A Student's Guide

Edited by

Angela Boland Gemma Cherry Rumona Dickson

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2nd Edition

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SAGE Publications Ltd 1 Oliver's Yard 55 City Road London EC1Y 1SP

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Editor: Mila Steele Editorial assistant: John Nightingale Production editor: Victoria Nicholas Copyeditor: Jen Hinchliffe Proofreader: Indexer: Marketing manager: Cover design: Shaun Mercier Typeset by: C&M Digitals (P) Ltd, Chennai, India Printed in the UK

Angela Boland, M. Gemma Cherry and Rumona Dickson

Chapter 1 Rumona

Chapter 8 Michaela Brown

Dickson, M. Gemma Cherry and Marty Richardson

and Angela Boland

Chapter 9 M. Gemma

Chapter 2 Gerlinde


Pilkington and Juliet

Chapter 10 M. Gemma


Cherry and Gerlinde

Chapter 3 M. Gemma


Cherry and Rumona Dickson Chapter 11 M. Gemma

Chapter 4 Yenal Dundar Cherry, Helen Smith,

and Nigel Fleeman

Elizabeth Perkins and

Chapter 5 Yenal Dundar Angela Boland

and Nigel Fleeman

Chapter 12 Angela

Chapter 6 Nigel Fleeman Boland, Sophie Beale and

and Yenal Dundar

M. Gemma Cherry

Chapter 7 Janette

Greenhalgh and

Tamara Brown

First published 2014

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Library of Congress Control Number: 2017936782

British Library Cataloguing in Publication data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 978-1-4739-6700-7 ISBN 978-1-4739-6701-4 (pbk)

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Planning and Managing My Review

Gerlinde Pilkington and Juliet Hounsome

This chapter will help you to...

?? Plan and make appropriate use of the resources available to you ?? Co-ordinate your research activities ?? Feel confident managing all aspects of the systematic review from

start to finish ?? Write your thesis document and submit your thesis on time

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Doing a Systematic Review 22


This chapter focuses on how you can co-ordinate your review activities, and suggests how you can employ the resources at your disposal to maximize the chances that the review will progress smoothly. We start by helping you to consider the key resources available to you before you start your review. We then discuss hints and tips for successful time and resource management that you can use as your review progresses. Some of the points considered in this chapter will also be addressed in other chapters, but we feel it's necessary to highlight their importance in this chapter too.

Help: Where do I start?

Welcome to the world of systematic reviewing. You may be feeling both apprehensive and excited, and you may have many questions regarding the research process and be wondering what lies ahead. Be assured that you are not alone! This chapter has been designed to help by offering you advice on how to successfully manage each stage of your research project.

Don't just think of the review process as one distinct entity; break it down into bite-sized chunks ? macromanaging the whole journey and micromanaging the individual stops along the way. Planning ahead and thinking about each stage at the outset can help save time later. Organization and planning are the key factors to successfully completing a systematic review, so take a deep breath, get out your pen and paper (or keyboard, tablet, laptop or smartphone) and get started. Put a plan in place now for the research activities you need to undertake. However, be aware that plans don't always go as intended, and as a researcher you need to learn to be pragmatic and flexible, and to adjust your timetable as necessary.

The first thing that you need to think about is the submission deadline for your thesis. As a student, it is likely that you will be working to a tight time schedule. Think about when your thesis is due to be submitted and plan backwards from then. Whether you are looking at months or weeks, you will find that the review process will expand to fill the time that you have available.

The next thing that we recommend that you do is to write a review protocol (a summary of the methods that you are planning to follow during the review process). Students often worry about how to do this, but don't panic. We discuss this further in Chapter 3, and, in addition, most of the chapters in this book contain a list of points to consider when writing your review protocol. Their aim is to provide you with key information that you can use to guide the development of your review protocol.

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23 Planning and Managing My Review

Writing a review protocol makes you think about the overall review process and therefore allows realistic goals to be set at the start of the project. It is likely that only you and your supervisor will ever read your protocol, unless you choose to register it online (more about this in Chapter 10), so you don't need to worry too much about structure or style; your supervisor will prefer you to concentrate on the content. You don't have to write a protocol, but we encourage you to do so! Take a look at our website for examples of published protocols that we've used to guide our systematic reviews (INSERT WEBSITE ADDRESS HERE).

You also need to consider the potential scale of your review. You probably won't know this yet, but hopefully you will have a better idea once you have completed your scoping searches and formulated a protocol (see Chapters 3 and 4). The results of your scoping searches should give you an idea of the volume and type of relevant studies available. If your review is likely to include a small number of studies (i.e. fewer than five), then spending time setting up systems and learning how to use new software may not be time well spent. However, if you are likely to include more than five studies in your review, then the use of, for example, bibliographic software may save you time and effort in the long run. The design of your included studies also affects how you manage your review. For example, quantitative and qualitative studies are likely to require different analysis packages. Having a clear idea, from the outset, of the direction of your review allows you plenty of time to investigate the available data management and analysis options.

If we liken the systematic review process to a journey, planning the route is essential. You need to know how long you have to reach your destination (when do you submit?), what type of route you are going to take (qualitative/quantitative?) and what to pack for your journey (what resources?). The rest of this chapter focuses on how you can co-ordinate your activities. We suggest how you can use the resources at your disposal to ensure that your review continues moving forward without too many disruptions.

What types of resources are available?


As a student you will be very aware that your project has a deadline ? an often inflexible one that is set by your academic institution. Careful planning, efficient project management and realistic expectations of what is achievable will enable you to make the most of your time. You will make life much easier for yourself if you overestimate, rather than underestimate, the time it takes to complete key tasks.

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