5x]-bb7ccc5x6x7x8x7x5x7x6x4x5x{x6x6x5x4x2x4x5x5x4x5x]Lord God, you claim us for your own in Christ,And draw us from the dust of mother earth:Be with us on our journey through this Lent,Through deserts to the font of our re-birth.May fasting leave us hungry for the right,Our alms to others bring some peace and light.Let us undo the knots that violence ties,And tear out all that undermines the truth.Bake bread and feed the hungry till they’re full.And welcome all beneath our ample roof.Such sacrifice alone gives you delight;Your mercy then will pierce the dark of night.To fast and feast, there’s room enough for each;So feast, from our hearts all joy be stripped.But let us fast as well, feasting bluntThe great demands of our discipleship.Soon we will fast and mourn our bridegroom slain;Then, one momentous morning feast again.CW Canticle-ccc3vvcc6ccc7cbbbbbbc8xvv8vvvvvvc7bbbx6cc5ccvvvvc5vx3vvvvc3vvvvvvc4x5xvv6vvv7xvv8vvvvvvvvvv7cccc8cc7cc6xvvvvvvvv] iv Full of compassion and mercy and love is God, the Most High, the Almighty.-vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]Benedictus Ash Wednesday-`*~vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvv4vvvv3vv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvv6vv7vv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvv4vvvvv]iiWhen you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you may not appear to be fasting-`*~vvvv3vvvv4vv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvv3vv4vvvv4x]except to your Father who is hidden.-`*~xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xUxx6x5x4x]Benedictus Thursday after Ash Wednesday until Saturday of Lent 4-`*vvvcc2x4bbbbbx5xvvv6xbbbc6bbbx7x7bbbbbx8xvvb9xcc6xc4x5x6xbbx5bbbx4xc3vvv2x3ccc3cc4ccc2xx] v Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.-`*cccvvWxccx3x5x4x{xRxcxc5x7x6x{xYxccx7x5x3x{xExccx2x1x2xcccv]Vespers-vc2x6x7bb7x6x5x^x]vvvvv4x5x6x4x3x2x]bbbbbbbbb6x5x4x8x9x8x7x6x]vvvvvv5x8x7x6x5x^x]Lord Jesus, think on meAnd purge away my sin;From earthborn passions set me free And make me pure within.Lord Jesus, think on me, With many a care oppressed; Let me Thy loving servant be And taste Thy promised rest.Lord Jesus, think on me Amid the battle’s strife;In all my pain and miseryBe Thou my Health and Life.Lord Jesus, think on meNor let me go astray;Through darkness and perplexity Point Thou the heavenly way.Lord Jesus, think on meWhen floods the tempest high; When on doth rush the enemy, O Saviour, be Thou nigh!Lord Jesus, think on meThat, when the flood is past,I may th’eternal brightness see And share Thy joy at last.Lord Jesus, think on meThat I may sing aboveTo Father, Spirit, and to Thee The strains of praise and love.CW Canticle -vvccccvv5xvcv6cc5bbb3cvvc3cvvvc5vv7cbc8ccc7vv6ccbbc4vv3ccbbbbc2cccbbbc1cbbcbbb2vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5ccbxccccccccccccccc] viii* Christ committed no sin, no guile was found on his lips.-vcxTxx3x4x5x{xYxx5x6x{xYxx4x6x8x{xYxx7x5xx]Magnificat Ash Wednesday-`*~vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvv4vvvv3vv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvv6vv7vv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvv4vvvvv]iiWhen you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you may not appear to be fasting-`*~vvvv3vvvv4vv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvv3vv4vvvv4x]except to your Father who is hidden.-`*~xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xUxx6x5x4x]Magnificat Thursday after Ash Wednesday until Friday of Lent 4-v`vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvv6vvvcbvv7vvvv8vv7vvvvbvv5vvcbvv6xbc9vvvvvv{vvv7vvccv4vxvv5vvvvvc6vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvv5vvvcvv3vvvvvv2xvv] vii Come, let us return to the Lord, for our God will rich-ly pardon.-v`vcccvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]Ash Wednesday and Sundays in LentAntiphon 1-vccvvvvv3vvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv5bbbmvvvv{vvvv3vvvvvv6vvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvv3vvvvv]cccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc]ivRemember your mercy, O Lord, remember your mercy.-cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{ xTxx4x6x5x{xTx7x6x {xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3xAntiphon 2-`*~vvvv1vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvc]xRxvvv3x4x6x{xYvvvx5x3x4x]iiYou must worship the Lord your God and serve him alone.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Antiphon 3-ccvvvv3vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvc]ivDe-li-ver us, Lord for the sake of your name. Give us the grace to return to you.-cccccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc]-cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{ xTxx4x6x5x{xTx7x6x {xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3vvvv]Antiphons for Weekdays in LentAntiphon 1-vcccvvvvv6vv8vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv{vvv9vv8vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvv6vv8vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvv]iSpare, O Lord, spare your people, and do not ab-an-don your inheritance.-vcccvvYxx5x4x{xTxx6x4x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x6x{xTxx6x5x{xRxx3x2x]Antiphon 2-`*~cvv3vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv{vv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv]viiiRepent, says the Lord for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand.-`*~cvvcYxx7x6x{xRxx5x3x{xRxx6x7x{xUxx8x6x{xRxx5x6x{xYxx4x3x]Or-`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{ xRxx2x4x6x {xYx4x3x{xRx6x7x6x{xYx7x3vvvvv]4 part -`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{vvvvRx5x3x]Antiphon 3-vcccvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv{vvv7v7vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vv4vvvv3vvvvvv1vvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvv]vvcYxx5x4x5x{xTxx6x4vv3vv2x]iNow is the fa-vour-a-ble time, this is the day of salvation.-vcccvvYxx5x4x{xTxx6x4x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x6x{xTxx6x5x{xRxx3x2x]PassiontideLaudsInvitatory -v7cvvc4cc5c6cc6cvc6ccc7c6cc5ccvv6cc6ccc{vvvvv4vv5vv6vccbc6cccv5ccbvv4cccc5cccccb5vv4cccc4vx] Je-ru-sa-lem, Je-ru-sa-lem, re - turn to the Lord, your God.-v7ccc4x5xYxccx7x6x5x6xcc{cxYxccx5x4x5x4xvvvvv]Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow, Which was brought upon me, which the Lord inflicted on the day of his fierce anger. For these things I weep; my eyes flow with tears; for a comforter is far from me, one to revive my courage. Remember my affliction and my bitterness, the wormwood and the gall! But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him.’ The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul that seeks him. It is good that we should wait quietly ?for the salvation of the Lord. For the Lord will not reject for ever; though he causes grief, he will have compassion, According to the abundance of his steadfast love; ?for he does not willingly afflict or grieve anyone. -cc3x3x3x2x5x5x6vv8x8x{x8vv9x8x8x8x6x8x7vv6vv5x{x5x6x8x7x6x5x6x6x] -cc6x7x5xv$4x3x6x6vv2x{x3x5x5x3x5x6x6x5xx{x6x7x5x6vv5x4x2x3xbb]Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle, Sing the ending of the fray;Now above the cross, the trophy, Sound the loud triumphant lay:Tell how Christ the world’s Redeemer, As a victim won the day.He, our Maker, deeply grieving That the first made Adam fell, When he ate the fruit forbidden Whose reward was death and hell, Marked e’en then this Tree the ruin Of the first tree to dispel.Tell how, when at length the fullness, Of th’appointed time was come, Christ, the Word, was born of woman, Left for us His heavenly home; Showed us human life made perfect, Shone as light amid the gloom.Lo! He lies an Infant weeping,Where the narrow manger stands, While the Mother-Maid His members Wraps in mean and lowly bands,And the swaddling clothes is winding Round His helpless feet and hands.Thus, with thirty years accomplished, Went He forth from Nazareth, Destined, dedicated, willing,Wrought His work, and met His death. Like a lamb He humbly yieldedOn the cross His dying breath.There the nails and spears He suffers, Vinegar, and gall, and reed;From His sacred body piercèdBlood and water both proceed; Precious flood, which all creation From the stain of sin hath freed.Faithful cross, thou sign of triumph, Now for us the noblest tree, None in foliage, none in blossom, None in fruit thy peer may be; Symbol of the world’s redemption, For the weight that hung on thee!Bend thy boughs, O tree of glory! Thy relaxing sinews bend;For awhile the ancient rigorThat thy birth bestowed, suspend; And the King of heavenly beauty On thy bosom gently tend!Thou alone wast counted worthy This world’s ransom to sustain, That a shipwrecked race forever Might a port of refuge gain,With the sacred blood anointed Of the Lamb for sinners slain.To the Trinity be gloryEverlasting, as is meet:Equal to the Father, equalTo the Son, and Paraclete:God the Three in One, whose praisesAll created things repeat.Antiphon 1-`*~vvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vv6vvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvv4vvvc]xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x3x4x]iiGod did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Antiphon 2-vccvvvv2vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvv{vv3vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv{vvvv6vvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv]iUnless a wheat grain falls into the earth and dies it remains a single grain; but if-vccvvv9vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vv5vvvvv4vvvvv3vv2vv1vvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv]vcccYxx4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]it dies it yields a rich harvest.-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2x]Antiphon 3-v`ccvvv2vvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv44vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvc]viiLet us walk in the light of Christ, and his blood will cleanse us from all sin.-v`ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]CW Canticle-ccvvv3vvc6cccvvv7cbbbbbbc8xv8vvvvvvc7bbbvvvvv6cccvvvc5vxvv3vvvvc3vvvvvvc4xvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv7xvv8vvvvvv7ccc8c7cvvvvvvvc6xvvvvvvvv] iv I will recount the gracious deeds of the Lord, the praises of the Most High.-vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]Benedictus-v7cbbcc6ccbbbbbbbc6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6xv4cccc4ccc5c3cc2vvncvc2vvvvvvc4xvcv5vvvvvcv7vvvvvvcv5cc6cc6ccc{cc6ccc6cccc8cccvvcc6xvvvvvvvv] viThe word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to those who-v7vvvv5vvvvvvc4vvvvvvvvvvc5cvvvvc6cvv5cvvv4ccvvvc2ccvvvvc2ccc4vvx] are being saved it is the pow’r of God.-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]Vespers-`vc5x6vv7x8x7vv6vv5x6x6vv7vv6x5x4vv3x{x6x6x7x5vv3x5x4vv5x3vv2x2vv3x] -`vc3x3x5x3vv2x5x6vv7x6x6vv5x{x5x6vv7vv8vv7vv6x7x5vv3x5x4vv5x3vv2x2vv3vvvv]The royal banners forward go,the cross shines forth in mystic glow;where he in flesh, our flesh who made,our sentence bore, our ransom paid.Where deep for us the spear was dyed,life's torrent rushing from his side,to wash us in that precious flood,where mingled water flowed, and blood.Fulfilled is all that David toldin true prophetic song of old,amidst the nations, God, saith he,hath reigned and triumphed from the tree.O tree of beauty, tree of light!O tree with royal purple dight!Elect on whose triumphal breastthose holy limbs should find their rest.Blest tree, whose chosen branches borethe wealth that did the world restore,the price of humankind to pay,and spoil the spoiler of his prey.Upon its arms, like balance true,he weighed the price for sinners due,the price which none but he could pay,and spoiled the spoiler of his prey.O cross, our one reliance, hail!Still may thy power with us availto give new virtue to the saint,and pardon to the penitent.To thee, eternal Three in One,let homage meet by all be done:whom by the cross thou dost restore,preserve and govern evermore.CW Canticle -cvv1ccc5cccc3cccbbbbcv2cc3cc3bbbcvv3cc4ccbbbc5c3cccbbc2cccc1xbb]cxTxx3x5xcc{xRxx3x2x1x]v* At the name of Jesus, ev’ry knee shall bow.Magnificat-v7cbbcvvv6vvvvvvvvbbbbbb5vvvvvvbbbb6bbbbbbbbbbb4cc4ccbb5c3ccvvv2vvncvcbb2vvvvvv4xvcv5vvvvvcv7vvvvvvcv5ccvvvvvv6ccbbbbb6bcc6ccccb{bbbbbbbbbb8cccvvb6bbbb5vvvvbbv4vbb2vvbbbbbb4cccv] viGod’s love for us is re-vealed in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]Maundy Thursday - All as in the Office for Passiontide except:Benedictus-v7xv4vv5vvvvvvvvvvvYxxxxxxvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv]viChrist loved those who were his, and showed them how deep was his love for them.-v7ccvvRxcx3x2x4x{xRxcx3x4x5x{{xYxcx5x7x6x{xYxcx5x6x4cxvvvvvv]Responsory for the Sacred Triduum - Maundy Thursday at Compline-v706cvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvv{vv1vvvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv]Christ humbled himself for us, and, in obedience, accepted death,Good Friday Invitatory-v`*~xv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv1vvvvv{vv1vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vv5vv4vvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv]ii Come, let us worship Christ, the Son of God: by his blood he has redeemed us.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow, Which was brought upon me, which the Lord inflicted on the day of his fierce anger. For these things I weep; my eyes flow with tears; for a comforter is far from me, one to revive my courage. Remember my affliction and my bitterness, the wormwood and the gall! But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him.’ The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul that seeks him. It is good that we should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. For the Lord will not reject for ever; though he causes grief, he will have compassion, According to the abundance of his steadfast love; ?for he does not willingly afflict or grieve anyone.Antiphon 1-`vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvv7vv6vv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvv4vvv3vv2vvv2vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvc]iiWith his own blood Christ has become our rec-on-cil-i-a-tion and our peace.-`vvvvvvvvv2x3vv5xTxx4x3x{xExx2x3x]-`cvvvcExx2x3x{xTxx3x4x{xTxx4x3x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x4x{xRxx2x3x]Antiphon 2-v70cvv5vvvvv7vv6vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvv{vvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvv] ivMy spi-rit fails; my heart is des-o-late with-in me.-v70ccvcTxx4x5x{xUxx6x5x{xYxx4x5x{xRxx6x5x{xTxx4x3x{xTxx4x2x]Antiphon 3-cvv1vvv2vvvvvv3vv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vv2vv3vvvvv2vvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vv1vvvvvc]vv1cc3vv5cccTx3x5x{vvvRx3x2x1bbbbbbb]v We worship your cross, O Lord, which has brought joy to the world.-cvvcccvTxx3x5x{xYxx3x5x{xTxx6x3x{xWxx3x4x{xTxx3x2x{xWxx3x1x]Responsory for the Sacred Triduum-v706cvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvv{vv1vvvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv]Christ humbled himself for us, and, in obedience, accepted death,-v70vvvc1vvvv5vvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv]even death on a cross.Benedictus-v7vvvvv4vvvv5vv6vvvvvYxxxxxxxxxvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvv5vv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvv]viOver his head, they put the charge against him: this is Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.-v7cccvvRxx3x2x4xc{xcRxx3x4x5xc{{xcYxx5x7x6xc{xcYxx5x6x4xcccccccv]Antiphon for the psalmody at Prayer During the Day-v`*xv4vvvvvvvcvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvv7vvvvvvv6vv4vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvv{vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvv%5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv]iv From noon until three o-clock, there was dark - ness over the whole world.-v`*xvRxx4x6x5x{xExx1x4x]Holy SaturdayInvitatory antiphon-v`*~xv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvv3vv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv{vvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvv4vvvvvvb4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvv4x]ii Come, let us worship Christ who died for us, and was buried,-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]CW Canticle as on Good Friday-v7cchxhxhx]xixxhxgxgxfxgx]xhxyx]-v7ccsxdxfx]xgbbbmxxGxfxgx]xybbbb,xxxcb]-v7cchxhxhx]xoxxlxkxhxgxfx]xgxtx]-v7ccdxfxgx]xhbbbb,xxGxdxfx]xwbbbbnxxxc]His cross stands empty in a world grown silent Through hours of anguish and of dread; In stillness, earth awaits the resurrection, While Christ goes down to wake the dead.He summons Adam and his generations, Brings light where darkness endless seemed; He frees and claims His own, so long held captive, Who, with the living, are redeemed.With God the Father and the Holy Spirit,Give praise to Christ the crucified,Who, through the ages, seeks to save his lost ones:The sinful folk for whom he died.Antiphon 1-`vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vv4vv3vvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vv6vv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vv3vvvvvc]x2x3vv5xTxx4x3x{xExx2x3x] iiThe world is mourning as for an on - ly Son.-`cvvvcExx2x3x{xTxx3x4x{xTxx4x3x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x4x{xRxx2x3x]Antiphon 2-v70ccvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vv6vvvvv4vvvvv5vv4vv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv]x2x4vv5xTxx2x5x{xTxx5x4x2x]ivFrom the jaws of hell, O Lord, rescue my soul.-v70vccvcTxx4x5x{xUxx6x5x{xYxx4x5x{xRxx6x5x{xTxx4x3x{xTxx4x2x]Antiphon 3-vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv33vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvvv3vvvvv5vv6vvvvvv5vvvv6vv7vvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vv5vvv5vvvvv{vvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv]vI was dead and now I am to live for e-ver and e-ver; I hold the keys to death-vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvv]and the neth-er-world.-cvvcccvTxx3x5x{xYxx3x5x{xTxx6x3x{xWxx3x4x{xTxx3x2x{xWxx3x1x]Responsory for the Sacred Triduum-v706cvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvv{vv1vvvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvv{vc1vvvv5vvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv]Christ humbled himself for us, and, in obedience, accepted death, even death on a cross.-v706cvvvv5vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv{vvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv0vvvvvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvv5vv6vv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv]Therefore God raised him to the heights, and gave him the name which is a - bove all other names.Benedictus-v7cccv1vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vv6vvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvv7vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvv5vvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv]Destroy this temple and, in three days, I will raise it up, says the Lord;-v7ccc6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvv2v6vvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vv4vvvv4vvvvvv]this he said of the temple that was his body.-v7vcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Antiphon for the psalmody at Prayer During the Day-v7xv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvv{vvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv] O Death, I will be your death; Hell, I will be your destruction.-v7xvWxx6x5x6x{xYxx8x5x6x{xYxx5x4x3x{xExx4x6x2x]Vespers-`vc5x6vv7x8x7vv6vv5x6x6vv7vv6x5x4vv3x{x6x6x7x5vv3x5x4vv5x3vv2x2vv3x] -`vc3x3x5x3vv2x5x6vv7x6x6vv5x{x5x6vv7vv8vv7vv6x7x5vv3x5x4vv5x3vv2x2vv3vvvv]The cross still stands on Calvary hill,Tree of a new and blessed life:And in a garden close at handThe Lord of life and death lies still.The peace of death enfolds him now,Anguish and pain can do no more,The victor, victim for our sins,He sleeps awhile to rise again.To Christ, who died for love of us,Bearing our sins before the throne.To Father and to ParacleteBe glory till the end of time.Antiphon 1-v70vvvv3vv4vvvv4vvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvv4vv5vvvvbbbbv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv7vvvvv7vv8vv7vv6vvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv] viiiToday I am greatly af-flict-ed, but to-mor-row I shall loose my bonds.-v70vcvvvRxx2x4x{xTxx6x4x{xRxx5x7x{xYxx4x5x{xTxx7x4x{xTxx3x4x]Antiphon 2-`*bbbc3vvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vv8vvvvvvv7vvvvv6vv5vv6vv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv]viiiI look on my right hand and see; and there is no one who pays me heed.-`*~vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvvRxx5x3x]Antiphon 3-v70vvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvv3vvvvvvv1vv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv] viiiDestroy this temple, says the Lord, and in three days I will rebuild it.-v70vcvvvRxx2x4x{xTxx6x4x{xRxx5x7x{xYxx4x5x{xTxx7x4x{xTxx3x4x]Magnificat-v`*~c3cvv3vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv]Jesus Christ is the beginning: the first to be born from the dead.-`*~vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvvRxx5x3x]DO-v70vvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vv7vvvvvvvvvvv5bbbb,vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvv5vvvv5vvvv4bbbvmvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvv8vvvv7vv5vvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvv{vvvvv8vvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv7bbbb,vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv] viiiThe chief priests and the Pharisees made the sepulchre secure, sealing the stone and-v70vvvvv5vvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvmvvvvvvv]setting the guard.-v70vcvvvRxx2x4x{xTxx6x4x{xRxx5x7x{xYxx4x5x{xTxx7x4x{xTxx3x4x]Responsory as at LaudsEasterLaudsCW / DO: Invitatory in the Octave-`cxcWxxxUxxx5x6x7x{xExxx5x7x6x] -`cc2ccvc2ccvvc5ccc5cccc6cv7ccc8ccc9ccc9ccvvc5ccv5cccc6ccc%xxvvvvxvvv]R Al - le - lu - ia, Christ is ri - sen, al - le - lu - ia.Christ our pass-over has been sacrif-iced for us:so let us celebrate the feast,not with the old leaven of corruption and wickedness: but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. RChrist once raised from the dead dies no more: death has no more dominion over him.In dying he died to sin once for all: in living he lives to God.See yourselves therefore as dead to sin: and alive to God in Jesus Christ our Lord. RChrist has been raised from the dead: the first fruits of those who sleep.For as by man came death:by man has come also the resurrection of the dead;for as in Adam ?ll die:even so in Christ shall all be made alive. RDOWeekdays-`*~cc3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvv{cv7vvvv8vvvvv6vvvv6vvbbbv{vv4vvvv2vvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvv]cvvExvv4x{xRxvv6x{xYxvv4x{xRxvv3x]viiiThe Lord is truly ris - en, al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia.Sundays-`vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvv8vv7vvvv8vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvv{vvv5vv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv3vv2vv1vvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv]viiiThe Lord is tru-ly ris - en, al – le – lu - ia.-v`vcccvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]-v70cc2x2x5x6x7x6x5x4x5x5x{x3x2x1x2x3x5x4x3x2x] -v70cc5x6x7x6x5x4x3x1x2x2x{x5x6x7x8x9x8x7x6x5x]]Mondays / WednesdaysWas this Christ who came in festive garmentsSeen by us when they were dark with blood,Now alive again in youthful beauty,After shameful death upon a rood.Still unknown he walked with us one evening,Truly risen as he once had said,Then he filled our hearts with joy and wonder,Known again in breaking of the bread.Now it is in bread and wine we find him,Mystery of presence yet concealed,Keeping faith with all our Saviour taught us:Our belief in what the Word revealed.When the end of time on earth is nearing,Come, O Christ, in your divinity.Gather up in love your finite children,All to share in your infinity.Tuesdays / ThursdaysWho is this who comes to us in triumph,Clothed in royal garments died with blood,Walking in the greatness of his glory,Bearing in his hand the holy rood?This is Christ, the Risen Lord, the Strong One,He who trod the winepress all alone;Out of death he comes with life unending,Seeking those he purchased for his own.Great and wonderful is our Redeemer,Christ, the living One, the just and true,Praise him with the Father and the Spirit,Ever with us, making all things new.Fridays-v7cc4x5x4x5x6x7x5x6x{x6x6x7x5x4x5x7x6c7c8c7c6x] -v7cc5x6x7x8x6x7x7x6x{x5x6x7x6x5x6x5x4xxbc]The dark enclosing tomb of nightIs pierced by morning’s promised light:Fire bursts aside the chill, dark stone:A single flame burns all alone.The torch is passed from hand to handUntil it burns in every landTo break the stranglehold of deathAnd warm cold day with burning breath.The earth afire shouts back its praiseTo you, the flint who strikes our daysFrom the unyielding heart of rockWhich love redeeming shall unlock.O Christ, mould from our clay new songThat we may praise you all life longIn alleluias ringing freeTo God, our God, the One in three.Saturdays / Sundays-`*~ccc6x4x6vv,x4x4x3x2vvnvvvv{x6x4x7v,vvvvv6x4x3x4vvmvvvv{x7x6x9vv.vvvvv7x6x4x3vvnvvvv{vvv2vv4x7vv6x4vv3x4vvmvvvv]Tomb of earth, a saddened mound:Womb, rebirth, hell’s wiles confound:Gloom to mirth, for life is found! Alleluia.Flint to fire-flare hallowed blaze!Hearts inspire, our minds amaze:Flame desire for boundless praise. Alleluia.Drought now streams as crystal clear;Desert teams, its blossoms cheer.Christ redeems us sinners dear. Alleluia.Christ is Lord, God’s only SonBe adored Who three in OneThus restored Your work undone. Alleluia.Antiphon 1-v`vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vv7vvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv8vvvv8vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv0vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvv3vv5vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvc] Christ, our Redeemer, has risen from the tomb: let us sing a hymn to the Lord our God, -v`vvv2vv5vvvvv5vv6vvvv6vv8vv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvc]al - le - lu - ia.-v`xccWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5xx] Antiphon 2-`*~cv1vvvv4vvvvv4vvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvc]Ver-y early on the Sun-day morning, when the sun had scarce begun to rise, -`*~vvvv3vvvvvvv6vv7vv8vvvvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvx]they came to the tomb, al - le - lu - ia.-`*~cccRxx3x1x3x{xRxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x7x4x{xExx1x3x4xx] Antiphon 3-vccvvv3vvvv1vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvv4vv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvv5vv6vvvv5vvvvvvv8vv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vv4vvvv4vvvvv4vv3vvvvvv2vv3vv1vvvv]5If we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall als-o live with Christ, al-le- lu - ia.-cvvcccvTxx3x5x{xYxx3x5x{xTxx6x3x{xWxx3x4x{xTxx3x2x{xWxx3x1x]CW Canticle -vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvc6ccvvc7cc6cc7ccvvc8ccvc9cccc8cccvc6cccc8cccc7cvcc6ccc5ccccc4ccccvc3cccc2ccccc1cccc2ccccv] i In your unfailing love, O Lord, you lead the people whom you have redeemed-ccvcc1ccvvvv3ccc4vv2ccc2x]ccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x] Al - le - lu - ia.In place of the Responsory in the Easter Octave-v7cvvvvvv4ccv5ccv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vbmcvv{vvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv8vv.vvvv{cc4vv5vv6vv8vv6vvvcv5vv4vvvvvb5vv4vvvvc4vvmvvvv]viThis is the day which was made by the Lord; let us rej-oice and be glad. Al - le – lu – ia.Benedictus-`x1cccc3cvc5cc4cccc3cccc2ccvcc5cccc6ccc7cvcc8xvvv7ccvc6cccc7cccc5ccccc6cccccvc5c,ccvc4xvvvvvvvv] v Christ is risen from the dead, by his death he has trampled down death and-`vcvvvc5vvvvvcvvc3cvvvcc2ccvc3cvc5cvvvc2ccvvvc3ccvvcv3cvvv1cccc]vvvvvbbcv3vvv1vvvvvvvv3vvv5vvv4cccc2ccc2xcvvvvvvvvvvvvvcccc] through the grave all life has been set free. Al - le - lu -ia.-`cccvvWxx3x5x4x{xRxx5x7x6x{xYxx7x5x3x{xExx2x1x2x]Vespers First and Second Vespers of Sunday-`*vchx]xhxsxdxjx]xhxgxfxxhx]xfxhxjxlx]xibbb.xx]-`*vcox]xhxjxhxsx]xgxgxfxxfx]xdxfxgxdx]xwvvnxx]Ye choirs of new Jerusalem,your sweetest notes employ,the paschal victory to hymnin strains of holy joy.How Judah's Lion burst his chains,and crushed the serpent's head;and brought with him, from death's domainsthe long-imprisoned dead.From hell's devouring jaws the preyalone our leader bore;his ransomed hosts pursue their waywhere he has gone before.Triumphant in his glory nowhis sceptre ruleth all;earth, heaven and hell before him bowand at his footstool fall.While joyful thus his praise we sing,his mercy we implore,into his palace bright to bringand keep us evermore.All glory to the Father be,all glory to the Son,all glory, Spirit blest to thee,while endless ages run.Weekdays-vx5x8x6vv5x8vv7x8vv9x8x7x6x{x6x6vv5x3vv4x5x3vv5x4x3x2xbbbbbbbb] -vx3x3x2vv1x5x5vv6x8x8x7xc{x8vv9x8vv7x6vv5x7x6vv7vv8x6x5x5x]The Lamb's high banquet we awaitin snow-white robes of royal state; and now, the Red Sea's channel passed, to Christ, our Prince, we sing at last.Upon the altar of the crosshis Body hath redeemed our loss; and tasting of his roseate Blood, our life is hid with him in God.That paschal eve God's arm was bared; the devastating angel spared:by strength of hand our hosts went free from Pharoah's ruthless tyranny.Now Christ our Passover is slain,the Lamb of God that knows no stain; the true oblation offered here,our own unleavened Bread sincere.O thou from whom hell's monarch flies, O great, O very Sacrifice,thy captive people are set free,and endless life restored in thee.For Christ, arising from the dead, from conquered hell victorious sped; he thrusts the tyrant down to chains, and paradise for us regains.Maker of all, to thee we pray,fulfill in us thy joy today;when death assails, grant, Lord, that we may share thy paschal victory.To thee who, dead, again dost live, all glory, Lord, thy people give;all glory, as is ever meet,to Father and to Paraclete.Antiphon 1-v7cvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvv4vv3vvvvv2vvvv6vv8vvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvvvbbbbvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvc]vi Christ has ris-en; he is the light of his peo-ple whom he has re-deemed with his blood.-v7bbvvv6vv8vvvv6vv5vvvv4vv3vvvvv2vvvvvv2vv1vvvvv4vv5vvvvv6vv5vvvvvv4vvvx]ccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]Al-le- lu- ia, al - le - lu - ia.-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Antiphon 2-v`vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv5vvvv6vv7vvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv8vvvv8vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv0vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvv3vv5vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvc]Christ, our Redeemer, has risen from the tomb: let us sing a hymn to the Lord our God, -v`vvv2vv5vvvvvv5vv6vvv6vv8vv7vvvvv5vvvvvvvc]ccWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5xx]al - le - lu - ia.Or-cvvcccvTxx3x5x{xYxx3x5x{xTxx6x3x{xWxx3x4x{xTxx3x2x{xWxx3x1x]Antiphon 3-ccvv1vbbbv2vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv8vv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv9vvvvv8vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv0vvvvvvv8vvv6vvv6vvvvv{vvv6vv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvc] Je - sus said, Go and tell my brothers that they are to leave for Galilee; they will see me there, -bbbbcvc2bv4vvvcc3ccvvvb1cbcvv1ccvvcvc]al - le - lu - ia. -cxcTxxxxxxcccccxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvx6cx8xx{vvvvvvv8vvx7vvx6ccvv5vv6xx] Al - le—lu - ia.-cxcYcccccxxvvvvccc5x4x5xx{xc5c3vvcc4xc5vvvvvc5ccc{ccccc2c4vvvvvc3cccv1xc1xccc] Al - le—lu - ia. Al - le—lu - ia.CW Canticle after the Octave-vvvcvcv2xvvv1cccccc2ccccvvc4cccc5cvvvcc6cccc{cc6cccc5ccccc8cccc9cccc8cccv77cvcc6cccv{vc5ccc4ccc7vv6ccc5x] i God raised Christ from the dead, the Lamb without spot or stain. Al- le - lu -ia.-vcccvvYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6xx{{xRxx4x5x4x{xTxx3x1x2xbbbbbbbb]Responsory in the Easter Octave-v7cvvvvvv4ccv5ccv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vbmcvv{vvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv8vv.vvvv{cc4vv5vv6vv8vv6vvvcv5vv4vvvvvb5vv4vvvvc4vvmvvvv]viThis is the day which was made by the Lord; let us rej-oice and be glad. Al - le – lu – ia.Magnificat Easter Day and the Octave-v`*vcvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvv{vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv{vv3vv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv]On the eve-ning of that Sunday, when the dis-ci-ples were gathered behind locked doors, Je - sus -v`*vcvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv{vvvv6vvvvvv9vv7vvvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv{vvvvvv2vv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvv6vvvvv{vvvv6vv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2ccvvvvvv]came and stood among them. He said to them, ‘Peace be with you, peace be with you.’-v`*vcv2vvvv3vvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvvvv]vcvvvvvvYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x{xTxx3x5x4x{xExx4x3x2vvvvvv]Al-le-lu-ia.Easter Season-v7cbbcc6cc5vvc6cc6vv,ccc5cc4cvbc2ccc2cc4cc5ccvc6cvcc7cvvc8cccb6cc7vvvvv6cccbb5vvvvv4cccv2vvbbv1ccvbc2ccbbvvv2vvnvvvvccvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv]vi Al-le-lu-ia. Mary of Magdala said to the disciples, I have seen the Lord,-v7ccvcv2ccvcc1cccbbb2bcbbv4cc5cvbbc2ccbbc2ccc{cbc2vvbb1cvcbb2ccc4vv5cbbcc2cvvvv] The Lord is risen indeed. Al - le - lu - ia.-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]Antiphons for the Sundays in EastertimeAntiphon 1-v`*cb4bbbmbbbbbb4bbbbvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv2vv4vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv{vv6vvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vv,vvvvv{vv7vvvv7vvvv6vv,vvv6vvvvc]vI am the Good Shepherd. I lay down my life for my sheep, al-le-lu-ia.-v`*cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]-v`*cvvYxx5x4x{xRxx3x2x3x{xTxx3x4x{xUxx6x3x4x]Antiphon 2-`vvvvcvvv3vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvv*8vvvvv9vv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvc]viiThis day was made by the Lord; let us rejoice and be glad. Al - le - lu - ia.-`ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 3 at First Vespers and Lauds-v7cvvv2vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv{vvv7vvvv8vvvv7vv6vvvvv6vv,vvv{vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vv,vvvv{vvv5vvvvv6vvv4vv3vvvv2vvvvv]i All nations clap your hands, al-le-lu - ia. With joy, sing praise to God, al-le-lu-ia-bb7ccWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]-vcccvvYxx5x4x{xTxx6x4x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x6x{xTxx6x5x{xRxx3x2x]Antiphon 3 Second Vespers-ccvv1vv2vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv8vv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv9vvvvv8vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv0vvvvvvv8vvv6vvv6vvvvv{vvv6vv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvc] Je-sus said, Go and tell my brothers that they are to leave for Galilee; they will see me there, -bbbbcvc2bv4vvvcc3ccvvvb1cbcvv1ccvvcvc]al - le - lu - ia. -cxcTxxxxxxcccccxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvx6cx8xx{vvvvvvv8vvx7vvx6ccvv5vv6xx] Al - le—lu - ia.-cxcYcccccxxvvvvccc5x4x5xx{xc5c3vvcc4xc5vvvvvc5ccc{ccccvc2c4vvvvvc3cccv1xc1xccc] Al - le—lu - ia. Al - le—lu - ia.Weekdays in Eastertime until AscensionAntiphon 1 - Lauds-v7cvvv6vv8vvvv6vv5vvvvv4vv3vvcvvv2vvvv6vv8vvv6vv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vv5vvvcvv5vv8vvvcvvv6vv5vvx]xvvv6vv8cvvvv6vv5vvvvv4vv3vvcvv2vvvvvvv2vv1vvvvv4vv5vcvvb6vv5vvvv4cvx]viIn the morning I will sing glad songs of praise. Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia.-v7cccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]-v7ccRxx2x4x5x{xTxx6x7x6x{xYxx7x6x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]Or-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Antiphon 1 - Vespers-`vcvvvvv7vvvxv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvv9vvvvv7vvvvv6vv5vvvv3vvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5xv7vvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvv{vv7vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv]viYou shall see Jesus in Ga-lil-ee, as he told you, as he told you. Al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu – ia,-`ccvv2vv3vvvvvv5vvvvvv7v5vv6vvvv5vvvvv]al - le - lu – ia.-`ccvvTxx4x5x6x{xYxx2x6x7x{xUxx6x7x9x{xUxx6x7x5x]Antiphon 2-v7vcv6vvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvv{vvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvv2vvvv{vvv4vvvvv3v1vvvv2vvvv2xv] I am sure I shall see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living. Al-le-lu-ia.-vcccvvYxx5x4x{xTxx6x4x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x6x{xTxx6x5x{xRxx3x2x]Antiphon 3-v70vcv5vv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5bbv,vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv8vv7vv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvnvvvvv{vv4vvvvv4vv5vvv5vvvv5xv] Sing to the Lord and bless his name. Al-le-lu-ia.-v70vcvTxx4x5x7x{xUxx6x5x6x{xYxx4x6x8x{xIxx7x6x5x]Ascension DayFirst Vespers-vvv2x2x3x4x5x6x5x6x{c6x9x9x8x8x6x{c5vvvc7v7x7x6x5x4x5x6x{c5x4x5x3x1x2x]O Jesus, Saviour, Lord of all,What mind will ever spanthe measure of your mighty love,O Saviour, Son of Man?What loving mercy held your heartthat you should bear our sin?Should let yourself be crushed by deathThat our life might begin?You broke the power of sin and death,You tore the gateway wide;And all who welcomed you were ledBack to the Father’s side.May this same love surround us nowTo free us from all harm,That we may soon meet face to faceWithin our Father’s home.O Jesus, be our joy this day,Our comfort in this place;May this your risen life be oursthat we may know your peace.Antiphon 1-`*~vvvv3vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv0vvvvvvv8vv6vv7vv6vv4cvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvv8vvvvv7vv8vv7vvvvvv6vvvv]ccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x]viiiSing praise to Christ our king, sing praise, al-le - lu - ia.-`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{ xRxx2x4x6x {xYx4x3x{xRx6x7x6x{xYx7x3vvvvv]4 part -`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{vvvvRx5x3x]Antiphon 2-v`ccvv6vvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv{vvv7vv8vvvv7vvvv6vvvv6vvvvv{vvv6vvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvv{vvvv9vvvvvv8vv7vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv]viiSit on my right al-le-lu-ia, I will put your foes beneath your feet, al - le - lu-ia.-`*~ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 3-vvvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv8vvvvvv9vvvvvv9vvvvv9vvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvv6vv5vv7vv8vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv{vvvvv8vvvvv7vv8vvv6vvvv6vvvvvvvc]ivNow the Kingdom of God and the au-tho-ri-ty of his Christ have come, al-le-lu-ia.-cccccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc]-cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{ xTxx4x6x5x{xTx7x6x {xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3x]CW Canticle VespersEve: CWDP suggests Canticle 63 page 621 which has the same Antiphon as that used for the Magnificat on the Eve, the following alternative Antiphon might be used:-v7cbbb1vvv3vvvcc5cc5ccvv5vvvvvv6xv7vv6vv5vvvvv4ccc%xc{cc5cvcc5vv6vv5ccvvv4vvvvc3vvv4vvv%vccv5vv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvv!x!xcc] vii* Give glory to the King of kings, sing praise to God, al - le - lu - ia.-v7ccTxx3x5x{xUxx6x4x5x{xRx3x2x3x{xRxx2x3x1xb]Responsory-v7cvvcvv1vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv{vvbbbb8vvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvbbbbbv6vvvbvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvbvv5cccc] God goes up with shouts of joy * al - le - lu – ia, al - le - lu - ia.-v7cvvcvv5cccc3ccccc4cccc5cccc7ccccc8ccc6cccc5cccc] The Lord goes up with trumpet blast.-v7cvvcvvTccccccccccccccUccccccv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvTcccccccccccccc8cc6ccc5cc5cccc] Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.Magnificat -v`*~cbvbbv3vv6vv5vvvx6xbvv5bbbbbbbbbbbbc4vvvcv4cccc5ccccc6cccbbbbc4cvccbbbc3cccc{cc1ccc3ccc4ccc6ccv5cvc6cvc7x{x6ccc5ccvc4ccvc4vvvx] viii Christ was believed in throughout the world and taken up in glory. Al-le - lu - ia.-v`*~ccxRxbx1x3x4x{xYxbx5x4x5x{xYxxb5x6x7x{xYxxb5x3x4xvvvvvvbbbbbbbb]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*ccvv2vvvvv4vvvv6vvvvv6xvc6vvvvvc6ccvc7vvvcc7cccc6cc5cccc6ccccc{xRxxxxcvvvccx3xbbv4x2x2xx] v Al-le-lu-ia, Christ as-cen-ding into heav’n. Come, let us worship, al - le - lu -ia.-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]-v7cc4x5x4x5x6x7x5x6x{x6x6x7x5x4x5x7x6c7c8c7c6x] -v7cc5x6x7x8x6x7x7x6x{x5x6x7x6x5x6x5x4xxc]Eternal Monarch, King most high,whose blood hath brought redemption nigh,by whom the death of Death was wrought,and conquering Grace's battle fought.Ascending to the throne of might,and seated at the Father's right,all power in heaven is Jesus' own,that here his manhood had not known.That so, in nature's triple frame,each heavenly and each earthly name,and things in hell's abyss abhorred,may bend the knee and own him Lord.Yea, angels tremble when they seehow changed is our humanity;that flesh hath purged what flesh had stained,and God, the flesh of God, hath reigned.Be thou our joy and strong defense,who art our future recompense:so shall the light that springs from theebe ours through all eternity.O risen Christ, ascended Lord,all praise to thee let earth accord,who art, while endless ages run,with Father and with Spirit one.CW Canticle -v7v3vvvvvc6ccvvvvc7cvvc6c7ccvvvc8ccvcvv9cccc8cccvc6cccc8cccc7cv6ccvc5ccc4cvvc3cccvc2cccc3vvvvv2vvvc1cc2ccccvvvvvvvvv] vi See what the Lord our God has done and exalt him in the sight of the living.-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]Benedictus-v`*~(c3vvvv4vvvvvc3cc6ccc6cccv5ccc4ccc3vmccc3cccv3vvvvvv3vvvvvv2vv3vvvvvvv$ccc$vvvvv{cv4vvvvv2vvvvv3vv4vv3vnccv4cccvvc2ccvvvc3vnx] viii I am ascending to my Father and to your Father; to my God and your God.-v`*~(cbv4vv6cvcvbb5cccvvv3vnccc3vncx] Al - le - lu - ia.-`*~vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvvRxx5x3x]Second Vespers-v7cc4x5x4x5x6x7x5x6x{x6x6x7x5x4x5x7x6c7c8c7c6x] -v7cc5x6x7x8x6x7x7x6x{x5x6x7x6x5x6x5x4xxc]O Christ, our joy, to whom is givena throne o'er all the thrones of heaven,in thee, whose hand all things obey,the world's vain pleasures pass away.So, suppliants here, we seek to winthy pardon for thy people's sin,that, by thine all-prevailing grace,uplifted, we may seek thy face.And when, all heaven beneath thee bowed,thou com'st to judgment throned in cloud,then from our guilt wash out the stainand give us our lost crowns again.Be thou our joy and strong defense,who art our future recompense:so shall the light the springs from theebe ours through all eternity.O risen Christ, ascended Lord,all praise to thee let earth accord,who art, while endless ages run,with Father and with Spirit One.Magnificat-vvvvvv4vvvvc4cvvcc1vvvbb2xc4ccccc5cccccc5ccx5cccc5vv4cccc5cccc6cccc5cc4ccc4vbmccvvv{cc4ccvcc4ccc3xxvvvvvvc] vi* I have made your name known to those you have given me; and now I-vxvvv5vv6ccc5cccvvv6cccc6ccbb5cc4cccbbbb5vv4cc3cccb2cccb3vbnccc{cvvvvbbbbbb1cccbb2ccvv4vv5ccc5vvmcbbbbbc{cbbbbbc5vv4vv5cvc6cccbb5vv4ccbbv$xc] pray for them, for I am coming to you. Al - le - lu- ia, al— le - lu - ia.-vvvvvxYxxx4x5x6xcc{cxTxxx6x4x]-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]From the day after Ascension Day until the Day of PentecostLaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*bbbbcvv2vvvv4vvvvv6vvvvv6xvc6xccc7vvvvc7ccvvvv7vvvvvc6cc5cccv6ccc6cccc{xRxxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvxbbx3vvvvv4vvvv2vvvv2x] v Al-le-lu-ia, Christ, sending the Holy Spi-rit Come, let us worship, al-le-lu-ia.-v`*ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]-vccvv2x6x5x4x5x4x3x{x2x3x4x5x6x6x6cbbbx]-`vccvv7x9x8x7x6x5x4x{x6x4x5x3x4vv3x1x2x]Sunday / Tuesday / Thursday / SaturdaySpirit of the Lord come down,Spreading your protective wingOver all that you have made,Over every living e in storm-wind, cleansing fire,Sweeping through a world unclean;Come in every gentle breeze:Breath of God, unheard, unseen.Holy Spirit, blessed Light,Guide and strengthen mind and fort every grieving heart,And our inmost being fill.Through the Father and the SonBy whose blood our life was bought,Fill our empty hands with gifts:Come, with grace unearned, unsought.-07vc4x5x4vv3x4x5vv4x7x8vv7x7vvx{x7x4x5x7x8vv7x8vv9x8vv7x8xccv] -07vc7x8vv9x7vv6x5vv4x7vv8x4x5x7x{x6vv7x5vv4vv3x5x5vv6vv5x4x3x4x4xv]Monday / Wednesday / FridayA mighty wind invades the world,So strong and free on beating wing:It is the Spirit of the LordFrom whom all truth and freedom spring.The Spirit is a fountain clearFor ever leaping to the sky,Whose waters give unending life,Whose timeless source is never dry.The Spirit comes in tongues of flame,With love and wisdom burning bright.The wind, the fountain and the fireCombine in this great feast of light.O tranquil Spirit, bring us peace,With God the Father and the Son.We praise you, blessed Trinity,Unchanging, and for ever One.CW Canticle or Benedictus-v`*c2ccc4cccv6cccv6ccc7ccvvc7cvvcv6cccc5vvcccccc6ccc{cv3vvc4vc2cvvc2ccc]cc2x4xYx7x6x5x6x{vvcRx3x4x2cvvvvv] The Spi-rit of God fills the whole world, al-le-lu-ia.Benedictus-v7cvvvvc4ccvvvv5ccvvvvc4ccvbvv5vcc6ccc8cccvvc7ccvc6ccc5vccvvv4bbc3cc3cbb2ccvvv1cc2ccvvvbv1bbbbbbbbb3bbbbvbvbbbb4vv3cvvc2x] vi Christ has gone up on high and has led captivity captive. Al-le - lu - ia.-v7ccvvRxc3x2x4x{xRxc3x4x5x{xYxc5x7x6x{xYxcvbb5x6x4x]Or-v7ccv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv6vv,vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv{vvvv5vvvvvvvvv7vvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvv6vvvvvv5vvvv5vvvv]If you love me, keep my commandments, says the Lord. The Father will send you the Holy Spirit-v7ccvv4vvvvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvv5vvvvv{vv6vvvvv5vv6vvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvv]to be with you for ever. Al- le -lu-ia.-v7ccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]Vespers -07vc4x5x4vv3x4x5vv4x7x8vv7x7vvx{x7x4x5x7x8vv7x8vv9x8vv7x8xccv] -07vc7x8vv9x7vv6x5vv4x7vv8x4x5x7x{x6vv7x5vv4vv3x5x5vv6vv5x4x3x4x4xv]CW the hymn given may be used to the same melodyCome, O Creator Spirit, come,and make within our heart thy home;to us thy grace celestial give,who of thy breathing move and live.O Comforter, that name is thine,of God most high the gift divine;the well of life, the fire of love,our souls' anointing from above.Thou dost appear in sevenfold dowerthe sign of God's almighty power;the Father's promise, making richwith saving truth our earthly speech.Our senses with thy light inflame,our hearts to heavenly love reclaim;our bodies' poor infirmitywith strength perpetual fortify.Our mortal foes afar repel,grant us henceforth in peace to dwell;and so to us, with thee for guide,no ill shall come, no harm betide.May we by thee the Father learn,and know the Son, and thee discern,who art of both; and thus adorein perfect faith for evermore.CW Canticle -`*cvcv2cvcc4cc5cvvcv4cvc3cvvc4vv3ccc2cvvcc4ccccc5cccccc6ccccv4cc5cccc4cccvc5cccc6vvvvx]The Spirit of the Father; who raised Christ Jesus from the dead,-`*vvcvvv6ccvv7vv8ccv9vccvv7cvcc8cvvc9cvc6ccc6ccc{cvc6ccvc4vv2ccv3vv4cvc2x]gives life to the people of God. Al—le—lu—ia.-`*cccvYxx4x3x5x{xRxx3x2x3x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx3x4x2x]Magnificat-vvvvvvcc2cccc6ccc5ccc6vvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv{vvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vv5ccc6cccc8vv7cc6xxc] i How excellent is your name in all the world, you have set your glory-vvvvvvvvc6cc4ccvc3ccc2ccc1ccvvvc{ccvv2vv5ccv4vv3vvvvvvv2ccvc2xc]above the heavens. Al - le - lu - ia,-vvcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Antiphons Ascension – Saturday of Easter Week 7Antiphon 1 -b7vcvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv6vvv6vvvvv{vvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vv4vvvv6vvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvv5vvvv{vv6vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv]viThe Father will send you the Ho-ly Spirit to be with you for ever. Al - le - lu – ia.-v7cccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]-b7cvvRvvvvvv3x2x4x{vvvRvvvc3x4x5x{ccYxc5x7x6x{ ccYx5x6x4x{xWxc1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]]Antiphon 2-v`vcvv2vv5vvvv4vv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv{vvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvv6vv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv{vvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vv5vv6vvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvv6vv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv] viiO King of Glory, Lord of hosts, leave us not orphans. Send upon us the promise of the Father, -v`vcvvv6vvvvvvvv9vvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv{vv7vv6vv7vv8vvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv]the Spirit of Truth. Al - le-lu-ia.-v`ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 3 – except Second Vespers of Easter 7-vvcvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvmvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv{vvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvvv9bbb.vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vv6vvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6bbb,vvvvvvvvvvvv] ivMay God our Father give us pow’r through his Spirit, so that Christ may live in our hearts. -vvvvvvvvv7vvvv5vvvvv6vvvv6vvvvv]ccccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc]Al-le-lu-ia.-cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{ xTxx4x6x5x{xTx7x6x {xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3x]Antiphon 3 Second Vespers of the 7th Sunday of Easter, CW Canticle 72-cccvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv,vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvv8vv7vv6vvvvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvv{vvvv8vv9vvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vv5vv3vvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv]On his cloak and on his thigh there was a name written: King of kings and the Lord of lords.-cccvvv1vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv8vvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvv]To him be glory and honour for e-ver and e-ver.-cxcTxxxxxxcccccxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvx6cx8xx{vvvvvvv8vvx7vvx6ccvv5vv6xx] Al - le—lu - ia.-cxcYcccccxxvvvvccc5x4x5xx{xc5c3vvcc4xc5vvvvvc5ccc{ccccc2c4vvvvvc3cccv1xc1xccc] Al - le—lu - ia. Al - le—lu - ia.The Day of PentecostFirst Vespers-vvccvv4x4x5x6x7v7x6x5x6x4x5x{x77x8x9x8x7v7x6x5x4x5x6xv]-vvccvv6x6x9x6x6x5x4x3x2x5xvvv{xv4x6x5x4x3x5x4x3x4x2xvvbbbvvb]Love of the Father, Love of God the Son,from whom all came, in whom was all begun;who formest heavenly beauty out of strife,creation's whole desire and breath of life:Thou the All-holy, thou supreme in might,thou dost give peace, thy presence maketh right;thou with thy favour all things dost enfold,with thine all-kindness free from harm wilt hold.Hope of all comfort, splendour of all aid,that dost not fail nor leave the heart afraid:to all that cry thou dost all help accord,the angels' armour and the saints' reward.Purest and highest, wisest and most just,there is no truth save only in thy trust;thou dost the mind from earthly dreams recall,and bring, through Christ, to him for whom are all.Eternal Glory, all we thee adore,who art and shalt be worshiped evermore:us whom thou madest, comfort with thy might,and lead us to enjoy thy heavenly light.Antiphon 1-v`ccvvv2vv3vvvv2vvvv2vvvv2vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvv7vvvvv8vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv3vvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv]viiSuddenly a sound came from heav’n, like the rush of a mighty wind, al- le-l u-ia.-v`ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-v7ccvv8vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvv9vvvvv8vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vv4vvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv]viO taste and see how gracious the Lord is; happy indeed are those who trust in him.-v7cccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Antiphon 3 at Lauds-v7vvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vv2vv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv8vvvvv7vv6vv5vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv9vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vv6vvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvbbbvvvvvv4vv5vvvvv3vv1vvvv2vvvv2vvvvv]vi They were all filled with the Holy Spi - rit and began to speak in other tongues, al - le- lu-ia.-v7cccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Antiphon 3 – Second Vespers, CW Canticle 72-cvcvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvv1vvbbb2vvvvvvv2vvbbvv{vvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvv8vv7vvvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv{vvvv4vv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvc]They were all filled with the Holy Spi - rit and be-gan to speak, al - le - lu - ia.-cxcTxxxxxxcccccxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvx6cx8xx{vvvvvvv8vvxv7vvvvvvvv6cvv5vv6xx] Al - le—lu - ia.-cxcYcccccxxvvvvccc5x4x5xx{xvc5c3vvcvc4vvvvvc5vvvvvc5ccc{cvvc2c4vvvvc3cccv1vvvvvc1xccc] Al - le—lu - ia. Al - le—lu - ia.Responsory-cvvcvvc3vvvvvvvv6vvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv{vvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvc] The Spirit will teach you all things * Al - le—lu – ia, al - le—lu - ia.-cvvcvvc3vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvcc] He will bring to your mind all that I told you.-cvvcvvcvvEccccccccccccccYccccccccvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvIcccccccccccccc7cc6ccc5cc3cccc] Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.Magnificat-v7vvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvv6vvvvvbbvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv] Unless a man is born of water and the spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God.-v7vvvvv2vvvvv1vvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvv]ccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Al-le-lu-ia.DO Magnificat and Benedictus-v7vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv8vvvv6vvvv5vv6vvvvv6vvvv{vvv6vvvvv9vvvvvv9vvvvv8vvvv9vvvvvvvvv0vvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvv6vvvv5vv6vvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vv4vvvv]This is the day of Pentecost, al-le-lu-ia; today the Holy Spirit appeared to the disciples in the form -v7vvvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvv{vvv2vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvv{vvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvv9vvvv8vvvvvvv]of fire, and gave to them his special gifts; he sent them into the world to proclaim that whoever -v7vvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv{vv1vv4vvv3vvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv]believes and is baptized will be saved, al-le -lu- ia.-v706vvvvvvvvvQxx5x4x5x{xTxx7x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x{xWxx3x5x1vvvvvv]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*bbbbcvv2vvvv4vvvvv6vvvvv6xvc6xccc7vvvvc7ccvvvv7vvvvvc6cc5cccv6ccc6cccc{xRxxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvxbbx3vvvvv4vvvv2vvvv2x] v Al-le-lu-ia, Christ, sending the Holy Spi-rit Come, let us worship, al-le-lu-ia.-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]-07vc4x5x4vv3x4x5vv4x7x8vv7x7vvx{x7x4x5x7x8vv7x8vv9x8vv7x8xccv] -07vc7x8vv9x7vv6x5vv4x7vv8x4x5x7x{x6vv7x5vv4vv3x5x5vv6vv5x4x3x4x4xv]A mighty wind invades the world,So strong and free on beating wing:It is the Spirit of the LordFrom whom all truth and freedom spring.The Spirit is a fountain clearFor ever leaping to the sky,Whose waters give unending life,Whose timeless source is never dry.The Spirit comes in tongues of flame,With love and wisdom burning bright.The wind, the fountain and the fireCombine in this great feast of light.O tranquil Spirit, bring us peace,With God the Father and the Son.We praise you, blessed Trinity,Unchanging, and for ever One.Benedictus-vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv{vvvvvv3vvvv5vvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv7vvv5vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv]iv The Spi-rit will teach you all things, al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia.-cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3x]Second Vespers as at First Vespers, except:-07vc4x5x4vv3x4x5vv4x7x8vv7x7vvx{x7x4x5x7x8vv7x8vv9x8vv7x8xccv] -07vc7x8vv9x7vv6x5vv4x7vv8x4x5x7x{x6vv7x5vv4vv3x5x5vv6vv5x4x3x4x4xv]Come, O Creator Spirit, come,and make within our heart thy home;to us thy grace celestial give,who of thy breathing move and live.O Comforter, that name is thine,of God most high the gift divine;the well of life, the fire of love,our souls' anointing from above.Thou dost appear in sevenfold dowerthe sign of God's almighty power;the Father's promise, making richwith saving truth our earthly speech.Our senses with thy light inflame,our hearts to heavenly love reclaim;our bodies' poor infirmitywith strength perpetual fortify.Our mortal foes afar repel,grant us henceforth in peace to dwell;and so to us, with thee for guide,no ill shall come, no harm betide.May we by thee the Father learn,and know the Son, and thee discern,who art of both; and thus adorein perfect faith for evermore.Magnificat-`*~vvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vv4vvvv3vvvvv2vv3vvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv66vv6vv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vv7vvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvv4vv2vv4vv3vvvv3vv4vv3vvvv3vv3vvvbb{bbbv2vv3vvvvvvv3vv6vvvvbvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv]viiiCome, Ho-ly Spi-rit fill the hearts of the faithful, al - le - lu - ia. En-kin - dle in them-`*~vvvv7vvvvvvv9vv8vvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vv8vvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vv6vv5vvvv4vvvv3vv4vvvv4vv2vv4vv3vvvvvv3vv4vv3vvvvvv3vvvvv]the fire of your love, al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia.-`*~vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvvRxx5x3x]Trinity SundayFirst Vespers-v7ccfx]xhxkxlxkx]xkxjxhxhx]xgxhxjxgx]xgxfxhx] -v7ccfx]xgxhxhxgx]xgxfxsxsx]xaxfxgxgx]xhxgxfx]When minds and bodies meet as oneAnd find their true affinity,We join the dance in God begunAnd move wihin the Trinity.For all the good that’s seen and doneIn every kind of unityBegins in God, forever One,Whose nature is community.When One-in-Christ, in breaking BreadWe form God’s new society,We find a commonwealth of loveOf infinite variety.So eat and drink what Love has wonAnd seize the opportunityTo dance in God, the Three-in-One,Who draws all into unity.Antiphon 1-`*~vvvEccccvvvvvvvvvvvvvvc2ccvvvv4ccvv3ccc2cc4ccc6cc6cc6ccc6cccc7ccvvc6cc9cccvc8cc7cc7cvcc6ccccv7ccvc4cvc3cc3ccvvv]viiiAll glory belongs to you Holy Trinity, one God before all ages now and for ever. -`*~cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x]-`*~vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvvRxx5x3x]-`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{ xRxx2x4x6x {xYx4x3x{xRx6x7x6x{xYx7x3vvvvv]4 part -`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{vvvvRx5x3x]Antiphon 2-v`ccvvvvvvYvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvv6vvvv6vvvv6vvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvv7vvvv6vvvvv5vvvv6vvvv6vvv6vvvvbbbbb9vvvvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv]viiBlessed be the Holy Trinity and undivided unity, let us praise him for he has shown-v`vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]us mercy.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 3 First Vespers and Lauds-v7cvvvv8vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv9vvvvv8vvvvbvvv6vvvv5vv4vvvvvv2vvvvvbbbvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv]viO taste and see how gracious the Lord is; happy indeed are those who trust in him.-v7cccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]Or-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Antiphon 3 Second Vespers-cccvv1vv5vv2vvvv{vv3vvvvv5vv6vv3vvvvv5vvvv{vv6vv5vv6vv8vv9vvvv6vvvv{vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv1vvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vv8vvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvbbbbvv]Hol - y, hol - y, ho - ly, is the Lord God al-might-y, who was, who is, and who is to come.-cxcTxxxxxxcccccxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvx6cx8xx{vvvvvvv8vvx7vvx6ccvv5vv6xx] Al - le—lu - ia.-cxcYcccccxxvvvvccc5x4x5xx{xc5c3vvcc4xc5vvvvvc5ccc{ccccc2c4vvvvvc3cccv1xc1xccc] Al - le—lu - ia. Al - le—lu - ia.Responsory-b7cvvcv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vv6vvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvv6cvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvc] Let us bless the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.-b7cvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvv1vvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvv5vv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvc] To God alone be all honour and glory.-b7cvvvcv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvv1vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvcc] Give praise to the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.Magnificat-cvvcvvc6cc3ccc6ccccc6ccc7ccc8ccc7cvcc^ccvc8ccc7cvc6cc3cc6ccc6ccc7cccc5cc4ccc3vvnvccvvvvcccccccccccvvvv] ivGlory and honour be to God in the uni-ty of the Tri-ni-ty.-vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-vcccvvc5ccc5cc4ccc3ccccc5ccccc4ccc3cvcc2ccvc1ccvc@@vvv#ccc{cc3vv4vv5vvvvvvvvv4ccc3cc2cccvv2vv1x]v* We celebrate three persons in One God: come, let us a- dore.-vcvvTx3x5x{xYx5x3x5x{xQx2x3x{ xRx3x4x2x{xEx2x3x5x {xEx2x3x1x]-vx6x5x6x4vv3x2vv2x4x5x6x8x6vvvx66x]vvx6x5x6xv4v3x2vv2x4x5x6x8xv6v6x6x]-vx9x8x6x5vv4x5vv5xc7v7x6x5x4x5vv6x6x{x2x5x4xv3v2x2x]Father most holy, merciful and loving,Jesus, Redeemer, ever to be worshiped,life-giving Spirit, Comforter most gracious,God everlasting;Three in a wondrous Unity unbroken,one perfect Godhead, love that never faileth,light of the angels, succour of the needy,hope of all living.All thy creation serveth its Creator,thee every creature praiseth without ceasing;we too would sing thee psalms of true devotion:hear, we beseech thee.Lord God Almighty, unto thee be glory,one in three Persons, over all exalted.thine, as is meet, be honour, praise and blessingnow and for everBenedictus-`*vvvv4vv5vv6vv4vvvvcv$ccc5vv6ccc%ccbc4vv3ccc4vvmcc4ccc4ccc7vv6ccbc5ccbbbc6vv,ccc{c6vv5vvbbbbbbbc$cccc4ccbbc1vvv2ccbc3ccbc4cccc5cbbcc4cbbc5cvvv] ii Ho —ly, ho -ly, ho -ly, is the God of hosts; who was, and who is, and who is to-`*~vvc7vv6vv5vv$xvcvvvv]xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xUxx6x5x4x]come.Vespers-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]O Source, unfathomed, known or seen:Disclosed in One who took our flesh.Between you both there is but LoveWhose holiness all life has blessed.You are not new: you’ve ever been,Yet new each day, we know your grace.The depths of wisdom you disclose;In her we meet you face to face.O Trinity, show us ourselves;You made us for your very own.Lead us, the living, towards that dayWhen we shall know as we are known.Magnificat-vvvvvvcc2ccc1ccbc2ccbbbc2ccc1cc2cc4cccc3cbc2cbbcc1cccc{cc4vv5ccc6vv5cc4cccc5cccc4cc3vv4cc5ccc4vv3vvcvv2cc1vv2cc2x] Blessed be the Creator of all things; the holy and un-di-vi-ded Tri-ni-ty.-vvvvcvvv3ccc4vv5vvvvvv3vv4c2ccvc2x]ccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Al - le— l u - ia.Jesus Christ Eternal High PriestFirst Thursday after PentecostFirst Vespers-vvvvcvvv3x6x7x8x7x6vv5x3x{x3x6x7x8x9x7x{x7x8x7x6x5x6vv5x4x{x3x2x4x6x5x6x]O Christ, High Priest eternal of covenant made new,?to you our vows are offered with thankful praises due. In pity for our weakness,?you left the Father’s throne, obedient and lowly,?the Virgin’s womb your home. Your light of grace transforming the weakest and the least,?the Father and the Spirit?anoint you Prince and Priest. O Victim, one and perfect, you shed your blood in love, that we may share for ever our Father’s peace above. On every altar offered,?to save our fallen race, your pleading is accepted before the throne of grace. To Christ the Priest give glory, and to his Father praise,?the Lord of life and bounty who reigns for endless days. Antiphon 1 -v7ccvv6ccvv8cc6cbbcc5ccc4cccc5cccc6ccbc5ccvvc6cccc5cbbcc6ccbbcc5ccvvvvc4cccvvvv4cbbbvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvv] vi In Jesus the Son of God we have the supreme high priest who has gone through to the -v7vvcc2ccbbc1cbcvvvc4cvvvv4vvvvvvv]highest heavens. -v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{xYYxx5x6x4x{{xYxx5x6x4x]Psalm 112 / 113Antiphon 2 -vcvvc3cvvcvvv6cvvvcvvvvv7ccvvvvv7vvvc8ccvvvc9cvvcc8vvvc6ccvvc7ccvvc8ccvvvvc6cccvcvvvv7vvvvvvvv7cc5ccvvvv7cvvvvc6ccv8vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvvv] iv You have redeemed us from every tribe and tongue and people and nation and made us priests -vcvvcvv8vvvvc5c2cvcvv3cvvvvv]to our God. -vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]Psalm 116 / 117Antiphon 3 -v7ccvv2cvvvvvvvc4ccvc2ccv2cc1cccbbbbbbbbbbb4cvcbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb5cvcbb4ccvbbbbbc6ccvbc6cvb6cbbbbbbbbbbbbbc9cccbbbbbbb9ccvcc8vccbbbb7cccb6ccbbbc5ccbc4ccvbbbbbbbc5cccb4bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbbbbbbb]i He learnt to obey through suff’ring, and having been made perfect he was acclaimed by God -v7ccc9cccvvvvvv9ccvc8vccvv7cccv6cc5ccvv4ccvc5cvvvv4c2vvvvvv1ccv2vx]high priest of the order of Mel-chis-e-dek. -v7vcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Canticle Phil 2:6-11 Hebrews 7:24-25 Jesus because he remains forever can never lose his priesthood. It follows then, his power to save is utterly certain, since he is living for ever to intercede for all who come to God through him. ResponsoryR We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. V We boast in the hope of the glory of God. R Glory be. Magnificat-bb7vvvvvvv2vv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvv2bvvvvbbnv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6bbbb,vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4ccvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvv5bbbvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv] iHe became for all who obey him the source of eternal salvation?and was acclaimed by God with -bb7vvvvvbbb6bbbvvvv6vvv4vvvvvv5bbbbvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv4bbbbvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvv3vvvv2vvvvv]the title of High Priest of the order of Melchisedek. -vcccvvYxx5x4x{xTxx6x4x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x6x{xTxx6x5x{xRxx3x2x] IntercessionsOur Saviour has made us a kingdom and a priesthood to offer sacrifices acceptable to God. Therefore, we gratefully call upon him:?Keep us faithful in your service, Lord. Christ, true adorer of the Father, your clean oblation is offered by the Church from the rising of the sun till its setting — unite in one body all who share the one bread. Watch over the priests and ministers of your Church — while they preach to others may they be found faithful in your service.? Make perfect in charity all who share the order of priesthood — and preserve always your faithful in unity of spirit by the bond of peace.? On the evening of this day hear your Church singing your praises — teach her to glorify your Divine Majesty without ceasing.? To the dead grant the vision of your face — grant us also the blessedness of contemplating you in heaven.?Our Father CollectO God, for your glory and the salvation of the human race, you appointed your Son as the eternal High Priest; grant that the people he has gained for you by his blood may experience the power of his cross and resurrection through taking part in this remembrance of his priesthood. (We make our prayer) through our Lord Jesus Christ. Invitatory antiphon-`*~bbc6ccc6ccbbbc6cccbb66cbbbbb5bbbbcv4ccccvvv6cccc{cccvvYbbbbvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvbbbbbb5ccbc3cv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv]iiLet us give glory to Christ who has an everlasting Priesthood. -`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]The Office of Readings-vx6x5x6x4vv3x2vv2x4x5x6x8x6vvvx66x] -vvx6x5x6xv4v3x2vv2x4x5x6x8xv6v6x6x]-vx9x8x6x5vv4x5vv5xc7v7x6x5x4x5vv6x6x{x2x5x4xv3v2x2x]Jesus our High Priest, Lord and Mediator, joyful we praise you, all our race acclaiming your intercession at the throne of mercy, before the Father.?Formed by the Spirit through the holy Virgin, Victim most worthy, you were born to save us; Child in a manger, with your hands so gentle you hold creation. You were anointed with the oil of gladness, Chrism most holy, given by the Father, sharing his glory, majesty and honour,?our Priest for ever. Lord God almighty, bearing our frail nature, your blood is offered, for our sins the cleansing, perfect oblation, price of reparation,?from death our freedom. Christ our Redeemer, on the Cross uplifted, draw us together, with your love so tender, that we may praise you, Paraclete and Father, now and for ever. Antiphon 1 I have asked my Father; he has given me the nations for my inheritance. Psalm 2 Antiphon2 Christ gave himself up for us, an offering and sacrifice to God. Psalm 39 / 40Antiphon 3 Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her to make her holy. Psalm 84 / 85V Christ was offered only once to take away the sins of many. R He achieved the eternal perfection of those he is sanctifying. First ReadingHebrews 4:14-5:10 A reading from the letter to the Hebrews Jesus Christ our supreme pontiff Since in Jesus, the Son of God, we have the supreme high priest who has gone through to the highest heaven, we must never let go of the faith that we have professed. For it is not as if we had a high priest who was incapable of feeling our weaknesses with us; but we have one who has been tempted in every way that we are, though he is without sin. Let us be confident, then, in approaching the throne of grace, that we shall have mercy from him and find grace when we are in need of help. Every high priest has been taken out of mankind and is appointed to act for men in their relations with God, to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins; and so he can sympathise with those who are ignorant or uncertain because he too lives in the limitations of weakness. That is why he has to make sin offerings for himself as well as for the people. No-one takes this honour on himself, but each one is called by God, as Aaron was. Nor did Christ give himself the glory of becoming high priest, but he had it from the one who said to him: ‘You are my Son, today I have become your father’, and in another text: ‘You are a priest of the order of Melchisedek, and for ever’. During his life on earth, he offered up prayer and entreaty, aloud and in silent tears, to the one who had the power to save him out of death, and he submitted so humbly that his prayer was heard. Although he was Son, he learnt to obey through suffering; but having been made perfect, he became for all who obey him the source of eternal salvation and was acclaimed by God with the title of high priest of the order of Melchisedek. ResponsoryChrist humbled himself * and became obedient unto death.?When he was treated badly, he submitted * and became obedient untodeath. Second ReadingA reading from the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church ‘Lumen Gentium’ of the Second Vatican Council?All share in the one priesthood of Christ Christ the Lord, high priest taken from among men, made the new people ‘a kingdom of priests to God, his Father’. The baptised, by regeneration and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, are consecrated to be a spiritual house and a holy priesthood, that through all the works of Christian men they may offer spiritual sacrifices and proclaim the perfection of him who has called them out of darkness into his marvellous light. Therefore, all the disciples of Christ, persevering in prayer and praising God, should present themselves as a sacrifice, living, holy andpleasingtoGod. They should everywhere on earth bear witness to Christ and give an answer to everyone who asks a reason for the hope of an eternal life which is theirs. Though they differ essentially and not only in degree, the common priesthood of the faithful and the ministerial or hierarchical priesthood are none the less ordered one to another; each in its own proper way shares in the one priesthood of Christ. The ministerial priest, by the sacred power that he has, forms and rules the priestly people; in the person of Christ he effects the Eucharistic sacrifice and offers it to God in the name of all the people. The faithful indeed, by virtue of their royal priesthood, participate in the offering of the Eucharist. They exercise that priesthood, too, by the reception of the sacraments, prayer and thanksiving, the witness of a holy life, abnegation and active charity. ResponsoryBrothers, I implore you by God’s mercy to offer your very selves, a living victim, holy and pleasing to God * a worship offered by mind and heart.?V You are raised into a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ * a worship offered by mind and heart. OrA reading from the writings of Father BaverstockFrom 'The Theology of Priesthood' by Fr A H BaverstockS. Thomas teaches - and the use at ordination of the Veni Creator reinforces his teaching - that the sevenfold gift of the Holy Ghost, given to all Christians in confirmation, is in Holy Orders imparted for the special purpose of the office of a priest. The seven gifts are supernatural habits of the soul, informing the energies of the mind, the will and the affections. Four of them, Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel and Knowledge, are intellectual and constitute a special illumination. Wisdom, that true sense of values which has produced in the Church the great masters of the spiritual life, enables the priest who cultivates it to order his own life and guide other in the practice of Christian ascetics. Understanding illumines him by casting a light upon Christian dogma in its majestic proportions and consistency, and so enables him to preach the gospel to others. Counsel guarantees him an unfailing guidance in his own choice of actions and enables him to advise others. Knowledge helps him to gain the knowledge of his own craft, to equip himself for the discharge of his duties. The central gift of Spiritual Strength, or fortitude, reinforces the energies of the will, imbuing it with the martyr spirit which is courageous to resist the influences of the world, the promptings of a corrupt flesh, and the activities of evil spirits, to mortify self and endure persecution and reproach. Piety and Holy Fear, acting upon the affections, give the priest a special assistance of grace in the cultivation of that spirit of tender devotion and of reverence, so necessary in his calling. The priestly character formed by these gifts is one of self-sacrifice, of self-oblation to God for man. Thus again the priesthood of the Church reproduces an essential feature of the archetypal priesthood. This character should govern the whole life of a priest in all its activities, so that, whatever he is doing, he does it as a priest 'unto God.' His life becomes, like the life of his great exemplar, a liturgy.ResponsoryHeb 2.4; Eph 4.11-12God also bore witness by signs and wonders and various miracles and * by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his own will. And his gifts were that some should be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, * by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his own will. Lauds-c`xuxjxkxuxtx]xhvv,xGxhxjxyxtx]vxuxjxlxixux]xhvv,xGxfxgxexwx]-c`xuxhxgxixux]xgvv,xHxjxkxoxox]xuxhxgxyxtx]Earth joins with heaven, echoing your praises, Christ the Redeemer of the race of Adam before the Father, as the priest and victim, our expiation. Jesus our Saviour, merciful and peaceful, bearing the sorrow of our mortal burden, you died to save us, opening for lost ones portals of heaven. Rites of the old law by your will completed, wisdom of prophets brought to human vision, in heights of heaven is for ever honoured your new agreement. Merciful giver of the pact eternal,?you give your body, food of life for ever, your own oblation, gift of peace and mercy on every altar. Christ our Redeemer, on the Cross uplifted, draw us together, with your love so tender, that we may praise you, Paraclete and Father, now and for ever. Short Reading Hebrews 10:5-10 This is what he said on coming into the world: You wanted no sacrifice or oblation?but you gave me a body.?You took no pleasure in burnt offering or sacrifice for sin; then I said, ‘Here I am, I am coming, to do your will, God.’?He is abolishing the first sort to establish the second. And this will was for us to be made holy by the offering of the body of Jesus Christ made once and for all. ResponsoryR Behold, I come to do your will. V Your law is deep in my heart. Glory be. Benedictus-bb7vvvvvvv2vv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvv2bvvvvbbnv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6bbbb,vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4ccvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvv5bbbvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv] iHe became for all who obey him the source of eternal salvation?and was acclaimed by God with -bb7vvvvvbbb6bbbvvvv6vvv4vvvvvv5bbbbvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv4bbbbvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvv3vvvv2vvvvv]the title of High Priest of the order of Melchisedek. -vcccvvYxx5x4x{xTxx6x4x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x6x{xTxx6x5x{xRxx3x2x]IntercessionsJesus Christ, high priest of the new and eternal covenant, taking human nature, introduced into this earthly exile that hymn which is sung throughout all ages in the halls of heaven: he desired the entire community of mankind to join him in singing this divine song of praise. Hence with confidence we pray: Lord, grant that we may glorify you. All powerful king through baptism you have given us a royal priesthood — grant that we may continually offer you the sacrifice of praise.?Lord of all humanity you came into the world that the name of your Father should be glorified in every place— strengthen the witness of the Church among the nations. Lord Jesus grant that all people may be saved — and come to the knowledge of the truth. By your help may we praise you through every hour of this day — and glorify your name in all we do.Look down with love upon al lwho have asked our prayers — fill them with every blessing for body and soul. Christ the Priest, on the altar of the cross you offered the perfect sacrifice to the Father — teach us how to offer it in union with you.? Our Father …CollectO God, for your glory and the salvation of the human race, you appointed your Son as the eternal High Priest; grant that the people he has gained for you by his blood may experience the power of his cross and resurrection through taking part in this remembrance of his priesthood. (We make our prayer) through our Lord Jesus Christ. Prayer During the DayBefore Noon AntiphonThrough Christ we both have access to the Father in the one Spirit. Hebrews 7:26-27 To suit us, the ideal high priest would have to be holy, innocent and uncontaminated, beyond the influence of sinners, and raised up above the heavens; one who would not need to offer sacrifices every day, as the other high priests do for their own sins and then for those of the people, because he has done this once and for all by offering himself. V In so far as you share in the sufferings of Christ be glad.?R So that you may enjoy a much greater gladness when his glory is revealed. Midday?AntiphonYou are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone. 1 Peter 2:4-5 Come to the Lord, the living stone, rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him; set yourselves close to him so that you, too, may be living stones making a spiritual house as a holy priesthood to offer the spiritual sacrifices made acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. V As you have received Jesus as Lord and Christ, live your lives in him. R Firm in faith, let your hearts overflow with thanksgiving. Afternoon?AntiphonTo each of us grace has been given according to the measure of the giving of Christ for the building up of his body which is the Church. 1 Peter 2:9-10 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, a people set apart to sing the praises of God who called you out of the darkness into his?wonderful light. Once you were not a people and now you are the People of God; once you were outside the mercy and now you have been given mercy. V Let the peace of Christ reign in your hearts.?R To this you were called together into a single body. Second VespersHymn as at First Vespers Antiphon 1 -v7ccvv6ccvv8cc6cbbcc5ccc4cccc5cccc6ccbc5ccvvc6cccc5cbbcc6ccbbcc5ccvvvvc4cccvvvv4cbbbvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvv] vi In Jesus the Son of God we have the supreme high priest who has gone through to the -v7vvcc2ccbbc1cbcvvvc4cvvvv4vvvvvvv]highest heavens. -v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{xYYxx5x6x4x{{xYxx5x6x4x]Psalm 109 / 110Antiphon 2 -vcvvc3cvvcvvv6cvvvcvvvvv7ccvvvvv7vvvc8ccvvvc9cvvcc8vvvc6ccvvc7ccvvc8ccvvvvc6cccvcvvvv7vvvvvvvv7cc5ccvvvv7cvvvvc6ccv8vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvvv] iv You have redeemed us from every tribe and tongue and people and nation and made us priests -vcvvcvv8vvvvc5c2cvcvv3cvvvvv]to our God. -vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]Psalm 110 / 111Antiphon 3 -v7ccvv2cvvvvvvvc4ccvc2ccv2cc1cccbbbbbbbbbbb4cvcbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb5cvcbb4ccvbbbbbc6ccvbc6cvb6cbbbbbbbbbbbbbc9cccbbbbbbb9ccvcc8vccbbbb7cccb6ccbbbc5ccbc4ccvbbbbbbbc5cccb4bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbbbbbbb]i He learnt to obey through suff’ring, and having been made perfect he was acclaimed by God -v7ccc9cccvvvvvv9ccvc8vccvv7cccv6cc5ccvv4ccvc5cvvvv4c2vvvvvv1ccv2vx]high priest of the order of Mel-chis-e-dek. -v7vcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Canticle Colossians 1:12-20 Hebrews 10:19-23 Brothers, through the blood of Jesus we have the right to enter the sanctuary, by a new way which he has opened for us, a living opening through the curtain, that is to say, his body. And we have the supreme high priest over all the house of God. So as we go in, let us be sincere in heart and filled with faith, our minds sprinkled and free from any trace of bad conscience and ourbodieswashedwithpurewater. Let us keep firm in the hope we profess, because the one who made the promise is faithful. ResponsoryR/. We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. V/. We boast in the hope of the glory of God. Glory be. ?Magnificat-bb7vvvvvvv2vv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv2bbbnvvvvv{vvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6bbbb,vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4ccvvv4vvv5vvvvvvvv5bbb,vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv] iSave us, O Saviour of the world. On the cross you redeemed us by the shedding of your-bb7vvvvvvcv6bbb,vvvvv{vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5bbbb,vvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4bbbbnvvvv4vv3vvvvvvv2vvnvvvvv]blood. We cry out for your help, O God.-vcccvvYxx5x4x{xTxx6x4x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x6x{xTxx6x5x{xRxx3x2x]IntercessionsOur Saviour has made us a kingdom and a priesthood to offer sacrifices acceptable to God. Therefore, we gratefully call upon him:?Keep us faithful in your service, Lord. Christ, true adorer of the Father, your clean oblation is offered by the Church from the rising of the sun till its setting — unite in one body all who share the one bread. Watch over the priests and ministers of your Church — while they preach to others may they be found faithful in your service.? Make perfect in charity all who share the order of priesthood — and preserve always your faithful in unity of spirit by the bond of peace.? On the evening of this day hear your Church singing your praises — teach her to glorify your Divine Majesty without ceasing.? To the dead grant the vision of your face — grant us also the blessedness of contemplating you in heaven.?Our Father CollectO God, for your glory and the salvation of the human race, you appointed your Son as the eternal High Priest; grant that the people he has gained for you by his blood may experience the power of his cross and resurrection through taking part in this remembrance of his priesthood. (We make our prayer) through our Lord Jesus Christ. Corpus et Sanguis ChristiThursday after Trinity or the Sunday after TrinityFirst Vespers-vcc3x3x4x3vv2x5x5x6vv8x8x{x8vv9x8x8x7x6x8x7vv6vv5xvv]-ccv5x6x8x7x6x5x6x5xvvvvv{x6x7x5x5x3x6x6vv,2xvcc] -ccv3x5x5x3x5x6x6x5xx{x6x7x5x6vv5x4vv3x2x3xc]Of the glorious Body telling, O my tongue, its mysteries sing, and the Blood, all price excelling, which the world's eternal King, in a noble womb once dwelling shed for the world's ransoming. Given for us, descending, of a Virgin to proceed, man with man in converse blending, scattered he the Gospel seed, till his sojourn drew to ending, which he closed in wondrous deed. At the last great Supper lying circled by his brethren's band, meekly with the law complying, first he finished its command then, immortal Food supplying, gave himself with his own hand. Word made Flesh, by word he maketh very bread his Flesh to be; we in wine Christ's Blood partaketh: and if senses fail to see, faith alone the true heart waketh to behold the mystery. Therefore we, before him bending, this great Sacrament revere; types and shadows have their ending, for the newer rite is here; faith, our outward sense befriending, makes the inward vision clear. Glory let us give, and blessing to the Father and the Son; honour, might and praise addressing, while eternal ages run; ever too his love confessing, who, from both, with both is one.Antiphon 1-vcccvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv9vv0vvvvvvvvv9vvv6vvvvvvv6vvv5vvvvvvv]iWhen we eat this bread and drink this cup we proclaim your death, Lord Jesus, until-cccvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv]cccYxx4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]you come in glory.-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2x]Antiphon 2-ccccvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvv8vvvvv9vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvc]ivThe blessing cup that we bless is a com-mu-nion with the Blood of Christ.-cccccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc]-cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{ xTxx4x6x5x{xTx7x6x {xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3x]Antiphon 3 First Vespers and Lauds-v7cccvv8vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvv9vvvvv8vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv]viO taste and see how gracious the Lord is; happy indeed are those who trust in him.-v7cccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]Or-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Antiphon 3 – Second Vespers, CW Canticle 72-cccvvc1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vv3vvvv{vvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vv,vvvv{vvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5bbb,vvvvvvvvv]You are the Way, you are the Truth, you, O Lord, are the Life of the world.-cxcTxxxxxxcccccxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvx6cx8xx{vvvvvvv8vvx7vvx6ccvv5vv6xx] Al - le—lu - ia.-cxcYcccccxxvvvvccc5x4x5xx{xc5c3vvcc4xc5vvvvvc5ccc{ccvvccc2c4vvvvvc3cccv1vvvvvc1xccc] Al - le—lu - ia. Al - le—lu - ia.Responsory-b7cvvc4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvvvv1vvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvv1vvvv2vvvvv4cvvv5vvvv6vvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvc] He gave them the bread of heav’n to eat, al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia.-b7cvvcvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vv5cvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvc] They tasted the food of angels.-b7cvvcvvv6vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvv5vvvv5vvvcc] Give praise to the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.Magnificat -vvvcvvc1vv5vvvvcc5vv6ccc5vvvvc5cvvcv5ccvc4vv5ccc6ccc%ccc#ccc{ccc1vv3cccv2vv3vv4cccc3ccvvcc3vv2cccvc3cccvc1ccc1ccvvvv] v* Your people eat the food of angels; you give them bread from heaven.-vcvvTxx3x5x{xYxx5x3x5x{xExx2x3x5x{xExx2x3x1xcccc]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-v`ccvvvvv3vvvvvcc3ccvvvc2cc3ccc4ccc5vv6vv5ccvcc4cccc@ccc{cvc3vv2vv3ccvc4cvc5ccc6cc4vv3ccc#ccx]vii The Bread of Life is Christ the Lord, come, let us adore him.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]-vcc4x4x5x6x?vv7x6x5x6x{x6x5x8x8x5x6x?vv7x6vv5xvv] -ccv6x6x5x6x5x4x3x4x{x5x6x5x4x3x4vv5x3x2xvccbb]Christ gives his children angels’ food,His body and his blood divine;The poor receive a priceless gift;Strong bread of life, immortal wine.There is no other bread than thisBy which the hungry can be filled;No other wine has hidden powerWhereby the spirit’s thirst is stilled.All those who have believed his word,And share, in love, this holy bread,Who drink together from his cup,Christ will not leave among the dead.To all rejoicing at this feastDeath opens doors on realms of lightWhere Father, Son and Spirit reign,And we attain immortal life.Benedictus-`*~c3vcv6ccc7cccc8cc7cccc6ccccc6cvvcc6cccc7cccccc4cccvcc5cccc4ccc4ccccc1ccc2cc#cvvvvvvvvvvvvvv] viii I am the living bread that has come down from heaven, who ever-`*~c4vv6ccvvv7cvc8vv.cvvc7vvcc6vv4ccvb2ccvb3vvvv3ccbb]eats of me will live for ever.-`*~vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvvRxx5x3x]Vespers-`*~vvcccvv1x4x6x5x4x3x4x5x{x1x4x3x4x5x6x]-`*~vcccvv6x6x8x7x6x5x4x5x{x1x4x6x5x5x4vvbbbvv]Glory to him who freely spent His blood that we might live, And through this choicest instrument Doth all his blessings give. Fasting he doth and hearing bless, And prayer can much avail, Good vessels all to draw the grace Out of salvation’s well. But none like this mysterious rite Which dying mercy gave Can draw forth all his promised might And all his will to save. This is the richest legacyThou hast on us bestowed, Here chiefly, Lord, we feed on thee, And drink thy precious blood. Here all thy blessings we receive, Here all thy gifts are given; To those that would in thee believe, Pardon, and grace, and heaven. Thus may we still in thee be blest ’Till all from earth remove, And share with thee the marriage-feast, And drink the wine above. Magnificat-vvvvvv3vv1ccc1vv3ccc5ccc6vv5ccc6cccc7ccccvvvvc8vv7ccc6ccc5ccc5cccv{cc3cccc3cccc3vv2cc3cv1ccc1cvc3ccc5vv4ccc3ccvvvvvvvvvv] v* O sac-red feast, in which Christ is received and the memory of his passion-vvvvcc2ccc3cccc3cccc{ccc1ccccc3ccccc3cccc4vv3ccc2vv5ccccc%cbccc5ccc6cbcc8ccccc7ccc6ccc5cbbbc5vv6vv5cc%ccbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb] is renewed: our minds are filled with grace and a pledge of future glor-y-vvvbbbbbvv5cbbc6cc5ccc5ccbb5ccccbc8vv7vv6vvvvc5vv3ccc4vv3vv2ccb1x]is given to us. Al—le— lu—ia. -vcvvTxcx3x5x{xYxcx5x3x5x{xExcx2x3x5x{xExcx2x3x1xbbbbbbb]bThe Most Sacred Heart of JesusFriday after the second Sunday afer PentecostFirst Vespers-b706vvv6x5x4x5x3x4x{x8x7x5x6x7x5x{x5x6x7xv99x8x7x5x3x{x4x6x5x4x3x4x]To Christ, the Prince of Peace,and Son of God most high,the Father of the world to come,we lift our joyful cry.Deep in his heart for usthe wound of love he bore,that love wherewith he still inflamesthe hearts that him adore.O Jesus, Victim blest,what else but love divinecould thee constrain to open thusthat sacred heart of thine?O wondrous fount of love,O well of waters free,O heavenly flame, refining fire,O burning charity!Hide us in thy dear heart,for thither we do flythere seek thy grace through life, in deathThine immortality.Praise to the Father be,And sole-begotten Son;Praise, Holy Paraclete, to theeWhile endless ages run.Antiphon 1-`*~ccvv3vv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv8vvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvv7vvvvv8vvvvv6vv7vvvvv6vvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv]viiiCome to me all you who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.-`*~cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x]-`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{ xRxx2x4x6x {xYx4x3x{xRx6x7x6x{xYx7x3vvvvv]4 part -`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{vvvvRx5x3x]Antiphon 2-vccvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvbbbv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv4vv2vvvvvvv3vvvvbvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvv6vvvvv7v7vvvbbbvvv6vv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvvv]iTake my yoke upon you and learn of me: for I am gentle and lowly of heart.-vvcxYxx7b7x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x]-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2x]Antiphon 3-v7ccvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv9vvvvvv9vvvvv8vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv]viThey shall look on him whom they pierced for on that day a fountain shall be opened-v7vcvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv6vvvvvvc]ccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]to cleanse them from sin.-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Responsory-`*~cvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvcc] Heal my soul * for I have sinned against you.-`*~cvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvcc] Lord, have mercy on me.-`*~cvvYccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvv3vvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvcc] Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.Magnificat-v`*vvv2vvvv3vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvv7vvvv8vvvv9vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv3vv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvv]vJesus stood up and cried “If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink” out of-v`*vvvv7vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvv3vvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv]his heart shall flow rivers of living water.-v`*ccvvYxx4x6x{xUxx6x4x6x{xRxx3x4x6x{xRxx3x4x2x]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-v7vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvv]viThe heart of Jesus, wounded for love of us; come, let us adore.-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]-`vcGvvvFx]xdxdxdxsxvvvvvv]xgxgxhxxGvvvvbHxvvvvv]xjxjxHvvvvGxdxwbbbbnx]-`vcGvvvFx]xdxdxdxsxvvvvvv]xgxgxhxxGvvvvbHxvvvvv]xjxjxHvvvvGxdxebbbbnx]-`vcJvvvKx]xlxjxJvvvHxgxvvv]xhxhxjxxGvvvbbbHxvv]xuxJvvvHxgxdx]xwbbbbnx]-`vcGvvvFx]xdxdxDvvvSxDvvvFx]xgxgxhxxGvvvHx]xjxjxHvvvGxdxebbbbnx]All you who seek a comfort sure In trouble and distress, Whatever sorrow burdens you, Whatever griefs oppress.Jesus, who gave Himself for you Upon the Cross to die, Opens to you His Sacred Heart; Oh, to that Heart draw nigh. You hear how kindly He invites; You hear His words so blest: "All you who labour, come to Me, And I will give you rest." O Heart adored by saints on high, And hope of sinners here, We place our humble trust in You And lift to You our prayer. Jesus, who gave Himself for you Upon the Cross to die, Let there His Heart for love be pierced: Oh, to that Heart draw nigh!O Heart adored by saints on high, And hope of sinners here, We place our humble trust in You And lift to You our prayer.Benedictus-`*~vv1vvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv{vvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvv8vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvv4vvvv4vvvvvvvv]I have come to spread fire on earth; and how I wish it were blazing already.-`*~vvcccvvRxx3x4x{xRxx5x6x7x{xUxx8x7x6x{xYxx5x3x4x]Second Vespers-`vcgxfxgxjx]xhxgxgxfx]xdxhxsxgx]xdxdxwx]-`vcsxgxgxfx]xhxjxkxjx]xjxlxlxkx]xjxhxtx]The love of God was shown to usIn Christ our saviour’s wounded heart,He asks us now to share His cross,And in his passion take our part.We are the Father’s gift to ChristWho loved his own until the end,Whose burden light we bear with joy,And gladly to his yoke we bend.Where love and loving-kindness are,The God of love will always be;He binds us with a weightless chainThat leaves the willing captive free,Praise Father, Son and Spirit, blest,Eternal Trinity sublime,Who make their home in humble hearts,Indwelling till the end of time.Magnificat-v7cccvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vv6vx]viThey shall look on him whom they pierced, for on that day a fountain shall-v7ccc5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv]be opened to cleanse them from sin.-v7cccYxx7x5x6x{xYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x6x{xIxx5x7x6cvvv]Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin MarySaturday after the Sacred HeartLaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~vvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv7vvvbbvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvv5vvvvvvv4vv3vvv2vvvvvvv4vv5vv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv]viiWe celebrate the heart of the sinless Virgin Mary: Come, let us worship her Son, Christ the Lord.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]-`*~vvcccvv1x4x6x5x4x3x4x5x{x1x4x3x4x5x6xc]-`*~vcccvv6x6x8x7x6x5x4x5x{x1x4x6x5x5x4vvbbcvvbvv]O heart of Mary, pure and fairAnd free from sin’s domain,In Adam’s fall you had no share;In you there is no stain.The fairest rose, which grew in thorns,Your heart so full of graceWith spotless purity adornsOur sinful fallen race.The heart of Christ, by God’s decree,Was formed beneath your heart,We long to love him worthily:In your love give us part.His words you pondered in your heartWith contemplation pure;O may the grace whch they impart,In our weak hearts endure.Benedictus-b70vvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvv2vv3vvv2vcvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvvv4vv5vvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvv7vvv7vvvvv7vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vv5vv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvv5vv4vvv3vv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv]viiiSinless vir-gin, let us follow joyfully in your footsteps; draw us af-ter you in the fragrance-b70vvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv6vv5vvv4vvvv4vvvvvvv]xTxx3x5x6x{xTxx3x1x2xvv]of your ho-liness.-v70vcvvvRx2x4x{xTxx6x4x{xRxx5x7x{xYxx4x5x{xTxx7x4x{xTxx3x4x]-`vcgxfxgxjx]xhxgxgxfx]xdxhxsxgx]xdxdxwx]-`vcsxgxgxfx]xhxjxkxjx]xjxlxlxkx]xjxhxtx]Hear thy children, gentlest Mother,Pray'rful hearts to thee arise;Hear us while our evening AveSoars beyond the starry skies.Darkling shadows fall around us,Stars their silent watches keep;Hush the heart oppress'd with sorrow,Dry the tears of those who weep.Hear, sweet Mother, hear the weary,Borne upon life's troubled sea;Gentle guiding Star of Ocean,Lead thy children home to thee.Still watch o'er us, dearest Mother,From thy beauteous throne above;Guard us from all harm and danger,'Neath thy shelt'ring wings of love.Magnificat-`cccv2vvvcc6bbbb,cccc7ccv8vv7vvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4bbbbmvvvccv{ccv6vvvvv9bbbb/vvvvv8vvvvvv7vv6vvvv5vvvvvv6bbbb,vvvvcvvv]viiMy heart ex-ults in the Lord; I find my joy in him.-`cccvWxx3x1x2x{xWxx3x5x6x{xYxx7x6x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Christ the KingFirst Vespers-`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx]Jesus shall reign where e'er the sundoth his successive journeys run;his kingdom stretch from shore to shore,till moons shall wax and wane no more.To him shall endless prayer be made,and praises throng to crown his head;his Name like sweet perfume shall risewith every morning sacrifice.Blessings abound where e'er he reigns:the prisoner leaps to lose his chains,the weary find eternal rest,and all the sons of want are blest.Let every creature rise and bringof their own honours to our King;angels descend with songs again,and earth repeat the loud: Amen.Antiphon 1-`*~c3vvvv2vvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vv8vvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv]viiiI am a King for this I was born, but my Kingdom is not of this world.-`*~cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x]-`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{ xRxx2x4x6x {xYx4x3x{xRx6x7x6x{xYx7x3vvvvv]4 part -`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{vvvvRx5x3x]Antiphon 2-v`cvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvv5vv6vvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv{vv5vvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvvv]viiHe is Je-sus my first born my love shall be with him always, his throne shall endure-v`vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]for e-ver.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 3-cccv3vvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv3vvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvv8vvvv8vvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvc]ivI am Alpha and Omega the First and the Last the Beginning and the End, I am the-ccvvvv9vvvvvv9vvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvx]ccccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc]Resurrection and the Life. -cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{ xTxx4x6x5x{xTx7x6x {xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3x]Antiphon 3 – Second Vespers, CW Canticle 72-cccvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv,vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvv8vv7vv6vvvvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvv{vvvv8vv9vvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vv5vv3vvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv]On his cloak and on his thigh there was a name written: King of kings and the Lord of lords.-cccvvv1vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv8vvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvv]To him be glory and honour for e-ver and e-ver.-cxcTxxxxxxcccccxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvx6cx8xx{vvvvvvv8vvx7vvx6ccvv5vv6xx] Al - le—lu - ia.-cxcYcccccxxvvvvccc5x4x5xx{xc5c3vvcc4xc5vvvvvc5ccc{ccccc2c4vvvvvc3cccv1xc1xccc] Al - le—lu - ia. Al - le—lu - ia.Responsory-b7cvvcvv4vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvv4vvvbbbbv2vvbb1vvvvv4vvvvvv5vv6vv5vvvvbv4vvvcc] The throne of God and the Lamb will be there, al - le—lu – ia, al - le—lu - ia.-b7cvvcvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvcc] And his servants will see him face to face-b7cvvcvv4vvvv4vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvcc] Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.Magnificat-`*vbbbbbcv6vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv]Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord.-v`v*cccvvWxx3x5x4x{xRxx5x7x6x{xYxx7x5x3x{xExx2x1x2x]Or-v7cccvvv2vvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vv3vvv2vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv7vvvvvv6bbv,vvvv{vvvv6vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvv9vvvvvv9vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vv,vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5bbb,x]iBlessed are the people who acclaim such a king, who walk in the light of his face and find-b7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vv5vvvvv3vv2vvvv1vvvvvvv2vvnvvvvv]cvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]their joy in his name.LaudsInvitatory antiphon-vcccvv5vvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv%vvvvv{ccc3vv4vv5vvvvvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvv4vv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv!x]v* Jesus Christ, the King of Kings; Come, let us wor-ship him-v`cvvTxc3x5x{xYxc5x3x5x{ xQxc2x3x{xRxc3x4x2x {xExc2x3x5x{xExc2x3x1x]-cv3x6x7x8x7x6x5x6x{x4x3x2x3x5x6xx]-cbbbbv7x8x7x6x5x4x3x4x{x5x6x5x3x2x3vvvxbb]"Thy kingdom come!" on bended kneethe passing ages pray;and faithful souls have yearned to seeon earth that kingdom's day.But the slow watches of the nightnot less to God belong;and for the everlasting rightthe silent stars are strong.And lo, already on the hillsthe flags of dawn appear;gird up your loins, ye prophet souls,proclaim the day is near:The day to whose clear shining lightall wrong shall stand revealed,when justice shall be throned in might,and every heart be healed;When knowledge, hand in hand with peace,shall walk the earth abroad;the day of perfect righteousness,the promised day of God.Benedictus-cvvvvvvc5vvvvcvvc5vv6vvvvvvvvvvc7vv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vccc2vv6vv5ccvvvvvv6ccc5ccc4ccc3vv2cccvvv1vvvvvvc2ccc2vv6cvc5vv,x] viii*God raised Christ from the dead, and enthroned him at his right hand in heaven.-vccxTxx3x4x5xvc{cxYxx5x6xc{xYxx4x6x8xc{cxYxx7x5xxvvv]Second Vespers-`vcGvvvFx]xdxdxdxsxvvvvvv]xgxgxhxxGvvvvbHxvvvvv]xjxjxHvvvvGxdxwbbbbnx]-`vcGvvvFx]xdxdxdxsxvvvvvv]xgxgxhxxGvvvvbHxvvvvv]xjxjxHvvvvGxdxebbbbnx]-`vcJvvvKx]xlxjxJvvvHxgxvvv]xhxhxjxxGvvvbbbHxvv]xuxJvvvHxgxdx]xwbbbbnvvvv]-`vcGvvvFx]xdxdxDvvvSxDvvvFx]xgxgxhxxGvvvHx]xjxjxHvvvGxdxebbbbnxvvvvvvv]O Christ, what can it mean for us to claim you as our king?What royal face have you revealed whose praise the church would sing? Aspiring not to glory’s height, to pow-er, wealth, and fame,you walked a different, lowly way, another’s will your aim.You came, the image of our God, to heal and to forgive,to shed your blood for sinners’ sake that we might rise and live. To break the law of death you came, the law of love to bring:a different rule of righteousness, a different kind of king.Though some would make their greatness felt and lord it over all, you said the first must be the last and service be our call.O Christ, in workplace, church, and home, let none to power cling; for still, through us, you come to serve, a different kind of king.You chose a humble human form and shunned the world’s renown; you died for us upon a cross with thorns your only crown.But still, beyond the span of year, our glad hosannas ring,for now at God’s right hand you reign, a different kind of king!Magnificat-vvvvvvvvvbvv#bvvvvvvv1ccvvv1vvv3vvcvc5ccvcv6vvvvv5vcvv6ccvvvc7c8vvbbb7ccv6vvvvc6c5vvc3vv2cc3cvvvvvc1cvcbbbc3ccc4vv3ccc2vvvvb5cbvvbbbbbbbbc6cbbbvc8c7cvvvv6cvvc5vv6vv5cvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vv3vv2vv1vvv] v* God has given him dominion, glory and all sovereignty; that all peoples and nations shall serve him.-vcvvTxx3x5x{xYxx5x3x5x{xExx2x3x5x{xExx2x3x1x]SanctoraleJanuary2 January – Basil the Great and Gregory NazianzenBishops, Doctors of the church / Teachers of the Faith-v7ccfx]xhxkxlxkx]xkxjxhxhx]xgxhxjxgx]xgxfxhx] -v7ccfx]xgxhxhxgx]xgxfxsxsx]xaxfxgxgx]xhxgxfx]One, ‘Doctor of the Holy Ghost’One called, ‘The Theologian’Saint Basil blazed across the skyWhile Greg’ry hid behind the sun.From Cappadocia they came,Diff’rent fam’lies, but of one heart:Each sought the other’s friendship outThough life would later make them part.Such love as theirs is seldom found;It spurred them each to love the more:Alone, together, they were oneOne faith, one baptism, and one Lord.Blest Basil, born of rarest stock,Came from a fam’ly tree of saints!Well-bred, well formed in Athens hallsHe soon returned to his estates.There, living simply, as a monk,With fam’ly members gathered round,He walked the gospel path of Christ,Content to seek the idle ground.In Caesaria, for a time,He lived the hermit-life, apart:There he and Greg’ry wrote the RulesThat Eastern monks still know by heart.His vision of monastic lifeFleshed out in full the Lord’s Good News,When famine struck his monks would bringRelief to Chistians and to Jews.His death was mourned, his life was praisedBy rich and poor throughout the east:Both Jew and Christian lost that dayA father who embraced the least.An exile in his heart of hearts,He sought the church’s unity:The Spirit dwells in us, he said,That we may have Divinity.17 January – Sulpice (Sulpitius the Pious)BishopSecond Reading / Non Scriptural readingA reading from Butler’s Lives of the SaintsThe life of St Sulpicius (Pius), the second bishop of Bourges of that name, which is one of the few biographies admitted even to be an authentic Merovingian document, does not supply very much detail, but it must have been composed within a few years of the bishop's death, and the sincerity and enthusiasm of the writer are unmistakable. Sulpicius was the son of wealthy parents, who renounced the idea of marriage and devoted himself even from his youth to all kinds of good works, and especially to care for the poor. Being elected bishop, he became the father of his people, defended them against the tyranny of Lullo, the minister of King Dagobert, and, as the effect of a general fast which he imposed for three days, obtained considerate treatment for them under Clovis II, Dagobert's successor. Various miracles, notably the extinction of a great conflagration by making the sign of the cross over it, were attributed to him during his life, and many more took place beside his tomb after death. The chronological data are scanty, but we know that St Sulpicius attended the Council of Clichy in 627, and that he exchanged letters frequently with St Didier of Cahors, whom he had consecrated bishop in 630. His austerity of life was remarkable. He spent much of the night in prayer, fasted continually, and recited the entire psalter each day. Towards the end of his days, finding that he could no longer give the same amount of time to the care of the poor and afflicted whom he loved, Sulpicius obtained leave from the king to appoint another bishop in his place, in order that he himself might have more leisure for his works of charity. His death, in 647, was followed by extraordinary scenes of which his biographer was evidently an eye-witness. He compares the outcry and lamentations heard on all sides to the rumbling of thunder, and tells us that at his obsequies the vast throng of people, throwing themselves flat on the ground in their sorrow and despair, rendered it almost impossible for the clergy to carry out the offices. " O good shepherd ", they cried, " guardian of thy people, why dost thou forsake us ? To whom this day dost thou leave us ? " Though the times are far removed from our own, the sketch which his biographer has left us gives an impression of such charity, zeal and strict observance as seems befitting in the patron of that famous Paris seminary which was afterwards to bear his name.ResponsoryDan 10.19; 1Macc 9.22And he said, 'O man greatly beloved, fear not, peace be with you; * be strong and of good courage.' Now the rest of the acts of Judas, and his wars and the brave deeds that he did, and his greatness, have not been recorded, for they were very many; * be strong... OrA Reading from the Constition of the Priestly Society of Saint SulpicePart II Introduction, Articles 32 - 38The paths to holiness are substantially the same for all Christians, members of Christ and his brothers and sisters, called to be perfect as their heavenly Father is perfect.But the Holy Spirit, whose graces are diverse, gives to each person the means of sanctification best suited to that person’s duties and needs.As with their brothers in the presbyteral order, so for the Priests of Saint Sulpice, it is the loyal, persevering exercise of their duties in the Spirit of Christ, which is the authentic means to achieve holiness.All during their lives, in the liturgy of each day, in their ministry exercised in union with the bishop and other priests, they strive to live more and more, in the midst of people, a holiness which may enable them to say with Christ: “For them do I sanctify myself that they also may be sanctified in truth” Inspired by the grace of the priesthood, the Priests of Saint Sulpice are also led by a living tradition: “The first and final end of this Institute will be to live supremely for God in Christ Jesus, Our Lord. This will be the one ambition, the one thought, the one action of all: to live the life of Christ inwardly and to show it outwardly in our mortal body”. The charity of Christ will urge them all the more strongly to be transformed into him since they will have to imitate him in his task of forming the ministers of the Gospel. “. . . It seems to me that since the Holy Spirit within us is our true director, as he was that of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we must have a great deal of confidence in this Divine Spirit and abandon ourselves fully to him so that he might guide us”.In that spirit, the Priests of Saint Sulpice will be united every day all the more deeply to the Paschal Mystery through the celebration of the Eucharist, the very source and summit of their ministry. In the contemplation of the “mystery of faith” they shall allow themselves to be transformed into the image of the Risen Christ and they will unite themselves to his love for all people. The confreres will strive to nourish their spiritual lives at the “two-fold table of Sacred Scripture and the Eucharist”. They will see in the daily celebration of the Mass an “act of Christ and of the Church, in which priests fulfill their principal function”. “It is the work of the Blessed Sacrament which helps us die to the world and live for God alone. And even Our Lord asks his disciples to remember his death in their own sacrifice...; if we die to self as Our Lord did, we shall share in the risen life of Jesus Christ”. “According to Saint Paul, being a living victim, hostiam viventem, does not mean that we merely have the outward appearance of death, but rather that we be alive interiorly, that one’s interior life be like that of the sacred host on the altar... in which there is a divine life, a holy life, a spiritual life of union with God; this is the life of a victim which Saint Paul calls a spiritual reverence and a continual respect for God, an interior devotion rendered to God with the help of the Holy Spirit which Our Lord Jesus Christ intends to give us when we receive the most sacred host in Communion”. The mysteries of Christ, communicated through the liturgy, do not become truly our own except through an interior assimilation. That is why the Priests of Saint Sulpice, faithful to the tradition of the Church, will meditate on the Scriptures and will give themselves perseveringly to prayer. They will set aside an hour of prayer a day. In filial union with Mary, the perfect model of prayer and the perfect handmaid of the Lord, they will be faithful to the tradition of Marian devotion inherited from their founder. “I implore you to pray often and vigorously that I might possess an apostolic spirit; ... for if I obtain that grace, I shall neither desire nor request anything further of Our Lord than to preserve it. How much good this spirit would enable us to do! ... How many hearts would be converted; how many souls would return to God; how many blessings there would be everywhere we would go! We must make every effort to obtain this gift”. “Our risen Lord had an intense desire for the growth of the Church...; that must also be the fervent desire and constant prayer of priests”. Firmly rooted in the faith, mindful of the Word Incarnate and open to every genuine manifestation of the Spirit, they will help each other in seeking carefully the signs of God and in discerning the workings of his grace in the daily occurrences within their community, the Church and the world. Experiencing the paschal mystery in their condition of sinful people, they will understand the Gospel call for a conversion of heart as a continuous demand of their faith. They should be faithful in celebrating frequently this mystery of reconciliation in the sacrament of Penance. Realizing that the disciple is not above his Master, they will recognize, in the contradictions, the shocks and frustrations of life, the mystery of the Cross, which is the wisdom and power of God. “They will abandon themselves to Jesus Christ to be used by him entirely as he pleases, so that he might suffer in them the Cross and even death, and also act through them, thereby continuing in them the ministry of his divine priesthood” “Oh, my Lord Jesus. . ., give me this grace that by means of the power of your Spirit within me, 1 may, in all that 1 do, live my whole life motivated by the dispositions of true repentance”. Responsory1Thess 3.11-13Now may our God and Father himself, and our Lord Jesus, direct our way to you; * and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and to all men, as we do to you, so that he may establish your hearts unblamable in holiness before our God and Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints; * and may the Lord...Benedictus-v7vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv8vvvvv8vv7vvvv6vvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvv]When the chief shepherd appears, you will be given the crown of unfading glory.-v7vvvvRxx5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx6x7x{xUxx5x6x4x]]Magnificat-v7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvv1vvvvvvvvv1vv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv]Well done, good and faithful servant; come and join in your Master’s joy. -v7vvvvRxx5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx6x7x{xUxx5x6x4x]]19 January – The Interior Life of Our LordSecond Reading / Non Scriptural ReadingA reading from the writings of Fr Benson of CowleyFrom The Followers of the Lamb, Meditation VII, 'Life of Self-Oblation' by Fr R M Benson SSCSacrifice an Act of Communion with God in Love.This is the true character of sacrifice. We are too apt to think of sacrifice as if it meant death - losing something of value. But no; sacrifice is the attainment of true life. In a state of sin it means death - death to sin. But in its truth it means life - rejoicing in the life of God. Sacrifice is the act whereby we approach and dwell in communion with God. It is the gift of ourselves to God. Such a gift cannot be given by the creature as such, for every creature belongs to God by nature already, and has no free will wherewith to give or withhold himself from the Divine service. Such a gift implies the free gift of sonship, capable of glorifying God by spontaneous effort as well as by the obligations of necessary obedience. It implies an originative faculty of service within the creature, a free will to choose the higher modes of voluntary service, an inspiration to make that choice with intelligence so that it may be fitting for each one in its issues, a Divine power so that the act may be worthy of God's acceptance, a living fellowship in spiritual love by the bond of the Holy Spirit; so that in rendering this homage the creature partakes of the glory of God, and by losing its natural infirmities in the Divine welcome, finds its true supernatural triumph in the Divine glory.Our sacrifice can have no perfection through the human will, but it has perfection by the grace of Christ. He gave Himself in us to the Father, as He first of all gave Himself for us. It is the reward of His original self-oblation, that He now has power to give eternal life to all his members; and eternal life consists in the power of self-oblation to God by the Holy Spirit.ResponsoryHeb 7.26; Ex 29.36The ideal high priest would have to be holy, innocent and uncontaminated, beyond the influence of sinners, and raised up above the heavens; one who would not need to offer sacrifices every day because * he has done this once and for all by offering himself.On each of the days you are also to offer a bull as a sacrifice for sin, in atonement; * he has done this once and for all by offering himself.Benedictus-vccvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvbbbv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv4vv2vvvvvvv3vvvvbvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvv6vvvvv7v7vvvbbbvvv6vv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvvv]iTake my yoke upon you and learn of me: for I am gentle and lowly of heart.-vvcxYxx7b7x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x]-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2x]Magnificat-v`*vvv2vvvv3vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvv7vvvv8vvvv9vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv3vv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvv]vJesus stood up and cried “If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink” out of-v`*vvvv7vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvv3vvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv]his heart shall flow rivers of living water.-v`*ccvvYxx4x6x{xUxx6x4x6x{xRxx3x4x6x{xRxx3x4x2x]21 January – AgnesVirgin and Martyr-`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx]The blessed virgin Agnes fliesback to her home above the skies,and she is born in heav'n abovebecause she gave her blood in love.Mature enough to give her life,though still too young to be a wife,what joy she shows when death appearsthat one would think: her bridegroom nears!Her captors lead her to the firebut she refuses their desire,"For it is not such smold'ring brandsChrist's virgins take into their hands.""This flaming fire of pagan riteextinguishes all faith and light.Then stab me here, so that the floodmay overcome this hearth in blood."And she was stabbed, and she was brave,and dying, further witness gave,for as she fell on bended kneeshe wrapped her robes in modesty.O Virgin-born, all praises be to You throughout eternity.and unto everlasting daysto Father and the Spirit, praise.Antiphon 1-vcvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvv6vv5vvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvv8vvvvv8bbbvvv{vvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvvvv8vvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv]iv My Lord, Jesus Christ, has placed a ring on my finger; he has adorned me like a bride with a crown.-cccccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc]-cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{ xTxx4x6x5x{xTx7x6x {xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3x]Antiphon 2-`*~cv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv4vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvv3vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv{vvvv55vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv]iiHe who is the Lord of the angels is the one to whom I am betrothed. The sun and moon -`*~cv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvv]xxRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x3x4x]reflect his glory.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Antiphon 3-`cvvvv2vvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv5v3vvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv5v3vvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvv9v7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv]viiI trust in him alone, to him alone do I commit myself with all my love.-v`ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Benedictus -`*~(vvvvvv3vvvvv2vvbb1bvvvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvv{vvv3vvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvv5vvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv]i* What I desired I now see; what I hoped for, I now possess. I am united in heav’n with the One-`*~(vvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv]xExx4x2x3x{xExx2x1x2x] I loved on earth.Magnificat-b7cvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv55vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv{vvvb6vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvv4vv3vvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvv6vv5vvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv]iSaint Agnes opened her arms and prayed: “I pray to you, holy Father; behold, I am coming to you-b7cvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vv5vvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvv] whom I have loved, whom I have sought, whom I have always desired.-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2x]22 January – VincentDeacon-b7cvvsxdxfxgx]xyxxhvvvgx]xyxxyx]v]xhxhxjxkx]xuxxhvvbgx]xYxvvvvvvvv]-b7cvvsxdxfxgx]xyxxhvvvgx]xyxxyx]v]xhxhxjxkx]xuxxhvvbgx]xYxvvvvvvvvv]-b7cvvhxhxlxhx]xtxxfx]xsxfxhxfx]xEx]v]xhxhxlxhx]xtxdvvvfx]xWx]Glorious was the Christian warriorDeacon Vincent, as with treadFirm and free, the pile ascendingTo that fiery doom he sped;Where the salt shower fiercely cracklingO'er his tortured flesh was spread;While the furnace flamed around him,Crimsoned with his gushing blood;Yet he still endured intrepidFaithful ever to his Lord;And with eyes to Heaven upliftedChrist upon His Throne adored!Glory be to God and HonourIn the highest, as is meet;To The Son as to The Father,And The Eternal Paraclete;Whose is boundless Praise and PowerThroughout ages infinite!25 January - The Conversion of Saint Paul-`*~cvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv6vv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vv5vv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvv]ii Let us celebrate the conversion of the a-pos-tle Paul; come, let us wor-ship our God.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]The martyr Stephen met his deathForgiveness in his final breath.He interceded for them allWhose cloaks lay at the feet of Saul.The Father, hearing Stephen's prayer,Gave gifts for all the Church to shareWhen grace and mercy overflowedIn light upon Damascus Road. Then bless the Lord of heart and mindWho gives new vision to the blind,Whose reign throughout the world extends,Whose loving-kindness never ends.Antiphon 1-v70vvvv3vv2vv1vvvvvv1vvvvvvv1vv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvv{vvvv4vvvvvv5vv4vvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv]1*Paul, my grace is suf-fi-cient for you; my power is made perfect in weakness.-v70xExx4x2x3x{xExx2x1x2x]-v70vvcTxx4x3x{xRxx5x3x{xWxx3x4x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x4x{xExx2x1x]Antiphon 2-`*vvvvvv1vvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv1vvvv3vvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv1vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv]ii I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me.-`*vxRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x3x4x]-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Antiphon 3-`vvvcvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv9vvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvc] vii What we preach is not ourselves but Je-sus Christ as Lord: and we are your servants-`vvvcvv7vvvvv8vv9vvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]for Je-sus’ sake.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Benedictus-`vvvcvv2vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvv8vv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvv3vvvvv2vv1vvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvc] vii Saint Paul a-post-le, preach-er of the truth and teacher of the nations, pray for us to God.-`cccYxx4x6x{xIxx7x5x6x{xTxx4x3x4x{xTxx3x4x2x]Vespers-v7ccfx]xhxkxlxkx]xkxjxhxhx]xgxhxjxgx]xgxfxhx] -v7ccfx]xgxhxhxgx]xgxfxsxsx]xaxfxgxgx]xhxgxfx]The name of Christ set Paul afireEnkindling him with great desire;And higher these same blazes reachedWhen of the love of Christ he preached.His merits are forever praisedFor to the heavens he was raised,And there, the all-mysterious word,That none dare speak, by Paul was heard.The Word, like seed sown in a fieldProducing an abundant yieldFills heav’nly barns whose stores of grainAre tilled and grown on earthly plains.The shining of the lamplight gleamsAnd drenches earth with heaven's beams.The dark of error's night is past;The reign of truth has come at last.To Christ all glory, and all praiseTo Father and the Spirit raise,Who for the nations’ saving callGave us the splendour of Saint Paul.Magnificat-b7vvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvv2vvvvvvvb3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvv4vv6vv8vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv]viI planted the seed; A-pol-os watered it, but it was God who gave the increase.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]26th January – Timothy and TitusBishopsBenedictus-v7cvvvvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv]iProclaim the Gospel, insist on it in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, -v7cvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvv6vv5vvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvv3vv2vvvvv]cccYxx4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]do all with patience and in a manner that will teach all.-vvcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Magnificat-vcvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvbbb6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvv6vv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv]ivLet us lead holy lives, while we await in hope the coming of the Lord.-cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3x]28th January - Thomas AquinasDoctor / Teacher of the FaithBenedictus -`*vvvvv2vv4vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv5vv4vvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv] Give praise to the Lord, for love of whom Saint Thomas studied and worked at all times.-`*cvvxYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x{xTxx3x5x4x{xExx4x3x2x]Magnificat-v7vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvv8vvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv7vvvv6vv5vvvvvvv] God gave him great wisdom which he faithfully taught to others; he passed it on-v7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvv2vv1vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv]to them without keeping anything for himself.-v7vcvvxRxx3x4x5x{xTxx1x5x6x{xYxx5x6x8x{xYxx5x6x4x]February2 February - The Presentation of Christ in the Temple First Vespers-bb706vcc3vv4x5x6x5x4x5x4x3x{x5vv6x7x8x7x5x6x7x7x]-bb706vcc8vv8x0x7x7x6x5x4x3x{x1vv2x3x4x3x1x2x2x3x]Our virgin sister’s firstborn son,Our temple, priest and sacrifice,This day is offered in God’s house,Alone the gift which would suffice.He comes, a ransom, in our placeAnd bears the life God yearns to share:Transcendent, he, the Law transcends,Who is the author and its heir.Good Simeon perceives all thisAnd thus reveals God’s awesome plan:A sword shall pierce this mother’s heart;Christ will be slain the victim Lamb.Jerusalem, fling wide your gates!Acclaim the Lord, walk by this light:How infinite this infant’s loveFor gentile as for Israelite!Antiphon 1-vvv4vvvv5vv6vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vv1vvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvv2vv5vv4vv5vv6vvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv]i Je-ru-sa-lem your light has come; the glo - ry of the Lord has ri-sen up-on you, and the -vccvvvv6vvvvvv77vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vv5vvvv4vv3vv2vvvv3vv4vvvvvv2vvvvv]vvcYxx5x4x5x{xTxx6x4vv3vv2x] na-tions will walk in your light. Al - le - lu - ia.-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2x]Antiphon 2-ccvvvvv3vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvc]ivMy eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared for all nations.-cccccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc]-cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{ xTxx4x6x5x{xTx7x6x {xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3x]Antiphon 3-`*~vv3vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv9vvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvv]viiiA light to en-light-en the gen-tiles and the glo-ry of your people Is-ra-el.-`*~cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x]-`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{ xRxx2x4x6x {xYx4x3x{xRx6x7x6x{xYx7x3vvvvv]4 part -`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{vvvvRx5x3x]Responsory-b7ccvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvv{vvvvbbbb6bbbbbbbbb6bbbb5bbbbb5bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbb2bbbbbbb4bbb5bbbbbbbb5bbb4bbbbbb4bbbbbbbbb]vi The Lord is in his holy temple: al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia. -b7ccvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvbbbbbb] The Lord’s throne is in heaven. -b7ccvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvv] Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Magnificat-v7vvvvc1bbbbbb2ccvvc5ccvvvvvcc5cccvc5vcc4vv3cvvc{cc5ccbvc5vvvv6ccvv5ccvvvc4vvbbbvc5c4ccc5cc5vv7vv6vvvvvv5vvxc] vii* The Lord whom you see will suddenly come to his temple,-v7vvvvvv5cccc6cc5cc3cccc4cmccv5ccvvc6cccvcc5ccc4vvc2cccc1vvncxc] the anointed one on whom my spirit rests.-v7vvvvvTxx3x5x{xUxx6x4x5x{xRxvcx3x2x3x{xRxx2x3x1x]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-v7ccbvv1cccc4ccbbcv4ccc4vvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvv{cbbbbc5vvvc4ccvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvv4vvvvvv1vvvvvvv1vvvvvv{cccv2vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvbbv5vvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvccc] vi The Lord of creation enters his ho-ly temple; come, let us adore.-b7cvvRvvvvvv3x2x4x{vvvRvvvc3x4x5x{ccYxc5x7x6x{ ccYx5x6x4x{xWxc1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]]-v70cvv2x2x5x6x7x6x5x4x3x5x5x]x3x2x1x2x3x5x4x3x2x]-v70cvv5x6x7x6x5x4x3x1x2x2x]x5x6x7x8x9x8x7x6x5x]Christ goes up into his holy temple,Mary’s Son to be presented there,Comes to be reclaimed like all the first-born,In whose servitude he stoops to share.Christ was consecrated by his Father,Signed with death before his human birth;Now the Lord is offered by his mother,Sacrificial lamb of precious worth.God the loving Father of all nations,With his Son and Holy Spirit praise;Through the ages, Israel’s great gloryLights the gentile on the Lord’s new ways.Benedictus-v7cc1ccvvvc5ccc3ccc3vvvc5vv6vvvv5vcvvc5ccc5vvvvvvvvvv6ccvvc5cccc4vv2cc4vv5vv4ccvvv3cc4cccv5ccc{ccvvvvv4ccvc7vvvvv6ccvvv5ccvvv6vvvvvbb1vvbbbb2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv]vii* The parents of Je-sus marvelled at what was said about him. And Mary kept all these things and-v7cvvbvc3vv2ccvvv3xvvvv5vvvvbvvv3vvvbvv3vv2vvvvvvv1xvvv] pondered them in her heart.-b7vcccvTxx3x5x{xUxx6x4x5x{xRxx3x2x3x{xRxx2x3x1x]Second Vespers -`xuxjxkxuxtx]xhvv,xGxhxjxyxtx]vxuxjxlxixux]xhvv,xGxfxgxexwx]-`xuxhxgxixux]xgvv,xHxjxkxoxox]xuxhxgxyxtx]All prophets hail thee, from of old announcing,by the inbreath-ed Spirit of the Father,God's Mother, bringing prophecies to fullness,Mary the maiden.Thou the true Virgin Mother of the Highest,Bearing incarnate God in awed obedience,meekly acceptest for a sinless offspringpurification.In the high temple Simeon receives thee,takes to his bent arms with a holy rapturethat promised Saviour, vision of redemption,Christ long awaited.Now the fair realm of Paradise attaining,and to thy Son's throne, Mother of the Eternal,raised all glorious, yet in earth's devotionjoin with us always.Glory and worship to the Lord of all thingspay we unresting, who alone adored,Father and Son and Spirit, in the highestreigneth eternal.Magnificat-v7vvvc1bbbbbbb2cc1cvcc1vv5cccvv5cccc5ccvv5vvvvvc4ccvvvv4vv3ccc{ccv5cccc5vv6ccc5cvvvv5vvvvc4vv5cc5vcc4ccc5cvv5vvvvc6ccvvc5vv7vv6vv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvc] vii* Simeon held the child in his arms, and beheld his salvation; Anna gave thanks to God and -v7vvcvvvc3cccc4ccvvvvc5cccc6cc5c4vv2cvv1vvncvvc] proclaimed her redeemer.-v7vvvvvTxx3x5x{xUxx6x4x5x{xRxvcx3x2x3x{xRxx2x3x1x]5 February - Saint AgathaVirgin MartyrBenedictus-`bvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvv7vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv2vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv] With joy and rejoicing as though to a feast Agatha went to prison, and she offer’d her -`cvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vv5vvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv]suffering to God with many prayers.-`cvvvvvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5xvvvvv] Magnificat-b7bvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vv5vvv6vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvv{vv1vvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv7vvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv] Lord Jesus Christ, my loving Master, I give you thanks for giving me the strength to overcome the -b7cvvvvvv6vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvv{vvv2vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv9vvvv6vvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvv2vv1vv4vv3vvvvvv2vvvvvv]torments which were brought against me; bid me come joyfully to your undying glo - ry.-b7cvvvvvvWxx6x5x6x{xYxx8x5x6x{xYxx5x4x3x{xExx4x6x2x] 8 February – Jerome EmilianPriestBenedictus and Magnificat-`*~vvv1vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv8vvvvvvv9vv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv]viiiHe who has compassion teaches and guides, as a shepherd the flock.-`*~vvvRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xUxx6x5x4x]10 February – ScholasticaReligiousLauds-vvcccvv4x4x5x6x7v7x6x5x6x4x5x{x77x8x9x8x7v7x6x5x4x5x6x]-vvcccvv6x6x9x6x6x5x4x3x2x5x{x4x6x5x4x3x5x4x3x4x2xvvbbbvvb]How blest the listening heart attuned to hearThe silent Voice that Elijah heardUpon the mountaintop, and cloaked his faceIn awe before the beauty of the Word.How blest the watching eye awake to seeThe single beam of light when it descemdsTo show the universe made whole in ChristThrough whom the royal road to God ascends.How blest the spirit stirred with gospel zealTo build the vision seen and heard in prayerInto the living household of the WordWhere all may dwell in peace, for God is there.How blest Scholastica who marked the wayFor others who would run with hearts afireTo hear and see the God whose face we seekIn Jesus Christ whose love is our desire.11 February – Our Lady of Lourdes-`xuxjxkxuxtx]xhvv,xGxhxjxyxtx]vxuxjxlxixux]xhvv,xGxfxgxexwx]-`xuxhxgxixux]xgvv,xHxjxkxoxox]xuxhxgxyxtx]Spotless is Mary, says the long tradition,Taught by the Doctors, through the church re-echoed,And by the faithful, joyously remembered,On this glad feast-day.Oft this fair Virgin to a Virgin lowly,Himself presented; soothed the damsel’s trembling;And in speech mystic her conception spotless,Then manifested.O happy grotto, honoured by this vision,Of God’s own Mother, coming to the lowly,O rock so hallowed, whence the healing watersStreamed forth life-giving.Not Frenchmen only, throng this sanctuary,Hither come pilgrims from the earth’s far corners;And all uniting, seek the Blessed Virgin’s,Mighty assistance.Here does that Mother hearken to petitions,Here she the sickly granteth prayed for healing;Filled with such blessings pilgrims wend their journeyHomeward rejoicing.Pity, O Virgin, all this world’smisfortunes,Lightem our burdens by thine intercession,Joy everlasting, for our earthly penance,We pray thee, win us.Praise we the Father, and the sole-begotten,And thee, O Spirit, Power of the all-highest,Mary’s, o’er-shadower, with them both co-equal,One God for ever.Benedictus -b70vvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvv2vv3vvv2vcvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvvv4vv5vvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvv7vvv7vvvvv7vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vv5vv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvv5vv4vvv3vv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv]viiiSinless vir-gin, let us follow joyfully in your footsteps; draw us af-ter you in the fragrance-b70vvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv6vv5vvv4vvvv4vvvvvvv]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x]of your ho-liness.-v70vcvvvRx2x4x{xTxx6x4x{xRxx5x7x{xYxx4x5x{xTxx7x4x{xTxx3x4x]Magnificat-vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv7vvv6vvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvc]ivBlessed are you, O Ma-ry, for you were conceived without sin; you brought forth -cccvv5vvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6x]the Saviour of the world.-cccvvYxx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{{xIxx7x6x7x{xYxx5x6x3x]14 February – Cyril and MethodiusBishopsLauds-v7ccfx]xhxkxlxkx]xkxjxhxhx]xgxhxjxgx]xgxfxhx] -v7ccfx]xgxhxhxgx]xgxfxsxsx]xaxfxgxgx]xhxgxfx]Blessed Cyril and Methodius,True brothers both by birth and faith,Reveal the Churches, East and WestIn their communion and their strength.How great the distances they wentFar from their safe Aegean home:Salonika’s warm shores would leadNorth to the Slavs and then to Rome.Their mission would uniquely showDiversity in unity:Constantinople’s Patriarch,Their patron, with the Papacy.Blest Cyril while at Rome, worn-out,Was clothed a Greek monk and professed:He shortly died within this houseIn San Clemente laid to rest.Methodius, ordained in Rome,Returned, Rome’s legate to the north,The Slavic Rite the Pope confirmed,And with his blessing sent him forth.In these two tireless friends of God,We see Christ wash his people’s feet:They gave a people tongues to singA culture, rite and script unique.Vespers-vx6x5x6x4vv3x2vv2x4x5x6x8x6vvvx66x]vvx6x5x6xv4v3x2vv2x4x5x6x8xv6v6x6x]-vx9x8x6x5vv4x5vv5xc7v7x6x5x4x5vv6x6x{x2x5x4xv3v2x2x]Throned in heaven, twin athletes of Jesus,Slavonias glory, reigning now with angels,These were brothers both by grace and nature,Hymn, O ye faithful.One love these brothers found in blessed union;One was their pity for all folk in darkness;Bearing God’s wisdom, forthwith from their blessed,Solitudes came they.With them the Gospel came to many peoples;Came to Bulgaria’s and Moravia’s borders,And to Bohemia’s; bowing proud necks take they,Christ’s yoke upon them.Enduring pillars set in heaven’s temple,Crowned with beauty, grace eternal girds you!Ever supporting us in the Faith ye taught them,By praying for us.Lord of all nations, Maker and Redeemer,Giver of all grace, source of every blessing,Thanks give we ever for the gifts thou givest,Life and salvation.17 February – The Seven Holy FoundersReligious-`xuxjxkxuxtx]xhvv,xGxhxjxyxtx]vxuxjxlxixux]xhvv,xGxfxgxexwx]-`xuxhxgxixux]xgvv,xHxjxkxoxox]xuxhxgxyxtx]Seven were the Fathers hidden on the mountain,When in a vision, Peter of Verona,Saw its bleak hillsides, all a-bloom with colour,Mary’s own garden.There midst those flowers seven lilies saw he,Of shining whiteness, of a special fragrance,Tok’ning the Founders, midst their many brethren,Mary’s own servants.God’s love soon spread them forth to show Christ’s beauty;Forth through the highways, through earth’s towns and cities,Red for the passion, and for Mary’s sorrows,White for God’s pardon.Thus wicked passions they assuaged and altered;Charity brought they; peace in place of hatred;Preachers of Mary, folk faint-hearted cheering,Sinners recalling.Now where the Virgin is herself the Gardener.Those seven lilies in eternal splendour,Flourish for ver; all the courts of heaven,Sweetly perfuming.O Holy Founders, O ye seven Fathers,Hear now our sighing; hear our humble pleading;Look on our labours, on earth’s constant sorrows;Intercede for us.Benedictus and Magnificat-`vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvv6vvvv{vvvvvv9vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvv3vvvv3vvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv]viiHow good and how pleasant it is, brothers dwelling in unity.-`vvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]22 February - The Chair of Saint PeterLauds-v7ccfx]xhxkxlxkx]xkxjxhxhx]xgxhxjxgx]xgxfxhx] -v7ccfx]xgxhxhxgx]xgxfxsxsx]xaxfxgxgx]xhxgxfx]This day we celebrate with RomeIn honouring blest Peter’s chair,The sign and symbol of Christ’s loveEmbodied in their Pastor’s care.Charged by the Lord to feed his flock,To oversee the growing church:A brother, he, to all baptised;Of bishops, equal, yet the first.A Rock on which the Church would stand,Secure against the winds of change:And yet receptive to the signsGod’s spirit stirs in ev’ry age.In Peter, strong and yet so frail,So quick to speak and slow to see,Christ gives us one who serves us all,Though weak, he gives him primacy.Long centuries have run their courseAnd Peter still betrays his Lord,How often has the church of ChristBeen judged, as hist’ry’s cock has crowed?Yet graced are we with Peter’s chairFrom which Rome’s bishop’s oversee:Graced too, that Christ on our behalfHas charged one with this ministry.O Cephas, Peter, pray for usAnd your successor in his need.United in diversityMay all be gathered round his seat.Antiphon 1-v7vvvvvc4vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7v6vvv5cbvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv5vv44vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvbbb]viDo you love me, Si-mon Peter? Lord, you know that I love you. Feed my sheep.-v7cccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Antiphon 2-v7069vc4vvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvv1vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvv4vvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vv2vvvvvv3vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvbbb]iii Peter was kept in prison, and the Church prayed unceasingly to God for him.-v70cccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx4x5x2x]-v70cccvvYxx7x6x{xUx6x5x6x{ xIx7x5x6x{xUx5x7x6x {xRx5x4x{xTx4x3x2x]Antiphon 3-v7069vc3vvvvvvv4vvvvvv6vv7vvvv6vvvvbbvvv7vvvvvvv8vvv6vvvvvbbvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvbbb]iii You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the reign of death-v7069c4vvvvvv3vv1vvvvvv3vvvv4vvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx4x5x2x]shall not overcome it.-v70cccvvYxx7x6x{xUx6x5x6x{ xIx7x5x6x{xUx5x7x6x {xRx5x4x{xTx4x3x2x]Benedictus-v7vvvvvc4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvcbbbb]viiYou are the shepherd of Christ’s flock and the prince of the apostles; to you Christ-v7vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv1vvvvv1vvvvcbbbb]has entrusted the keys of the kingdom of heaven.-v7vvvvvcTxx3x5x{xUxx6x4x5x{xRxx3x2x3x{xRxx2x3x1vvvcbbbb]Vespers-`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx]To fish anew o’er stormy seasGod’s call, O Peter, you obey.You gain the gift of heaven’s keys:the nets you leave without delay.Three times you tell your love for Christ,Though his third question makes you grieve.To serve as shepherd of his flock,Those he has cleansed do you receive.You fall, but tears restore God’s grace:the rock shall stand and never fail,the Church of Christ has shone through time,Nor shall the gates of hell prevail.Praise Father, Son and Spirit blest,Whose gift is faith that never dies:a light in darkness now untilThe daystar in our hearts arise.Magnificat-b7cvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvv5vvvv{cv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv2vvvvv{vvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv]The Lord said to Simon Peter, ‘I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you-b7cvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvv]have repented, you must strengthen your brothers.’-b7cvvvvvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]23 February - PolycarpMartyrBenedictus-`*~vv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvv9vvv9vvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv]I have been a servant of Christ for eighty six years and no evil has come near me;-`*~vvcv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv]how can I now speak against my king, the king who has saved me?-`*~cccvvvRxx3x1x3x{xRxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x7x4x{xExx1x3x4vvvvx] Magnificat-`*vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvv9vv7vvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv{vvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvv2vvvvvvvvv]Lord God almighty, I give you praise because you have numbered me among the martyrs-`*~vvcv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv]who partake of the chalice of your Christ.-`*cccvvvYxx4x5x6x{xUxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x7x9x{xYxx3x4x2x] March9 March – John of GodReligiousBenedictus and Magnificat-`vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv8vv7vvvvvvvv6vvvbv{vvvvv9vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv8vvvvvbbbbbbbv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv3vvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv]viiIf there is love among you, then all will know that you are my disciples.-`vvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]15 March - PatrickBishopThe Invitatory psalm may be omitted if used at Lauds-v70ccsx]xtxgx]xfvvvsxxfx]xjvvblxxKvvvJx]xjvvvbbhxxhx]xkvvvhhxxfxcvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv]-v70ccfvvvhxkx]xuxjx]xyx or vhxhx vv]bv]xlx]xgbbbb,vvvHxxJvvbbGx]xfvvvsxxcc<xvvvvvvvvvvv]verse 1 ends here-v70ccuxfx]xgvvbbvbhxxJvvvKx]xoxxKvvvLx]xjvvvgxxhx]xtxxgx]xtx or vgxgvvvv vv]v] -v70ccfx]xuxjx]xuxxKvvvLx]xixxjx]xivvv or vkxkvvvv vvlx]xtxxgxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv]-v70ccfvvvhxxkx]xuxjx]xyxc]v]xsx]xgbbbbmvvvHxxJvvvGx]xfvvvsxxc<x]xuxxfxv] after verse 6-v70ccgxhxxJvvvKx]xoxxKvvvLx]xjvvvgxhx]xtxxgx]xtxxvv]v]xvtxtxvvvvvvvvvvvvvv]I bind unto myself todaythe strong Name of the Trinity,by invocation of the same,the Three in One, and One in Three.(9) I bind this day to me for ever,?(9) by pow’r of faith, Christ's Incarnation;?his bapt’sm in Jordan river;?(9) his death on cross for my salvation;?his bursting from the spicèd tomb;?his riding up the heavenly way;his coming at the day of doom:?I bind unto myself today.??I bind unto myself the pow’r?of the great love of cherubim;?the sweet "Well done" in judgment hour;?the service of the seraphim;?confessors' faith, apostles' word,?the patr’archs' prayers, the prophets' scrolls;?all good deeds done unto the Lord,?and purity of virgin souls.??I bind unto myself today ?the virtues of the starlit heaven?the glorious sun's life-giving ray,?(9) the whiteness of the moon at even,?the flashing of the lightning free,?the whirling wind's tempestuous shocks,?the stable earth, the deep salt sea,?around the old eternal rocks.??I bind unto myself today?the power of God to hold and lead,?his eye to watch, his might to stay,?his ear to hearken, to my need;?the wisdom of my God to teach,?his hand to guide, his shield to ward;?the word of God to give me speech,?his heavenly host to be my guard.Against the demon snares of sin,The vice that gives temptation force,The natural lusts that war within,The hostile men that mar my course;or few or many, far or nigh,In every place and in all hours,Against their fierce hostility,I bind to me these holy powers.Against all Satan’s spells and wiles,Against false words of heresy,Against the knowledge that defiles,Against the hearts idolatry,Against the wizard’s evil craft,(9) Against the death-wound and the burning,The choking wave, the poisoned shaft,(9) Protect me, Christ, till thy returning.-v`cgbbbbbmxHxjx;x]xlbbb/xLxlxjx]xlbbb.xLxxLvvvJxxHvvvvJx]xlbbb.xLxxLvvvJxxHvvvvJx]-v`cgbbbbbmxHxjx;x]xlbbb/xLxlxjx]xlbbb.xLxxLvvvJxxHvvvvJx]xtxux]-v`cgbbbbbmxHxjx;x]xlbbb/xLxlxjx]xlbbb.xLxxLvvvJxxHvvvvJx]xlbbb.xLxxLvvvJxxHvvvvJx]-v`cgbbbbbmxHxjx;x]xlbbb/xLxlxjx]xlbbb.xLxxLvvvJxxHvvvvJx]xtxux]v]Christ be with me, Christ within me,?Christ behind me, Christ before me,?Christ beside me, Christ to win me,?Christ to comfort and restore me.Christ beneath me, Christ above me,?Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,?Christ in hearts of all that love me,?Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.-v70ccsx]xtxgx]xfvvvsxxfx]xjvvblxxKvvvJx]xjvvvbbhxxhx]xkvvvhhxxfxcvvvvvvvvvvvvv]-v70ccfvvvhxkx]xuxjx]xyxvv]bv]xlxx]xxgbbbb,vvvHxxJvvbbGxx]bbbbxfvvvsxxcc<xvvvvvvvvv]-v70ccuxfx]xgvvbbvbhxxJvvvKx]xoxxKvvvLx]xjvvvgxxhx]xtxxgx]xtxvxxccv]v] -v70ccfx]xuxjx]xuxxKvvvLx]xixxjx]xvkxkvvvvvvlx]xtxxgxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvxxb]-v70ccfvvvhxxkx]xuxjx]xyxc]v]xsx]xgbbbbmvvvHxxJvvvGx]xfvvvsxxc<x]xuxxfx]-v70ccgxhxxJvvvKx]xoxxKvvvLx]xjvvvgxhx]xtxxgx]xtxxvv]v]xvtxtxvvvvvvvvvvvvv]I bind unto myself today?the strong Name of the Trinity,?by invocation of the same,?the Three in One, and One in Three.?(9) Of whom all nature hath creation,?eternal Father, Spirit, Word:?(9) praise to the Lord of my salvation,?salvation is of Christ the Lord.Benedictus-`*~vvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvv3vvvv{vvvvv3vvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvv3vvvv{vvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvv{vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv]Go, and teach all peoples, baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the -`*~vv6vv4vvvv2vvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvv]bbbbbvvExx4x3x6x{xYxx4x6x7x{xYxx7x6x4x{xRxx3x2x3vvvv]Holy Spirit.Magnificat-`vvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv2vvvv{vv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vv7vvvv8vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv8vvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv9vvvvv5vvvv]Many will come from the east and the west to take their places with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob -`vvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv]vvvWxvvc5x6x7x{xUxvvc9x7x6x{xYxvvc8x7x5x{xYxcvv3x2x5vvvvv]in the kingdom of heaven.19 March - Joseph of Nazareth-v7vvx1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x] -v7vvx5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5xb]We have so little word of you;how hidden, Joseph, was your life.Yet what you chose to do speaks much,in taking Mary as your wife.The dreams you honoured led your soul;you never stopped to count the cost,content to listen and to actthan fear your reputation lost.How often had you thought you failed -the flights by night, the life-long fears?Yet quietly you stood your ground,And, faithful, laboured through the years.Lord, Jesus, formed and fathered wellby one so faithful and so free:may we not flee life’s darker days,but live them fully, trustingly.Antiphon 1-vcccvvv2ccvvvv1vbbbv2vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvbv6vvvvvvvbv6vvvvvvvvbbv6vvvvvvvbbbbbv5vv6vvvvvvv77vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvbvv2vvvvvvvv]iThe Lord led the just man in right paths and showed him the kingdom of God.-ccbbbvvv4vvvvv3vv1vvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv]xYxx7b7x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x][Al-le-lu-ia.]-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2x]Antiphon 2-v`ccvv2vvvvv3vvvbvv5vvvvvbbbbbbvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vv8vvvv7vvvvvvvbv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvvv9vvvvvv8vvvvvvvbbbv7vvvvvvbbbbbbb6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvbbbbvv6vvvvvvv]vvvvv5vv3vvvv1vvvv2vvvv2vvvvvv]viiHe is the praise of all his saints of the people to whom he comes close. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-v`ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 3-v`*vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvbbbbv5vvvvvvvbvv6vvvvvbbbbvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvbbv9vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv8vvvvbbbbbbbv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvv3vv5vvvvvbbv4vvvvvbbbbvv2vvvvvvv]This man was found to be blameless and faithful; e-ter-nal glory will be his, says the Lord.-v`*vvvvv3vvvv3vv5vvv4vvvvv2vvvvvvv][Al-le-lu-ia.]-v`*cvvcWx3x4x3x{xEx4x5x4x{xRx5x6x7x{xUx5x7x6x{xYx9x8x7x{xEx4x5x6x]Responsory-`*~cvvYcccccccccccccccccccccccccc5cccc6ccc7c7cc{cc7cc6cc4ccc3cc2ccc4cc3cc3ccccc] The virtuous man will bloom like the lily, * al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia.-`*~cvv4ccc3ccccc5cccc6ccc7cc7ccc8ccv9ccvc8ccccc7cc] He will grow for ever before the Lord.-`*~cvvYcccccccccccccccccccccccc5ccc6cccc7cccc7ccc7ccc8cccc9cc8ccc7cc7cccc] Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.Magnificat -vccvvvvv3vvvv3vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vv8vvvv8vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvcc5vv6vvv3vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vv4vvvvvv3vvvv1vvvv]vvv2vvvv2vv3vvvv1vvvvv1vvvvvv]v*Joseph was the husband of Ma-ry, who gave birth to Je-sus, called Mess-i-ah. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-vccvTxcx3x5x{xYxcx5x3x5x{xExcx2x3x5x{xExcx2x3x1vvvvvv]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-v70ccv5vvvvv5vvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv7vv6vvvvv5ccvvvvcv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vv5vvvvv]vvvv5vvvvv5vvv6vv7vv6vvvvv5ccvvvvvb]ii*Celebrating the feast of Saint Jo-seph; come let us praise Christ the Lord. [Al-le -lu -ia.] -v70Tx4x5vvvv{vvvUx6x5x6x{vvvUx6x7x8x{ vvUx5x7x6x{vvvvTx2x4x5vvv {vvvYx4x5x]-vx6x5x6x4vv3x2vv2x4x5x6x8x6vvvx66x] -vvx6x5x6xv4v3x2vv2x4x5x6x8xv6v6x6x]-vx9x8x6x5vv4x5vv5xc7v7x6x5x4x5vv6x6x{x2x5x4xv3v2x2x]Joseph, true servant, trusted by the Father,from whom Christ learnt a human father’s kindness,pray we may know and reverence God at all timesin the defenceless.Joseph, true workman, teaching Word incarnatepatience and pride in honest labour finished,show us who work, God’s plan for skill and servicein every calling.Joseph, true Saint, your Sanctity unsought forwon in your doubt and suffering and struggle,pray we keep faith in every tribulationtill God shines clearly.Benedictus-vvccvc2ccvv1cvcv2vvvvvcvv4vvvvv5vvvvvcv6vvvvvvvv6cccc5ccc6cccccc5vv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv7vvvvv6ccccc6cccc5cc4ccc2ccccc1ccc2cccc]iBehold the faithful and wise servant whom the Master placed over his household. -vccvcc4ccc3vv1vvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvv]cvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2bbbbbbbbbbb]b[Al - le -lu -ia.]Vespers-v7ccfx]xhxkxlxkx]xkxjxhxhx]xgxhxjxgx]xgxfxhx] -v7ccfx]xgxhxhxgx]xgxfxsxsx]xaxfxgxgx]xhxgxfx]O hidden saint of silent ways we do not know a word you spoke;but deeds not words, were all your strengthwhen to your calling you e as it might, you heard God’s word,and never stopped to count the costcontent to be his instrument,and count your reputation lost.Incarnate Lord, who came to save,show us by Joseph’s prayer anewthe secrets of your darker ways:keep us in life and dying true. Magnificat-v`*~c3vv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvv7vvvv8vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvv7vv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv]viiiJos-eph of Nazareth went up to Bethlehem to be enrolled with Mary his betrothed, -v`*~cvv6vvvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvv]vvv4vvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvv]cvvEvvx1x2x3xc{vvcRvvx3x4xc{vvcRvvx2x4x6xc{cvvcvRvvx5x3ccv]who was with child. [Al-le -lu -ia.]20 March – CuthbertBishopLauds-b706vcvdxfx]xtxtxhxgx]xrxexjxjx]xkxjxyxtx]xRx]-b706vcvdxfx]xtxtxhxgx]xrxexaxsx]xdxgxrxrx]xEx]When the Church, in holy SynodMet by Alnmouth’s sandy shore,With King Egfrith of NorthumbriaAnd Archbishop TheodoreTo advance the Lord’s own kingdomAmong those who had not heardThe great message of salvationOr the preaching of the word.They elected as a bishopOnce a monk of Lindisfarne,Holy Cuthbert, now a hermitOn the isle of inner Farne.Both the King and the ArchbishopIn a ship then set their sail,Came as pilgrims to his islandThat their wishes might prevail.Holy Cuthbert then surrenderedTo God’s will, though grieving sore,And was consecrated bishopBy Archbishop Theodore;First for Hexham, then returningTo Northumbria’s Holy Isle;Very image of his MasterFor a blessed little while.Strive we with our holy fathersIn their prayers and by their worth,That the fullness of the kingdomMay be manifest on earth.Vespers-`vclxjxgx]xyxxfxgx]xgxhxjx]xixxjx]xybbbbb,xx]-`vclxjxgx]xwbbbnxx]xhxjxkx]xjbbb.xxHxgx]xhxJbbbbbJxkx]-`vcjbbb,bxHxgx]xgxgxgx]xlbbbb/xKxjx]xhxgxfx]xtbbb,xxx]Saint of the Spirit’s questAnd unremitting zestFor love divine;Carried in princely styleFrom your loved Holy isle,Your body rests awhileIn Durham’s shrine.Monk of the open handFor Ripon’s Melrose bandKeeping the door;Off’ring a needed bedTo many a traveller’s head,Sharing your wine and breadWith Christ’s own poor.Cuthbert the otter’s friendBut first, to your life’s endGod’s pra’rful priest.From storm-swept island lairTeaching us ll to shreThe great Creator’s careFor man and beast.Help us, good northern saintTo pray, and not to faint,As once beforeOn Lindisfarne’s rough landWith Aidan’s crook in handYou taught your pilgrim bandHow to adore.25 March - The Annunciation of Our LordFirst Vespers-v~*ccc2x4x5x6x7x6x5vv4x3x2x3vv4x4x{x2x4x5x6x7x6x9x8x7x6x]-v~*ccc7x5x7x9x8x7x6vv7x6x5x4vv3x2x{x2x4x5x6x5x4x3vv4x3x3x2x]Angels and seraphim, thrones and dominionsCluster in silence on Nazareth hill,All of creation stands breathless with wonder,Waiting the Word that will bring its release.Word of a Virgin who, knowing her weakness,Gives herself wholly to God her betrothed;Word of the Father, eternal almighty,Needing home in that Virgin’s pure womb.Chosen by God at the dawn of creation,She stands alone in the silence of faith;Maiden of Israel now, but hereafterMother of Christ and his Church through her love.Jesus our Lord, in the whole of your beingYou are the perfect expression of love,Word of the Father, who breathes out upon usSpirit of tenderness, mercy and truth.Antiphon 1-v`ccvvvv2vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvvv]viiThe Lord will give him the throne of David his father and he will reign for ever. -v`cvvvvv3vvvvv1vvvvv2vvvv2vvvvvvvvv]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx][Al-le-lu-ia.]-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-`*~v6vvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv1vvvvv1vvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv]vvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvvvvv]viiiI am the servant of the Lord let it be done to me as you have said. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-`*~cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x]-`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{ xRxx2x4x6x {xYx4x3x{xRx6x7x6x{xYx7x3vvvvv]4 part -`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{vvvvRx5x3x]Antiphon 3-v`vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvv6vvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvv5vv3vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv]vvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv]ccYx5x6x7x{xYx5x3x4cx]viiHail Mary, full of grace the Lord is with you. [Al-le - lu - ia.]-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Responsory-b7cvvcvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvv4cccc] The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.-b7cvvcvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vcccc] [Al – le – lu – ia, al – le – lu – ia.]-b7cvvcv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvv5cccc] He was with God in the beginning.-b7cvvcvvc6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvv4vvvvvv5vvvv5cccc] Praise the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.Magnificat-v`vvvvvv2vcccb6vvvbbb6vvvvvv5vvbbbv6vvvvbbbvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvv6vvvvv{vvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvv33vvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv]vThe Holy Spirit will come upon you, Mary, and the pow’r of the Most High -v`vvvvvv3vvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvv]vvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvv2vvvv2vvvvvvv]will overshadow you. [ Al-le-lu-ia.]-v`vcccvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-v`*~bbbbc3vv4vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvv3vvvvvvbbvv4vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvbv2vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvbbbv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvv]vvvvv3vvvvvbbvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvv3x]ii The Word be-came flesh; come, let us worship the Lord. [Al - le - lu-ia,]-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]-)x3x2x3x5x6x7x6x6x{x5x6x7x8xv7vv5xv6x7x6x]-)x6x6x7x5xv3vv5xv4x3x2x{x3x2x3x5x6x7x6x6x]The God whom earth and sea and skyadore and laud and magnify,whose might they own, whose praise they swell,in Mary's womb vouchsafed to dwell.The Lord whom sun and moon obey,whom all things serve from day to day,was by the Spirit blest conceivedof her who through his grace believed.How blessed that Mother, in whose shrinethe world's Creator, Lord divine,whose hand contains the earth and sky,once deigned, as in his ark, to lie.Blessed in the message Gabriel brought,blessed by the work the Spirit wrought;from whom the great Desire of earthtook human flesh and human birth.O Lord, the Virgin-born, to theeeternal praise and glory be,whom with the Father we adoreand Spirit blest for evermore.Benedictus-v70vcc1ccvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vv5vvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vv6vvv7ccccc7ccc6vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvv8vv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvv]vii*The Word of God, begotten of the Father before time be-gan, humbled himself for us-v70vcv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vv6vvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv3vv2vvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvv1vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv3vv2vvvv3vvvvvvv2vvv1vvvv]vvv1vvvvvv3vvvv2vv1vvvv1vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv]and was incarnate from the Ho-ly Spirit and the Vir-gin Mary. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-v70vcccQxx2x3x4xc{xcRxx3x4x5xc{xcTxx4x3x4xc{xcRxx3x2x1xvvv]Second Vespers-cvv6x6x6x6x2x4x3x2vvvvvx{x6x6x7x5x6x8x7x6x]-cvv6x7x8x9x8x6x8x7vv6vv5vx{x6x6x7x5x3x5x6x6x]Our forebears worshipped wood and stone,Sang magic songs with darkened mind,Self-bound as slaves in Satan’s courtWhile darkness left the light behind.For crushing so our weakened raceHell’s prince must no more rule us now.This plunder of the work of GodWould Christ our Lord no more allow.A mortal body he assumed,And then, arising from the dead.He broke apart the gates of bronze,New children to his Father led.This day did our Creator come,To breathe his life in Adam’s clay;The Spirit overshadowed earth,The Word assumed our flesh this day.To you be glory, Jesus, Lord,Whom Mary ever Virgin bore:The Father and the Spirit blest,Be glorified for ever more.Magnificat-v70vcv1cc5ccc4cccc3cccc3cvccv6v6vvvvcv5vvvccv4vvvvv3vv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvv]vvv1vvvvv3vvvv2vv1vvvv1vvvvvvv]vii*Mary received the word of the Lord and conceived the Word of life. [ Al-le-lu-ia.]-v70vcccQxx2x3x4x{xcRxx3x4x5x{xcTxx4x3x4x{xRcxx3x2x1x]April7 April – John Baptist de la SallePriestBenedictus and Magnificat-`*~vvv1vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv8vvvvvvv9vv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv]viiiHe who has compassion teaches and guides, as a shepherd the flock.-`*~vvvRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xUxx6x5x4x]23 April - GeorgeMartyrLauds-cvvax]xdbbbbmxDxgxgx]xhxhxgxxgx]xkxlxjxgx]-cvvgx$fxgxc]v]xsxc]xfbbbmxFxdxdxc]xgbbbb,xGxfxjxvv]-cvvgx$fxdxhxc]xgxfxdx]v]xdx]xdbbbbmxxDxfxfxvv]-cv$fbbbbnxFxgxxgxcc]xgxhxgxdxcc]xcsbbbbnxAxacvvvvvx]Lord God of hosts, within whose handdominion rests on sea and land,before whose word of life or deaththe strength of nations is but breath:O King, enthroned all thrones above,give strength unto the land we love.Thou Breath of Life since time began,breathing upon the lips of man,hast taught each kindred race to raiseunited word to sound thy praise:so, in this land, join, we beseech,all hearts and lips in single speech.To George our Saint thou gavest gracewithout one fear all foes to face,and to confess by faithful deaththat Word of Life which was his breath.O help us, Helper of Saint George,to fear no bonds that man can forge.Arm us like him, who in thy trustbeat down the dragon to the dust;so that we too may tread down sinand with thy saints a crown may win.Help us, O God, that we may bea land acceptable to thee.Vespers-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]Red cross upon a field of white,The banner of a faithful knight:Saint George’s blood-red cross we bear;And by this cross our faith we swear.To set a faithless people freeThat Christ might be their victoryThis valiant servant of God’s realmThe ancient dragon overwhelmed.This gallant martyr for his LordDeclared his faith before the sword;And rising took his cross of red,Emblazoned with the blood he shed.As did Saint George, so let us slayThe ancient dragon in our day.For justice let us take our standAnd so fulfil the great command.To God Almighty with Saint George,We pledge that we shall ever forgeA bond of holy unityThat binds us to the Trinity.24 April – The Conversion of Saint AugustineLauds-v`vvx&x9x7x^x5x3x2x3x]x6x7x6x8x7x6x5x6x]xvv5x3x4x3x2x1x2x]Out of gloomy depths this morning light upon the world is dawning: sparkling clear it shines today.Once an instrument of errorSaint Augustine now brings honour, and adorns the Church of God.When the Word of God he heeded, all his errors he conceded,and approached Baptismal grace.Errors which he once protected, now in writings are rejected,in his speech abandoned too!Building faith, and virtues forming, with his word he slays appalling travesties of sacred law.With his living voice he preaches how God’s doctrine ever reaches and lights up the heart of man.Benedictus and Magnificat-`*~vvv1vvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvv]viiiAugustine wept during the hymns and canticles, deeply moved by the sweet-sounding voices -`*~vv6vv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv]vvvvv4vvvv3vvv6vvv4vvvvv]of the Church. (Alleluia.)-`*~vvvRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xUxx6x5x4x]25 April - MarkEvangelistLauds-v7ccfx]xhxkxlxkx]xkxjxhxxhccc]xgxhxjxgx]xgxfxhx] -v7ccfx]xgxhxhxgx]xgxfxsxsx]xaxfxgxgx]xhxgxfxccc]The saint who first found grace to penthe life which was the Life of men,and shed abroad the Gospel's ray,his fame we celebrate today.Lo, drawn by Pentecostal fire,his heart conceived its great desire,when pure of mind, inspired, he heardand with his hand set forth the Word.Then, clearly writ, the Godhead shoneserene and fair to look upon;and through that record still comes powerto lighten souls in death's dark hour.O holy mind, for wisdom fitwherein that Life of lives stood writ,may we through minds of like accordshow forth the pattern of our Lord.And so may all whose minds are darkbe led to truth by good Saint Mark,and after this our earthly strifestand written in the Book of Life.Benedictus and Magnificat-v7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvv7vvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvv8vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv6vv4x]7The word of the Lord endures for ever: this word is the gospel proclaimed-v7vvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv]vvvvTxvv3x5x{xUxvv6x4x5x{xRxvv3x2x3x{xRxvv2x3x1x]to you, al-le - lu - ia.Vespers-`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx]O blessed Mark, your book so briefwas first to give the Gospel form:the catechesis Peter preachedyou penned in language unadorned.So close in time and to the source,your hand reveals those early years;Christ’s messianic secret isproclaimed to anyone who hears.Christ is the great Messiah-King,yet Isra’l’s hopes had been misplaced:he came to serve, and serving, die– but he, the “Son of Man”, God raised.Great Alexandra claimed you hersas founding bishop for her faith:tradition holds that your remainsand holy name, both, Venice, grace.Your legacy, a precious linkwith what occurred in Palestine:the Lord you loved and served as scribestill lives through you to our own time.O Judah’s Lion, Lord of Life,to whom the four great creatures bow:the one who claim’s the lion’s shareshall ever praise you, then, as now.25 April – Catherine of SienaVirgin and Doctor -c`xuxjxkxuxtx]xhvv,xGxhxjxyxtx]vxuxjxlxixux]xhvv,xGxfxgxexwx]-c`xuxhxgxixux]xgvv,xHxjxkxoxox]xuxhxgxyxtx]Cath’rine approaches with the prudent virgins,Eager and ready for divine espousals,Sacttering swiftly with her lamp well furnishedHorrors of darkness.Christ seen in vision places on her fingerRing of great beauty glittering with jewels.Saying “I give you this as loving token,Pledge of our union.”Caught up in rapture past our human knowledge,She learns the secrets love alone can fathom,On her own body Cath’rine bears the SacredWounds of her Saviour.Many times favoured with the rarest graces,Finally resting in the joys of heavenNear her Beloved she will shed new lustreGuiding our footsteps.Blessed for ever be the God of heaven,Trinity holy, One in Be-ings Essence,Infinite Wisdom with almighty power,Ruling creation.Benedictus-v7ccvvvv4x2vvvvb1vvvvc4vcvv4vvvvvvvv5ccccc6cccc6ccvvvvv7cbbbb6cvvvvvvvc5vvcbbbcvc4ccbbbv4vvvvvc5ccbbc6vv5ccbb4ccc4vvbbbbbbbbbbbb4cccvvc4vvvvv2ccbbbv2vvvvvvv2vvvc1cc2cx] vi The holy Virgin Saint Catherine, never ceased praying to God to let peace return to his holy -v7ccvvcc4vvmxc]ccc5vv6vv7vv6ccc5vv6ccvc4vv5vv4ccvvc4vvmx]Church. Al — le —l u — ia.-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]-v7ccfx]xhxkxlxkx]xkxjxhxhx]xgxhxjxgx]xgxfxhx] -v7ccfx]xgxhxhxgx]xgxfxsxsx]xaxfxgxgx]xhxgxfx]We praise you Cath’rine joyfully,And glory in your great renown;As shining light within the Church,Full many jew’ls bedeck your crown.Your virtues and your purityAllowed your eyes to see but God:The courage of the humble soulSustained you in the path you trod.In troubled times you were a starAnnouncing true salvation’s peace,Restoring Christian ways of lifeAnd causing angry strife to cease.The Holy Spirit prompted youTo utter words of burning zealAnd shed his wisdom’s light abroadWith charity as sacred seal.Beloved Spouse of Christ our Lord,Set our cold hearts aglow with love,That by your prayer we too may seekHis Kingdom and the things above.O Jesus, virgin-born, we raise Our hearts to you in joyful praise,Whom with the Father we adore,And Holy Spirit, evermore.Magnificat-v7ccvv4x2vvvvvvb1vvvvvvvvvc4vcvv4vvvvv5cvvc6cvc6ccvvvvvvv7cbbbvvvb6cvvvvvvvvc5vvcbbbcvcv4vvvv{vc5vccbbvvc6vv5cvvvvvvcbb4ccc4vvbbbbbbbbbbbb4ccvc4vvvv2vvv2vvvvv2vvvvvc1ccvv2cx] vi At all times and in all places, Catherine sought God. She found him and was united to him in -v7ccvc4vvmxc]ccc5vv6vv7vv6ccc5vv6ccvc4vv5vv4ccvvc4vvmx]love. Al — le —l u — ia.-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]May1 May - Joseph the WorkerIf Philip and James are kept on 1 May, St Joseph the Worker may be observed as a votive Office on the first available day.LaudsInvitatory antiphon-v7xvv4vv3vv2vvvvc1ccvcvvv4ccvvvc5cvvvc4vvcvvvc4vvc5ccvvv4ccv5vvvvvvc6ccc4cc4ccvvvvc7cvvc5ccvvv6cc5ccc4cvc5vv6cv5vvvvvvvvvc5ccvvvvv6vvvvvv5vcc2cc4vvvvvvc4cc]viChrist the Lord allowed himself to be considered the son of a carpenter; come, let us adore him.-v7x5vv6vv7vv6vvvvvv5vv6vvvv4vv5vv4vvvvv4vvvv] Al – le – lu –ia.-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]-`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx]Before the rising of the sun,Earth’s toilers to their work had stirred,Within the home at NazarethThe hammer’s ringing sound was heard.Hail, Joseph, head of earthly home,For him by whom the world was made,From your intstruction learned to toil,And ply a hard and humble trade.Now from the height of heaven above,In honour close to heaven’s Queen,Assist all those who cry to you,In need, or want or anguish keen.Far from us be all words of strife,All violence and all greed or gain;When taking sustenance we needMay Christian moderation reign.All glory to the Trinity,Who at Saint Joseph’s faithful prayer,Will guard us in the way of peace,Till heaven’s joy we too may share.Benedictus and Magnificat-vvvv1vvvvvvvv3vvvvv5vvvvbbbbbbbbbbvvv3vvvvvvbbbvvv4vvvvv5vvbvv5vvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vv4vvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvbbbbbv1vvvvvbbbvv1vvvvvvv]vvvv2vv4vvvbvv3vvvbv1vvvvvv1vvvvv]v Saint Joseph worked faithfully as a carpenter; he shines as an ex-am-ple to all who work, al - le-lu- ia.-vvvvvvvvTxx3x5x{xYxx5x3x5x{xExx2x3x5x{xExx2x3x1x]Vespers-vcc3x3x4x3vv2x5x5x6vv8x8x{x8vv9x8x8x7x6x8x7vv6vv5xvv]-ccv5x6x8x7x6x5x6x5xvvvvv{x6x7x5x5x3x6x6vv,2xvcc] -ccv3x5x5x3x5x6x6x5xx{x6x7x5x6vv5x4vv3x2x3xc]Joseph, patron saint of workers, blending skill with charity, silent carpenter, we praise you! Joining work with honesty, you taught Christ with joy to labour, sharing His nobility.Joseph, close to Christ and Mary, lived with them in poverty, shared with them their home and labour, worked with noble dignity.May we seek God’s will as you did, leader of His family!Joseph, inspiration for workers, man of faith and charity, make us honest, humble, faithful, strong with Christ’s true liberty, make our labour and our leisure fruitful to eternity!2 May – AthanasiusBishop-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]By Abba Anthony well schooled,Devoted to the desert way,You yet embraced the urban church,With all the tensions of your day.Convinced that Christ was light from light,Begotten of true God not made,You suffered long to plead the truthLest God’s great gift in us might fade.For this you lost your bishop’s seat,Five times you fled in forced exile:An outlaw banished from your See,Enduring calumny and trial.One truth in darkness lit your way:God gives us immortality:Christ shared our flesh, God-one-with-us,To give us God’s Divinity.CW 1 May / DO 3 May – Philip and JamesApostlesLauds-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]Saint Philip, whom Saint Peter knewAs townsman and companion true,With love for Christ your soul was stirred,You followed at a simple word.Our Lord explained at your requestHis union at the Father’s breast,Where Love and Life’s pure essence dwellIn happiness no tongue can tell.Saint James, called “brother of the Lord”,Your silent love he would reward;The days ahead would prove your worthAs pillar of his Church on earth.Jerusalem can truly claim,You ruled it first in Jesus’ name;You stressed with sure authority,The royal law of charity.Apostles eager unto death,To spread Christ’s name with every breath,Win us the faith and hope to run,With courage till our course is done.Blest Trinity, to you we raise,Our voices in exultant praise.May we, when this short life is past,Know heaven’s joy and peace at last.Antiphon 1-v7ccvv3vv4vv5xvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv6vvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv7vv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvv{vv4vvvvv2vvvvvv3vv2vvvvvv1vvvvv]viLord, show us the Father, and that will be enough for us, al-le – lu - ia.-v7cccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]-v7ccvvccTxx6x5x{xUxx6x5x{xYxx5x4x{xRxx6x5x{xYxx4x5x{xRxx2x1x]Antiphon 2-v`ccvv6vvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvv{vvv3vvvv4vvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvvv]vccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]vPhilip, to see me is to see the Father, al-le-lu-ia.-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]Antiphon 3-v7cvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv55vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv{vv6vvvvv5vv6vvvv4vvvv4vvvvv]vcYxcc4x5x6x{xYxccc5x6x4x]viIf you love me you will keep my commandments, al-le- lu-ia.-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Benedictus and Magnificat-`cccv6vvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv]viiPhilip found Nathaniel and said to him, “We have found the one about whom Moses wrote -`ccc2vvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvv{vvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvbbbv8vv9vvv7vvvbbvvvv5vvvvbvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvv6vvvv{vvv5vvvv3vvvvv6vvvv6vvvv]in the Law and whom the prophets foretold: he is Je-sus, son of Joseph, from Nazareth, al-le-lu-ia.-`cccYxxc4x6x{xIxx7x5x6x{xTxx4x3x4x{xTxx3x4x2x]Vespers-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]Christ called you Philip, “Follow me.”And willingly you left your kin;And then, convinced, you broke the news:“He’s come, the Christ; now we’ve found him.”Nathaniel asked “from Nazareth?”And you said only “Come and see.”Your heart was free from useless cares;What you could see you would believe.Pragmatic, honest, down to earth,You knew how much, a crowd could feed;“Show us the Father.” You would saythough Jesus hoped you had paid heed.With you at Pentecost was James,Known as the “younger” and the “just”For he was gen’rous with the poor,Did what was right despite the cost.He welcomed Paul who still was feared;And peoples’ censure then he risked:Decreeing circumcision null,Through him both Jew and Gentile mixed.As leader of Jerus’lem’s church,He wrote a letter, wise and sound,It nurtured faith which was still young;From age to age still handed down.13 May – Julian of NorwichReligious-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]Love is the measure of your life,Lived fully in an anchorage.From illness and death’s door emetgedA healing vision for your age.Who showed it you? It was but Love,Encompassing a hazelnut:The world, held cherished in Love’s hand,Will last in love, no matter what.Christ’s passion was for our increase:For he is mother of us all:Love is his meaning, love assures,“Behold, I shall make all things well.”14 May – MatthiasApostle-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]What wisdom and what wondrous loveLay hidden in God’s plan above,That you, Matthias, should find placeAmong the Twelve and share their grace.For one had left his high estate,And perished by a tragic fate,Made blind by paltry thirst for gain,He sold his master with disdain.The tender love he threw away,Transferred to you its ardent sway,So that the Holy Spirit’s choice,Was manifest through Peter’s voice.With dedicated strength and zeal,Christ’s light to us you would reveal,A martyr’s glory, too, you claim,By dying for our Saviour’s name.Give us your energy and zest,To do for God our very best,To follow where the Spirit leads,Apostles by our words and deeds.All glory to the Trinity,All praise throughout eternity,And through your prayer may we adoreThe Godhead, One for ever moreBenedictus and Magnificat-`cccv6vv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv9vvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv5vvvvvvvvvvv]viiOne of those who were with us all the time that the Lord Je-sus was travelling round-`ccvv6vvvvc2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvv7vvvvvv8vv9vvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv9vvvvv8vvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv{vvv5vvvv3vvvvv6vvvv6vvvv]with us must be chosen to act with us as a witness to his resurrection [Al-le-u-ia.]-`cccYxxc4x6x{xIxx7x5x6x{xTxx4x3x4x{xTxx3x4x2x]16 May – Simon StockReligiousSECOND READING A reading from The Flaming Arrow by Nicholas of France, prior general.I will lead her into the desert, and there I will speak to her heart Was it not our Lord and Savior who led us into the desert, as a mark of his favor, so that there he might speak to our hearts with special intimacy? It is not in public, not in the market place, not amid noise and bustle that he shows himself to his friends for their consolation and reveals his secret mysteries to them, but behind closed doors. To the solitude of the mountain did Abraham, unswerving in faith and discerning the issue from afar in hope, ascend at the Lord’s command, ready for obedience’s sake to sacrifice Isaac his son; under which mystery the passion of Christ—the true Isaac— lies hidden. To the solitude of the mountain was it too that Abraham’s nephew, Lot, was told to flee for his life in haste from Sodom. In the solitude of Mount Sinai was the Law given to Moses, and there was he so clothed with light that when he came down from the mountain no one could look upon the brightness of his face. In the solitude of Mary’s chamber, as she conversed with Gabriel, was the Word of the Father most high in very truth made flesh. In the solitude of Mount Tabor it undoubtedly was, when it was his will to be transfigured, that God-made-man revealed his glory to his chosen intimates of the Old and New Testaments. To a mountain solitude did our Savior ascend alone in order to pray. In the solitude of the desert did he fast forty days and forty nights together, and there did he will to be tempted by the devil, so as to show us the most fitting place for prayer, penance, and victory over temptation. To the solitude of mountain or desert it was, then, that our Savior retired when he would pray; though we read that he came down from the mountain when he would preach to the people or manifest his works. He who planted our fathers in the solitude of the mountain thus gave himself to them and their successors as a model, and desired them to write down his deeds, which are never empty of mystical meaning, as an example. It was this rule of our Savior, a rule of utmost holiness, that some of our predecessors followed of old. They tarried long in the solitude of the desert, conscious of their own imperfection. Sometimes however—though rarely—they came down from their desert, anxious, so as not to fail in what they regarded as their duty, to be of service to their neighbors, and sowed broadcast of the grain, threshed out in preaching, that they had so sweetly reaped in solitude with the sickle of contemplation. ResponsoryPsalm 55 7-8, 1 John 2:7 O that I had wings like a dove, to fly away and be at rest. * So I would escape far away, and take refuge in the desert (alleluia). The world and its cravings pass away,?but those who do God’s will stand firm forever.?* So I would escape far away, and take refuge in the desert (alleluia). Benedictus and Magnificat-`vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvv6vvvv{vvvvvv9vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvv3vvvv3vvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv]viiHow good and how pleasant it is, brothers dwelling in unity.-`vvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]Collect God of love,?you called Saint Simon Stock to serve you in the family of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Through his prayers help us, like him,?to live in your presence?and to work for the salvation of all. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. 17 May – Paschal BaylonReligious-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]With joyful hearts the band of friarsTo Paschal raise their song of praise,Recalling oft his love and fervourBefore the Sacrament of grace.While as a boy he tended herds,He yearned to taste this heavenly bread.When lo! From open heaven its lustreThe Sacred Host around him shed.He longed to serve the sacred altar,To contemplate the Bread of Life;And as he gazed, his spirit mellowed,With ardent love for Jesus rife.Against the heretics he venturedChrist’s presence in the Host to claim;He did not win by sword and bloodshed,But by desire a martyr’s fame.Throughout his life this bread from heavenWith fond affection he adored;And after death his eyes were openedTo see his Eucharistic Lord.We beg you, Lord, through Paschal’s prayersTo make us ever pure of heart,So that this living Bread of HeavenMay heav’nly life to us impart.All praise be to the heavenly FatherAnd honour to his only Son,And glory to the Holy Spirit;All homage to the three in One.20 May – Bernardine of SienaReligiousLaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~cc3vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvv3vvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvx]ii At the name of Jesus, ev’ry knee shall bow; come, let us worship the Lord.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]-v7vcc2x3x4x5x4x6x5x4vv4x3x{x2x4x5x6x8x7x5x6vv6xxbb]-v7vcc6x9x8x9x6x8x6x5vv5x4x{x4x5x6x7x6xv5v5x3vv3x6xx]To give himself to God entirelyHe spurned all worldly pomp and greedAnd chose, by heaven’s gracious impulse,A Friar’s humble life to lead.As Friar aglow with love seraphicHe followed close his Father’s lead,And everywhere the Name of JesusHe glorified by word and deed.By calling on the name of JesusHe healed the sick, all ills dispelled;All through its radiant light illuminedThe wretched in dark gloom immersed.This holy name be ever presentIn heart, on lips, at every breath’And may we have the grace to say itDevoutly at the hour of death.O Triune God, who reign for ever,To you be glory, honour, praise;For you reward your faithful servantWith crown of gold for endless days.Benedictus-cvv1ccc5cccc3cccbbbbcv2cc3cc3bbbcvv3cc4ccbbbc5c3cccbbc2cccc1xbb]v* At the name of Jesus, ev’ry knee shall bow.-cvvcccvTxx3x5x{xYxx3x5x{xTxx6x3x{xWxx3x1x]Vespers-v706vc4x8x7x8x6vv,x5x{x6x5x4x3x1vvnx]c3x4x5x4x6vv,x7x{x8x8x7x6x4vvbmx]At the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow, every tongue confess him King of glory now;'Tis the Father's pleasure we should call him Lord, who from the beginning was the mighty Word.Humbled for a season, to receive a Name from the lips of sinners, unto whom he came,Faithfully he bore itspotless to the last,brought it back victorious, when from death he passed;Name him, brothers, name him, with love as strong as death, but with awe and wonderand with bated breath;He is God the Saviour, he is Christ the Lord, ever to be worshiped, trusted, and adored.In your hearts enthrone him; there let him subdueall that is not holy,all that is not true;Crown him as your Captain in temptation's hour;let his will enfold youin its light and power.Brothers, this Lord Jesus shall return again,with his Father's glory with his angel train;for all wreaths of empire meet upon his brow,and our hearts confess himKing of glory now.Magnificat-`*~vvvv6vvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvv1vvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvccc]iiDo ev’rything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father-`*~vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv]xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xUxx6x5x4x]through him.22 May – Rita of Cascia-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]Come, virgins chaste; pure brides, draw near:Let earth exult and heaven hearThe hymn that grateful accents raise,Our song of joy in Rita's praise.By fast her sinless frame is weak;Her livid flesh the scourges streak.In pity for her Saviour's woes,Her days and even nights are closed.The thorn-wound on her brow is shown,The crimson rose in winter blown,And full-ripe figs on frozen treeAt Rita's wish the wonders see.The widowed spouse and wedded wifeThe way to heaven see in her life;The way secure our Rita trod,In life's dim day, through love of God.Praise to the Father and the Son,Praise to the Spirit, Three in One;O grant us grace in heaven to reignThrough Rita's prayer and life-long pain.24 May – The Blessed Virgin Mary, Help of ChristiansBenedictus-vccvvvv2vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvv{vvvv3vvvv2vvvvv1vvvvv2vvvvvvvv]iRejoice, Virgin Mother; through you the Lord rescues us from our enemies. (Al-le-lu-ia). -vvcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Magnificat-`*~vvv1vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvbbbbb7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv6vvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv]We call on you in time of trial, Holy Mother of God; through you we receive help-`*~vvvvv1vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv{vvvv4vvvvv1vvvv3vvvvv4vvvvv]from the Lord. (Al-le-lu-ia).-`*~vvvRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xUxx6x5x4x]25 May – Bede the VenerableLauds-`*~vvcccvv1x4x6x5x4x3x4x5x{x1x4x3x4x5x6xc]-`*~vcccvv6x6x8x7x6x5x4x5x{x1x4x6x5x5x4vvbbcvvbvv]Christ was his King, no other lordDid Bede aspire to serve.No other love could claim the heartHe gave without reserve.From boyhood onward his delightWas in the scriptures found,Or singing praise to him who hungUpon the Rood, thorn-crowned.Like Easter night, Bede’s quiet cellSaw Christ arising there;And when Ascension dawned at lastThe Son shone bright and fair.To Christ the King of glory sing,And God the Father praise,Whose Spirit dwells in peaceful heartsAnd guides them in his ways.Vespers-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]Bede, priest and servant of the Lord,Rejoiced in singing in God’s sight;In writing, teaching, learning, all,He found his pleasure and delight.To aid his brothers in their prayerHe noted what the Scriptures say.Delighting, he drank deeply there,In hopes he’d gain the Source one day.Though faithful to his cloistered lifeHe found whole worlds within his cell:His hist’ry of the English ChurchEndures and still is not excelled.The Gospel of Saint John he loved,And rendered in his mother tongue;At last, its final word complete,He died as Christ had: “It is done.”27 May – Augustine of CanterburyBishop-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]A monk of Rome, and Greg’ry’s friend,The pope placed all his trust in you:In sending you to Britain’s shoresYour gifts would be well used he knew.But doubts and fears then turned you home,The unknown left you overwhelmed;You left, once more, this time resolved;Then baptized Ethelbert’s whole realm.The old ways you did not destroy;You built on what you found was good.The Christian Celts would challenge you,And kept their rites, convinced they should.To those who leave both home and landsYou promise, Lord, abundant grace:Augustine overcame his fears;In you, he gained this island race.31 May - The VisitationLaudsInvitatory antiphon-v7xv4vv3vv2vvvvvc1ccvc4ccc5cc4vvmccc4ccc5cc4cc5vv6ccc6cccbbbb4ccc4ccc7cc5cccv6vvbbbc6cc{cvvv6ccc5ccc4cvcbb5vv6ccc5vvmcc5ccx]viCome, to celebrate the Vis-it-a- tion of the Virgin Mary; let us sing praises to-v7ccc2cccc4cccc]cvvvc5cc6cc4cc4x]the Lord. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]-b7cvvsxdxfxgx]xyxxhvvvgx]xyxxyx]v]xhxhxjxkx]xuxxhvvbgx]xYxvvvvvvvbbb]-b7cvvsxdxfxgx]xyxxhvvvgx]xyxxyx]v]xhxhxjxkx]xuxxhvvbgx]xYxvvvvvvvvv]-b7cvvhxhxlxhx]xtxxfx]xsxfxhxfx]xEx]v]xhxhxlxhx]xtxdvvvfx]xWx]Now in holy celebrationsing we of that Mother blest,in whose flesh for our salvationGod incarnate deigned to rest,when a kindred salutationnamed in faith the mystic Guest.Lo, the advent Word confessing,spake for joy the voice yet dumb,through his mother's lips addressingher, of motherhood the sum,bower of beauty, blest and blessing,crowned with fruit of life to come."Whence," she cried, at that fair meeting,"comes to me this great reward?For when I first heard the greetingof the Mother of my Lord,in my womb, the joy repeating,leapt my babe in sweet accord!"Lo, at that glad commendationjoy found voice, in Mary's breastwhile in holy exultationshe her Maker's power confessed,at whose word each generationnow henceforward names her blest.Triune Godhead, health supplying,Ruler of eternity,on the fount of grace relying,we uplift our hearts to thee,praying that in realms undyingwe at one with Life may be.Antiphon 1-v70cvvv4vvv5vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvv3vv4vvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvv5vvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv]viiiMary set out in haste to a town in judah; she entered the house of Zechariah and-v70ccvv3vv1vvvvv2vvvvv3vvv4vvvv5vvvv4vvvvvv]cvvvv5vv7vvvv6vvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv]greeted Elizabeth. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-v70vcvvvRxx2x4x{xTxx6x4x{xRxx5x7x{xYxx4x5x{xTxx7x4x{xTxx3x4x]Antiphon 2-v`ccvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv2vv6vvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv55vvvvvvvvv6vv4vv5vvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvv]vvvv2vvvvv4vvvv3vv2vvv2vvvvv]iWhen your greeting sounded in my ears, the infant in my womb leapt for joy. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-v`vvcxRxx3x2x3x{xExx4x2x]Antiphon 3-v`ccvv2vv3vv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvv5vv3vvvvvvvv4vv3vvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv1vv3vv5vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv77vv6vv5vvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vv3vv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvv3vv4vvvv2vvvv2vvvvvvvc]viiiBlest are you among women, and blest is the fruit of your womb. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-~xTxx3x5x6x{xTxx3x1x2x]Benedictus and Magnificat-vccvv1vv3vvvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv$4vv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvv2vv3vvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv5vv3vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvv3vvvv1vvvvv1vvvvvvc]vAll generations will call me blessed: the Almighty has done great things for me. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-vvvvvvvvTxx3x5x{xYxx5x3x5x{xExx2x3x5x{xExx2x3x1x]Vespers-v7ccfx]xhxkxlxkx]xkxjxhxhx]xgxhxjxgx]xgxfxhx] -v7ccfx]xgxhxhxgx]xgxfxsxsx]xaxfxgxgx]xhxgxfx]How blest upon the mountain paths,the feet of her with news of peace;Elizabeth is overjoyed;though still unborn, the Baptist leaps!O Virgin, visit us this day,God carried in your blessed e, sister, daughter, mother, bride;like you, let God, in us, find room.Show us what God would have us be,Who dwells in us, in Whom we dwell:You mothered well God’s Word enfleshed;come, now, our mother be as well.O God, who breathed in us your breath,whose Spirit overshadows us,may Christ be formed in us anew:Our each encounter also bless.June1 June – JustinMartyrBenedictus-v70bbbbb5vvvvvv7vvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvv5vvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv{vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvv4vvvvv]In everything we offer up, let us worship the creator of all things through his Son Jesus-v70bbbbbvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv8vvv7vvvvvvv6vvv5vvvv{vvv4vvvv6vv5vvv5vvvv]Christ, and through the Holy Spirit, alleluia.-v70xUxx6x5x6x{xYxx4x6x5x{xWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x6x5x]Magnificat-vvvvvvc3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv{vv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv]A fire was enkindled in my soul; I was filled with love for the prophets and for those-vxc6vvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv]vvv5vvv4vvvv3vvv3vvvv]holy men who are the friends of Christ. Alleluia.-vccExx4x5x6x{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx7x5x6x{xYxx5x4x3x]5 June – BonifaceBishop-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]The noble Winfred, in his youth,A monk had always yearned to be;Well trained within monastic schoolsHe then passed on what he received.Though England’s Devon was his home,His heart was drawn to Germany.Blessed by his bishop, sent to Rome,He sought this of Pope Gregory.Refusing a cathedral seeFor fear his chance to preach should pass,The pope ignored his heartfelt plea,Then newly named him, Boniface.To Friesland’s grey and darkened shoresHe brought the holy gospel’s light.He axed the mighty oak of ThorTo put their puny gods to flight.His love’s enthusiastic waysSoon drew Wessex’s monks and nuns.They flocked to build monastic schoolsWhere there was only forest once.Unflagging through his seventiesHis Fulda shared Cassino’s fame:Elected to the See of Mainz,He died when pagans had him slain.9 June – Ephrem the SyrianDeacon-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]Revered by churches east and west,Proclaimed “the Holy Spirit’s harp”Saint Ephrem sang God’s mysteriesIn song that welled-up from his heart.He painted with creation’s hues,His words a mirror to the Word,He formed and led a women’s choir,And thus, through them, his songs were heard.His faith reclaimed in troubled times,Was bathed with tears and forged in trial:A world awash with war and liesHis hymns would heal and reconcile.Ordained a deacon late in life,He fed the hungry, clothed the poor.Advanced in years, he served their causeAnd died a poet for his Lord.11 June – BarnabasApostle-c`xuxjxkxuxtx]xhvv,xGxhxjxyxtx]vxuxjxlxixux]xhvv,xGxfxgxexwx]-c`xuxhxgxixux]xgvv,xHxjxkxoxox]xuxhxgxyxtx]With the Apostles, Barnabas the LeviteShines in the glory won by many labours,Through love of Jesus, he despised as nothing,All that he suffered.Land and possessions he abandoned also,Charity’s ardour marked his earnest teaching;Antioch’s converts won the name of Christians,Proof of their fervour.Quickly perceiving Paul’s sincere conversion,Gladly he welcomed such a true companion;By divine choosing, many miles they travelled,Sharing the Gospel.Tireless and eager, he would spare no effort,Preaching Christ Jesus by his words and goodness,‘Till martyr’s glory sealed his never failingLife-long devotion.Lord God Almighty, through the intercessionOf your great servant, give us strength to labour,For our salvation, that we may in heaven,Praise you for ever.Benedictus and Magnificat-`*~cvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvbbbbbbv2vvvvvv2vvvvvbbbbbv2vvvvbbbbbvv3vvvvvvbvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvbbvvv7vvvvvvbv6vvvvvbbbbbbv6vvvvbbv9vvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv] The entire assembly kept silence, and they listened to Barnabas and Paul describing all the signs -`*~c%5vccc6cccc6ccccc7cccc6ccccc5vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv{vvvv3vvvv4vvvv2vvvv2vvvv] and wonders God had worked through them among the Gentiles, al-le-lu-ia.-`*~cccWxx4x3x6x{xYxx4x%5vx6x{xYxx%5vx4x6x{xYxx3x4x2x]24 June - The Birth of John the Baptist First Vespers-`xuxjxkxuxtx]xhvv,xGxhxjxyxtx]vxuxjxlxixux]xhvv,xGxfxgxexwx]-`xuxhxgxixux]xgvv,xHxjxkxoxox]xuxhxgxyxtx]Caves of the desert sheltered you in childhood,Drawn by the Spirit there to suffer hardness,That in the silence, you might learn the missionWhich lay before you.Israel’s prophets saw the light unfolding,Hoped for the future coming of our Saviour:But you were summoned to declare him presentAnd to baptise him.No other prophet ever born of womanShall arise greater than the Lord’s Forerunner:Yet in God’s Kingdom shall the least be honouredAbove the Baptist.Trinity Holy, One, Almighty Godhead,All saints in heaven celebrate your praises.Grant us repentance and, when we behold him,Joy in Christ Jesus.Antiphon 1-vccvvv2vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv77vvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvv77vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv77vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv]iA voice cries in the wilderness “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight a highway -cccvvv5vv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv]cxYxx7b7x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x]for our God.”-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2x]Antiphon 2-v`cvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv]vii Among those born of women there is none greater than John the Baptist.-v`ccYx5x6x7x{xYx5x3x4cvvvvv]-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 3-v`*vvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvv9vvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvc]vHe will go before him in the spirit and power of El – i - jah to make ready a people -v`*vvv2vv3vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]for the Lord.-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]Responsory-b7ccvv4vvvbbbbbbbvb4bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bb5bbbbbbbbbbb{vbbbbb4bbbbbbbbbbbvvv5vvvvbbb6bbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbb5bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbbbbbbb5bb6bbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbb4vvvvvvvvvvv] vi He will be great before the Lord: and will be filled with the Holy Spirit.-b7ccvv6bbbbvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vv6vvv5vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6v5vvvvv] He will make ready a people prepared for the Lord. -b7ccvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvv] Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Magnificat -v7vvvvbbbv4xv2vvvv1vvcvvv4vvvv5vcvv4cvc{vvvvv5ccvvvvv6ccc7cccvc7cvvvc6cc5cbbbbbbc4cc5ccbbbbc6vbbbbbbbbbbv5bbccc4vvbbbbbbbbbbbbbb2ccc1ccc2x] vi The angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah in the temple, standing by the-v7vvbbbbvv4vvvv6ccbbbbbb5cc5c4vvvvvv$vvvvvvc]cvvvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]al-tar of incense.LaudsInvitatory antiphon-v7ccvcc1cvvccc2cccc4cccc4cccc5ccccc4ccccc3ccvcc4ccc1ccccc2cccc4ccvc5ccc6ccc4bbbbbbvvvv]vi Christ the Lamb of God proclaimed by John, come let us a-dore.-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]-`xuxjxkxuxtx]xhvv,xGxhxjxyxtx]vxuxjxlxixux]xhvv,xGxfxgxexwx]-`xuxhxgxixux]xgvv,xHxjxkxoxox]xuxhxgxyxtx]Let thine example, holy John, remind us,ere we can meetly sing thy deeds of wonder,hearts must be chastened, and the bonds that bind usbroken asunder!Lo! a swift Angel, from the skies descending,tells to thy father what shall be thy naming;all thy life's greatness to its bitter endingduly proclaiming.But when he doubted what the Angel told him,came to him dumbness to confirm the story;at thine appearing, healed again behold him,chanting thy glory!Oh! what a splendour and a revelationcame to each mother, at thy joyful leaping,greeting thy Monarch, King of every nation,in the womb sleeping.Angels in orders everlasting praise thee,God, in thy triune majesty tremendous;hark to the prayers we, penitents, upraise thee:save and defend us.Benedictus-`*vvvc6cc6cc6bbbbbv7cvvc5ccvvv6ccbbbbc6cc7cc8cc9cc9cccvvvc8xcbbbbbbbbbbbc7ccc6ccc5ccvvv6vvcvc6ccbvvvv4cccc5ccc6ccc]] v Elizabeth the wife of Zechariah, brought forth a son; he grew and became-`*vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vv3vvvvv4vvbbbbbv]cvvYxx4x6x{xUxx6x4x6x{{xRxx3x4x6x{xRxx3x4x2x]strong in the Spi - rit.Second Vespers-vx6x5x6x4vv3x2vv2x4x5x6x8x6vvvx66x] -vvx6x5x6xv4v3x2vv2x4x5x6x8xv6v6x6x]-vx9x8x6x5vv4x5vv5xc7v7x6x5x4x5vv6x6x{x2x5x4xv3v2x2x]Amid the fragrance of the evening incensecomes to John’s father; filling him with wonder,an angel vision of a son whose missionheralds God’s presence.Mother with mother; each shares with the otherGod’s gracious kindness: they whose wombs were now blest.Ch?ld then with ch?ld, deep within them smiled:least knew the greater.Scarcely believing what occurred that eveningstruck dumb with wonder; needing time to ponder -months passed in silence till with his deliv’rancewords force a hearing:“His name: John shall be. Greatest born of woman.”A prophet destined, so will ages see him;lamp to the true light, heralding Messiah.Hate slayed this just man.Magnificat-v7vvvcc4cvvvvcv2vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvcv4vvvc4vvvvv5vcvvv5vvvc4cvvv5ccvvvv6cvvvcbbbbbbb7cvvcbb7bvcbbb6ccvvv6vvvbbbbbbbvc5ccbc4cbcbb5cccc6vv5ccc4vvcccvvc] vi The child born of E-liz-a-beth is more than a prophet, for he will proclaim-v7vvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv4vvvcv5ccvvvvv$vvvc]vvvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{xYYxx5x6x4x{xYxx5x6x4x]the way of the Lord.28 June – IrenaeusBishop and Martyr-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]Blest Irenaeus in his youthHad known a great apostles heir;His friend Saint Polycarp passed onAll that beloved John had shared.Well versed in Hellenistic thought,Immersed in God’s life-giving word,He left his Asia Minor homeTo share the Gospel he had heard.He travelled up the Rhone to GaulAnd served in Lyons as a priest.A trip to Rome had spared him deathWhen persecution there increased.When chosen bishop on return,He learned to speak the native tongue:Thus would he write and preach God’s truthTo those whose life in Christ was young.In action, peaceful, as his name,He opened wide the sheepfold’s door.His humour and compassion, each,He used in service of his Lord.With gnostics and schismatics both,A meeting point he sought to find;To understand the other sideHe brought a broad, enquiring mind.Self emptied that we might be filled,Christ came to gather all, he taught,In taking on our human life,All life, in Christ, is newly wrought.Benedictus and Magnificat-v706vvv5cc5cc7cc7ccv7cccc5ccc5cccc3cccc4cccc5cccvvvc6ccv6ccc6ccc4cccc6cccc{c6cccc7cccccc8cc8cc8ccc8ccc4cccc5cccc6cccc] Irenaeus, in keeping with his name, was a man of peace; he fought strenuously for the peace -v706vvc4ccc4cccccc5cccc]xTxx3x4x5x{xYxx4x6x{xYxx4x5x6x{xTxx4x5x] of the Church.29 June - Peter and PaulApostles-v6c2x5x6x9x8x8vv7x6x6vv5x{x6x7x6x5vv4x3x4x3x2x]-v6c4x3x4x5vv4x3x4x5x6x{x6x9x8x8vv7x6x5vv7x5x6x]Two saints, a fisherman and seer,Two worlds we celebrate this feast,Two persons seeming poles apart:Their Gospel carried west and east.Paul, poet of God’s mysteries,Whose vision deep he freely shared;Such wisdom welled within his heartThat God’s own heart by him was bared!Those gifts he taught the Spirit givesThat each another might upbuildHe more than anyone has shared:God’s breath each page of his has filled!Then Peter, poor in worldly grace,So quick to speak, so slow to see,Who yet gives courage to our faithIn witnessing our frailty.He who had only known the seaChrist named the shepherd of his sheep!To him who thrice disowned his LordChrist gave the churches’ care and keep.To God, the Abba of our heartsWhose spirit Paul rejoiced to share;To Christ who cherished Peter’s love;We sing our sacrifice of prayer.Antiphon 1-v70vvvcb5vv4vv5vv7vv6vv5vvvvvv5vv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vv7vvvvvvvvv6vv7vv6vvv6vvvvv]iv“Lord, bid me come to you on the water!” Je-sus reached out his hand and caught Peter,-v70vvvc6vvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv2vv5vvvvv5vv6vvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvv5vvvvv6vv7vv6vvvvvvv7vv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv]ccTccxc4x2x5x{xRxx3x5x2x]saying to him, “O man of little faith, why do you doubt?”Antiphon 2-`*~vvvvvv3vvvv4vvvv3vvvv3vvvvv4vv3vvv2vvvv1vvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvv3vvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvv]viiiWillingly I glory in my infirmities that the healing pow’r of Christ may dwell in me.-`*~cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x]Antiphon 3-v70vvv5vv4vv5vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvv2vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvv{vvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv2vvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvv1vvvvv1vvvvv]iGo, preach the good news of the kingdom; freely you have received, freely give, al-le-lu-ia.-v70vvvTxx6x4x5x{xTxx4x3x4x]Responsory-b7ccvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv6cvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv] vi The apostles spoke the word of God: with ho-ly boldness. -b7ccvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvcvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvv5vv6vvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vv6vvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv] They bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. -b7ccvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvv] Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Magnificat -v70vvvcb1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vv7vvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv]ivHow glo-ri-ous are the a-pos-tles of Christ, Pe-ter and Paul; in life they proclaimed the-v70vvvcb5vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vv1vvvvvvv]word of God; in death they share the martyr’s crown.-v70cccvvTxx2x4x5x{xYxx4x5x{xUxx6x5x6x{xTxx4x5x2x]Lauds-v6c2x5x6x9x8x8vv7x6x6vv5x{x6x7x6x5vv4x3x4x3x2x]-v6c4x3x4x5vv4x3x4x5x6x{x6x9x8x8vv7x6x5vv7x5x6x]O Peter, sifted, crushed like wheat,And crucified like Christ your Lord.You died for him, three times denied,Far from the Galilean shore.And Paul, twice slain, becoming blind,That you might see the brightest sun.Both far and wide you boldly preached:“We live in Christ, the risen One.You loyal, glor’ious martyrs both,Protect the churches in your care:You gave them birth, now guide them allAnd ever hold them in your prayer.O Christ who chose these tire’less men,Choose now new witnesses of faith;That all the world may see and knowYou hold the church in your embrace.Benedictus-v7vvvcbv8vv7vvvvv9vvvvvv8vvvvvvv8vvvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvv{vvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvv{vvvv4vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv]Glo-ri-ous are the a-pos-tles of Christ; they loved each o-ther in this life; they are not-v7vvvcb8vvvvv8vvvvv00vv9vvvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv]sep-a – ra - ted in death.-v7vvvcbRxx3x4x5x{xTxx1x5x6x{xYxx5x6x8x{xYxx5x6x4x]Second Vespers-vvvvcb3x3x3x3x2xx3vv6xx^x6x6x7x8x6x]vvvcb6x6x6x7x8x(x^x5x3x3x5x6x]-vvvvcb3x3x3x3x3x^x3x5x3x3x2x3x]vvvvcb3x3x6x7xx8vv9xx^x5x3x3x2x3x]What fairer light is this than time itself doth own,The golden day with beams more radiant brightening?The princes of God’s Church this feast day doth enthrone,To sinners heavenward bound their burden lightening.One taught mankind its creed, one guards the heavenly gate,Founders of Rome, they bind the world in loyalty;One by the sword achieved, one by the cross his fate;With laurelled brows they hold eternal royalty.Rejoice, O Rome, this day; thy walls they once did signWith princely blood, who now their glory share with thee.What city’s vesture glows with crimson deep as thine?What beauty else has earth that may compare with thee?To God the three in one eternal homage be,All honour, all renown, all songs victorious,Who rules both heaven and earth by one divine decree,To everlasting years in empire glorious.July1 July – The Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus ChristFirst VespersAntiphon 1-`vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvv7vv6vv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvv4vvv3vv2vvv2vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvc]iiWith his own blood Christ has become our rec-on-cil-i-a-tion and our peace.-`vvvvvvvvv2x3vv5xTxx4x3x{xExx2x3x]-`*cvvvcExx2x3x{xTxx3x4x{xTxx4x3x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x4x{xRxx2x3x]Antiphon 2-v7cvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvv4vv3vvvvv2vvvv6vv8vvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvvvbbbbvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvc]vi Christ has ris-en; he is the light of his peo-ple whom he has re-deemed with his blood.-v7bbvvv6vv8vvvv6vv5vvvv4vv3vvvvv2vvvvvv2vv1vvvvv4vv5vvvvv6vv5vvvvvv4vvvx]ccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]Al-le- lu- ia, al - le - lu - ia.-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Antiphon 3-ccccvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvv8vvvvv9vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvc]ivThe blessing cup that we bless is a com-mu-nion with the Blood of Christ.-cccccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc]-cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{ xTxx4x6x5x{xTx7x6x {xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3x]Responsory at Lauds and Vespers-b7ccvv4vvvvb4bbbbbbbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbbbb4vvvvvvvv4bbbbbbbbbvvvv5bbbbbbbbbbbbvbbb6bbbbbbbbbbbvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvbbbbb6bb5bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb{vbbbvbb4bbbbbbbbbbvvbv5vvvvvbvvbbbb6bbb5bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbvbbbb5bb6bbbbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbvvvvvvb4vvvvvvvvvvv] viJesus calls us with the voice of his blood: * immerse yourselves in my wounds.-b7cvvvcvv6bbbbvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv] Come, be washed in this blood; -b7ccvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvv] Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Hebrews 9: 11–12 When Christ came as high priest of the good things that have come to be, passing through the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made by hands, that is, not belonging to this creation, he entered once for all into the sanctuary, not with the blood of goats and calves but with his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption. Magnificat-v7vvvvvcbv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvv2vvvvvvvv3vv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvv4vv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vv3vv2vvvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvv]iWith the Virgin Mother, source of the blood of Christ, let us rejoice in God, our salvation. -vvcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]IntercessionsWith faith and gratitude, let us beseech Christ who has reconciled humanity with God in his blood: By your blood poured out for us, hear us, Lord Jesus! Lord Jesus, you gave your life in a sacrifice of expiation at the close of day;?– we pray for the Church: make her an effective instrument of unity, communion and peace for the whole human race. Lord Jesus, your blood poured out for us is an expression of your immense love;?– we pray for all peoples: guide and hear their desires for free- dom, justice and truth. Lord Jesus, with your precious blood you justified us before the Father;?– we pray for the poor, the suffering, and the marginalized: in their need, let them experience solidarity, help and support from all of us. Lord Jesus, by the power of your blood you free us from the Evil One; – we pray for all those who proclaim the Gospel: give them honesty in communication, integrity of life, and joy in sharing your victory over the powers of evil. Lord Jesus, with your blood you purify and nourish your Church; – we pray for this community: may the Eucharist, summit and source of life, be its daily food for mission. Lord Jesus, crucified and risen for us, you granted pardon to the repentant thief;?– we pray for our dear deceased relatives and friends: grant them a share in the eternal nuptial banquet in the glory of the blessed. Our Father... Collect Father, who through the blood of Jesus your Son, the Lamb sacrificed on the cross, redeemed us, sanctified us, and made us your people; grant that all may accept this gift of your love, celebrate it joyfully in the Spirit, and drink of it in the Eucharistic chalice, the sign of your covenant and blessing. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever Office of ReadingsInvitatory antiphon-v`*~xv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv1vvvvv{vv1vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vv5vv4vvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv]ii Come, let us worship Christ, the Son of God: by his blood he has redeemed us.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Antiphon 1 Here I am;?your commands for me are written in the scroll. To do your will is my delight. Psalm 2Antiphon 2 He was pierced for our sins. By his wounds we were healed. Psalm 3Antiphon 3 I will pour out upon the house of David?a spirit of grace and of consolation;?they will look upon him whom they have pierced. Psalm 16/17V You have redeemed us, Lord, with your blood. R And have made us a kingdom for our God. FIRST READING?A reading from the letter to the Hebrews 9: 11–22; 10: 19–24 Christ seals the new covenant with his blood But when Christ came as high priest of the good things that have come to be, passing through the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made by hands, that is, not belonging to this creation, he entered once for all into the sanctuary, not with the blood of goats and calves but with his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption. For if the blood of goats and bulls and the sprinkling of a heifer’s ashes can sanctify those who are defiled so that their flesh is cleansed, how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from dead works to worship the living God. For this reason he is mediator of a new covenant: since a death has taken place for deliverance from transgressions under the first covenant, those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance. Now where there is a will, the death of the testator must be established. For a will takes effect only at death; it has no force while the testator is alive. Thus not even the first covenant was inaugurated without blood. When every commandment had been proclaimed by Moses to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of calves [and goats], together with water and crimson wool and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book itself and all the people, saying, “This is ‘the blood of the covenant which God has enjoined upon you.’“ In the same way, he sprinkled also the tabernacle and all the vessels of worship with blood. According to the law almost everything is purified by blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. Therefore, brothers, since through the blood of Jesus we have confidence of entrance into the sanctuary by the new and living way he opened for us through the veil, that is, his flesh, and since we have “a great priest over the house of God,” let us approach with a sincere heart and in absolute trust, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed in pure water. Let us hold unwaveringly to our confession that gives us hope, for he who made the promise is trustworthy. We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works. Responsorycf Ephesians 2: 13–14 You who once were far off have become near?by the blood of Christ. * For he is our peace, he who made both one.?It pleased God to reconcile all things to himself through him. * For he is our peace, he who made both one. SECOND READING From the writings of Saint Gaspar del Bufalo, priest (“Some Reflections on the Confraternity of the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ,” respectfully submitted to Pope Leo XIII: Scritti del Fondatore, vol. XII, ff. 80–81) In the devotion to the Precious Blood we go to the heart of our faith It cannot be denied that God, always rich in mercy, has at all times used efficacious means to recall souls to the study of Christ crucified and to apply to all the divine Blood of redemption. The first centuries of the Church were fruitful in martyrs; the following centuries witnessed sporadic attacks on one or the other doctrine of the Church, and lack of appreciation of some of her tradi- tions and practices on the part of one or other segment of the Catholic world. In our miserable times, however, the crisis among the people is a general one. The perversion of faith and morals offers insult to the redemption and renders useless, because of human malice, the application of the merits of Jesus Christ, who has redeemed us at the price of his Blood. Consequently, is it not time to stir up our apostolic zeal and follow the light given to souls especially favored by God in order to recall to the minds of people the inestimable price of our redemption and excite them to penance and tears? Does not Sacred Scripture itself trace for us this reform by making peace through the Blood of his cross for those in heaven as well as those on earth? Does not divine Wisdom say that those justified by his Blood shall be saved from God’s wrath? It is not enough merely to pronounce the name of God to be saved: None of those who cry out Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of God, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. Two things, therefore, must be taken care of in our day. We must, first of all, find a way of placating the eternal, divine Father. For that purpose we have the merits of the divine Blood: The cup of salvation I will take up. Secondly, we must seek its effective application to souls, especially by means of missions and spiritual retreats, as well as other salutary religious activities adapted to the needs of the times. These were exactly the reasons which moved the holy Pontiff Pius VII to erect an Arch-confraternity under the august title of the Divine Blood. Sinners are abusing it terribly, and the Lord in the excess of his love is saying: What gain is there from my Blood? There should be dedicated persons who, by means of solemn worship, provide adoration and reparation, and at the same time preach to the people the glories of the divine Blood, emphasizing the fact that in this devotion we go to the heart of our faith. Hence, we say in the consecration of the chalice, The Mystery of Faith. There is an intimate connection between the devotion to the Blood of Christ and the salvation of souls. Such is its centripetal force that all the prophetic utterances, symbols, figures and sacrifices of the Old Testament converge on it as the spokes of a wheel on a hub: In wine he washes his garments, his robe in the blood of grapes. Exodus says that the Hebrews were ordered to stain their doorposts with the blood of the lamb in order to be freed from the chastisements of Egypt as a symbol of the liberation of our souls from the servitude of the devil. Skipping many other references which could be made, we note what Moses did to his people: Taking the blood he sprinkled the book and all the people saying: This is the Blood of the covenant which God has enjoined upon you...Almost everything is purified by blood and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. We hear the Apostle saying: For if the blood of goats and bulls can sanctify those who are defiled, how much more will the Blood of Christ cleanse our consciences from dead works? We must pass up other references. Indeed, the Holy Scriptures are filled with sacred refer- ences to it: Why is your apparel red?... He wore a garment sprinkled with blood.This devotion calls to mind baptism by which the divine Blood purifies our souls, and reminds us of penance and the other sacraments, because you have redeemed us with your Blood, you have made us a kingdom, and priests to serve our God. Whereas all other devotions are aids to Catholic piety, this de- votion is its foundation, support and essence. Other devotions, prod- ucts of various times, have holy and praiseworthy beginnings, but they go back only so far. This devotion, on the other hand, goes back to the moment when Adam sinned. Therefore, Jesus was called the Lamb who was slain from the world’s beginning. St. Thomas says: The Blood of Christ is the key to Paradise. St. John Chrysostom affirms: The Blood of Christ is the salvation of excellent wine is the Blood of Christ. Responsory1 John 5: 6–7 This is the one who came in water and blood, Jesus Christ; * not in water only, but in water and blood.?It is the Spirit who gives testimony, because the Spirit is truth; * not in water only, but in water and blood. Or From the writings of Saint Maria De Mattias, virgin (Letters of Saint Maria De Mattias, nn. 77; 701; 328; 355; 407; 543; 812; 710; 874; ed. 1944 and 1947) The blood of Jesus is all our hope and all our good May our hearts never withdraw from that perennial fountain flowing from the loving wound of the side of our most loving Spouse Jesus Crucified! Here all our poor labors borne for love of him will be sweetened. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus Crucified and we can be sure he will not let us perish, provided we are faithful to him. Oh! What a beautiful honor is ours to serve God, to think always of God, to love God, to suffer in order to please God; in short, to live entirely in God. This he permits us in his infinite goodness. I say, he permits us, poor creatures and miserable worms that we are, to be elevated to union with him; nay more, he even commands it. How must not these re- flections encourage the soul! She would never depart from the feet of her Lord in order to hear his most loving voice calling her to unite herself ever more to him. She does not tire of always blessing, loving, praising and thanking him with all her heart. She seeks nothing else but to give him pleasure. Her Lord’s good pleasure constitutes all her delight, and if she obtains that, she is rich and filled with so much consolation that she does not know how to express it. Courage, therefore, and confidence in God, that, should every- thing else be wanting, it matters nothing, provided we enjoy the grace of our beloved Spouse, Jesus Crucified. Let us pray very much for the Church and ardently love Jesus, our Savior, who founded it with his Precious Blood. Let us have faith in the most holy word of Jesus, who assures us that he will hear those who invoke him. We wish nothing else except his glory and the salvation of souls which cost his Blood; and therefore, let us hope firmly, for all our confidence lies in the merits of the Divine Redeemer who looks upon his spouse, the Holy Church, with tender love. And, if he now chastises her, he does so to purify her in order to make him dearer to his loving eyes. The design of our Lord Jesus Christ is to reunite all peoples in his Church, and therefore the chastisement is being felt everywhere. Oh! What a triumph! Oh! What a triumph! Let us pray, let us pray, let us pray. What a beautiful consolation it is to see the Spouse of the Divine Lamb, the Adorers of his most Precious Blood, motivated by one sole will (the will of God), forming but one heart and one soul, and thus united, making the heavens resound with a hymn of thanks- giving to the infinite goodness of God, while at the same time they offer the Blood of his Son for the reconciliation of heaven with earth, of earth with heaven. The Blood of Jesus is our only hope and our only Good—this Blood, shed with so much pain and so much love for our eternal salvation. Let our hearts be filled with courage, fearing nothing, not even death, so that at every moment the Precious Blood be glorified, loved and blessed by all! My daughter, let us summon our spirit to union with God, in whom we shall find the person of his most holy Son given to us with infinite love, clothed with human flesh and covered with wounds and Blood, inviting us to contemplate him with fixed attention so that our hearts might respond to the delicacy of his most tender love. Jesus loves us without any merit on our part. Let us love him very much because he is worthy of being loved. Let us love him also for the great gift of the redemption and for the Blood he willed to shed for us. Let our only thought be to bring all, as far as is possible, to the knowledge of Jesus, our Crucified Love, who is covered with blood and wounds for our salvation. Do not become disheartened. Courage and great confidence in the Blessed God. Much prayer. Jesus died for love of us; the merits of his sufferings are ours. Do not fear, my daughter. A loving glance at Jesus Crucified, and then take courage to labor for the school, for the salvation of souls, for the glory of his Precious Blood. I urge you to speak little and to pray much.?We shall pass through many tribulations in order to enter Heaven. Great confidence in the Precious Blood of Jesus. Let us ask God to make us understand the great value of sufferings. Suffering is dear to a soul that loves Jesus Christ, and it always seems to her that she does not suffer for Him who suffered so much and died crucified for love of us. Responsorycf Revelation 5: 9–10; 19: 5 You have redeemed us for God with your blood.?* You have made us a kingdom for our God.?Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, small and great.?* You have made us a kingdom for our God. Lauds-`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx]Hail, holy Wounds of Jesus, hail,Sweet pledges of the saving Rood,Whence flow the streams that never fail,The purple streams of His dear Blood.Brighter than brightest stars ye show,Than sweetest rose your scent more rare,No Indian gem may match your glow,No honey’s taste with yours compare.Portals ye are to that dear homeWherein our wearied souls may hide,Whereto no angry foe can come,The Heart of Jesus crucified.What countless stripes our Jesus bore,All naked left in Pilate’s hall!From His torn flesh flows red a showerDid round His sacred person fall!His beauteous brow, oh, shame and grief,By the sharp thorny crown is riven;Through hands and feet, without relief,The cruel nails are rudely driven.But when for our poor sakes He died,A willing Priest by love subdued,The soldier’s lance transfixed His side,Forth flowed the Water and the Blood.In full atonement of our guilt,Careless of self, the Saviour trod—E’en till His Heart’s best Blood was spilt—The wine-press of the wrath of e, bathe you in the healing flood,All ye who mourn, by sin opprest;Your only hope is Jesus’ Blood,His Sacred Heart your only rest.All praise to Him, the Eternal Son,At God’s right hand enthroned above,Whose Blood our full redemption won,Whose Spirit seals the gift of love.1 Peter 2: 21–25a For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow in his footsteps. “He committed no sin,?and no deceit was found in his mouth.” When he was insulted, he returned no insult; when he suffered, he did not threaten; instead, he handed himself over to the one who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body upon the cross, so that, free from sin, we might live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. Benedictus-`*~vv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvv3vvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvv{vvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvx]viiiThe Blood of the Lamb shall be a token for you said the Lord, and when I see the Blood -`*~v2vvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv] I will pass over you and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you.-`*~vvvvvExx1x2x3x{xRxccx3x4x{vvcvRxccx2x4x6x{vccvRxxc5x3x]IntercessionsOn this solemnity of the Most Precious Blood of Christ, let us praise the Father in the Holy Spirit and say: Make us holy in the blood of Jesus! Father, you desire that the Spouse of your Son be without spot or wrinkle,?– grant that the Church might be renewed continually in the saving power of Christ’s blood. Father, through the sacrifice of Christ you reconciled heaven with earth,?– grant that all humanity might work toward reconciliation and peace.?Father, you gave us new birth through the offering of your Son, – grant that our life may always be a sacrifice pleasing to you. 66 Father, you made one new person in place of the two, through the blood of Christ,?– grant that in the strength of your Spirit all Christians may reach the unity for which Jesus prayed and was sacrificed. Father, in Jesus, high priest, you obtained for us eternal redemption, – grant that its saving power might reach every tribe, tongue, people and nation. Our Father... Daytime prayer Complementary psalmody. However, if the solemnity is celebrated on Sunday, the psalms are taken from Sunday, Week IMid-morning AntiphonThe soldier’s lance opened the side of Jesus; and blood and water came out. 1 John 5: 6–9 This is the one who came through water and blood, Jesus Christ, not by water alone, but by water and blood. The Spirit is the one that testifies, and the Spirit is truth. So there are three that testify, the Spirit, the water, and the blood, and the three are of one accord. If we accept human testimony, the testimony of God is surely greater. Now the testimony of God is this: that he has testified on behalf of his Son. V The blood of Christ has made us clean R with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Midday AntiphonThe blood of Christ, crying out from the cross, speaks of peace and reconciliation. Colossians 1: 19–22 In him all the fullness was pleased to dwell,?and through him to reconcile all things for him, making peace by the blood of his cross [through him], whether those on earth or those in heaven. And you who once were alienated and hostile in mind because of evil deeds he has now reconciled in his fleshly body through his death, to present you holy, without blemish, and irreproachable before him. V Look, O God, our shield,?R look at the face of your Christ. Mid-afternoon AntiphonChrist, the Paschal Lamb,?was hung as a victim on a tree. Revelation 21: 3–6 I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, God’s dwelling is with the human race. He will dwell with them and they will be his people and God himself will always be with them [as their God]. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain, [for] the old order has passed away.” The one who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” Then he said, “Write these words down, for they are trustwor- thy and true.” He said to me, “They are accomplished. I [am] the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give a gift from the spring of life-giving water.” V He was pierced for our faults;?R and by his wounds we have been healed. Vespers-b706vvvvv4x8x7x8x^x5x{x6x5x4x3x!x{x3x4x5x4x^x7x{x8x8x7x6x$x]Glory be to Jesus, who in bitter painspoured for me the life bloodfrom his sacred veins!Grace and life eternalin that blood I find,blest be his compassioninfinitely kind!Blest through endless agesbe the precious streamwhich from endless tormentdoth the world redeem!There the fainting spiritdrinks of life her fill;there, as in a fountain,laves herself at will.Abel's blood for vengeancepleaded to the skies;but the blood of Jesusfor our pardon cries.Oft as it is sprinkledon our guilty hearts,Satan in confusionterror-struck departs;oft as earth exulting wafts its praise on high,angel hosts, rejoicing,make their glad reply.Lift ye then your voices;swell the mighty flood;louder still and louderpraise the precious blood.1 Peter 1: 18–21 [You realize] that you were ransomed from your futile conduct, handed on by your ancestors, not with perishable things like silver or gold but with the precious blood of Christ as of a spotless unblemished lamb. He was known before the foundation of the world but revealed in the final time for you, who through him believe in God who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God. Magnificat-`xvvv1ccc3cvvvvvvvc5cvvvc4cccvvvc3cccvv2vc2ccvc5ccvv6ccc7cvvc8bbbbv7ccv6ccc7ccc5ccc5vvvcc6ccvvc5ccvc4xvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvv2vvvv2vvvv2vvvv] You are come to Mount Sion and to the city of the living God, the heav’nly Jerusalem, -`x1cc3cvcvv5cvc4vcc3ccc2ccvc5cvc6cc6vvv6vvvc7cvcv7vvvvvvvc8xvvv7cc6cc7cccvvc5ccvvc6ccc5ccvcvvv4xvv5vvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv] even to Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant, and to the Blood of sprinkling, -`vcvvvvc5vvvvvvvvc3cvvvcc2ccvv2vvvvvvvvc3cvcvvvvv5cvvvcv2ccvc3ccvvv3cv1cccc] that speaks better things than that of Abel.-`cccvvWxx3x5x4x{xRxx5x7x6x{xYxx7x5x3x{xExx2x1x2x]IntercessionsWith faith and gratitude, let us beseech Christ who has reconciled humanity with God in his blood: By your blood poured out for us, hear us, Lord Jesus! Lord Jesus, you gave your life in a sacrifice of expiation at the close of day;?– we pray for the Church: make her an effective instrument of unity, communion and peace for the whole human race. Lord Jesus, your blood poured out for us is an expression of your immense love;?– we pray for all peoples: guide and hear their desires for freedom, justice and truth. Lord Jesus, with your precious blood you justified us before the Father;?– we pray for the poor, the suffering, and the marginalized: in their need, let them experience solidarity, help and support from all of us. Lord Jesus, by the power of your blood you free us from the Evil One; – we pray for all those who proclaim the Gospel: give them honesty in communication, integrity of life, and joy in sharing your victory over the powers of evil. Lord Jesus, with your blood you purify and nourish your Church; – we pray for this community: may the Eucharist, summit and source of life, be its daily food for mission. Lord Jesus, crucified and risen for us, you granted pardon to the re- pentant thief;?– we pray for our dear deceased relatives and friends: grant them a share in the eternal nuptial banquet in the glory of the blessed. Our Father... 3 July - Thomas, ApostleLauds-v7vvx1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x] -v7vvx5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5xb]God’s Word has dawned upon the worldthat we might walk while it is light:On this all the apostles standand testify by what they write.Across the centuries of timethe questing words of Thomas standa witness of the ways of God,God’s patience with what we demand.His faith was forged amid a flamethat wavered first, then blazed alight!In Christ his quest came to an endhe found the way, the truth, the light.O Christ, all glory, praise be yourswhose wounds blest Thomas touched in awe:More blest are all who have not seenand yet, not seeing, still adore!Antiphon 1-b70vcvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv{vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvv{vvb5vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8bbb.bbbbbbbbbbbb]Thomas said, “Lord, we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”-b70vcv8vvvv9vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6bbbb,vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv]Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth and the life.”-b70bvcxUxx6x5x6x{xYxx4x6x5x{xWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x6x5x]Antiphon 2-`vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvv6bbb,vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv{vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv]Thomas, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples said to him-`vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv{vvv5vvvv3vvvv5vvvvv5vvvvv]“We have seen the Lord.” Al-le-lu-ia.-`vvvvvTxx3x5x6x{xYxx7x5x6x{xUxx8x7x6x{xYxx5x3x5x]Antiphon 3-vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv6bbb,vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv3bbbnvvvvvv{vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvv7vvvvv]Put your hands here and see the holes that the nails made. Doubt no longer-vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv3vvvvvv{vvvv4vvv5vvvvv6vvvv6vvvv]but believe, al-le-lu-ia.-vvvvvvvvvExx4x5x6x{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx7x5x6x{xYxx5x4x3x]Benedictus and Magnificat-`*~vvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvv6vv5vvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvv{vvv6vv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvx]viiiYou believe in me, Thomas, because you have seen me; blessed are those who have-`*~vvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vv1vvvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvvv]vvvvvEx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{vvvRxx2x4x6x{vvRxx5x3x]not seen me, yet still believe. Vespers-b70b6vcdxfx]xtxtxhxgx]xrxexjxjx]xkxjxyxtx]xRx]-b70b6vcdxfx]xtxtxhxgx]xrxexaxsx]xdxgxrxrx]xEx]‘Peace be upon you’, was Jesus word:what matter now the bolted door?His form was seen his voice was heard,And he himself alive once more.The Prince of Life, the crucified,Within that upper room he stands;They see again his wounded side,The very nail-prints of his hands.But Thomas, he hope too much,Was captive still to doubt and grief.‘Unless I see and feel and touch,no word can shake my unbelief.’Till Jesus once again drew nearAnd called to Jesus standing by,‘Come, place your finger here, and here,and doubt no longer, it is I.’Then Thomas knew, his doubtings fled,His soul’s dark night of sorrow ends;For Christ is risen from the dead,Alive again among his friends.So faith is born where doubt has beenWhen we the word of life receive;And blest are they who have not seen,Yet in their living Lord believe.11 July – BenedictMonkLauds-vvcccvv4x4x5x6x7v7x6x5x6x4x5x{x77x8x9x8x7v7x6x5x4x5x6x]-vvcccvv6x6x9x6x6x5x4x3x2x5x{x4x6x5x4x3x5x4x3x4x2xvvbbbvvb]How blest the listening heart attuned to hearThe silent Voice that Elijah heardUpon the mountain-top, and cloaked his faceIn awe before the beauty of the Word.How blest the watching eye awake to seeThe single beam of light when it descemdsTo show the universe made whole in ChristThrough whom the royal road to God ascends.How blest the spirit stirred with gospel zealTo build the vision seen and heard in prayerInto the living household of the WordWhere all may dwell in peace, for God is there.How blest great Benedict who marked the wayFor others who would run with hearts afireTo hear and see the God whose face we seekIn Jesus Christ whose love is our desire.Benedictus-b70bvc7vvvvvvvvv7vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvv4vvv3vvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvv{vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv8vvvv7vvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5bbbmvvvvv]He was a man of venerable life; Saint Benedict, blessed in name and with the grace of God.-b70bvcxUxx6x5x6x{xYxx4x6x5x{xWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x6x5x]Vespers-v7cc1x3vv4x5x5vv6x5x4vv3x4x5x{x6x7x6x5vv4x3x2vv1x2x1vvnxvv] -v7ccv5x5vv6x8x7x6x5x4x3vv2vv3x{x1x3x4x2x3x1x?x1vvnxccb]Our blessed father, Benedict,Sure guide in dark and troubled days,Has shown his countless children hereThe paths of peace, the Lord’s own ways.He dwelt in heaven while on earth;True man of God and man of prayer;For him the love of Christ was allAnd God was present everywhere.He left all things that bind the heart,In poverty to find release;Unmoved among the things that change,He sought and found a lasting peace.He died among his many sonsWhile lifting up his hands to pray.In glory clothed, he lives againAs we rejoice with him today.Now Benedict, with monks and nunsAround him, like a crown of gold,Give praise to you blest Trinity,In splendid light and time untold.Magnificat-bbvcx7vvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vv.vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvv]He has received blessings from the Lord, and reward from the God who saves him. -bbvcx8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vv,vvvvvv]Such are the men who seek the Lord.-bbvcxTxx6x4x{xRxx2x3x{xExx5x6x{xYxx7x6x]15 July – BonaventureBishop and Doctor-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]Exultant choirs of friars minorWith joyous songs and hymns extolTheir general’s many deeds and virtuesAnd lustrous two-fold aureole.This prudent shepherd, ever watchful,The ravening wolves at bay to keep;With holy laws and friendly counselHe safeguards his entrusted sheep.Illustrious through his learned teachingA cardinal in dignity,He shines amid the church’s heavenA star of rarest brilliancy.In session with the Council FathersHe sets all things in neat array,And joins again to their chief ShepherdSchismatics who had gone astray.O Triune God, our Sovereign Ruler,Enthroned above the stars on high,To you be thanks and praise and honourNow and for all eternity.16 July – Our Lady of Mount Carmel-v706cc4x4x3x4x6x7x5x4x{x6x7x8x8x8x9x8x]-v706cc8x7x6x5x6x7x5x4x{x3x4x6x5x4x3x4x]Now is the hour of rejoicing;Desert and wasteland, be glad,Blossom with flowers as a garden,Wilderness, sing in your joy.Lebanon, Sharon and CarmelLend you their beauty and grace;Bathed in the glory around you,Gaze on the splendour of God.Eyes that are blind shall be opened,Ears that are deaf be unsealed,Feet of the lame shall be dancing,Lips that are dumb shall sing praise.Rivers shall run in the desert,Streams in the dry land shall flow,Lakes shall appear in the wastelands,Springs in the waterless sand.Now is prepared a king’s highway:Holy is he who shall come,Ready the way for the ransomed,Road for the exiles return.Joyful their journey to Sion,Homecoming blest with delight;Gladness shall be their companion,Sorrow and tears are no more.Mother of Carmel, in glorySing to the Father in light,Sing to your Son, the anointed,Sing to the Gift of their love.Benedictus and Magnificat-~vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv7vvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvv5vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv]viiI sought wisdom openly in my prayer; it has come to flower like early grapes.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Apocalypse 11:19 Then God’s temple in heaven opened and in the temple could be seen the ark of his covenant. A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. Responsory How fair you are, O Virgin Mary. Your face is resplendent with grace, Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. IntercessionsLet us praise our heavenly Father, who gives us the joy of celebrating this solemn feast of the Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, as we pray:?May Mary, Mother and Beauty of Carmel, intercede for us. Lord, in your plan the Daughter of Zion was foreshadowed by the prophets and made the heir of all your promises; —by imitating Mary, who is the image of the Church, may your Church on earth be more and more the sacrament of the world’s salvation. You have honoured the family of Carmel with the title and patronage of the Virgin Mary; —may all Carmelites live with her in unswerving allegiance to Jesus Christ. You have entrusted the whole of humanity, the brothers and sisters of your Son, to the care of Mary’s maternal heart; —may the world see her image in us as we strive to live in your presence and to give ourselves for the salvation of all. You call the humble family of Carmel, living in the cloister and in the world, to be especially dedicated to the Virgin Mary; —may all who are called to Carmel be of one mind and one heart as they join together in prayer with Mary, the Mother of Jesus. You promise a crown of glory to those who persevere in your love till the end; —may our departed brothers and sisters, who shared Mary’s love for you, rejoice with you forever in heaven. Our Father... CollectFather,?may the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother and Queen of Carmel,?protect us, and bring us?to your holy Mountain, Christ our Lord,?who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. Lauds-bb70b6vcdxfx]xtxtxhxgx]xrxexjxjx]xkxjxyxtx]xRx]-bb70b6vcdxfx]xtxtxhxgx]xrxexaxsx]xdxgxrxrx]xEx]Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel Whom in ancient prophecy God revealed to Saint Elijah By an Oriental sea, Rise again on God’s creation,?Bring to bloom this arid place?With the white cloud of your beauty And the rainfall of your grace. Shield us from the foes of darkness, We are prey they seek to win. Guard us as thy loving children From the tragedy of sin. Lady of the mystic mountain?Where the Lord has set his throne,?Up its steep ways of the spirit?None can walk save love alone.?Grant us grace to climb Mount Carmel And to learn that love is loss;?Guide us till our ways outdistance?All earth’s treasures save the Cross. Blessed cloud of God’s protection And his luminous abode,?Light the pathway of your pilgrims To the Promised Land of God. On the mount of contemplation Be our surety and stay,?In the night a pillar glowing And a cloud of love by day. Virgin of the Incarnation,?In the mysteries of grace?God has made his habitation?In our soul’s most secret place. Toward that bright and inner kingdom All our words and ways compel, For the Father, Son and Spirit In its sacred silence dwell. Queen and beauty of Mount Carmel, Virgin of the solitude,?In the wilderness of Carmel?Lies the world’s eternal good. Draw us to its deep seclusion And make God alone our goal In the mystical Mount Carmel That lies hidden in the soul. Antiphon 1 Who shall climb the mountain of the Lord? Who shall stand in his holy place? The one with clean hands and a pure heart. Psalms from the common of the Blessed Virgin Mary Psalm 23/24Antiphon 2 I will bring them to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer. Psalm 45/46Antiphon 3Glorious things are said of you, O city of God, established on his holy mountain. Psalm 86/87R I have led you into the land of Carmel. V To feast on its best and its finest fruits. FIRST READING?From the first book of Kings 18:36-39; 41-45a Elijah prayed on the summit of Carmel, and heaven granted rain At the time for offering sacrifice, the prophet Elijah came forward and said, “Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things by your command. Answer me, Lord! Answer me, that this people may know that you, Lord, are God and that you have brought them back to their senses.” The Lord’s fire came down and consumed the holocaust, wood, stones, and dust, and it lapped up the water in the trench. Seeing this, all the people fell prostrate and said, “The Lord is God! The Lord is God!” Elijah then said to Ahab, “Go up, eat and drink, for there is the sound of a heavy rain.” So Ahab went up to eat and drink, while Elijah climbed to the top of Carmel, crouched down to the earth, and put his head between his knees. “Climb up and look out to sea,” he directed his servant, who went up and looked, but reported, “There is nothing.” Seven times he said, “Go, look again!” And the seventh time the youth reported, “There is a cloud as small as a man’s hand rising from the sea.” Elijah said, “Go and say to Ahab, ‘Harness up and leave the mountain before the rain stops you.’” In a trice, the sky grew dark with clouds and wind, and a heavy rain fell. ResponsoryPsalm 65:10, 11, 12 You care for the earth, give it water; you fill it with riches;?* you bless its growth. The pastures of the wilderness flow with abundance and the hills are girded with joy,?* you bless its growth. SECOND READING From the Mystical Instructions by Michael of Saint Augustine (L. 1, tr. 1, C. 18: ed. Antwerp 1671, pp. 31-32) Through Mary to Jesus It is my duty, I feel, to recommend to everyone this outstandingly effective means of leading a devout life in Christ: heartfelt devotion, filial love and the tenderest affection toward Mary, the most lovable of mothers. We hail her—do we not?—as Mother of Grace and Mother of Mercy. But both grace and mercy are indispensable if we wish to live devoutly; and who has a better claim to receive our appeals for grace and mercy than the Mother of Grace and Mother of Mercy? For this reason I say with Hebrews: Let us go with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may obtain mercy, and receive the timely help of grace. But if we are to go with confidence to this throne, this Mother of Grace, we must first be worthy of her love. We proudly proclaim ourselves her slaves, her sons and daughters and her brothers and sisters: let us make sure that our lives substantiate this claim by being in conformity with what we profess. We must try to resemble as closely as possible our most holy Lady, our lovable mother, and our gracious sister, by imitating her perfections and making her excellence our own. If indeed you love her as a mother, imitate her humility, her chastity, her poverty and her obedience; imitate her love of God, her love of neighbor, and all her other virtues. How can you show her adequate love and honor? Each day, after offering yourself and all you have to the most holy Trinity according to Christ’s intentions and in union with his merits, make a practice of offering yourself especially, and all you have, to this your most lovable mother; and as you do all you have to do in the word of the Lord, do it also in the word—in the name—of Mary. Commit yourself to her completely. Have recourse to her as the best of teachers; consult her as the most prudent of virgins; in a word, conduct yourself as befits a good child, and you will learn by experience that she is the mother of fair love and holy hope, in whom you may expect to receive every grace of life and truth, and in whom every hope of life and virtue will shine before you; nor will she ever cease to obtain for you the graces you need to persevere in true devotion. Indeed you will find her a well of living water. At the hour of your death she will not refuse to say she is your sister, indeed your mother, so that then more than ever it may be well with you, and your soul may live by virtue of her grace. If you lead a devout life in her honor and service you will surely deserve to breathe your last confidently, peacefully and devoutly in her love, and be joyfully borne to the haven of salvation in her maternal arms; for to those who love Mary it will go well at the last. ResponsorySee Ps 34:12, Is 2:3, Sir 24:30, 34 Come, my children, listen to me;?come, let us climb the mountain of the Lord. * Whoever pays heed to me will not be put to shame. I am the mother of fair love and of holy hope;?in me is all grace of the way and of the truth. * Whoever pays heed to me will not be put to shame. Lauds -vccc5x5x3x4x5x3x1x2xx]x5x6x7x8x6x5xv]-vccc6x8x7x66x5x4x5x3xx]x1x4x5x6x4x5xv] Let us in spirit make our way?to Carmel’s mountain height; our Virgin Mother calls us there to gather flowers of light. This is indeed a holy place?where God has ever reigned;?here hearts are healed in silent prayer, and strength of mind attained. This is where living water flowed to save the thirsting land,?to clothe the desert with fresh grass, with trees the burning sand. Let us adore the Trinity?the Father honours her,?the Son embraces her with love, the Spirit reigns in her! Isaiah 35:1-2 The desert and the parched land will exult; the steppe will rejoice and bloom. They will bloom with abundant flowers, and rejoice with joyful song. The glory of Lebanon will be given to them, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; They will see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God. ResponsoryUnder your protection we take refuge, Mother of God most holy. Do not turn away from the prayers that spring from our need, Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. IntercessionsChrist our Saviour, the first-born of many brothers, gave us his Mother as our own. On this sacred day let us come to him with thankful hearts and say:?For the gift of your Mother, we give glory to you, Lord. Christ our Redeemer, you prepared a worthy dwelling place for yourself in the sinless Virgin Mary; —may we work today in your service and hers, poor in spirit and pure in heart. Only Word of the Father, uttered in eternal silence and lovingly received in the womb of the Virgin, —lead us, like Mary, to hear the Word of God and put it into practice. Christ our Teacher, you offer the Virgin Mary as the model of every virtue to those who seek you; —may we, her children, mirror her life, especially in our charity towards all. Jesus, Son of Mary, you gave your Mother to the apostle John to take into his own keeping; —in our familiarity with Mary may we experience your ineffable love. Christ, Spouse of the Church, you sent the fire of the Holy Spirit upon Mary when she was joined with the apostles?in prayer; —may we remain faithful in prayer with Mary, and so be continually renewed by the Holy Spirit. Our Father... Second Vespers-bb70b6vcdxfx]xtxtxhxgx]xrxexjxjx]xkxjxyxtx]xRx]-bb70b6vcdxfx]xtxtxhxgx]xrxexaxsx]xdxgxrxrx]xEx]Grass was withered, land exhausted,Death went stalking through the plain,As Elias climded Mount Carmel,There to pray for healing rain.Swift as bird he reached the summit,Bowed down low to face the earth,Begging that God’s living waterGive his nation second birth.Sudden rising from th ocean,Lo, a cloud appeared on high,Small and light, a welcome herald –Soon dark storm-clouds filled the sky.As the thirsting lands lay readyTo receive the saving shower,We have need, O Virgin Mother,Of God’s grace at every hour.Holy Trinity, one Godhead,Through the merits of our Queen,Giving us the rain from heaven –Teach us what these symbols mean.May she guide us on our journeyTo the vision of your face,There to sing with her for everPraises of your love and grace.Galatians 4:4-6 When the designated time had come, God sent forth his Son born of a woman, born under the law, to deliver from the law those who were subjected to it, so that we might receive our status as adopted sons. The proof that you are sons is the fact that God has sent forth into our hearts the spirit of his Son which cries out, “Abba!” ( “Father!”) IntercessionsAs we honour the holy Mother of God, let us pray with confidence to Christ our Lord and say:?Through the intercession of the Mother of Carmel, hear us, O Lord. You said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven;” —may we stand with Mary among the poor and humble of the Lord, so that you may be our only wealth. You said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God;” —in following the Immaculate Virgin may we come to love that purity of heart which makes us eager to see the Father’s face. You said, “Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe;” —with Mary at our side, may we never cease to trust in the love you have for us as we journey in this night of faith. You said, “You ought to pray always and never lose heart;” —teach us to pray like Mary, treasuring your word in our hearts and proclaiming it in our lives. You said, “A new commandment I give you: love one another as I have loved you;” —united in heart and mind, may we be ready to spend our lives for our brothers and sisters and share with Mary in your work of redemption. Dying on the cross, you said to John, and through him to all disciples, “Behold your Mother;” —may we always please you by living in the intimate company of the Mother of Grace. You said, “I want those you have given me to be with me where I am:” —may all those who trusted in your everlasting mercy rejoice one day with you and Mary in our Father’s house. Our Father... 20 July – ElijahProphetInvitatory antiphon-`*~bbc6ccc6ccbbbc6cccbb66ccbbbbbbbb6ccbbbbb5bbbbc4cccc6cccc{ccc6ccccbbbbb6cccbbbbbbb6bbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb5ccbc3cv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv]iiLet us worship the living God, who speaks to us through the prophets. -`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]-`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx]Great Author of all things that are?To you we sing in joyful praise?Of him, the Thesbite, whom you love, Elijah, seer of ancient days. With burning zeal for your blest name He challenged wicked priests of Baal And conquering, killed them in his might To make your sacred law prevail. The victims offered by his prayer?Drew heaven’s blest consuming flame In vain Baal’s servants scream and rave, Their frenzy brings them only shame. Then Jezebel, unholy queen,?In fury raves, the prophet flees, Beneath the sheltering juniper He sleeps and then an angel sees. The angel offers strengthening bread With water pure his thirst to end And marks a journey he must make Mount Horeb’s summit to ascend. No food but this for forty days?He journeys through the desert land Prefiguring the royal feast Prepared us by the Father’s hand. To Father, Word and Paraclete?All glory, honour ever be?O undivided Trinity?Through whom creation came to be.Office of Readings-`*~cvvexx]xdxhxixux]xhvvfxvvex]xex]xdxhxxixyx]x&x]-`*~cvvox]xkxjxyxux]xkvvhxvvvvrx]xex]xdxhxixux]x^xxccc]Today to Saint ElijahWe lift our hearts’ appealFor graces of his worshipAnd courage of his zeal.Upon the slopes of CarmelIn solitary prayerHe heard God’s message whisperedUpon the gentle air.In deeps of contemplationHe learned God’s holy willAnd then went forth with ardourHis mission to fulfil.He pleaded with his peopleTo place in God their trust,Denounced the wicked rulers,The faithless, the unjust.May we, in other ages,God’s sacred laws avow,And listening to His SpiritFulfil our missions now.To love our great Creator,His Son and Spirit heed.And so to love each otherAnd live our Christian creed.FIRST READING? Year IFrom the first book of Kings 19:4-9a, 11-14a Elijah walked all the way to the mountain of God Elijah went a day’s journey into the desert, until he came to a broom tree and sat beneath it. He prayed for death, “This is enough, O Lord! Take my life, for I am no better than my fathers.” He lay down and fell asleep under the broom tree, but then an angel touched him and ordered him to get up and eat. He looked and there at his head was a hearth cake and a jug of water. After he ate and drank, he lay down again, but the angel of the Lord came back a second time, touched him, and ordered, “Get up and eat, else the journey will be too long for you!” He got up, ate and drank; then strengthened by that food, he walked forty days and forty nights to the mountain of God, Horeb. There he came to a cave, where he took shelter. Then the Lord said, “Go outside and stand on the mountain before the Lord, the Lord will be passing by.” A strong and heavy wind was rending the mountains and crushing rocks before the Lord—but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake—but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake there was fire—but the Lord was not in the fire. After the fire there was a tiny whispering sound. When he heard this, Elijah hid his face in his cloak and went and stood at the entrance of the cave. A voice said to him, “Elijah, why are you here?” He replied, “I have been most zealous for the Lord, the God of hosts.” FIRST READING? Year IIFrom the book of Sirach 48:1-12a How glorious was Elijah in his wondrous deeds Like a fire there appeared the prophet Elijah whose words were as a flaming furnace. Their staff of bread he shattered,?in his zeal he reduced them to straits. By God’s word he shut up the heavens?and three times brought down the fire. How awesome are you, Elijah! Whose glory is equal to yours? You brought a dead man back to life?from the nether world, by the will of the Lord. You sent kings down to destruction,?and nobles, from their beds of sickness. You heard threats at Sinai,?at Horeb avenging judgments. You anointed kings who should inflict vengeance, and a prophet as your successor. You were taken aloft in a whirlwind, in a chariot with fiery horses. You are destined, it is written, in time to come?to put an end to wrath before the day of the Lord, To turn back the hearts of fathers toward their Sons, and to re-establish the tribes of Jacob. Blessed is he who shall have seen you before he dies, O Elijah, enveloped in the whirlwind! Responsory1 Kings 17:3-4 Leave this place and go eastward, said the Lord to Elijah. * And he went and did as the Lord had said. Hide yourself by the brook Cherith,?and there drink from the stream;?and I have commanded ravens to feed you there. * And he went and did as the Lord had said. SECOND READING From a homily on Ezekiel by Saint Gregory the Great, pope (L. 2, h. 1, no. 17: PL 76, 947-48) The mystical contemplation of God In divine contemplation the spirit is often abstracted to such a degree that it is already granted the joy of partaking a little, in image as it were, of that eternal freedom which eye has not seen nor ear heard, but then, hampered by the weight of its own mortality, it falls back into the depths and is held captive in penalty for its sins. It has glimpsed the delights of true freedom and longs to escape from its captivity but, since it cannot, it keeps its gaze fixed upon the imprisoning doors. This is why, when the Jews had been freed from slavery to Egypt, each of them stood adoring in the doorway of his tent when God spoke and the pillar of cloud was visible. Wherever we direct our mental gaze, there we may be said to stand. That is why Elijah said: The Lord lives, in whose sight I stand. He did indeed stand before God, for his heart was intent on God. That the Jews gazed at the pillar of cloud and stood at the doors of their tents in adoration has this meaning: when the human mind perceives these high and heavenly things—albeit in image— the elevation of its thought has already lifted it free from the limits of its bodily habitation, and although it is denied sight of the divine substance, it humbly adores him whose power it can already see by spiritual illumination. This is why Elijah is described as standing at the mouth of his cave and veiling his face when he heard the voice of the Lord speaking to him; for as soon as the voice of heavenly understanding enters the mind through the grace of contemplation, the whole person is no longer within the cave, for the soul is no longer taken up with matters of the flesh: intent on leaving the bounds of mortality; one stands at the cave’s mouth. But if we stand at the mouth of the cave and hear the word of God with the heart’s ear, we must veil our face. For when heavenly grace leads us to the understanding of higher things, the rarer the heights to which we are raised, the more we should abase ourselves in our own estimation by humility: we must not try to know more than is fitting; we must know as it befits us to know. Otherwise, through over-familiarity with the invisible, we risk going astray, and we might perhaps look for material light in what is immaterial. For to cover the face while listening with the ear means hearing with our mind the voice of him who is within us, yet averting the eyes of the heart from every bodily appearance. If we do this there will be no risk of our spirit interpreting as something corporeal that which is everywhere in its entirety and everywhere uncircumscribed. Beloved, we have already learned through our Redeemer’s death, resurrection and ascension into heaven what the joys of eternity mean, and we know that our fellow-citizens, his angels, have appeared bearing witness to his divinity. Let us therefore long for our King, and for those fellow-citizens we have known. While our feet stand within the walls of his holy Church, let us keep our eyes turned toward the door; let us mentally turn our backs on the corruption of this temporal life, let us keep our hearts facing toward the freedom of our heavenly homeland. We are still encumbered, it is true, by the many cares of this corruptible life. If then we cannot leave the cave completely, let us at least stand at its mouth, and go out whenever we are granted the favor of doing so by the grace of our Redeemer, who lives and reigns with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end. Amen. ResponsorySee 1 Kings 19:9, 11, 13, 12 The word of the Lord came to Elijah:?* Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord. And he went out and stood at the mouth of the cave,?and the Lord passed by in the murmur of a gentle breeze.?* Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord. Lauds-vccvv3x3x3x2x3vv6x^x6x6x7x8x6x]x6x6x7x8x(x^x5x3x3x5x6x]-vccvv3x3x3x3x$x3x5x3x3x2x3x]x3x6x7x8vv9x^x5x3x3x2x3x]Come, blest companions, let our joy resounding Extol to Heaven the Leader of our line.?‘Tis meet the memory of his deeds abounding Should waken ceaseless canticles divine. He knows the gentle breathing of the Spirit Clothed in the whistling murmur of the air,?By God’s command the chastisements they merit Proud Jezebel and Ahab justly share. The caverns green of Carmel form his dwelling, With leathern tunic is he rudely clad,?To impious Ahaziah his foretelling?Gives portent of a dissolution sad. Twice at his prayer the fire from Heaven descending Consumeth trembling soldiers in its flame,?The flowing waters mit with his mantle rending, Dry shod he passeth safely through the same. O Father, let thy help and thy protection Be o’er thy children as they humbly plead, Entreat the Spirit, by His sweet election, To multiply His graces in their need. O unbegotten Father, we adore Thee,?O Son begotten, reverence be to Thee,?O glorious Spirit, bow we low before Thee, Thou simple undivided Trinity. 2 Peter 1:19-21 We possess the prophetic message as something altogether reliable. Keep your attention closely fixed on it, as you would on a lamp shining in a dark place until the first streaks of dawn appear and the morning star rises in your hearts. First you must understand this: there is no prophecy contained in Scripture which is a personal interpretation. Prophecy has never been put forward by man’s willing it. It is rather that men impelled by the Holy Spirit have spoken under God’s influence. ResponsoryI shall be content, Lord, * when your glory appears. And in righteousness I shall see your face, Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Benedictus and Magnificat-`vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvv7vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv]viiGod spoke in times past to our fathers through the prophets; now he has spoken to us -`vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv]through his Son, whom he has made heir to all things. -`cccYxx4x6x{xIxx7x5x6x{xTxx4x3x4x{xTxx3x4x2x]IntercessionsGod our Father spoke in former days through the prophets, but today he speaks to us in his Son, through whom he wishes the whole world to be joined to him.?Let us humbly pray: Lord, draw us to yourself. Lord, you revealed yourself to the prophet Elijah in silence and solitude; —help us to put aside all that prevents us from hearing your voice, so that we may seek and find you. When he was thirsty, you gave Elijah refreshing water at the torrent of Cherith; —may we drink at the living springs of love and contemplation. As he walked to Mount Horeb, you filled Elijah with strength; —may we who are strengthened by the Body and Blood of Christ press on unwearied in our journey to you. Lord, you revealed yourself to Elijah in the whisper of a gentle breeze; —in attentive silence and with an obedient spirit may we receive every inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Lord, you raised up Elijah like a fire and made him zealous for your glory; —may we too burn with the fire of your love, to serve the Church and our brethren in all our work. Our Father... CollectAlmighty, ever-living God,?your prophet Elijah, our Father,?lived always in your presence?and was zealous for the honor due to your name. May we, your servants,?always seek your face?and bear witness to your love. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Vespers-vvccvv3x6x7x8x7x6vv5x3x{x3x6x7x8x9x7x{x7x8x7x6x5x6vv5x4x{x3x2x4x6x5x6x]The lofty peaks of Carmel With tuneful praises ring, The anthems of Elias?‘Tis our delight to sing. When sorely pressed the famine, A raven served him bread,?With meal and cruse unfailing, The widowed hearth was fed. The boy from death delivered Is to his home restored,?And light so much desired, In radiant flood is poured. Behold the Heaven closeth,?To open at his voice,?And copious welcome showers The thirsty lands rejoice. James 5:16a-18 The fervent petition of a holy man is powerful indeed. Elijah was only a man like us, yet he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and no rain fell on the land for three years and six months. When he prayed again, the sky burst forth with rain and the land produced its crop. ResponsoryBlessed are those who have seen you. And have been adorned with your love. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. IntercessionsLet us give joyful praise to the living and true God, who chose the prophet Elijah to proclaim his power and mercy; let us say to him:?Lord, make us witnesses of your love. Lord, you accepted the sacrifice of Elijah and consumed it with fire from heaven; —accept our evening sacrifice?which we offer for the good of the Church. When Elijah prayed on the mountain you sent saving rain from heaven; —fill us with a spirit of prayer, so that we may draw a shower of grace to the world. You gave to the prophet Elijah the ministry of reconciling parents and children; —make us workers for peace, so that the peace of Christ may reign in the world. You made Elijah the defender of your honour and of true worship; —increase our concern for justice, so that by giving you all that is your due, we may serve our brothers and sisters in the spirit of the Gospel. You took the prophet Elijah to yourself in a whirlwind of fire; —graciously admit our departed brothers and sisters into the embrace of your glory. Our Father... 21 July – Lawrence of BrindisiPriest, Religious, Doctor of the Church-`*~vvcccvv1x4x6x5x4x3x4x5x{x1x4x3x4x5x6x]-`*~vcccvv6x6x8x7x6x5x4x5x{x1x4x6x5x5x4vvbbbvvv]Let us with voice and spirit clearSaint Lawrence celebrateWho followed Jesus’ precepts, boreHis burden’s gentle weight.Like Francis, seeing the decayAs sacred standards fellHe clothed himself with povertyTo wage a war on hell.He followed close in Francis’ stepsWith deep humility,And swiftly learned the secrets ofHis Christlike sanctity.In prayer he dwelt on Jesus’ pain;When hearing Holy MassHis soul beyond all sense was tornBy Jesus on the Cross.He loved God’s mother and would preachAnd celebrate her praise,While she in turn rewarded himWith countless gifts of grace.All glory to the Trinity,The fount of endless praise;In heaven with Saint Lawrence mayWe joyful voices raise.22 July - Mary MagdaleneLaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~cc6ccc6ccccc6ccc66cc6cc5ccc4cccc6cccc{ccc6cccc6ccc5ccc3cv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv]iiGod is wonderful in his saints: come, let us worship.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]-v6c2x5x6x9x8x8vv7x6x6vv5x{x6x7x6x5vv4x3x4x3x2x]-v6c4x3x4x5vv4x3x4x5x6x{x6x9x8x8vv7x6x5vv7x5x6x]Out of the night where hope had died,to tomb once sealed, now gaping wide,the Magdalene made haste, to mournand bring her spices through the dawn.She gazed in disbelief and painwhere Jesus in his death had lainuntil the radiant angel said:Seek not the living with the dead.Soon trusting love cast out her fears;she rose and brushed away her first apostle, Mary ranto tell God’s resurrection plan.Jesus is risen! Mary cries,Lift up your hearts and dry your eyes,Jesus is risen - come and see -and goes before to Galilee.All glory be to God above,for Mary’s apostolic love,all praise to God whom we adorefor ever and for evermore.Antiphon 1 -`vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvv4vvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvv7vvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvv]viiMy heart is on fire; I desire to see my Lord; I look for him but I cannot find where they-`vvvvvvvvv7cccvv6vv5vvvvv3vv2vvvvvv]vvvvvv2vv3vvvbvvvvv5vvvvvv4vv3vv2vvvvvv2vvvvvv]xYxx4x5x6x{xTxx3x4x2x]have put him. [ Al - le -lu - ia.]-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-`cvvvvvv2cc5ccc3vvc4cvvvv5ccvc6ccc5ccvv6ccvvvvvv6ccvc7cccvvv6ccc4ccc5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvcc3cc4ccvc5ccv3cvvc3cccvc1ccvvvv1vvvcc2ccvvvv2ccc]vii Very early on the Sunday morning, just as the sun was rising, Mary Magdalen came to the tomb.-`xYxx4x5x6x{xTxx3x4x2x]-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 3 -`*~(vv4vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vv3vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vv6vvvvv5vvv4vvvv] ii Jesus said to Mary, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom do you seek?-`*~xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x3x4x]-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Benedictus-`vvvvvvv2vvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vv2vvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv7vvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv6ccc]viiAfter the Sabbath, towards the dawn of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene -`vvvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv]ccvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]went to the tomb.Vespers-v6c2x5x6x9x8x8vv7x6x6vv5x{x6x7x6x5vv4x3x4x3x2x]-v6c4x3x4x5vv4x3x4x5x6x{x6x9x8x8vv7x6x5vv7x5x6x]I sought him whom my heart desires,I sought him in the streets and squares;At last I found God’s Chosen One,His faithful servant, Prince of Peace.I followed him to Calvary,With John I watched beneath his cross;His mother too in silent grief,Kept vigil with her dying Son.No comeliness, no beauty there;A man despised and put to shame,Afflcted for the sins of all,And bruised for my iniquities.I lost the sight of him awhile,But when the Sabbath day had passedI came at dawn in eager haste,And saw two angels in the tomb.I wept disratught, forlorn with grief;The gardener spoke – I knew him not;But then he called me by my nameIn tones of Christly gentleness.I found him whom my heart desires,I kissed his feet in wondering joy.How blest are those who see his faceAnd live with him eternally.Magnificat-v7vvvcb4bbbvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvbbb1vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv]viMary came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{xYYxx5x6x4x{xYxx5x6x4x]23 July – John CassianReligious-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]Well honoured both by East and West,This teacher of monastic prayer,Whose Con’frences still school our heartsTo find God’s living presence there.Constantinople saw his birth;He lived, a monk, in Bethlehem:Then seven years in Egypt’s sketeAmongst the desert’s holy men.By Chrysostom made deacon, then,And sent to Rome to plead his case;He shows the Church’s unity,Whose schism had not taken place.Ordained a priest, he lived a monkAnd settled near Marseilles in Gaul.His writings, written at Lerins,The Blessed Benedict extolled.25 July - Saint JamesApostleLauds-`*vvvvvvvvsxfxgx]xyvvv,xxgxlxkx]xuxxuxxhxgx]xyvvv,xxsxgxfx]xevvvmx]-`*vvvvvvvvdxgxgx]xrvvmxxfxxjxjx]xyvv,xxgxhxsx]xtxrxdxdx]xwvvvnxxbb]Christ chose you, James, as one of three,To witness Tabor’s dazzling light:To hear his Abba’s voice resound:“Hear my Beloved, my delight!”Then Christ raised Jairus’ daughter up:You say, confirmed, in him, God’s power;But when Gethsemane had comeYour sleep would bind you to his Hour.Christ’s third day rising then releasedYour mem’ries high on Tabor’s peak;Their meaning – never fully grasped –Allowed you now to heal and speak.O Lord who called and chose Saint James,Bestow on us your radiant light:On you, our Abba’s glory rests;In you, our Abba finds delight.Antiphon 1-`vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv]As he was passing by, Jesus saw James, the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, -`vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv]xYxx7x6x5x6x{xYxx2x6x{xYxx5x6x7x6x]and he called them both.Antiphon 2-b70bvc5vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv]At once, leaving their nets and their father, they followed him.-b70bvcxUxx6x5x6x{xYxx4x6x5x{xWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x6x5x]Antiphon 3-b7bvcvvvvv5vvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvv5vvvv7vvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6bbbb,vvvvvv{vvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv6bbb,vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv5vvvvvv]Herod began persecuting some members of the Church. He had James, the brother of John, -b7bvcvvvv8vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv]xTxx6x{xUxx6x{xWxx5x{xTxx3x]put to death by the sword.Benedictus and Magnificat-`*~vv2vvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvv4vv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvx]viiiJesus took Peter, James and his brother John and led them up a high mountain. There he -`*~vvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvvv]was transfigured before them.-`*~vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvvRxx5x3x]Vespers-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]With joyous song we greet your feast, Saint James, apostle of our Lord,Who called you from your fishing netsTo gain far higher a reward.His call to leave all things and come,Your youngest brother also heard,And eagerly you both becameMost fervent preachers of his word.You saw the Son of Man indeedTransfigured on the mountain’s height,You saw his bitter agonyEnshrouded by the gloom of night.You once declared your eagernessTo share your Master’s power and fame,And of the Twelve you were the firstTo suffer for his holy Name.O faithful follower of Christ,And sower of the Gospel’s light,Enrich our minds with living faithAnd hope that guides our steps aright.Enable us to keep God’s law,Observing his command to love,That we may ever sing his praise,In joy and happiness above.26 July - Saints Joachim and AnneLauds-`xuxjxkxuxtx]xhvv,xGxhxjxyxtx]vxuxjxlxixux]xhvv,xGxfxgxexwx]-`xuxhxgxixux]xgvv,xHxjxkxoxox]xuxhxgxyxtx]Joachim favoured, with a special missionIn the divine plan as a chosen parent,Graciously hear us as we humbly praise you,Most honoured father.Ancestors royal, patriarchs and prophets,Abraham, David, none would have such glory;You and none other would deserve the title,Father of Mary.Anne’s gentle daughter would fulfil the promiseOf a Redeemer born in time to woman;Her prompt acceptance of the angel’s message,Gladdens us always.Praise to you, Father, of the Word Eternal,Praise to you, Jesus, Son and Word incarnate,And to the Spirit, from their love proceeding,Praise be for ever.Benedictus and Magnificat-v7vvvcbv2vvvvvvv2vv1vvvv2vvvvvvvv3vv4vvvvvv3vvvvv2vvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vv3vv2vvvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvv]iThe noble stem of Jesse put forth a branch from which blossomed a flow’r of beauty.-vvcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Vespers-v7ccfx]xhxkxlxkx]xkxjxhxhx]xgxhxjxgx]xgxfxhx] -v7ccfx]xgxhxhxgx]xgxfxsxsx]xaxfxgxgx]xhxgxfx]O singing world, ring out your praiseOf her who bore God’s Mother - Anne!Her holy life of faith now bearsRich fruit in everlasting joy.In Anne, long line of patriarchs,Great kings and priests found destined goal:A noble line, made nobler stillBy Anne, the glory of her race.Schooled by suffering, barren AnneEmbraced at last a mother’s joyHer withered flesh God chose to bearThe flower of grace and purity.Jesus, hear the prayer of Anne,Cleanse my soul in springs of grace;Through her daughter, flood my heartWith faith, strong hope and perfect love.Father, in Your love for man,Grant, with Son and Paraclete,That Mary, child of Anne, may bringHer wayward sons to rest in You.29 July - Mary, Martha and LazarusLauds-vv6x6x6x6x6x6x6x5x4x2x{x2x2x2x2x3x4x5x]-vv6x6x6x6x8x6x6x5x4x6x{x2x2x2x2x3x4x2x]Mary, you sat at the feet of the Lord,Hearing and pondering his words:Ask him to send us the Spirit of truth,Filling our hearts with his peace.Martha, you turned to the Lord in your need,Sharing with him your distress:Pray that we too may be steadfast in faith,Trusting his mercy and love.Lazarus, friend and disciple of Christ,Rescued from death by his power,Finding new life at the sound of his voice:Come to our aid with your prayer.Father almighty, we sing to your name,Offering our prayer through your Son,Praising your Spirit, the fountain of life,Boundless reward of the just.Benedictus-v`*vvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvv{vvbbv6vvvvbbvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvbbvvv9vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv]Martha said to Je-sus: You are the Christ, the Son of the liv-ing God, who have-v`*ccvbv6vvvbbvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv]cvvYxx4x5x6x{xUxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x7x9x{vvvvYxx3x4x2vvvvvv] come in-to this world.Vespers-`*~ccc6x6vv5x4x3x1x3x{x3x4x6x5x6x7x{x7x8x7x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x6vv5x4x3x]Christ Jesus, to this houseCome in, a welcome guest;Cast out our busy thoughts,Make space where you may rest.Grant us the peace that bringsAttentive stillness, Lord;With quiet mind and heartMay we receive your word.You summoned into lightYour friend within his grave,Restored what all must lose:The breath of life you gave.O hidden God, whose loveEnfolds and shapes our days,You are our heart’s desire,Our joy, our song, our praise.Magnificat-`*vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvv9vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vv6vv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv]v Je-sus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus and they received him into their home.-v`*ccvvYxx4x6x{xUxx6x4x6x{xRxx3x4x6x{xRxx3x4x2x]31 July – Ignatius of LoyolaPriestLauds-vccc6x6x5x6x2vv3x4x{x5x3x4x5x^x6x{x9x8x6x4x5vv6x77x{x6x5x4x3x1vv2x2x]Jesus soul, make holySouls by sin made lowly;Jesus’ body, feed usAnd to heaven lead us.Lifeblood for us flowingSet our hearts aglowing;Cleanse us, water streamingFor the world’s redeeming.Bitter passion, cheer us;O good Jesus, hear us;In your wounds receive us;Jesus never leave us.Benedictus -`*~vvvvvv3ccc3ccc3cccc2cccc4cccccc6cccc6cccc7ccccc8ccccc7ccc8ccc6cc8ccc7ccc7ccbb{vv5vvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvv]How I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection. I wish to have part in his passion.-`*~vvvvvvExx2x4x6x{xYxx5x6x7x{xUxx6x5x6x{xYxx4x2x3x]Vespers-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]A soldier of most noble birth,You claimed the future in your youth,Loyola’s lin’age soon would paleBefore a holier pursuit.At twenty-five, you went to war,As quickly wounded as you fought.It looked as if you’d never live,So great the pain the wound had wrought.Amid your long recoveryYou longed for pleasant books of love:Instead Christ’s life fell in your hands,And deeds of saints you’d not heard of.Such valour and obedienceWas worthy of the greatest Lord;If they could do such feats of love,Then you would love what they adored.At Montserrat you made your vow,Then settled in a cave for prayer.Here at Manresa for a yearYou knew God’s joy, yet dark despair.You longed to see the Holy Land,But were turned back once you were there.God’s ways must lead you to your heart;Then mind and heart would form a pair.Your studies brought you to your feet:Demanding much and giving more;You lived a beggar as you learned,While leading children to their Lord.With no credentials from the church,Your catechising came to light;Twice bishops would imprison youFor more than forty days and nights.Yet undiminished was your loveFor Christ and for the Church of Rome;The Company of Jesus, formed,Throughout the world to make its home.Across the continents of earth,Your sons, each culture would embrace;Enduring terrible ordeals,The Cross they planted in each place.Magnificat-b70vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv2vvvv2vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv9vvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv2vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv]What will a man gain if he wins the whole world, and suffers the loss of his own soul.-b70vvvvvvUxx6x5x6x{xYxx4x6x5x{xWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x6x5vvvvvvvv]August2 August – Our Lady of the Angels: The Portiuncula-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]The joyful Francis often cameWith warmest love to Mary’s church,That little house with angel’s nameIn prayer for Jesus there to search.Nowhere on earth a place so dear,As that retreat of gentle peace.As years went by so Francis hereCould always find his soul’s release.Here prompted by the Virgin’s aidHis first disciple with him trod,Foundations of his Order laid,He consecrated Clare to God.He gathered there his great arrayWithin these well beloved walls,And sent them out upon their wayTo fight with Christ in holy wars.O Mary, pray that we may beReleased from all our sinful chains,Your praises singing ceaselesslyLead us to joy that knows no pains.To you, O Jesus, glory be,Whom blessed Virgin Mary bore.All praise to Father endlesslyAnd Soirit blest for evermore.6 August - The Transfiguration of Our Lord First Vespers-bb70ccvvjx]xhxgxgxhx]xubbb.xxlx]xkxhxjxgx]xrbbbmxvvvvvx]-bb70ccvfx]xfxfxgxhx]xjxxgxhxlx]xkxjxkxkx]xubbb,xvv]How good, Lord, to be here!Your glory fills the night;Your face and garments, like the sun,Shine with unborrowed light.How good, Lord, to be here,Your beauty to behold Where Moses and Elijah stand,Your messengers of old.Fulfiller of the pastAnd hope of things to be!We hail your body glorifiedAnd our redemption see.Before we taste of death,We see your kingdom come;We long to hold the vision brightAnd make this hill our home.How good, Lord, to be here!Yet we may not remain;But since you bid us leave the mount,Come with us to the plain.Antiphon 1-v`*cvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv3vvv6vvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vv4vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvc]vMoses and Elijah appeared in glory with Jesus as he prayed in splendour on the-v`*vc7vv6vvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]ho-ly mountain.-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-v`*cvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvbvvv6vvvvv6vvvvbbvv6vvvvvvv7vvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvv9vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvc]vWe saw Christ’s glory, the glory of the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth.-v`*cv7vv8vvvbbbv7vv6vvvvbbbbb7vvvvvbbbv6vvvvvvvvvvv]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]Al – le – lu - ia.-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]Antiphon 3 – First Vespers (if occurring on a Sunday) CW Canticle 72-ccvvvvvv5cvvvvvv6vcc6vvvvvvv8ccvvc8cc7c6ccv5ccvv6cvcc6ccvv6vvvvvv5v3vvccc4ccvc5cvvvcv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvc] Lord, it is good for us to be here if you wish we will make three ho - ly dwelling places here, -cvvccc4cvvvvc5cvvvc2bv4vvvcvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv2vvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvc3ccvv2vvvb1cbcv1ccvvcvc] one for you, one for Moses and one for E-li-jah.-cxcTxxxxxxcccccxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvx6cx8xx{vvvvvvv8vvx7vvx6ccvv5vv6xx] Al - le—lu - ia.-cxcYcccccxxvvvvccc5x4x5xx{xc5c3vvcc4xc5vvvvvc5ccc{ccccc2c4vvvvvc3cccv1xc1xccc] Al - le—lu - ia. Al - le—lu - ia.Antiphon 3 – Lauds-vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv9vvvvv9vvvvv8vvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvv]iGod has taken us out of darkness and given us a place in the kingdom of his Son.-vcccYxx4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2x]Antiphon 3 Second Vespers as in DO also for use with CW Canticle 63-vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv8vv7vvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv{vv5vvvv5vvvvvv4vv3vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv{vv1vv3vv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv]As they were coming down from the mountain Jesus said to them, ‘Tell no one about the vision -vvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vv7vvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv6vvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv{vvv5vv8vvv7vvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvv5vv4vv3vvvv2vvvv1vvvv]until the Son of Man has risen from the dead.’ Al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia.-xTxx6x8x5x{xExx5x3x2x]Refrain-vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv55vvvvv5vvvvvv{vvvvvv5v3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvvvv]O praise the Lord, all you nations, praise the Lord all you peoples.Responsory-b7cvvv1vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv8vvvvvv{vvvv4vvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvcc] In you is the source of life * and in your light we see light.-cvvcvv1vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv8vvvvcc] O Lord, how precious is your love.-cvvcvvc1vvvv1vvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vv6vvvv4vvvvv5vvvvv5vvcc] Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.Magnificat -`vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvv8vv7vvv6vvvvvvv5vvc7vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vv2vvvvv1vvvvvcv2xc]viiThis is my Son, my Beloved; listen to my Chosen One.-v`vcccvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~vvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvv4vvvv3vvvvvv4vvv5vvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv1vvvvv3vvvv3vv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv]ii The King of Glory is exalted on high: come, let us adore him.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]-`*vcc3x3x3x2x3x5x4x3x{x5x6x6x6x5x6x6x7xvv] -`*vccv7x7x6x7x5x6x5x3x{x3x2x3x5x6x3x2x3xv]All ye who seek for Jesus, raise, Your eyes above, and upward gaze: There may ye see the wondrous sign Of never ending glory shine.Behold him in celestial raysWho never knoweth end of days; Exalted, infinite, sublime;Older than heav’n or hell or time.This is the Gentiles’ king and lord, The Prince by Judah’s race adored, Promised to Abraham of yore And to his seed for evermore.To him the prophets testify;And that same witness from on high, The Father seals by his decree: ‘Hear and believe my son’, saith He.All glory, Lord, to thee we pay, Transfigured on the mount today; All glory as is ever meet,To Father and to Paraclete.Benedictus-v7cvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvc4vvvvc5cc6vvvvc7cc7cvvvvv6ccc5ccvvv4ccvv4vvvvv{vcc5ccvvvvc6vvvvvvv5cccvv5vvvvv4cc4vvcc4ccv2cx] vi Christ who is the very image of the Father, was revealed in glory upon-v7ccvv1vvvvv2vvvv4vvvvvvv6c5vvcc4vvmxc]cvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]the holy mountain.Second Vespers-`*vcsx]xsxdxfxsx]xyxex]xwvvnx{xhx]xhxjxkxhx]xoxux]xyvv,xcc]-`*vchx]xlxkxjxhx]xlxjxhx{xhx]xsxdxfxgx]xyxex]xwvvnxvvvcxv]The glory that is ours this dayIs shed by neither moon nor sun:The dazzling splendour we beholdShines forth from Christ, God’s cherished One.Each planet, galaxy and starWithin the spectrum of this lightFinds here its origin and end,This day revealed on Tabor’s height.And so, we vuln’rable and smallAre shown what we cannot conceive:That we mere vessels made of clayAre glorious beyond belief.Yes millions massacred this dayReduce to ash all human pride:The burning sun we dropped demandsWe ponder why it is Christ died:Hiroshima’s bright blinding cloudMust ever haunt us with its glare:We chose that day to be as gods;We shadowed all the earth with fear.Earth now is clouded by a lightUnknown to Peter, James and John:Could Tabor, pointing to the CrossConceive the suff’ring of that bomb?O Christ have pity on our raceWhich parodies your healing light:Come Abba, Breath and Word enfleshedTransfigure and restore our sight.Magnificat-vvcvvc2cvv1cvcv2vvvvvcvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvcv6vvvcc5vv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv7v7vvvvv6cccv6vvvvvvc5cc4ccc2cvcc1ccvc2cccc]iIt is good that we are here and to behold the glory that is Christ.-v7vcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]DO 3rd January or 7th August - The Holy Name of JesusFirst Vespers-x2x2x3x4x5x6x5x6x{x6x9x9x8x8x6xbb]-x5x7x77x6x5x4x5x6x{x5x4x5x3x1x2x]How sweet the Name of Jesus soundsIn a believer’s ear!It soothes all sorrows, heals all wounds,And drives away all fear.It makes the wounded spirit whole,And calms the troubled breast;’Tis manna to the hungry soul,And to the weary, rest.Dear Name, the Rock on which I build,My Shield and Hiding Place,My never failing treasury, filledWith boundless stores of grace!By Thee my prayers acceptance gain,Although with sin defiled;Satan accuses me in vain,And I am owned a child.Jesus! my Shepherd, Husband, Friend,O Prophet, Priest and King,My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End,Accept the praise I bring.Weak is the effort of my heart,And cold my warmest thought;But when I see Thee as Thou art,I’ll praise Thee as I ought.Till then I would Thy love proclaimWith every fleeting breath,And may the music of Thy NameRefresh my soul in death!Antiphon 1-v`ccvvvvvv2vvv5vvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv1vvvvv3vvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvv]vvvYvvx4x5x6x{vvvTvvx3x4x2x]viiWhoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved, al-le-lu-ia.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-v`*ccvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvc]vThe fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; holy and awesome is his name,-v`vvvc4vvvvv3vvvv2vvvv2vvvvvvv]xYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]al-le-lu-ia.-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]Antiphon 3-v70vv4vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvv]vvvYxx5x6x7x{xYxx4x5x2x]iiiI will rejoice in the Lord; I will joy in the God of my salvation.-v70cccvvYxx7x6x{xUx6x5x6x{ xIx7x5x6x{xUx5x7x6x {xRx5x4x{xTx4x3x2x]Magnificat-`*~vvvv6vvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvv1vvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvccc]iiDo ev’rything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father-`*~vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv]xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xUxx6x5x4x]through him.LaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~cc3vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvv3vvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvx]ii At the name of Jesus, ev’ry knee shall bow; come, let us worship the Lord.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]-`*~vvcccvv1x4x6x5x4x3x4x5x{x1x4x3x4x5x6x]-`*~vcccvv6x6x8x7x6x5x4x5x{x1x4x6x5x5x4vvbbbvvv]O Christ, you speak the names of GodIn tongues we understandTo touch and heal the deafened earWith love’s almighty hand.You are the presence of our God,Not hid in cloud or flameBut clothed in living flesh of earthCalled by a human name.You are the mercy of our God,Soft fallen as the rain,To penetrate the hardened heartAnd wash away our pain.You are the glory of our GodIn earthen lantern borneTo light the way that we must walk,The path your feet have worn.Benedictus-`*~bc2cccc4ccccv6ccc5cccvc4vv5ccvcv4vvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv]viiiYou shall call his name Jesus for he will save his people from their sins.-`*~vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvRxx5x3x]Second Vespers-v706vc4x8x7x8x6vv,x5x{x6x5x4x3x1vvnx]c3x4x5x4x6vv,x7x{x8x8x7x6x4vvbmx]At the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow, every tongue confess him King of glory now;'Tis the Father's pleasure we should call him Lord, who from the beginning was the mighty Word.Humbled for a season, to receive a Name from the lips of sinners, unto whom he came,Faithfully he bore itspotless to the last,brought it back victorious, when from death he passed;Name him, brothers, name him, with love as strong as death, but with awe and wonderand with bated breath;He is God the Saviour, he is Christ the Lord, ever to be worshiped, trusted, and adored.In your hearts enthrone him; there let him subdueall that is not holy,all that is not true;Crown him as your Captain in temptation's hour;let his will enfold youin its light and power.Brothers, this Lord Jesus shall return again,with his Father's glory with his angel train;for all wreaths of empire meet upon his brow,and our hearts confess himKing of glory now.Magnificat-v7vvvvvc4vvccc5xcc4ccvcc5vv6ccccc6cvvccc5ccvc4ccc{cc4ccc5vv7cc6c,ccc5ccc6cccc5vv4ccccbbbb]vi You have done great things, O God, and ho-ly is your name.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]8 August – DominicPastorLauds-cc3x3x3x2x5x5x6vv8x8x{x8vv9x8x8x8x6x8x7vv6vv5x{x5x6x8x7x6x5x6x6x] -cc6x7x5xv$4x3x6x6vv2x{x3x5x5x3x5x6x6x5xx{x6x7x5x6vv5x4x2x3xbb]Dominic, the Lord’s own champion,Charged to spread the gospel flame,Sent by Christ the word to publishAnd his mysteries to proclaim;With the grace of God within you,Like a hero lord you came.Stainless as a burnished chalice,Shining as a fiery brand,Dominic, you came to help us,And to do your Lord’s command,With the grace of God within you,And the gospel in your hand.Now again we need your goodness,You our father and our guide;Keep us from all sin and error,From our blindness and our pride;With the grace of God within usMay we stand close by your side.Vespers-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]Saint Dominic fulfils his nameAs tireless athlete for his Lord,In preaching and in making knownThe word of God, the Spirit’s sword.Preserving heart and conscience pure,From evil he kept far away,Though burning like a flaming torchWith zeal to save those gone astray.He spurned the honours of this world,To all he strove the truth to show,Supported by the grace of ChristHe went unarmed to meet the foe.To words he added prodigiesWith earnest tears and constant prayer,While sending his companions outTo spread the Gospel ev’rywhere.All honour, glory, homage, praise,To God, Almighty, One in Three,Who by the prayers of DominicWill give us joy eternally.9 August – Teresa BenedictaVirgin and martyrSECOND READING From the spiritual writings of Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein Werke (Freiburg, 1987), 11:124-126) Ave Crux, spes unica! We greet you, Holy Cross, our only hope! The church puts these words on our lips during the time of the passion, which is dedicated to the contemplation of the bitter sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ. The world is in flames. The struggle between Christ and antichrist rages openly, and so if you decide for Christ you can even be asked to sacrifice your life. Contemplate the Lord who hangs before you on the wood, because he was obedient even to the death of the cross. He came into the world not to do his own will but that of the Father. And if you wish to be the spouse of the Crucified, you must renounce completely your own will and have no other aspiration than to do the will of God. Before you the Redeemer hangs on the cross stripped and naked, because he chose poverty. Those who would follow him must renounce every earthly possession. Stand before the Lord who hangs from the cross with his heart torn open. He poured out the blood of his heart in order to win your heart. In order to follow him in holy chastity, your heart must be free from every earthly aspiration. Jesus Crucified must be the object of your every longing, of your every desire, of your every thought. The world is in flames: the fire can spread even to our house, but above all the flames the cross stands on high, and it cannot be burnt. The cross is the way which leads from earth to heaven. Those who embrace it with faith, love, and hope are taken up, right into the heart of the Trinity. The world is in flames: do you wish to put them out? Contemplate the cross: from his open heart the blood of the Redeemer pours, blood which can put out even the flames of hell. Through the faithful observance of the vows, you make your heart open; and then the floods of that divine love will be able to flow into it, making it overflow and bear fruit to the furthest reaches of the earth. Through the power of the cross you can be present wherever there is pain, carried there by your compassionate charity, by that very charity which you draw from the divine heart. That charity enables you to spread everywhere the most precious blood in order to ease pain, save and redeem. The eyes of the Crucified gaze upon you. They question you and appeal to you. Do you wish seriously to renew your alliance with him? What will your response be? Lord, where shall I go? You alone have the words of life. Ave Crux, spes unica! ResponsoryWe preach Christ Crucified, a scandal to the Jews?and foolishness to the pagans,?* but for those who are called, whether they be Jews or Greeks, we preach Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God. The desire of my heart and my prayer?rises to God for their salvation;?* but for those who are called, whether they be Jews or Greeks, we preach Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God. CollectLord, God of our fathers,?you brought Saint Teresa Benedicta?to the fullness of the science of the cross?at the hour of her martyrdom.?Fill us with that same knowledge;?and, through her intercession,?allow us always to seek after you, the supreme truth, and to remain faithful until death?to the covenant of love ratified in the blood of your Son for the salvation of all men and women. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. 10 August - LaurenceMartyrLauds-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]When Laurence was led out to die,Love made him prodigal of life,No armour would he use but faithAgainst the persecutor’s strife.The first of seven chosen menSelected at the Pope’s behest,A deacon’s office to fulfil,In virtue he surpassed the rest.He was a leader in the fight,Although no sword hung by his side,And with a smile in face of death,He could the torturer deride.We praise your triumph here on earth,So, holy Laurence, lend your aid,May each of us your favour feel,Receiving grace for which we prayed.For all the care with which you servedAnd loved the city’s poor in Rome,What luster must enhance your crownFor ever in the Father’s home!To Father, Son, and Spirit too,Be honour, homage and renown,Who will reward your prayers for usBy granting an eternal crown. Antiphon 1-v7vvvvvv1vvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv8vvvvv{vvvv8vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vv2vvvvvv4vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvcc] My soul thirsts for you, my God, since my body was burnt in the fire for you.-v7ccvvRx5x6x{xYx5x4x5x{xTx6x7x{xUx6x5x6x{xYx7x8x{xUx5x6x4x]Antiphon 2-v`vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvv8vv7vvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv9vvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv0bbbbbbbbbbbbbb9bbbbb/vvvvvvv9vvvv8vv7vvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv5vvmvvvvbbbbbb] The Lord sent his angel to free me from the fire, and I was not burnt.-v`ccvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5vvvvvv]Antiphon 3-v`vvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vv8vv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvv{vvv7vvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vv,vvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv] Blessed Laurence prayed saying, ‘I give thanks to you, O Lord, because you have found me-v`vvvvvvv3vv2vvvvv3vvvvv5vvvvv4vv3vvvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvnvvvvvvv]worthy to enter your gates.-`ccvvvccYxx7x6x{xIxx7x6x{xUxx6x5x{xTxx7x6x{xUxx5x6x{xTxx3x2x]Benedictus-v7ccvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv7vvvvvvbvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvbvv4vvvvv2vvvv4vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvbvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvvvvbbvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv]Do not fear, my son, for I am with you, though you should walk through fire the -v7ccvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvbvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv]flames will not harm you, neither will the smell of burning be about you.-v7vvvvccYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x] Vespers-vcvv6vvvb77xx6x5x^x@x5x4x3x1x@x2x]cvv6vvbb77x6x5x^x@x5x4x3x1x@x2x]-vcvv2vvv3x4x5x^x^x8x7x6x5x7vv8x6x]vcvv5vv4x3x1x@x2xv]v]Laurence the deacon spent himself in service,Aiding the needy, wealth of earth despising,Then as a martyr, for the name of Jesus,Joyfully triumphed.Fire’s bitter torment he endured serenely,Even to jesting as the flame grew fierecer,Nothing could conquer love so bent on reaching,Joys everlasting.Welcoming angels bore his happy spiritSwiftly to heaven to be crowned for ever,Where he would always intercede for sinners,With the Almighty.Most holy martyr, humbly we implore you,Pray for us daily, winning us forgiveness,Make us more fervent, by our faith and moralsBearing full witness.Praise to the Father let us sing with gladness,Praise to our Saviour, God the Son, incarnate,Reigning for ever with the Holy Spirit,God and Creator.Antiphon 1-v7vvvvvvc5cccc6ccccc7cc8ccccc6cc5cccc4cc5ccc5cc2ccc{c2cccc5c4vvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vv8vvvvvv6vvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvccc] Laurence entered heaven as a martyr; he bore witness to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.-v7ccvvTxx7x6x{xYxx4x5x{xExx5x4x{xExx1x2x]Antiphon 2-vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvv3vvvv3vvvvv{vvv1vvvv1vvvvvv1vvvv5vv6vv7vvvvvv8vvv5vvvv5vvvv{vvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv8vv9vv0vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvv6vv5vvvv6vvvvvv] Blessed Laurence cried out, saying, ‘I will rejoice openly, since I have been found worthy to be a -vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvv3vvvv3vvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv3vvnvvvvvvvvv]consumed sacrifice for Christ.-vccvccvcYxx5x6x{xIxx7x6x{xUxx5x6x{xTxx7x6x{xYxx5x4x{xYxx5x3x]Antiphon 3-`*~vb3vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv{vvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvv7vvvvvvv] I give thanks to you, O Lord Jesus Christ, because you have found me worthy to enter-`*~vvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv]cvvvccTxx7x{xTxx4x3x4x]your gates.Magnificat-`*~cvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vv6vvvv4vv6vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv1vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv]Bless-ed Lau-rence said. ‘This night of mine is not dark; rather ev’-ry-thing shines -`*~cv3vvvvvvvv6vvvv7vv8vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvv8vv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv]cccEvvx4x3x6x{xYvvx4x6x7x]vvvYxvv7x6x4x{xRvvx3x2x3x]ev’-ry-thing shines with light.’11 August – ClareVirgin-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]Your name, O Clare, is clear as dawn,More shining still, your holy life;Your wisdom, brighter than the stars,Knew well the marv’llous love of Christ.The holy Francis during LentFirst pointed out the Gospel path;Palm Sunday you then stole away,Depsite your fam’ly’s wealth and wrath.At Portiuncula they stood,His brothers all, with candles clear.There Francis welcomed you for ChristClothed you anew, and cut your hair.That night you had eloped with Christ,Who now, alone, would be your spouse.Your courage opened wide new doors;Your poverty, God’s precious house.14 August – Maximilian KolbeMartyrBenedictus and Magnificat-`*~cvvvvv66vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvv3vvvv{vvvvv7vvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv9vvvvvvv7vvvv8vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv{vvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvv4vv3vvvvv2vvvvvvvvv]Christ will be honoured in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is -`*~cvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vv9vvv8vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv]cccEvvx4x3x6x{xYvvx4x6x7x]vvvYxvv7x6x4x{xRvvx3x2x3x]Christ and to die is gain.15 August - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin MaryFirst Vespers-v7ccvv4x5x6x6x5x7x6x6x{x6x9x8x8vv7x6x6x]-v7ccvv6x6x6x5x4x4x7x6x{x6x5x6x4vv3x1x2x]The ark which has God has sanctified,Which he has filled with grace,Within the temple of the LordHas found a resting place.More glorious than the Seraphim,the ark of love divine;Corruption could not blemish herWhom death could not confine.God-bearing Mother, virgin chaste,Who shines in heaven’s sight,She wears a royal crown of starsWho is the door of light.To Father, Son and Spirit blest,May we give endless praiseWith Mary, who is queen of heaven,through everlasting days.Antiphon 1-v`v2vvvv2vvvvv3vvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv7vvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv66vvvvvvvv7vvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvv3vvv2vvv2vvvvvv]vii Mary is taken up into heaven, the angels triumph, exalting and blessing the Lord, alleluia.-vcccvYxx4x5x6x{xvvvTxx3x4x2x]-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-v7ccv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvv8vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv]viIn your grace and in your beauty, go forth, ride prosp’rously and reign.-v7ccvYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Antiphon 3-v7cvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvv]viBlessed are you, O Mary, from the Lord, for by you have we partaken of the fruit-v7cvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvv5vvv4vvvv4vvvvvvvvvv]cvYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]of life, alleluia.-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Responsory-`*~cvvYvccccccccccccccccccc5ccc6cc7vvvv7vvvvvv{vvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvcc] The Virgin Mary has been exalted * high above the choirs of angels.-`*~cvvc7vvvv7vvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvcc] Blessed is the Lord who raised her up.-`*~cvvYcccccccccccccccccccccccc5ccc6cccc7cccc7ccc7ccc8cccc9cc8ccc7cc7cccc] Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.Magnificat-`*~vvvv3vvvvv4vv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv1vvvv1vvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vv6vvv5vvvvvvv4vvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvv7vvvvv8vvvvvvv7vv0vvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv]viiiRejoice for today the Virgin Mary has ascended in - to heav’n where she reigns with -`*~vvvvv4vv5vv6vv4vvvv5vvvvvvv3vvv3vvvvvv]vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvvRxx5x3x]Christ for ever.LaudsInvitatory antiphon-v7cvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvv2vvvvvv4vv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvv4vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvv]viCome, let us worship the king of kings: on this day his Virgin Mother was taken up to heaven.-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]-cvv6x6x5x6x4x3x2x{x4x6x8x7x6x{xv77x8x9x8x8x77x6x{x5x6x4x3x2x]Who is she ascends so high,Next the heav'nly King,Round about whom angels fly,And her praises sing?Who is she adorned with light;Makes the sun her robe?At whose feet the queen of nightLays her changing globe?This is she in whose pure wombHeaven's Prince remained;Wherefore in no earthly tombCould she be contained.Heav'n she was, which held that fire,Whence the world took light,And to heav'n doth now aspire:Flames with flames unite.She that did so clearly shine,Our Day once begun,See how bright her beams decline,Sitting with the Sun.Benedictus-b7cvvv1vvvvv5vv6vv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvv6vvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvv6vv7vv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vv2vvvvvv3vvvv1vvvv1vvvv1vvvvvv]viiA-rise my love, my beautiful one; receive the crown prepared for you from eternity.-bb7ccvvvvvTxx3x5x{xUxx6x4x5x{xRxx3x2x3x{xRxx2x3x1x]Second Vespers - all as at First Vespers, except-`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx]More splendid than the sun at noon,Serene in beauty as the moon,In glory like the brightest Dawn,Did Mary reach Eternal Morn.Today the Queen of earth and timeAttains on high her throne sublime,Her Son escorts her on the way,Who reigned before the light of day.Assumed above the angel hosts,The woman whom both our nature boastsImmaculate and free from taint,Surpasses far the greatest saint.She gazes on her Son divine,In whom both God and Man combine,He whom she cradled with delight,Now reigns in Godhead’s light.Be praised the Father with the Son,And Holy Spirit, Godgead One,Who raised you to the highest stateOf happiness and glory great.20 August – BernardDoctor of the Church / Teacher of the FaithLauds-vcc3x3x4x3vv2x5x5x6vv8x8x{x8vv9x8x8x7x6x8x7vv6vv5xvv]-ccv5x6x8x7x6x5x6x5xvvvvv{x6x7x5x5x3x6x6vv,2xvcc] -ccv3x5x5x3x5x6x6x5xx{x6x7x5x6vv5x4vv3x2x3xc]Hills and mountains famed for flowingWith the wealth of nature’s giftsfreshest milk and purest honey –tokens that our God is near!Israel, whose boast was manna:All of you must disappear!There is one who supersedes you,One whose heart has overflowedWith delights that were unheard ofBy the prophecies of old:Here is one whose tongue holds honeySweeter than those words foretold.Who, you ask, has been so gifted;Who so graced to be this source?Who is it who has been blessed withWhat the prophets only dreamed?Manna, milk and golden honeywhence the wellspring of this stream?Nurtured at the breast of MaryWith the richest cream and milk:From the fearsome lion’s carcassHoney sweetened tongue and limb;Woods and solitude – his heaven –Manna-like then nourished him.Blessed Bernard, blessed doctor,Blest with heaven’s honeyed gifts;Give to us the smallest portionFrom the fullness you received!Rain these down on us like dew-fall:Blessings we cannot conceive!Abba of our abbot Bernard,Praise to you, your Word-made-flesh;Who together with the Spirit,Are forever Three in One:Praise be yours in song unceasingAs we pray: your kingdom come.Benedictus and Magnificat-`*~vvvvv6ccc6cccccc7cc6cccv4ccvv5cccccc6vv,ccccc6cccccc7cccccv9vvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvv]Bernard, Doctor of the Church, from whom teaching flowed like sweet honey, friend of the divine -`*~vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv66vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv7vvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvv]Bridegroom and herald telling of the wonders of the Virgin Mother, became famous at Clairvaux as -`*~vv6vvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv]xYxx7x6x5x6x{xYxx2x6x{xYxx2x6x{xYxx5x6x7x6x]a pastor of souls.Vespers-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]Saint Bernard, jewel in the crownOf Mother Church you loved so well,Repay our lowly praise with graceTo earn the joy no tongue can tell.Christ wounded your pure heart with loveTo which all other fire must yield,That you might serve his Bride, the Church,As pillar, gleaming light, and shield.The Holy Spirit blest your lips,That words of truth from them should flow,As sweet as honey to the taste,Yet burning with a Seraph’s glow.The Virgin Mother filled your heartWith ardour for her Son alone;No preacher ever spoke of herIn words more tender than your own.A lover of deep solitude,The world has filled you with repute,So that great leaders, teachers, kings,Sought your solutions in disputes.O God of love, we cry to you,Whom Bernard served, whom we adore,O Three in One and One in Three,Make us to love you more and more.22 August – Our Lady, Queen and MotherLaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvv{vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvv]ii Christ the King crowned his Mother as Queen of Heaven: come, let us adore him.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]-`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx]O virgin Mary, peerless queen,Enriched with ev’ry gift and grace,In harmony of perfect stateAbove the angels is your throne.You are creation’s joy and pride,Predestined in the plan divine,To be the channel of his love,When God the Son took flesh as man.When Christ once shed his roseate blood,And reigned as King on Bitter Tree,You shared his passion’s suffering,As mother of all souls redeemed.Most beautiful and tender Queen,Smile down on us who sing to you.With joy accept this hymn of praise,Our grateful hearts pour forth this day.To God the Father, glory be,The Spirit and the Son be praised,Who clothed you with a robe of grace,Immaculate, untouched by sin.Benedictus and Magnificat-v7vvvvcvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv$v4cccc4cc3ccc3ccccc6ccccc6cc6ccc8cc8cccc6cc6cccc7cccc6cccccc7ccccc7cccc5ccccc3cccc6ccc6ccc]Hail, O Queen of all the world, ever Virgin Mary. You bore Christ the Lord, the Saviour-v7vvvvvv6vvvv8vvvvvvvvv5vvv6vvvv6vvvvv]x$bRxx3x5x6x{xYxx7x5x6x{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x3x$b4vvvv]of all Creation.Vespers-`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx]O Queen of heaven and of earth,Weighed down by sin we cry to you,The hope of those who refuge seekHear now our lowly prayer for aid.You are the gate to endless life,Lend gracious ear to us who call,You took away Eve’s sad reproachBy bringing hope of life to all.Dear Mother of our Lord and King,Implore for us the grace of life,That we may strive to make amends,For all the faults of bygone years.Most Holy Mother, when you pray,The saints in heaven intercede;A word from you as suppliantWill reconcile us with the Lord.Our mother and most pow’rful queen,Fulfil your children’s chief desire,And bring us when this life is done,To everlasting joy and peace.We praise the Father, and the Son,Due homage to the Spirit pay,For raising you as heaven’s queen,Above all angels and all saints.24 August – BartholomewApostle-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]O thou, of twelve Apostles one,O thou, alone of those the Soncalled to Himself, of guile found free: all hail Bartholomew to thee! Out to the peoples thou wast sent; out from the Upper Room thou went, to make all India know God’s grace, and Persia see His human face. Thy life was Christ’s: like Him betrayed, as he was scourged, so wast thou flayed. For Him thou meetst in agonythy death by Caspian’s bitter Sea. For us, on this our distant shore,to God thy prayer be pleased to pour, that as thou once thy life didst give for Christ, so may in Christ we live. Invoke for us the Holy Ghost,O thou who watch’st the angel host unto the Son of Man ascend;on us the Spirit pray descend! To God the Father, God the Son,and God the Spirit, Three in One:by saints above such praise be giventhat saints on earth seek only Heaven.25 August – Louis IX of France-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]O King of kings whose sovereign powersTo every earthly realm extend;Mid fragrant incense, tuneful voices,Unto our prayerful praise attend.Of royal birth, the blessed LouisIn childhood mounts the ancestral throne,Beforehand taught by saintly motherTo serve unsullied God alone.In justice stern, his rule arousesHis own to love, his foes to fear;To God he raises shrines and temples,For homeless people homes appear.Al glory, power and jubilationTo you, O Triune God, shall be,Who rule as One all things created,Now and for all eternity.26 August - The Transverberation of Theresa of AvilaAll as on 15 October except:SECOND READING From the Living Flame of Love by Saint John of the Cross (Red. B, st. 2, no. 2-4, 9,, 12, 8: ed. Kavanaugh-Rodriguez 1979, pp. 596-99) You have wounded my heart Moses declares in Deuteronomy, Our Lord God is a consuming fire, that is, a fire of love, which being of infinite power, can inestimably consume and transform into itself the soul it touches. Yet he burns each soul according to its preparation: he will burn one more, another less, and this he does insofar as he desires, and how and when he desires. When he wills to touch somewhat vehemently, the soul’s burning reaches such a high degree of love that it seems to surpass that of all the fires of the world, for he is an infinite fire of love. Because the soul in this case is entirely transformed by the divine flame, it not only feels a cautery, but has become a cautery of blazing fire. It is a wonderful thing and worth relating that, since this fire of God is so mighty it would consume a thousand worlds more easily than the fire of this earth would burn up a straw, it does not consume and destroy the soul in which it so burns. And it does not afflict it, rather, commensurate with the strength of the love, it divinizes and delights it, burning gently. Since God’s purpose in granting these communications is to exalt the soul, he does not weary and restrict it, but enlarges and delights it, brightens and enriches it. The happy soul that by great fortune reaches this cautery knows all things, tastes all things, does all it wishes, and prospers; no one prevails before it and nothing touches it. This is the soul of which the Apostle speaks: The spiritual one judges all things and he is judged by no one. And again: The spirit searches out all things, unto the deep things of God. It will happen that while the soul is inflamed with the love of God, it will feel that a seraphim is assailing it by means of an arrow or dart which is all afire with love. And the seraphim pierces and cauterizes this soul which, like a red-hot coal, or better, a flame, is already enkindled. For the soul is converted into the immense fire of love. Few persons have reached these heights. Some have, however, especially those whose virtue and spirit was to be diffused among their children. For God accords to founders, with respect to the first fruits of the spirit, wealth and value commensurate with the greater or lesser following they will have in their doctrine and spirituality. O happy wound, wrought by one who knows only how to heal! O fortunate and choicest wound; you were made only for delight, and the quality of your affliction is delight and gratification for the wounded soul! You are great, O delightful wound, because he who caused you is great! And your delight is great, because the fire of love is infinite and makes you delightful according to your capacity and greatness. O, then, delightful wound, so much more sublimely delightful the more the cautery touched the intimate center of the substance of the soul, burning all that was burnable in order to give delight to all that could be delighted! ResponsoryThe Lord our God is one Lord.?* You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength. The Lord your God is a consuming fire.?* You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength. Collect Almighty God,?you filled the heart of Saint Teresa of Avila, with the fire of your love?and gave her strength to undertake difficult tasks?for the honour of your name.?Through her prayers?may the power of your love fill our hearts also?and stir us to ever more generous efforts in your service. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Benedictus and Magnificat-v7vvvvbb4vvvvbbv3vvvvbbvvv2vvvvvbbbbbbvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvvv2vvvbvvv4vvvvvvvbb4vvvvvvvbbbbbbbv5vvvvbbvv6bbvvvvvbvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv]viIn my heart, imprisoned in my bones, was the likeness of a burning fire, -v7vvvcv6vvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvmvvvvvvv]and I was scarcely able to bear it. -v7vvxRxx3x4x5x{xTxxx1x5x6x{xYxx5x6x8x{xYxx5x6x4x]27 August – MonicaBenedictus -v7vvvvcvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv2vvvvv{vvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv]viYou listened to her, O Lord, and did not despise those tears of hers which moistened the earth-v7vvvvcvvvv6vvvvv5vv6vvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvmvvvvvvv]when-e-ver she prayed.-v7vvxRxx3x4x5x{xTxxx1x5x6x{xYxx5x6x8x{xYxx5x6x4x]Magnificat-vvvx3vvvv3vvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6bbb,vvvvv{vvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvv$4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv%v5cvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv]Monica lived in Christ while still living in this world; she so lived that the name of God was praised-vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv]in both her faith and her works.-xExx4x5x6x{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx7x5x6x{xYxx5x4x3x]28th August - AugustineDoctor of the Church / Teacher of the FaithLauds-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]Numidia’s great African,your life, Augustine, looms so large:your youth, undisciplined and free,yet led you to the church’s charge.Unmarried, fathering a son– whose mother you shared little of –you were the source of many tears,so avidly you looked for love.Well schooled, admired by your friends,you yet were blinded by your pride:the Church’s faith, God’s gift so free,with Manichaeus, you denied.The Gospel’s great simplicityyou spurned and read without much heed– then came a simple child’s song:God telling you to ‘take and read’.The Scriptures, then, all spoke of Christ;God’s grace could overcome sin’s strife.With Monica, your son and friendsyou lived as one the common life.Baptised within the paschal feast,your mother’s prayers at last were heard!Made Hippo’s bishop by acclaim:your flock hung on your every word.The Church, you taught, embraces earth;its life not only for the pure.Her sacraments are God’s free gift;in spite of sinner’s they endure.You battled with your pen?untruth;proclaimed the primacy of grace:your world at war; your work destroyed,you breathed your last in Christ’s embrace.Benedictus-cvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv77vvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv77vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv]You stir us up, O Lord, and make us find joy in praising you, since you have made us -vccvvv77vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv77vvvvvv8vvv77vvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvv4vv3vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv]for yourself; and our hearts find no rest un-til they rest in you.-vvvvccWxx6x5x6x{xYxx8x5x6x{xYxx5x4x3x{xExx4x6x2x] Vespers-vx6x5x6x4vv3x2vv2x4x5x6x8x6vvvx66x]vvx6x5x6xv4v3x2vv2x4x5x6x8xv6v6x6x]-vx9x8x6x5vv4x5vv5xc7v7x6x5x4x5vv6x6x{x2x5x4xv3v2x2x]Those who teach others sound and sacred doctrine,Shine, say the Scriptures, as the stars of heaven,Such is Augustine, shedding light unfailingDown through the ages.City of Sion, in the joys of heaven,Praise the Almighty Lord of true salvation,Who led Augustine through much restless sleepingSafe to your haven.Earnest defender of the faith he treasured,Dauntlessly checking all attacks of error,Morals and virtue grew in strength and lustre,From his clear teaching.Vigilant pastor of your flock as bishop,Light and example for both monks and clerics,Pray for us always, so that God our Father,Ever may bless us.Praise to the Godhead, Trinity most holy,Whose divine Essence formed your chosen study,Even while earth-bound, what must be your rapture,Now in high heaven.Magnificat-v7ccvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv2vv4vvvvvvv2vv1vvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv1vvvvv{vvvvv1vvvvvvvv] Late have I loved you, O beauty both an-cient and new, late have I loved you. You-v7vccvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vv6vvvvv5vv4vvvv2vv4vvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv]called, you cried out, and you rid me of my deaf-ness.-v7vvvvccRxx5x7x6x{xYxx7x9x8x{xIxx9x7x5x{xTxx4x3x4vvvx]29 August - Beheading of John the BaptistLaudsInvitatory antiphon-v7cvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvv2vvvvvv4vv5vvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv5vvvv5vv6vvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvv]viCome, let us adore the Lamb of God; Saint John went before him in his passion-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]-v7cc1x3vv4x5x5vv6x5x4vv3x4x5x{x6x7x6x5vv4x3x2vv1x2x1vvnxvv] -v7ccv5x5vv6x8x7x6x5x4x3vv2vv3x{x1x3x4x2x3x1x?x1vvnxccb]John’s light is dimmed, his prison, dark;his head the plaything for a feast.The jealous spurn God’s righteousness- just Judge of both the great and least.John’s voice proclaimed the coming Light,whose radiance frees the darkened heart;who levels mountains, paves the way,proves love, not hate, the better part.O Bridegroom, closest of John’s friends,let what he died for still endure:may we the heralds of your joybe true, courageous, bold and pure.Antiphon 1-`cccvv6cccc4cvvc2ccvvvvc4vvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvv6vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2x]xYxx4x5x6x{xTxx3x4x2x]viiDo not fear them for I am with you, says the Lord.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-`*~cvvv1vvvc3cccc4ccccvvc5ccvvvc6cccc5vvvcc6ccc7cc6cc4ccv3cvvvvvc4vvv5vvvvvvv3ccv]xYxx5x4x3x{xExx4x]iiHerod feared John who was a virtuous and holy man.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Antiphon 3-v7vcc2vvvvvbbv3vv4vvvvv5vvv4vvvvbbvvv3vvvvbbbv2vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vv3vvvvvbbbbv2vvvv3vvvvv4vv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv]ccYxv4x5x{bbbbbbbbTvx4x3x2x]iThe disciples of John came and took his body and placed it in the tomb.-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2cvvv]Responsory-`cvvbbbcv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvv8vvvvv8vvvv8vvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvcc] You sent to John, * and he gave testimony to the truth.-`vcvvc5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvcc] He was like a bright shining light.-`bbbbcvvcvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvv7vvvvvvv6vvvv6cc] Praise to the Father, praise to the Son, praise to the Holy Spirit.Benedictus -`*vcvvv2vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv{vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vvvv{vvvv6vvvv9vv8vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvv4vvvv]The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and listens for him, rejoices greatly when he hears his -`*vcvvvv3vvvvvv{vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vv5vvvvv6vv5vvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv]voice: therefore my joy is now complete.-`*vcYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x{xTxx3x5x4x{xExx4x3x2x]VespersMagnificat-v7ccvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv]viJohn bore witness saying, I am not the Christ, but I have been sent before him:-v7cvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvv]he must increase, but I must decrease.-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]31 August – Aidan of LindisfarneBishopLauds-b7cvvsxdxfxgx]xyxxhvvvgx]xyxxyx]v]xhxhxjxkx]xuxxhvvbgx]xYxvvvvvvvv]-b7cvvsxdxfxgx]xyxxhvvvgx]xyxxyx]v]xhxhxjxkx]xuxxhvvbgx]xYxvvvvvvvvv]-b7cvvhxhxlxhx]xtxxfx]xsxfxhxfx]xEx]v]xhxhxlxhx]xtxdvvvfx]xWx]Good King Oswald, glad returningFrom the fight at Heavenfield,Called for Aidan, wise, discerning,That his people might be healed,And, in holiness and learning,Find, in Christ, their King, and yield.King and Bishop rode together,Preached the Gospel side by side,Taught the Faith ‘mid rocks and heather,Forests, fields and stormy tide,Fire and flood and wind and weather;Standing always side by side.Pray for us! You Saints who foundedThis our Church in time long past.Pray for us! That we be groundedIn true faith and hold it fast.Pray for us! That thus surrounded,We’re found faithful at the last.Vespers-b706vcvdxfx]xtxtxhxgx]xrxexjxjx]xkxjxyxtx]xRx]-b706vcvdxfx]xtxtxhxgx]xrxexaxsx]xdxgxrxrx]xEx]Proud, yet humble, strong and gentle,From Iona’s holy shoreAidan to King Oswald’s princedomChristian joy and radiance bore.Where the ruthless zeal of othersQuenched the smould’ring flax of love,Aidan warmed the coldest spiritsWith the fire from heav’n above.At the quest of Kings and rulersSeated at the royal right handAidan shared both food and silverWith the poorest of the land.Staff in hand Christ’s shepherd journeyedOver northern dale and moorBringing vision, faith and friendshipTo the outcast and the poor.Lindisfarne, his holy islandWild, yet tranquil, windswept, fair,Nurtured in severe seclusionNorthern saints and folk of prayer.In the joy of God the SpiritTo the Lord of all we bringPraise for folk of northern England,Servant saints of Christ the King.September3 September – Gregory the GreatPope and Doctor of the Church / Teacher of the FaithLauds-`*vcsx]xsxdxfxsx]xyxex]xwvvnx{xhx]xhxjxkxhx]xoxux]xyvv,xcc]-`*vchx]xlxkxjxhx]xlxjxhx{xhx]xsxdxfxgx]xyxex]xwvvnxvvvcxv]A monk within your cloistered heart,A pastor for your changing times;God’s servant of God’s servants true,Your leadership still stands a sign.The Scriptures lighted up your way;They led you to your loving Lord.Love urged you send to Britain’s shoresThe monk, Augustine, with God’s words.O Christ, revealed to every race,Renew love’s vision in our age.New shepherds raise, new chapter’s writeUpon redemption’s sacred page.Benedictus -v7ccvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvv1vvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv6vvvvv7vvbbbbbv8vv7vvvbbbbv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv9vvvvvv9vvvvvv8vvvvvv6vvvv4vvvv5vv6vvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv]The chosen pastor Gregory passed on an e-xam-ple by the life he led as a pastor, and -v7ccvv1vvvvv4vv5vvvv6v7vvvvv6vv5vvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvv2vvvv]he al - so left us a rule. -v7cvvWxx6x5x6x{xYxx8x5x6x{xYxx5x4x3x{xExx3x6x2x]Vespers-`*vcsx]xsxdxfxsx]xyxex]xwvvnx{xhx]xhxjxkxhx]xoxux]xyvv,xcc]-`*vchx]xlxkxjxhx]xlxjxhx{xhx]xsxdxfxgx]xyxex]xwvvnxvvvcxv]That voice is now by angels heardWhich late to England preached the Word;But Christian folk, as heretofore,Saint Greg’ry’s loving help implore.Rich was thy fortune; on thy birthSmiled the deluding shows of earth.These didst thou forfeit, Christ’s to be,And serve thy Master, poor as he.Yet he delights to honour stillThe humble servant of his will;Soon must thou prove, on Peter’s throne,That Peter’s spirit was thy own.Noblest of pontiffs, shall not weOur hope, our glory, find in thee,Feel thee, in peril, at our side,Who dost with heav’nly counsels guide?O thou, whom apostolic careMade worthy of th’apostles chair,From sin’s enchantment set us free,And bid us share they heav’n with thee.O Father, Son and Spirit blest,May we keep faith till time shall cease.Grant us a place mong your saints:The poor in spirit, men of peace.Magnificat-`*vccv6vvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvvvv5vv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv9vvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv]Gregory fulfilled in deeds what he preached by word, so that he might be an example while -`*cvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvv3vvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv]vvvvYccvvvv4x6x7x{xYccvv4x2x3x{xTcccc3x5x4x{xEcx4x3x2x]speaking about mystical things.8 September - Birthday of the Blessed Virgin MaryLaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~ccvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvv{vvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv]ii Come, let us celebrate the birth of the Virgin Mary; let us worship her Son, Christ the Lord-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]-v7c2x5x6x9x8x8vv7x6x6vv5x{x6x7x6x5vv4x3x4x3x2x]-v7c4x3x4x5vv4x3x4x5x6x{x6x9x8x8vv7x6x5vv7x5x6x]Today God’s grace begins to bud;the mother of our God is born.Both Eve and Adam now rejoiceto see this day for which they longed.Both Joachim and Anna sing;“Rejoice, you who endured the wait,For Is’rael bears a glor’ious bloom:a maid who’ll fling wide heaven’s gate.She, golden censer of God’s praise.Book, opened, to the Word of Life,The Temple’s threshold open wideThe Bridal chamber of the Light.Eve’s great remorse, and sin’s reproachhave now for ever been removed.the lilies’ scent fills Paradise:cast off is nature’s cold reproof.O David’s Daughter, Sarah’s hope;the prophets longed to see this birth:The habitation of our Godat last is readied on our earth.Antiphon 1-vv1vvvvvvvvv1vvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv$4xvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvvv1vvvvvvv1vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv5vvv5vvvvvv3vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvvv]v The Virgin Mary came forth from the root of Jesse, and the Spirit of the Most-vvcvv5vvvvvvvvv$4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv]xTxx6x3x{xWxx1x3x] High came to dwell in her lowliness.-cvvcccvTxx3x5x{xYxx3x5x{xTxx6x3x{xWxx3x4x{xTxx3x2x{xWxx3x1x]Antiphon 2-v7vvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vv6vv5vvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvv2vv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvv5vv6vv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvv4vvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv]7 With heart and mind let us sing praise and glo-ry to Christ on this ho-ly feast day -v7ccvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvvvvv2vv3vvvvv2vvvvbvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvv]xTxx6x7x3x{xRxx3x2x]of the glorious Virgin Mother of God.-v7ccvvccTxx6x5x{xUxx6x5x{xYxx5x4x{xRxx6x5x{xYxx4x5x{xRxx2x1x]Antiphon 3-v7cvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvbv4vvvvbbv5vvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vv6vv5vvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvv4vv6vv7vv6vv5vvvvvvv7vvvbbvv6vv5vv4vvvvbbvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vv6vv7vv6vv5vvvvc]vi Sprung from a royal race, lo, Mary shines res-plen-dent: by whose prayers we ask -v7cvvvv5vvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vv4vv2vvvvv1vvv2vvvvvvv4vv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvv5vvvvvbbvv5vv6vv5vvvvvv4vvvvv4vvc]xYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]devoutly that we may be aid-ed both in mind and spirit.-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Benedictus and Magnificat-v70cvvv4vvvvv4vvvbbbvv2vvvvvvv4vv5vvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvv4vv5vv4vvvvv4vvvvvvbvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv7vvvvvvv7vv8vv7vvvv8vvvvvvc]viiiToday we celebrate the birth of the blessed Virgin Ma -ry, whose splendid life has-v70ccv7vvvv5vv4vvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vv5vv4vvvvvc]xRxx2x3x4x{xTxx4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xTxx6x4x]illumined the Church.-`*vccv6x4x5x6x{x9x7x6x5x6x{x4x2x3x4xx{x7x6x5x6x2x4x3x2x]Child who shall beThe mother of Christ,Joy at your birthFills all waiting creation.Like the fair dawnThat promises day,Nearness of ChristShines in the time of your coming.You shall rejoiceYour spirit exult,You shall see GodFlesh of your pure flesh assuming.13 September – John ChrysostomBishopLauds-c`xuxjxkxuxtx]xhvv,xGxhxjxyxtx]vxuxjxlxixux]xhvv,xGxfxgxexwx]-c`xuxhxgxixux]xgvv,xHxjxkxoxox]xuxhxgxyxtx]Generous leader, John the faithful shepherd,Crowned and triumphant now among the blessed,To their rejoicing we would join our voices,Paying you honour.Eloquent preacher, even called ‘The Golden’,Such was the beauty of your clear discourses,Strong against evil, yet both deep and tenderIn their persuasion.You were a model for the Christian people,Paul the apostle you revered devoutly,Earnestly striving to become as he did,All things to all folk.Fearless and upright in the face of tyrants,Threats could not break you, nor the rage of rulers,Banished in exile you remained undaunted,Brave as a martyr.Lovingly help us with your intercession,That we may swiftly see God’s wondrous glory,And duly praise him with our heart’s devotion,With you for ever.Vespers-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]Saint John, known as the Golden Mouthed,Was born in cultured Antioch.While young, his general-father died:His Christian mother brought him up.A brilliant student of the law,Schooled by the famous Libanus:At eighteen, baptized into Christ,He served as Lector for the Mass.Drawn to the solitary lifeHe found a hidden cave for prayer.The Gospels then he memorized:Two years a hermit, living there.But church and people drew him backTo be a priest among his peers:His preaching touched the hardest heartAnd often met with shouts and cheers.He challenged both the status quoThe Empire’s gross inequity,While delving deep into the soulTo show each one’s complicity.Twelve years he preached in Antioch,Decrying all who would oppress:Insisting that the liturgyDemanded justice be addressed.Then, unexpectedly, he foundHe had been named the PatriarchOf great Constantinople’s See:His leaving grieved all Antioch.His simple life, his charity,Impressed the great metropolis:But when he criticized the richThe Empress wanted him dismissed.With Alexandria’s Patriarch,She then connived and laid a plot.The inf’mous Synod of the Oak,Condemned him, causing riots to start.Baptismal waters ran with bloodWhen soldiers fought on easter night;Forced from his church, he had to sueThe city’s baths to lead the rite.Condemned to far ArmeniaThe victim of the Empress’ hateThe Pope declared that those involvedWould now be excommunicate.In exile from the church he loved,He died, while forced to amrch, and shunne:Another thirty years would passBefore true justice could be done.A great procession formed that dayTo bring their bishop-father home:The Emp’ror, prostrate, with wife,Did penance for his parent’s wrong.“To God be glory in all things.”These were John’s final words on earth:Rejected and despised like Christ,He lives, like him, in spite of death.14 September - Holy Cross DayFirst Vespers-`vc5x6vv7x8x7vv6vv5x6x6vv7vv6x5x4vv3x{x6x6x7x5vv3x5x4vv5x3vv2x2vv3x] -`vc3x3x5x3vv2x5x6vv7x6x6vv5x{x5x6vv7vv8vv7vv6x7x5vv3x5x4vv5x3vv2x2vv3vvvv]The royal banners forward go,the cross shines forth in mystic glow;where he in flesh, our flesh who made,our sentence bore, our ransom paid.Where deep for us the spear was dyed,life's torrent rushing from his side,to wash us in that precious flood,where mingled water flowed, and blood.Fulfilled is all that David toldin true prophetic song of old,amidst the nations, God, saith he,hath reigned and triumphed from the tree.O tree of beauty, tree of light!O tree with royal purple dight!Elect on whose triumphal breastthose holy limbs should find their rest.Blest tree, whose chosen branches borethe wealth that did the world restore,the price of humankind to pay,and spoil the spoiler of his prey.Upon its arms, like balance true,he weighed the price for sinners due,the price which none but he could pay,and spoiled the spoiler of his prey.O cross, our one reliance, hail!Still may thy power with us availto give new virtue to the saint,and pardon to the penitent.To thee, eternal Three in One,let homage meet by all be done:whom by the cross thou dost restore,preserve and govern evermore.Antiphon 1-v`cvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvv5vvbvvv6vvvvv7vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvbbv7vvvvv8vvvvvvbbv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvbvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvv3vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvv{vvv2vvvvv3vvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvv]viiFar be it for us to glory, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, al-le-lu-ia.-v`xcYxx4x5x6x{xTxx3x4x2x]-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-v7ccvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5x]viO marvellous wonder! The length and breadth of the Cross is equal to the heavens-v7ccvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvv1vvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvv]xYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]for by divine grace it sanctifies the whole creation.-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Antiphon 3-v`*cvvv2vvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvc]vLet all the trees of the wood rejoice for they are made holy by Christ, who planted-v`*vvvvvvv4vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvv3vvvv2vvvv2vvvvvvvc]them in the beginning, and was outstretched upon the tree, al-le-lu-ia.-v`*cvvvYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]Responsory-`*~cvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv{vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvcc] This sign will appear in heaven * when the Lord comes.-`*~cvv3vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvv9vvvv9vvvvvvv9vvvvv8vvvvvv7vcc] Lift up your heads: your salvation is at hand.-`*~cvvYcccccccccccccccccccccccc5ccc6cccc7cccc7ccc7ccc8cccc9cc8ccc7cc7cccc] Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.Responsory 2-cvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6cvvvvv{cvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvv6cc] We worship your Cross, O Lord, * we praise and honour your holy Resurrection.-cvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvv9vvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7cvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvc] The tree of the Cross brought joy to the world.-cvvvvvvvvYcccccccccccccccccccccccc5ccc6cccc7cccc6ccc6ccc6ccvc5vvvvv4vvvcv3vvvv3vvvvvc] Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.Magnificat -`*vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv6vv4vvccc7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv4vv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvv]vi*Save us by your ho - ly cross, O Christ, our Redeemer.-`*vccvTxx4x5x3x{xExx1x3x4x{xYxx5x6x4x{xRxx3x1x3vx]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~vvvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvb4vvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvv5vv4vvvv3vvvvv4vvvvvvvv]ii Christ the king, lifted up for us on the cross, come, let us adore.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]-`vccv5x6vv7x8x7vv6vv5x6x6vv7vv6x5x4vv3x{x6x6x7x5vv3x5x4vv5x3vv2x2vv3x]-`vccv3x3x5x3vv2x5x6vv7x6x6vv5x{x5x6vv8vv7vv6x7x5vv3x5x4vv5x3vv2x2vv3x]When I survey the wondrous crossOn which the Prince of Glory died,my richest gain I count but loss,and pour contempt on all my pride.Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,save in the cross of Christ, my God:all the vain things that charm me most,I sacrifice them to his blood.See, from his head, his hands, his feet,sorrow and love flow mingled down!Did e'er such love and sorrow meet,or thorns compose so rich a crown?Were the whole realm of nature mine,that were an offering far too small;love so amazing, so divine,demands my soul, my life, my all.Benedictus-`*vvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv6vvvvv7vv8vvvv9vvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vv4vvvv1vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb]vFar be it from me to glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jes-us Christ.-`*cccvvYxx4x6x{xUxx6x4x6x{{xRxx3x4x6x{xRxx3x4x2x]Second Vespers-`vcgxfxgxjx]xhxgxgxfx]xdxhxsxgx]xdxdxwx]-`vcsxgxgxfx]xhxjxkxjx]xjxlxlxkx]xjxhxtx]In the cross of Christ I glory,towering o'er the wrecks of time;all the light of sacred storygathers round its head sublime.When the woes of life o'ertake me,hopes deceive, and fears annoy,never shall the cross forsake me:lo, it glows with peace and joy.When the sun of bliss is beaminglight and love upon my way,from the cross the radiance streamingadds new lustre to the day.Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure,by the cross are sanctified;peace is there that knows no measure,joys that through all time abide.In the cross of Christ I glory,towering o'er the wrecks of time;all the light of sacred storygathers round its head sublime.Magnificat-vvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvv3vvvvvv{vvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvv6vvvvv]ivIf you would come after me, you must deny yourself, and take up your cross and follow me.-cccccvvYxx3x5x6xc{xcUxx5x6xc{{xcIxx7x6x7xc{xcYxx5x6x3xcccccccc]15 September - Our Lady of SorrowsLaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~cvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvv4vvvvv]ii Let us adore the Saviour, who gave his Mother a share in his Passion.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]-v7cv4x5x6x5x6x8x7x6x{x6x5x4x3x2x3x2x1x]ccv5x4x5x6x5x4x4x]At the cross her station keeping,stood the mournful mother weeping, close to Jesus at the last,Through her soul, of joy bereavèd,bowed with anguish, deeply grievèd,now at length the sword hath passed.O, that blessed one, grief-laden,blessed Mother, blessed Maiden,Mother of the all-holy One;O that silent, ceaseless mourning,O those dim eyes, never turningfrom that wondrous, suffering Son.Who, on Christ's dear mother gazing,in her trouble so amazing,born of woman, would not weep?Who, on Christ's dear Mother thinking,such a cup of sorrow drinking,would not share her sorrows deep?For his people's sins, in anguish,there she saw the victim languish,bleed in torments, bleed and die.Antiphon 1-ccccc3ccccv7cc6ccc3ccccv6ccccc2cccc2ccc3vvncc]Lord Jesus, my soul clings to you.-xExx4x5x6x{xYxx4x6x5x{xYx7x5x6x{xYxx5x4x3x]Antiphon 2-`*~vc3vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvv7vvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv]Let us draw near to Jesus, high priest of the new covenant, city of the living God.-`*~cccExx4x{xRxx6x{xYxx6x{xYxx4x3x]Antiphon 3-vcvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv]iWe have obtained salvation through the blood of Christ.-vvcYxx5x4x5x{xTxx6x4x] -v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2x]Responsory for Lauds and Vespers-b7ccvvv4vvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv{vvvvbvv6vvvvvvbvv6vvvvvvvv5vv4vv2vvvv4vv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv] Mary was standing * near the cross of her Son. -b7ccvvvv6vv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvv] She faced the martyrdom of her heart with strength, -b7ccvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vv7vvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vv6vvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvv5vvvv6vvvv] Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Mary was ...Benedictus -vcvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv9vvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvv{vvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv]ivRejoice, grief stricken Mother, for now you share the triumph of your Son. Enthroned in -vcvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvv6vv7vvvvvv8vv7vvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvv]heav’nly splendour, you reign as queen of all cre-a-tion.-cccvvExx6x{xTxx6x5x3x{xExx7x{xYxx5x6x3x]IntercessionsIn union with Our Lady of Sorrows, Woman of the New Covenant, let us raise our prayers to the Lord Jesus, and ask: Make us companions and witnesses of your life, Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus, you call blessed those who listen to your word and observe it;?– grant that we, too, may savour it and keep it as a source of blessedness. Lord Jesus, in your love you have called women and men to your discipleship;?– may the example of the Virgin Mary encourage many young people to follow you and share your saving mission.Lord Jesus, by the deep sorrow that pierced your beloved Mother, – with your presence, console all those burdened by suffering. Lord Jesus, who joined your holy Mother to yourself in life and in glory,?– by her intercession, remember to your heavenly Father all those whom you have redeemed with your blood. Our Father ... Daytime prayer Complementary psalmody. However, if the solemnity is celebrated on Sunday, the psalms are taken from Sunday iMid-morning AntiphonIn holiness God created me; He took me by my hand, and redeemed me. Genesis 3: 14a–15 The Lord said to the serpent:?“I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will strike at your head, while you strike at his heel.” V The Virgin Mary, as a rose from thorns, is born from Eve. R So that the power of God might wipe out sin; and his grace, our guilt. Midday AntiphonWhen they reached the summit of Calvary, Jesus was crucified. Hebrews 5: 7–9 In the days when he was in the flesh, he offered prayers and suppli- cations with loud cries and tears to the one who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence. Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered; and when he was made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him. V Mother of Christ-God, a sword pierced your most holy soul R when you saw your Son and God voluntarily ascend the Cross. Mid-afternoon AntiphonThe Lord says to his mother: Woman, behold your son! And to the disciple: Behold your mother! Genesis 9: 17 God [said]: This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all mortal creatures that are on the earth. V At the foot of the Cross, you appointed the Virgin Mary, Woman of the New Covenant, R reconciler of sinners.?Vespers-v7cv4x5x6x5x6x8x7x6x{x6x5x4x3x2x3x2x1x]bbcv5x4x5x6x5x4x4x]Virgin of all virgins favoured,Do not turn from me, though sinful,Let me mourn and weep with you.Make me bear the death of Jesus,In my very soul’s recesses,And his sacred wounds adore.By his wounds may I be strengethened,May the Blood he shed to save me,Be as wine unto my soul.On the searching day of judegment,Holy Virgin Mary, help me,Let me not be cast away.Make the cross my sure salvation,With Christ’s death as my protection,May I pass from grace to grace.When this mortal life is endedMay my soul enjoy the gloryOf the vision of my Lord.2 Timothy 2: 10–12a I bear with everything for the sake of those who are chosen, so that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, together with eternal glory. This saying is trustworthy: If we have died with him?we shall also live with him; if we persevere?we shall also reign with him. Magnificat-vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvbbv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvbbbbvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv77vvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv]iThe Lord said to his Mo-ther, “Woman, this is your son.” Then he said to his dis-ci-ple-vvvvvvvvvvv9vv8vvvv7v7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv]cvvYccx5x4x5x{ccTccx4x5x6xx{{ccRccx4x5x4x{ccTccx3x1x2x]“This is your Mo-ther.”IntercessionsWith Our Lady of Sorrows, let us look lovingly at the crucified Christ and pray to our heavenly Father saying: Reveal to us, Father, the mysterious glory of the Cross. God of love, in the blood of your Son, poured out on the Cross, you ratified the eternal covenant with your people,?– grant that we may live it as Mary did, faithful to your loving plan and in solidarity with all our sisters and brothers. God of compassion, in view of Christ’s Paschal Mystery, you preserved the Virgin Mary undefiled,?– keep us free from sin. God of life, you strengthened Mary at the foot of the Cross and filled her with joy at the resurrection of her Son,?– support us amid the trials of life and strengthen us in hope. God of peace, in the blood of your Son you reconciled humanity to yourself and restored harmony in creation,?– make us builders of peace, generous in service and solicitous in love. God of kindness, through your Son, the sole Mediator, who died and rose for us,?– grant to our deceased brothers and sisters a share in the wedding feast of the Lamb. Our Father ... 16 September – Cornelius and CyprianMartyrsBenedictus-vcvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvv{vvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv]ivDeath is of value when eternal life is purchased at the cost of one’s blood.-cccvvExx6x{xTxx6x5x3x{xExx7x{xYxx5x6x3x]Magnificat-vcvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv6vvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv]ivThe blood of Christ’s martyrs bathes our holy Church with radiance.-cccvvExx6x{xTxx6x5x3x{xExx7x{xYxx5x6x3x]17 September – Albert of JerusalemBishop-b706vcvdxfx]xtxtxhxgx]xrxexjxjx]xkxjxyxtx]xRx]-b706vcvdxfx]xtxtxhxgx]xrxexaxsx]xdxgxrxrx]xEx]Albert, as you shine before us Legislator, Shepherd true,?Hear in love the hymns of homage Which the church now sings to you. Messenger of peace and concord, Careful to foresee all need,?You instructed all your faithful Zealously by word and deed. From your virtues the whole country Shines with many a precious gem; Most of all your mem’ry’s fragrance Clings about Jerusalem. So renowned that Church, so honoured When you worked as pastor there, Carmel’s hermits asked for precepts To define a life of prayer. We are grateful to you, Father, For the Rule which they profess, Apt to guide each one in Carmel To the heights of holiness. With your Rule to give us increase, Fruit abundant may we see?When with you we praise in heaven God eternal, One in Three. 21 September - MatthewEvangelistLauds-cvvax]xdbbbbmxDxgxgx]xhxhxgxxgx]xkxlxjxgx]-cvvgx$fxgxc]v]xsxc]xfbbbmxFxdxdxc]xgbbbb,xGxfxjxvv]-cvvgx$fxdxhxc]xgxfxdx]v]xdx]xdbbbbmxxDxfxfxvv]-cv$fbbbbnxFxgxxgxcc]xgxhxgxdxcc]xcsbbbbnxAxacvvvvvx]What debt of sin that none can payOn Matthew’s burdened conscience lay:What longings deep within him stirred,Awakened at the Baptist’s word,To turn, and from his past be free,When Jesus called him ‘Follow me!’As in a dream forsaking all,He rose and answered Jesus’ call.By mountainside and shore and townHe set his Master’s teaching down:A coming kingdom known of old,And in the Scripture’s long foretold.And we with Matthew hear and seeAnd walk with Christ in Galilee,The Son at last of David’s line,The promised Saviour, King divine,By whom alone are sins forgiven,Whose throne is evermore in heaven.So may we follow Christ today,His work to do, his word obey,The Lord on whom our sins are laid,By whom our debt is freely paid,Who died and rose and lives again:O Son, of man, return and reign.Benedictus and Magnificat-v7vvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vv6vv7vvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvx]viiSeeing a tax collector named Matthew sitting at his post, the Lord said to him:-v7vvvvvvv6vv5vvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvv{vvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vv2vvvv3vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvv]Follow me. Matthew got up and followed him.-v7vvvvvvvvvTxx3x5xx{xxUxx6x4x5x{xRxx3x2x3x{xRxx2x3x1x]Vespers-`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx]How great the irony of Godto call you Levi, from Rome’s dues:to take one so despised, unclean:by pagans hated as by Jews!Such simple words, “Come! Follow me!”– and leaving all, you did just that.Your Saviour gazed into your heartand saw what taxpayers could not.The Pentateuch you found fulfilledin Christ – and five books thus you penned;a further tapestry you woveto detail both his birth and end.The Hebrew scriptures all were threadsyou wove together in one cloth:its pattern culminating inthe Reign of God, now come on earth.Matthew, indeed, you are God’s gift?– the chronicler of Jesus’ birth.Your tale has held the world enthralled:your stories echo still on earth.27 September – Vincent de PaulPriestBenedictus and Magnificat-v7cvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv8vvvv9vvvv8vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvv5vvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvv]viVincent comforted those in grief, he was the protector of orphans, and benefactor of widows.-v7cvYxx7x5x8x{xYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x6x{xIxx5x7x6x]29 September - Michael and All Angels First Vespers-vcc3x3x4x3vv2x5x5x6vv8x8x{x8vv9x8x8x7x6x8x7vv6vv5xvv]-ccv5x6x8x7x6x5x6x5xvvvvv{x6x7x5x5x3x6x6vv,2xvcc] -ccv3x5x5x3x5x6x6x5xx{x6x7x5x6vv5x4vv3x2x3xc]Thee, O Christ, the Father’s splendour,Life and virtue of the heart,In the presence of the angelsSing we now with tuneful art,Meetly in alternate chorus,Bearing our responsive part.Thus we praise with venerationAll the armies of the sky;Chiefly him, the warrior primate,Of celestial chivalry,Michael, who in princely virtueCast Abaddon from on high.By whose watchful care repelling—King of everlasting grace—Every ghostly adversary,All things evil, all things base,Grant us of Thine only goodness,In Thy paradise a place.Laud and honour to the Father,Laud and honour to the Son,Laud and honour to the Spirit,Ever Three, and ever One,Consubstantial, co-eternal,While unending ages run.Antiphon 1-v`*vvvv2vvvvv3vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvv6vvvvv7vvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvv2vvvv2vvvvc]vAn angel stood at the altar of the temple, having in his hand a golden censer, al-le-lu-ia.-v`*cvvvYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-`*~vv3vvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvv4vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv]viiiO Archangel Michael, I have appointed you prince over all the souls about to be received.-`*~cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x]-`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{ xRxx2x4x6x {xYx4x3x{xRx6x7x6x{xYx7x3vvvvv]4 part -`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{vvvvRx5x3x]Antiphon 3-v`ccvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvv6vvv5vvcc6ccccc7cccccc8ccc9cccvvvv]viiAngels and Archangels, Thrones and Dominions, Principalities and Powers, Virtues -v`cvvv6cc8ccccc7ccc7ccvvc5ccvc6ccccc5ccccv3cccvv4ccc5cc5vvccvc3cc1cc2ccb2cccv]xcYxx4x5x6x{xTxx3x4x2x]of the heavens; O praise the Lord of heaven, al-le-lu-ia.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Responsory-cvvcvvc3vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvv3vvvvcc] The smoke of the incense went up, in the sight of the Lord.-cvvcvvcv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvcc] From the hand of the angel.-cvvcvvc3vvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvv55vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvvv7v5vvvv6cvvvv3vvvv3vvvvvc] Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Ho-ly Spirit.Magnificat -v7ccvvv4cccc5cccccc6cccc7ccc6ccc7ccc8vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvv4vvvvvv2vbbv1bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb4vvvvvvvvv]viThe Lord commanded his angels to keep you in all your ways.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~vvvv4ccc4cccc4cccc3vvvvvvvv4vvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv6vv5vvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvv5vv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvv]ii In the presence of the ang-els, let us adore the Lord.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]-vcc3x3x4x3vv2x5x5x6vv8x8x{x8vv9x8x8x7x6x8x7vv6vv5xvv]-ccv5x6x8x7x6x5x6x5xvvvvv{x6x7x5x5x3x6x6vv,2xvcc] -ccv3x5x5x3x5x6x6x5xx{x6x7x5x6vv5x4vv3x2x3xc]You who pierce the dazzling darkness,Clothed in light and robed in flame,Rad’iant in the Holy gloryOf the One whom you proclaim:Ceasless in your rounds of worshipOf the awesome, nameless Name:Yours the “glorias” that echoedOn the night that saw Christ’s birth:Yours the tidings to the shepherdsWhen God’s Word took flesh on earth;Yours the message given MaryWhich revealed God’s love – our worth.You embraced our Saviour’s anguishThrough Gethsemane’s long night;Standing, helpless to defend him,As he overruled your might:Dumbstruck when the pall of darknessQuenched the Sun who gave you light.Michael, guard of heaven’s threshold,Just defender at each death,Be the prosecutor’s downfallAs you plead our second birth:Clothed in Christ – his light our armour,Pilot us to heaven’s berth.Gabriel, who bear God’s greeting,To all those who strain to hear;Your’s the word that, borne in silence,To the silent heart draws near:Fragrant burns the evening incenseIn the temple you appear.Raphael, who guided Tobit,Plying your physician’s art:Be companion on our journeyPointing out where roads must part.Lead us safely through life’s dangersTo the stronghold of God’s heart.Energies of blinding splendourvaster than the nebulae –singing ceaselessly your ‘Sanctus’through the flux of night and day:school us now for that great gloryto which heav’n and earth give way.Benedictus-`*~vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vv5vvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv1vvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv1vv2vvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvvv]viiiThere was silence in heaven while the dragon waged war; and Michael and his angels -`*~vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvv5vvv3vvvvvvvvv]fought against him, and won the victory.-`*~vvcExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{vccvRxx5x3x]Second Vespers-v7ccfx]xhxkxlxkx]xkxjxhxhccc]xgxhxjxgx]xgxfxhx] -v7ccfx]xgxhxhxgx]xgxfxsxsx]xaxfxgxgx]xhxgxfx]They come, God's messengers of love,they come from realms of peace above,from homes of never-fading light,from blissful mansions ever bright.They come to watch around us here,to soothe our sorrow, calm our fear:ye heavenly guides, speed not away,God willeth you with us to stay.But chiefly at its journey's end'tis yours the spirit to befriend,and whisper to the faithful heart,"O Christian soul, in peace depart."Blest Jesus, thou whose groans and tearshave sanctified frail nature's fears,to earth in bitter sorrow weighedthou didst not scorn thine angels' aid;To us the zeal of angels give,with love to serve thee while we live;to us an angel-guard supply,when on the bed of death we lie.To God the Father, God the Son,and God the Spirit, Three in One,from all above and all belowlet joyful praise unceasing flow.Magnificat-`vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv5vv4vvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvv5vv6vvv3vvvvvv5vv6vv7vv8vvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvv5vvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vv7vv5vvvvvv]vi*Then I saw an angel, soar- ing in the heavens, with an eternal gospel to proclaim to all-`vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv]who live on the earth.-`vccvTxx4x5x3x{xExx1x3x4x{xYxx5x6x4x{xRxx3x1x3vx]30 September – JeromeReligious, Doctor of the Church / Teacher of the Faith-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]A scholar-monk, a man of prayer,A bitter satirist, Jerome,With heart ablaze and pen aflame,He served and loved the church of Rome.His love of language fueled all else,He copied books at ev’ry turnBut passion for the written wordGod’s word would soon refine and burn.Drawn to the desert’s solitude,Repelled by Rome and its conceitsHe feared, no less, his darkest self,So with some friends he fled it, east.There under God’s relentless sunStripped both by loss, and lusts, anewHe sought relief in scholarshipBy learning Hebrew from a Jew.Its “hissing, broken-winded sounds”He tamed as he in turn was tamed:In due course he bequeathed to RomeThe Latin Sriptures she proclaimed.Constantinople’s Patriarch,The Blessed Nazianzen, then,Schooled him yet further in his questThat he, God’s Word might comprehend.He never fully tamed his tongueZeal for the truth would cost him friendsBut unity with Peter’s ChairOutweighed the giving of offense.Like legend’s lion, roaring, proud,He brooked no heretic’s untruth;Yet once this thorn had been removed,His gentleness gave ample proof.His last years lived in Bethlehem,He practiced what he always preached;He housed the homeless, schooled the poor,And found God’s Word revealed in each.October1 October - Therese of the Child JesusVirgin, ReligiousLauds-`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx]This teacher of the Little Way- so new, so very short, so straight -lived such a sacrificial lifeher little path gained heaven’s gate.?Unwilling to do things by halves- unstinting she would give her all:like children taking proffered giftsshe’d grasp him who left her in thrall.?On Christmas Eve, her fourteenth year,the infant Jesus blazed, her guide:she found in him the light and strengthto run forth with a giant’s stride.At fifteen – wise beyond her years -she entered Carmel as Christ’s spouse:she clung to him whose heart was hers.content at home within God’s house.?The ordinary, daily tasks,to bear oneself just as one is -with these she scaled the heights of Love;Love’s Lord was hers: her suffering, his.?She thought herself a little soulwhose only gift was little things,yet from these rose a soul so greather little way led to a king.Benedictus and Magnificat-v7cvvvvv4vvvvv2vvvvv1vvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv4vvvv8vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv]viIndeed I tell you, that unless you undergo a change of heart and become more like children, -v7cvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv8vvvvv9vvvv8vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv]you shall not enter my heavenly kingdom.-v7cvYxx7x5x8x{xYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x6x{xIxx5x7x6x]Intercessions at LaudsOur Lord Jesus Christ has given Saint Thérèse to us as a model of the evangelical life. Let us pray to him and say: Hear us, O Lord. Lord, you said, “Whoever is thirsty, let him come to me and drink;” —give us an intense thirst for your love. Lord, you said, “If you do not become as little children, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven,” —help us to love you in simplicity of heart. Lord, you told us, “There is joy in heaven over one sinner who repents;” —help us to have a childlike trust in your mercy. Lord, you said, “Whoever does the will of my Father will enter the kingdom of heaven,” —give us a spirit of faithful obedience to all your commands. Lord, you said, “Whatsoever you do to one of the least of my brethren you do to me;” —may we see you today in our brothers and sisters, and love you in them. Lord, you said, “The harvest is great, but the laborers are few; pray therefore to the Lord of the harvest, that he send laborers into the harvest;” —give to all of us the missionary spirit of Saint Thérèse, who longed for the salvation of souls. Our Father... Intercessions at VespersLet us pray to God, our almighty Father, for his Church throughout the world: Lord, remember your covenant with us. May we be inspired by the example of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus; —may your Church give itself to you in love. May all contemplatives be faithful witnesses of your goodness; —so that the world may believe in you. May we bear one another’s burdens in a spirit of love;?—so that your faithful people may see your face in us and imitate your Son.?Fill us with a faithful missionary spirit; —for you desire all the world to know the truth of Christ. Grant to all the faithful departed the joy of seeing your face; —for Christ wants those you gave him to be with him where he reigns in glory. Our Father... Vespers-v7vvx1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x] -v7vvx5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5xb]One through the world the gospel cries;Martyrs beneath the sword advance;Thomas is Master of the wise,And Joan has won the field for France.Not with the voice that called to theseHer Master to Theresa spoke;He bids her serve where he shall please;She hears and takes the gentle yoke.Her yoke and grace is charity,Her gift and burden, staff and goal;This binds her, this declares her free,All-hoping all-enduring soul.She sees her place and calling clear;Shapes to perfection common things,And finds her Lord too homely-nearTo ask of him an eagle’s wings.With humble steps that dare not stray,With single purpose unbeguiled,She looks not for a loftier way,But, childlike, runs to Christ the child.With him she is; her burning prayer,Her love that never idle stood,Still pleading through the glory there,Still eager, working still to good.2 October - Guardian AngelsInvitatory antiphon-`*~vvvv4ccc4ccvc4cvvc3vvvvvv4vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv6vv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vv6vvv5vvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvv]ii Come, let us adore the Lord; whom the angels serve.-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]-`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx]They come, God’s messengers of love,they come from realms of peace above,from homes of never-fading light,from blissful mansions ever bright.They come to watch around us here,to soothe our sorrow, calm our fear:ye heavenly guides, speed not away,God willeth you with us to stay.But chiefly at its journey’s end’tis yours the spirit to befriend,and whisper to the faithful heart,“O Christian soul, in peace depart.”Blest Jesus, thou whose groans and tearshave sanctified frail nature’s fears,to earth in bitter sorrow weighedthou didst not scorn thine angels’ aid;To us the zeal of angels give,with love to serve thee while we live;to us an angel-guard supply,when on the bed of death we lie.To God the Father, God the Son,and God the Spirit, Three in One,from all above and all belowlet joyful praise unceasing flow.Antiphon 1-b7vcccvvvv2vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvv2vvvvvvvv]cvvYx4x5x{xTx4x3x2vvvvvv]iThanks be to God, who sent his angel to rescue his faithful followers.-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2cvvv]Antiphon 2-b`*~c3ccvvc6ccvvvvc5ccvc4cvvc3ccc4cvvc4vc2cvccvv3cvvvvv6cc5c4ccc3x]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x]viiiAs God lives, so has his angel protected me.-`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{ xRxx2x4x6x {xYx4x3x{xRx6x7x6x{xYx7x3vvvvv]4 part -`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{vvvvRx5x3x]Antiphon 3-v7cvvvv4ccc5vv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvv2vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2bvv4vvvvvv2vv4vvvvv]ccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]viAll hosts of angels praise the Lord.-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Benedictus and Magnificat-b7vccc2vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvv4vv5vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv]iFor you has he commanded his angels to keep you in all your ways.-v7cvvYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6xx{{xRxx4x5x4x{xTxx3x1x2x]Vespers-v7vvx1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x] -v7vvx5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5xb]Around the throne of God a bandOf bright and glorious angels stand;Sweet harps within their hands they hold,And on their heads are crowns of gold.Some wait around Him ready stillTo sing His praise and do His will,And some, when He commands them, goTo guard His servants here below.Lord, give Thine angels every dayCommand to guard us on our way,And bid them every evening keepTheir watch around us while we sleep.So shall no wicked thing draw nearTo do us harm or cause us fear;And we shall dwell, when life is past,With angels round Thy throne at last.4 October - Francis of AssisiReligious-v7ccfx]xhxkxlxkx]xkxjxhxhx]xgxhxjxgx]xgxfxhx] -v7ccfx]xgxhxhxgx]xgxfxsxsx]xaxfxgxgx]xhxgxfx]The troubadour of God Most High,The herald of the mighty king,Blest Francis reckoned all as giftthen freely gave up everything.His journey from youth’s easy waysTo loving all ‘neath Brother SunWas graced with awkward steps of faithWhich bloomed profusely, once begun.“Rebuild my Church …” the Cross had saidand stone on stone, he set to work:yet Christ intended so much more –to tend the poor, the lame, the hurt.To each, one greeting he bestowed:“Our sov’reign Lord give you his peace!”He loved his friars and the Churchbut Poverty above all these.Both Lady Clare and Sister Death,The outcast lepers and the pooreach was his Master, manifest –whom, serving, he could then adore.Configured to the CrucifiedChrist’s passion was indeed his life:His body bore Christ’s painful wounds,He died into God’s joyous light.Benedictus -v70cvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vvvv{vvvv5vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv]Francis, the destitute and lowly, enters heaven a rich man, acclaimed by the songs of angels.-v70cvvvUxx6x5x6x{xYxx4x6x5x{xWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x6x5x]Magnificat-`*vvvvvv1vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvv]ii I make no boast, save in the cross of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, the mark of whose wounds I bear in -`*vvvvvv1vvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvv]xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xUxx6x5x4x]my body.7 October – Our Lady of the RosaryLauds-v7vvx1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x] -v7vvx5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5xb]O Virgin Mother, hear our prayer,As we unite, your joys to share,To honour sorrow which you boreThat won you bliss for ever more.Hail Mary, Mother yet unknown,Save to Elizabeth alone,To his own Temple, Christ you brought,And later found him when you sought.Hail Mary, in your heart’s deep woe,You shared Christ’s agony, each blow,The cruel thorns, and then stood by,To see the King of Martyrs die.Hail Mary, heaven’s honoured Queen,Assumed in mystery serene,Aflame with Holy Spirit’s love,To join your risen Son above.From all these mysteries divine,A crown of roses intertwine,As symbol that our hearts are one,In praising Mary for her Son.O Jesus, Virgin-born we raise,Our hearts to you in joyful praise,Whom with the Father we adore,And Holy Spirit, evermore.Benedictus and Magnificat-v706cvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvv7vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvv5vvvv5vvvvv]Blessed Mother, and pure virgin, renowned Queen of creation, may all who keep your festival-v706c5vvvvv7vvvv7vvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvv]experience the power of your intercession.-v706cvRxx3x4x5x{xYxx4x5x4x{xRxx5x4x6x{xTxx3x5x4x]Vespers-v7vvx1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x] -v7vvx5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5xb]Hail, Queen of earth, all full of grace,Obtain God’s help for our sad race.Thou didst conceive and visit, thenDidst bear, present and find again.Hail Queen of martyrs thy sad heartWill speak for us a better part.The agony the scourge the thorn,The cross and death, thy son hath borne.Hail Queen of Heaven ask on high,That we to God may come anigh.Christ rose, ascended, sent his fire,Thee took and throned in heaven’s choir.These fifteen mysteries we have told,Are roses, white red and gold.Bright garlands now of our heart’s love,As crowns, we place thy brow above.Five joys and sorrows we relate,And with Five glories celebrate,To God the Three in One be praiseFor all these holy Mysteries.15 October - Teresa of AvilaLauds-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]Noonday blaze of virtues rare,Highest gifts of grace and prayer,You have lived in deep repose,All that faith on us bestows.Wedded to the Father’s Word,Word of light, in silence heard,Leaning on the Saviour’s breast,Guided by the Spirit blest.Blest the mind refined by fireTo receive divine desire,Wisdom’s secrets in your heart,Opened by the heavenly dart.Christ drew you to his embraceBy the fragrance of his grace;In your teaching we confide,Trusting you our heaven-sent guide.Truth eternal, One and Three,May Teresa constantlyLead us through the mountain waysTo the realms of joy and praise.Benedictus and Magnificat-v`*vvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvc]v Do not let your hearts be troubled. In my Father’s house, there are many mansions, -v`*vvvvv4vvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvv3vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvv]and I am going to prepare?a place for you. -v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]Intercessions at Lauds and VespersThe Lord of glory, Crown of all the Saints, gives us the joy of honouring our Mother, Saint Teresa.?Let us praise him, saying:?Glory to you, Lord! Source of life and holiness, in your saints you show us the infinite marvels of your grace; —in company with Saint Teresa may we sing of your mercies forever. You want your love to blaze like fire throughout the world; —with Saint Teresa, make us zealous in spreading your charity. You make friends of your saints, and reveal to them the mysteries of your heart; —bind us to yourself in friendship so close that we may taste the secrets of your love, proclaim your wonders,?and draw others to you. You pronounced blessed the pure of heart, and promised that they should see you; —purify our sight, so that we may see you in everyone and be faithful to you in all things. You resist the proud and give wisdom to little ones;?—make us humble of heart, so that we may receive your wisdom for the sake of the whole Church. Our Father.Vespers-v7ccfx]xhxkxlxkx]xkxjxhxhx]xgxhxjxgx]xgxfxhx] -v7ccfx]xgxhxhxgx]xgxfxsxsx]xaxfxgxgx]xhxgxfx]O virgin doctor of the church,Teresa – cherished from your birth:your parents formed you in the faith;their love gave you your joy and mirth.And yet divinely discontent,you dreamed of God’s eternity;you yearned for water from that wellwhich quenches thirst, whose source is deep.So intimate your love for God,God’s burning Seraph pierced your heart.Your sovereign majesty and Lordtransfixed you with love’s fiery dart.Throughout your sixty seven yearsyour health was poor, you knew great pain:but humour, common sense and witkept you both grounded and sustained.Called both an eagle and a dove– combining contradict’ry traits:a fighter, peerless, bold in flight,– yet gentle, faithful, to its mates.A mother to your daughters all,you led them on the great ascent:no height proved inaccessiblefor Love had gained your heart’s consent.17 October – Ignatius of AntiochBishop and Martyr-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]Famed bishop of great Antioch,Whom John the’evangelist first taught:In drinking from that Gospel sourceIgnatious evermore Christ sought.As ‘Theophoros’ also knownHe lived and carried Christ within,Convinced the Lord now walks with usAnd dwells in us – and we in him.How much he yearned for martyrdomUnworthy though he thought he was.Condemned by Trajan, he rejoicedTo bear the suff’rings of the just.His life, libation freely poured,Would rather be the altar’s sacrificeHe’d be the grain the beasts consumedRefined to be the Bread of Christ.As Syr’ran, sailing east to westHe’d die amid Rome’s circus cheers:Yet dying in the west he’d riseFrom where the eastern Son appears.The churches ‘round him drew their strengthDiverse in catholicity:Around their bishop, breaking bread,In Christ they found their unity.Christ’s flesh – sin’s only antidote –Brings health and immortality:Here all receive the gift of GodFrom Mary’s blest virginity.You lent him, Antioch, to RomeYour gift returned a hundredfold.When he, in chains, set sail you weptRestored you claimed a martyr bold.Benedictus-v7vvv$v4vccv4ccvvc5cccc4cccbbc3cccbc6cc$4vvvvvv6vvvvv8vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv3vvvvv$4vvvvvv] I seek him who died for us; I yearn for him who rose from the dead for us.-v7vvvvvv$vRxx3x5x6x{xYxx7x5x6x{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x3x$b4x]Magnificat-vcvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvv5vvvvvv5vvvvv4vvbb33vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv]I seek the bread of heaven, the body of Je-sus Christ, born of David’s line; for drink, -vvcvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvv33vvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv]I seek the blood of Christ, pledge of his undying love.-vcvTxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x33x5x{xYxx4x5x6x{xTxx33x4x5x]18 October - LukeLauds-`vcgxfxgxjx]xhxgxgxfx]xdxhxsxgx]xdxdxwx]-`vcsxgxgxfx]xhxjxkxjx]xjxlxlxkx]xjxhxtx]Great is their joy who hide their ownTo serve another’s glory:Counting it honour to make knownTheir hero’s deathless story.Blessed are they who, finding joy,For zeal that all may share itGladly their days and gifts employIn labour to declare it.Luke was of these: for love of ChristHe dared the high endeavorTo be the Lord’s evangelist,His grace proclaiming ever.Countless the souls led by his art,Who tells the son’s returningTo seek and find the Father’s heartWith love and pardon yearning.Grant, Lord, that we, like him whom PaulHath named the ‘loved Physician’,Straight to thy service at thy callMay consecrate ambition.Benedictus-v7vvvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvv8vvvvv]viiThe holy evangelist Luke is worthy of praise in the church, for he has proclaimed-v7vvvvvv8vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv]the tender compassion of Christ.-v7vvvvvvvvvTxx3x5xx{xxUxx6x4x5x{xRxx3x2x3x{xRxx2x3x1x]Vespers-vvvvvvvvvv6x6x6x5x6x4vv3x2x{x2x4x2x4x5x6x{x6x6x6x8x7x6x6x]-vvvvvvvvvv6x6x6x5x4x3x{x3x3x2x4x5x6x6x{x6x8x6x5x4x6x]-vvvvvvvvvv6x7&x6x5x4x3x2x{x5x5x5x3vv2x1x2x]Saint Luke, belov’d physician,With honour now recall,Who served his Master’s mission,Who ministered to Paul;Whose skill to distant agesBequeathed a gift unpriced,A gospel in whose pagesWe see the face of Christ.He tells for us the storiesOf Jesus here on earth,The unsung pains and gloriesThat marked the church’s birth;The Spirit’s power in preaching,The contrite sinner freed,The grace and mercy reachingOur deepest human need.For all who work our healingWe life our hearts in prayer,The love of God revealingIn science, skill and care;His gifts be still impartedTo those who make us whole,Like Luke the tender heartedPhysician of the soul.21 October – Gaspar del BuffaloPriestTexts from the Precious Blood – 1 July – may be used.Office of ReadingsSECOND READING From the writings of Saint Gaspar del Bufalo, priest (Circular letter, Spiritual exercises of 1835) Who is the Missionary of the Most Precious Blood? What is a missionary? He is a man who, spiritually dead to everything which could hinder the purpose of the ministry and his holy vocation, lives in union with God and for his glory alone: For to me life is Christ. He is a man who nourishes himself with no other food than with the heavenly food to which the sacred text refers: My food is to do the will of the one who sent me. He thirsts after justice and sanc- tity: Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness. His heart, animated by the heavenly fire of the love of God, is pierced and moved when he sees that men do not love God: Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is led to sin, and I am not indignant? So, now, let us consider how we ought to examine ourselves in these days on the things that we have mentioned up to this point, so that we might renew within ourselves the fervor of that type of life which confirms what Jesus once said to his apostles: And you also testify. With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. By this self-examination, we will come to realize better how our Society provides us with these means through which we are to advance toward a more and more vigorous life of virtue - with- drawal from the world, recollection, silence, examination of con- science, and all the other means enumerated in our “Practices.” These means, indeed, do develop a strengthening of the Spirit and the progress to be made in reaching perfection! They that hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar as with eagles’ wings; They will run and not grow weary. This interior cultivation of the Spirit lays the foundation for the exterior life of the ministry. We are ordained to perform duties towards God, towards our Society, and towards our neighbor. In each one of us, the words of the Lord should be verified when he speaks of the just man who seeks always to advance and mature in holiness: Happy are those... whose hearts are set on pilgrim roads. As they pass through the Baca valley, they find spring water to drink. May we diligently keep these few sentiments in our hearts and let them be deeply imprinted there. Let us imitate the Blessed Virgin Mary, who cherished the words of our blessed Savior, for she was the very mirror of sanctity who kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart. After Jesus, may our good Mother be our guide and teacher, our prototype and model. In a spirit of deep humility, let us listen to and cherish those teachings of God which are given in the sacred passages quoted above. May our hearts be filled with those holy desires which bring about a most intimate union with the high- est Good. May he always direct our tongue in announcing the eternal truths to the people: My heart is stirred by a noble theme ... Lord, open my lips. May our lips, then, be closed for this reason. I will listen for the word of God; surely the Lord will proclaim peace to his people. Notice! First, I myself must listen, so that I, then, may be listened to by the people. With the grace of God and in accordance with each one’s capacity, there will be realized both in me and in the others that very system of peace which establishes the kingdom of God firmly in our hearts: I will listen for the word of God. ResponsoryThe missionary lives only * for God and for his glory;?he gives himself totally to others, * for God and for his glory. Lauds-`*~vvcccvv1x4x6x5x4x3x4x5x{x1x4x3x4x5x6x]-`*~vcccvv6x6x8x7x6x5x4x5x{x1x4x6x5x5x4vvbbbvv]Glory to him who freely spent His blood that we might live, And through this choicest instrument Doth all his blessings give. Fasting he doth and hearing bless, And prayer can much avail, Good vessels all to draw the grace Out of salvation’s well. But none like this mysterious rite Which dying mercy gave Can draw forth all his promised might And all his will to save. This is the richest legacyThou hast on us bestowed, Here chiefly, Lord, we feed on thee, And drink thy precious blood. Here all thy blessings we receive, Here all thy gifts are given; To those that would in thee believe, Pardon, and grace, and heaven. Thus may we still in thee be blest ’Till all from earth remove, And share with thee the marriage-feast, And drink the wine above. Benedictus and Magnificat-v7cvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvv4vv3vvvvv2vvvv6vv8vvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvvvbbbbvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvc]vi Christ has ris-en; he is the light of his peo-ple whom he has re-deemed with his blood.-v7bbvvv6vv8vvvv6vv5vvvv4vv3vvvvv2vvvvvv2vv1vvvvv4vv5vvvvv6vv5vvvvvv4vvvx]ccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]Al-le- lu- ia, al - le - lu - ia.-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]The Intercessions from the Precious Blood may be used at LaudsVespersIntercessionsGod has reconciled us to himself through the blood of Christ. In the power of this blood and through the intercession of Saint Gaspar, let us present our prayers as we say: Save your people, O Lord. Lord Jesus, at the foot of the cross we raise the cry of the victims of injustice:?– by the power of your blood, give them courage. Lord Jesus, at the foot of the cross we raise the cry of those in search of a country, a home and work:?– by the power of your blood, sustain them. Lord Jesus, at the foot of the cross we raise the cry of prisoners, of refugees, of immigrants and of slaves everywhere:?– by the love of your blood, give them hope. Lord Jesus, at the foot of the cross we raise the cry of the suffering, the sick, the lonely and misunderstood:?– by your restoring blood, heal their sufferings. Lord Jesus, at the foot of the cross we raise the cry of all those who live in areas plagued by war, instability and poverty:?– by your peace-bearing blood, reconcile us to God and nation to nation. Lord Jesus, at the foot of the cross we raise our prayer for all the departed:?– may they celebrate with you the banquet of life without end. Our Father ... Collect Almighty and merciful God, who gave us an ardent witness of love for your divinity and for our neighbour in Saint Gaspar del Bufalo, priest and dedicated missionary of the Precious Blood of Christ; through his intercession, listen to the voice of the blood of your Son which daily rises to you from the earth in the painful cry of suffering humanity. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. 22 October – The Interior Life of the Blessed Virgin MaryInvitatory antiphon-`*~vvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvv3vvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vv5vv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv]viiWe celebrate the sinless Virgin Ma - ry: Come, let us worship her Son, Christ the Lord.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Non Scriptural ReadingA reading from the letters of Jean Jacques OlierLetter 234 to Mme. De Saujon (28th October, 1651)??????? I am consoled in seeing the joy and taste you have for the things which concern the divine Mother, in Whom you ought to place all your interior life. It seems to me that our lovable All is so pleased that we adore, imitate and make known and honoured the divine life of Jesus and Mary, and that it is the only thing we should do in this world.?????? […] How happy I am that Jesus and Mary wish to renew on earth Their inseparable life in their worshiping and their respect towards God! Nothing is more admirable than this life of Jesus in Mary.????? This holy life which He continually pours out on Her, this divine life with which He endows Her and with which He animates Her, loving, praising and adoring in Her God His Father [considering her] as a worthy addition of His Heart, and in which He expands with pleasure. The whole of Jesus’ life and all his love in the rest of the Church, and even in His apostles and in His most cherished disciples, is nothing in comparison to what He is in Mary’s Heart. He lives there in fullness, and He acts in all His divine Spirit. He is but one heart, one soul, one life with Her. There is nothing more admirable than this union, this holy and mysterious unity. It is something which in its consummation, cannot be understood and what is consoling about it is, that this masterpiece is to last forever.??????? O how adorable Jesus is in His Mother!??????? One cannot understand what He is in her and in what manner God lets Him be for her and makes himself present in all her being. It is a work of faith, and the more faith there is, so too is it more holy and divine, and the more it gives to be relished in the intimacy of the soul. It is an abyss of love and charity which cannot be imagined; for one cannot know the extent of the love Jesus has towards Mary, nor the strength and purity of? Mary’s love for Jesus.??????? […] I will tell you again that this morning at prayer I felt the union and the loss[6] of Mary’s Heart in Jesus, that it was a nourishment, a perfect life and joy to this divine Mother.??????? […] She was more in Jesus than any other creature. Other persons [united to Jesus] seemed unrefined and separated from Jesus, in comparison to the dispositions and the pure and holy state of Mary.??????? […] I desire with all my heart that the divine Mother finishes Her work in you for all eternity, and that She will always keep you lost in Her so that you will not be capable to act for yourself and that neither Satan, the world, nor any creature will find to wound your heart which has to be inviolably in imitation of Mary.OrA reading from the letters of Jean Jacques OlierLetter 448 to a newly-ordained priest??????????????????? The state of priesthood in which you now are, obliges you to have a special love for this divine princess. It seems to me that all the priests and clerics have very good reasons to commit themselves to this devotion.??????????? The first is the love which Our Lord has for her. The spirit of Jesus lives in the priests, and since he cannot be idle or ineffective in them, he fills them with His inspirations. Even though, He must first of all vivify their hearts with feelings of love for the Blessed Virgin, for it is towards Her that He has the strongest love?after that of God the Father.??????????? The second, is the super abundance of love? She bears towards Jesus Christ; She is all to Him, She has only being, life and movement but for Him. She only breathes, sees, speaks and works interiorly and exteriorly but for Him. Therefore the priest ought to be delighted that he is able to be bound to the interior of the Most Blessed Virgin. Because when a soul is first of all very united to Her, it feels carried to Jesus Christ by Her love. At the same time the soul enters into the holy and ardent ways of pure love towards Jesus, Who is the priest’s whole treasure.????????????? The third is the charm which She has in Herself according to the sentiments of the holy Fathers and the experience of the Church, to powerfully draw souls to Jesus Christ.? That is why they call Her the bait of the Divinity.? Esca spiritalis hami, qui est Divinitas. God, who wants to draw souls to His Son uses the sweetness and gentleness of the Blessed Virgin as a bait at the end of a line, to catch souls so that in this divine creature, priests will find the charm and sweetness which they need to draw souls to Jesus Christ, according to their duty and obligation, and for that they must keep closely united to Her and lose themselves in Her.??????????? The fourth is Her capacity as?Mother of Jesus Christ for as Mother She has the fertility to engender souls. That is why the priests, who are obliged to fashion Him the hearts of people ought to live unceasingly in Her, so that in being partakers of the this divine virtue of God the Father, who makes Her fertile, they may worthily fulfil with dignity such a holy ministry.ResponsoryI know not how to praise you, holy and immaculate Virgin. * Heaven itself cannot contain the One whom you bore in your womb.Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. * Heaven itself...Benedictus-b70vvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvv2vv3vvv2vcvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvvv4vv5vvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvv7vvv7vvvvv7vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vv5vv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvv5vv4vvv3vv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv]viiiSinless vir-gin, let us follow joyfully in your footsteps; draw us af-ter you in the fragrance-b70vvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv6vv5vvv4vvvv4vvvvvvv]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x]of your ho-liness.-v70vcvvvRx2x4x{xTxx6x4x{xRxx5x7x{xYxx4x5x{xTxx7x4x{xTxx3x4x]Magnificat-`cccv2vvvcc6bbbb,cccc7ccv8vv7vvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4bbbbmvvvccv{ccv6vvvvv9bbbb/vvvvv8vvvvvv7vv6vvvv5vvvvvv6bbbb,vvvvcvvv]viiMy heart ex-ults in the Lord; I find my joy in him.-`cccvWxx3x1x2x{xWxx3x5x6x{xYxx7x6x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]CollectO God, who, in filling the Blessed Virgin Marywith the spiritual gifts of your grace,made her a faithful image of your Son;grant to us that by the imitation of her virtues,the character of your Son might be made manifest in us.(we make our prayer) through …28 October – Simon and JudeApostles-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]Unto you both, Apostles blest,Shall rise our joyful melody,For grace in kind has beckoned youAnd glory crowns you equally.O Simon, filled with fervent zeal,You pressed along the path Christ trod,Proclaiming him unto the world,Impelled by burning love of God.And you, Christ's brother in the flesh,In spirit brother of the same,O Jude, who taught the brethren well,You wrote and preached the Master's name.For neither saint held back in fearFrom pouring out his own pure blood,That each might witness to the truth,Embracing holy victimhood.O brightest stars of Heav'n above,Grant that amid all earthly strifeWe may keep perfect faith in Christ,And ever strive for Heaven's life.Unto the Father glory beAnd to the Spirit and the Son,Whose joy, we pray, may be our ownForever as the ages run.November1 November - All SaintsFirst Vespers-`vcGvvvFx]xdxdxdxsxvvvvvv]xgxgxhxxGvvvvbHxvvvvv]xjxjxHvvvvGxdxwbbbbnx]-`vcGvvvFx]xdxdxdxsxvvvvvv]xgxgxhxxGvvvvbHxvvvvv]xjxjxHvvvvGxdxebbbbnx]-`vcJvvvKx]xlxjxJvvvHxgxvvv]xhxhxjxxGvvvbbbHxvv]xuxJvvvHxgxdx]xwbbbbnx]-`vcGvvvFx]xdxdxDvvvSxDvvvFx]xgxgxhxxGvvvHx]xjxjxHvvvGxdxebbbbnx]Come, let us join our friends above, who have obtained the prize,And on the eagle wings of love to joys celestial rise.Let saints on earth unite to sing with those to glory gone,For all the servants of our King in earth and heaven are one.One family we dwell in Him, one church above, beneath,Though now divided by the stream, the narrow stream of death;One army of the living God, to His command we bow;Part of His host have crossed the flood, and part are crossing now.Ten thousand to their endless home this solemn moment fly,And we are to the margin come, and we expect to die.His militant embodied host, with wishful looks we stand,And long to see that happy coast, and reach the heavenly land.Our old companions in distress we haste again to see,And eager long for our release, and full felicity:Even now by faith we join our hands with those that went before;And greet the blood besprinkled bands on the eternal shore.Our spirits too shall quickly join, like theirs with glory crowned,And shout to see our Captain’s sign, to hear His trumpet sound.O that we now might grasp our Guide! O that the word were given!Come, Lord of Hosts, the waves divide, and land us all in Heaven.Antiphon 1-v`*vv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvc]v These are they who now stand before the throne of God, and serve him day and night-v`*vvvvv3vvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvv]ccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]within his temple.-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-vvcvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvx]iAnd all the angels stood round the throne, and fell on their faces before the throne-vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvv]cvvYxx5x4x5x{{xTxx3x1x2x]and worshipped God.-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2x]Antiphon 3-cccvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv]ivGod has tried them and found them worthy of himself. Royal splendour will be theirs-ccccv5vvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvv]cccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc]for ever.-cccvvYx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{ xTxx4x6x5x{xTx7x6x {xIx7x6x7x{xYx5x6x3x]Responsory-b7cvvcvv4vv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vv6vvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvcc] Light shines forth for the just and joy for the upright of heart.-b7cvvc6vv7vvvv8vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vv8vvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv4vv2vvvv4cvvvvv5vvvvvvvvc] Rejoice, you just in the Lord, give glory to his ho-ly name.-b7cvvcvv6vv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv9vvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vv4vvvv6vvvvv5vvvv5cvvc] Give praise to the Father, the Son and Ho-ly Spirit.Magnificat-vvvvvvvvv#vv1ccvvc1vv3ccvvvvc5ccvc6vv5cccvv6ccc7cvvc8vv7ccvvc6c5ccccv{cc3ccc3vvc3cvvc3vv2cc3cvvvvvc1cvcvvvvvvvvvv] v* The saints cried out with a loud voice: Salvation to our God-vvvvcbbc3cccc4vv3ccc2vv5cbc6cbcbbbbbvc8cccvvcc7c6cc5vv6vv5cvvv3vvvvvv4vv3vv2vv1vvvvvvvvc] who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.-vcvvTxx3x5x{xYxx5x3x5x{xExx2x3x5x{xExx2x3x1x]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-vcccvvc5ccc5c4ccc3ccc4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvcc5cccv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vcc4ccc3cvcc2ccc1ccvv2vv3vvvvvvc{cc3vv4vv5vvvvvvv4ccc3cc2ccc2vvv1xvvvvvvvvvvvvv]v* The prai-ses of God are sung in the assembly of the saints: come, let us a- dore.-vcvvTx3x5x{xYx5x3x5x{xQx2x3x{ xRx3x4x2x{xEx2x3x5x {xEx2x3x1x]-v7vvx1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x] -v7vvx5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5xb]Rejoice with all the saints this day,Who ran by faith the narrow wayThe high and low together standWith glory crowned at God’s right hand.How blest are they, the Spirit’s poor;Their king is Jesus Christ the Lord,And all who mourned have found new birth;The patient meek await the earth.How blest are those who fought the fight;God’s justice fills their thirst for right.The pure of heart God’s face behold;The merciful have overflowed.How blest are those who wrought the peace;As heirs they share the Victor’s feast;And prophets by injustice slainHave claimed the kingdom’s righteous e, holy men and women all;With heart and voice sing praise and callTo Christ who rose triumphantlyThat we may join your company.Most blest the Father and the Son,Most blest the Spirit, Three in one.Your kingdom come, your will be done,Your praise for evermore be sung.Benedictus-b7vcccv5vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvv4vv3vvvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv]vii*The righteous will shine like the sun in the highest heavens.-b7vcccvTxx3x5x{xUxx6x4x5x{xRxx3x2x3x{xRxx2x3x1x]Second Vespers-`*~(cv4x3x4x6x7x6x5x4x{x7x7x6x7x8x6x5x4x]-`*~cbbbbv4x4x5x3x1x3x4x4x{x4x3x4x6x7x6x5x4x]O Christ, Redemption’s fullest lfe,Embrace and hold us in your care:And should we spurn your selfless loveHear then our Virgin Mother’s prayer.And you, God’s blessed spirit’s, all,You holy ones, you mighty throng,Anticipate our ev’ry stepAnd go before us, faithful, strong.You prophets of God’s burning word,Inflame us with your vision clear;And you, Apostles of the Lord,Your churches’ intercession hear.You martyrs, witnessing to love;Confessors ranged in bright array;Who hymn our God with boundless praise,Be mindful too, of us who pray.You virgins with your ceaseless song;You monks who take up your refrain:With all the saints who’ve ever been,May we, through you, God’s vision gain.With such a cloud of witnesses,Surrounding us on ev’ry side,Lord, let us ever trust your grace,And in your love, assured, abide.O Abba, joy of these your saints;O Christ, your sole-begotten Son,And you, O sanctifying Breath,Be praised: most holy Three-in-One.Magnificat-vvvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv8vv6vvvvvvvv]vcbbvc7vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvv4vvv5vvvvvvvv3vv2vvvvvvvvv1vvvvcvvvvvc] v* With one heart and voice, all the saints proclaim: We praise you, blessed Trinity, one God.-vcxvvTxx3x5xc{xcYxx5x3x5xc{xcExx2x3x5xc{xcExx2x3x1xcc]2 November - All Souls’ Day use the Office of the Dead3 November – Martin de PorresReligiousBenedictus-v`*cvvvvv2vvvvv4vvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv{vvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvv8vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv5vvv4vvvvvv]vBlessed be the Lord. He has set all the nations free, calling them out of darkness into -v`*cvv3vvvvvv2vvvv2vvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv]his amazing light.-v`*cccvvWxcx3x5x4x{xRxcx5x7x6x{xYxcx7x5x3x{xExxc2x1x2x]Magnificat-v`*cvvv2vvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvv4vvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv{vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvv9vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvv2vvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvv]vLet us glorify the Lord. With grace from heaven he raised up his lowly servant Martin.-v`*cccvvWxcx3x5x4x{xRxcx5x7x6x{xYxcx7x5x3x{xExxc2x1x2x]9 November – Dedication of John Lateran-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]Among the churches of the westThe Lateran has long been heldThe mother church of all the rest“head of both city and the world”.Cathedral to the whole of RomeA gift from Constantine to Christ:An emp’rors palace for his God,Where he, himself, had been baptized.Named for the Saviour of the world;Through Rome it has senority:The great Saint Peter’s it excelsIn office as in dignity.As Christ is head of all the church,So Paul and Peter – martyrs blessedHold pride of place within her walls:Where once they preached their heads now rest.Here pope and people all uniteTo celebrate throughout the yearThis is the parish of his flockThe pastor, he, charged with its care.In Jesus’ time JerusalemEach year recalled the MacabbeesThat glo’rious moment when, restored,The temple rang again with praise.And so we celebrate with RomeThe dedication of this hall,Where, once, its emperors had servedRenamed to serve the Lord of all.We all, baptized, God’s temple are,As once God dwelt within the ark:God needs no dwelling place on earthExcept within the human heart.8 November – Elizabeth of the TrinityVirginOffice of Readings SECOND READING From the writings of Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity, Virgin (Oeuvres completes I (Paris, 1980), p. 200) The indwelling Trinity O my God, Trinity Whom I adore, help me to forget myself entirely that I may be established in You as still and as peaceful as if my soul were already in eternity. May nothing trouble my peace or make me leave You, O my Unchanging One, but may each minute carry me further into the depths of your Mystery. Give peace to my soul; make it Your heaven, Your beloved dwelling and Your resting place. May I never leave You there alone but be wholly present, my faith wholly vigilant, wholly adoring, and wholly surrendered to your creative action. O my beloved Christ, crucified by love, I wish to be a bride for Your Heart; I wish to cover You with glory; I wish to love You even until I die of love! But I feel my weakness, and I ask You to clothe me with Yourself, to identify my soul with all the movements of Your Soul, to overwhelm me, to possess me, to substitute Yourself for me that my life may be but a radiance of Your life. Come into me as Adorer, as Restorer, as Savior. O Eternal Word, Word of my God, I want to spend my life in listening to You, to become wholly teachable that I may learn all from You. Then, through all nights, all voids, all helplessness, I want to gaze on You always and remain in Your great light. O my beloved Star, so fascinate me that I may not withdraw from Your radiance. O Consuming Fire, Spirit of Love, come upon me, and create in my soul a kind of incarnation of the Word: that I may be another humanity for Him in which He can renew His whole Mystery. And you, O Father, bend lovingly over Your poor little creature: cover her with Your shadow, seeing in her only the Beloved in whom You are well pleased. O my Three, my All, my Beatitude, infinite Solitude, Immensity in which I lose myself, I surrender myself to You as Your prey. Bury Yourself in me that I may bury myself in You until I depart to contemplate in Your light the abyss of Your greatness. ResponsoryYou are God’s temple and the Spirit of God lives in you. * Glorify God in your body. To the praise of his glory, * glorify God in your body. CollectO God of bountiful mercy,?you revealed to Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity?the mystery of your secret presence?in the hearts of those who love you,?and you chose her to adore you in spirit and in truth. Through her intercession?may we also abide in the love of Christ,?that we may merit to be transformed?into temples of your life-giving Spirit?to the praise of your glory. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. 11 November – Martin of ToursLauds-c`xuxjxkxuxtx]xhvv,xGxhxjxyxtx]vxuxjxlxixux]xhvv,xGxfxgxexwx]-c`xuxhxgxixux]xgvv,xHxjxkxoxox]xuxhxgxyxtx]He whose confession God of old accepted,whom through the ages all now hold in honour,gaining his guerdon this day came to enterheaven's high portal.God-fearing, watchful, pure of mind and body,holy and humble, thus did all men find him;while, through his members, to the life immortalmortal life called him.Thus to the weary, from the life enshrinèd,potent in virtue, flowed humane compassion;sick and sore laden, howsoever burdened,there they found healing.So now in chorus, giving God the glory,raise we our anthem gladly to his honour,that in fair kinship we may all be sharershere and hereafter.Honour and glory, power and salvation,be in the highest unto him who reignethchangeless in heaven over earthly changes,triune, eternal.Antiphon 1-v`*cvvv2vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv6vv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvv9vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv]vMartin, priest of God, my Father’s kingdom is ready to receive you.-v`*cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-v`*cvvv2vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvv2vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv]vBishop Martin bade farewell to the world; this most noble of priests now lives in Christ.-v`*cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]-v`*ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]Antiphon 3-v`cvvvvvv2vvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv1vvvv{vv2vvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv{vvv5vvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv]viiMartin is received with joy by Abraham. Martin once poor and lowly enters heav’n -v`cvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvvv{vv5vvvvv3vv1vvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvv]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]with riches, al- le – lu -ia.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Benedictus-`*~cvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvv4vvv4vvvvvvvv6vvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv]viiiHow bless’d this man, whose soul inherits paradise! For this, the angels exult, the archangels -`*~cv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvv3vvvv]rejoice, the choirs of saints are calling, throngs of virgins sing welcome: abide with us for ever.-`*~cvExx1x4x{xRxx3x6x{xTxx6x4x{xWxx1x2x3x]Vespers-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]Born in a Roman garrison,Blest Martin was a soldier’s son;A catechumen by age ten,A monk he seemed when still so young.While riding once to Amiens,A Roman soldier, still a lad,Before the city gate he sawA shiv’ring beggar, starved, half-clad.This youth, caught by the beggar’s eyes,Chose in an instant to dismount:And then and there he halved his cloakTo clothe someone of no account.That night Christ came to him in sleepClad with that half of Martin’s cloak“Now do you see the one you clothed?Serve under me; take up my yoke.”He sought at once to be baptizedRelinquishing his soldier’s roleYet friends prevailed on him to stay,Then war broke out with Rome and Gaul.But Martin’s fealty now had changedAnd so his crime was tried in court.“Christ’s soldier, I; I cannot kill”unarmed though gladly, he’d have fought.Imprisoned briefly, soon discharged,He sought out bishop Hilary,Ordained a deacon by this saint,The world, its ways, he chose to flee.At Ligugé, with hermit-monks,He lived and prayed and healed the sick.An urgent plea to come to ToursProved just the peoples’ ploy, a trick.For then and there, to great acclaim,Installed as bishop, he was blessed,Yet such was his simplicitySome criticized his dress.Both zealous for God’s church and truth,He fought those teaching heresy:Yet challenged those within the churchWho wanted the death penalty.Indeed, he interceded whenThe Emp’ror sentenced some to die.He’d rather break bread with his foesThan break the bonds of charity.Upon his death there gathered roundBoth monks and nuns a thousand strong;“On ashes we all die” he taught.At last, Christ came, for whome he longed.Magnificat-`*~cvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv]The blessed bishop Martin loved Christ the King with his whole heart, and did not fear -`*~cv4vvvvvv3vvvvv6vvvv6vvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv{vvvv6vvvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv]the imperial power. His holy soul, though spared the sword of persecution, was not -`*~cv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv]deprived of the martyrs’ palm.-`*~cvExx1x4x{xRxx3x6x{xTxx6x4x{xWxx1x2x3x]17 November – Hilda of Whitby-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]A mother dreamed her child unbornWould shine like jewels blazing bright.From England’s womb Hild leapt to lifeAnd bathed the land in Christ’s own light.She fostered gifts in timid folk,First English poet brought to flow’rWhose songs sped round the people’s hauntsFar from the corridors of power.She mentored women called by God,Elfleda, Heui and Bega too;She taught her priests to live a lifeWhich to their God the people drew.Though sorely tried in mind and frame,She never ceased to give God praise;By night and day she faithful was,Thus Hilda speaks to us always.also 17 November – Elizabeth of Hungary-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]O blest Elizabeth in gloryEnthroned amid the heavenly throng,Be gracious to accept the praisesWe offer you in cheerful song.As you from hearth and home were drivenAnd forced in direst want to roam,So now direct us lonely exilesAnd help us reach our heavenly home.You practiced poverty: enrich usWith heaven’s choicest gifts secure;You daily mortified your body:Help us to keep our bodies pure.The luring world and wily SatanYou overcame by watchful prayers;Teach us with steadfast heart to conquerOur enemies’ deceitful snares.To God the Father highest glory,And to his only Son, our Lord,Together with the Holy Spirit,As years and endless ages run.18 November – Dedication of the Basilicas of Saint Peter and Saint PaulApostlesBenedictus and Magnificat-v7cvvvvv1vvvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv1vvvvv5vvvv8vvvvv5vvvvvv]viiThe bodies of the saints have been buried in peace, and their name lives on for all generations.-v7cvvvvvRxx5x6x5x{xTxx6x7x6x{xYxx5x4x2x{xWxx3x2x1x]21 November – The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]Today God’s grace, forshadowed, dawns,As Myriam is offered up.She who is chosen as the ArkOutshines her Temple’s counterpart.You holy gates, now open wide,Give access to the God within:For Joachim, his infant, bearsThe glory of Jerusalem.Of Israel’s daughters, she alone,Will pierce the threshold of the Lord.She will enshrine the Godof HostsBy bearing the eternal Word.The Blameless One, by Spirit led,Steps through the Sanctuary veil;On Gab’riel’s word she will be fed,Till bearing him whom angels hail.She is our Sov’reign’s royal throne,God’s Palace, Heaven’s resting place:Her’s is the womb that bears the Word,God’s bridal chamber all ablaze.Blest Anna gives her daughter upTo God who gifts the motherless:“Go, child, ahead where none may go;there learn of God’s great tenderness.”Rejoice with Joachim and Ann,You mothers, virgins, daughters, all.”You who were barren, find your hope:Rejoice, and eter Heaven’s hall.Benedictus and Magnificat-v7cvvvv4vv5vvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvv6vvvv8vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv9vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvviHo-ly Mother of God, Mary ever-Virgin, temple of the Lord, sacred dwelling-place of the -v7cvvvvv1vvv1vvvvvv2vvvv2vvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv]Holy Spirit, you alone without an equal found favour with our Lord Jesus Christ.-v7cvRxx3x4x5x{xTxx1x5x6x{xYxx5x6x8x{xYxx5x6x4x]22 November – CeciliaVirgin and MartyrBenedictus-v70cvv5vv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvv5vvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvv{vvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5cccvv]Day had almost dawned as Cec-i-li-a cried out: Soldiers of Christ, throw off the deeds of darkness -v70cvv5vv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv]and put on your armour as soldiers of the light.-v70cvTxx4x5x7x{xUxx6x5x6x{xYxx4x6x8x{xIxx7x6x5x]Magnificat-v7cvvvvv4vvvvvv6vvv5vvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvv2vvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv{vvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv]viCec-i-li-a the virgin always bore the gospel of Christ in her heart: day or night she never ceased -v7cvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv]from prayer and converse with God.-v7cvYxx7x5x8x{xYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x6x{xIxx5x7x6x]30 November – AndrewLauds-`vcgxfxgxjx]xhxgxgxfx]xdxhxsxgx]xdxdxwx]-`vcsxgxgxfx]xhxjxkxjx]xjxlxlxkx]xjxhxtx]Jesus calls us; o'er the tumultof our life's wild, restless sea,day by day his clear voice soundeth,saying, "Christian, follow me;"As, of old, Saint Andrew heard itby the Galilean lake,turned from home and toil and kindred,leaving all for his dear sake.Jesus calls us from the worshipof the vain world's golden store;from each idol that would keep us,saying, "Christian, love me more."In our joys and in our sorrows,days of toil and hours of ease,still he calls, in cares and pleasures,"Christian, love me more than these."Jesus calls us! By thy mercies,Saviour, may we hear thy call,give our hearts to thine obedience,serve and love thee best of all.Antiphon 1-v`cvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvv8vvvvvvvv9vvvv9vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv]vAndrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two who follow’d the Lord.-v`*cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-`*~vvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvv4vvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvv3vv4vvvv3vvvvvvv]viiiThe Lord loved Andrew; he accepted him like a fragrant offering.-`*~cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x]-`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{ xRxx2x4x6x {xYx4x3x{xRx6x7x6x{xYx7x3vvvvv]Antiphon 3-v`cvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvvvv]vAndrew said to Simon, his brother, “We have found the Messiah”, and he brought him to Jesus.-v`cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]Benedictus and Magnificat-`*~vv3vvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vv5vv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvv3vv4vvvv3vvvvvvv]viiiI bow before the cross made precious by Christ, my master. I embrace it as his disciple.-`*~vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvvRxx5x3x]Vespers-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]What sense of need led Andrew on,What longings, none but he could say,To be baptized and follow JohnIn search of life and truth and way.When John announced the one foretoldThat long-awaited word sufficed:‘Behold the Lamb of God, behold!’and Andrew turned to follow Christ.In Christ he found the truth he sought,A way to walk, a life restored,A faith to share, as first he broughtHis brother Peter to the Lord.They left their nets by GalileeTo be of Jesus’ twelve apart,And sail for him a vaster seaAs fishers of the human heart.They fed the flock, as once were fedThe crowds who sat at Jesus’ feet,Who watched him take the fish and breadAnd give the hungry food to eat.Today we honour Andrew still,Who made the cause of Christ his own,And seek his calling to fulfilWho lived to make his Master known.December4 December – John of DamascusBishop-v7vvx1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x] -v7vvx5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5xb]When blessed John was born his worldwas governed by Islamic law;he served the Caliph faithfullyas had his father years before.?The Gospels and the Koran bothhe knew, and was imbued with each:he quenched his thirst from that one sourcewhich Muslims, Greeks and Christians teach.?But God instilled the desert’s call,and drew him from the urban life.At Mar Saba, professed a monk,he wrote hymns for the Church of Christ.?His love of Greek philosophyurged him to write of God afresh:his grasp of humanistic thoughtrevealed anew the Word made flesh.?Defender of the icon’s rolehe argued for its rightful place:Christ’s incarnation, he proclaimed,allows us to portray God’s face.?At odds with the iconoclasts,his orthodoxy was denied.His writings judged heretical,the Emp’ror sought that he be tried.?Great was the irony, when John sawthe warrant out for his arrest:a Muslim Calif saved him fromthe Christian heretics’ request.?Nicaea’s bishops at the lastdefined the doctrine he had preached.As Holy Icons’ champion,he saw the Church restored to peace.7 December – AmbroseBishop-v7vvx1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x] -v7vvx5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5xb]With Ambrose pagan Rome gave wayto youthful Christendom’s new age:his father, Prefect of all Gaul,three children – later saints – had raised.?In Trier born, then schooled in Rome,he laboured for his Emperor.At thirty-three, when at Milan,he ruled, Ligur-ias’s governor.?His great conciliating skillssoon won him popularity:When Ar’ian Christians riotedhe intervened with equity.?Such were his gifts and nat’ral charmhe was embraced by friend and foe:both church and heretic alikewith confidence to him could go.?Thus suddenly he found himself– a catechumen unbaptised –acclaimed the bishop of Milanthough he was only thirty-five!?His fam’ly’s wealth he gave the poor,his preaching was in great demand:he welcomed all, turning none away,– an ever-opened book at hand!?The great Augustine, still a youth,received his fatherly embrace:Ambrose’s sermons pierced him throughand led him to the fount of faith.?Administrator though he was,his mastery was metred verse:his hymns – inspired by the East –remain the glory of the Church.?Such was his deep authorityGod’s people saw in him their friend:he brought an emperor to his kneesfor thousands murdered in revenge.?O Christ, great Shepherd of the flock,protect your Church and keep it safe;Raise pastors who speak with your voice:and poets who will stir our faith!8 December - Immaculate ConceptionFirst Vespers-v7vvx1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x] -v7vvx5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5xb]Fair guardian of the virgin choir,And mother of our blessed Lord,Our hope, the angels’ joy, in whomA door to heaven is restored!O lily in the midst of throne,O maid more lovely than the moon,O tender stem from Jesse’s rootWhose blossom heals our deadly wound:O tow’r beyond the dragon’s reach,Wrecked sailor’s friendly star at night:That we may find our course again,Shed forth on us your guiding light.Dispel the mist that dims our eyes,From sandy shoals divert our way,Lest on the storm tossed sea of lifeWe may be lost and go astray.By heaven’s favour are you freedFrom ancient Adam’s guilt and woe.the serpent’s art you foil with ease,defending us against the foe.O Jesus Christ incarnate Word,To you all praise and glory be:With Father and with Spirit One,as Lord you reign eternally.Antiphon 1-b7vvvvvvvvbbbv1vvvbbbvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvbbbbvv5vvvvvvvvbbbvv5vv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv66vv5vv4vvbbbv4vvvvvv5vvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv1vvvvvvc]iWhite is the robe you wear, white as spotless snow; your face is radiant like the sun.-vvcxYxx7b7x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x]-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2cvvv]Antiphon 2-vb7vvvvv1vvvvv3vvv4vvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv7vv6vv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv7vvvvvvv6cvvvv]viiO holy Mother, how pure you are, you are untouched by sin; yours was the priv’lege to-vb7vvvvvvvv5vvv4vvvvvvv3vv4vv5vvvvvvv4vvv2vv1vvvvvvv1vvvvvv]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]carry God within you.-v7ccvvccTxx6x5x{xUxx6x5x{xYxx5x4x{xRxx6x5x{xYxx4x5x{xRxx2x1x] Antiphon 3-b70vvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvv2vv3vvv2vcvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvvv4vv5vvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvv7vvv7vvvvv7vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vv5vv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvv5vv4vvv3vv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv]viiiSinless vir-gin, let us follow joyfully in your footsteps; draw us af-ter you in the fragrance-b70vvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv6vv5vvv4vvvv4vvvvvvv]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x]of your ho-liness.-v70vcvvvRx2x4x{xTxx6x4x{xRxx5x7x{xYxx4x5x{xTxx7x4x{xTxx3x4x]Responsory-`cvvcvv5vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvcc] The Lord God almighty * girds me with strength.-`cvvcv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvcc] He preserves me from stain of sin and -`cvvcvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv9vvvv9vvvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv8vvvvv8vvvvvvv7vv6vvbbbv5vvvvv6vvvv6cc] Praise to the Father, praise to the Son, praise to the Ho-ly Spirit.Magnificat and Benedictus-vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv7vvv6vvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvc]ivBlessed are you, O Ma-ry, for you were conceived without sin; you brought forth -cccvv5vvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6x]the Saviour of the world.-cccvvYxx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{{xIxx7x6x7x{xYxx5x6x3x]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~vvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvv5vvvvvvv4vv3vvv2vvvvvvv4vv5vv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv]viiWe celebrate the feast of the sinless Virgin Mary: Come, let us worship her Son, Christ the Lord.-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]-v7ccfx]xhxkxlxkx]xkxjxhxhx]xgxhxjxgx]xgxfxhx] -v7ccfx]xgxhxhxgx]xgxfxsxsx]xaxfxgxgx]xhxgxfx]A song we sing of ParadiseAnd Mother Eve now reconciled.New hymn of gladness shall we raise,For holy Anna is with child.O daughter of eternal light,And glory of our fallen race:The ancient curse has touched you notAncestral taint retains no trace.You tread upon the serpent’s head:the great Goliath has been slain.the ark of Noah welcomes you,O dove preserved from mortal stain.To Father and to ParacleteAnd to your offspring glory be,Who have alone on you bestowedthe grace of noblest sanctity.Second Vespers - all as at First Vespers, except:-vcc2x1x2x4x5x4x3x2x{x6x5x6x4x5x6x6x]-vcc6x8x9x6x7v7x6x5x4x{x5x6x2x1x4x3x2x]Holy light, on earth’s horizon,Hope to us the fallen, bring;Light amid a world of shadows,Dawn of God’s redemption sing.Chosen from eternal ages,You alone of all our race,By your Son’s atoning meritsWere conceived in perfect grace.Mother of the world’s Redeemer,Promised from the dawn of time;How could one so mighty favouredShare the guilt of Adam’s crime?Sun and moon and stars adorn you,Sinless Eve, triumphant sign:You are she who crushed the serpent,Mary, pledge of light divine.Earth below and highest heavenPraise the splendour of your state:You who now are crowned in gloryWere conceived immaculate.Hail, beloved of the Father,Mother of his only Son,Mystic bride of love eternal,Hail, most fair and spotless one.9 December – Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin-v7cc1x3vv4x5x5vv6x5x4vv3x4x5x{x6x7x6x5vv4x3x2vv1x2x1vvnxvv] -v7ccv5x5vv6x8x7x6x5x4x3vv2vv3x{x1x3x4x2x3x1x?x1vvnxccb]O blessed Juan of humble heart,To you, her chosen son most dear,Amid a dark and frozen world,A precious Rose deigned to appear.You hastened onward to fulfilThe tender Virgin’s sweet command,And, like an eagle, swiftly boreGood news unto a waiting land.The son of that same Virgin pure,Who bade you climb to heaven’s heights,Has raised your soul so far above,All earthly worries or delights.Still greater things are yet to comeFor all who trust in ary’s Son;Not ev’ry nation has receivedThese marvels that the Lord has done.All glory be to you, O Lord,The purest Virgin’s gracious Son,To Father and to Paraclete:Eternal Trinity in One.12 December – Our Lady of Guadalupe-v7vvx1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x] -v7vvx5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5xb]This woman in bright stars arrayedInclines her head: “Let it be done!”She treads the serpent underfoot,And yet, a Virgin, bears a Son.The mighty prophets from of oldTold of her Son’s most wondrous birth,Who by his pow’r divine would comeTo save all nations of the earth.So now let barren lands beholdTheir own true Mother drawing near,And let the people sacrificeTo God an offering sincere.O holy Mother of the Lord,Defend us from the foe. We pray,And lead us to the native land,Which God has promised us one day.To God the Father glory be,And glory be to Mary’s Son,Who, with the Spirit, rules all lands,Forever while the ages run.13 December – LucyVirgin and MartyrBenedictus and Magnificat-v7cvc4cccc4ccccc2cc1ccc2ccccc4ccccc5cccc4cc5vv6vvv4vvvvv8vvvvv{vvvv8vvvvvvvv9vvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv{vvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvv]viBy your endurance you gained eternal life, Saint Lucy, bride of Christ. You despised the things of-v7cvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvv8vvvv8vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvv{vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvv8vvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvv4vvvv4vvvv]this world; now you are in glory with the angels. With your own blood you overcame the enemy.-v7cvYxx7x5x8x{xYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x6x{xIxx5x7x6x]14 December – John of the CrossPriest, Doctor of the Church / Teacher of the FaithLauds-b7vcv6x4x5x^x5x4x2x3x3x2x{x6x6x7x*x6x7x8x7bbbb6x5x6x]-b7vcv6x6x6x9bbbb8x6x5x4x5x6x7x{x5x6vv5vv4x3vvnx2x]Bearing His Cross, the gentle Lord drew nigh, Offering the crown by merit richly won.?O Love! to quaff Thy cup and with Thee die, Low answers John. To live despised, in suffering and alone, The one insatiate yearning of his breast; To die devoid of honour, and unknown, His heart’s request. Death yielded triumph of the Cross at last,?While dazzling globes of fire from Heav’n descend, And o’er his deeds the light of glory cast?To cheer his end. His dying couch, with light irradiate,?Dims with celestial beam earth’s fitful flame, Perfumes exhale, breathing of heavenly state And saintly fame. Honour supreme be to the Father given,?To Word and Paraclete in praise unite,?Upon whose Triune flame the hosts of Heaven Feed with delight. Responsory at Lauds and Vespers-b7ccvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvv{vvvv6vvvvvv5vv4vv2vvvvvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv] vi Love is as strong as death: It flashes forth like flames of fire. -b7ccvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv6vv5vvvvvv] Who can separate us from the love of Christ? -b7ccvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vv7vvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vv6vvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvv] Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.Benedictus and Magnificat-`cccvv6cccvvc4cccv2cccvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvv2xc] viiThe Lord my God shall make my darkness to be bright.-v`vcccvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]Vespers-vcv6x5x5x4x3x{x5x6x4x3x2x{x6x5x6x6x9x{x6x5x4x3vv2x]Let us together?Up the high mountain Go where the weather Keeps a June glow. You in your beauty,?I in your beauty, Earth in your beauty, Where’er we go. Up past the steepest?Cliffs of our striving,?Up from the deepest Thickets of pain?Where darkness bound you, Ravaged and slew you, Till daybreak found you, Risen again. Haste then our going Up the high mountain, Pure water flowing Down from the height, Wind in the spruces, Light on the aspens, Fruit of sweet juices All give delight. Deep caverns holding Secrets of heaven, Summits unfolding Myst’ries divine, Nightingale singing, Grove lit with beauty Each new day bringing Taste of new wine. Sweet the ascending Up the high mountain, Sweeter the ending Love spread abroad. Everyone sharing Grace of your image. Everyone bearing?The beauty of God. In the week between Christ the King and the First Sunday of Advent the following may be used as the Office Hymn:-b70cgxgxgx]xuxxgxfxdx]xtxc]-b70caxsxdx]xrxxdxhxgx]xrcx]-b70cfxfxgx]xtxxgxkxjx]xtxc]Day of wrath! O day of mourning! See fulfilled the prophets' warning, Heaven and earth in ashes burning!Oh what fear man's bosom rendeth, when from heaven the Judge descendeth, on whose sentence all dependeth.Wondrous sound the trumpet flingeth; through earth's sepulchers it ringeth; all before the throne it bringeth.Death is struck, and nature quaking, all creation is awaking, to its Judge an answer making.Lo! the book, exactly worded, wherein all hath been recorded: thence shall judgment be awarded.When the Judge his seat attaineth, and each hidden deed arraigneth, nothing unavenged remaineth.What shall I, frail man, be pleading? Who for me be interceding, when the just are mercy needing?King of Majesty tremendous, who dost free salvation send us, Fount of pity, then befriend us!Think, good Jesus, my salvation cost thy wondrous Incarnation; leave me not to reprobation!Faint and weary, thou hast sought me, on the cross of suffering bought me. shall such grace be vainly brought me?Righteous Judge! for sin's pollution grant thy gift of absolution, ere the day of retribution.Guilty, now I pour my moaning, all my shame with anguish owning; spare, O God, thy suppliant groaning!Thou the sinful woman savedst; thou the dying thief forgavest; and to me a hope vouchsafest.Worthless are my prayers and sighing, yet, good Lord, in grace complying, rescue me from fires undying!With thy favoured sheep O place me; nor among the goats abase me; but to thy right hand upraise me.While the wicked are confounded, doomed to flames of woe unbounded call me with thy saints surrounded.Low I kneel, with heart submission, see, like ashes, my contrition; help me in my last condition.Ah! that day of tears and mourning! From the dust of earth returning man for judgment must prepare him; Spare, O God, in mercy spare him!Lord, all pitying, Jesus blest, grant them thine eternal rest. monsDedication of a ChurchFirst Vespers-`xuxjxkxuxtx]xhvv,xGxhxjxyxtx]vxuxjxlxixux]xhvv,xGxfxgxexwx]-`xuxhxgxixux]xgvv,xHxjxkxoxox]xuxhxgxyxtx]Jesus, our Saviour, sov’reign Lord of all things,Hear the petitions of your lowly peopleGathered together in this church to honourYou our Redeemer.Blest are these walls here, sacred walls of heaven;This is God’s temple and the gate of heaven,Open to welcome all who seek with longingHomeland eternal.So we implore you, holy God almighty,Bless and protect us with your loving favour,As we bear witness with our prayer and off’ringIn this your temple.Praise to the Father, and to you, our Saviour,King of all mercy, Lord throughout the ages,And to the Spirit, may our praise find echoAll the world over.Antiphon 1-`*~vv3vvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvv3vvvv{vvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvv6vvvv6vvvv6bbbb,vvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv]viiiI saw the Ho-ly City new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God,-`*~cc3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvv6vvvvvvv5bbb,vvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv3bbbmvvvvvv]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x]prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.-`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{ xRxx2x4x6x {xYx4x3x{xRx6x7x6x{xYx7x3vvvvv]4 part -`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{vvvvRx5x3x]Antiphon 2-b7vvcv4vvvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvx]viI saw no temple in the city its temple is the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb.-v7cccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Antiphon 3-v`*ccv2vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6bbb,vvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvv]vThe throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in the Holy City and his servants shall -v`*cc6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6bbb,xx]vvcYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]worship him there.-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2x]Antiphon 3 – First Vespers, CW Canticle 72Also (suitable for use when a saint is observed as a Solemnity/Principal Festival on a Sunday)-cccvvc5vvvvvvv5vvv6vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvv7vvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvv5vvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vv3vvvv2vvvvvv{vvv1vvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvv]The holy ones, who are assembled in the city of God, rejoice; the angels chant before-cccvv3vvvvvvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvv{vv2vv4vvv3vvvv1vvvvv1vvvvvv]the throne of God, al-le-lu-ia.-cxcTxxxxxxcccccxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvx6cx8xx{vvvvvvv8vvx7vvx6ccvv5vv6xx] Al - le—lu - ia.-cxcYcccccxxvvvvccc5x4x5xx{xc5c3vvcc4xc5vvvvvc5ccc{ccccc2c4vvvvvc3cccv1xc1xccc] Al - le—lu - ia. Al - le—lu - ia.Antiphon 3 – Second Vespers, CW Canticle 72(suitable for use when a saint is observed as a Solemnity/Principal Festival on a Sunday)-cccvvcvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv{vvv6vvvvvvv5vv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv]Praise our God, all you his saints, O praise our God.-cxcTxxxxxxcccccxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvx6cx8xx{vvvvvvv8vvx7vvx6ccvv5vv6xx] Al - le—lu - ia.-cxcYcccccxxvvvvccc5x4x5xx{xc5c3vvcc4xc5vvvvvc5ccc{ccccc2c4vvvvvc3cccv1xc1xccc] Al - le—lu - ia. Al - le—lu - ia.Responsory-ccvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv{vvv3vvvv5vvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv8vvvvv7vvvv6vv5vvvv6vvvvv]The dwelling of God is with us, al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia. -ccvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv%vvvvv]He will dwell with us and we shall be his people. -ccvvvvvv3vvvv5vvvvvvYvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv8vvvvvv8vvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvv6vvvvvvv5vvvv%x]Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Magnificat -v`v*ccv2cccc4c5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvbv4vvvvbv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvbb7vvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvv8vvvv7vvvvvvbv6cccbbc4cccc5vv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2ccc]vvvvv3vv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2cbbbbbbbb]vHow awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God. [Al – le – lu - ia.]-v`v*cccvvWxx3x5x4x{xRxx5x7x6x{xYxx7x5x3x{xExx2x1x2vvvvvv]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-b7vcvvvvv6vv7vvv6vvvv5vvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvv6vv7vv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vv4vv3vvvvv1vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv]cvvvv4vvvvvvv3vv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv]iHoliness befits the house of God: let us a - dore Christ, her spouse. [Al – le – lu - ia.]-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6xx{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2x]-b7cvvsxdxfxgx]xyxxhvvvgx]xyxxyx]v]xhxhxjxkx]xuxxhvvbgx]xYxvvvvvvvv]-b7cvvsxdxfxgx]xyxxhvvvgx]xyxxyx]v]xhxhxjxkx]xuxxhvvbgx]xYxvvvvvvvvv]-b7cvvhxhxlxhx]xtxxfx]xsxfxhxfx]xEx]v]xhxhxlxhx]xtxdvvvfx]xWx]Blessed city, heavenly Salem,vision dear of peace and love,who of living stones art buildedin the height of heaven above,and, with angel hosts encircled,as a bride dost earthward move;from celestial realms descending,bridal glory round thee shed,meet for him whose love espoused thee,to thy Lord shalt thou be led;all thy streets and all thy bulwarksof pure gold are fashioned.Bright thy gates of pearl are shining;they are open evermore;and by virtue of his meritsthither faithful souls do soar,who for Christ's dear Name in this worldpain and tribulation bore.Many a blow and biting sculpturepolished well those stones elect,in their places now compactedby the heavenly Architect,who therewith hath willed for everthat his palace should be decked.Laud and honour to the Father,laud and honour to the Son,laud and honour to the Spirit,ever Three, and ever One,consubstantial, coeternal,while unending ages run.Benedictus-`*cvvv2cccc4cvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvbvv4vvvvbvv6vvvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvv6ccvc4ccc5vv4vvvvvv3vvvvv2ccvv]vvvvvv3vv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2cbbbbbbbb]vMy house shall be called a house of prayer; a refuge for all peoples. [Al – le – lu - ia.]-`*cccvvWxx3x5x4x{xRxx5x7x6x{xYxx7x5x3x{xExx2x1x2x]Second Vespers-vcc2x6x7bb7x6x5x^x]vvvvv4x5x6x4x3x2x]bbbbbbbbb6x5x4x8x9x8x7x6x]vvvvvv5x8x7x6x5x^x]O Word of God above,who fillest all in all,hallow this house with thy sure love,and bless our festival.Here from the font is pouredthe grace to cleanse our sin;here the anointing of the Lordconfirms the soul within.Here Christ to faithful heartshis body gives for food;the Lamb of God himself impartsthe chalice of his blood.Here guilty souls that pinemay health and pardon win;the Judge acquits, and grace divinerestores the dead in sin.Yea, God enthroned on highhere also dwells to bless;here trains adoring souls that sighhis mansions to possess.Against this holy homerude tempests harmless beat,and Satan's angels fiercely comebut to endure defeat.All might, all praise be thine,Father, co-equal Son,and Spirit, bond of love divine,while endless ages run.Magnificat-`vvvvvvvc2vvvvv2vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6ccccc5ccccvc5ccv8vv7vv6vvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvv8vv7vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv]viii*This is the place where we call on the holy name of God; of which it is written, -`vvvvvvc5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv]vvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvbbbbbbb]my name shall be there. [Al – le – lu - ia.]-`*~vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvvRxx5x3x]Or-`vvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvv6vvv6vvv6vvvvv{vvv6vvvvvvv7vv6vvv5vvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvv9vvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvv]viiI saw Jerusalem the Holy City, coming down out of heaven from God, its radiance -`vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvv]vvv5vv4vv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv]like a most rare jewel, like a jasper clear as crystal. [Al – le – lu - ia.]-`cccYxx4x6x{xIxx7x5x6x{xTxx4x3x4x{xTxx3x4x2x]The Blessed Virgin MaryFirst Vespers-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]He whom the earth, the sea and skyBy their own beauty can proclaimWhom they thus serve and venerateEnshrines himself in Mary’s womb. He whom the sun, the moon, the starsObey as centuries pass by,Lies hid within a Virgin’s wombMade fruitful by divine decree. The mighty God who made the world,And lovingly sustains it still,Selects as mother, maiden pureAnd rests within her chaste abode. The angels call her full of grace, As chosen by the Spirit’s love,For she will soon enrich the worldWith him whom ev’ry heart desires.All glory, Jesus be to youOnce born of Virgin undefiled,Who, with the Spirit of your LoveAnd God the Father, ever reign. Antiphon 1-v`*vvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvbv6vvvvvvbvv7vvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvbbv6vvvvvvbbb6vvvvvbbvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvv9vvvv8vvvvvv7vvvv4vv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv3vvvv4vvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvc]Blessed are you, Virgin Mary, you carried the creator of all things, al-le -lu - ia.-v`*cWx3x4x3x{xEx4x5x4x{xRx5x6x7x{ xUx5x7x6x{xYx9x8x7x {xEx4x5x6x]Antiphon 2-v7vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvbvvv6vvvvbbv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvbvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvbvv4vvvvvbb5vvvvvvvv5vvvvbbv6vvvc]i You are bless-ed, daughter, by the Lord your God; through you we par-take of the fullness-v7ccv4vvvvvv1vvvv]vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv1vx]vvcYxx5x4x5x{xTxx6x4x]of life. [Al – le – lu - ia.]-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2cvvv]Antiphon 3-v7cvvvv4vv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvv1vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvv9vvvv6vvvvvv5vvvv4vvvvv2vvvvv1vvvvv2vvvvvv4vv5vv6vvvvv5vv4vvvvvv] vi You shall be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord; a royal diadem in the hand of-v7vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv]vvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv]cccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]our God. [Al - le- lu – ia]-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Responsory-b7ccvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvv4vvvvvv5vvvvv5vv6vvvvvv6vv5vvvvv{vvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv4vv2vvvv4vv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv] vi Hail Mary, full of grace: the Lord is with you. -b7ccvvvv6vv7vvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvv] Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb. -b7ccvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vv7vvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vv6vvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvv5vvvv6vvv] Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Responsory in Eastertime-b7ccvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvbv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvv{vbbbb6bbbbbbbbb6bbbb5bbbbb5bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbb2bbbbbbb4bbb5bbbbbbbb5bbb4bbbbbb4bbbbbbbbb]vi Hail Mary, full of grace: the Lord is with you. al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia. -b7ccvvvvbbb4bbbvvvv4ccc4cccvv4ccc4ccc4ccccc5vvvvvv4cccc4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvb4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvbbbbbb] Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb. -b7ccvvv4bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbbbbb3bbbvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vv7vvvb6bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbbbbvvv6vvvvvvv6bbbbbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbb5bbb4bbbbbbb4vvv] Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Magnificat -v70ccc4vvvvv5vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvvb6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvv]Blessed are you, Mary, for you believed that what was said to you by the Lord-v70cccv2vvvvvvvbv3vvvvvv5vv4vvvv3vvvvvv]vvvv2vvvv3vvvvvv5vv4vvvvv3vvvvv]would be fulfilled. [Al-le - lu-ia.]-v70cccvvYxx7x6x{xUxx6x5x6x{xRxx5x4x{xTxx4x3x2x]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*cccvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvv3vv4vv5vvvv3vvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvv{vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv]vvv3vv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2cbbbbbbbb]vChrist is the son of Mary: come, let us worship him. [Al - le – lu - ia.]-v`*ccvvYxc4x6x{xUxc6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRxc3x4x6x{xRxc3x4x2x]-v`vvx&x9x7x^x5x3x2x3x]x6x7x6x8x7x6x5x6x]xvv5x5x3x2x1x2x]-v`vvx&x9x7x^x5x3x2x3x]x6x7x6x8x7x6x5x6x]xvv5x5x3x2x1x2x]Ave Maria! blessed Maid!Lily of Eden's fragrant shade!Who can express the lovethat nurtured thee, so pure and sweet,making thy heart a shelter meetfor Jesus' holy Dove!Ave Maria! Mother blest,to whom, caressing and caressed,clings the eternal Child;favoured beyond Archangels' dream,when first on thee with tendered gleamthy new-born Saviour smiled.Thou wept'st meek Maiden, Mother mild,thou wept'st upon thy sinless Child,thy very heart was riven:and yet, what mourning matron herewould deem thy sorrows bought too dearby all on this side heaven!A Son that never did amiss,that never shamed his Mother's kiss,nor crossed her fondest prayer:e'en from the Tree he deigned to bowfor her his agonized brow,her, his sole earthly care.Ave Maria! thou whose nameall but adoring love may claim,yet may we reach thy shrine;for he, thy Son and Saviour, vowsto crown all lowly lofty browswith love and joy like thine.Or-7vvv2x6vv7x6x5x6x5x{x5x6x5x4x5x6x{x4x3x4x5vv4x3x2x{x3x4vv2x1x2x2x2x]Of all God’s wondrous gifts,twice-gifted, God’s own choice,More glo’rous than the dawn,In Mary we rejoice.O garden walled with grace,O farrow for the seed,O root-room for the treewhose fruit heals all we need.Hear now, O Christ, her prayer,this daughter of our race.She knows earth’s sorrow’s wellwho wiped your blood stained face.Sing, sister, magnifyGod’s name, whose Son you bore.Most holy Wisdom’s wayswe praise and her adore.Or-b7vvv2x6x7x6x5x6x5x{x5x4x5x6x6x{x4x3x4x5x4x3x2x{x4x2x1x2x2x]Mary crowned with living light,temple of the Lord,place of peace and holiness,shelter of the Word.Mystery of sinless lifein our fallen race,free from shadow you reflectplenitude of grace.Virgin, mother of our God,lift us when we fall,who were named upon the crossmother of us all.Father, Son and Spirit blest,heaven sings your praise;Mary magnifies your namethrough eternal days.Or-b7vvv2x6x7x6x5x6x5x{x5x4x5x6x6x{x4x3x4x5x4x3x2x{x4x2x1x2x2x]God, who made the earth and skyand the changing sea,clothed in glory human flesh:one with us to be.Mary, Virgin filled with light,chosen from our race,bore our Abba’s only Sonby the Spirit’s grace.God whom nothing can contain,no one can compel,bound to us the Godhead here,in our time to dwell.Loving Abba, Lord of days,and your only Son,with your Spirit-Breath be praised,Trinity in One.Benedictus-v7vvvvv4xv2xvvv1vvvvcvvv4vvvvvv5vvc4cvvvv5ccvvvvv6ccvvvc7ccc7vvc6ccvvvvvc5cccvc4cccc5ccccc6vv5ccc4vv2cccc1ccc2x] vi In the womb of Mary, you found a dwelling place on earth, O Christ; remain-v7vvvvvv4vvvvv6cc5cvc5ccvc4vvvvvvvvvvv$vvvvc]cccc5vv6vv7vv6ccc5vv6ccvc4vv5vv4ccvvc4vvmx]for ever in our hearts. [Al—le— lu — ia.]-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]Or-v7vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvv1vvvv2vv4vvv5vvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvv6vvvv5vvv6vvvvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv] vi You are the glory of Jerusalem. You are the joy of Israel. You are the highest honour of our race.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]OrFirst Saturday-`vvvvvvvvv2vvvv2vv6vvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvv5vvvvvvvv6vvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv] vii Rejoice always, Virgin Mary, you were found worthy to bear Christ our Saviour.-`cccYxx4x6x{x*xx7x5x6x{xTxx4x3x4x{xTxx3x4x2x]Second Saturday-`vvvvvvvv2vv3vv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv5vv3vvvvvvvv4vv3vvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvv3vv5vvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv6vv5vvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vv3vv2vvvvvvvv] viii Blest are you among women and blest is the fruit of your womb.-`*~vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvvRxx5x3x]Third Saturday-706vvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv1vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv] vi Blessed are those who believe, for what God promised will be fulfilled.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]Fourth Saturday-7vvvvvvv1vv3vvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvv2vv3vvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvv5vv3vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv] vi All generations will call me blessed; the Almighty has done great things for me.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]Fifth Saturday-b7vvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvvv4vv2vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvv] vii In the womb of Mary, you found a dwelling place on earth, O Christ. Remain for ever-b7vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvv]cccTxx3x5x{xUxx6x4x5x{xRxx3x2x3x{xRxx2x3x1x]in our hearts.Second Vespers-vvcccvv4x4x5x6x7v7x6x5x6x4x5x{vvvv77x8x9x8x7v7x6x5x4x5x6x]-vvcccvv6x6x9x6x6x5x4x3x2x5x{x4x6x5x4x3x5x4x3x4x2xvvbbbvvb]Her Virgin eyes saw God incarnate born,when she to Bethl'em came that happy morn;how high her raptures then began to swell,none but her own omniscient Son can tell.As Eve when she her fontal sin reviewed,wept for herself and all she should include,blest Mary with man's Saviour in embracejoyed for herself and for all human race.All saints are by her Son's dear influence blessed,she kept the very fountain at her breast;the Son adored and nursed by the sweet Maida thousandfold of love for love repaid.Heaven with transcendent joys her entrance graced,next to his throne her Son his Mother placed;and here below, now she's of heaven possessed,all generations are to call her blessed.Or, to the same tune:Like fountains leapt the joy that Mary knewWhen first she looked upon her infant’s faceAnd saw God’s radiance there in human fleshBathe all the world in bright cascading grace.Like rivers rose the light that Mary sawAs Christ proclaimed the coming reign of GodAnd broke the bread of life for all whose faithTook them along the narrow road he trod.Like torrents flowed the sorrow Mary feltAs by the cross she stood and watched him die –But then he burst in glory from the tombAnd shone in splendor like the sun on high!Like streams of mercy now run Mary’s prayersTo wash our days in Christ’s redeeming love,As joy and sorrow, light and glory blendIn one great hymn of praise to God above.Magnificat-v7vvvvvvv2vvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvv2vv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvv8vvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv9vvvvvvx] vi Mary gave birth to the Word of God; truly she is the ever-blessed mother of Christ-v7vvvvv6vv4vvvvvvvv3vv2vvccc]cc5vv6vv7vv6ccc5vv6ccvc4vv5vv4ccvvc4vvmx]our Lord [Al—le— lu — ia.]-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]ApostlesFirst Vespers-v7069ccvv1x4x6x5x3x1x{x1x4x5x6x7x8x{x6x8x7x6x4x3x1x{x1x4x6x5vv4x5x4x]Give thanks for Christ’s apostles,Defenders of his wordWho wield throughout the agesThe Spirit’s mighty sword.They speak God’s word of healingUnyielding hearts to move,And those by strife dividedAre reconciled by love.They keep the gates of heaven,Have power to loose from sin;The bound, set free to meet him,With Christ may enter in.To Father, Son and SpiritFor these great saints give praise;They guide earth’s pilgrim-childrenOn faith’s uncharted ways.Antiphon 1-v`ccvvvvv3vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvv7vv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvv{vvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvc]iiGreater love than this no one has, that one lay down his life for his friends.-v`cvvvv3vvvvv5vv6vvvv5vv4vvvvv3vvvvvv]x2x3vv5xxTxx4x3x{xExx2x3x][Al- le-lu- ia.]-`*cvvvcExx2x3x{xTxx3x4x{xTxx4x3x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x4x{xRxx2x3x]Antiphon 2-vvvvvvv1vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvv4vv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv{vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvvv1vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv]vvvvvvv2vv4vvvvv3vvvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv]vI have lived among you as one who ministers to others. [Al- le-lu- ia.]-vvvvvvvTxx3xx{xxRxx2x1xx]-cvvcccvTxx3x5x{xYxx3x5x{xTxx6x3x{xWxx3x4x{xTxx3x2x{xWxx3x1x]Antiphon 3-vccvvv5vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvv5vvvvvv3vvvv4vvvv5vv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvv{vvvvvv5vvvvvv3vv5vvvvv4vv3vv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvv4vv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vv6vvvvvvvvvc]viiiNo longer do I call you servants but friends; because all things that I have heard-vccvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv6vv5vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vv7vv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvv]vvvvv6vv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvbbvv5vvvvvvvv]xTxvvvvc6x5x{xRxvvcvv3x2x]from my Father I have made known to you. [Al-le- lu - ia.]-cvvcccvTxx3x5x{xYxx7x5x{xTxx6x8x{xUxx5x6x{xYxx8x5x{xYxx4x5x]Responsory-b7ccvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv{vvvv5vvvvv4vvvv5vv6vvvvv5vv4vvcvv] vi Their sound is gone out * into all lands. -b7ccvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vv6cvvv] And their words into the ends of the world. -b7ccvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvv] Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Responsory in Eastertime-b7ccvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvv4vvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvv{vvbbbb6bbbbbbbbb6bbbb5bbbbb5bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbb2bbbbbbb4bbb5bbbbbbbb5bbb4bbbbbb4bbbbbbbbb]vi Proclaim the glory of the Lord among the nations: al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia. -b7ccvvvvbbb4bbbvvvvvvb4bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbbbbbb3bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbbbbbbb] Speak of his wonderful deeds to all the peoples. -b7ccvvv4bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbvvv4vvvbbbbbb3bbbvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vv7vvvb6bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbbbbvvv6vvvvvvv6bbbbbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbb5bbb4bbbbbbb4vvv] Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Magnificat -`vcvvvcc3ccvvc4cc5vvvvvvvvv4vcccc3cccc3vvvcvv7vvvvvvvvvvv8ccvvc7vvvc6ccc4ccccv5cccvvvvv5vvcc6vvvv7ccc6cccc5vvcc4ccc5ccvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv] ii*When all is made new, and the Christ is on his throne of glory, you will sit on the twelve -`vcccvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvv5vvv4vvvv3vvvvv]vvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvv4vvvv3vvvvvvv]thrones to judge the tribes of Israel. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-~vxExx2x3x{xTxx4x3x4x{xTxx4x5x6x{xRxx2x3x]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~cc6ccvvvvc6cvcc6cccvv6cvvvvc5cc4ccv6cc6cccc{cc6cccc6ccc5ccc3cv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv]vvvvv5vvvv3vvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvv]iiThe Lord the king of apostles: come, let us worship. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]-vcv6x6x6x6x2x4x3x2ccx{x6x6x7x5x6x8x7x6x] -vcv6x7x8x9x8x6x8x7vv6vv5x{x6x6x7x5x3x5x6x6x]O fathers of our ancient faith,With all the heav’ns we sing your fameWhose sound went forth in all the earthTo tell of Christ and bless His name.You took the Gospel to the poor,The word of God alight in you,Which in our day is told again:That timeless word, for ever new.You told of God who died for usAnd out of death triumphant rose,Who gave the truth that made us free,And changeless through the ages goes.Like sparks among the straw, you ranTo set the universe ablaze,To kindle love of Christ the LordAnd take his peace on all your ways.Praise Father, Son and Spirit blest,Whose gift is faith that never dies:A light in darkness, now untilThe day-star in our hearts arise.In Eastertime:-v7cc4x5x4x5x6x7x5x6x{x6x6x7x5x4x5x7x6c7c8c7c6x] -v7cc5x6x7x8x6x7x7x6x{x5x6x7x6x5x6x5x4xxbc]The sun with paschal joy made bright,Shines on the world with purer light,When to their longing eyes restored,The apostles see the Risen Lord.He showed the wounds in hands and side,Now with his body glorified;The signs to all the world made plain,That Christ the Lord was risen again.O Jesus, king of gentleness,We pray you, Lord. Our hearts possess,That we may render all our days,The willing tribute of our praise.Creator of us all we pray,Fulfil in us your joy today,When death assails us, grant that weMay share your paschal victory.All praise to you, O risen Lord,From death to endless life restored;All praise to you blest Trinity,Both now and in eternity.Benedictus-v7cccbb4cccbbb4cccbb2ccccbbbb1vv2ccccbbb4cccbb5ccb4ccc5vv6c,cccbb4cccbb4ccbbb8cc8bbbcc9ccc8cccc6c,ccb5ccc6ccc4cccbbb5x] vi You did not choose me but I chose you and I appointed you to go out and-v7cccc5ccbc6vv7ccc{cc5ccccb5ccccbbb6cccc4ccc]bbbbbbc2cccc1ccc4cccbbb4bbbbbbbbbb]bear fruit, fruit that shall last. [ Al - le - lu - ia.]-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]Or -v`cccbbvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv8vvvv8vvvvvvvvv8vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6bbbb,vvvv{vvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vv9vvvv7vvvvvv] viiWhat we preach is not ourselves but Jesus Christ as Lord: and we are your servants for Jesus’-v`cccv6vv,vvvv{vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvv]ccYxx4x6x{x*xx7x5x6x{xTxx4x3x4x{xTxx3x4x2x]sake. [ Al - le - lu - ia.]Second Vespers-vcv6x6x6x6x2x4x3x2ccx{x6x6x7x5x6x8x7x6x] -vcv6x7x8x9x8x6x8x7vv6vv5x{x6x6x7x5x3x5x6x6x]Let all on earth their voices raise,Re-echoing heaven’s triumphant praise,To him who gave the apostles graceTo run on earth their glorious race.O servants who once bore the lightOf gospel truth o’er heathen night,To us that heavenly light impart,To glad our eyes and cheer our heart.O Lord, your will to them was givenTo bind and loose in earth and heaven,Our chains unbind, our sins undo,And in our hearts your grace renew.Strong in your truth, they spoke the wordWhich cured disease and health restored;To us its healing power prolong:Support the weak, confirm the strong.And when the thrones are set on highAnd judgement’s awesome hour draws nigh,Then, Lord, with them pronounces us blestAnd take us to your endless rest.Praise we the Father and the Son,And Holy Spirit, Three in One,Whom now we worship and adoreFor ever and for evermore.In Eastertime -v7cc4x5x4x5x6x7x5x6x{x6x6x7x5x4x5x7x6c7c8c7c6x] -v7cc5x6x7x8x6x7x7x6x{x5x6x7x6x5x6x5x4xxcb]The apostles’ hearts with grief were soreThat they should see their Lord no more,Whom evil minds condemned to dieA death of cru-el agony.Then to the women at the graveThe angel this glad message gave:‘Fear not, his followers will seeTheir risen Lord in Galilee.’The trusting women went their way,Their eager tidings to convey:They met the Christ, their living Lord,And falling at his feet, adored.So then the apostles’ companySet out in haste for Galilee,That there once more they might beholdThe Lord’s dear face as he foretold.Creator of us all, we pray,Fulfil in us your joy today,When death assails us, grant that weMay share your paschal victory.All praise to you, O risen Lord,From death to endless life restored;All praise to you blest Trinity,Both now and in eternity.Magnificat-vvvvcvvv5ccc3ccccvv4ccc5vv6cc3ccccc4ccccv5ccc6cccvvv7cc8cc7ccc6vv5ccc5vvvvvv5cccvv3cc5cccc5cccc4vv3vv2cccvv2ccc] viii* On the foundation stones of the heavenly cit - -y are written the names of-vvvvvvcvv3ccc4cc3cc2ccc2vv6cc5cccc6vv%x]cc6vv5ccvvv4cccv%vccvvv5x]the apostles of the Lamb. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-vcxTxx3x4x5x{xYxx5x6x{xYxx4x6x8x{xYxx7x5xxbbbbbbbb]EvangelistsFirst Vespers-vccvv3x3x3x2x3vv6x^x6x6x7x8x6x]x6x6x7x8x(x^x5x3x3x5x6x]-vccvv3x3x3x3x$x3x5x3x3x2x3x]x3x3x6x7x8vv9x^x5x3x3x2x3x]How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!What more can He say than to you He hath saidWho unto the Saviour for refuge have fled?"Fear not, I am with thee, oh, be not dismayed,For I am thy God and will still give thee aid;I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand,Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand."When through the deep waters I call thee to go,The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow;For I will be with thee thy troubles to blessAnd sanctify to thee thy deepest distress."The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for reposeI will not, I will not, desert to his foes;That soul, though all hell should endeavour to shake,I'll never, no never, no never, forsake!"Antiphon 1-v`*cvvv2vvvvvv3vvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvv4vv3vvvvvv3vv4vvvv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvc]ivThe holy evangelists searched the wisdom of past ag-es. Through their gospels they -v`*ccvvv6vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vv4vvvvvv4vvvvv]vvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv3vv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvv]xRxx3x4x{xRxx5x4x3x]confirmed the words of the prophets. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-`*vvvcYxx4x6x{xUxx4x6x{xYxx7x4x{xExx4x5x{xYxx4x3x{xExx4x2x]Antiphon 2-`vvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vv3vvvv3vvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvv5vv6vv5vvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vv6vvvv5vvvvvvv]iiThrough the Gospel God called us to believe in the truth and to share the glory-`vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vv5vv4vvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv]vvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv]x2x3vv5xxTxx4x3x{xExx2x3x]of Our Lord Jesus Christ. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-`cvvcccYxx5x6x{xIxx6x7x{xIxx7x6x{xYxx7x8x{xUxx8x7x{xUxx5x6x]Antiphon 3-v`*cbb3vv2vvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvv3vv2vvvvv2vvvvv]vvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv]viMany shall praise their wisdom; it shall be remembered for e- ver. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-v`*cbb2x3c4xxRxx3x4x2x{xRxx3x4x2x]-`*cvvcvTxx6x5x{xYxx5x6x{xTxx7x6x{xYxx5x7x{xYxx5x3x{xYxx3x5x]Responsory as for EvangelistsMagnificat -`*~vvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvv4vvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvv6vv7vv6vvvvv4vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvv]vvvvv3vv4vvvvvv5vv6vvvvv5vv4vvvvvv3vvvv]Your word is a lantern to my feet and a light upon my path. [ Al - le - lu - ia.]-`*~vvvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvvRxx5x3xvvvvvvvvv]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~cc6ccvvvc6ccvccc6ccvvvvc66ccv6cvvvvvvc5ccvvvvvvc4cccv6vvvc6cccc{ccc6cccc6ccc5ccc3cv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv]vvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vv4vvvvvv4vvvvv]iiThe Lord speaks to us through the Gospel : come, let us worship. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]-v7ccfx]xhxkxlxkx]xkxjxhxhx]xgxhxjxgx]xgxfxhx] -v7ccfx]xgxhxhxgx]xgxfxsxsx]xaxfxgxgx]xhxgxfx]Happy are they who find the grace,The blessing of God’s chosen race,The wisdom coming from above,The faith that sweetly works by love.Happy beyond description weWho say ‘the Saviour died for me,’The gift unspeakable obtain,And heavenly understanding gain.Wisdom divine! Who tells the priceOf wisdom’s costly merchandise;Wisdom to silver we prefer,And gold is dross compared to her.Her hands are filled with length of days,True riches, and immortal praise,Riches of Christ, on all bestowed,And honour that descends from God.To purest joys she all invites,Chaste, holy, spiritual delights;Her ways are ways of pleasantness,And all her flowery paths are peace.Happy are they who wisdom gain,Thrice happy who that guest retain!They own, and shall for ever own,Wisdom, and Christ, and heaven are one.Benedictus-`vccvv6ccccc4cccc5cccc6cccc7ccccbb5vv6c,cc{cc6ccccbbb6ccccbbbb9ccccc8vv7ccc5cccbbb4ccc5ccc6vv7ccc5c,cc{c2cccc4vxv] vii We bring you the good news that what God promised to the fathers he has-v`ccv5cccc6cccbb5ccc6cccbb7ccccb8vv9ccc7c,cc{cbbb5ccc2ccc4cbbc5vv6cc6x{ccbbb5cccc3cccbbb6cccc6x]ful-filled to us their children by raising Jesus. [ Al—le—lu—ia.]-`ccccYxx4x6xc{xIxx7x5x6xc{xTxx4x3x4xc{xTxx3x4x2xvvvvv]Second Vespers-vccvv2x6x5x4x5x4x3x{x2x3x4x5x6x6x6cbbbx]-`vccvv7x9x8x7x6x5x4x{x6x4x5x3x4vv3x1x2x]Spread, O spread, thou mighty Word,spread the kingdom of the Lord,whersoe'er his breath has given,life to beings meant for heaven.Tell them how the Father's willmade the world, and keeps it still,how he sent his Son to saveall who help and comfort crave.Tell of our Redeemer's love,who forever doth removeby his holy sacrificeall the guilt that on us lies.Tell them of the Spirit givennow to guide us up to heaven,strong and holy, just and true,working both to will and do.Word of life, most pure and strong,lo! for thee the nations long,spread, till from its dreary nightall the world awakes to light.Up! the ripening fields ye see,mighty shall the harvest be;but the reapers still are few,great the work they have to do.Lord of harvest, let there bejoy and strength to work for thee,till the nations, far and near,see thy light, and learn thy fear.Magnificat-v7cccc4ccvvvc4ccc2cccc1vv2cccc4ccvvc5cvc4ccvv4vvvvvv5vvvvcc5vv6c,cccc5ccc4ccvvbbbbbbb5cvbc6vv7cvcbb5cc5cvbbc6cccvv6ccc$ccc{vbcc2cbcc1cc4cbc$x]vi The one who saw what Jesus did has borne witness that you also may believe. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4xcc{xcRxx3x4x5xcc{xcYxx5x7x6xc{xcYxx5x6x4xcccccbbbb]MartyrsFirst Vespers-vx6x5x6x4vv3x2vv2x4x5x6x8x6vvvx66x] -vvx6x5x6xv4v3x2vv2x4x5x6x8xv6v6x6x]-vx9x8x6x5vv4x5vv5xc7v7x6x5x4x5vv6x6x{x2x5x4xv3v2x2x]Lord of our life, and God of our salvation,Star of our night, and Hope of every nation,Hear and receive Thy church’s supplication,Lord God Almighty.See round Thine ark the hungry billows curling!See how Thy foes their banners are unfurling!Lord, while their darts envenomed they are hurling,Thou canst preserve us.Lord, Thou canst help when earthly armour faileth;Lord, Thou canst save when sin itself assaileth;Lord, o’er Thy rock nor death nor hell prevaileth;Grant us Thy peace, Lord.Peace, in our hearts, our evil thoughts assuaging,Peace, in Thy church, where brothers are engaging,Peace, when the world its busy war is waging;Calm thy foes raging!Grant us Thy help till backward they are driven;Grant them Thy truth, that they may be forgiven;Grant peace on earth, or after we have striven,Peace in Thy heaven.Antiphon 1-`*~vvvvv1vvvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvv6vv7vv6vv7vvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvv4vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv1vvvvv1vvvvvvvv!ccc]vvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvv]Look up to God and be ra - diant. Let your faces not be a-bashed. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-`*~vvvvvRxx8x7x8x{xUxx5x3x4x]Antiphon 2-`*vvvvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvv{vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv]Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of the faithful; they shall walk in the-`*vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvv]vvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv]presence of the Lord in the land of the living. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-`*xYxx4x5x6x{xYxx3x4x2x]Antiphon 3-v7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvv1vvvvvvvvv1vv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvv]vvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vv9vvvvvv8vvvvvv]Well done, good and faithful servant; come and join in your master’s joy. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-v7vvvvvvvvvRx5x6x{xYx5x4x5x{xTxx6x7x{xUx6x5x6x{xYx7x8x{xUx5x6x4x]Responsory-b7ccvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvvv{vvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvv] vi How blest are they who endure great trials: * for they have prov’d their worth. -b7ccvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv] They will receive the crown of life which has been promised to God’s beloved. -b7ccvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvv] We praise you Abba, your Word made flesh, and your holy nurt’ring Spirit. Responsory 2-`*ccvvc2vvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvv6vvvvbbbvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvv4vcvv{vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvc] Precious in the eyes of the Lord, is the death of his faithful * they shall walk in the presence of the -`*cvcvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvv2vvvcc] Lord, in the land of the living.-`*ccvvc4vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv9vv8vv7vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvcc] Those who are sowing in tears will sing when they reap.-`*ccvvRccccccccccccccccccccccccccc3cccc4ccccRcccccccccc5cc4ccc6cc6cc] Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.Responsory Eastertime-b7ccvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvv{vvbbbb6bbbbbbbbb6bbbb5bbbbb5bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbb2bbbbbbb4bbb5bbbbbbbb5bbb4bbbbbb4bbbbbbbbb]vi O you holy and righteous, rejoice in God our Saviour: al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia. -b7ccvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvv6vvvvbbbbbb] He has chosen you as his inheritance. -b7ccvvv4bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbbb4vvvvbb3bbbvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vv7vvvvb6bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbvvv6vvvvvvv6bbbbbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbb5bbb4bbbbbbb4vvvvvv] Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spi-rit. Magnificat -`*~vvvvvvv3vvvv6vvv5vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvv4vvvvvbbbv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvbbbbbv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvv6vvvv4vvvvvvv]iiWhoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life. -`*~vvvvv3vvvv6vvv5vvvvvv4vvvvv]xRxx3x4x{xYxx5x4x5x{xYxx5x6x7x{xTxx3x4x][Al-le-lu-ia.]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-`vcvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv{cv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvv]vvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vv3vvvv5vvvvvv]]vCome, let us worship Christ: the King of martys. [Al - le - lu-ia,]-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{xWx3x4x{ xTx4x5x3x{xRx3x4x6x {xRx3x4x2x]One martyr-v7cc1x3vv4x5x5vv6x5x4vv3x4x5x{x6x7x6x5vv4x3x2vv1x2x1vvnxvv] -v7ccv5x5vv6x8x7x6x5x4x3vv2vv3x{x1x3x4x2x3x1x?x1vvnxccb] Martyr of God, whose strength was steeledto follow close God's only Son,well didst thou brave thy battlefield,and well thy heavenly bliss was won!Now join thy prayers with ours, who praythat God may pardon us and bless;for prayer keeps evil's plague away,and draws from life its weariness.Long, long ago, were loosed the chainsthat held thy body once in thrall;for us how many a bond remains!O Love of God release us all.All praise to God the Father be,all praise to thee, eternal Son;all praise, O Holy Ghost, to thee,while never-ending ages run.Many martyrs-v70c2x5x7x6x5x4x5x6x{c1x5x4x5x6x7x{c7x7x9x8x7x6x5x6x{c2x5x7x6x6x5x]The martyrs, living now with Christ,In suffering were tried,Their anguish overthrown by love,When on his cross they died.Across the centuries they come,In constancy unmoved,Their loving hearts make no complaint;In silence they are proved.For who has ever measured love,Or weighed it in the hand?Yet God, who knows the inmost heart,Gives them the promised land.Praise Father, Son and Spirit blest Who guide us through the nightIn ways that reach beyond the starsTo everlasting night.Benedictus-v7ccvvvv4x2xb1xc4vvmxc5ccccc6cccc7cc7cbbbb6cc5cbbbcc4ccbbbc5ccbbc6vv5cccbb4ccbbc4vvbbbbbbbbbbbbbb4cccc4vv2ccbbbc1ccc2cx] vi Blessed are those who are persecuted for the cause of right, for theirs is the-v7ccvv4vv6cccc5ccvvc5cvcc4vvmxc]ccc5vv6vv7vv6ccc5vv6ccvc4vv5vv4ccvvc4vvmx]Kingdom of heav’n. [Al — le —l u — ia.]-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]Or-vvccvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv3vvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvv6vx] iv God has tried them and found them worthy of himself. Royal splendour will be theirs for ever.-vcccbbvv5vvvvv3vvvbv6vvvv6vvvvvvv]cccvvYxx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{{xIxx7x6x7x{xYxx5x6x3x][Al-le-lu-ia.]Second Vespers-vvcccvv4x4x5x6x7v7x6x5x6x4x5x{x77x8x9x8x7v7x6x5x4x5x6x]-vvcccvv6x6x9x6x6x5x4x3x2x5x{x4x6x5x4x3x5x4x3x4x2xvvbbbvv]Lord Jesus, joy and crown of all your saints,Accept the hymn of praise we sing this dayIn glad remembrance of this holy one/these holy onesWho sought to follow you in faith and love.In darkness and temptation purified,With persevering hope, unfailing trust,Sustained by grace, she/he/they chose the path you trod,Embraced the cross made holy by your blood.Raised up to glory, honoured by your Church,S/he shares / they share the joy you promised to your friends.With you and all your saints s/he lifts / they lift his/her/their voiceTo plead our cause before your Father’s throne.We bless your holy name, Lord Jesus Christ,Your Father’s glory ever on our lips.Your Spirit, too, whose peace has filled our heartsBe praised, adored, and loved for ever more.Or-`vc2x4x5x6x6x7vv6x5x6x{x6x4vv5x6x5x4x3vvnccv]-`vc2x4x5x6x6x7vv8x6x5x{x5x4x6x5vv4x3x4xv]How bright these glorious spirits shine! Whence all their white array? How came they to the blissful seats of everlasting day? Lo! these are they from sufferings great who came to realms of light, and in the blood of Christ have washed those robes which shine so bright. Now with triumphal palms they stand before the throne on high, and serve the God they love amidst the glories of the sky. His presence fills each heart with joy, tunes every mouth to sing: by day, by night, the sacred courts with glad hosannas ring. Hunger and thirst are felt no more,nor suns with scorching ray; God is their sun, whose cheering beams diffuse eternal day.The Lamb who dwells amidst the throne shall o’er them still preside, feed them with nourishment divine, and all their footsteps guide. Midst pastures green he'll lead his flock where living streams appear; and God the Lord from every eye shall wipe off every tear. To Father, Son and Spirit blest,the God whom we adore,be glory, as it was, is now,and shall be evermore.Magnificat-cccvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv{vvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvv{vvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv]ivThose who gave up their lives for Christ and followed in the Way rejoice with God -cccvvvv3vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvv]vvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv]now and for ever. [Al-le- lu -ia.]-cccvvYxx3x5x6xc{xUxcx5x6xc{xcIxx7x6x7xc{xcYxx5x6x3xcvvvvv]Or-b7cccvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vv6vvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv4vv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv]vvvv2vvvvv1vvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvv]viYour love is better than life; my lips will speak your praise. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]Doctors of the Church / Teachers of the FaithFirst Vespers-`*~vvcccvv1x4x6x5x4x3x4x5x{x1x4x3x4x5x6x]-`*~vcccvv6x6x8x7x6x5x4x5x{x1x4x6x5x5x4vvbbbvvv]No eye has seen, no ear has heardThe bliss of paradise;yet faith perceives, and hidden thingsAre open to the wise.How calm and joyful is that hopethe world has never known:The wisdom from above brings peaceTo hearts she makes her own.Love teaches: and love learns to beMost great because most small;For serving means to reign with Christ,And last is first of all.O gracious God, no better giftThan your own self you give,In whom alone our hearts find restAs by your Word we live.Antiphon 1-`*vvv2vv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvvv]vvv3vv4vvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvv]vIn your strength, O Lord, the just one shall joy, and rejoice in your salvation. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-v`*cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]-`*vvvvvvvvvvvvvvYxx4x5x6x{xUxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x7x9x{xYxx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-`*vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvv4vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvvv3vv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv]vS/he was found to be blameless and faithful, eternal glory will be his/hers, says the Lord. -`*vvvvv3vv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x][Al - le - lu - ia.]-v`*cvvcWx3x4x3x{xEx4x5x4x{xRx5x6x7x{xUx5x7x6x{xYx9x8x7x{xEx4x5x6x]Antiphon 3-`vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvv9vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv]The just will rejoice at the presence of God, they will exult and dance for joy.-v`*cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]-v`cvvTxx4x5x{xYxx8x7x6x{xYxx7x6x{xTxx3x4x2x]-v`ccvvYx4x6x{xUx6x4x6x{ xWx3x4x{xTx4x5x3x {xRx3x4x6x{xRx3x4x2x]Responsory-b7ccvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvbbbbvv{vvvbbv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv] vi Happy is (s)he who gives his/her mind to Wisdom: * And reasons with intelligence. -b7ccvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvv5vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv5vvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv] (S)he will find gladness and a crown of joy and inherit an everlasting name. -b7ccvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvv] We praise you Abba, your Word made flesh, and your holy nurt’ring Spirit. Responsory in Eastertime-b7ccvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv4ccvv44vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvv3vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv{vvbbbb6bbbbbbbbb6bbbb5bbbbb5bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbb2bbbbbbb4bbb5bbbbbbbb5bbb4bbbbbb4bbbbbbbbb]vi The mouth of the righteous is exercised in wisdom: al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia. -b7ccvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv] And his tongue will be talking of judgement. -b7ccvvv4bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbbb4vvvvvvv4bbbbbbbbbbbb3bbbvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vv7vvvb6bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbbbbvvv6vvvvvvv6bbbbbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbb5bbb4bbbbbbb4vvv] Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Magnificat -v7ccvvv5vvvvvc7cccc6vvcv5ccvvv7cccvvc6cccc8ccc8ccvvvvvvvc8ccvvc6cccc7cc8cvvc9vvvc9ccvvvc8vv7ccvvvvvvv5c4cvvv]vc4cvvvc5cc5cvv4x] viWisdom is treasure without end, those who attain it are God’s friends. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-v7vcccvvYxcx5x6x4x{xRxcx2x4x5x{xUxcx6x7x5x{xTxcx4x2x4x]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~cvvvvc6ccvvvc6cvcc6cvvc66ccvvv6cvvvv6vvvvvbvc5ccvbbbbc4cccbbbbbbbbc6ccvcc{ccc6cccc6ccc5ccc3cv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv]vvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv]iiThose who attain wisdom are God’s friends: come, let us worship. [Al – le – lu - ia.]-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]O Word of God, in flesh you cameTo give God’s love a human name;You formed your holy ones in graceAnd gave God’s love a human face.O image of the God unseen,In you shine truth’s own light serene;You taught your dear ones by the crossTo count all else but you as loss.O lamp of glory, light our wayThrough this world’s night to endless dayThat we may walk the path they trodTo reach the city of our God.O Son of God, they sing your nameIn words alight with Spirit’s flame;With them, may we your glory cryBefore the throne of God most high.O holy wisdom’s glorious crown,With all your saints we now bow downTo praise you, ever Three in One,From rising until setting sun.Benedictus-`cccvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vv5vvvv4vvvvvvb5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv]viiThose who are wise will shine as brightly as the heavens, and those who have instructed -`ccc5vv6vvvv5vvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vv5vvvv4vvvv4vv3vvvv2vvv3vvvvv]vvvvv2vvvvvv3vvv5vv4vvvv2vvvvv]many in virtue will shine like stars for all et-er-ni-ty. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-`ccbbcYxc4x6x{xIxc7x5x6x{xTxc4x3x4x{xTxc3x4x2x]Or-`*~v3vv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vv5vvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvv4vvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv8vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv]iiO great Doctor light of holy Church, lover of God’s law; pray for us to the Lord.-`*~bbbbbv6vvvvvv5vv3vvbbbbbbbbv4vvvvv$cc]xRxx3x4x{xYxx5x4x5x{xYxx5x6x7x{xTxx3x4xccccx][Al - le - lu-ia.]Vespers-vx6x5x6x4vv3x2vv2x4x5x6x8x6vvvx66x]vvx6x5x6xv4v3x2vv2x4x5x6x8xv6v6x6x]-vx9x8x6x5vv4x5vv5xc7v7x6x5x4x5vv6x6x{x2x5x4xv3v2x2x]Jesus, our master and our only Saviour,In adoration we acclaim your teaching,You alone offer words of life eternal,Laws of salvation.Humbly we thank you, shepherd through the ages,For the protection to your Church extended,Constantly guiding, that all souls may find there,Light in the darkness.Wisest of scholars were your eager servants,Stars of great splendour with but one intentionDeeper to ponder teachings that might show us,Life ever blessed.All tongues should praise you, Jesus, Lord and master,Who showers treasures through your Holy Spirit,By words and writings of the Church’s doctors,Flame ever fruitful.May this day’s patron whom we gladly honour,Ever be near us, leading on your people,Till we all praise you, faith and hope rewarded,In love eternal.Magnificat-v7cvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv8vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvv]vvvvv6vvvvv5vv6vvvvv4vvvv4vvv]vi Those who keep and teach the commandments will be considered great in heaven. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]Bishops and other PastorsFirst Vespers-c`xuxjxkxuxtx]xhvv,xGxhxjxyxtx]vxuxjxlxixux]xhvv,xGxfxgxexwx]-c`xuxhxgxixux]xgvv,xHxjxkxoxox]xuxhxgxyxtx]Jesus Good Shepherd, Head and Prince of Pastors,Joyfully singing, we your people praise you,In celebrating one of your great servantsAlso a shepherd.For a PopeRaised to the honour of the chief of pastors,He sought to labour as your faithful Vicar,Guarding the sheepfold, which your love confided,Once to Saint Peter.For a BishopFullness of priesthood was bestowed upon himBy special unction and your Holy Spirit,That he might ever labour for God’s people,Strong to defend them.For a priestHim you selected as a chosen servant,Minister faithful, sharing in your priesthood,Zealously teaching, both by deed and precept,Leading your people.Guide and true model for the flock he tended,Light to the groping, help for the afflicted,He was a father, made by loving-kindness,All things to all folk.Lord Jesus, help us, by your grace to follow,Such great example set us by this shepherd,So that hereafter, with your saints in heaven,You may reward us.Praise to the Father, and to you, our Saviour,King of all mercy, Lord throughout the ages,And to the Spirit, may our praise find echo,All the world over.Several PastorsWhile all the faithful celebrate with honour,His chosen servants, members of the priesthood,Christ the eternal priest and head of pastors,Is truly worshipped.His gift and favour lavished graces on them,That they might follow in his sacred footsteps,Teaching his people how to love and cherish,His holy gospel.Earnest and stalwart in defence of doctrine,No hostile forces could deter or daunt them,One hope upheld them, that among the blessed,They might be counted.When all their labours here on earth were ended,Thrones in high heaven were their sure possession,Sharing for ever with the Church triumphant,Peace beyond measure.May all creation glorify and praise you,Godhead eternal, King and Lord of Rulers,Renedering homage as a sacred duty,Now and for ever.Antiphon 1-v7vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv8vvvvv8vv7vvvv6vvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvv]When the chief shepherd appears, you will be given the crown of unfading glory.-v7vvvvvv6vvvvv5vv6vvv4vvvvv4bbbmvvvvvv][Al-le-lu-ia.]-v7vvvvvvvvRx5x6x{xYx5x4x5x{xTx6x7x{xUx6x5x6x{xYx7x8x{xUx5x6x4x]Antiphon 2-vvvvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvv8vv7vv6vv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv5vv3vvvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv]vvvv6vvvvv5vvvvv6vv5vvvv6vvvvvvvvv] The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-vvvvvvvvvvYxx5x4x3x{xWxx4x3x{xExx2x3x4x{xTxx3x6x]Antiphon 3-v7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvv1vvvvvvvvv1vv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv]vvvvvv8vvvv7vvvv8vv9vvvv8vvvvvvvv]Well done, good and faithful servant; come and join in your Master’s joy. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-v7vvvvRx5x6x{xYx5x4x5x{xTx6x7x{xUx6x5x6x{xYx7x8x{xUx5x6x4x]]Responsory-b7ccvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvv{vvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv5vv4vvvvv] vi The Lord chose him: * for a priest to himself.-b7ccvv6vvvvvv7vvvv66vvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvv] To offer to him the sacrifice of praise.-b7ccvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvv] Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.Responsory in Eastertime-b7ccvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv7vvvvv{vvbbbb6bbbbbbbbb6bbbb5bbbbb5bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbb2bbbbbbb4bbb5bbbbbbbb5bbb4bbbbbb4bbbbbbbbb]vi The Lord chose him for a priest unto himself: al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia. -b7ccvv4vvvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvv4bbbbbvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvv3vvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv] To offer to him the sacrifice of praise. -b7ccvvv4bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbbb4vvvvvv4bbbbbbbbbbbb3bbbvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vv7vvvb6bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbbbbvvv6vvvvvvv6bbbbbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbb5bbb4bbbbbbb4vvv] Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Magnificat -`*~vvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvv4vvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvv4vv3vvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvv6vv5vv4vvvv4vvvv3vvvv]vvvvv3vv4vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvv]viiiThe word of God is alive and active, and speaks to us of salvation. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-`*~vvvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvvRxx5x3x]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~ccvvv6cvcc6ccvc6ccvvc66ccvvvvvv6ccvvv6vvvvvvvv5ccc4ccvc6cccc{ccc6cccc6ccc5ccc3cv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv]vvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv5vv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvv]iiChrist is the chief shepherd of the flock: come, let us worship. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]-c`xuxjxkxuxtx]xhvv,xGxhxjxyxtx]vxuxjxlxixux]xhvv,xGxfxgxexwx]-c`xuxhxgxixux]xgvv,xHxjxkxoxox]xuxhxgxyxtx]Father we praise you, that your holy servant,Steadfastly following Christ our Lord and saviour,Now in your kingdom shares with all the faithfulVision of glory.Filled with the Spirit, by her/his/their earthly labours,Brought to your people healing and compassion;Raing the fallen, reconciling sinners,Gladly she/he/they served them.By this example, prayer and self denial,Preaching and teaching, showing forth the Gospel,Gave men and women knowledge of your mercyAnd loving-kindness.Joyful thanksgiving now we bring before you,Singing with gladness of her/his/their life and witness,Plesdging ourselves to follow in the footstepsOf Christ, her/his/their master.Glory to you, the Father unbegotten,Glory to Christ, the Son of God incarnate,And Holy Spirit, fountain of all goodness,Trinity blessed.Benedictus-bbbbbvvvc2vvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvv6vvvvv7v7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv{vvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv]iI will give you shepherds after my own heart who will feed you -bbbbbvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vv3vvvvvvv44vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv5v3vvvvv2vvvvv]vvvvv4vvvb3vvvbb2vvvbv2vvvvv]with knowledge and understanding. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-vvcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Second Vespers-v7b96vv1x4x5x6x5x7x6x5x4x5vvmx]x1xv3x4x5x5x6x5x4x3x4vvmx]-v7b96vv4x6x7x8x7x9x8x7x6x5vv,x]x7x6x5x6x5x4x3x5x1x4vvmxv]We praise those shepherds of the flock of ChristWho led it on the ways of truth and right,In time of evil and in darkest days,their faith and fortitude a steadfast light.God sent his spirit down upon his priestsWho offered sacrifice with hallowed hands,Who poured out saving water; loosed from sin;And took their joyful news to all the lands.They interceded for their people’s sins,Like Moses lifting holy hands to pray;They are his priests for ever, who receivedThe pow’r that none can take away.O blessed Trinity whom we adore,the hidden God through our Redeemer known,Give constancy and courage to your ChurchTill time into eternity has grown.Magnificat-`vccvvvv3vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vv7vvvvv7vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvv4vvvvv3vvvv5vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv]vWell done, good and faithful servant:you have been faithful over a little, I will make you -`vvvcv5vvvv6vvvvvvv3vvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvv]vvvvvv2vvvvv4vv3vvvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvvvv]ruler over much. [Al -le- lu - ia.]-`ccvvTxx3x5x{xYxx5x3x5x{xExx2x3x5x{xExx2x3x1x]Or-vccvvvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvv{vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvbv77vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv@xv]iThis is a wise and faithful servant whom the mas-ter placed in charge of his household. -vvvcvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vv4vvvv2vvvvvvv@xvvvv] [Al -le- lu - ia.]-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2cvvv]Members of Religious Communities-`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx] VirginsShe knew no man, she bore no child,She dwelt in solitude of heart,Absorbed in silence undefiled,From all disturbance set apart.One Voice alone seduced her soulFrom parched and barren loneliness;One Word filled up her meagre bowlAnd overflowed her emptiness.Her own sparse meal in Christ transformed,She broke Love’s bread for all to share;And when life’s darkness raged and stormed,She sheltered all within her prayer.Great Trinity of love, you areA feast for all who bless your name:Fill us who hunger from afarWith bread that saints and angels claim.Any Religious-v7ccfx]xhxkxlxkx]xkxjxhxhx]xgxhxjxgx]xgxfxhx] -v7ccfx]xgxhxhxgx]xgxfxsxsx]xaxfxgxgx]xhxgxfx]Christ was your Master, in whose schoolYou learned that love must beObedient, humble, gladly given,Though bound by vow, still free.With him you fasted, watched and prayed,God’s word your great delight,For all His gifts gave thanks and praiseFrom break of day till night.You ran the way of God’s decreesAnd foiled the Evil OneTo build a heaven here on earthIn which life’s crown was won.Pray for us, all you monks and nunsAssembled round God’s throne,Till Christ be formed anew in usAnd recognise His own.Antiphon 1-`*vvv2vv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvv]vvv3vv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv]vIn your strength, O Lord, the just one shall joy, and rejoice in your salvation. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-`*vvvvvvvvvvvvvvYxx4x5x6x{xUxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x7x9x{xYxx3x4x2x]Or-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2x]Antiphon 2-`*vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvv4vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvvv3vv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv]vS/he was found to be blameless and faithful, eternal glory will be his/hers, says the Lord. -`*vvvvv3vv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv][Al - le - lu - ia.]-v`*cvvcWx3x4x3x{xEx4x5x4x{xRx5x6x7x{xUx5x7x6x{xYx9x8x7x{xEx4x5x6x]Antiphon 3-`vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvv9vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvv5vvvv]vvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvv5vvvvvv]viiThe just will rejoice at the presence of God, they will exult and dance for joy. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-v`cvvTxx4x5x{xYxx8x7x6x{xYxx7x6x{xTxx3x4x2x]Or-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Responsory (in Eastertime use Any Saint)-bb7ccbvv4vvvbbbbbbbbvv4vvvvvvvvvvbv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvb6bbbbbbbbbb6vv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvbbbvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv] vi You have shown me the path of life, the fullness of joy in your presence. -bb7ccv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvbbvv6vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvcv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvvv] I found him whom my heart loves. I held him fast and would not let him go-bb7ccvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvbbvvvv6vvvvvv6vv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvbbbvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvv] We praise you Abba, your Word made flesh, and your holy nurt’ring Spirit. Magnificat -`*~vvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvv3vvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vv6vvvvv4vv3vvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvvbv6vv7vv6ccbb7bbbbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6vv5vvvvvvvv]viiiLike everlasting foundations on a rock are the commandments of God in the hearts -`*~vv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvv]vvvvvv3vv4vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvv]of the blessed. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-`*~vvcvExccx1x2x3x{xcRxccx3x4x{cxRxccx2x4x6x{xvvRxccx5x3x]LaudsInvitatory antiphonAny Religious-`*~cc6ccc6ccccc6ccc66cc6cc5ccc4cccc6cccc{ccc6cccc6ccc5ccc3cv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv]vvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv5vv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvv]iiGod is wonderful in his saints: come, let us worship. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Virgins-`*~ccYxxxxxxxxcccc5ccc4cccc6cccc{ccc6ccccc6ccc5ccc3cv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv]vvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv5vv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvv]iiVirgins follow the Lamb wherever he goes: come, let us worship. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Virgins-vvcccvv4x4x5x6x7v7x6x5x6x4x5x{x77x8x9x8x7v7x6x5x4x5x6x]-vvcccvv6x6x9x6x6x5x4x3x2x5x{x4x6x5x4x3x5x4x3x4x2xvvbbbvv]God’s blessed Spirit moved his virgin saintTo wield strong weapons in a life-long fight,To make a lonely journey from the flesh,That she might live unfettered in his sight.She turned her face towards the cross of Christ,And he himself prepared her as his bride;She bore the Holy Spirit’s timeless fruitsBy which God’s pledge of love is ratified.Her life showed forth the kingdom of the Lord,When humbly, for his sake, she dwelt apart,To wait on him in silence with the poor,The chaste of body and the clean of heart.O blessed Trinity, the virgins’ crown,They sing your praises with unending song,Rejoicing in the hope you have fulfilled”Lord, God Almighty strength of all the strong.Any Monastic-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]Each age finds men and women calledWho hear inviting them a voice;They seek God’s face preferring noughtTo Christ, who is alone, their choice.Not law, but love, is Christ’s demand,Conversion and an open heart,These refugees refuse all else,Desiring Mary’s better part.Each with the other lives alone,That each may have the more to share;For from each solitude is bornA new earth in the here, the now.O God, to whom we sing our praise,Reveal to us your glor’ious face;Lead monks and nuns with all your churchAlong the paths of gospel grace.Any Religious-07vc4x5x4vv3x4x5vv4x7x8vv7x7vvx{x7x4x5x7x8vv7x8vv9x8vv7x8xccv] -07vc7x8vv9x7vv6x5vv4x7vv8x4x5x7x{x6vv7x5vv4vv3x5x5vv6vv5x4x3x4x4xv]As longs the deer for running streams,So longed her/his/their soul(s) for Christ the Well,The living Source whence waters flowThrough wastes where withered spirits dwell.Through deserts parched by years of droughtHe/She/They wandered, searching for the springWhose waters quench the thirsting soulAnd make the speechless tongue to sing.When tested and assailed by doubt,Her/His/Their journey he/she/they did not forsakeUntil at last he/she/they found the OneWhose love at last her/his/their thirst could slake.And now he/she/they dwell(s) for evermoreWhere crystal rivers run like fireFrom Christ whose presence fills our heartsAnd satisfies our life’s desire.Benedictus-v7ccvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vv6vv8vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vv6vv8vvvvvv]viThey who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings -v7ccvv6vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv4vvvvv]vvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvv4vvvvv]as an eagle. [ Al-le-lu-ia.]-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]Virgins-`*vvv2cvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6bbb,vvvvv{vv7vvvv8vvvvvvvv9bbb.vvvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvv6bbb,vvvvv{vvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvv2vvvvv3vv4vvvvv3vvvv2vvv2vvvv]vvv3vv4vvvv3vvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvv]vI will bear witness to Christ, it is Christ that I seek; with Christ I desire to be united. [Al- le-lu-ia.]-v`*cccvYxx5x4x{xRxx3x2x3x{xTxx3x4x{xUxx6x3x4x]Second VespersVirgins-`*cv6x6x4x5x4x3x4x4vvvvx{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4xv]-`*cbbbbv4x7vv8x7x6x5x4x4x4x{x4x4x5x3x2x3x5x5vv4vx]Before us lies Jerusalem,Its temple and its light the Lamb;Though dark the night and far the day,The holy Virgin lights the way.With oil-flask full and torch alight,She kept her vigil through the night,Til came the groom to bid her inAnd let the wedding feast begin.She joined the company of praise,Who follow in the Lamb’s own waysTo burn before the heavenly throneTheir torches of eternal song.Pour out on us, O Lord, your graceWho also long to see your face,That we, like her, the watch may keepWhile all the world in darkness sleeps.May we keep lit the fire of praiseThrough all our nights and all our daysBefore the holy mystery,God Three in One and One in Three.Any Religious-v796vv1x4x5x6x5x7x6x5x4x5vvmx]x1xv3x4x5x5x6x5x4x3x4vvmx]-v796vv4x6x7x8x7x9x8x7x6x5vv,x]x7x6x5x6x5x4x3x5x1x4vvmxv]Lord God, we give you thanks for all your saintsWho sought the trackless footprints of your feet,Who took into theor own ahand unseenAnd heard a voice whose silence was complete.In every word and deed they spoke of Christ,And in their life gave glory to his name;Their love was unconsumed a burning bushOf which the Holy Spirit was the flame.Blest Trinity, may yours be endless praiseFor all who lived so humbly in your sight;Your holy ones who walked dark ways in faithNow share the joy of your unfailing light.Magnificat-v7vccc2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vv5vvvv4vv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv1vvvv2vvvvvv]iYou have left all things and followed me: you will be rewarded a hundred times over -v7vccvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvv3vv2vvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvv]vvvvv4vvvvvv3vv1vvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvv]and gain et-er-nal life. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-v7vcccvvWxcx3x4x5x{xTxccx4x5x6x{xYxcx5x4x5x{xTxcvx4x3x2x]Virgins-v7vcccv4vvvvvvv5vvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv]iLove is a fire no flood can quench, no torrents drown. For love one will give up all that-v7vccc5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv4vv2vvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv]vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vv1vvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvv]one has and think nothing lost. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-v7vcccvvWxcx3x4x5x{xTxccx4x5x6x{xYxcx5x4x5x{xTxcvx4x3x2x]MissionariesAntiphon 1-`*vvvvvv2vv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv]In your strength, O Lord, the just one shall joy, and rejoice in your salvation. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-`*vvvvvvvvvvvvvvYxx4x5x6x{xUxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x7x9x{xYxx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-`*vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvv4vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvvv3vv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv]vS/he was found to be blameless and faithful, eternal glory will be his/hers, says the Lord. -`*vvvvv3vv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv][Al - le - lu - ia.]-v`*cvvcWx3x4x3x{xEx4x5x4x{xRx5x6x7x{xUx5x7x6x{xYx9x8x7x{xEx4x5x6x]Antiphon 3-`vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvv9vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvv5vvvv]vvv7vvvvvv8vv7vvvvvv6vv7vvvvvv5vvvvvv]The just will rejoice at the presence of God, they will exult and dance for joy. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-v`cvvTxx4x5x{xYxx8x7x6x{xYxx7x6x{xTxx3x4x2x]Magnificat -`*~vvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vv2vvvvvvv3vvcvvv3vvvvvv1vvvvvvvv3vv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvv]vvvv4vv3vvvc2vvcv3vvvv3vvvvv]viiiMay our whole nature be transformed that we may come to discern the will of God. [Al- le-lu-ia.]-`*~cvvvExccx1x2x3xc{xRxcccx3x4xc{xRxcccx2x4x6xc{xvvRxccx5x3xccccccvvvvc]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~ccvv6cccvvvvv6ccvvvcc6ccc66cc6vcvvv6vvvvvvc5ccc4ccvvv6cc6cccc{ccc6cccc6ccc5ccc3cv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv]vvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv5vv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvv]iiChrist gave them as a light to the nations: come, let us worship. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Benedictus-`vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vv7vvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vv7vvv5vvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv]viiChrist gave them as a light to the nations that his salvation might reach -`vvvvvv7ccc8vvvvvvv9vv8vv7vvvvvv6vvvvv5vv3vvvvvv2vvvvvv]vvvvvv2vv3vvvbv5vvvvv4vv3vv2vvvvv2vvvvvv]to the ends of the earth. [ Al - le-lu - ia.]-`vcccvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]Second VespersMagnificat-`*~vvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvv6vvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vv7vv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv]viiiHow beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news and proclaim-`*~vvvv6vvvvvvv6vv4vvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvv5vv4vv3vvvv]vvvv4vvvvv4vv5vvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvvv]the gospel of peace. [Al-le - lu-ia.]-`*~vvvvvExcx1x2x3xcc{xRxcx3x4xcc{xRxcx2x4x6xcc{xcvvRxcx5x3xvvvvvc]Any SaintHymns, see the section followingFirst VespersAntiphon 1-`*vvv2vv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvvvv]vvv5vvvvvvv3vv1vvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvvvv]viiIn your strength, O Lord, the just one shall joy, and rejoice in your salvation. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-`*vvvvvvvvvvvvvvYxx4x5x6x{xUxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x7x9x{xYxx3x4x2x]Or-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-`*vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvv4vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvvv3vv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv]vS/he was found to be blameless and faithful, eternal glory will be his/hers, says the Lord. -`*vvvvv3vv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv][Al - le - lu - ia.]-v`*vcWx3x4x3x{xEx4x5x4x{xRx5x6x7x{ xUx5x7x6x{xYx9x8x7x {xEx4x5x6x]Antiphon 3-`vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvv2vvvv9vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vv7vvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvv]vv5vv6vvvvvvv8vv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv]The just will rejoice at the presence of God, they will exult and dance for joy. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-v`cvvTxx4x5x{xYxx8x7x6x{xYxx7x6x{xTxx3x4x2x]Responsory (women saints)-b7ccvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv6vv5vvvvvv{cvv4vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv] vi God shall help her: * with his countenance. -b7ccvvvv6vv7vvvv6vvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvv] God is in the midst of her, therefore she shall not be moved. -b7ccvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvv] Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.Responsory (women in Eastertime)-b7ccvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv{vvbbbb6bbbbbbbbb6bbbb5bbbbb5bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbb2bbbbbbb4bbb5bbbbbbbb5bbb4bbbbbb4bbbbbbbbb]vi God shall help her with his countenance: al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia. -b7ccvvvvb4vvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvbbbbbb] God is in the midst of her, therefore she shall not be moved. -b7ccvvv4bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbvvv4vvvbbbbbb3bbbvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vv7vvvb6bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbbbbvvv6vvvvvvv6bbbbbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbb5bbb4bbbbbbb4vvv] Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Responsory (men or many saints)-b7ccvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv5vv6vvvvvbvv{vvvbbv5vv4vvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvv] vi Let the righteous rejoice: * be-fore God. -b7ccvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vv5vvvv5vv6cvvv] Let them also be merry and joy-ful. -b7ccvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvv] Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Responsory (men or many saints in Eastertime)-b7ccvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvv{vvbbbb6bbbbbbbbb6bbbb5bbbbb5bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbb2bbbbbbb4bbb5bbbbbbbb5bbb4bbbbbb4bbbbbbbbb]vi Let the righteous rejoice before the face of God: al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia. -b7ccvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvbbbbbbb] Let them also be merry and joy-ful. -b7ccvvv4bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbvvv4vvvbbbbbb3bbbvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vv7vvvb6bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbbbbvvv6vvvvvvv6bbbbbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbb5bbb4bbbbbbb4vvv] Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Any Saint (saints renowned for works of mercy)-b7ccvv4vvvbbbbbbbvv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvb5vv4vvvv5vv6vvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvv] vi All those who live in love, live in God, and God in them. -b7ccvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvv5vvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvvv] Let us love one another since love comes from God. -b7ccvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvv] We praise you Abba, your Word made flesh, and your holy nurt’ring Spirit. Magnificat -`*~vvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvv1vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vv4vvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvv]vvvv4vv3vvvc2vvcv3vvvv3vvvvvv]viiiThe Lord guides the humble in the right path and teaches his way to the poor. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-`*~vvvcvvExcx1x2x3xcc{vxRxcx3x4xcc{xcRxcx2x4x6xcc{xcvvRxcx5x3xvvvvvc]LaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~cc6ccc6ccccc6ccc66cc6cc5ccc4cccc6cccc{ccc6cccc6ccc5ccc3cv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv]vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vv4vvvvv4vvvvvv]iiGod is wonderful in his saints: come, let us worship. [Al - le - lu - ia.]Or -`*~ccYccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc Today we honour Christ in the memory of his One syllable Two syllables Three syllables etc.-`*~c5ccc4cccc6cccc vvvvYcccc5ccc4cccc6cccc vvvvYccbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbcc5ccc4cccc6cccc servant N. servant - - servant - - - -`*~ccc6cccvc6ccc5ccc3cv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv]vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vv4vvvvv4vvvvvv]come, let us worship. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Benedictus-`*~vvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvv3vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvv]vvvv4vv3vvvc2vvcv3vvvv3vvvvvv]viiiThey were faithful until death and God has given them the crown of life. [Al- le-lu-ia.]-`*~vvvvvExcx1x2x3xcc{xRxcx3x4xcc{xRxcx2x4x6xcc{xcvvRxcx5x3xvvv]Or-`*vvvvvvvv2vvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6bbb,vvv{vvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvv9vvvvvv6vvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vv2vvvv3vvvvvv2bbbbnvvvv]vvv4vv5vvvvv4vvvvv3vvvv3vvvvvvvv]vBlessed be God, who chose us to be holy and spotless and to live in love. [Al- le-lu-ia.]-v`*cccvvWxx3x5x4x{xRxx5x7x6x{xYxx7x5x3x{xExx2x1x2x]Or-`*vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vv9vvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv4bbbmvvvvv{vvvv7vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvv2vvnvvvvvvv3vvmvvvvv4vvbmvvv]vvvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvv2vvvvvv]vGod, of your goodness, give me yourself, you are enough for me. [Al- le-lu-ia.]-v`*cccvvWxx3x4x{xRxx5x6x{xYxx7x6x5x{xTxx6x3x4x]Second VespersMagnificat-v7ccv1vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv]viIn the heav’nly kingdom, the blessed have their dwelling place and their rest -v7ccvv5vvvvvv4vvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvv]vvvvv4vv5vvvvv6vvvvv5vv4vvvv4vvvvv]for ever and ever. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]Or-v7ccvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vv4vvvvv1vvvvvv{vvvv1vv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv8vvvvv]vvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvvvvv8vv7vvvvv8vvvvvv]viWell done good and faithful servant; come and join in your master’s joy. [Al - le - lu - ia.]-v7ccvvRxx5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx6x7x{xUxx5x6x4x]Hymns for Any Saint-v7vcc2x3x4x5x4x6x5x4vv4x3x{x2x4x5x6x8x7x5x6vv6xxbb]-v7vcc6x9x8x9x6x8x6x5vv5x4x{x4x5x6x7x6xv5v5x3vv3x6xx]Lo! round the throne, a glorious band,the saints in countless myriads stand,of every tongue redeemed to God,arrayed in garments washed in blood.Through tribulation great they came;they bore the cross, despised the shame;from all their labours now they rest,in God's eternal glory blest.They see their Saviour face to face,and sing the triumphs of his grace;him day and night they ceaseless praise,to him the loud thanksgiving raise:"Worthy the Lamb, for sinners slain,through endless years to live and reign;thou hast redeemed us by thy blood,and made us kings and priests to God."O may we tread the sacred roadthat saints and holy martyrs trod;wage to the end the glorious strife,and win, like them, a crown of life.-v`cccex]xgxgxfxfx]xexxex]xgxgxhxhx]xuxxccvv]]-v`cccux]xlxlxkxkx]xjxjxyxxux]xhxgxfxfx]xex]For all thy saints, O Lord,our grateful hymn receive,who followed thee, obeyed, adored,and strove in thee to live.For all thy saints, O Lord, accept our thankful cry,who counted thee their great reward,who strove in thee to die.Thine earthly members fit to join thy saints above,in one communion ever knit,one fellowship of love.Jesus, thy name we bless, and humbly pray that wemay follow them in holinessand live and die in thee.All might, all praise, be thine,Father, co-equal Son,and Spirit, bond of love divine,while endless ages run.-vccv6x6x6x5x6x4vv3x2x{x2x4x2x4x5x6x{x6x6x6x8x7x6x6x]-vccv6x6x6x5x4x3x{x3x3x2x4x5x6x6x{x6x8x6x5x4x6x]-vccv6x7&x6x5x4x3x2x{x5x5x5x3vv2x1x2x]Upon your holy mountainNo harm or hurt shall walk;No evil shall be done there,No predator shall stalk.All gathered into glory,The world will live in peace;All suffering will be ended;All pain and death will cease.The lame will leap rejoicing;The blind shall see at last will see;The hungry feast on plentyAnd every slave go free.With joy you will draw waterFrom love’s eternal springFor all your ransomed people,For every living thing.The poor all claim their placesWhere mourners weep no more;The meek forgive the mightyFrom mercy’s ample store.There justice flows in riversFor all who burned with thirst.The pure of heart now see you,Who sought your kingdom first.With you, upon your mountain,dwell all your holy ones.Their brightness, like a mirror’s,Out-rivals moons and suns.Our voices from the valleyRise up in urgent prayer;Come, Christ, and make us holy,that we may join them there.-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]As stars adorn the night-veiled sky,Arrayed like jewels rare and bright,So shine God’s saints in every ageTo give the world new hope, new light.The light saints bear is not their own,But shines through them as gift and sign:To show how God can use and blessFrail human means for ends divine.Through saints we glimpse the light of Christ,The Morning Star that crowns the nightWhose rising heralds God’s new day,The promsed dawn of life and light.That light is ours to claim and share,Not merely praise or gaze upon:For all who are baptised becomeLight-bearers through the risen One.The saints inspire and challenge usOur holy calling to embrace;To bear Christ’s light in our own day,To be the vessels of God’s grace.-vc2x6x7bb7x6x5x^x]vvvvv4x5x6x4x3x2x]bbbbbbbbb6x5x4x8x9x8x7x6x]vvvvvv5x8x7x6x5x^x]Blest are the pure in heart,for they shall see our God;the secret of the Lord is theirs,their soul is Christ's abode.The Lord, who left the heavensour life and peace to bring,to dwell in lowliness with men,their Pattern and their King;still to the lowly soulhe doth himself impartand for his dwelling and his thronechooseth the pure in heart.Lord, we thy presence seek;may ours this blessing be;give us a pure and lowly heart,a temple meet for thee.-v`*cccrxhxjx]xrxex]xwbbbnx{xdx]xfxgxhxfx]xubbbb.x{xjx]-v`*cckxjxhxhx]xlxkxjxhx]xhvvrxx%gx]xy,x{xhx]-v`*ccckxjxtbbbmx{xgx]xjxhxwvvnxx{xdx]xfxgxhxfx]xrxex]xWx]Glory to thee, O God, for all thy saints in light,who nobly strove and conqueredin the well fought fight.Their praises sing, who life outpouredby fire and sword for Christ their King.Thanks be to thee, O Lord,for saints thy Spirit stirredin humble paths to live thy life andspeak thy word.Unnumbered they,whose candles shineto lead our footsteps after thine.Lord God of truth and love,"thy kingdom come", we pray;give us thy grace to know thy truth andwalk thy way;that here on earththy will be done, till saints in earth and heav'n are one.A Holy Man-vvcccvv4x4x5x6x7v7x6x5x6x4x5x{x77x8x9x8x7v7x6x5x4x5x6x]-vvcccvv6x6x9x6x6x5x4x3x2x5x{x4x6x5x4x3x5x4x3x4x2xvvbbbvvb]Lord Jesus, joy and crown of all your saints,Accept the hymn of praise we sing this day,In glad remembrance of this holy man,Who sought to follow you in faith and love.In darkness and temptation purified,With persevering hope, unfailing trust,Sustained by grace, he chose the path you trod,Embraced the cross made holy by your blood.Raised up to glory, honoured by your Church,He shares the joy you promised to your friends;With you and all your saints he lifts his voiceTo plead our cause before your Father’s throne.We bless your holy name, Lord Jesus Christ;Your Father’s glory ever on our lips,Your Spirit, too, whose peace has filled our hearts,Be praised, adored and loved for evermore.-c`xuxjxkxuxtx]xhvv,xGxhxjxyxtx]vxuxjxlxixux]xhvv,xGxfxgxexwx]-c`xuxhxgxixux]xgvv,xHxjxkxoxox]xuxhxgxyxtx]This is the feast day of the Lord’s true witness,Whom through the ages all have held in honour;Now let us praise him/her and his/her deeds of gloryWith exultation.So now together, giving God the glory,We sing his/her praises and his/her mighty triumph,That in his/her glory we may all be sharers,Now and here-after.Praise to the Father and the Son most holy,Praise to the Spirit, Godhead co-eternal,Who give examples in the lives of all saints,That we may follow.A Holy Woman-cx1x2x4x5x4vv3x2x{x4x5x6x5x6x{x6x8x6x5x4x{x5x5vv6x4x3x2x]A God-fearing womanMost worthy of praise,Kept faith with the LordThrough all her life’s ways.Her hands swift to service,Her words true and wise;God’s peace in her heart,God’s love in her eyes.Through labours and trialsAdoring him still,She mirrored the lightOf God’s holy will.All praise to the Father,All praise to the Son,All praise to their Spirit,Our God, Three in One.A Holy Woman-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]Now let us all our voices raiseTo sing that holy woman’s praise,Whose name with heavenly glory brightShines in the eternal realms of light.Through suffering, by the Spirit led,With prayer her hungering soul she fed;And strong in faith and patience, trodThe narrow path that leads to God.O Christ, the strength of all the strong,To whom alone high deeds belong,Like her, may we attend your callTo serve and love you best of all.To you, Lord Jesus, glory be,In whom we hope eternally,That we may gain our true reward,And be for ever with the Lord.Office of the DeadLaudsInvitatory antiphon-`*~vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvv3vvvv6vv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv]ii Christ is the resurrection and the life; come, let us a-dore him-`*~vxRx3x4x{xYx5x4x5x{xYx5x6x7x{ xYx4x6x5x{xRx1x3x4x {xTx3x4x]Hymn at Lauds (except in Lent)-vvv6x4x5x^x5x4x2x3x3x2x{x6x6x7x*x6x7x8x7vv6x5x6x]-vvv6x6x6x9vv8x6x5x4x5x6x7x]vvv6vv9x8x6vv5x6x{x5x6vv5vv4x3bbbbnbbbbbbbbc2ccc]Give thanks for life, the measure of our days;Mortal, we pass through beauty that decays,Yet sing to God our hope, our love, our praise,Alleluia, alleluia.Give thanks for those who made their life a lightCaught from the Christ flame, bursting through the night,Who touched the earth, who burned for what is right,Alleluia, alleluia.And for our own our living and our dead,thanks for the love by which our life is fed,A love not changed by time or death or dread,Alleluia, alleluia.Give thanks for hope, that like the wheat, the grain,Lying in darkness does its life retain,In resurrection to grow green again,Alleluia, alleluia.Hymn at Lauds in Lent-b7vvv4x4x4x4x4x5x6vv3x2x{x4x4x4x4x5vv4x5x6x]-b7vvv6x6x5x4x5x6x4vv3x2x{x4x4x4vv5x4x3vv2x1x2x]Jesus Christ is king of glory,Throned in light at God’s right hand.through his life and resurrectionWe are freed as heirs of God.Though our life be filled with failure,Hope is ours in Christ our Lord.Prayers of faith through him ascendingSpeak of joys for which we long.Death for us is but a passingTo the life for which we yearn.Blessed realm of endless glory:Such the promise of the Lord.Hymns of praise and adorationSung by all with one accordBe to Father, Son and Spirit,Now and in the age to memoration of all the Dead:-vvcccvv4x4x5x6x7v7x6x5x6x4x5x{x77x8x9x8x7v7x6x5x4x5x6x]-vvcccvv6x6x9x6x6x5x4x3x2x5x{x4x6x5x4x3x5x4x3x4x2xvvbbbvvb]We pray to you, O Lord, for all the dead,Whose faith and love are known to you alone;For those you cleansed by water and the word,And all who loved and served you in their hearts.They know at last the God for whom they sought,Have mercy on their weakness and their sins;The wounds of Christ have tongues to plead their cause;He rose from death that they might live with him.We bow in prayer and praise to you, our God,And to your Christ, whose death has brought us life,Whose Spirit, as a pledge of life to come,Still broods above the chaos of our world.On the day of a funeral:-v7cc4x5x4x5x6x7x5x6x{x6x6x7x5x4x5x7x6c7c8c7c6x] -v7cc5x6x7x8x6x7x7x6x{x5x6x7x6x5x6x5x4xxbc]O Christ our hope and saving help,Our resurrection and our life,To you we turn our eyes and heartWhen overwhelmed by grief and lost.You also knew death’s weariness,And suffer deeper pain than ours.You gave your spirit at the lastInto the Father’s gentle hands.Good Shepherd, merciful and kind,Who knew our fragile, human state.You give us grace your death to share,And in the Father’s love to die.O Lord, who broke the gates of hellAnd opened heaven’s doorway wide,Raise up our hope as now we mourn,As you will raise us after death.May this our sister/brother, who now sleepsIn everlasting rest and peace,By your sweet grace find life in you,And sing your praises evermore.Or, on the day of a funeral (but not in Lent), to the same tune as above:We know that our Redeemer lives,That those who die in Christ shall rise.Our Comforter, our friend, our God,We shall behold you with our eyes.O Lord of Life who conquered death,Who bore our sorrows on the cross:You wept with friends when Lazarus died,Console us in our grief and loss.Receive, O Saviour, in your armsYour servant taken from our sight,Where pain and sorrow are no more,But everlasting life and light.In sure and certain hope we stand,We make our song around the grave‘Alleluia’; we sing your love,Your resurrection power to save.Or-`vcGvvvFx]xdxdxdxsxvvvvvv]xgxgxhxxGvvvvbHxvvvvv]xjxjxHvvvvGxdxwbbbbnxvv]-`vcGvvvFx]xdxdxdxsxvvvvvv]xgxgxhxxGvvvvbHxvvvvv]xjxjxHvvvvGxdxebbbbnxvv]-`vcJvvvKx]xlxjxJvvvHxgxvvv]xhxhxjxxGvvvbbbHxvv]xuxJvvvHxgxdx]xwbbbbnx]-`vcGvvvFx]xdxdxDvvvSxDvvvFx]xgxgxhxxGvvvHx]xjxjxHvvvGxdxebbbbnxccccc]Help, Lord, the souls which Thou hast made, the souls to Thee so dear,In prison for the debt unpaid of sins committed here.Those holy souls, they suffer on, resign'd in heart and will,Until Thy high behest is done, and justice has its fill.For daily falls, for pardon'd crime, they joy to undergoThe shadow of Thy cross sublime, the remnant of Thy woe.Oh, by their patience of delay, their hope amid their pain,Their sacred zeal to burn away disfigurement and stain;Oh, by their fire of love, not less in keenness than the flame,Oh, by their very helplessness, oh, by Thy own great Name,Good Jesu, help! sweet Jesu, aid The souls to Thee most dear,In prison for the debt unpaid of sins committed here.Antiphon 1-v`vv5vvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvv8vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6bbb,vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvv4vvvvv2vvvv2vvvvv{vvvv2vvvvv1vvvvv2vvvv2vvvvvv]vii Jesus died and rose again; even so, God will bring with him, those who die in Jesus. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-v`ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]-`cccYx4x6x{xIx7x5x6x{ xUx6x5x{xTx7x6x {xTx4x3x4x{xTx3x4x2x]Antiphon 2-v70vvv6vvvv4vvvvvvv5bbbmvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvv{vvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvv2vvvv]vvvv4vvvvv3vv1vvvvvv2vvvv2vvvv]iI am sure I shall see the Lord’s goodness, in the land of the living. [Al-le - lu-ia.]-vvcxYxx7b7x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x]-v7cvvYx5x4x5x{xTx4x5x6x{ ccUx5x7x6x{xIx6x4x5x {xRx4x5x4x{xTx3x1x2cvvv]Antiphon 3-v7vvvcvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv8bbb.vvv{vv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv4bbbmvvvvvvv]vvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvvv]viBlessed are they whom you choose and call to dwell in your courts. [Al-le - lu-ia.]-v7vvvcvvvvRxx3x4x5x{xTxx1x5x6x{xYxx5x6x8x{xYxx5x6x4x]Or-v7ccvvRx3x2x4x{xRx3x4x5x{xYx5x7x6x{ xYx5x6x4x{xWx1x2x4x {xYx5x6x4x]Responsory-cvvcvvcvv3vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvcc] Show them your merciful love, O Lord.-cvvcvvcv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvv7vvv5vvvvvvvv6cc] Give them eternal rest.-cvvcvvcvvYccccccccccccccccccc7vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvv5vvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvcc] Praise the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.Benedictus-`vvvvvv2vvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvv6vv7vvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6bbb,vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv6bbb,vvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vv9vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv]viiiI am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, though they die, yet shall they live.-v`vcvcv5vvvvv3vvvv6bbb,vvv6vvvvvvvv]cvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x][Al-le-lu-ia.]Vespers-v7vxhxgxjxhx]xgxfxfxdx]xsxdxfxhx]xgxsxax]-v7vxsxgxdxfx]xgxjxjxhx]xgxlxkxfx]xfxdxrx]Christ our hope in heaven reigning,Resurrection and our life,Eyes and hearts we lift in prayingFor the faithful who have died.Gates of heaven, far off vision,Bid all souls to come and live.To your courts are we invitedTo communion with the saints.Lord, you bore our fearful burdenSuffered pangs upon the cross.To the Father you surrendered,When you bowed your head in death.Glory praise and adorationSung by all in one accordBe to Father, Son, and SpiritNow and in the age to come.Or-bb70ccvvjx]xhxgxgxhx]xubbb.xxlx]xkxhxjxgx]xrbbbmxvvvvvx]-bb70ccvfx]xfxfxgxhx]xjxxgxhxlx]xkxjxkxkx]xubbb,xvv] Remember those, O Lord,Who in your peace have died,Yet may not gain love's high rewardTill love is purified!With you they faced death's night,Sealed with your victory sign,Soon may the splendour of your lightOn them for ever shine!Sweet is their pain, yet deep,Till perfect love is born;Their lone night-watch they gladly keepBefore your radiant morn!Your love is their great joy;Your will their one desire;As finest gold without alloyRefine them in love's fire!For them we humbly pray;Perfect them in your love!O may we share eternal dayWith them in heaven above.Or-v7ccfx]xhxkxlxkx]xkxjxhxhx]xgxhxjxgx]xgxfxhx] -v7ccfx]xgxhxhxgx]xgxfxsxsx]xaxfxgxgx]xhxgxfx]O Lord of Life, receive the dead,Safeguard them now in your embrace.Your searing love may judge their hearts,But cleansed, they will reflect your face.Now silent, once they sang your praise;They shared your feast, they knew your voice,The prayer they prayed we now take up:May all our dead with you rejoice.O God, who could not rest contentTo form our earth, but made it new!Let none be lost whom you have saved;Breathe on the dead who hope in you.On the day of a funeral-x2x2x4x4x5x4vv5x6x{x5x7v7x6x4x3x5x4vv3x2x{x2x2x4x4x5x4vv5x6x] -vcc5x7v77x6x4x3x5x4vv3x2x{x6x6x8x8x7x7x5vv7x6x{x5x7v77x6x2x3vv4x5x4vv3x2x]Word of God, from Mary’s wombBorn to die for our salvation,Laid to rest within the tomb,Risen Lord of all creation:Bread of Life, with new life feed us,Bread from heaven, to heaven lead us.Shepherd-king, for us you bled,Guard your sheep in love’s safe keeping;Welcome home your faithful dead,Where no sound is heard of weeping:Loving shepherd, walk beside them,Through death’s darkness safely guide them.Living Lord, you conquered death,Come and take away our sadness;Breathe on us the Spirit’s breath,Give us hope of heaven’s gladness:Word of peace, all sorrow healing,Speak, your Father’s love revealing.Magnificat-vvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvv6vv,vvvvv5vbbmvvvvvv2vvnvvvvvv3bbbnvvvv{vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvv7vvvv5vvvvvvv6bbbb,vvv]vvvvv4vvvv2vvvvv3vvvv3vvvv]ivShow them your merciful love, O Lord. Give them eternal rest. [Al-le-lu-ia.]-vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]Antiphons for CW CanticlesOld Testament CanticlesCW Canticle 19 -vv3vvvvvvc6ccvvc7cc6cc7ccvvc8ccvc9cccc8cccvc6cccc8cccc7cvcc6ccc5ccccc4ccccvc3cccc2ccccc1cccc2cccbbbbbbcv] vi In your unfailing love, O Lord, you lead the people whom you have redeemed.-ccvcc1ccvvvv3ccc4vv2ccc2x]ccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x] Al - le - lu - ia.CW Canticle 20-v7vvvvvvv4ccvvvc5vccvv6ccbb5vvv6vvcbbc8c7ccvvc6cbbbbbbc5bbbbbc4cc2ccc2vvvvvvvvcvv1vvvvvvvvvv2cvvvv4vvvvbvvv5vvvvvvvvbbv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvbbbbbv5vvvvv4vvvvvvc]]viThe word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart for you to observe.-v7cccvvRxx3x2x4xc{xcRxx3x4x5xc{xcYxx5x7x6xc{xcYxx5x6x4x]CW Canticle 21 -vcvvc3cvvc6cvvvc7ccvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvc8ccvvc9ccc8vcvcc6ccvvc7ccvvvvc8ccvvvc6cccvc7ccc5ccvvvvv7cvvvc6ccvc5c2cvc3cvvvvvx] iv Blessed are those who believe, for what God has promised will be ful-filled.-vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]CW Canticle 22 -vvvcvvvv1vvvvvvvv3xvc5vvvvvvcv6vvv5vvvv5ccvc6ccvvvc8vvvvvvvv7vv5cvvv$4cccbc5cccc6ccc5ccv5vc3ccc2ccc3vv4vvvvvvv3vvvv2vv1vvvvvv1vvvvvvc]i* Splendour and majesty are yours, O God; you are exalted as head o-ver all.-vccvQxx2x3x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x3x4x{xRxx3x2x1xvvv]CW Canticle 23 -bcvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvb5vv3vvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vv3vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvvvvv2vv6vvvvbvv5vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv] viii*Many wat-ers cannot quench love; neither can the floods drown it.-vcxTxx3x4x5x{xYxx5x6x{xYxx4x6x8x{xYxx7x5xx]CW Canticle 24 -v7ccvc6cc8cccc6cbbcc5ccccc4cccc5cccc6ccbcc5ccccc6cccc5cbbcc6ccbbcc5ccvc4ccc4cbbbcc2ccbbc1cbcc4ccxvvvvv] vi Spirit of God, teach us your ways, that we may walk in the way of peace.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{xYYxx5x6x4x{{xYxx5x6x4x]CW Canticle 25 -v7ccc4cbc5cc6ccc5ccbcv5cccc4vvbbcv{cvv4ccc7ccv6ccc6cbc4cc2cc4vvcvcv]vi To us a child is born, to us a son is given.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]CW Canticle 26 -v7ccvvvc6cvvvvvc8ccccvvvv6vvcbbv5ccvv4ccc5cvc6ccbcc5ccvvvc4ccvvvvc4cbbcc2c1cbc4ccx] vi The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord.-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]CW Canticle 27 -v7ccv4ccc5cccvc6cccvvvvc7cccvc6cccc8cccc7ccvc5ccc4ccvcc3ccbc4ccbbc2ccccc1cbbcc2cbbbc5ccbbbc6cc4cbcc4vxvvvbbbbbbbb] vi All the earth, shout and sing for joy, for great in your midst is the Holy One.-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]for final verse omit the sections 2 and 3CW Canticle 28 -v7ccvc2cvvcv4ccv2ccvvvvv1vvvvcc4cvcv5cc4ccvc6cvvc6cvcvvc9vvvvvvvvvb9ccbbbb8bbvc7ccvbb6cc5cv4c2vvvvv1ccvvc2vx] i Trust in the Lord for ever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.-v7vcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]CW Canticle 29 -`*cbbbbc2cvvbb4vvvvbcbbb6vccvvvv4bbv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvbbb5vvvvvv3vvc4xbv6xvv4cx3vvvc2cvvvx] v Lift up your voice with strength, O herald of good tidings.-`*vvYxvv4x6x{xUxvv6x4x6x{xWvvx3x4x{xTvvx4x5x3x{xRxvv3x4x6x{xRxvv3x4x2x]CW Canticle 30 -b7cvvvvvc9vvvvvvvv8ccvvvv9ccvvv8ccvvv6cvvvvvvvv5ccvv6ccc6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5xv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv]iGod will feed his flock like a shepherd, and gather the lambs in his arms.-v7vcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]CW Canticle 31 -v7cc2cvvc4ccvc2cc2ccvc1ccc4cvc5cvc4ccvc6ccvc6cvcc9ccc9ccvcc8vcc7ccc6ccvcc5ccccc4ccvc5cccc4ccc2vvv1ccc2vx] i I have given you as a light to the nations, and I have called you in righteousness.-v7vcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]CW Canticle 32 -bvvvvc3cbbbc6cccc7cccc8bbbbbbc7bbbbbbbbbbc6bbcc5cx3bbbbbc3bbbbbbbbbc4x{bbbbbb5cx6vvcc6bbbvvv7ccc7bbbbcc8c7cc6xv] iv I will make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.-vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]CW Canticle 33 -`*vvcvc6ccc6ccvc4ccv5ccvvcc6cccvvvv5ccvc6cccvc7cccc6ccc6cvc6ccc4ccccc2cccc3cccc4ccbc5vv4cbc3ccc2ccc2ccbbbx] v Return to the Lord, who will have mercy, to our God who will richly pardon.-`*vvcccvvWxx3x5x4x{xRxx5x7x6x{xYxx7x5x3x{xExx2x1x2x]CW Canticle 34 -v`*cc6ccc6cccc7cccc6ccbc6cc6cccc9ccc9cc8vv7cc8vx{cc7cccc6ccc4ccc5cccbbc2vv3cccv4c5cc6cbbbbc7vv9ccc8vv7vv6xcc] Above you the Holy One a-ris-es, and above you God’s glory a-ppears.-v`*ccYxx7x9x6x{xRxx6x4x3x]CW Canticle 35 -v`cvcc6cvvvvc7cvvvvvc8ccvc9cvv8cc7vvcccv6ccvvv5vvccc4cccc5ccc6cccvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvccvvcc6cccvv5ccv6cvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvc]viiThe Lord has anointed me and sent me to bring good news to the oppressed.-`cccYxx4x6xc{xIxx7x5x6xc{xTxx4x3x4xc{xTxx3x4x2xbbbbbbb]CW Canticle 36 -vcccvvv6vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv7vvvv5vvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvv7vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv]ivGod makes righteousness and praise blossom before all the nations.-cccccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc]CW Canticle 37 -cc3vvc6cccvvv7cbbbbbbc8xv8vvvvvvc7bbbvvvvv6cccvvvc5vxvv3vvvvc3vvvvvvc4xvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv7xvv8vvvvvv7ccc8c7cvvvvvvvc6xvvvvvvvv] iv I will recount the gracious deeds of the Lord, the praises of the Most High.-vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]CW Canticle 38 -`*cvvvc2cvvvcb4vvvvvvvbc6vccvvvv4x3vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vxvv3vvvvvvc4xvvv6xvv4cx3vvvcbc5vccbbbbbbvc6cccbc5ccvvvvvc3cc2cvvvv] v Thus says our God, I will comfort you, you shall see and your heart shall rejoice.-`*vvvYcx4x6x{xUcx6x4x6x{xWccx3x4x{xTcx4x5x3x{xRcx3x4x6x{xRcx3x4x2vvvvv]CW Canticle 39 -`*vvvbcvvv6vvvvvvbbb3bbbbvvv2vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv2vvvvvv5vvbbbbbbbbbbb4vv3vvvvvv2vxc]vGreat is your faithfulness, O Lord.-b`*cccvvWxx3x5x4x{xRxx5x7x6x{xYxx7x5x3x{xExx2x1x2x]CW Canticle 40 -`*~cvv3vvvvvvvv4vvv4vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvbv4vvvvvbvv3vvvvvvvv1vvbbbv2vvvvbbbbvvv3vvvvvvvvv]ccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x]The spirit of God fills the whole world.CW Canticle 41 -v7cccc6ccc8ccbbc6ccc5ccc4ccbbbcc5ccbbc6cccc5cccc6ccc5ccc4ccccc2vvb1ccc4ccx] vi Raise us up, O God, that we may live in your presence.-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]CW Canticle 42 -ccccc3ccc6vv7cvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8ccc9ccvc6ccc7cccvvv7cc5vcc8ccv8ccvvvvc7ccvvv6cvvvvvvvc5ccvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvv5vvvvvvc2cccc3cccc3cvvcc] ivMy pray’r came to you in your holy Temple, and you brought up my life from the depths.-vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]CW Canticle 43 -b`bvvcc2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvv{vv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv4vvvv2vvxv] vii You came forth to save your people, to save your anointed, O God.-v`vcccvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]CW Canticle 44 -vcvvvvvc3cccc6cccvvv6ccvcv6vvvccvv5cccc7cccc6ccccv8ccvvvc8vvvvvvv9cc8ccc7cvvcc6vvvcc5ccc3vvnvvcc7vv,cb5bvvvbbbbbbbb6bbbbbv6bbx]ivSee what the Lord our God has done and exalt him in the sight of the living.-vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]CW Canticle 45 -v`*vvvvc2cvvvvcb4vvvvvvbc6vccvvvvvvv4xv3vvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvc4xvv6vvvvv4cvv3vvbbbvc5vccbbbbvv5vvvvvvvc6cbcv5ccc3ccv2cvvv] v You sent forth your Spirit, O God, and you continue to show mercy to all.-v`*cvvYcx4x6x{xUcx6x4x6x{xWcx3x4x{xTcx4x5x3x{xRcx3x4x6x{xRxc3x4x2x]CW Canticle 46 -v7cvvvc6ccvvvv6ccccc8vvccbbc6ccccc5ccvc4ccbbbc5ccbbc6ccc5ccvvvvvc6ccvvvvc5ccvvv4cvc2vvvbvvv2vvvv1bbbbbcv4cvv5vvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvx] vi God has found the righteous worthy and their hope is full of immortality.-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]CW Canticle 47 -vccvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvv7vvvvvvvvv8xvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vv3vvv2xvvv]viii*Send Wisdom forth from your holy heav’ns; from the throne of your glory -v7ccvvvv1vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvv2vv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv]send what is pleasing to you.-vcxTxx3x4x5x{xYxx5x6x{xYxx4x6x8x{xYxx7x5xx]CW Canticle 48 -v7cc6ccvvc8vvccbbc6cc5ccvc4ccbbbc5ccbbc6cccc5ccc6ccvvvvc5cccvvv4ccccc2vvb1cccv4ccvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvx] vi In prayer I inclined my ear and my heart was stirred to seek Wisdom.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]CW Canticle 49 -v`cvcc6cvvvcc7cvvc8ccc9c8cccc7vvccc6ccv5ccc4cccc5ccc6ccc7vv8cccc6ccc5cc6cvvc]viiLead us, O God, with joy to walk in the light of glo-ry.-`cccYxx4x6x{x*xx7x5x6x{xTxx4x3x4x{xTxx3x4x2x]CW Canticle 50 -v7cccRxx5x6x4x] -v7cbvcQcccccccccccvvvcccccccc4x5cvvvvv6vvvvc5ccc2vvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvx] Worthy to be praised and ex-alt-ed for e - verCW Canticle 51a-v7cccRxx5x6x4x]xRxx2x1x4x]xTxx2x4x]-v7ccvc1cvvvvv1xcv1xcc4x5cvvvvv6vvvvvc5ccc2vvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvxccccccccccc] Sing his praise and ex-alt him for e - ver51b-v7cccRxxxxxxxxccx5x6x4x] -v7ccvc1cvvvvv1xcv1xcc4x5cvvvvv6vvvvvc5ccc2xv4vvvvvvv4vvx] Sing his praise and ex-alt him for e - verCW Canticle 52 -ccc3vvcc6ccc7cbbbbbbc8xvv8vvvvvvc7bbbx6cc5ccvvvvc5vx3vvvvc3vvvvvvc4x5xvv6vvv7xvv8vvvvvvvvvv7cccc8cc7cc6xvbbbbbbbbbbbb]b iv Full of compassion and mercy and love is God, the Most High, the Almighty.-vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]New Testament CanticlesCW Canticle 53 -b`bvcc2vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv{vvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vv5vvvvbbbbb3vvvvvvv2vvvvv2vvvx] vii Rejoice and be glad for you are the light of the world, and great is your reward in heaven.-v`vcccvvWxx5x6x7xc{xcUxx9x7x6xc{xcYxx8x7x5xc{xcYxx3x2x5xcvvvvvc]Alternative setting:-c7vvvv4vvvvvvcv5ccccvvvvvc6vvvcc4cccvvvvvc5xcvvc3ccvvc4ccvvvc2ccvc1cvvvc2ccc4ccvvvv] Ant.In your kingdom, Lord, remember us today.-c7x^xxxxvvcc5cccc4cc2cv2cccc1ccvcc2cccc2ccc4cccc5cccc5ccc6cvc5ccc5ccccvv] Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.-c7vvcc&xxxvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv] Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted! Ant.-c7vvvvvc6ccc6ccc5cvcc4cccvvc2cvccc1cccc2cccc2cccc4cc5cc5vvcc6cccc5ccccvvvv] Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.-c7x&xxxxxxxvvvvvvvvvvxx6xcc5cccc3ccc3cccc3ccvvcc1vcc2vvv4cccc6ccccc] Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall-c7cv5ccc4ccc4ccc4ccccccbbc6x6vxb5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvvv2vvvvv2xvv1vvx2xvvv2vvvvvv4vvvvvv5v6ccccc5ccc5xbbbbbbbbbcc] be satisfied. Ant. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.-c7x&xxxvvvvvvvvvc6ccc5cccc3ccccc1cccc2cccc4cccv6vv5cccc4cccxvvvvc6x6vvx5xc4xvvvvv] Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Ant. Blessed are the-c7vvvvvvc2x2x2vvvx!xxxvvxx2xx4x5xvv6vvx5xcccUccccccccccccccvvv] peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God. Blessed are those-c7vvvvcUxxxvvvvvvvvvvvvvx6xv6vvvvvvvc5cccc3xvvc1vvvvvcc2xvvv2ccvvvc4ccvvc6cvvc6cvcc5ccvc4ccvvc4cbmccccvvc]who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heav’n. Ant.54b10.10.10.10-vvcccvv4x4x5x6x7v7x6x5x6x4x5x{x77x8x9x8x7v7x6x5x4x5x6x]-vvcccvv6x6x9x6x6x5x4x3x2x5x{x4x6x5x4x3x5x4x3x4x2xvvbbbvv]Or-vvcccv5x3x2x1x2x3x5x6x3x5x{x8x7x8x(x8x5x5x6x4x3xvvvvvv]-vvccc6x3x2x@x1x2x3x5x3x6x{x5x6x5x*x7x6x4x6x6x5xvbbbvvvvv]54cCM-`*~vvcccvv1x4x6x5x4x3x4x5x{x1x4x3x4x5x6x]-`*~vcccvv6x6x8x7x6x5x4x5x{x1x4x6x5x5x4vvbbbvvvv]Or-v`*vv3x3x3x5x5vx4vv3x2x3x{xc3x5x6x7vv6x5x6x]-v`*vv7x5x4x3x2x4vv5x6x5x{x4x3x5x4vv3x2x3xvvv]Or-v`*ccc2x4x5x6x6x7x7x6xx{x6x9x8x7x7x^xv]-v`*ccc2x4x5x6x6x7x7x6xx{x2x5x4x33x3x@xv]Or-v7cccfx]xfxdxfxhx]xgxgxfx{xfx]xjxhxfxgx]xyxxv]-v7ccchx]xhxjxkxhx]xfxgxhx{xhx]xgxfxfxdx]xrxx]v]Or-vccc5x5x3x4x5x3x1x2xx]x5x6x7x8x6x5xv]-vccc6x8x7x66x5x4x5x3xx]x1x4x5x6x4x5xv]55bDCMNow bless the God of Israel ... Any of the tunes at 54c above may be doubled. Or-`vcGvvvFx]xdxdxdxsxvvvvvv]xgxgxhxxGvvvvbHxvvvvv]xjxjxHvvvvGxdxwbbbbnx]-`vcGvvvFx]xdxdxdxsxvvvvvv]xgxgxhxxGvvvvbHxvvvvv]xjxjxHvvvvGxdxebbbbnx]-`vcJvvvKx]xlxjxJvvvHxgxvvv]xhxhxjxxGvvvbbbHxvv]xuxJvvvHxgxdx]xwbbbbnx]-`vcGvvvFx]xdxdxDvvvSxDvvvFx]xgxgxhxxGvvvHx]xjxjxHvvvGxdxebbbbnx]55c87 87DBless the Lord the God ...The following two tunes may be doubled:-`vcgxfxgxjx]xhxgxgxfx]xdxhxsxgx]xdxdxwx]-`vcsxgxgxfx]xhxjxkxjx]xjxlxlxkx]xjxhxtx]Or-b70b6vcdxfx]xtxtxhxgx]xrxexjxjx]xkxjxyxtx]xRx]-b70b6vcdxfx]xtxtxhxgx]xrxexaxsx]xdxgxrxrx]xEx]CW Canticle 57 -`ccc6cccbbbc4ccvc5cbbc6ccbc7ccc8ccbbcbbc7cbbbbc6cccbbbc9cccbbcc9cccbbc8cccc7cccbbcc8ccccbbc7cc7cccc5ccccc6ccx] vii Our hope is not in vain, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts.-v`cccvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]CW Canticle 58 -v`*cvc2cvcc4cc5cvvcv4cvc3cvvc4vv3ccc2cvvcc4ccccc5cccccc6ccccv4cc5cccc4cccvc5cccc6vvvvx]The Spirit of the Father; who raised Christ Jesus from the dead,-v`*vvcvv6ccvv7vv8ccv9ccvvv7vcvcv8ccv9cvcc6ccc6ccc{cvc6ccvc4vv2ccv3vv4cvc2x]gives life to the people of God. Al—le—lu—ia.-v)*cccvYxx4x3x5x{xRxx3x2x3x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx3x4x2x]CW Canticle 59 -b`*~vvvvc4cvvvc3c2ccv4c6c5ccvc6cvvvcc4cccvc3cvc?5cc4cbbbbbbbbbbbbbb3ccvbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbb4bbbbbbcc2ccc]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x] vLove bears all things and will never come to an end.CW Canticle 60 -vccvc3cccc3ccvc2cccvvc3cbcc5cvvvc6vv5cbbc7ccc6ccc6ccc7ccvvc8ccbbcc9ccbc8cc7vv6ccc7cbbc5ccc6cc6x]iv The glorious grace of God is freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.-cccccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc]CW Canticle 61 -cvv1ccc5cccc3cccbbbbcv2cc3cc3bbbcvv3cc4ccbbbc5c3cccbbc2cccc1xbb]cxTxx3x5xcc{xRxx3x2x1x]v* At the name of Jesus, ev’ry knee shall bow. CW Canticle 62 -vvvc1ccvc2ccc3cc5vv6cc5ccc6ccc5ccbc5vv6cc7ccc6cc5ccccc5cccv{cv5vvvvvvvvv6cccc5ccvc3ccv2ccc3cc2cvvv3bbbvvvv] iv Christ is the image of the in - vis-ib-le God, the firstborn of all creation.-vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]CW Canticle 63 -v`*`(cvv3vv6vv5vvvx6xvv5xc4vvvcv4cccc5ccccc6cccc4cvccc3cccc{cc1ccc3ccc4ccc6ccv5cvc6cvc7x{x6ccc5ccvc4ccvc4vvvx] ii Christ was believed in throughout the world and taken up in glory. Al-le - lu - ia.-v`*`(cccxRxx1x3x4xc{xYxx5x4x5xc{xYxx5x6x7xc{xYxx5x3x4xcvvv]CW Canticle 64 -v7vvvvvbbvc1bbbbbbvvcv2ccbbbbbcc1ccccbbb1vbbbbbv5cbbbbbcc4cbbbbbbbbbbc4vv3ccbbbbbbc3vvvvc5cc{cv6cvbbbbbb5vv7vv6vv5vvvvvc4vvbbbbb5bbvvvvvvbbv5ccc6ccb5cc3cvc4cvvc5ccvvvc6c5cvvvvv4vvvvv2vvb1vvxc]vii We have come before the throne of God to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. -v7vvvvvTxx3x5x{xUxx6x4x5x{xRxvcx3x2x3x{xRxx2x3x1x]CW Canticle 65 -v7cvcv2xvvv1cccccc2ccccvvc4cccc5cvvvcc6cccc{cc6cccc5ccccc8cccc9cccc8cccc7cvcc6cccv{vc5ccc4ccc7vv6ccc5x] i God raised Christ from the dead, the Lamb without spot or stain. Al- le - lu -ia.-v7cccvvYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6xx{{xRxx4x5x4x{xTxx3x1x2xbbb]CW Canticle 66 -vvccvvvcc5xbbbvc6cc5bbb3cvvc3cvvvc5vv7cbc8ccc7vv6ccc4vv3ccbbc2cccbbbc1cbbcbbbbbbb2vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5ccbx]ccvvTxx6x5xx]xRxx3x2x]viii* Christ committed no sin, no guile was found on his lips.CW Canticle 67 -`*vvvvc6cccb6cccvvc7cccbbbbbc5cccbbb6bcc6cc7ccbbb7bbbbbbcccbbbbbb8ccbbc9ccc9ccc8xc7cccvc4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvx]] v Tell the good news of Jesus the Christ to all who are searching for redemption.-`*ccvvYxx4x6xc{xUxx6x4x6xc{xRxx3x4x6xc{xRxx3x4x2xcvv]CW Canticle 68 -~ccbc6cccvcc4cccc5ccccc6ccc7cccc8ccc7ccvc6ccc9ccc9cccc8cccc7ccccc8ccccc7ccccvc5cvc6ccvv] vii God’s love was revealed among us so that we might live through Jesus.-v`vcccvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]CW Canticle 69 -v7vvvvvvv4cccc4vvvv5vvv5ccvv6cccc8ccvvc7c6cccv5ccvcc4ccc2ccvcv1vvvvvvv2cvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvv]]viYou created all things, O God, and are worthy of our praise for ever.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]CW Canticle 70 -)*`cv3ccc2cc3cccc4ccc6cccv6ccc4ccc3vv4vv3vvvvvvv3vv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv3vv4vvv4vvvvvvv3vvvv3vvvvvvvv]viiiSalvation belongs to our God, who will guide us to springs of living water.-)*`vvExx1x2x3xc{xRxx3x4xc{xRxcx2x4x6xc{{vcvRxx5x3xvvv]CW Canticle 71 -vcc3cvvvc6cvc7ccvvvc8ccvvvvvc9ccvvcc8vccc6ccvc7ccvvvc8ccvc6cccvc7ccvvcc5ccvvvvc8ccvc8ccvv7cvvvvvvc6ccvc5ccc2ccvvvvc3ccc3cx] iv All nations shall come and worship you, O Christ, and share in the feast of your kingdom.-vvcccvvExx2x3x5xc{xTxx3x5x6xc{xYxx5x3x5xc{xTxx3x2x3xcccccc] in the doxology the first line should be divided: “To the One who sits on the throne / and to the Lamb ...”CW Canticle 72 -ccvvv5cvc6ccvv6ccvv8cccvc8ccc7cvv6ccvcv5cccvv6cvcc6ccvv6vvvcv5vvvvvc3vvcc4ccvc5cvvvc2cvvvvvvv4vvvcc3ccvvvb1cbcvv1ccvvc1ccc] Let us rejoice and exult and give glory and homage to our God, al - le - lu - ia.-cxcTxxxxxxcccccxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvx6cx8xx{vvvvvvv8vvx7vvx6ccvv5vv6xx] Al - le—lu - ia.-cxcYcccccxxvvvvccc5x4x5xx{xc5c3vvcc4xc5vvvvvc5ccc{ccccc2c4vvvvvc3cccv1xc1xccc] Al - le—lu - ia. Al - le—lu - ia.Or-v7ccc4ccc5cccc6cccc4cccbcc5vv6cccc5cccc4ccc2vv1ccccc4cccc5vv6ccc5vv4cvcc4x] Al—le—lu—ia, Al—le—lu—ia, Al—le—lu—ia,-v7cccYxx5x4x5x{ccv6vvvvvcc5vvvvvvv4cccc5x]vvcUxx6x5x6x{ccv7xcc6cbcc5cccc6x] Al—le—lu—ia,-v7ccc*xx6x5x4x{ccbv8xbc6ccbbc5cccc4x]cc%xx4x2x4x] Repeat triple alleluia. Al—le—lu—ia,CW Canticle 73 -b7vcc4cc2vv1ccbc4ccc5cb6ccb8cbb8cccbbb9cbbbc9ccbbbcc6vv5ccvcc4ccc2cccb2ccc2cbbbvcc1cccbbbc4xvvvvv] vi I saw the holy city coming down out of heaven from God.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]CW Canticle 74 -v7bccv4vvvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vv2vvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvv4vv2vvvvv1vvvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv]viBy the river stood the tree of life, with healing for all the nations.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]CW Canticle 75 -vv7vccvvc4ccvb5cbbbc6cc5ccbc4ccc5ccccc4ccbbc{ccc6c,ccccc5vb,vbbbbbbcc6c,ccc2vv4vv3ccc2ccc2cccc]xYxx4x5x{xExx4x2x] Surely I am coming soon. A—men, come, Lord Je-sus.CW Canticle 80 -`*vvbbbbb2vvvv4vvvvvv6vvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvv3vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv]ccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]vTo a little stream you subjected your head.CW Canticle 81 Salus Aeterna-v7vvvvcc2vv6vvvv5cvvv6ccc8vv7vv6vvvvbbbbbbb6vvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvv5vvv5vvv2x]iMay we be rob’d in immortality.-v7vcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]CW Canticle 82 A Song of Anselm-`cvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vbbbvvvvvvv] vWe find comfort in fear.-v`cccvvYxx4x6x{xUxx6x4x6x{{xRxx3x4x6x{xRxx3x4x2x]CW Canticle 83 Victimae Paschali-b7ccvvvvvv4ccvvvvv3c2ccvv2cccvvvvvc4cccv4vvcv6vvcv6vvvvvvvvc4ccvvvvvv5ccvvvvv4vvvvc4vv3vvvvvvv2x]ccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]viChrist has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come a - gain.CW Canticle 84 A Song of Francis of Assisi-`*~vvv3ccvvv4ccvc3ccvc2cbb1vcvvc2cc4ccvvc6ccvv5vvvvvvvv4vvbvvvv3vvvvvbbv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvcc]]viiiTo you be praise, glory, honour and all blessing..-`*~vExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxcx2x4x6x{{vcvRxx5x3x]CW Canticle 85 Veni Sancte Spiritus-v7vcvvvvvcv8c6cvvvvv5vc4cvvvv5cc6ccc8cccc6cccc9ccvvcc8vvvvc9cccvvvv8cc6ccvvvvv5vvvvvc5vv4c2ccvvv4cc4vvvvvv4cccc1cvvc2vv4ccc5cccc4ccc] vi Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love.-v7vccccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]CW Canticle 86 A Song of Julian of Norwich-b7cvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vv8vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vv4vvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv]iChrist came in our poor flesh to share a mother’s care.-v7vcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]CW Canticle 87 Jesus, Saviour of the World-b7cvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvb1vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvv2vvv1vvvvvv4x]ccYxx4x5x6x{x^xx5x6x4x]viCome now and dwell with us.CW PsalterFirst MorningPsalm 1-cvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv1vvv2xvvvvc4vvvvvvvvv3cccv5ccvcbb4bbbbbvc3xv1vvv2vvvvvv3xc]ccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc] ivThe Lord knows the way of the righteous. Psalm 2-`*~cc4cccvvc6ccc4cc6cccvvvvvc8cccvcc7ccv6ccc7ccc7ccbc6ccc6ccvc6ccc6ccvc4ccc3ccc4cc4ccc4x] iiThe Lord is the strength of his people, a safe refuge for his anointed.-`*~xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x3x4x]Psalm 3-vvcccc4cccvvvc5cvvcc6ccc4ccc5ccvcvv6cc2cccc4cx]ccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x] viYou, Lord are a shield about me.Psalm 4-`*~c3cvvvvvv6cvvvvc5vvc3cvvcv5ccvvc4cccvc4cccvc3ccccc]vxYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x] viiiIn peace I will lie down and sleep.Psalm 5-ccccc3ccvvc2ccbc3cccvc5cccc6c5ccbc4ccvvc5c4ccc3xx]ccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc] ivYou, O Lord will bless the righteousFirst EveningPsalm 6-cccvvvcv6cvvvvb5cc4cccv5cccvv6cccvc4cccv5cc3cc1ccc3ccbc2x]cccYxx4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x] iTurn again, O Lord, and deliver my soul.Psalm 7-`cvvvc6cccvc4cccc5ccvvvvc6cvvc5ccc6ccc7ccc6cvvvvvvv8ccc7ccvvvc6ccc6cccc2cccc3ccc4ccc]xYcx5x6x7x{xYx5x3x4cx] vii Give judgement for me according to my righteousness, O Lord.Psalm 8-b7ccc4cvcc5ccbvvc6cccv4cc4ccc8cvvvvvvvv4cccvc7ccvvc6cccv5cvvvv4ccvvvvvc5ccvc2ccc1cc1ccvvcc$ccc]ccYcx4x5x6x{xYcx5x6x4x] viO Lord our governor, how glor’ious is your name in all the world.Second MorningPsalm 9-`*~cvvv3vvvvvcvc1cccvvvv2vvvvvvvv3cc4ccvcc3ccccc6cccvvvc6ccccc7cccc3x]ccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x] viiiYou, Lord, have never failed those who seek you.Psalm 10Antiphon as for Psalm 9 (CWDP) or the following:-v7cccc6cccvvc7cccc5ccc4ccc5ccc6cccv7ccvc{ccv5ccccv4ccccv5ccvc6ccc7ccvc5ccvvc5ccc7ccc^ccccc] Per.Why stand so far off, O Lord? Why hide yourself in time of trouble?-v7cccYxx4x5x6x{xTxx3x4x2x]Psalm 11-`*vvbcbv6vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv6vvv2vvvvvvv5vv4vv3vvvvvvvv2vxc]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x] vThe Lord’s throne is in heav - en.Second EveningPsalm 12-~cccvv6cccvv7ccc8vv7cccvv6ccccvv4cccvv5vvvvvv3vv4vvvvv2xcc]cccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx] viiYou, O Lord will watch o - ver us.Psalm 13-`*~c6cc5vccc6ccccvv4ccccv6ccc5ccc4ccccvvv5cvcvc4cccbc3cbbcvc4vcvc5cccvv3cc5cc6cc4ccc] iiI love the Lord, for he has heard the voice of my supplication.-`*~xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x3x4xc]Psalm 14-v7cccv1cccv2ccvvc4vvcc5cccc6ccvvv6ccc6vvvcv7ccv6vcc5ccvc4ccc6ccc5cx]ccTxx4vv5x6x5x]xTxx4vv5x6vv4x2x] DThe fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.Third MorningPsalm 15-`*~cbbbvvvvvv1cccccv3ccvvc4c5ccvc6cvvcvv5ccc7ccbvvc8bbbbbbc6bbbbvcv6cc8cvcvv9c8cccbcv7cc6ccbbbvv4c3cvvvcc4cx]ccRccvv3x4x6x{vvvvYcbbbbbbbbb5bx3x4x] ii Through the greatness of your mercy I will come in-to your house.Psalm 16-bbb7ccc2ccccvv4cccv2cc1cc4ccvvvc5c4ccvvvv5c6cvvvv6cc9vv8ccvvc7cvv6c5vv4c2cbbbbcb]vbbbbbbcYxx5x4x5x{cccTxx6x4vv3vv2x] iThe Lord is at my right hand; I shall not fall.Psalm 17-v7cc4cc8ccc6ccvc5ccc4cccvvv4cvcc2ccvvc1ccvvvvc4cccc]xcvYxx5x6x4x{xTxx4x2x4xc] viDeliver me, O Lord, by your hand.Third EveningPsalm 18-`cccvvv6cccc4cccc2ccvvvc4vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2xc]cccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx] viiThe Lord my God shall make my darkness to be bright.Fourth MorningPsalm 19-b`ccc2ccccc3cccc5ccccc6cccvv5ccvv8cvcvvv7cccvv7cvvc6cccc6cccvc9ccvvvvvc7ccvc5ccc6c3ccvvvv2cccc] viiThe commandment of the Lord is pure and gives light to the eyes.-v`vcccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]Psalm 20-b7cccc4ccvc6ccvvv7ccvvc5cvc5ccvvvc4cccc4ccc5cccvvv4vccvv5cccvvc6ccccc]cccYxx5x4x]xYxx7x5x7x6x] EWe will call on the name of the Lord our God.Psalm 21-`*cvvc6ccvvcv4ccvvvv5ccvvc5ccc6vv7cccv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2x]ccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x] vThe king puts his trust in the Lord.Fourth EveningPsalm 22-b7ccc6cccv8ccc6ccvcc5cccc4cvc2c1ccv4ccx]ccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x] viBe not far from me O Lord.Psalm 23-`*~v1cvc3ccccvv4ccvc5ccc6ccvvcc5cccc6ccc7ccvvvc6cccc4ccv3cc4cccc]xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x3x4x] iiI will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.Fifth MorningPsalm 24-ccccc3cvvcv6c7ccvvvv8vccc9cvvvcc6ccv5cvc6ccvvvvv7ccvc5cvc2cc3ccc]ccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc] ivThe Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory.Psalm 25-v7ccc2ccc1ccc2cccvvvvc4cccvvvc5cccc6cccvv4ccc5ccvvc2cccvv4cvvvvc]cccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x] viRemember, Lord, your compassion and love.Psalm 26-v7cvvcc4cbbbc6ccvv7c6cvvc7ccvvvc8ccvcvvvc4cccvc5ccvvvc6cv5c4cvc2ccc4x]cccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x] viLord I love the place where your glory abides.Fifth EveningPsalm 27-`*vccvcv6ccvvvc5vbbvvc4cvc5ccvvc6cccc4ccvc5c4ccc3vcv2cc2cvvvc]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x] v The Lord is my light and my salvation.Psalm 28-vcvvvvv4cccvv5ccvc2c4ccc]cvcYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x] viThe Lord is my strength and my shield.Psalm 29-`*~cvc1cccc3ccvcc4ccvcc6ccvvc7ccc8ccvv8cvvvc7ccvvvc6ccc4ccc3ccvc4cccc]vxRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x3x4x] iiThe Lord shall give his people the blessing of peace.Sixth MorningPsalm 30-ccccc3ccvvvvvv6vvv7ccvvcc8cccv9ccc6ccvvc7cccvvvvc6vccc5ccvvc2c3ccc]cccccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc] ivYou brought me up, O Lord, from the dead.Psalm 31-v70c6vvvvv7vvbbcvvv7vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vcvvc2cc2cccc]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx4x5x2x] iiiInto your hands I commend my spirit.Sixth EveningPsalm 32-ccvcv3vvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvbvvvbv9vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvbbv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvbbvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvcc]cccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc] iv Be glad, you righteous, and rejoice in the Lord.Psalm 33-`vvc2ccvvvc3cvvvc5cbbbc6cvcv5ccv6ccvvvbbbb9cc7cvvvvc5ccvc6cvvcc3ccbbb3cvvvvc2bcbvvv]vvcccYxcc5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx] vii The earth is full of the loving-kindness of the Lord.Psalm 34-v`*cc2ccc6ccvcc4ccbvc6cccvvv7cvvvc4cccc6ccvvc4ccv6c3cvc2ccc]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x] vO taste and see that the Lord is gracious.Seventh MorningPsalm 35-cvc2ccvvc6cc7b7cc6ccvvvc5ccvvc4ccvc6ccvvvc8cccvvc9cc8cc6ccvvvc6cvvvc5cccc3ccc1cvvcc2cvvv]cccYxx4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x] i Give me justice, O Lord my God, according to your righteousness.Psalm 36-`*~cc3cccvv3c6cvvvvc4ccc3cvcvvv5ccc7ccc6c5cccv4cc3cx]xYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x] viiiWith you, O God, is the well of life. Seventh EveningPsalm 37-`ccv6cccc6cc4cc6ccvvvvc7cc6cccc8vvvvvvvv7vcvvvvvvvvc6ccvvcc4c5cvvvc3vv4ccc2cccc]cccYxx4x5x6x{xTxx3x4x2x] vii The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord.Eighth MorningPsalm 38-v7cccc4cccvvcv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvbbvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvv4x]ccvcYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x] viMake haste to help me, O Lord of my salvation.Psalm 39-ccvvc3ccvc2ccc3cccvvvc5cccc6ccc5cvvvvvc6ccc7ccvvc8ccc9ccvvc8vvcv7c5x6cvvvc]ccvYxccc5x3x6x{xTxccc4x6x3xc]iv Lord, let me know my end and the number of my days.Psalm 40-v7cc4cccvc5cccc6cccvv4ccvc7ccvvvc6cccvc5cccvvc8cccvvv4ccc7ccvvc6c5ccc5c4ccc]cccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x] vi Great are the wonders you have done, O Lord my God.Eighth EveningPsalm 41-v7ccvc8ccc6ccbcvv5ccvc4cc1cvcbbbbbb2c4ccb5ccvv4cx]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx] viO Lord, be merci – ful to me.Psalm 42-cccc2ccc6ccvvvc6ccccc5ccvc4ccvc5cccvc6cc4cc2cccv3cccc2ccvvc2ccccc4cccccc5cccv6ccc5cccv6ccvvc5ccc6ccx] iO put your trust in God; for I will yet give him thanks, who is the help of my-ccvcc7b7cvvc6ccvvc5ccccc4cccc3ccvvvv2ccc]xYxx4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]countenance, and my God.Psalm 43As for psalm 42 above or, with the same tone:-b7ccc6ccvc7ccvvc6cccvvc5cccc4ccvvc6ccvc5cc5ccvvvcc5cvvvvvvvv2ccvvvc4ccvc6ccvvvc5ccvc4ccvc5cccc3ccvc2x] iAs the deer longs for the water brooks, so longs my soul for you, O God.Ninth MorningPsalm 44-`vvvvvvvc4ccvc3cvvc2cvvvc4vvcvvc5ccvv6c7ccc6cccc]cxcYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx] viiRise up, O Lord, to help us.Psalm 45-vbbbbbc2vvvvc3vvvcc4ccvvc5ccc4cc4ccc5cvc76vv7vvccvvv6cccc5ccvvc6cc5ccvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvc6vvvc5bbb3ccc4cc2ccc2ccc]vvvvYxv5x4x5x{vvvTxv6x4vv3vv2x] i Behold our defender, O God, and look upon the face of your anointed.Psalm 46-ccccc3ccvc6vv7cvvvvv8cccvc9ccc6ccvc7ccvc7cvc{vc5vcvvvc8cccv8ccc7cc6ccv5ccc2ccccv3cccvvc3cvvc]ccvYxvv5x3x6x{cvvTxvv4x6x3vvvc] ivThe Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold.Ninth EveningPsalm 47-`*~c3ccvv3vv6ccvcv4cc3ccvc2ccvvc3cccc3c2ccc4cc3cx]ccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x] viiiO sing praises to God, sing praises.Psalm 48-`*cv5vv3ccvvv1cccc3cc5vccvc6cccc5ccvvc6vv5vvvv4vcvvvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvc]cccYxcc4x6x7x{xYccx3x4x2x] v We have waited on your loving kindness, O God.Psalm 49-cc4cccv5cvvvv6vvvv7v7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvbb1vvvvvvvv2vbvvbbvv]cccYxx4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x] i Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord.Tenth MorningPsalm 50-`c2cc4cvvvc5ccvvc6ccc6cc5cc4cc5cvvvc3cccc4ccvvc2cc2x]cccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx] vii Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving.Psalm 51-`*vvcc2cvvvvv4vvvv6vvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvv9vvvvv8vvvvv7vv6vvvv4vvvvvvvv5bbv3bbbbbbbbvv2cccc]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x] vThe sacrifice of God is a broken spi - rit.Psalm 52-`*~vb3vvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7bbv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvbvvvv4vvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvv3xv]xYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x] viiiI trust in the goodness of God for ever and ever.Tenth EveningPsalm 53-ccccc3cvbbbbbvbbb6bbbbbbbbbbbvb6bbbbbbbbbb7bbbbbbbbbbbbbvbbbb8bbbbbbbbvbbb7bbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbbbbvbbbbb5bbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbbvbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbbb3bbbbbbbbbbb]vvcvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc] ivThe fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.Psalm 54-b7ccbbv6vvbbbbvbbb8vvvvvvvvvv9vvvvbbbbv6bvvvv4vv2vvvv1vvvvv1xbbbb]ccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x] viBehold God is my helper.Psalm 55-b7vvcbbb6bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb8bbbbbbbbbbbbvvbbbbb6bbbbbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbvbbbbbb4bbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbbbbbvbbbbb5bbbbbcbbbvvbbb6bbbbbbbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbvbb4bbbbbbbbbbbbvvb2bbbbcbbb1bbbcvvbbb4bbbbbbbbbbbb]ccYxx4x5x6x{x^xx5x6x4x] vi Cast your burden upon the Lord and he will sustain you.Eleventh MorningPsalm 56-b`*~c3xv4bbbbbbbbb3x4xvvc6cccc7ccvvc6ccc5vv4x]xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x3x4x]ii In God I trust, and will not fear.Psalm 57-`*c4cvvvv3vvvv2vvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvv8vvvvvvv5vvbb3vvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv] v Be exalted, O God, above the heavens and your glory over all the earth.-`*ccccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]Psalm 58-b`cvvbbvb2bbbbbbbbbvvbbbbb4bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb5bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb6bbbbbbbbbb4bbbbbbvvvx5vvvvvcv4ccvv5xv5ccvvvv3bbbcc1cc2vvbbbbbbbbbb]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx] vii The Lord makes himself known by his acts of justice.Eleventh EveningPsalm 59-v7bbbvvvvv6vvvvvb9c8vvvvvv6vvvvvvvbv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvbvvv4c3vvvvvvvvv2cvvvvv]cccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x] vi You O God, are my strong tow'r.Psalm 60-v`*ccv2cvvvc4cccv6ccc7cc8cvvc9vv8ccvv6cccv7vv6vvvvvvv4vv3vvvvv4x]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx] viiRestore us again, O God our Saviour.Psalm 61-cvvvc2ccvc6ccc?c7ccvv6vcc5ccc4cvvcvv3ccvc4cvcvvv5ccvvvvvvv3cvvvvvvc4ccc2cccv4cvvvvv4vvv3vvvv2xc]xYxx4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x] i You are my refuge O God, a strong tow’r against the enemy.Twelfth MorningPsalm 62-b7cvvvvvcv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvvv9vvvvvv8vvvvvvvv4vvvvbv8vv5vvvvvv6vcccc]cxYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x] viWait on God alone in stillness O my soul.Psalm 63-b7vvvc6cvvvvc8ccvv6ccv5cvvv4c3cvvv2ccv6bbbbb8bbbbbvvvvvvvvv6vvbb5vvcvv4cvvc5ccvc6cc5ccvvv4cx]cccRxx5x7x{xTxx6x4x] iii My soul is athirst for God, even for the living God.Psalm 64-b7cvc4ccvvvvv3c2ccvvv2cccc4ccccv6vvcv6vvvvvvc4ccv5ccc4vv3vv2x]xRxx5x4x{xRxx4x3x2x] ii* The righteous shall rejoice in the Lord.Twelfth EveningPsalm 65-`*~c3ccc4ccv6cvcv5ccvvc6ccc4ccvvv2xc3x]ccccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x] viiiBe joyful in God all the earth.Psalm 66-`*~vvc6cvvc5ccvvvc4ccvvvvvv6ccvvvv7cccvv8cccv7ccvc6c5cvvc3c4ccx]xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x3x4x] iiAll the earth shall worship you, O Lord.Psalm 67-`*vvvc2cccvv6ccvc4ccc6cccvvvvc7cvvcc6cccvv7ccc9ccvbv{cc6ccv6ccc4cccc6ccc4ccccc3ccvcc2nccc]ccYxvvv4x6x7x{xYxvv3x4x2vvvv] vLet the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you.Thirteenth MorningPsalm 68-cbc2ccc4cccc6ccbvvvvvv6vvccbv5ccc4vvvvcv2vvvv1vvvvvvvvvv2vvccvvv]xYxx4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x] i Sing to God, sing praises to his name.Thirteenth EveningPsalm 69-b7cccvvc2cccc1cccc2ccvvvc4ccvcc5ccvvcc6cvcvvc7ccc6ccvvc5cvvvc2c4cccc]ccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x] vi Hide not your face from your servant, O Lord.Psalm 70-v7vvvvcc2vv6xv5ccvv6ccvvc8vv7vv6vvvvv6vvvvv5vv4vv5vvvvv2x]xYxx4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x] iCome to me quick-ly, O God.Fourteenth MorningPsalm 71-ccc2c4cccvv6ccvc?c7ccc6cc5c4ccvc3c1ccvc2cccc]cxYxx5x4x5x{xTxx6x4vv3vv2x] i O God, be not far from me.Psalm 72-b70ccc4ccvvvc5ccc6ccvc7ccvvc6ccc5ccvvvc4c5ccvvvc3ccb2bbbbx]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx4x5x2x] iiiThe Lord is king; let the earth rejoice.Fourteenth EveningPsalm 73-b`*vvc4cvvc3ccvvvc2cccv4c6c5ccvc6ccc4cvvc3ccvvvvv5cvvc4c3cccc2ccc]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x] vIn the Lord God have I made my re - fuge.Psalm 74-cccc2cc4ccvv3c5cvvvc6ccccc8cvc9c8cccc6c5cvvvvvvv4ccccc2cx]ccYxx4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x] iArise, O God, maintain your own cause.Fifteenth MorningPsalm 75-b`ccvvv6vvvvvv8vv7vvvvvv3vvvvv6vvvvvv4xccc]cccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]viiGod alone is judge.Psalm 76-b`*bbvvc3ccvvc6vv4vvvvvvv7ccvvvvv9vv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvv4vvvvvvv3x]xYx4x5x6x{xYx3x4x2x] v The Lord has made fast his throne for judgement.Psalm 77-b`vvv5ccv3ccvcv1ccv3ccv5vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvv5cvcvb5ccvv6vccvvc5vv4vccccv5cccv3vv2vvb1xc]xTxccc3x5x{xExccc2x3x1x] v* In the day of my trouble I have sought the Lord.Fifteenth EveningPsalm 78First part-`*~vvvbbb2xvv4ccvvvvvc2ccvvcc4ccv5cc3ccvc5cccvvv7vv6cccc4xvvv]xYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x] viii O Lord, how glor-i-ous are your works.Second part-cccccv4ccv3xvvvvv4xv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6xv4vvvvvvv3x1xv2vvvvvc]cYxx5x4x5x{xTxx6x4vv3vv2x] iTremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord.Sixteenth MorningPsalm 79-b`*~cvv3vvvcvc2ccc4ccvvv6vvvvvvb5vvvvvvvv6vccvc4cc3cc2cvvvvv2ccvvc3ccv5cvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv4cccvc3vvvvvv]xYvvvvx4x6x7x{xYvvvvvx4x2x3x] viiiHelp us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of your name.Psalm 80-b`*vvvvvc4vv2vvvvv3vvvvv4vvvv6vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv4vv2vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vv5vvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv9vvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvv3vv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2xx] vTurn us again, O God; show the light of your countenance, and we shall be saved.-b`*ccccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]Psalm 81-b70vbbbbbb2ccvvc4cccvc5cvvc6ccc5vv4ccbb5ccc2cccv2x]xTxx2x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]b iv*O come, let us sing to the Lord.Sixteenth EveningPsalm 82-b7ccc4cc5ccc6cvvvvc5ccvcc4ccvvvc3c2cccc1cccc2ccc]cxYxx5x4x5x{xTxx6x4vv3vv2x] iArise O God, and judge the earth.Psalm 83-`vvc2cccc3cvvc2cccc1ccvvvc2ccc3cc5cc5ccv6cccvv6vv5cccv5vvvvv3cccvvv5cccbvb4ccc]cccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx] vii The wicked shall not be able to stand in the judgment.Psalm 84-b70cccv4cc2cccc3ccvvc4ccccc5ccvcc4cccv7vv8ccvv7vv5cccc4cccc]xRxx2x3x4x{xTxx6x4x] viiiBlessed are they who dwell in your house.Psalm 85-`*cccvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vv3vvvv4vvvvvvvvvb3vvvvvv2vvvvvvc]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x] vShow us your mercy, O Lord.Seventeenth MorningPsalm 86-cccvc3ccvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvv]cvYvvvx5x3x6x{xTvvvx4x6x3xc] ivAll nations you have made shall come and worship you, O Lord.Psalm 87-b`vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvv3vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4x]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx] viiThe Lord has chosen Zion for himself.Psalm 88-b7c6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv9vvvvvv8vvvvv9vvvvvvv8vv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv2vvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvv3vvvvvvv1vvvvbbbv2ccc]xYxx4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x] i You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the liv - ing.Seventeenth EveningPsalm 89A-b7ccc6cc8cvvcc6cccc5ccvc4ccvv5vvvvvvvvv6ccvvvvvvv]cccYxx4x5x6x{x^xx5x6x4x] viTruly the Lord is our shield.B-b7ccvvv6vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv2vvv1vvvvvv4vxv]viThe Lord has sworn an oath to David, a promise from which he will not shrink.Eighteenth MorningPsalm 90-b`*~bbbb3vv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvbvv8vvvbbvv7vvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvv6vv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvv]xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x3x4x] iiO Lord my God, in you I take refuge.Psalm 91-b7cccvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvv1vvvvvvv4vvvbvv5vv6vvvvbvvbbb4x]ccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x] viKeep me as the apple of your eye.Psalm 92-b7vvc2cvvvvv1vv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv8bbbvv6vvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvv3vvvvv2vvvvv] i You, O Lord, shall be exalted for evermore.-v7vcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]In verses 9-11 omit 3rd sectionEighteenth EveningPsalm 93-b70cvvcv6cccvv7vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvbv5vvvvvvv6vvvbb5vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vv3vvvv2vvcc]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx4x5x2x] iii The Lord shall reign for ever and e - ver.Psalm 94-`cccc4cccvvc2cccc3cccc4cccb5ccbbbc6vvccbbbc4cccc6ccvvvc7ccccvv5cccc3cccvv4x]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx] viiRighteous are you, O Lord, and true are your judgements.Nineteenth MorningPsalm 95-b`*~cvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv]xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x3x4x] iiCome, let us worship and bow down.Psalm 96-`*cbbbbbb4ccc2ccc4ccbbbbbc6cccbbc7bbvvbbbbc6ccc7cccc9cc8ccbbbbb7cbbbbc4c5cc3cbbbbb2x] viiiO worship the Lord in the beauty of ho-li-ness.-`*vvExc1x2x3x{xRxc3x4x{xRxc2x4x6x{xYxc4x3x{xRxc6x7x6x{xYxc7x3vvvv]3 part, final line: vvRx5x3x]verses 1-9 in 6 line sections; verse 10 as a 3 line (A, B and final line ) vv. 11-13 as a 6 linePsalm 97-`*bcv6ccvvvvcc4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvbvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvbbvv7vvvbb6vvvbbbbbbvv4vvvvv3vvvvbvvv2vvccvvv]vcccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x] v You, Lord, are most high over all the earth.Nineteenth EveningPsalm 98-b7cvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv7v5vvvvv4v2vvvvv4vvvvvvv]cccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x] vi The Lord has made known his salvation.Psalm 99-bcvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvbbbbv6vvvvvb5vv3vvvv3vvvvbbbbbvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv] viii*The Lord is king: let the peoples tremble; -bcvvvvvv5vvvv5vvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvv2vv6vv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvv4vvvc{cvvvvvvb3ccc2cccc1cccc2vv6vv5bxcv]he is enthroned a - bove the cherubim: let the earth shake.-vcxTxx3x4x5x{xYxx5x6x{xYxx4x6x8x{xYxx7x5xx]Psalm 100-b7ccvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvcvvvvvvv5vvcvbv4vvvvvv2vvvv1vvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv]xYxx4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]iThe Lord is gracious; his steadfast love is e-verlastingPsalm 101-`vvvv4ccc6ccvvvvcv7cccc5ccccvc4ccvvc3vv2ccc3cccc4vvvvvvv]cccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx] vii Blessed are those who fear the Lord.Twentieth MorningPsalm 102-`*~(vvv4vv3vvvvvv4vvvxvvv6ccccc7vv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4cccvv]xYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4x] ii* My help comes from the Lord.Psalm 103-b7cvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvb1vvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvv8vvvvv9vvvvvvvvv6vv4vvvvvv2vvv1vvvv4x]cccvYxx5x6x4x{{xTxx4x2x4xc] viThe Lord is full of compassion and mercy.Twentieth EveningPsalm 104-`ccc6cc4ccc5ccvvvc8ccc7ccvvvc6cvvvvv6vvvvc9ccvc5cv6c3cc2cx]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]viiI will sing to the Lord as long as I live.Twenty-First MorningPsalm 105-bccvvcv1vvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvb5vvvbvvv3vv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vv6vv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvbb1vvvvvv]cccvvTxcx6x5x{xTxcx3x4x3xcvvvvc] v*Remember the marvels the Lord has done.Twenty-First EveningPsalm 106-`*vvvvvvvv6vvcvvvv4vvvccv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5x4ccc3ccc2vvvvv]ccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]vThe Lord remembered his covenant. Twenty-Second MorningPsalm 107-v7ccc5cc5vv4vvvvcvcv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvv5vv4vvvvv5vvvvvv{cvvvvv6cvvvvv7vvvvvv8vbb7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvb5vvvbbbbbbv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvbbbbbbb2vvvvv1vvccv] vii*O give thanks to the Lord, for he is gracious, for his steadfast love endures for e-ver.(Not repeated in the psalm)-v7ccTx3x5x{xUx6x4x5x{xYx5x4x{xRx66x5x{xRx3x2x3x{xRx2x3x1x]Twenty-Second EveningPsalm 108-b70vvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvv5vv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvv4vvvx]vcccRxx2x3x4x{xTxx4x3x4xc] viiiBe exalted, O God, above the heavens.Psalm 109-b`cvvvv5ccvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv]cccvTxx6x5x{xTxx4x2x3xc] ii*O Lord my God, save me for your loving mercy’s sake.Twenty-Third MorningPsalm 110-cvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv]ccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc] ivThe Lord is king and has put on glorious apparel. Psalm 111-b7cvvvc6vvvvvvv6cv7bccv6vv5vvvv4vbv3vvvv2cvvccvv2ccvvvv1ccvvv2vvvvv4vvvvc5cc4x]ccccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x] viThe Lord is gracious and full of compassion.Psalm 112-`*~cvv6ccvv5c6cvvvc4ccvvvvvc6ccc6ccvc7ccc6ccvvv5cc4ccc3cvc4cccvv7c6cvvc5c4ccvvv3cx] viiiThe righteous will be held in ever-last-ing remembrance.-`*~vEccx1x2x3x{xRxcc3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{{{cvvRxcc5x3x]Twenty-Third EveningPsalm 113-b7vvvvvvvvvv4xc5ccvvc4cc3cc2ccc3cvcc2cvvvcv3vvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvv1vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv]viFrom the rising of the sun to its setting let the name of the Lord be praised.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{{xYxx5x7x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]Psalm 114-cccccv4ccvvv3xv4xv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6xv4vvvvvvvvv3x1xv2vvvvvc] iTremble O earth, at the presence of the Lord.-v7vcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Psalm 115-b`cvvvbvv3vvvvvvvbbvv5bvvvvvvv3vvvvvvbvv2vvvvvvbvv1vv3vvvvvb5cvcv5vvvvv3vvvvbbv5vvvvvbv6vvvvv7vv5vvvvv3vv2vvv3vvvvvv1vvvvvvvv] vThe Lord has been mindful of us and he will bless us.-v`cccvvWxx3x5x4x{xRxx5x7x6x{xYxx7x5x3x{xExx2x1x2x]Twenty-Fourth MorningPsalm 116-bvbbcc4ccvvc5cccv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vv1vvvvvv2ccc]xYxx7b7x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x]b i Gracious is the Lord and righteous.Psalm 117-`*~c3cccc3ccvc3c6ccvc4ccvvc4ccvc3cccc4ccbbc3bbbb2cccv3vv4ccc4cvcc3cccc3cccc] viiiAl – le – lu – ia, al – le – lu – ia, al – le – lu – ia.-`*~vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{vxvRxx5x3x]In Lent:-`*cc2bbbv3ccvvc4bbbb3ccvvvc2c4ccvc6cvvvvvc]cccYxx4x6x7x]xYxx4x3x2cx]v O praise the Lord.Psalm 118-`ccc2cc3cccc5ccvvcc3ccvvvc5ccc6ccccb5ccc8c7ccvvc6ccccc6ccc8ccvvc9ccc8cc6c5cc6x] ii*I will give thanks to you, for you have become my salvation.-`xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x3x4x]Twenty-Fourth EveningPsalm 119Sections 1 – 4-vvxc6vv7xvvv8vvvc7vv6xv7xvv5vv6cccvv7cccc6x5cccc6ccc6cccc]ivTeach me, O Lord, the way of your statutes.-cccvvYxx3x5x6x{xUxx5x6x{{xIxx7x6x7x{xYxx5x6x3x]Twenty-Fifth MorningSections 5 – 7-cccvvvv4cvvc5cc6ccvvb76vv7vvvcvv6vvvvv5cvcc4cccbbbc3ccccc2ccbbcc2ccx]iMy delight shall be in your commandments.-v7vcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]Twenty-Fifth EveningSections 8 – 10-`cvc2x4cccvc5vv6vvvvvvv5ccccv4cccbcv5cccvvvv6ccccc5ccvvcc3cccvv2xx]viiI know, O Lord, that your judgements are right.-v`vcccvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]Twenty-Sixth MorningSections 11 – 13-`*~cvvv3cccc4ccc3cccvc4ccc6vv7cccc5ccc6vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvccc]ii Give me life, O Lord, according to your word.-`*~xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xUxx6x5x4x]Sections 14 – 16-b70cc4ccvc5cccc6cvvcvvc7ccvvvc6vv5vc4ccvvc2cc3ccc3ccvvc4cccc4ccvvc3vv4cc3cccc2vvvvv]iiiO deal with your servant according to your faithful love.-v70cccvvYxx7x6x{xUxx6x5x6x{xRxx5x4x{xTxx4x3x2x]Twenty-Sixth EveningSections 17 – 19-`*vcvc2ccc4cccvv6cccc4ccvc3ccccc4cccvvvc3cccc2vvccc]vThe opening of your word gives light.-`*cccvvYxx4x6x{xUxx6x4x6x{{xRxx3x4x6x{xRxx3x4x2x]Sections 20 – 22-`*vc2vvvvv3cccvvvvc4ccccv6ccvvvc7cvvvvcc8vvvc9cc8ccc6vv7ccc6vccc]vI have longed for your salvation, O Lord.-`*cccvvYxx4x6x{xUxx6x4x6x{{xRxx3x4x6x{xRxx3x4x2x]Twenty-Seventh MorningPsalm 120-`*vvvvvv6vvv6vvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvv] vDeliver me, O Lord, from lying lips.-`*cccvvYxx4x6x{xUxx6x4x6x{{xRxx3x4x6x{xRxx3x4x2x]Psalm 121-b7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvb6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv6vv5vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvv4vvccvv]cxYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x] viThe Lord shall keep you from all evil.Psalm 122-b7vvv2vvvvvvvbvv6vvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvbbv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvbvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvv]vccYxx5x4x5x{xTxx6x4vv3vv2x] i How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts.Psalm 123-`cvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6ccvc8vvvvv7vvccv7vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvv]xccvTxx3x2x5x{xYxx4x2x3xc] ii*Our eyes wait upon the Lord our GodPsalm 124-`cccc6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx] viiOur help is in the name of the Lord.Psalm 125-`vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvb7vvvv*8vvvvvvvv7vvv6vvvvv3ccvv4cccc2vvvvvvvv]cccYxvvvv4x6x7x{xYxvvvv3x4x2x] vGlor’ious things are spoken of you, Zi-on, city of our God.Twenty-Seventh EveningPsalm 126-`*cvcv3vvcc6vv4vv7vvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vv3vv2vvvvvvvv3vv4vvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvv]xYxx4x5x6x{xYxx3x4x2x]bvThe Lord has indeed done great things for us. Psalm 127-`*vcv2vv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv9vv8vvvvvvv6vvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4cccvv7vv6vvvvvvvv4ccc3ccc2vvvvvv]ccYxvv4x6x7x{vvvvYvvvvvv3x4x2vvv]vThe Lord shall keep watch over your going out and your coming in.Psalm 128-b`vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv] i*How abundant is your goodness, O Lord.-b`vvvvvvvvvExx7x6x7x{xUxx9x6x7x{xUxx6x5x4x{xRxx5x7x3x]bPsalm 129-`ccvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv7vvvvv6vvcvv5vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvx]bccccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx] viiThe Lord ransoms the life of his servants.Psalm 130-b7cvvvc9vvvvvvv8cc9cc8cc6cc5cc6ccccvvv6vv4vv5xv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvv1vvvv2vvvvv] iMy soul ------------ waits for the Lord.-b7cvvcWxx6x5x6x{xYxx8x5x6x{xYxx5x4x3x{xExx4x6x2x]Psalm 131-`ccvv2vvcv5vvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvv]cvvWccx5x6x7x{xUccx9x7x6x{xYccx8x7x5x{vvvvvYccx3x2x5x] viiO Israel, trust in the Lord.Twenty-Eighth MorningPsalm 132-bvcvc6cvv9ccvvc8ccc6ccvvvc5cc6ccvv4cccvvvvc4cc3cccc2x]cWx6x5x6x{xYx8x5x6x{xYx5x4x3x{vvvvEx4x6x2vvvv] I Arise, O Lord, into your resting place.Psalm 133-b~cvvvvv2cc5ccvvvc3cccc4ccccc5cccc6ccc5cc6cc6cccvvvvcc7ccc6ccc4ccvvvcc3ccccvv4ccccc5cccvcc3ccccc1cccc2cc2ccc] viiMercy and truth are met together, righteousness and peace have kissed each other.-v`cccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]Psalm 134-b7ccvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv8vv6vvvvv4vvvvvvvv1vvvb2vx]ccYxx4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]i Bless the Lord, O my soul.Psalm 135-b7ccvvvv5vv4cccvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv1ccc2ccvvvc4cccc5ccc4ccc]cccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x] viPraise the Lord, for the Lord is good.Twenty-Eighth EveningPsalm 136-ccc2ccc3ccccWccccccc3ccc5ccc6ccc]cccccccvvccc6ccc7ccc8ccc9cccv8ccvvvc7c6vvvvvv5ccc6cc6cccc] ….. for his mercy en-dures for ever.Psalm 137-b7vcvv8vv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv6vv5vvvvvvv4vvvvv5ccvb1ccvvv2vv4vv5vvvvv4vvvvvv]ccccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x] viO pray for the peace of Jer-us - a - lem.Psalm 138-bvvvvvcvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv1vvvvvvv2vvvv2vvvvvv]xYxx7b7x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x] iYour loving kindness, O Lord, endures for ever.Twenty-Ninth MorningPsalm 139-`cvvvcvvv2vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv]cccWxx4x6xx{xxTxx3x4x2x] viiSearch me out, O God, and know my heart.Psalm 140-`cvvccc2ccvvc5ccvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvv3vvvvvvvvv2vbbv1bbbvvvvv2x]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx] viiKeep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wick-ed.Twenty-Ninth EveningPsalm 141-b7cvvvvv6vvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv9vvvvv8vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvv7vvvvv5vvvvvvvv]vcxRxx5x7x{xxTxx6x4x] iiiSet a watch before my mouth, O Lord.Psalm 142-`cvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv] viiBring my soul out of prison, that I may give thanks to your name.-v`cccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]Psalm 143-b7bbcvvcc4cccc5ccvvc6cccv7cvvbbvvvvc6ccc5c4ccvc5ccv4ccvv5vv6vvvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvv4vvccbvc]vccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x] viShow me, O Lord, the way that I should walk in.Thirtieth MorningPsalm 144-b`*~c3ccc6ccvvc5cccc4cc3ccvvvc4cvvvvvvc4ccvvc2cvcvc3cvvvvv6ccvvvc5c4cccc3x]ccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x]viiiHappy the people who have the Lord for their God.Psalm 145-`*vvvvcvvc4ccc2cvvvc4cvvvc6cvvvvcc7vvccv6cc5ccc3cc4cvvvvvvvvc2cx]cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x] v Great is the Lord and highly to be praised. Psalm 146-b`vvccv3vvvvvv6vv4vv7vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vv4vvvvv3vcvvv]ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx] vii The Lord shall reign for e-ver.Thirtieth EveningPsalm 147-`*~c3cccc3ccvcv3vvvvc6c4ccvvvvc4ccc3cccc4ccbbc3bbbb2ccc3vv5ccc4ccc3cccc3cccc] viiiAl – le – lu – ia, al – le – lu – ia, al – le – lu – ia.In Lent:-`*~ccc3cccv6ccc5cccvvc4cccc3cccc4ccc4cvc2cccc3cx] viiiGreat is our Lord and mighty in pow’r.-`*~vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvvRxx5x3x]Psalm 148-ccvvvv4vvvvvvvbv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv2vvbb1vvvvvvvv4vvvvvbbbv5vvvvvvv4vbbb6vvvvcv6vbbb5vvvvv3vv4vvvvv4vvv3vvvvvvv2vvnvvvvv2vvnx]iAl – le – lu – ia, al – le – lu – ia, al – le – lu – ia.-v7vcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]In Lent:-`*cvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv5vvvvvvv3vvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vbbbvvvvvvv] vO praise the name of the Lord.-`*cccvvYxx4x6x{xUxx6x4x6x{{xRxx3x4x6x{xRxx3x4x2x]Psalm 149-`ccvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvvvvvv2bbbv3vvvbbbbv4vbb3vvvvbbbv2vbbnvvvvvv2vvnvvvvvvv] viiAl – le – lu – ia, al – le – lu – ia, al – le – lu – ia.-v`vcccvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]In Lent:-`*vvvvcv2cvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvcvvv3vvb5vvvvbbvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv] vSound praises to the Lord, all the earth.-`*cccvvYxx4x6x{xUxx6x4x6x{{xRxx3x4x6x{xRxx3x4x2x]Psalm 150-b7ccv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vv,vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv2vvnvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvmvvvvvvvv]viAl – le – lu – ia, al – le – lu – ia, al – le – lu – ia.In Lent:-v7cvvv4ccc5vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvvvvv2bvv4xvv2vvvvv4vvvvv] viLet everything that has breath praise the Lord.-v7ccvvRxx3x2x4x{xRxx3x4x5x{xYYxx5x6x4x{{xYxx5x6x4x]Exposition of the Blessed SacramentOn ferial days the Office hymn may be replaced by:-b706xtx]xubbb,xxhxfxgx]xExxtx]xqbbbbnxxsxdxfx]xtxxrxbbb]-b706xtx]xubbb,xxhxfxgx]xExxtx]xybbb,xxhxgxfx]xExxxbbbbb]-b706xex]xpbbb/xx;xlxkx]xjbbbb.xHxtbbbmxgx]xibbb.xkxjxgx]xfxdxrx]-b706xtx]xubbb.xxhxfxgx]xExxtx]xybbb,xxhxgxfx]xExxxv]Sweet Sacrament divine,hid in thine earthly home;lo! round thy lowly shrine,with suppliant hearts we come; Jesus, to thee our voice we raiseIn songs of love and heartfelt praise sweet Sacrament divine.Sweet Sacrament of peace, dear home of every heart, where restless yearnings cease, and sorrows all depart.there in thine ear, all trustfully, we tell our tale of misery, sweet Sacrament of peace.Sweet Sacrament of rest,ark from the ocean's roar,within thy shelter blestsoon may we reach the shore;save us, for still the tempest raves,Save lest we sink beneath the waves: sweet Sacrament of rest.Sweet Sacrament divine,earth's light and jubilee,in thy far depths doth shinethe Godhead's majesty;sweet light, so shine on us, we pray that earthly joys may fade away: sweet Sacrament divine.At the Office, after the Collect of the day:-vcv2x6x6x5x6x4x3x2xvvvv{x2x6x6ccc77cc5x4x5x6xccv] -vcv6x9x9x8x9x77cx6x5x{x4x5x66cx77cx5x3x4x2x]O Saving Victim, opening wideThe gate of heaven to man below Our foes press on from every side, Thine aid supply, thy strength bestow.All praise and thanks to thee ascendFor evermore, blest One in Three;O grant us life that shall not end,In our true native land with thee.A period of silence is kept or meditations may be read aloud-cc3x3x3x2x5x5x6vv8x8x{x8vv9x8x8x8x6x8x7vv6vv5x{x5x6x8x7x6x5x6x6x] -cc6x7x5xv$4x3x6x6vv2x{x3x5x5x3x5x6x6x5xx{x6x7x5x6vv5x4x2x3xbb]Therefore, we before him bending, This great Sacrament revere;Types and shadows have their ending, For the newer rite is here;Faith, our outward sense befriending, Makes our inward vision clear.Glory let us give and blessingTo the Father and the Son;Honour, thanks, and praise addressing, While eternal ages run;Ever too his love confessingWho, in both, with both is one. Amen.Your people eat the food of angels. (Alleluia!)You give them bread from heaven. (Alleluia!)This or some other suitable prayer may be usedLord Jesus Christ,we thank you that in a wonderful sacramentyou have given us the memorial of your passion:grant us so to reverence the sacred mysteries of your body and blood that we may know within ourselvesand show forth in our lives the fruits of your redemption;for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit,one God, now and for ever. Amen.The Divine PraisesBlessed be God.Blessed be His Holy Name.Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man.Blessed be the name of Jesus.Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart.Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy. Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception.Blessed be her glorious Assumption.Blessed be the name of Mary,Virgin and Mother.Blessed be Saint Joseph, her spouse most chaste.Blessed be God in His angels and in His Saints.May the heart of Jesus, in the Most Blessed Sacrament, be praised, adored, and loved with grateful affection, at every moment, in all the tabernacles of the world, even to the end of time. Amen.As the Blessed Sacrament is returned to the Tabernacle the following may be sung:Blessed and praised be Jesus Christ, in the Most Holy Sacrament. Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna, in the highest.Or O sacrum convivium-vcvvvv1vv3vvvv5vv6vvv5vvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvv5vvvvv{cvb3vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv{vvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvv7vvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvv9vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv6vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvc]O ho-ly ban-quet, in which Christ is received, the mem-o-ry of his pas-sion is renewed,-vcvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv3vv4vvvvvvvv3vv2vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv{vvvvv1vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvv8vv7vvvv6vvvvv5vvvvv6vv7vvvv6vvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvv{vv8vvvvv5vv6vv5v3vbvvvv2vv3vv2vvvvvv1vvvv]the soul is filled with grace and a pledge of future glo-ry is giv-en to us. Al - le - lu - ia.Lauds and Vespers after the reading(s)Common tone for the responsories in CW and at the Office of Readings in DO:-`*~cc3ccc4ccccYcccccc7ccc6ccc4cccc]ccccYcccccc5ccc3ccc4cccc]Tone for the Responsories at Lauds and Vespers in DO:-vcxvvQxx3x5x1xx{xRxx3x1x2cccvv]Gospel Canticle, Common Antiphon – the tone may be used for a proper / common / seasonal antiphon-`*vvvvv6cc4cvc2cccv&ccvv{vc6ccc7ccc8ccccv(ccbvvvvvv{cv9ccv8cccv7cccv6ccv5ccv3cbvvbv@cc@xc] Ho-ly is God, Ho-ly and strong, Ho-ly and living for ever.-`*vcWxx5x4x3x{xExx5x7x6x{xYxx9x8x7x{xUxx6x5x6x]IntercessionsAIntroduction First part Second part Response-v7cc4x5xxYxxx{xxYxxx5x7x6xx{xxYxxx5x4x5x]xcTxxx6x4x]B Dividing the petitions in two-vcvvvTxxxx]xTxxx3x x3x4x]C-`cvvc5vvvvvv5vvvv5vv,vvvvv4vv3vvvvv4vvvvb4vvvvv%ccxc]xc5vvvvvvv5vvvvv5vv,vvvvv4vv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvb4vvvvvv%ccc] Ky-ri-e E - le-i-son: Ky-ri-e E - le-i-son.D -c`ccccTxxxxvvvc7ccc6ccx]cccccTcccvvvvvvc6ccc5cvvc3cccc2cccvvvvc3vvncccccc] From our hearts we pray: Lord, listen to our prayerThe Lord’s Prayer-`cvvvvcYxvvvvx4vvvvv6x7vvvvvc]xbbYxvvvvvv4x2xv3vvvvv]AdventAwaiting his coming in glory, as our Saviour taught us, so we pray:ChristmasRejoicing in the presence of God here among us, …EpiphanyBelieving the promises of God, …LentTrusting in the compassion of God, …PassiontideStanding at the foot of the cross, …Eastertime Rejoicing in God's new creation, …AscensionLooking for the coming of the Kingdom, …Pentecost Being made one by the power of the Spirit, …All Saints to Advent and for saintsUniting our prayer with the Blessed Virgin (N and) the whole company of heaven, as our Saviour taught us, so we pray:Ordinary Time: At the Saviour’s command and formed by divine teaching we dare to say:-`cvvvvv3vv4x6xv5vvbbbvv4bbbbbbbbbvbbv3vvvvxc{xExvvx2xvv3xvvvv4xcc]Our Father in heav’n, hallowed be your name, -`cxvYxvvv5xv4xvvvvv3x{xExvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvx5xvv4vvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv]Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heav’n. -`cvvvvvvvYxcvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvvv3x{xbbbbbExbbbbbbbbbbbv2x3xvv4x{xbYxvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv3vx5x4x3xv2vvvvvv]Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. -`cxYxvvvcccccccc5cccc4ccc3ccc3ccc3ccvvv3vvvv3vvvvvv5x4x3xvvv2vvv2vvvvvv]Lead us not into temptation but de-li-ver us from e-vil. -`cvvvvvYxvvvx5vv4x3x{xbb3bx2vv3vvvvv4x{xYxxvvvvvvvv5x4xvv3x{xExxvvbbbvvvvvvvv5vvvbv4xvvvv3vvvvv2vvvvvv]For the kingdom, the pow-er and the glory are yours, now and for e-ver. Amen.The Grace-c`*cc2vvv3ccvc4xc5vvvvv6vvvvvcc7cccc6c5cccccc^ccccc3cvcc4cccc5cccc6ccc4ccccc4cccc4cc9ccc9cccc9ccc]The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship-c`*c8ccc7ccvc6cc5ccvc6cc2vvnvvv3ccvc5cccc6ccc5ccc3cc2ccc3ccc]cc4ccc4cc]of the Holy Spirit, be with us all evermore. AmenDO -v7cccYxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvx5x4xv5x5x{vxTvvx4xv5vvvvvv6xvvv]At the Saviour’s command and formed by divine teaching we dare to say:-v7ccc6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvb,vvvv{vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vb,vvvvv{vvvv5vvvvvvvv6vv,vvvvv5bvvvvvvvvvvv4vbmvvvvvvvvvbb]Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come;-v7cvc4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vb,vvvvvvv5vvvv5vvvv6vvvv6vvvv7vvvvv7vb.vvvv{vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvv5vvvvvvvv6vbb,xbbb]thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread;-v7ccv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvv6vv5vvvvvvv4vb,bbbbbbxbbb]and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us,-v7ccv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvv7vvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvv6vb,bbbbbxbbb]and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from ev-il.-v7cvcvv6vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvv7vvvvvv7vvvvv7vvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv7vvvvv7vv,vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vb,xbbb]CW For thine is the kingdom, the pow’r, and the glory, for ever and ever. A-men.ConclusionOrdinary-c7vvvvv6ccc7ccvvc8cccc5ccccc^ccccc{ccccvvc8ccvvcvc5vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv^xx] Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.Sundays and Festivals / Feasts-c70cv5ccc5ccc5c7c6cccv4cccc5cccvvvvvc{cvvvvvc5c4ccvvvcc7cvvvc6cccc5cccccc] Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.Principal Feasts / Solemnities-c7x6ccc5cc6c7c6ccc2cccc4c3c2c1c2cvvcc{ccvvvvvc6c4cccvvc4vv3cvc1ccvvvcc2c3c2cccbbb] Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.DO - Easter Octave and day of Pentecost CW - daily in Eastertime-~*cvvvYxbbxxcvvvcccv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvbc6c7vc7cccv7ccvcc6c9c8c7vv6vvvvc5c6c7vvvcvv7vv6ccccc] Let us bless the Lord. Al-le - lu-ia, al - le - lu - ia.-~*vvvcvYxxxvvvbbbbbbbbvvvbbbcv7vvvvvvcvv6vvcvv5vvvvvvvvc6bbv7vvcc7ccvvvvvv7cccc6c9c8c7vv6vvvvvvc5c6c7vvvcvvvcv7vv6ccc] Thanks be to God. Al-le - lu- ia, al - le - lu - ia.Triple alleluia antiphons For use in Eastertime i-vbbbbvcc2vv6ccvc6vv8ccvc6vv5ccc5vv6ccvvvbc6cbbbcc5ccvc6vv5ccc3vv4ccvvvvvvc5cvvcc4vv3ccc2ccvvvc2x]Al—le—lu—ia, al—le—lu—ia, al—le—lu—ia.-vvcxYxx7b7x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x]-vvcccvvWxx3x4x5x{xTxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx4x3x2x]-vcccvvYxx5x4x{xTxx6x4x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x6x{xTxx6x5x{xRxx3x2x]ii-`*~vvc5cvvcvc3ccvvc4vvmcvc$x]Al—le—lu—ia, al—le—lu—ia, al—le—lu—ia.-`*~xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x3x4x]-`*~xRxx3x4x6x{xYxx5x4x5x{xTxx3x5x7x{xUxx6x5x4x]-`*~vvvcRxx3x4x{xYxx4x5x{xYxx5x4x{xRxx5x6x{xTxx6x5x{xTxx3x4x]iii-v70vvc4vvvvvvc5cvvvvc5vv7cvcc6ccvcvc5ccvcc4ccvc5cvvcc4vv3ccvvvc4vv5cvvvc4vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvc2x]Al—le—lu—ia, al—le—lu—ia, al—le—lu—ia.-v70cccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx4x5x2x]-v70cccvvYxx7x6x{xUxx6x5x6x{xRxx5x4x{xTxx4x3x2x]-v70vccvcYxx7x6x{xTxx7x6x{xUxx6x5x{xYxx4x5x{xTxx6x5x{xRxx3x2x]iv-vvcvcc3ccvvc4xc5vv6ccc5cccvvvvcbbbc5ccvvc6ccvvc5cvcvc4vv2cvvvvvvc4cccc5cccc3ccccv3vvx]Al—le—lu—ia, al—le—lu—ia, al—le—lu—ia.-cccccvYxx5x3x6x{xTxx4x6x3xc]-vvcccvvExx2x3x5x{xTxx3x5x6x{xYxx5x3x5x{xTxx3x2x3x]-vccvccvcYxx5x6x{xIxx7x6x{xUxx5x6x{xTxx7x6x{xYxx5x4x{xYxx5x3x]v-v`vcc4cccvv2cccc4vv6cccvvvv6cccvcv6cccc5ccvvc6ccvcc4cccvc4cccv3vv4ccvc2ccvvc2x]Al—le—lu—ia, al—le—lu—ia, al—le—lu—ia.-v`*cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx3x4x2x]-v`*cccvvWxx3x5x4x{xRxx5x7x6x{xYxx7x5x3x{xExx2x1x2x]-`*vvvcYxx4x6x{xUxx4x6x{xYxx7x4x{xExx4x5x{xYxx4x3x{xExx4x2x]vi-v7vcc4cccvc5ccvvc5vv6ccvc4cccvvvvvc5ccvvc4ccvvc4vv3ccvc2cccc4cccc5ccvvvc5vv4ccvc4x]Al—le—lu—ia, al—le—lu—ia, al—le—lu—ia.-v7cccYxx4x5x6x{xYxx5x6x4x]-v7vcccvvYxx5x6x4x{xRxx2x4x5x{xUxx6x7x5x{xTxx4x2x4x]-cvvcccvRxx5x4x{xTxx4x5x{xRxx6x5x{xTxx4x6x{xTxx4x2x{xTxx2x4x]vii-v`vcc4cccvvc5ccvc6vv7cccc6cccvvvc6vv5ccc3vv5ccc4vv3ccvc2cccc3vv1ccvvcc3vv5vv4ccc2cvcc2vvnxv] Al—le—lu—ia, al—le—lu—ia, al— le—lu—ia.-v`ccYxx5x6x7x{xYxx5x3x4cx]-v`vcccvvWxx5x6x7x{xUxx9x7x6x{xYxx8x7x5x{xYxx3x2x5x]-`ccvvvccYxx7x6x{xIxx7x6x{xUxx6x5x{xTxx7x6x{xUxx5x6x{xTxx3x2x]viii-`*~vc6ccvcvv5cccvv6cccvv4ccvvvvc3cccc2ccvvvc3cvcvvc4cccvvvvvvvc5ccvc4vv3ccvvcc4cccc3x]Al—le—lu—ia, al—le—lu—ia, al—le— lu—ia.-`*~cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x]-`*~vvExx1x2x3x{xRxx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{xvvRxx5x3x]-`*~cvvcYxx7x6x{xRxx5x3x{xRxx6x7x{xUxx8x6x{xRxx5x6x{xYxx4x3x]Compline-c70c2cvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvYvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvvvv{vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvbbbbbbbbvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvbbbvv5vvvvvvbbv5vvvvvcc] O God, come to our aid. All: O Lord, make haste to help us.CW: O God, make speed to save us.-c70cvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv8cvvvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv] All: Praise the Fa-ther, the Son and Ho-ly Spi-rit; -c70vvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvc]vc4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvc] the God who is, who was and is to come at the end of the a-ges.-c70cvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvcc] Lent: -c70cv7vv6vv5vv4vvvvvvvcv5vcvvvvvvc] Al-le-lu - ia. A - men. Penitential riteBrethren let us acknowledge our sins,and so prepare ourselves for sleep.SilenceI confess to almighty Godand to you, my brothers and sisters,that I have greatly sinned,in my thoughts and in my words,in what I have done and in what I have failed to do,through my fault, through my fault, (striking the breast)through my most grievous fault;therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin,all the Angels and Saints,and you, my brothers and sisters,to pray for me to the Lord our God. OrHave mercy on us, O Lord.For we have sinned against you. Show us, O Lord, your mercy.And grant us your salvation. May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins,and bring us to everlasting life.Amen.HymnsAfter Vespers I of Sundays and Solemnities-b7vcv1x2x4x7x6x5x4x3x{x2x1x2x4x5x6x5x5x]-b7vcv5x6x7x8x8x6x5x4x{x3x2x4x5x4x6x5x5x]We praise you, Father, for your giftsOf dusk and nightfall over earth,Foreshadowing the mysteryOf death that leads to endless day.Within your hands we rest secure;?In quiet sleep our strength renew;?Yet give your people hearts that wake?In love to you, unsleeping Lord.Your glory may we ever seek?In rest, as in activity,?Until its fullness is revealed,?O source of life, O Trinity.?After Vespers II of Sundays and daily in Eastertime-`*~vvc4x3x4x6x6x{x5x4x5x3x4x4x]x4x4x3x4x6x6x{x7x8x7x6x7x]-`*~vvc6x6x7x8x8x{x9x8x7x6x7x3x{x4x3x4x6x6x{x5x4xx5x3x4x]Stay with us Lord, for day is almost over,Come to us in peace and greet us with your word.You we have known, your love has sought and found us:Speak to us now, our brother and our Lord.Stay with us Lord, your word like fire within us.Shed its searching light on all our despair:We had forgotten you, the risen Master,Taking our way, you talked with us there.Stay with us Lord, and ever go before us,Soon will your future dawn on us like day;Stretch out your hand to hold and lead us always,gentle and strong one, Lord of our way.After Vespers II of Solemnities and daily from Christmas Day to the Baptism of the Lord-7vcvrxhxfx]xibbbb.xfx]xjbbb,xJxjxhx]xtbbbb,x]cvdxfxsxax]xfxhxgxgx]xrx]Lord, may your love be with us while we sleep,And your strong care our souls and bodies keep.Lord, may your truth inform our minds always,And may your Spirit turn our night to day.Lord, may your peace be in our hearts held fast,Bring us in safety home to you at last.Monday-`cvvtxfxextx]xyxgxrxwxvvvvvv]vvExxrxfx]xTxxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv]-`cvvtxfxextx]xyxgxrxwxvvvvvbb]cvvExxrxfx]xTxxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv]-`cvvixuxxixox]xpxoxixux]cvvoxuxyxtx]xuxhxtxrxvvvvvv]-`cvvtxfxextx]xyxgxrxwxvvvvvv]cvvexxrxfx]xTxxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv]Day is done, but love unfailing dwells ever hereShadows fall, but hope, prevailing,calms every fear.Loving Father, none forsaking,take our hearts of Love's own makingWatch our sleeping, guard our waking,be always near.Dusk descends, but light unendingshines through our nightYou are with us, ever lendingnew strength to sightOne in love, your truth confessingone in hope of heaven's blessingMay we see, in love's possessinglove's endless light!Eyes will close, but you unsleepingwatch by our sideDeath may come, in love's safekeepingstill we abideGod of love, all evil quellingsin forgiving, fear dispellingStay with us, our hearts indwellingthis eventide.Tuesday-b706vcvdxfx]xtxtxhxgx]xrxexjxjx]xkxjxyxtx]xRx]-b706vcvdxfx]xtxtxhxgx]xrxexaxsx]xdxgxrxrx]xEx]In the quiet of the evening,Now the work of day is done,Turn our thoughts, most loving Father,To the work of Christ your Son.In our wandering we have travelledFar from you throughout the day;Yet forgiving all you send usChrist to lead us, Christ the way.When our ignorance is danger,Or we credit worldly liesThen, with timely care, you give usChrist the truth to make us wise.As the light of day is fading,father keep us in your sight;Pierce the dark of sin with splendourShining out from Christ the light.Glory be to God the Father,Glory be to God the Son,Glory to the Holy Spirit,Glory to the Three in One.Wednesday and daily in Advent-7vcv2x2x6x5x]x4x3vv2x4vv3x2x]x2vv3x4vv5x6x6x]x9x8vv7x6x]-7vcv9x9x8x7x]x6x5x4vv3x2xvv]x2vv3x4vv5x6x5x]x4x3vv1x2x]Lord, when night is deep with shadows,All earth’s colours drained away,May your word, a lamp in darkness,Shine for us till dawning day.Lord, when night is kind with darkness,When it covers nature’s scars,May your love blot out our failings,Love that reaches to the stars.Lord, when night is long with suffering,Filled with dread of one more day,May your calming, heartening presenceComfort all who wait and pray.Lord, when night is rich with promiseAt the crowning of our days,May your sun dispel the darkness,Bright with healing in its rays.Thursday and daily in Lent-c2x4x5x6x5xv77bx6x5x4x5x]x6x4x3x1x2x4x5x6x4x5x] -c6x8x9x8x7x8x6x5x4x5x]x6x4x3x1x2x4x5x6x4x5x]xv7b7x6x4x3x4x2x]There is a place within the human heart,?A secret cell wherein the spirit dwells,?From whence God’s presence never does depart. Lord breathe on it that I may surely know?God is, and I am his.There is for those in Christ a new-born place, A spring for life that gives a life renewed?That men may answer God, accepting grace To live not I but Christ alive in me,Christ is, and I am his.Spirit of God that falls upon the earth?In living flame of love inspiring souls?That in their depth and by life-giving breath They all may be the medium to express God’s gift of love in them.Friday and daily in Passiontide-cax]xdxfxgxhx]xtxxgx]xhxkxjxhx]xtxxxxccc] -cgx]xgxhxgxfx]xexsx]xaxaxfxdx]xwxdx]xfxsxqax]Within this world of strife Abides one source of peace, Unshaken from it flows?God’s peace of love’s increase Where stands Christ’s Cross.In peace each soul will know Eternity is here.?Each life goes forth in faith That living Love to bear Through Love’s embrace.Death swallowed up in life That dying all may live,?We show and share in Christ The love which he can give - God’s victory.Psalmody CW use the refrains given in the Psalter except in Easter when the Easter Antiphon below is used.After Vespers I of Sundays and Solemnities-`*~(vc3vvv5vvv6vvv7cvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vb5vvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvc]vcvvcvTxx7xx{xxTxx4x3x4x] Lord, have mer-cy and hear me.-`vcvvccvcc7vv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvc]vcvvcvUxx5x6x7x{xUxx6x7x5x] Bless the Lord, throughout the night.After Vespers II of Sundays and Solemnities-v`vvvcv2ccvvvv3ccvc4ccc5cccc4ccccc3cccc5cccc6vv,ccv{ccv4cccc5ccbb6ccc7vv8cccv7cccc7vvvvv6cccv5ccc3cccc2vvnxcc] He will conceal you with his wings; you will not fear the terror of the night.-v`vvcvTxx3x5x6x{xYxx7x8x7x{xUxx8x7x6x{xYxx5x3x5xx]Monday-vvvvcvvvvv6vv,vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv9vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvv6vvvv{vv3vvvvv4vv5vvvvvv6vvvvvv5vv4vvvvv3vvvvvvcc] You, Lord God, are slow to anger, abounding in love.-vvvcvIxx7x6x7x{xUxx5x7x6x{xExx4x5x6x{xYxx5x7x6x]Tuesday-v`vvvcvv3vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vvvvvcc] Do not hide your face from me for in you have I put my trust.-v`vvvEx5x3x{xEx6x4x{xEx7x9x7x{ xUx*8x6x7x{ xUx5x6x{ xYx4x5x3x]2 line A and G, 4 line omit D and E, 5 line omit DWednesday-`*~vvv3vvvvvvv6vv7vvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvv6vvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvc]vcvExx4x6x{xYxx7x{xYxx4x{xRxvvvv3x] O God, be my protector and my refuge.-b7069vv4bbbbmvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4bbbbmvvvvvvvb1vvvv2vvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv1vvvvvv]vvvYx5x4x5x{vvvTx3x5x4x{vvvQx2x3x4x{vvvRx3x5x4x] Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord.Thursday-b706vcvvvvv5vv6vvvvvv7vvvv5vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vv5vvvvvvv6vv5vvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvv3vvvvvvc] My body shall rest, shall rest in safety.-b706vvEx4x5x3x{cEx6x5x4x{ xTx6x7x5x{ xTx8x6x7x{ xUx6x5x4x {xYx5x4x3vvvv]3 line A, B and F, 4 line omit C and D, 5 line omit EFriday-706vcvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvv8vvvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvv{vv1vvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvvvvvv1vvvvvc] Lord, my God, I call for help by day; I cry at night before you.-706vvvvTxx7x8x5x{xRxx5x4x1x{xIxx7x6x7x{xYxx5x4x5x]Easter -`*~c6vvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvv4vv3vvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv3vx]xExx4x{xYxx5x4x]viii Al—le—lu—ia, al—le—lu—ia, al—le—lu—ia.Or-`*~cvvcYxx7x6x{xRxx5x3x{xRxx6x7x{xUxx8x6x{xRxx5x6x{xYxx4x3x]Or-`*~cccYxx4x6x7x{xYxx4x2x3x]Or-`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{ xRxx2x4x6x {xYx4x3x{xRx6x7x6x{xYx7x3vvvvv]-`*~vvvEx1x2x3x{xRx3x4x{xRxx2x4x6x{vvRx5x3x]Responsory-v7cvvvcc8c.c6cvvc7ccccc8ccccc4cmccv{ccvvv7cvvvc6ccc5cmccvc4ccc4cc4vvmccxxxcc] Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit. Into your hands ...-v7vvccvvc1cccc1cccvvc1cccc4vvvvvc4cvvc{cvc4ccccv5cccv6cccc5vv,vvxccvxxxc] You have redeem’d us, Lord God of truth. Into your hands ...-v7vcvc6cc6ccvc8vvvvvv8ccv8cccc4ccv4cvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv1vvnvvvvvv1vvvvvv1vvvvvvv1vvvvvv4vv5vv7vvvv6vvvvv5vvv5vvmvvc]Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Ho-ly Spirit. Into your hands ...Responsory in Eastertime-vcvvvccvv4vvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv{vvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv5vvvv6xxcc]cvvv6vvvvvv6vv5vvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvbbbb2vvvvvvv4vv5vvvvv5vv4vvvvv4vvvvcc] Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit. al - le - lu - ia, al - le - lu - ia. Repeat-vvvvccvvc4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvv{vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv6xc] You have redeem’d us, Lord God of truth. Alleluia ...-vvvvcvcv4vvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvv{vvv6vvvvv76vv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvv{vvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvv5vv4vvvv4vvvvc]Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Ho-ly Spi-rit. Into your hands…Nunc Dimittis CW all seasons (the seasonal refrain may be sung to the psalm tone)-v7ccvvv4vvv5vvvvv7vvvvvv7vvvvvv7vv6vvvvvvvvv5vv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvv4vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vv5vvvvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv]Save us, O Lord, while waking, and guard us while sleeping, -v7cvvvvv4vvvvvvv6vvvvv8vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvv4vv5vvvv4vv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvc]vvv4vvvvv4vv3vvv2vvvvv2vvvv]that awake we may watch with Christ, and asleep may rest in peace. Al- le-lu-ia.-v70cccvvYxx7x6x{xUx6x5x6x{ xIx7x5x6x{xUx5x7x6x {xRx5x4x{xTx4x3x2x]DO except in Eastertime-v7ccvc8cccv7ccccv6ccccc5cccc4cccv2ccc2ccc1cccc1ccc4ccvc4vvmccc5cccvc6cccc%cccv{cvv8vvvvvvvv7cccvv6xc]Save us, Lord, while we are awake, protect us while we sleep; that we may -v7cvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvccvc2cccccc1vvncc{cc1cccc2ccvcc4cccc4ccc5cccvc$xxc]keep watch with Christ, and rest with him in peace.-vcccvvYxx5x4x{xTxx6x4x{xExx4x5x{xRxx5x6x{xTxx6x5x{xRxx3x2x]DO in Eastertime-v7ccvc4vvvvvv5vv7vvvvvv7vv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vv6vvvv5vv6vvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv4vvvvv6vv7vvvvv8vvvvvvv7vv5vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvv{vvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv6vvvvvc]Save us, Lord, while we are awake, protect us while we sleep; that we may -v7cvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv6vv7vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvv4vv5vvvvv4vv3vvvvvv2vxc]vvv4vvvv4vv3vvv2vvvvv2vvvv]keep watch with Christ, and rest with him in peace. Al-le-lu-ia.-v70cccvvYxx7x6x{xUx6x5x6x{ xIx7x5x6x{xUx5x7x6x {xRx5x4x{xTx4x3x2x]ConclusionLet us pray. Collect-cccvvvvRxxxvvvvvvvvvvvcc3vvvv2cccc4ccccccccccccc2cccv2vvvvv{cvvvcbb4ccc4ccc]The Lord grant us a quiet night and a perfect end. Amen.Anthems to the Blessed Virgin MaryDO - Solemnities and Feasts / CW - Principal Feasts and Festivals-v70v1vvc2vvvvv3ccc*cccv9ccccv0ccccv9cccc8cccv%cccvv5vvvvvvv7vvvvv5vvvvvvcvv4vcccc5ccvv4cccc5ccc3cccv4cccc5vvvvvv] Into his joy the Lord has received you,Virgin, God-bearer, Mother of Christ.-v70cc5cccc4ccccc5cc*cccc8cccv9ccvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvv7vv6vvvvv5vvvvvv7vvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvv5vvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv] You have beheld the King in his beauty, Mary, daughter of Israel. You have-v70vvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv4vvvv{cv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvv5vv3vvvv1cccv3vvvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvv2vvvvv1cvcvvvvv2ccc3cvvvvc1ccvvvvc%ccccv$vvvcv5vvvvv] made answer for the cre-a-tion to the redeeming will of God. Light, fire and-v70cv*ccvc5cvc7cccc5ccc4ccc5ccc5ccccv5ccccv4ccc3cccc4ccc4cccv5cccc3ccccvcc4ccccvvcc5ccccc1cccvvv] life, divine and immortal, joined to our nature you have brought forth that-v70vv3ccc5cccv8cc8ccc9ccc0vv9vv8ccv7cccv9ccv*cccvc8vv7cc5ccc4ccccc%ccccc3cvcvv5vv4vv2ccvc1ccvc!xxcvvvvvvv] to the glory of God the Father, heaven and earth might be restored.Advent to the Presentation Presentation to Maundy Thursday Eastertime Ordinary Time Weekdays Ordinary Time Sundays and SolemnitiesEnglish Anthems to the Blessed Virgin MarySummer and Autumn Ordinary Time-vvcvvvv1vvvvvvvv3vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvvv5ccccc8cccb5ccc6ccccc4ccc2cvvvvvvvvvvvvvvbvv] God-bearing Mother, whence sprung our Abba’s tender love: light to our darkness,-vvcvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvv3vv2vvvvvvv!cvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv8vvvv%ccccc6ccc7cccccv8vvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvvv%xvvv] hope the world despairs of. With night’s unfolding, gathered once again in Christ’s love,-vvvcvv8vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv%vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv1cvvv] our hearts take up their rest: our longings and our fears, con-fi-dent-ly we take leave of.-vvcccv5vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv] Peace-filled we pray: you who shared your son’s cross, take to yourself the suff’rings-vvccvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv3vvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvvvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvv5vvvvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv] Christ must still endure, the sword once spoken of. Our blessing be in the blessedness-vvvc6vvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvc1vvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvv1vvvvvvv] of your hallowed womb: Je-sus in whom we are new-born to life a-bove.-vvcc3vvvvvv4vvvvv5vvvvvvvv3vvvv2vvvvvvvvvv5vv6vv7vv8vv7vvvvvv6vvvvv5vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv8vv5vv6vv4vv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvv4vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv1vvvvvv4vvvv3vvvvvvvv2vv1vvvvv1vvvv] O loving Mother! O___ tender one! O____ gentle one! O virgin Ma - ry!Advent to the Presentation-v70v1vv2vv3vvvvvvvvv4vv5vvv4vvvvvvvv4vvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvv7vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvvv2vvvvvv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvv2vvvvvvv3vvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvcvv] O___ Mary, maiden yet a mother, daughter of thy Son, beyond all other!-v70vv5vvvvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvv7vvvv6vvvcvv] The consummation, planned by God’s own decree, when our lost creation-v70vvv8vvvvvv7vvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv7vvvvv7vvvvvvvvv8vvvvv4vvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvv4vvvv3vvvvvvvvvv2xvxxxxbbbbbcvv] rose in thee! Mirrored, in thy fashion, is all creations good:-v70vv2vvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv3vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvcvv] mercy, might compassion grace thy womanhood. God, who all made,-v70b5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvvv3vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vv3vvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvx3vvvvvvvvvvvvv2xvvvvvvbbbbbbcvv] in thy womb was laid: there God’s love was nourished warmth which-v70vvv4vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvv5vv4vvvvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv3vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvvv1cvv] would give increase to the root whence flourished, Christ our Peace.The Presentation to Holy Thursday-b7vvvvc4vvvvvv3vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvv1vvvvvvvv2vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv7vvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv4vvvvcvv] Woman of deep star-night stillness, you whom all angels claim as their mistress!-b7vcc4vvvvvvv3cvvvvv2vvvvv1vvvvvvv2vvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv2vvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv] Earthen vessel, heaven bearing; you, the dawn of Christ’s appearing!-b7vvvcv4vvvvvv5vvvvvv6vvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv8vvvvv7vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvv2vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvcvv] Woman in the fullest measure, fallow field of hidden treasure!-b7vvcc7vvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvv5vvvvvvv4vv5vv6vvvv6vvvvvvvvv8vvvv7vvvvvv7vvvvvb8vvvvvvv9vvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvv6vvvv5vvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv4vvvvccccccvvcvv] Mary, we pray you, be mother: shelter us in your Son, Jesus, our brother.Easter to Pentecost-vvvcvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv7vvvvv6vvvv5vvvvv4vvvvvvvvv] Birth giver of God, you are graced! Al-le-lu-ia.-vvcvv4vvvvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv8vvvvvvvvv9vvvvvvv8vvvvvvv7vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv7vvvv6vvvvv5vvvvv4cvvvvv] For Christ, the fruit of your womb has been raised! Al-le-lu-ia.-vvcv8vvvvvv8vvvvv9vvvv8vvvvvv8vvvvvvvv4vvvvvv5vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvv5vvvvv6vvvvv7vvvv8cvvvv] He is risen and we with him. Al-le-lu-ia.-vvccvv8vvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvvvvv5vvvvv7vvvvvvvvv6vvvvvvvvv5vvvvvvvvvv4vvvvvvv3vvvvv5vvvvv5vvvvv4vvvcvv] Your blest consent has done this. Al-le-lu-ia.AppendicesSourcesExtensive use has been made of the Office and Mass music of:Belmont Abbey, Hereford, Abbot Alan Rees OSBWorth Abbey, West Sussex, Dom Philip Gaisford OSBConception Abbey, MissouriCommunity of the Servants of the Will of God, Crawley Down, West SussexCanonesses Regular of the Holy Sepulchre, Dom Laurence Bévenot OSBThe Proclamation of the Seven Days of Creation at Lauds in Ordinary Time are from an unpublished translation of the Liturgie Chorale du Peuple de Dieu by André Gouzes OP, produced for the Communauté de Jerusalem, ParisI received permission some years ago to duplicate this material for my own use and that of the churches I have served, any further publication/distribution would need additional permission.Hymns are mainly from:Anglican BreviaryHymnal for the Hours, Dom Samuel Weber OSBHymns for Prayer and Praise, the Panel of Monastic MusiciansThe English HymnalAelred Seton-Shanley Obl.OSB Cam. (mostly unpublished)Hymns and antiphons for some celebrations are taken from the Propers of the following communities:The Capuchin FranciscansThe Federation of Communities dedicated to the Precious BloodThe Order of PreachersThe Carmelites (Canadian province)Society of Jesus (USA Proper)The Collcet for the Interior Life of the Blessed Cirgin Mary is translated from the French by Canon Robin WardCelebrations for the Sodality of Mary, Mother of PriestsThe Celebrations in the Sanctorale section reflect the developing spirituality of the Sodality of Mary, Mother of Priests. In addition to those feasts mentioned in The Manual:CarmeliteThe first admissions to the Sodality were made at Aylesford Priory around the relics of St Simon Stock, the Sanctorale includes, therefore:16 May St Simon Stock17 July Our Lady of Mount Carmel20 July St Elijah the Prophet26 August The Transverberation of St Theresa of AvilaSulpician17 January St Sulpice19 January The Interior Life of the Blessed Virgin MaryChrist the Priest (Thursday after Pentecost)22 October The Interior Life of Our LordMaristSodalists will also wish to observe the first Marist martyr:28 April St Peter Chanel27 May, 2015, the feast of St Augustine of Canterbury marks the first gathering of those called to form a new community17 February, 2016, the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order, the first admissions were made.A Four Week Psalter for use with Common Worship: Daily PrayerPs 119 used daily at Daytime Prayer, Psalm 95 as the invitatory, Pss 4, 91, and 134 at ComplineWeek OneLaudsVespersSunday19, 63, C, 15012, 139, CMonday127, 83, C, 7229, 37, 93, CTuesday1, 77, C, 1486, 105, 134 CWednesday9, 10, C, 14618, 11, CThursday15, 86, C, 2782, 49, 112Friday130, 32, C, 3340, 145, 8, CSaturday45, 87, C, 8481, 73, 110, CWeek TwoSunday68, C, 15096, 118Monday65, 120, C, 10358, 85, CTuesday71, 90, C, 11730, 31, 132, CWednesday129, 59, C, 147ii137, 94, CThursday79, 143, C, 1137, 35, 116iiFriday51, 140, C, 12178 (no C)Saturday44, C, 1242, 24, 66, CWeek ThreeSunday108, 16, C, 150116, 123, 141, CMonday20, 57, C, 14870, 17, 34, CTuesday5, 39, C, 13826, 38, 99, CWednesday88, 41, C, 9864, 55, 131, CThursday25, 52, C, 14667, 76, 136, CFriday69, C, 149125, 22, 13, CSaturday14, 60, C, 4648, 92, 122, CWeek FourSunday23, C, 150100, 114, 115, CMonday61. 101, C, 13542, 43, 74,CTuesday142, 50, C, 2836, 54, 102, CWednesday3, 56, C, 14421, 80, 97, CThursday109, 53, C, 147i128, 89, CFriday51, 62, C, 111106, 126, CSaturday75, C, 10447, 107, 133, CThe Four Week Psalter from The Divine Office - Liturgical / Vulgate numberingWk 1Office of ReadingsLaudsSun12362:2-9Dn 3:57-88149Mon69:1-119:12-215:2-10,12-131 Ch 29:10-1328Tue9b:1-119b:12-181123Tb 13:1-5b,7-832Wed17:2-717:8-2017:21-3035Jd 16:2-3a,13-1546Thu17:31-3517:36-4617:47-5156Jr 31:1-1447Fri34:1-2,3c,9-1234: 13-1634:17-2850Is 45:15-2699Sat130131:1-1011-18118:145-152Ex15:14,8-13,17-18116Wk 2Sun103:1-12103:13-23103:24-35117Dn 3:52-57150Mon30:1-930:10-1730:20-2541Si 36:1-7,13-1618Tue36:1-1136:12-2936:30-4042Is 38:10-14,17-2064Wed38:2-738:8-1451761 S 2:1-1096Thu43:1-943:10-1743:18-2779Is 12:1-680Fri37:2-537:6-1337:14-2350Hab 3:2-4,13,15-19147Sat135:1-9135:10-15135:16-2691Dt 32:1-128Wk 3Sun144:1-9144:10-13a144:13b-2192Dn 3:57-88148Mon49:1-649:7-1549:16-2383Is 2:2-595Tue67:2-1167:12-2467:25-3684Is 26:1-4,7-9,1266Wed88:2-1988:20-3088:31-3885Is 33:13-1697Thu88:39-4688:47-538986Is 40:10-1798Fri68:2-1368:14-2268:30-3750Jr 14:17-2199Sat106:1-16106:17-32106:33-43118:145-152Ws 9:1-6,9-11116Wk 4Sun2365:1-1265:13-20117Dn 3:52-57150Mon72:1-1272:13-2072:21-2889Is 42:10-16134:1-12Tue101:2-12101:13-23101:01:24-28100Dn 3:3,4,6,11-18143:1-10Wed102:1-7102:8-16102:17-22107Is 61:10-62:5145Thu43:2-943:10-1743:18-27142:1-11Is 66:10-14146Fri54:2-1054:10-1554:17-2450Tob 13:8-11,13-15147Sat49:1-649:7-1549:16-2391Ez 36:24-288Prayer During the DayVespers117:1-9117:10-18117:19-29109:1-5,7113:1-8Rv 19:1,2,5-718:8-157:2-107:11-181014Ep 1:3-10118:1-812131920:2-8,14Rv 4:11;5:9,10,12118:9-1616:1-9a16:9b-1526:1-626:7-14Col 1:12-20118:17-2424:1-1124:12-222931Rv11:17-18;12:10b-12a118:25-322527:1-3,6-94045Rv 15:3-4118:33-4033:1-1133:12-23118:105-11215Ph2:6-112275:1-775:8-13109:1-5,7113Rv 19:1,2,5-7118:41-4839:2-939:10-1844:2-1044:11-18Ep 1:3-10118:49-565253:1-6,8-948:2-1348:14-21Rv 4:11;5:9,10,12118:57-6454:2-1254:13-246166Col 1:12-20118:65-7255:2-7,9-145671:1-1171:12-19Rv11:17-18;12:10b-12a118:73-8058:2-5,10-11,17-1859114120Rv 15:3-4118:81-886063112115Ph2:6-11117:1-9117:10-18117:19-29109:1-5,7110Rv 19:1,2,5-7118:89-9670:1-1370:14-24122123Ep 1:3-10118:97-10473:1-1273:13-23124130Rv 4:11;5:9,10,12118:105-1126974125126Col 1:12-20118:113-12078:1-5,8-11,1379131:1-10131:11-18Rv11:17-18;12:10b-12a21:2-1221:13-2321:24-32134:1-12134:13-21Rv 15:3-4118:121-12833:2-1133:12-23121129Ph2:6-112275:1-775:8-13109:1-5,7111Rv 19:1,2,5-7118:129-13681119135:1-9135:1-9Ep 1:3-10118:137-14487:1-887:9-19136:1-6137Rv 4:11;5:9,10,12118:145-15293:1-1193:12-23138:1-12138:13-18,23-24Col 1:12-20118:153-160127128143:1-8143:9-15Rv11:17-18;12:10b-12a118:161-168132139:1-9,13-14144:1-13144:12-21Rv 15:3-4118:169-17644:2-1044:11-18140:1-9141Ph2:6-11ComplineSat4,133Sun90Mon85Tue142:1-11Wed30:1-6; 129Thu15Fri87The Four Week Psalter from The Divine Office – Hebrew / numberingWith CWDP Canticle numbers, not all DO texts are provided by CW, indicated by *in the tableWk 1Office of ReadingsLaudsSun12363:2-951a149Mon69:1-119:12-215:2-10,12-132229Tue10b:i10b:ii11244433Wed18:i18:ii18:iii364547Thu18:iv18:v18:vi5746*48Fri35:i35: ii35:iii5147*100Sat131132:i132:ii119:145-15219117Wk 2Sun104:i103:ii104:iii11851b150Mon31:i31:ii31:iii4248*19Tue37:i37:ii37:iii4349*65Wed39:i39:ii52772197Thu44:i44:ii44:iii802781Fri38:i38:ii38:iii5143147iiSat136:i136:ii136:iii92208Wk 3Sun145:i145:ii145:iii9351a148Mon50:i50:ii50:iii842496Tue68:i68:ii68:iii852867Wed89:i89:ii89:iii864198Thu89:iv89:v90873099Fri69:i69:ii69:iii5138*100Sat107:i107:ii107:iii119:145-15247117Wk 4Sun2466:1-1266:13-2011851b150Mon73:i73:ii73:iii9031135:1-12Tue102:i102:ii102ii10132*144:1-10Wed103:i103:ii104:iii10835146Thu44:i44:ii44:iii143:i38147iFri55:i55:ii55:iii5144147iiSat50:i50:ii50:iii92408Prayer During the DayVespers118:i118:ii118:iii110:1-5,7114:1-8 7219:8-157:i7:ii111560119:1-813142021:2-8,1469119:9-1617:i17:ii27:1-627:7-1462119:17-2425:i25:ii303270 *119:25-322628:1-3,6-9414671119:33-4034:i34:ii119:105-11216612376:i76:ii110:1-5,7113114 72119:41-4840:i40:ii45:i45:ii60119:49-565354:1-6,8-949:i49:ii69119:57-6455:i55:ii626762119:65-7256:2-7,9-145772:i72:ii70 *119:73-80596011512171119:81-886164113116i61118:1-9118:i118:ii110:1-5,7111 72119:89-9671:i71:ii12312460119:97-10474:i74:ii12413169119:105-112707512512762119:113-12079:1-5,8-11,1380132:i132:ii70 *22:i22:ii22:iii135:i135:ii71119:121-12834:2-1134:12-23122130612375:i76:ii110:1-5,7112 72119:129-13681120136:i136:ii60119:137-14487:i88:ii137:i137ii69119:145-15293:i94:ii139:i139:ii62119:153-160127129144:i144:ii70 *119:161-168132140:1-9,13-14145:i145:ii71119:169-17644:i45:ii141:1-914261ComplineSat4,134Sun91Mon86Tue143:1-11Wed31:1-6; 130Thu16Fri88CW MagnificatMy soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my saviour;?He has looked with favour on his lowly servant. From this day all generations will call me blessed;The Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.He has mercy on those who fear him,?from generation to generation.?He has shown strength with his arm?and has scattered the proud in their conceit.Casting down the mighty from their thrones and lifting up the lowly.?He has filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away émpty.He has come to the aid of his servant Israel, to remember his promise of mercy,?the promise made to our ancestors?to Abraham and his children for ever.DO MagnificatMy soul glorifies the Lord,my spirit rejoices in God, my Saviour.He looks on his servant in her lowliness;henceforth all ages will call me blessed.The Almighty works marvels for me.Holy his name!His mercy is from age to age,on those who fear him.He puts forth his arm in strengthand scatters the proud-hearted.?He casts the mighty from their thronesand raises the lowly.He fills the starving with good things,sends the rich away empty.He protects Israel, his servant,remembering his mercy,the mercy promised to our fathers,to Abraham and his sons for ever. ................

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