THE ROBINSON LINE - Jim and Lena's Homepage


As of 24 January, 2007

In this document, the names in bold type are either my direct ancestors or those of my wife Lena Campbell. In either case, they are direct ancestors of our children.

My father was James William Robinson, son of William Robinson. William was the son of two Irish immigrants, Hugh Robinson and Elizabeth Lloyd Dosey. Elizabeth’s name also appears on various official documents in different forms such as:

Eliza Loyd Dosey, on the front of her marriage license to Hugh.

Eliza Loyd Dosey, on the back of her marriage license to Hugh.

Elizabeth Lloyd, on her daughter Elizabeth’s birth certificate.

Elizabeth Lloyd, on her son William’s birth certificate.

On the back of her marriage license, she lists her mother’s maiden name as Elizabeth Loyd and her father’s name as Wm. Dosey.

The earliest Robinson in our line for whom we can find records is Hugh Robinson Sr. I call him Sr. because his son is also Hugh Robinson. Any place where I leave off the Sr. will be a reference to Hugh Robinson Jr. I will not use the appendage “Jr.” for him in this document. Hugh Senior is my great, great, grandfather. Hugh is my great-grandfather. I believe Hugh Sr. lived in County Antrim in Northern Ireland. I have run across writings which make me believe that these Robinson folks were from County Antrim, Northern Ireland. Some writings indicate that Robinson was a name predominately found in County Antrim, as well as the fact that Hugh and Joseph both departed from Moville, Ireland. These things lead me to believe they were from County Antrim. But this is not proven. Moville was apparently a shipping town, and was located to the west, in County Donagal, across a bay from Counties Antrim and Londonderry. Ships from Glasgow, Scotland typically stopped off at Moville to embark and disembark passengers, when the ship was on the way to the United States.

Northern Ireland was known as Ulster, consisting of 9 counties. Following a period of guerrilla warfare between the nationalist Irish Republican Army (IRA) and British forces, a treaty was signed in 1921 creating the Irish Free State from 23 southern counties and 3 counties in Ulster. The other 6 counties of Ulster made up Northern Ireland, which remained part of the United Kingdom. In 1949 the Irish Free State became an independent republic. County Antrim is the most northeastern county of Northern Ireland, and is close to Scotland. For a map, see Attachment A018.

We do not know for sure the name of Hugh Senior’s 1st wife. Hugh Robinson’s marriage certificate at Attachments A001 and A002, lists his father’s name as Hugh Robinson, and his mother’s maiden name as Margarett Farrell. This could be her maiden name, or could have been her current married name. We do not know at this time. She apparently was present and signed as a witness. However, all handwriting on the certificate looks to be in the same handwriting. Perhaps a clerk or one of the persons named in the document did all the writing. On Hugh Robinson’s death certificate at Attachment A003, his mother’s maiden name is listed as Elizabeth Graham. Margarett Farrell or Elizabeth Graham would be my great-great-grandmother. I have not been able, using the very few Irish records that I have access to, been able to verify the existence of Hugh’s parents in Ireland. I have found several Hugh Robinson names but have no way to connect them with our Hugh and his father, Hugh Senior.

Consider that when Hugh got married, he may have listed his mother with her current name or her maiden name. Also consider that information on Hugh’s death certificate was probably given by his current wife, Josephine Foster Robinson. See the back side of Hugh’s death certificate, Attachment A003 and A004, and Josephine’s death certificate, Attachments A005 and A006. Hugh’s cremation papers at Attachments A095 and A096.

Thirdly, consider that Hugh Senior and Hugh’s mother may not have been married. And lastly, consider the coincidence that on Hugh’s death certificate, his mother is listed as Catherine Graham, and he lived at 434 Graham Avenue, in Brooklyn. Did Josephine know Hugh’s mother’s name, or did she make up a name, or was there a clerical error?

On June 29, 1871, Hugh Robinson arrived in New York City, from Moville, Ireland on board the ship SS Australia. The Australia departed Glasgow, Scotland, stopped at Moville, and then traveled on to New York. Hugh is shown at line 316 on the Australia’s manifest. See Attachment A007. His age is listed as 18. However, if he was indeed born in March, 1855, he would be 17. See 1900 census, line 91, Attachment A008. Perhaps he lied about his age for any number of reasons. I could find no one else on the manifest that looked as if they were traveling with him.

Hugh had a brother named Joseph Robinson, who also came to New York. Joseph, as far as I can tell arrived onboard the SS Anchoria. The Anchoria traveled the same route from Glasgow, Scotland, via Moville, Ireland, to New York, as did the Australia. See the manifest at Attachment A009. This Joseph apparently traveled with Sarah Robinson, age 48, Martha L. Robinson, age 26, and Isabel, age 17. This may or may not be our group, but it is the best bet among all the manifests that I could find. Joseph was born in April 1870 according to the 1900 Brooklyn, New York census. See Attachment A022.

It is possible that Hugh and Joseph may not have had the same mother, making them half brothers.

It is possible that Hugh named one of his daughters Isabella, (later known as Charlotte or Lottie). I know of no way to tell if her name was something like Charlotte Isabella Robinson. See 1880 New York, Manhattan census, Attachments A010 and A011.

This 1880 census shows Hugh, his wife Elizabeth, and two children, William and Isabella. I believe that this Isabella is later known as Charlotte or Lottie. They would have been the same age. Perhaps Isabella was her middle name. There was another daughter, Elizabeth, older than William, but she is not seen or heard of after her birth. Both Hugh and his wife Elizabeth are listed on this census as being born in Ireland. Thus, their children are 100% Irish. Hugh’s wife Elizabeth is my great grandmother.

See baby Elizabeth’s birth certificate at Attachment A012. No further record is found of baby Elizabeth. During this period and up until May 1883, Hugh and Elizabeth lived at 238 Henry Street, Manhattan, New York. Henry Street was in lower eastside Manhattan, about 4 blocks from the East River. Very near where the Manhattan Bridge to Brooklyn was later built. It was about 12 blocks from where the Brooklyn Bridge to Brooklyn is located. In fact, the Brooklyn Bridge was under construction while Hugh lived there. We know that Hugh was listed on several official documents as a galvanizer. We also know that the Brooklyn Bridge contains over 14,500 miles of hot-galvanized wire in its cables. Would it be stretching the imagination to suspect that Hugh may have worked on those wires? We also know that by 1883, trains were running from Brooklyn to NYC over the bridge.

It must be remembered that during the late 1800s, in lower east Manhattan, NY, living conditions were terrible. Opportunists had constructed many multi-story tenement buildings. These buildings had no electricity, no heat, no air conditioning, no rear windows, and virtually no ventilation. In fact, in many of them, the only ventilation in the back rooms was what they got from the front door, up the stairs, down the hallway, through the door into the apartment, through the living room and into the bedrooms, which had no windows at all. If they were very lucky, they got air from the front rooms, which had windows. Interesting reading on this subject is a book which can be found on the internet by Jacob A. Riis, entitled “HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES – Studies among the tenements of New York”.

See William’s birth certificate at Attachment A013. There was no name for this child on this certificate, but the parents match and William’s birth date matches. Therefore, I digitally added William’s name to the document.

In 1890 Hugh was living at 385 Madison per the New York City Directory. He was still listed as a galvanizer. This address was one block closer to the East River than was 238 Henry Street.

By 1900, Hugh was living alone with his new wife, Josephine, at 925 Metropolitan Ave. in Brooklyn New York. See 1900 NY census record at Attachment A008.

The 1910 New York census for Brooklyn, New York has Hugh and Joseph Robinson living together. They lived at 184 Jackson Street, Brooklyn. Both were galvanizers. See Attachment A017. I believe there is a clerical error on this entry. It shows Hugh age 55, a galvanizer as head of household. It shows Joseph, age 54, a galvanizer. I think that the recorder skipped part of a line, starting to record Joseph, used Josephine’s age, and Joseph’s occupation. Josephine would have been 54 and Joseph would have been 40. We never see Joseph again. See 1910 Census at Attachment A102.

The 1920 New York census for Brooklyn, New York has Hugh and Josephine Robinson living on Graham Avenue. The copy is very light and hard to read, but they are listed at lines 43 and 44. See New York census for Brooklyn at Attachment A038. Note that his death address listed on Attachment A003 was 434 Graham Avenue.

Josephine lived with Hugh until his death in 1927. See Hugh’s death certificate, Attachment A003, and Josephine’s death certificate, Attachment A005. Josephine died 10 April 1927. Hugh Robinson died 8 Feb. 1927 at the Brooklyn State Hospital, of Myocarditis and General Arteriosclerosis, (Heart Attack) in NYC, Kings Co. (Brooklyn) death certificate 2911 on LDS Microfilm # 2048711. Hugh’s newspaper obituary is at Attachment A027. When Hugh died, his son William had been dead for only one year. His grandson, James Sr., (my father), was alive and 17 years old. They could have met during the 17 years, but never did. Additional Hugh Robinson attachments are:

a. Attachment A028 – Petition for Naturalization.

b. Attachment A029 – Naturalization Papers – backside.

c. Attachment A030 – Naturalization Papers – front.

d. Attachments A096 and A097 – Hugh Robinson Cremation Papers

I will now discuss the children of Hugh and Elizabeth. They apparently had four children, only 2 of whom survived. I knew that William and Charlotte came to Missouri on the orphan trains. There were lots of family legends saying such things as the children came from an orphanage in New York, and the orphanage burned down so there are not any records. Others were even wilder, so I will not repeat them. I will stick to facts as I know them.

I had read in various internet files about the orphan trains and the sources for the children. So I wrote to several of these sources in New York.

In April 2004, I received a letter from a Mr. Victor Remer, Archivist for the Children’s Aid Society (CAS), in New York City. He said the following:

“William, d/o/b 26 September 1878, and Charlotte, April 18, 1880 were brought to the Protestant Half Orphan Asylum, by their father Hugh Robinson, on March 28, 1884. He was a galvanizer and lived at 238 Henry Street, New York.”

These were important facts, because I have Lottie’s bible, and in it, she said that she was born on Henry Street, in New York. The fact that Hugh was a galvanizer plays favorably with many documents that I will find later.

Victor further said that Hugh’s wife was dead, and that Hugh visited the children for several months, but then all trace of him was lost.

The children were referred to the CAS by the Half Orphan Asylum in May 1886. They were placed with families in Missouri, William with W. H. Hardwick in Wakenda, MO, and Charlotte with W. V. Rogers in Carrollton, MO.

Lottie as she was called, did not get along with the Rogers children and she was replaced with the Jamerson family in Bosworth.

The CAS received several letters from the children over the years. See the CAS letter at Attachments A014 and A015.

Further research shows that Hugh’s wife Elizabeth, died at 29 Scammel Street, a street that no longer exists, in NY, of Phthisis Pulmonalis (Tuberculosis), complicated by childbirth, on 10 August 1883. She was 24 years of age. Apparently, she had been pregnant again, but died before or shortly after the childbirth. The child apparently did not make it either, but was not mentioned. See Elizabeth’s death certificate at Attachment A016.

This document tells us several important things. She had been in the United States for 22 years. She had lived in New York for 22 years. Since she was 24 when she died, we should look for her immigrating in about 1860 being about 2 years old. I have found a couple documents close, but nothing conclusive. It also tells us that she was buried at Green-Wood cemetery in Brooklyn. I checked this out, and found that she was buried on 12 August 1883, at Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY in Lot 17931, section 127. I called them and found that she has no headstone. Lottie, my great aunt grew up with the Jamersons in Bosworth, Missouri and eventually inherited property from Mr. Jamerson when he passed away. She married a Mr. Jim Cross and they lived a full life. They had one daughter, Rebecca Bell Cross, who was born December 27, 1899. According to my aunt Mary Nettie Robinson, Rebecca died during a childbirth in which the child also died.

Mary also said that she thought that Rebecca lived in Roswell, New Mexico.

The other surviving child of Hugh and Elizabeth Robinson was my grandfather, William Robinson. He grew up in Bosworth, Missouri. He first lived in Wakenda, Missouri with the Hardwick family. He was later replaced with Squire Lee in Bosworth. See the CAS letter mentioned above.

In 1900 William is found living with a friend James Hanavan and Mr. Hanavan’s family, in Bosworth, Combs Twp, Carroll County, Missouri. See census record at Attachment A019.

On April 16, 1905, William married Margaret Laura Belle Troutman , in the city of Houston, Texas County, Missouri. She was the daughter of John Allen Troutman of that county. See the license at Attachment A021.

She was born Feb 14, 1886, in Texas County, Mo. and grew up as a young girl near Licking and Houston Mo.

In 1905, she was working as a kitchen helper at a hotel in Houston, Mo. There she met Bill Robinson. He was a painter looking for work.

They had a little girl, Lottie, in about 1907. Her obituary says she died after being sick for 47 days with typhoid fever. The obit said she was two and a half years old. See Attachment A031.

In the 1910 Texas County census, William is found with his wife, Laura and their son, James William Robinson, (my father). They live in Houston, Texas County, Missouri. See census record at Attachment A020.

In 1920, the census shows William and Laura with children James, Mary, and Forrest in Greensboro, Knott County, Missouri. See the census record at Attachment A023.

In 1926, William died while the family lived in Baring, Knott County, Missouri. He died in the Santa Fe Railroad hospital at Ft. Madison, Iowa. He was a signal maintainer for the railroad. In February 1926, they experienced a terrible ice storm. The signals were frozen with ice and would not operate. William was sent out with a coworker named “Jap” Green (who was not of Japanese descent) to fix the problem. They went out on a hand car. Aunt Mary did not know if it was motorized or the old hand pump kind of car. Using blow torches, they tried to melt the ice, freeing the signals. It continued to rain and freeze. When he got home that night, his clothes were frozen to his body according to my aunt Mary. They used hot water to unfreeze the clothing. He caught pneumonia and it got so bad that they sent him to Ft. Madison, where he died anyway. By then, they had two more children, a son, Clarence, and a daughter, Geraldine. Aunt Mary watched them take her father out to the train from her vantage point behind the stove at school. She never saw him again.

William Robinson is buried at the Linville cemetery, in Edina, Knox County, Missouri.

His obituary from the Edina Sentinel, Thursday, March 4, 1926 is at Attachments A032 and A033. His headstone is at Attachment A042 and the Linville Cemetery entrance is at A043. See William’s Draft Registration at Attachment A058. Also see William’s Death Certificate at Attachment A091.

Shortly after, Aunt Lottie wanted to take Jim and raise him. Laura said no, but that she could take the younger children. Lottie refused. Both women were mad at each other.

Laura’s health was not good. Her doctor advised her to move west to get away from the moist climate of Missouri. She moved with the children to Larned, Kansas where her brother John Troutman lived. The Santa Fe Railroad Company took all their household goods etc, by rail to Larned, Kansas for free.

My aunt Mary tells me stories of her father. William liked to go fishing. He wouldn’t take my father Jim because Jim wouldn’t be still. He threw rocks into the water, etc.

William loved baseball. He played baseball while he lived in Bosworth, Missouri. See the photo at Attachment A041. He went to Kansas City one time to see a baseball game in which Babe Ruth was playing. Again, he didn’t take little Jim, because he wouldn’t sit still for a game. Laura would not let him go alone, so he took Mary with him. She remembers all the excitement over Babe Ruth being there.

One of the reasons that Laura chose Larned Kansas as a place to live is that her brother, John Sumpter Troutman lived there on a farm.

Aunt Mary told me that “Uncle John” had several bad crop years in a row and borrowed money from his sister Laura for seed money. She tried and tried to get him to pay her back, but he never did. This money apparently came from her insurance money from William’s death.

Laura used some of the money to start a restaurant or diner in Larned. She and the children cooked and served the food and lived in the upstairs apartment.

By this time, her son James, (my father) was about 17 years old. Laura bought Jim an old Durant automobile for transportation. One day, he came home without the car. She asked him where it was, and he said that he ran out of gas, left the car, and hitch hiked home. She gave him one of her checks and told him that if it ever happened again, write a check for some gas to get home. He learned shoe repair in Hutchinson, Kansas. He later opened a shoe repair shop in Kansas City, Kansas at around 5th and Minnesota Avenue.

Laura Troutman Robinson, William’s wife, lived for many years with her daughter, Mary Nettie Robinson. Later, she spent several years living with her son Forrest Robinson and his wife Frieda Juanice North Robinson. She briefly stayed with my parents, Jim Robinson and Minnie Viola Schlapia Robinson, but I understand that it didn’t work out well and Laura then went to Council Bluffs, Iowa to live with her daughter Geraldine Robinson and her husband, Chester Robb. Laura lived with them until her death on May 07, 1970. She is buried at Walnut Hill Cemetery, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Her headstone can be seen at Attachment A044. At some point in her later years, Laura moved back to Licking, in Texas County, Missouri and married her childhood sweetheart or friend named Richard Sims Courtney. It didn’t work out and she left. This brief marriage is the reason that her name on her headstone is Laura B. Courtney. Her marriage license to Richard named her as Laura Belle Robinson. This license is at Attachment A034.

On May 28, 1933, in Bosworth, Missouri, Jim married Minnie Viola Schlapia, also of Bosworth. I have their marriage certificate. See Attachments A025 and A026. Also see Viola’s Birth Certificate at Attachment A090. They had the following children:

James William Robinson, Jr. – born July 24, 1937.

Jacquelyn Margaret Robinson – born January 26, 1939.

Gloria Florence Robinson – born July 19, 1940. She died in January, 1996 from exposure to cold weather and resulting complications.

Jim and Viola lived all their lives in the general Kansas City area, except for a short stint in California in 1974. This includes Bosworth and Carrollton in Missouri.

Jim later opened a shoe repair shop at 4th or 5th and Minnesota Ave, Kansas City, KS.

Sometime later, at the urging of family, he sold the shoe shop and went to work for the Union Pacific Railroad. He worked there as a switchman until his retirement in 1974.

Jim shared his father’s love of baseball. In the late 1940’s, Jim first managed Little League baseball for his son’s team, and then later for the older age groups. Interestingly, his son Jim Jr. (me) did the same for Jim the third while in France with the U. S. Air Force. Our team won first place in the league in France.

When Jim’s aunt Lottie (Charlotte) died in May 1970, Jim bought her house on Santa Fe Drive in Bosworth. Jim fixed the house up quite a bit and he and Viola lived there until they moved briefly to California. Soon after the new owners moved in, the house burned to the ground. This was the house where Lottie lived with her husband, Jim Cross. Jim and Viola lived in a trailer in California on property that their daughter Jacky and her husband quit claimed to them for maybe a year. They then left California, pulled the trailer to Alabama, and lived in a park near me for a few months. They then moved back to Kansas City, Kansas and bought a 12 by 70 trailer.

While living in Kansas City, Viola’s diabetes required the amputation of her left foot and lower leg. On June 20, 1978, Jim died in western Kansas while working for the Salvation Army. He had been involved with the Salvation Army for many years in the Salvation Army Communications (SAC). They provided CB radio communications for the Salvation Army during emergencies. Jim and Viola also manned food and drink vehicles when needed during floods, riots, and other emergencies.

See the Death Certificate of my Father, James W. Robinson, Sr. at Attachment A093

See the Death Certificate of my Mother, Minnie Viola Schlapia at Attachment A094

Jim’s 1978 Obituary reads as follows:

(Presumed from the Kansas City Star)


Services for James William Robinson, 68, 350 S. 59th Lane (KCK) will be 10 a.m. Saturday at the Salvation Army, Westport Temple (KCMO). Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. at the Wharton Cemetery, Bosworth, MO. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. today at the Amos Family Funeral Home, Shawnee. Mr. Robinson died Wednesday in Yates Center, Kan., while on business there. He was born in Houston, Mo., and lived in Kansas City, Kan., 40 years. He was a field representative for the Salvation Army three years and earlier worked for the Union Pacific Railroad 30 years before retiring in 1974. Mr. Robinson was a member of the Salvation Army Church. He was a major in the Salvation Army Communications Club. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Minnie Viola Robinson, of the home; a son, James W. Robinson Jr., Wetumpka, Ala.; two daughters Mrs. Jacky Mabry, Rosenburg, Ore, and Mrs. Gloria Thornton, 510 S. 61st Place, a brother, Forrest Robinson, Shawnee; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Hawes, Belpre Kan., and Mrs. Jerry Robb, Council Bluffs, Iowa; 14 grandchildren and five great grandchildren.

See Viola’s obituary at Attachment A068.

In February 1979 or 1980, I went to Kansas City and made arrangements for Viola’s trailer to be moved to Wetumpka, Alabama so that we could be near her to assist her during her old age. She lived here until May 1985 when she sold her trailer and moved back to Kansas City. She moved into a government sponsored living apartment in a hotel that had been converted for such purposes in Kansas City, Missouri. She died of a heart attack on September 25, 1985. She rests with her husband Jim in the Wharton Cemetery in Bosworth, Missouri. See their joint headstone at Attachment A035.

Finally, I present some notes on James Robinson’s siblings:

a. Lottie Robinson – born about 1907 – died about 1909 typhoid fever.

b. Mary Nettie Robinson – currently living.

c. Forrest Charles Robinson – born August 01, 1916 – died February 18, 1997

His headstone is at Attachment A036.

d. Clarence Leon Robinson – born October 22, 1922 – died April 9, 1978

His headstone is at Attachment A037.

e. Geraldine Robinson – currently living.

James William Robinson, Jr. (that’s me), married Lena Marie Campbell, daughter of William Campbell and Beatrice Noble. We had the following children:

James William Robinson, III. born December 27, 1955.

David Wayne Robinson, born 10 March 10, 1959. David married Shelia Diane Dennis, daughter of Albert Javerson Dennis and Mary Jeanette Hodnett. David and Shelia had

Jamie Lauren Robinson, born 9 July 1985, and

Jaret Scott Robinson, born 25 May, 1989.

Terry Wesley Robinson, born 21 October 1960

Jacquelyn Margaret Robinson, born 27 January 1939 in Kansas City, Kansas. Jacky had the following children by the respective husbands:

John Frischenmayer:

John Frischenmayer born March 5, 1957 adopted Art

Art Miller

Sheryl Miller born February 2, 1956 adopted by Art

Robert Julian Miller born May 15, 1959

Everett Mabry:

Laura Sue Mabry born July 30, 1967

Bill Fergerson: no children produced.

Gloria Florence Robinson, born 19 July 1940, in Kansas City, Kansas. Gloria married Eldon Dean Davidson, Sr. and had the following children:

Eldon Dean Davidson, Jr. born 16 April 1956 in Kansas City, Kansas

Debbie Kay Davidson born 29 July 1958 in Kansas City, Kansas

Gary Wayne Davidson born 7 December 1959 in Kansas City, Kansas

Larry Ray Davidson born 7 December 1959 in Kansas City, Kansas (twins)

Connie Sue Davidson born 21 December 1960 in Kansas City, Kansas

Glenda Jean Davidson born 7 December 1961 in Kansas City, Kansas

Sandra Renee Davidson born 23 September 1963 in Kansas City, Kansas


We do not know much about the earliest Troutman ancestors that we have found. We know that they came from a small area known as Gross Gumpen in Germany. Gross Gumpen loosely means Greater Gumpen, or the area around the town or place known as Gumpen. Gross Gumpen is about twenty miles southeast of Darmstadt, Germany.

The first Troutman we know of was Hans Trautmann, born about 1579. He married Rosina Reiseg. They were married November 15, 1610.

About 1610, they had a son, Peter Trautmann, who married a young lady named Catharina.

Hans Peter Trautmann was born to Peter and Catherina on February 28, 1656/57 in Gross Gumpen, and died February 14, 1725/6, in Gross Gumpen. On October 26, 1687, Hans Peter married Anna Nagle, who was born in 1667 in Kirch-Beerfurth, Bayern, Germany, to Adam Nagle, wife unknown.

Peter and Anna had two sons that we know of. They were Johann Adam Trautmann and Johann Georg Trautmann.

I will continue using bold type for our direct line ancestors.

Georg, the second son was born June 8, 1691. He was not our direct line ancestor.

Adam was born February 19, 1689/90 in Gross Gumpen, Hesse, Germany.

Adam died April 10, 1737 Near Pfaffen-Beerfurth, Hesse, Germany.

On October 26, 1718, Adam married Anna Margaretha Hartmann.

At this point, let me tell you something about German naming conventions in those days.

For boys and girls, their middle name was their given name. They name by which they would be called. The first name was their Christian name. Usually named for a saint that the parents chose. So Johann Peter Trautmann was Peter Trautmann. If the parents wanted to call a son Johan, they would spell it with one “n” in the middle name. It was also very uncommon for the Christian name and the given name to be the same. It was not unusual for all of a man’s sons to have the same Christian name, and same for the girls.

Adam and Margaretha had several children:

a. Johann Philip Trautmann, July 28, 1720 - March 27, 1728

b. Anna Elisabetha Trautmann, March 5, 1721/22 - November 30, 1763

c. Anna Catharina Trautmann, February 19, 1724/25 - March 05, 1724/25

d. Johann Adam Trautmann, December 15, 1726 - April 04, 1728

e. Johann Melchior Troutman, April 24, 1729 Gross Gumpen, Germany - Bef. November 09, 1778 in Rowan, North Carolina.

f. Anna Margaretha Trautmann, June 29, 1732

NOTE: The German name “Melchior” is pronounced Mel –Key-Or. It is often miss-pronounced as Mel-Kwior as in the church choir.

From “Pennsylvania German Pioneers”

[List 172C] At the Court House at Philadelphia, Tuesday, the 24th September 1751.

Present: William Peters, Esquire

The Foreigners whose names are underwritten, imported in the Ship Neptune, John Mason,

Commander, from Rotterdam & last from Cowes, did this day take the usual Qualifications &

subscribe them. By List 144. Whole Freights 300. Messrs. Shoemaker.

Melchior Trautmann

Johann Petter Trautmann

Johan Leonhart Trautman

Melchior anglicized his name to Troutman sometime after arrival in the United States. He was naturalized on 24 Sep 1751 in Philadelphia, PA.

The following information is from R. E. Burke:

The Troutman Family of North Carolina

A Genealogy from 1690 to 1850 with some records up to 1900

Adam Troutman (1690) of Gross Gumpen, Hesse, Germany

The information we have on Adam Troutman (1690), his immediate family, and his ancestry, is based upon the work of Dr. Fritz Brown in Germany. The work is undocumented as far as I know, and needs to be verified before it can be fully trusted. However, the work fits very well with information on the Troutman family in Pennsylvania and North Carolina. It makes sense that Adam was the father of both Peter (1716) and Melchior (1729) since both named their first sons Adam.

According to the Dr. Fritz Brown information, Adam Troutman (1690) was a tailor, and he died of an accidental gunshot wound. For more information on Adam Troutman and his ancestors in Germany, see "Descending Jacob's Ladder".

For the purposes of this genealogy, Adam Troutman (1690) is the First Generation, although Troutman lineage in Germany goes back two more generations. I start with Adam (1690) because he is the first common ancestor of all the North Carolina Troutmans (except, of course, for the African-American Troutmans). Also, I start with Adam (1690) because there is nothing more I can say about his ancestors than what may be found in "Descending Jacob's Ladder".

Supposedly, Anna Margaretha, Adam's (1690) second wife, accompanied Peter (1716) and Melchior (1729) on their voyage to America in 1751. She most likely died in Pennsylvania, before the Troutman family migrated south to Rowan County, North Carolina, about 1773.

Johann Melchior Troutman married Anna Elisabetha Heist, who was born about 1730 in Germany and died Bet. 1790 – 1810 in Iredell County, North Carolina. Iredell county, pronounced Ire’-dell, is where the present day town of Troutman lies. From 1904 through 2005, there has been a Troutman family reunion in this town. I attended the 100th reunion in August 2004. Melchior is a common German name and is pronounced Mel-key-or.

John Jacob Troutman, Sr. was born March 2, 1767 to Melchior and Elisabetha, in North Hampton, Upper Milford Twp, Northhampton, Pennsylvania. Jacob married Margaret Fesperman, 1771 – December 8, 1840, in 1795, in Iredell County, North Carolina. Jacob died July 18, 1846 near Troutman, Iredell County, NC.

See Jacob’s headstone at Attachment A039.

See Margaret’s headstone at Attachment A040.

From Thomas Troutman’s book “Descending Jacob’s Ladder”, we find:

Johann Jacob Trautmann was the first native-born American in our Troutman family lineage. He was the fourth son of Johann Melchoir Trautmann and Anna (Elisabetha?) Heist, born on 02 March 1767, and was baptized at St. Paul's Evangelical Reformed Lutheran Church ("Blue" Lutheran) in Upper Milford, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania on 12 April 1767. The sponsors of his baptism were Jacob Ludwig and his wife, Anna Margaretha ----.

About 1769, when Jacob was two years of age, he, his parents and family, his paternal grandmother, and his step-uncle, John Peter Troutman and his family began their journey south over the Allegheny Mountains and into the Piedmont of North Carolina and settled near the German settlement of Rockwell and "Old Organ" Lutheran Church in Rowan County. It was here that both families first settled and the family of Johann Peter Trautmann; chose to remain.

Melchoir's family remained in Rowan County until after Melchoir died intestate in 1778 (See Appendix for a copy of this estate settlement). After his death, Jacob took his mother and moved westward into what later became Iredell County. It was while he was here that he married, Margaret Fesperman; and then they spent the remainder of their lives farming lands.

The first recorded land deeded to Jacob Troutman; was located in the Rowan County, Vacant Land Entry Book, 1778-79, in what later became Iredell County, 01 April 1778, deed "#703--John Henderson, 200 acres on the headwaters of Norrids Creek and adjacent John Henderson, Sr.; Northwest line of his deed land, John Miller's Improvement, then North, and the rest vacant land. Made over to Jacob Troutman." This, we believe to be the old Jacob Troutman "homeplace" which is located just a little west of the present Troutman Meeting Grounds, west of the town of Troutman, North Carolina.

The first recorded land patent obtained by Jacob Troutman from the state of North Carolina was on 23 February 1778, Grant #493 for three hundred acres of land on the "headwaters of Norwoods Creek." Later many more acres were to be obtained.

Jacob must have married Margaret Fesperman about 1795, although there is no physical record of this marriage. At the time, one could be wed in one of two different methods. First, one could post a Marriage Bond with the County Clerk; or, second, one could merely have the "Marriage Bans" read during each of three successive Sunday church services. The former was, of course, recorded in the public record, while the latter may or may not, have been recorded in the record of the local congregation. It is our assumption that Jacob Troutman and Margaret Fesperman were probably married by the posting of their "Marriage Bans" and most likely at the "Old Organ" Lutheran Church near Rockwell, since at this time there was still no Lutheran Church in the immediate area near what is now Troutman, North Carolina.

The children of Jacob and Margaret Fesperman Troutman were (a) Henry M. Troutman; who was born in what is now Iredell County, 12 December 1797 and was married to Margaret Leonard; about 1820; (b) John Jacob Troutman ;, Jr., born 02 April 1799, married Ann Woolford, and died before December 1841; (c) Daniel Troutman ;, born about 1804, married Anna Leonard;, and died after 1850 in a logging accident in Missouri; (d) William Troutman ;, from about 1806, first married Catherine Hoover; about 1826, secondly, Malinda Jane Cowan about 1836, and thirdly, Elizabeth A. Kennedy; on 23 November 1864; (e) Anna Troutman ;, born about 1808 and married Jacob Holshouser; (f) Adam Troutman ;, born in 1813 and married Margaret Hoover;; (g) John Jefferson Troutman ;, born 27 born 1815, married Elizabeth Isabella Waugh; and, (h) Absolam Troutman ;, born in 1817 and married Betty McKee.

Jacob, the pioneer, was an extremely versatile man. The inscription on the tombstone marker states, "He was by trade a carpenter, hat maker, cooper, stockman, school teacher and Realtor."

From the information that we now have, it seems quite likely that once Jacob settled in Rowan and Iredell Counties, North Carolina, he never cared to leave the Piedmont area. Indeed, he lived his entire adult life in the area just outside of the town known today as Troutman, North Carolina.

It was here that his children were reared. It is said that Jacob, at one time, amassed land totaling over 2,000 acres in Iredell County. Even though he had considerable real estate holdings, it is said that he was quite willing to sell a parcel of land to anyone who would visit his home, share his table and be a good neighbor. We find the following deeds made by Jacob Troutman in Iredell County:

01 April 1778-#703--John Henderson, 200 acres, to Jacob Troutman.

No Date (1784)-#2729-Joseph Justice, 100 acres, to Jacob Troutman.

--Page 44--

No Date (1788)--#3166--Vacant Land, 640 acres, to Jacob Troutman.

03 June 1785--#2908--James Kerr, Esq., 150 acres, to Jacob Troutman;

06 November 1787--#3171A--Jacob Troutman, 50 acres, on the waters of Norwoods Creek.

06 November 1787--#3171B--Jacob Troutman, 400 acres adjacent to David Black, Hance Justice and Bob McVey.

24 March 1784--Grant #332--300 acres on the Headwaters of Norwoods Creek. Iredell County Deed #514, Book 118, page 332, issued 21 April 1804.

07 June 1786--Grant #2170--150 Acres on the waters of Norwood Creek, Rowan County. Issued Iredell County, 26 November 1793, Book 80, page 470.

15 February 1789--Grant #489--640 Acres on the Waters of Norwoods Creek, Iredell County. Issued Iredell County, 21 December 1803, Book 117, page 170.

26 November 1793--Grant #49--203 1/2 Acres on Three Branches, Iredell County. Issued Deed #54 Iredell County, Book #81, page 230.

22 November 1803--Grant #514--110 Acres on the waters of Norwoods Creek, Iredell County. Issued 11 December 1804, Book 120, page 134.

21 December 1803--Deed #510--640 Acres on the Waters of Norwoods Creek, Iredell County.

21 April 1804--Deed #515--150 Acres on the Waters of Back Creek, Iredell County.

23 November 1804--Deed #525--343 Acres on the Waters of Back Creek, Iredell County.

23 November 1804--Grant #505--34 Acres on the Waters of Norwoods Creek, Iredell County. Issued Deed #526, Iredell County, Book 120, page 129, 05 February 1805.

An example of the language and form used for Grants of North Carolina in the late Eighteenth and very early Nineteenth Centuries may be found in Grant #2710 from Rowan County and the accompanying Survey Entry Number 2385. They are as follows:

State of North Carolina No. 2385

James Brandon

Entry Officer of Claims

for Lands in the County Rowan.

To the Surveyor of Said County


You are hereby required as soon as may be to Lay off & Survey for JACOB Troutman Tract or Parcel of Land Containing one hundred and fifty Acres in said County on the Waters of Norwoods Creek, Joining John Henderson, Jno. Miller and thence Northwesterly for Complement.

Observing the directions of the act of Assembly in such cases made and provided. Two just and fair plans of such Survey with appropriate Certificate annexed to each, you are to transmit with this Warrant to the Secretarys Office without delay.

Given under my hand at Salisbury the twenty seventh day of June Anno. Dom. 1786

[Signed] Jas. Brandon

Deed #2990

Rowan County, Sept 21, 1792

Surveyed for JACOB Troutman a Tract of Land in said County Containing one hundred and fifty Acres on the Waters of Norwoods Creek Joining John Miller's NW corner Thence eighty six poles to a Spanish Oak Thence S. twenty four degrees W. one hundred and forty two poles to a post oak. Thence South sixty degrees east two hundred and twenty five poles to a pine. Thence to the Beginning.

[Signed] Griffith Rutherford, E.G.

We can be certain that Jacob Troutman and his wife, Margaret Fesperman;, had relocated to Iredell County by 1788, since we find him listed as being in the Salisbury District of Iredell County, of the 1790 North Carolina Federal Census with one free white male over 16, one free white male under 16 and one free white female over 16 years of age with no slaves. We also find his mother, Anna (Elisabetha?) Heist, listed in the same district as, Troutman (widow) and in this household there are two free white females over 16 years, and one free white male over the age of 16.

In the 1800 North Carolina Federal Census, Iredell County, page 653, we again find Jacob Troutman. The census record indicates that living in his household were one male between the ages 10-16, one male between the ages of 26-45, and one female between the ages of 45 & over--all free and white with no slaves.

The 1810 North Carolina Federal Census for Iredell County, page 147 (239), indicates the household of Jacob Troutman with one male between the ages of 5-10, two between the ages of 10-15, one male between the ages of 26-45, two females between the ages of 26-45, all free and white. There is also a reference to him owning no slaves at this point in time. From this information, it would appear that Jacob's mother, is probably deceased by this time.

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Again in the 1820 North Carolina Federal Census for Iredell County, page 243, lists the Jacob Troutman household to have included three males under the age of 10, two males between the ages of 10-16, two males between the ages of 16-26 and one male 45 & over, two females between the ages of 16-26 and one female 45 & over, all free and white; and two slaves. It also appears that three of the males were agricultural workers, while one was involved in manufacturing.

Jacob Troutman is also found in the Iredell County Federal Census Record of 1830 with one male between the ages of 5-10, two males, between the ages of 10-15, one male between the age of 15-20 one male between the ages of 50-60, and one female between the ages of 40-50, all free and white. There is no longer any indication of slaves being the property of Jacob Troutman.

The 1840 North Carolina Federal Census does not list the specific presence of Jacob Troutman. However, we are certain that he is there since his death date is not until 18 July 1846.

In the records of the Iredell County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions has the following entries concerning Jacob Troutman, the pioneer:

May, 1791--I: 67--Ordered Sheriff to sell so much land of Jacob Wilson as will satisfy debts and cost of the suit of Jacob Troutman vs. said Wilson.

15 February 1795--I: 187--Ordered by Court that Jacob Troutman appear at the next County Court and show cause why allowance should not be made to Sarah Whaley for the maintenance of a bastard child. Notice held.

19 May 1795--I:194--Ordered that Jacob Troutman pay Sarah Whaley six pounds at this time and give bond also to pay six pounds twelve months hence in satisfaction made by two notes of land and given to John Whaley. Acknowledgement.

23 August 1798--I: 344--Ordered that J. Troutman be allowed to receive from the Iredell County Treasurer, the sum of 10 shillings for the young wolf scalp which he had produced to this Court.

23 August 1798--I: 381--Ordered by the Court that J. Troutman be fined 20/- for failing to attend as a juror when summoned.

For the first several years that Jacob and Margaret Troutman; lived in Iredell County, there was no organized Lutheran Church near what was later to become the community of Troutman. Therefore, they most certainly participated in the religious fellowship of other churches such as the Episcopal Church or perhaps they may have occasionally made the long journey back to the Organ Lutheran Church near Rockwell. It is also assumed that Jacob and Margaret Troutman were most likely some of the original members of what later became St. Michael's Evangelical Lutheran Church near present day Troutman, NC. However, of this we cannot be absolutely certain since the earliest known records of this church begin in 1833. We know of at least one earlier record book that has been destroyed by fire in the early 1900's.

The following was found in the St. Michael's Evangelical Lutheran Church Record Book E:


"A Church Book for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Iredell called St. Michael's Church first organized under the auspices of Rev. R.J. Miller, A.D. 1815. And after being vacant for a number of years & in a dilapidated condition was again revived by the Rev. Reck who took charge of it September A.D. 1825 & has continued his labors successfully till 1830.

"May 22nd 1840. Now in the Care of Revd. Benjamin Avery and has been for three years.

"October 29, 1831, St. Michael's Church.----

"It is resolved that any regular Minister of any Denomination is permitted to preach in this Church on any day that there is no regular appointment of the Episcopalian, or Lutheran preachers of the North Carolina Synod for which this Church was built.

"Resolution 2, it is also resolved that this resolution May be altered or amended at any future Meeting of the trustees.

[Signed] Jacob Troutman;

William Lippard"

Later, in St. Michael's Evangelical Lutheran Church records, (Book D about 1886) after the laying of the cornerstone for the new St. Michael's Lutheran Church in 1886, we find the following notation concerning the early church and its records:

"The early record of this congregation have been lost or stolen. The date of the fist meeting is unknown. The congregation organized in ----. The deed for the land on which the old church stands was given by Mr. Michael Walcher, September 19, 1823. Recorded in the office of the Registrar of Deeds, Statesville, Book W, page -- about 1848-50 the church was enlarged by running the log wall of the one side and an efficient frame to make it 36 X 50 feet. Last summer the congregation decided to rebuild, the new building

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to be at Troutman's a steadily growing village and railroad station of about one hundred inhabitants, about one-and-one-fourth miles northeast of the old church. The land deed was given March 9, by Mr. Jacob D. Troutman; and Dr. Richard W. Mills. The New Church is 36 X 60 feet."

Jacob Troutman, the pioneer, was also responsible for the donation of a plot of land to be used as a cemetery for the community. It is said that some of the largest stones in the wall were moved into position on a two-wheel cart because of their size. While it is certain that the walls have been repaired several times over the years, it is a family tradition that Jacob helped in the building of the stone wall that encircles the present day Troutman Cemetery.

The Jacob Troutman homeplace is located a little less that one mile west of the Troutman Cemetery. Today, in 1989, the structure still stands, although its condition appears to be deteriorating quite quickly. It is our hope that within the next very few years that it will be moved to the family grounds and restored.

It is a two story, hand-hewed log construction with two fire-places (in very poor repair), one in the kitchen and the other in the living area. There is also an attached porch and what appears to have been at one time a second bedroom above a root cellar which has collapsed. The only out-building that remains is a very dilapidated small building that is believed to have been the spring house.

This is not the original home that Jacob and Margaret Fesperman Troutman constructed upon their move to Iredell County, but rather the second construction completed after the former home burned to the ground about 1840. The present one was completed with weeks of the original home's destruction.

Margaret Fesperman Troutman preceded her husband, Jacob, in her death. According to her tombstone in the Troutman Family Cemetery, she was born in 1771 and died in 1840, at the age of 69 years.

Although there are several Fesperman or Festerman families in the area of Iredell and Rowan Counties, her parentage is unknown at this time. She died intestate, the cause of her death unknown other than old age.

Jacob Troutman, on the other hand, being a man of considerable property, did leave a Will to divide his estate which is reproduced below:

"In the name of God, Amen. I, Jacob Troutman; Senior of the County of Iredell and State of North Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed of God do this 25th day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty three make and publish this my last Will and testament, in the manners following that is to say. First, I give and bequeath to my beloved son John Troutman; my plantation wherein I now live adjoining Martin Leonard; and John Lippard and others containing 400 acres and one wagon his choice of two horse beasts and a pair of Smith tools his choice of two vessels and the choice of one Boiler, his choice of two cows, his choice of four sheep of my flock, his choice of four hogs out of my stock, his choice of the chests, to him and his heirs. Second, I give and bequeath to my beloved sons Henry Troutman;, Dan Troutman;, William, Absolam, Adam Troutman; and my Daughter Ann Holshivers all the balance of my Lands not mentioned in the first clause of this Will to be equally divided in quantity and quality between them and their heirs, except my daughter Ann to her and after her death to her children of her own body, with these exceptions. Adam, Henry, Daniel, Absolam and William Troutman; are to hold their improvements where they sitted on to them and their heirs. My will is that all my property not mentioned in this will are to be equally divided among all my children mentioned above. My Will is that Ann Troutman; the Widow of Jacob Troutman , deceased, and her children that she had with said deceased, are to have two dollars apiece so much for them. Lastly I nominate and appoint my two sons, Henry and John Troutman , executors of this my last Will and Testament. In witness hereof I have sit my hand and seal so and declared this to be my Last Will and Testament in the day and year first above written.

In the presence of witness

Jacob Bastian

[Signed] Jacob Troutman;


Proved Augt 1846”

It would appear that Absolam Troutman; was suffering from some type of financial reverse at, or about, the time of his father’s death. Iredell County, NC, Deed Book X, page 395 records the following Indenture:

“This Indenture made this the 4th day of January 1847, Between Absolam Troutman; of the County of Iredell & state of North Carolina of the one part & Henry Troutman; of the County of Iredell & state of North Carolina of the other part. Witnesseth the said part of the first part, for & in consideration of the sum of Four Hundred Dollars, the receipt is hereby acknowledged

--Page 47--

hath sold and assigned and doth hereby sell & convey to the said party of the second part all my Interest of my land willed to me by my father, Jacob Troutman ;, lying in the County of Iredell and state of North Carolina as will move me to show with sufference to the said will of the said Jacob Troutman with the appertances as therein mentioned to him the party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever & the party of the first part for the consideration aforesaid doth hereby commit & agree to warrant & defend the premises aforesaid to the said party of the second part, his Executors & Administrators & assigns of an inst[?] the claims & ---- of all ---- whatever & further consent that he is seized of the premises in fee simple & hath don the same by these presents. In witness whereof the said party of the first part hath him unto set his hand & seal on the day & year above written.

signed sealed & delivered

in the presences of Absolam Troutman;

John Davidson; Jurat”

During the summer of 1847, the Court appointed several commissioners to divide the estate of Jacob Troutman; in accordance to his Will. The following is a transcription of this record located in Iredell County, NC, Deed Book X, page 495:

“To the Worshipful Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August Term 1847.

“We the undersigned Commissioner, appointed by the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of said County having been duly sworn; proceeded on the Third, Fourth and Fifth of June 1847 to divide and make Partition among John Troutman;, Daniel Troutman;, William Troutman;, Henry Troutman;, Absolam Troutman;, Adam Troutman;, and Ann Holshouser, and her Children, tenants in Common of the Land devised to them by the last will and Testament, of Jacob Troutman, Deceased. Whereupon we have make and do make the following appropriations among the respective legatees, in similarity we further charge the more valuable divisions with such sums of money to be paid to those of Inferior vallue, respectively, as will make an Equal Division and have signed to each Legatee these respective lots, in similarity as specified by law.

“Lot No. 1

“Being the old place and assigned to John as directed by Will. Bounded as follows to wit: Beginning on a Pine Knot, Martin Leonards common. Then running North 50 East 3 of 5 poles to a post oak. John Lippard’s Corner, then along his line East one po. to a Stake. Thence South 50 West 120 po. to a stake. Thence East 23 po. to a Dogwood. Thence South 220 pos. to a Gum on Peter Clodfelter’s line. Thence with his line West 38 pos. caping that corner 148 pos to a pine knot. Leonard’s corner. Thence with his line North 166 poles to the Beginning. Containing 400 acres.

“Lot No. 2

“Assigned to Daniel by Will. Being the lot by him Improved. Bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a dead Pine South with a line of the old Phillips Tract, now D.C. Crawford’s minor heirs of Newton Crawford, Sr. assigned, corner of said Crawfords land. Thence East with William Troutman’s line 84 po. to a hickory his corner. Thence 28 East 94 po. to a stake on John Lippard, Jr.’s line. Thence with his line South 60 po. to a post oak, his corner, and also John Troutman’s corner. Thence with his line South 50 West 283 po. to a Black oak on said line. Thence North 64 po. to a Gum. Thence West 35 po. to Beginning containing 365 acres. Also a Tract containing 46 acres, on the head waters of Buffalo Creek. Bounded as follows: Beginning at a White oak, on a Branch Original McIntosh Corner, ---- then with his line East 80 po. to a stake placed Corner then with his other line North 156 po. to a Chesnut oak, ---- corner. Then with his line West 8 po. to a stake then North 14 po. to a stump then to Beginning.

“Lot No. 3

“Assigned to William by Will. Being the Lot by him Improved. Bounded as follows, to wit:

Beginning on a Post oak, D.C. Crawford’s corner, and also Daniel’s corner. Thence running with his line East 84 po. to a Hickory, Daniel’s Corner. Thence North 28 East, North Daniel’s line 64 po. to a stake on John Lippard, Jr.’s line. Thence North 12 East North his line 48 po. To a Black oak his line now on John Troutman’s original line. Thence with said line North 22 West 68 po. to a pine, Joseph Davidson’s corner. Thence with his line North 136 po. to a pine his Corner. Thence West 276 po. to a stake, Days Corner. Thence South 239 po. to Beginning. 428 acres, also receive of Henry, Sixty Dollars.

“Lot No. 4

“To Adam. Bounded as follows: Beginning on a pine knot, John’s beginning corner. Thence runs

--Page 48--

West 128 po. to a pine knot. Thence South 194 po. to an Ash. Thence East 41 po. to a White oak. Thence South 41 po. to a Sasifras, West 54 to a Spanish oak, same course 66 po. to a Spanish oak, West 104 po. to a Pine, North 7 East 250 po. to a Pine, Daniel’s Beginning Corner. Thence with his line Est 35 po. to a Sycamore. Thence South 64 po. to a Black oak Daniel’s corner on John’s line. Thence with John’s line South 50 West to Beginning containing 380 acres and also the Kile’s Tract Beginning on a rock running South 127 po. to a Post oak, South 32 West 150 po. to a pine South 79 West 78 po. to a Willow North 6 East 18 po. to a White oak, East 10 po. to an Ash North 57 po. to a post oak, East 29 po. to a Gum, North 158 po. to a fallen White oak, John’s line. Thence East 100 po. to Beginning. Containing 190 acres making in all 570 acres.

“Lot No. 5

“Absolam’s, Being the lot by him Improved. Bounded as follows: Beginning on a Gum, South East Corner of John’s lot, running North 165 po. to a Hickory, East 147 po. to a Sourwood on David Eller’s Corner. North said line East 116 poles to a post oak. South 32 po. to a post oak, Eller’s Corner, with his East 48 po. to a Chesnut oak, Eller's Corner, with his line 20 East 40 po. to Sourwood, on said Eller's line. East 110 po. to a Hickory, on East side of Purgatory Branch South 80 po. to a Black oak, Ostwalt's line West 120 po. to a Pine, South 45 West 50 po. to a Spanish oak, South 13 West 82 po. to a Red Oak Bush, West 68 po. to a Black oak North 12 West 96 po. to Brook, North 5 West 110 po. to Dogwood, North 12 po. to Pine, West 67 po. to Beginning, Containing 402 acres.

"Lot No. 6

"To Henry, Being the Lot by him Improved. Bounded as follows (viz) Beginning on a Hickory, Absolam's Beginning on West, on John's line with line North 80 po. to a Dogwood, his Corner, with his line West 28 po. to a Stake, with his line North 55 West 100 po. to a Sourwood, his Corner, North with his line 55 East with his line, 143 po. to a Red oak, South 86 po. to Black oak, South 67 East 62 po. to a pine. North 50 Est 63 po. to a Stake, South 12 po. to a Gum. East 92 po. to a small Black oak South 12 po. to a Stake. East 40 po. to a Black oak South 46 po. to a pine. South 28 West 122 po. to a Hickory, North East Corner of David Eller's Tract. Thence with his line 164 po. to a Pine, Eller's Corner. Thence with his line South 20 West po. to a Sourwood, Absolam's Corner on said Eller's line. Thence North 26 po. to a Pine, West 147 po. to Beginning. Containing 480 acres valued as [no value listed]. We direct him to pay Ann Holshouser One Hundred and Forty Dollars and forty Dollars to William.

"Lot No. 7

"To Ann Holshouser, Bounded as follows, (to wit,) Beginning on a Black Oak on Poor House line and run South on Jacob Thomas' line, south 62 po. to a Chestnut oak, West 198 po. to a post oak, Absolam's Corner, with line 80 po. to a Hickory, Eller and Henry's Corner. Thence with the latter line North 28 East 122 po. to a Pine, Henry's Corner. Thence to the Beginning, Containing 437 acres. To receive of Henry $140. All of said is respectfully submitted under our hands & seals this 12th June 1847. Theopholius Falls, J.B. Thomas, Fergus Silverson, David Eller, John Davidson;. This report, filed & confirmed at August Term 1847. Ordered to be registered J.F. Alexander, Clk.

"Given under our hands & seals this 31st of August 1847.

) Abraham Ritchey (seal)

) John Young (seal)

registered 4th of ) Robt White (seal)

December 1847 ) John Kistler (seal)

James E. White (seal)

Aug Term 1847, The written report

filed & confirmed & ordered to be

registered. J.F. Alexander, Clk."

Johann Jacob Trautmann (Jacob Troutman), the pioneer, departed this world, 18 July 1846 and was buried in the Troutman Family Cemetery which he had given and helped to build, west of the town of that now bears his surname, Troutman, Iredell County, North Carolina. His descendants now number in the tens of thousands and are located in every state of the nation and are members of most every profession and in all social strata.


John Jacob Troutman, Sr. and Margaret Fesperman had several children, among who was included my 3rd great grandfather, William Alexander Troutman. They had the following children about whom I will offer no detail except for William Alexander:

a. Henry Martin Troutman

b. John Jacob Troutman, Jr.

c. Daniel Obadiah Troutman

d. William Alexander Troutman

e. Ann Troutman

f. Adam Troutman

g. Absolom Troutman

William Alexander Troutman was born about 1806 near Troutman, North Carolina. He died Bet. 1895 – 1897 in Tennessee.

In 1826, he married Catherine Hoover , January 04, 1807- Cabarras Co, NC - Bet. 1836 – 1837, Iredell County, North Carolina.

From Thomas Troutman’s book “Descending Jacob’s Ladder”, we find:

William Troutman, the fourth son of John Jacob Troutman; and Margaret Fesperman, was born about 1806 in Iredell County, NC. Tradition is that his middle name was Alexander. It is believed that William had nineteen children by three wives.

It is believed that Catherine Hoover, born 04 January 1807, in Cabarrus County, North Carolina, the daughter of John and Regina Lipe-Hoover was William's first spouse. As marriage records of Iredell County were destroyed when the courthouse burned in 1854 and the earliest known record book for St. Michael's Evangelical Lutheran Church burned in the early 1900's, there is no date for the marriage.

Catherine and William were the parents of six children: (a) David S. Troutman, born 12 January 1828, Iredell Count, NC; (b) Anna Lavina Troutman-Estep, born 17 April 1829, Iredell County, NC; (c) Reany Katherine Troutman Coats Davidson, born 25 November 1830, Iredell County, NC; (d) John Jefferson Troutman, born 28 August 1832, Iredell County, NC; (e) Margaret Elizabeth Troutman Lea, born 07 June 1834, Iredell County, NC; and (f) William Sumptner Troutman, born 05 March 1836, Iredell County, NC.

Catherine died sometime in 1936-37, leaving her husband, children and parents. On 30 January 1838, John Hoover; made his will. He stated therein that his son-in-law, William Troutman, was not to have anything more from his estate.

John Hoover; died sometime after February, 1840. About 1839, he was tried for the murder of one of his slave women, Mira. Although he appealed his verdict to the North Carolina Supreme Court (December Term, 1839), the verdict was upheld and he was sentenced to be hanged. The exact date of his death is not presently known. [Ed.Note--See appendix for a transcription of his will and codicil.]

William married his second wife, Malinda Jane, by, or before, October 1837. Although we've been unable to establish who her parents were, a grand daughter, Mrs. Lola Troutman Palmer Williamson, who presently (1992) lives in Florida gives "Cowan" as the last name.

A page from a small Bible is included in the Civil War Pension file of Jacob Alexander Troutman, which contains the name, "Malinda Jane Troutman, born 24 February 1818, died 01 November 1863." In applying for a pension in 1908, Jacob was required to show proof of his birth. He informed the Bureau of Pensions that the family records had "long since been

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destroyed" but that he had a scrap of paper from the old family Bible giving the birth of his mother.

William and Malinda Jane Cowan had twelve children, as follows: (g) Jacob Alexander Troutman, born 17 July 1838, Iredell County, NC; (h) Jonas Washington Troutman, born 24 January 1840, Iredell County, NC; (i) Henry Harrison Troutman, born 05 August 1841, Iredell County, NC; (j) Adam Allison Troutman, born 19 June 1843, Iredell County, NC; (k) Noah Daniel Troutman, born about 22 September 1846, Tennessee; (l) Sarah Jane Troutman, born about 22 January 1848, Missouri; (m) Joseph Calvin Troutman, born about 22 May 1849, Tennessee; (n) James Morris Troutman, born about 24 November 1851, Jefferson County, TN; (o) Isaac Claiborne Troutman, born about 14 February 1852, Jefferson County, TN; (p) Amanda Adaline Troutman, born about 02 September 1856, Tennessee; (q) Martin Luther Troutman, born about 01 September 1856, Jefferson County, TN; and, (r) Thomas Cowan Troutman, born about 03 August 1859, Jefferson County, TN

Although diligent search has been made to locate evidence of William's presence in the legal records of Knox, Jefferson, and Grainger counties. We find only one reference to William Troutman.

In the Deeds of Conveyence, Knox County, TN, we find the following:

"Deeds of Conveyence

Wm. Troutman This Indenture made and

to and entered into this

John H. Harrell twenty third day of

August one thousand eight hundred and fifty six between Wm. Troutman of the County of Knox and the State of Tennessee of one part and John H. Harrell of the County and State aforesaid of the other part; Witnesseth, that the said Wm. Troutman, for the consideration of One Thousand three hundred dollars to him in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath this day bargained and sold, and by these presents doth grant bargain, sell and convey use to the said John H. Harrell his heirs and assigns forever, a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being n the counties of Knox and Grainger, on both sides of the Stage Road on the waters of Flat Creek in the State aforesaid., adjoining the lands of G.C. McBee & others. Beginning at the Spanish oak stump, corner to said McBee's and Troutman, thence with McBee's line, north twenty East, Eighty poles to a Stake on the East side of the Road, thence South seventy five East fifteen poles to a state McBee's Corner; thence North fifty five East Eighty poles to a stake in C. Haley's line; thence with his line West Eighty Seven poles to a stake, thence North twelve East, three hundred and twenty eight poles to a post oak in the corner of a fence thence with Harris old line South forty two West one hundred and forty four poles to a Spanish oak, the same corner West one hundred and thirteen poles to a large Black oak in the head of a hollow near a cleft of rocks, same corner thirty five poles to a stake in Chamberlain's old line, with if West twenty poles to a Chestnut oak on the top of a ridge, South eight West sixty four poles to two black Jacks, thence South eighteen West eighty six poles to a Spanish oak Thomas Soos corner, with his line North eleven east fourteen poles to a stake in the old line of the Tabler Tract with said line, now McBee's to the beginning. Containing two hundred and thirty acres to the beginning more or less, to have and to hold the said tract of land and all its appurterences thereunto apportioning and all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demand of him, the said William Troutman; his heirs and assigns, and the said John H. Harrell, his heirs and assigns and legal representatives forever against the lawful claim and demand of them the said William Troutman his heirs and assigns and of all other persons whatsoever. In Witness thereof the said William Troutman hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written.

Signed, seal and delivered }

in presence of }William Troutman

W.H. Chamberlain } (Seal)

I.I. Chamberlain }

T.A. Chamberlain; }

State of Tennessee } Personally appeared

Knox County } before me Wm. Craig

Clerk of the County

Court of Knox County.

I.I. Chamberlain & T.A. Chamberlain subscribing Witnesses to the written deed who have been duly sworn depose and say they are personally acquainted with William Troutman, the bargainer and that they heard him acknowledge that he entered said deed on the day it bears date for the purposes contained. Witness my hand at Office in Knoxville this March 17, 1857.

Registered March 17, 1857 } Wm Craig, Clk

Received 3 O'Clock P.M. }"

--Page 56--

A page from a small Bible is included in the Civil War Pension file of Jacob Alexander Troutman, which contains the name "Malinda Jane Troutman, born 24 February 1818, died 1 November 1863." In applying for a pension in 1908, Jacob was required to show proof of his birth. He informed the Bureau of Pensions that the family records had "long since been destroyed" but that he had a scrap of paper from the old family Bible giving the birth of his mother. Since Jacob was born in 1838, it is unlikely that Malinda was his mother.

William's third marriage occurred in Knox County, TN. On 09 November 1864, he obtained a marriage license in Knoxville. He and Elizabeth Ann Kennedy, a widow, were married on 23 November 1864 by P.H. Skaggs, Justice of the Peace. It is believed that she is the mother of Elizabeth Jane Kennedy; who married Henry Harrison Troutman, a son of William Troutman. William and Elizabeth had one known child: (s) Samuel Kennedy Troutman, born 18 October 1865 in Tennessee. Elizabeth and Samuel were not included in the family household at the time the census was taken 30 June 1870 and their place of residence is not known. In 1880, Elizabeth lived in Jefferson County, TN with her son, Samuel, while William was included in the household of his son, Jonas Troutman; of Whitley County, KY.

[Ed. Note. Reference is made to a Wm. Troutman in Knox County Court Records, Book 26, page 55, as follows: "On the petition of Wm. Troutman, the court appoints James Forbs & A.C. Howell, James Housley, John son & Wm. Trot. shall be a Jury of vein to change the third class road from running through his property to run through C.W. Crawfords property."]

Apparently William enjoyed traveling to visit his children. On one occasion prior to 1876, he stayed with Jonas for about a year. When and where Elizabeth and William are buried is unknown.

St. Martin's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Troutman, NC, was organized 28 June 1833 with Henry Goodman; as minister. Anny Troutman, possibly the wife of Jacob Troutman, Jr., was one of the communicants at the first service held. The first record found indicating William's attendance was on 21 March 1836. On 26 August 1837, his brother Adam Troutman; was included in the congregation. Adam became an elder of the church, serving from 01 September 1839 until his death, a span of thirteen years. He died 18 February 1852 at the age of forty years, ten months and twenty days. On 08 April 1837, William Troutman, along with Felix Clodfelter; and John Holshouser were appointed by the congregation as "Singing Clerks." On 19 April 1845, William was ordained as an elder of the congregation. Where William attended church after his move to Tennessee is unknown.

In 1841, Iredell County purchased a 200 acre tract of land from William Stevenson for $350 for the purpose of building a poorhouse. By mid-February of 1842, four log buildings for the poor, a smokehouse and a caretaker's house had been completed for slightly less than the $1,200 budget allowed. Paid for these houses were William Simonton, William and Jacob Troutman; and Francis Ostwalt.

John Jacob Troutman, Sr., the father of William died in July 1846. Neither William, Daniel or Jacob, Jr. (the latter having died in 1831), were among the purchasers at the estate sale which took place on 15 September 1846. Daniel had left North Carolina about 1832, his son Henry being born in Tennessee during the trip to Missouri--his destination. William left about 1845-6, before his father's death. William's son, Adam, was born in North Carolina in June 1843. His next child, Noah, was born in Tennessee about 1836, and his daughter, Reany, was married in Grainger County, TN in September 1846.

Tradition has it that one of the sons—William or Daniel—upon hearing the news of their father's death, returned to North Carolina to lay claim to their inheritance. It is said that the only thing that this son received was a horse and buggy. The other son apparently received nothing.

When William left North Carolina, his intentions may have been to follow his brother, Daniel, to Missouri. He was probably held up during the trip by the birth of his son, Noah, in Tennessee. The next child, Sarah Jane, was born in Missouri and shortly afterward he returned to Tennessee where his next child, Joseph, was born in May, 1849. William probably never saw his brother, Daniel, again, as Daniel died sometime after 1850. He was killed in a logging accident on the river and his body was never found.

The Civil War must have been very difficult for William and his family. Six of his sons are known to have served—some in the Confederate Service, others for the Union Forces.

Living conditions during this period were very difficult for the citizens of Tennessee. The people were divided between the North and the South with the eastern part of the state feeling more sympathetic toward the North. As a result of that sympathy, the Confederate forces moved into and held this region captive for a good

--Page 57


portion of the War. What the circumstances of William were during this time are unknown. As a farming family, they probably managed to have food for their table—although both armies confiscated civilian goods. William lost a horse to the Confederate Army and perhaps much more. He was described as a "bitter rebel" after the war.

The war certainly could not have been ignored, as it surrounded them. There was action, skirmishes, etc. in and around the area. In January of 1864, there were skirmishes in Strawberry Plains where the family was located. William's son, Jonas, was wounded during a fight with the rebels on 05 March 1864 near Mossy Creek in Jefferson County, TN.

Following the War, much of the State was in ruin and thousands of people were homeless. Whether William's sons had a home to return to after the war is unknown. At least two stated that they had "no particular place of residence" although their mailing addresses were Strawberry Plains, Jefferson County, TN.

William's son, Jacob Alexander Troutman, recorded all the names and birthdates for his brothers and sisters, except Samuel, in his own Bible. The pages have been removed and are in the possession of Jacob's daughter, Lola, who [still in 1992] resides in Florida. Jacob stated that he copied them from his father's Bible but as the dates do not necessarily agree with other records, the information may have been verbal.

Yvonne Troutman Wake

Livonia, MI


a. David S. Troutman

b. Anna Levina Troutman

c. Elizabeth Troutman

d. John Jefferson Troutman

e. Reany Katherine Troutman

f. Margaret Troutman

g. William Sumptner Troutman

From Thomas Troutman’s book “Descending Jacob’s Ladder”, we find:

adf--William Sumptner Troutman

William Sumptner Troutman the son of William Troutman and Catherine Hoover was born 27 March 1836 in Iredell County, NC. He was married to Martha Louisa Walters (bn 06 October 1837, Knoxville, TN; dd 25 May 1917) on 29 July 1859 in Jefferson County, TN by Squire Patterson. The marriage was entered incorrectly in the records. William's name was entered as "William Trentham" rather than "Troutman". Martha was born in October 1837 in Tennessee. The couple first made their home near William's parents in Jefferson County, TN, being there in August 1860, at the time the census was taken. His occupation is not listed and it is believed that they rented their home. Their personal property was $250.

See the death certificates for William S. Troutman and Martha Louisa Walters at Attachments A099 and A100.

William entered the Civil War while residing in Jefferson County, TN. He enlisted at Louisville, Kentucky on 15 November 1862 as a Private in Company K, 3rd Regiment of the Tennessee Volunteers, Union Army, commanded by Colonel Reeves. William was wounded at Rescara, GA during a charge on the 14th day of May, 1864, receiving a gun shot wound in the left breast or shoulder. The wound caused his arm to wither and become useless. He was hospitalized on the same day in Rescara and then transferred on the 28th day of May 1864 to the General Hospital, No. 2 in Chattanooga, TN. He was again transferred on 15 June 1864 to the General Hospital in Knoxville, TN. He left the Hospital on 05 February 1865. He was admitted to the Brownlow H.S. General Hospital in Nashville, TN on 24 May 1865 and discharged on 04 August 1865 at Nashville, TN. He applied for a pension while in Nashville on 17 August 1865. He stated that he was totally disabled and his post office address was Strawberry Plains, Tennessee.

William moved his family to Illinois sometime between 30 October 1869 and 13 February 1870. He was examined by a physician on 30 October 1869 in Strawberry Plains and his fourth child was born 13 February 1870 in Illinois. Sometime after this date the family left Illinois and moved to Reynolds County, Missouri where their fifth child was born on 21 August 1874. This child's death certificate lists the place of birth as Deats County, Missouri. Their residence on 15 September 1875 was West Fork, Reynolds County, Missouri.

In June of 1880, the family lived in Carroll Township, Reynolds County, Missouri. There were three children between the ages of 5 and 14 living at home. According to the census, William was a farmer but must have had help because of the loss of his arm. His brother, David, lived nearby as did their first cousin, Martin Troutman the son of their Uncle Daniel.

On 15 May 1887, William was ordained to the full work of the ministry by the Crossville Baptist Church, Reynolds County, Missouri. On 21 May 1893, he and Martha were united with the Houston Baptist Church and in 1894 became charter members of Central Baptist Church. He served various churches of Texas County, Missouri as pastor and evangelist. Both, he and Martha are buried at Central Baptist Cemetery.

William died on 25 December 1921, Martha having preceded him in death. The children born to Martha and William were: (a) born 08 August 1860 in Jefferson County, TN; (b) Mary E. Troutman born 06 July 1862 in TN; (c) Catherine S. Troutman born 13 June 1866 in TN; (d) William David Troutman born 13 February 1870 in IL; (e) James Washington Troutman born 11 August 1874, Reynolds County, Missouri; (f) Ida Elizabeth Troutman born 22 February 1877, died 23 September 1877 and was buried at the Jane Callahan Cemetery near Bunker, Reynolds County, MO; and, (g) Charles Edward Troutman; born 28 December 1878; died 03 December 1879 and was buried with his sister in the Jane Callahan Cemetery.


On 18 April 2003, I photographed William S. Troutman's headstone, at Central Baptist Church on Texas County Road B, a few miles east of Houston, MO. See the headstone at Attachment A045.

I talked with Wm. Sumptner Troutman's great-grandson, William Roy Troutman on that same date. He told me where Wm. Sumptner's house was located on County Road B, about two miles west of Raymolndville, MO. Just west of Wm. Sumptner's old farm is a road going north. It is named Sumpter Road (or Lane). Wm. Sumptner's great-great-grandson, Donald R. Troutman, who is the Texas county, MO, County Clerk, told me that it was the nearest road to the Wm. Sumptner farm that they could name after Wm. Sumptner.

I have discussed by phone with Don Troutman as to whether William Troutman's middle name is Sumpter or Sumptner.

He said he has heard it both ways, but his father, Roy Troutman said it was Sumptner.

Don was instrumental in getting a road named after Wm Sumptner Troutman, but called it "Sumpter" road or lane.

William’s Civil War record is as follows:

W.S. Troutman (First_Last)

Regiment Name 3 Tennessee Infantry.

Side Union

Company K

Soldier's Rank_In

Soldier's Rank_Out Pvt

Alternate Name William S. Troutman

Notes Film Number M392 roll 15

From Thomas Troutman’s book “Descending Jacob’s Ladder”, we find:

adfa --John A. Troutman

John A. Troutman, the first child of William Sumptner Troutman; and Martha L Walters, was born 08 August 1860 in Jefferson County, TN. John left for Strawberry Plains, TN with his parents 1869c for Illinois. After John's brother was born near St. Louis, IL in February, 1870. The family pulled up stakes and moved onto Reynolds County, MO.

John married Marietta "Mary" Crossland at West Fork, Carroll Township, in Reynolds County, MO on 25 December 1878. According to Federal Census records, Mary was born in November, 1862 in Missouri. John and Mary had six known children. They were: (a) Martha Troutman, born circa March, 1883; (b) Laura Troutman, born circa February 1886; (c) Annie Troutman, born circa February, 1889 and married a Mr. Beasley; (d) Johnny Troutman, born circa September, 1891; (e) James W. Troutman, born circa April, 1894; and (f) Earl Troutman, born circa October, 1898. All six children were born in Missouri.

By the 1900 Federal Census, John and his family had moved to Texas County, MO.

I originally had John's middle name as Adams, but two of his granddaughters, namely Fern and Thelma Beasley tell me that his middle name is Allen. They say that "Allen" is what their mother Annie Troutman always said, and also supports a grandson being named Allen. (Jim Robinson)

John's death location of Abilene, TX, is from his grand daughters, Fern and Thelma Beasley, in a conversation I had with them on 17 Apr. 2003 (Jim Robinson). I have found a gravesite with that name in Abilene, but the dates don't fit. But see Attachment A104 for John’s funeral record. Also see A101, A102 and A103.

Reynolds County marriage records from:

Reynolds County

George W Sutterfield to Liney Adeline Crossland 27 May 1877, William S Troutman, J.P.

O.S. White to Delpha Crossland 17 December 1877, William S Troutman, J.P.

John A. Troutman to Marietta G. Crossland 25 December 1778, J.B. Heaton, Minister

(1778 above had to be a typo in transcribing, should be 1878, Jim Robinson)

I failed to record the author of the paragraph below, but it is from the web site above. (JR)

"Reynolds County Marriage Records 1870-1891

These marriage records were taken from the original records on file at the offices of the Circuit Clerk and Recorder, Reynolds County Courthouse, Centerville, Missouri. Records at the courthouse were burned in 1872, and any date given before 1872 were resworn to after the fire. Be sure and check all spellings of your surname, as even county officials in the 1800's weren't the best of spellers. I would like to thank Mrs. Roam of the Carter County Genealogical Society for providing me with this information. I have arranged this page with the minister or justice of the peace's name in bold and which couples they married listed below each name. The letter's J.P. stand for Justice of the Peace. If you know your ancestors married in Reynolds County Missouri during this time period and you don't see them on this list please e-mail me with the corrections.

J.B. Heaton, Minister"

John A. Troutman to Marietta G. Crossland 25 Dec 1878

Carol Troutman, my father’s first cousin, has the following information she received from Robert Burke.

The 1880 census has John living in Reynolds Co., MO. He was 20, 1st wife Mary Crossland was 18.

Also in 1880 census, Mary A. Fredrick was 18, living with her parents Abe and Betty Frederick, in Texas Co., MO.

The 1900 census has 39 year old John A. Troutman living in Texas Co., MO.

Molly was 37, Earl age 1, Martha age 17, Laura age 14, Annie age 11, Johnny age 8, James W. age 6. See photo at Attachment A101.

The 1910 census didn't show John A. Troutman.

The 1920 census has 59 year old John A. Troutman living in Cleburne Co., AR with 57 year old wife Mary, 17 year old son Charlie F., 14 year old Daniel E. Mary's brother, John Frederick.

The 1930 census has 69 year old John A. Troutman living in El Paso, TX, with 67 year old wife Mary, 24 year old son Daniel Edgar.

R. E. Burke is a renowned genealogist who has done extensive research on the Troutman families of North Carolina and their relatives. (Jim Robinson)

From RE Burke's 1880 Census compilation:

[John A. Troutman (1860) > William Sumpter (1836) > William (c1806) > JMA (adfa)]

113 113 Troutman, John A W M 20 H M laborer TN TN TN

-Mary E W F 18 W M house MO TN TN

The three states are Person's birthplace, Father's birthplace, and Mother's birthplace.

In April, 2003, I visited with Annie Troutman's two daughters, Fern and Thelma, and they verified much information for me and added new data. They are my father's (Jim Senior) first cousins as he was the son of Margaret Laura Bell Troutman. (Jim Robinson)

On 17 April 2003, Thelma Beasley Bailie, daughter of Anne Troutman (John's daughter), let me scan and copy the marriage certificate of John A. Troutman and Mollie Nelson. Apparently, Mollie had married a Nelson and used her married name on the certificate of marriage to John. I can only assume that her official name then was Mary Mollie Frederick Nelson Troutman. (Jim Robinson)

See Attachment A046.

Our direct line of ancestors now merges with the Robinson line as Margaret Laura Belle Troutman married William Robinson.

Although I have much information on other branches of the Troutman line, I will leave that for others to document. If you can obtain a copy of my Family Tree Maker database, you will find much more Troutman information therein.

Anyone seriously researching the Troutman Family of North Carolina should find and read R. E. Burke’s work, which can be found on the world wide web as well as Thomas Troutman’s book “Descending Jacob’s Ladder”.


We do not know much about the Hoovers. We do know that the original German surname was Huber, pronounced something like “Hewber”. What information I have has been gleaned from entries on the world wide web by other researchers, the names, most of whom I forgot to record for giving due credit. At any rate, I post the data here primarily as a starting point for anyone who wants to do serious research on their own. Since the information is undocumented I cannot vouch for its accuracy.

Apparently, the earliest known Hoover in our line is Hans Huber, who was born about 1595, in Oberkulm, Aargau County, in I presume, Germany. Hans died in about 1650. About 1614, Hans married Barbet Vollenweider, born about 1590 and died about 1650.

Their only listed child was Georg Huber, born about 1615 in Oberkulm, Aargau County.

In 1644, Georg had a son, Johann Heinrich Huber. I have no information on Georg’s wife.

Johann Heinrich Huber was born 1644, in Oberkulm and died 1706, also in Oberkulm.

Heinrich had a son, Gregor Jonas Huber, born July 06, 1668 in Oberkulm and died April 23, 1741 in Ellerstadt, Kreis Bad Durkheim, Palatinate. His wife is unknown.

Gregor Jonas Huber had a son Andrew Hoover born January 29, 1722/23, in Ellerstadt. Gregor died 1794 in Randolph County, NC. Andrew married Margaret Catherine Pfautz, in 1745 in Pennsylvania and they had a son Jacob Hoover. Jacob was born in 1754 in Maryland and died in 1821 in North Carolina. His wife is also unknown.

Jacob had a son, John H. Hoover. John was born May 1782 in Carrabus, Mecklenburg, NC and died in 1840, at Plantation, Amity Hill Rd, Iredell Co., NC.

On August 27, 1806, in NC, John married Regina Leib.

Regina’s parents were Jonas Leib born between 1736 – 1765 and Ann Christina Misenheimer, born between 1745 -1768. Jonas and Christina were married October 20, 1891 in Carrabas County, NC.

Regina Leib was born 26 August 1887 in Carrabas, NC. John H. Hoover and Regina had ten children:

Leah Leib Hoover, November 18, 1805

Catherine Hoover, January 04, 1807

Margaret Hoover, August 06, 1810

Sumter Hoover, September 17, 1813

Sarah Hoover, January 06, 1816

Regina Hoover, February 20, 1818

John Jefferson Hoover, May 25, 1820

Absolem Hoover, January 01, 1823

Archibald Hoover, January 01, 1823

Cowen Hoover, January 01, 1826

Regina Leib was born to Jonas Leib, b. bet. 1736 - 1765, d. bet. 1790 – 1850 and Ann Christina Misenheimer, b. bet. 1745 – 1768. We do not know her date of death. I can find no further information of the Leibs or Misenheimers.

John H. Hoover was hanged for the murder of one of his female slaves named Mira. Details of the incident and the trial can be found in Tom Troutman’s book “Descending Jacob’s Ladder”.

John H. Hoover was born to Jacob Hoover, b. 1754, Maryland, d. 1821, NC. Jacob’s wife is not known to me.

Jacob Hoover was born to Andrew Hoover, b. January 29, 1722/1723, in Ellerstadt, Germany, d. 1794, Randolph Co., NC. and Margaret Catherine Pfautz. B. 1734, d. 1797, Randolph Co., NC.

Andrew Hoover was born to Gregor Jonas Huber, b. July 06, 1668, Oberkulm, Aargau County Germany, d. April 23, 1741, Ellerstadt, Kreis Bad Durkheim, Palatinate, Germany. I do not know the name of Andrew’s mother.

Gregor Jonas Huber was born to Johann Heinrich Huber, b. 1644, Oberkulm, Aargau County, d. 1706, Oberkulm, Aargau County. I do not know the name of Gregor’s mother.

Johan Heinrich Huber was born to Georg Huber, b. abt. 1615 in Oberkulm, Aargau County and d. in Oberkulm, Aargau County.

Georg Huber was born to Hans Huber, b. abt 1595, Oberkulm, Aargau County, d. abt 1650, and Barbet Vollenweider, b. abt 1590, d. abt. 1650. Hans and Barbet were married about 1614.

Our direct line of ancestors now merges with the Troutman line as Catherine Hoover married William Alexander Troutman.


The earliest Hartman we know of in the family is Bernhard Hartmann, b. 1650 in Germany. He married Gertrude Falter, b. 1650. They had a son, Adam Hartman, b. 1669, d. 1731. Adam married Agatha Schimpf, b. 1675.

They had a daughter, Anna Margaretha Hartmann, b. May 23, 1694, in Germany. She died in PA or NC.

At this point, the Hartman line merges with the Trautmann line when Anna Margaretha Hartman married Johann Adam Trautmann.

***** NOTES *****


We do not know much about this line. The earliest recorded Schimpf that we know of is Hans Schimpf. We got information on the Schimpf line from the website, ., which no longer exists.

Hans Schimpf and an unknown wife had a son, Ewald Schimpf, b. bef. 1612, Ostern, starkenburg, Hessen, Tyskland (Ger.).

Ewald Schimpf and his wife Elizabeth (last name unknown) b. bef. 1612, had a son, Peter Schimpf, b. 1655 in Germany.

Peter Schimpf and his wife Anna Margaretha (last name unknown) b. 1663, had a two daughters, Margaretha Schimpf, b. November 19, 1651, and Agatha Schimpf, b. 1675.

At this point, the Schimpf line merges with the Hartman line when Agatha Schimpf married Adam Hartman.

***** NOTES *****


This is the line of my Mother. The Schlapia name has undergone changes since coming to the United States on October 2nd, 1753. The original family name in Germany was Schlappich (sounds like Sloppik). On arrival to Philadelphia, PA, the name quickly changed to Schlappig. There have been many other variations, but generally not in my direct line.

The earliest Schlappich family members that we find are:

Gottfried Schlappich, born in 1625 in Germany. He married Anna Maria Offerman, born 1625, in Germany. They had at least one child.

Johann Heinrich Schlappich, born in 1652, in Germany. He married Hschen Knebell, who was born in 1652, in Germany. They had at least one child;

Johann Jost Schlappich, Sr. (Jost in German is pronounced Yost, and is sometimes later spelled “Yost” in America. He was born in 1688 in Germany. He married Anna Andries Langenaubach, born in 1652 in Langenaubach, Germany. They had at least two children.

Johann Jost Schlappig, Jr., born October 31, 1719 in Germany. No other data found.

Johann Daniel Schlappig, Sr., born 22 November, 1725, in Ewersbach. Lahn-Dill-Kreis, Germany. (Old name was Ebersbach). He died January 29, 1794 in Berks County PA. He is buried in St. Michael's Reformed church cemetery, Upper Bern Twp., Berks, PA, just west of the town of Hamburg, PA. See his headstone at Attachment A047. He married Anna Margaretha Brachthauser, who was born October 31, 1728 in Ewersbach bei Dietzhölztal, Lahn-Dill-Kreis, Hessen, Germany, and died September 23, 1799, in Berks Co., PA. See her headstone at A048. She is also buried at St. Michael’s. They had 10 children.

Maria Schlappig, born Dec 31, 1751.

Anna Margaret Schlappig, born September 25, 1752.

Magdalena Schlappig, born September 25, 1752.

Elizabeth Schlappig, born July 01, 1754 and died October 24, 1824.

Christina Schlappig, born August 12, 1756.

Johann Daniel Schlappig, Jr., born August 26, 1762, and died January 21, 1836.

Yost Schlappig, born Aft. 1762.

Jacob Schlappig, born about 1765and died in 1828and died February 28, 1834.

Anna Catherine Schlappig, born August 28, 1766.

George Schlappig, born September 10, 1771

Johann Daniel Sr. and brother Johan n Jost Schlappig, along with both(?) wives, landed in Philadelphia o n 10/02/1753, on board "Edinburg", John Lyon Captain, from Rotterdam . They settled in Bern Township, Berks Co., PA, and by 1780 both owned 100-acre farms.

I, Jim Robinson, thanks to Ernie Dawson, have a copy of the Daniel Schlappig's will, before and after the translation below.

In the name of the most holy Trinity. Amen.

Whereas I, Daniel Schlabbig of Bern Township Berks County, having considered the frailty of my mortal body, the faculties of which are almost exhausted by my increasing age and continuing sickness, feeling nevertheless as yet no want or decrease of my sound reason and memory do therefore without exception to be considered and confirmed by those who I leave - in manner following.

First I recommend my immortal spirit into the hands of that God from whom I have received it, but my body I give over to those who I shall leave that the same may be by them committed to its resting peace amongst those of my own religion.

Secondly, I bequeath to my beloved wife Margaretha, for her yearly subsistence in grain fifteen bushels, half wheat and half rye every year, then every year, three pounds in cash, every year a quarter of an acre with flax, and a quarter of an acre with potatoes every year in meat 100 lbs. pork and 50 lbs. of beef. My wife shall have two cows, kept in the same pasture and the same fodders(?) in which those of the owner of the place are kept, as also to have the half of the kitchen garden in use, out of the orchard she shall yearly have two barrels of good cider which must be made for her and shall have leave to make five bushels of dried apples out of the orchard where she pleases, every year one bushel of salt every year six pounds of good wool every year, two pair of new shoes and a pair soled, the following owner in this testament to wit my son George Schlabbig shall do all this punctually for my wife, his mother, to take the grain to the mill for her, to bring the same of the meal back into her house. He must provide all the firewood, cut the same small and carry it into the house, to manure and plough her land for flax and potatoes well, to break the flax for her and prepare it for spinning. Moreover my wife shall have her seat in the house which I built in the following manner:

Firstly, the lowest room shall be altogether her own as long as she lives, the half of the kitchen, the half of the garret, a separate good stall or room for her two cows in the low stable. Should my wife Margaretha become old and infirm and not be able to help herself, then my son George shall be bound to keep a maid for her to nurse her and wait upon her. She shall also have her matrimonial bed, the chest which stands in the dwelling room with all its contents, her spinning wheel with all the kitchen furniture. Farther, my wife Margaretha shall have the half of the grain upon the loft (??????) when it the same is sold, that is to say half the money. She shall also have a horse to ride when she thinks proper. The remaining half of the money of the wheat above mentioned shall be given to my son Jacob.

Thirdly, I bequeath to my eldest son Daniel Schlabbig, for his right of primogeniture, the sum of five pounds good money, and then eleven pounds more as his Inheritance, which shall be paid to him out of my real estate. To be mentioned hereafter.

Fourthly, I bequeath to my son Jacob Schlabbig, the sum of seventy pounds good money, of which he shall have fifty nine pounds when the above mentioned wheat is sold, but the other eleven upon a certain time, as also the half of the grain upon the field, but he must help to reap, haul home and thresh the same.

Fifthly, I devise to my son George Schlabbig, my plantation situated in Bern Township, Berks County as his property with everything thereunto belonging to wit: two horse creatures with all the gear, also all the horned cattle and sheep. Also wagon, plough, and harrow together with all the farming utensils, also all the swine, the half of the grain upon the fields also the half of the money which will be got for the wheat above mentioned. My son Jacob shall have a right to live for one year upon the place, where he now lives, and my son George Schlabbig shall in one year after my decease, pay the first payment, he shall begin with the eldest child and pay on every year until to the youngest as their share is expressed in this testament, the beginning to be made with the eldest as afores, until to the youngest.

Sixthly, I bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth, the wife of John Seaman, the sum of six pounds good money to be paid out of my estate.

Seventhly, I bequeath to my daughter Margaret the wife of Adam Eppler, the sum of Twenty pounds good money to be paid out of my estate.

Eighthly, I bequeath to my daughter Catharine, the wife of Jacob Eppler, the sum of thirty five pounds, fifteen shillings and six pence out of my estate.

Ninthly, I bequeath to my grandson George Bautel, the sum of fifteen pounds good money when he arrives to his age, out of my estate.

Tenthly, I appoint my friend John Knoeble to be the executor of this my testament and will to say that the same is only executor.

In order that the foregoing testament may be considered and executed as my very last I do again revoke in presence of witnesses and being of good and sound memory and reason all writings and assignments by me heretofore made, of whatsoever nature form or meaning the same may be, and that this only and alone may be considered as before mentioned. I have therefore herunto set my hand and seal. Done the 25th January A D one thousand seven hundred and Ninety four (1794).

Witnesses to the present testament and will

Jost Schlabbig Daniel Schlabbig {seal}

Henry Gatle

Burials - St Michael's, Bern:

Daniel SCHLABBIG, b 11/22/1725 - 6/29/1794 had 8 children with his wife Margaretha.

Daniel SCHLAPPIG born 8/26/1762, d. 1/21/1836 husb of Margaret.

Elisabeth SAEMAN, nee SCHLAPPIG, b 7/1/1754 - 10/24/1824, married John SAEMAN and had 3 sons and 6 daus.

George SCHLAPPIG, 9/10/1771 - 9/23/1799; married Barbara HOLLENBACH on 3/13/1795; had 2 sons and 7 daus.

Barbara SCHLAPPIG, nee HOLLENBACH, 3/15/1772 - 3/15/1854, married George SCHLAPPIG on 3/13/1795 and had 2 sons, 7daus, 17 gr-chil, and 30 grgrgrandchildren

Margaretha SCHLABBIG 10/31/1728 - 9/23/1799, w/ Daniel SCHLABBIG.

Margaret SCHLAPPIG b 1/22/1756 - 6/16/1826, w/Daniel SCHLAPPIG.

Magdalene SCHLAPPIG, nee HAAG, 4/2/1797 - 10/21/1859, aged 62y6m19d

Barbara SCHLAPPIG, Bern Twp; 3/15/1772 - 3/15/1854, age 82 years

Johann Daniel Schlappig, Jr. married Anna Margaretha Seaman, who was born January 22, 1756 in Berks Co., PA, and died June 16, 1826 in Berks Co., PA. They a had 8 children as far as we can tell.

Catherina Schlappig, born April 14, 1790, and died February 23, 1868.

She married Andrew Boyer and had at least one child, a girl, Lottie May Boyer. Catherina is buried at St. Michael’s Church in Row 20, Tombstone 41.

Philip Schlappig, born Bet. 1793 – 1798. We cannot fine his resting place. More about Philip below.

Samuel H. Schlappich born February 20, 1796 in Lower Bern Twp, Berks Co., PA and died August 26, 1876. He and his wife, Magdalena Molly Haag are buried at St. Michael’s Church cemetery, in Berks Co. PA. There is an out of print book written by Sam’l Schlappich, Lakeworth, FL, which covers the Schlappich family from Samuel H. Schlappich on down. He briefly covers Samuel H. Schlappich’s ancestors, and is the source of some of my research. Magdalena Molly Haag was born April 02, 1797 and died October 21, 1845. She was the daughter of John Nicholas Haag and Sarah Anna Bretchling.

Henry Schlappig, born in 1800.

George Schlappig, born in 1802.


Magdalena Schlappig, born in 1804.

Elizabeth Schlappig, born in 1806.

Susanna Schlappig, born in 1810.

I found Johann Daniel Schlappig’s will at the courthouse in Reading, PA. I had it translated and it reads:

In the name of the Lord, Amen. I, Daniel Schlabig, from Upper Bern Township, Berks County. He is aware of being mortal and therefore, I am doing my last will and testament, and request that my body be put to rest in accordance to Christian rites: that my body is given to the earth and my soul to the living God, and that my son Samuell and Andreaw Boyer become the executors of my estate, and that the executors divide the assets into equal parts shared by Georg; Samuell; Magtalena; Elisabeth; Katarina; Susanna, [?] and pay those first that have not already received money, but that everyone receives the same. My daughter Katarina I want her to receive the part that is due to her, except the land that is hers; the land that is her part I would like that to go to her six children: Billi [?] Georg, H..., Peter; Sara, and Katarina -- each in equal parts. Elisabeth's I would like that to be left with the named executors and not to be given to her husband or family. The executors should give her from this as or how she needs it, and when she dies the rest should go to her children. I would like the named executors to sell the land in parcels or in one piece however they need it, or need the money, but not be in a hurry with it.

Now I am closing and I swear that this is my last will and it should be carried out as such.

(Signature) Jacob Linde Muth ---------------(Signature) Daniel Schloppig

There is no mention of Philip. However that is not really a concern. Commonly, the eldest son had moved on and had been given his lot, (land or money). But I found documents at the courthouse showing that the will was contested by a Phillip Schlappig and a George Schlappig. And I ask myself, why would Philip be contesting the will if he were not a son. The problem was that the land was supposed to be sold and the proceeds divided. Two years later, that had not been done and thus the contesting. See Attachments A049 and A050.

Philip Schlappig, as best as we can tell is my 3rd great grandfather. His wife’s first name was Susanna and we don’t know her last name. A transcribed record of Baptisms at St. Michael’s Church, Tilden, Upper Bern, Berks County, PA shows the following baptisms:

Philip SCHLAPPIG & wife Suzanna



Peter HEIM & wife Catharina

54 (page)

Philip SCHLAPPIG & wife Suzanna



Daniel SCHUMACHER & wife Magdalena

59 (page)

Philipp SCHLAPPIG & wife Suzanna



Johan RENTSCHLER & wife Maria

65 (page)

There was a Philip Sloppick, who served in the war of 1812, in Capt. John Junkin's 134th regiment, Pennsylvania Militia, not in the 5th battalion of the Second detachment, commanded by Major David Nelson from Oct. 2, 1812 to April, 1813. This may or may not be our Philip Schlappig.

Philip is our mystery link. I cannot prove by documents that he is the son of Johann Daniel Schlappig, Jr. I have found who I believe to be Philip in the 1820 census for Upper Bern, Berks Co., PA. There is both a Philip Sloppig and a Philip Dan’l Sloppig. Philip is in the 16 to 26 age range, has no boys, has 2 girls under 10 and what appears to be a wife in the 16 to 26 age range. He is most likely the son of Philip Dan’l Sloppig who is in the 45 and up age group. Philip Dan’l has one son under 10 and what appears to be his wife in the 45 and up age range. On the other hand, according to the St. Michael’s baptisms, Philip didn’t have children until 1821. However, if he did, they would not necessarily have to have been baptized at St. Michael’s. Thus, we have no proof that this is our Philip. See Attachment A059.

Philip Schlappig and Susanna had three children that we can find record of, as mentioned above in the baptism records. They are:

Mariana Schlappig, born February 04, 1821 in Berks Co., PA

Daniel Schlapia, born October 24, 1822 in Berks Co. PA and died June 05, 1901 in Ringgold Co., Iowa.

Willhelm Schlappig, born November 01, 1824, in Berks Co., PA

Daniel Schlapia married Elizabeth Druck on September 26, 1844 in Berks Co., PA. She was born January 05, 1823 in Union County, PA, and died August 07, 1909 in Benton, Ringgold Co., IA. They are both buried in the Benton cemetery which is about a mile due north of Benton on a gravel road.

Daniel was born October 24, 1822 as shown in the baptismal records under his father’s name above. He died June 5, 1901 in Iowa. He married Elizabeth Druck in Berks Co. PA on September 26, 1844. She was born January 5, 1823 in Union Co., PA, and died August 7, 1909 in Benton, IA.

I received the following obit type notice, apparently from a newspaper from Loretta Barchus,

aka Chickyyuma2@. I retyped it with editorial changes and comments, and present it here. It sounds like the preface to the OBIT might have been written by one of his children.


(Daniel) Schlapia, a well known resident of Rice twp., died at his home in Delphos, IA. Father Schlapia had been a sufferer from dropsy (Edema) for more than a year, but was confined to his bed only about the last two weeks.

Mr. Schlapia was born in Burks (Berks) County, PA, Oct 24, 1822. On Sept 26, 1844, Mr. Schlapia was married to Miss Elizabeth Druck. They remained in PA three years. From there, they moved to Michigan, where they lived for about eight years. They moved from Michigan to Iowa in 1847 (Ed. note: this must be a typo, 1847 would have been the year that they moved to Michigan from PA.) and have lived in Iowa ever since. They came 45 years ago to Ringgold county where they lived until he was removed from Labor to New and Mr. Schlapia united with the Evangelical church about 16 years ago, remaining faithful until death. Mr. and Mrs. Schlapia were blessed with eight children. Five sons and two daughters preceded the father, leaving a faithful and loving wife, three sons, and one daughter to mourn his departure. (Ed. note that adds up to 10 children). But they do not mourn as those who have no hope. His loving wife and his children were all at his bedside when he passed from time to eternity. Except one son who lives in California. (That would have been Franklin Benjamin Schlapia).

The funeral service was preached by Rev. L. A. Jones of Grand City, MO in the M. E. church at Benton, IA on June 6 and the remains laid to rest in the beautiful cemetery north of Benton, (Benton Cem. Benton, IA)


Daniel Schlapia died Wed. noon (Jun 5, 1901) at his home in Delphos, age 78 years. he had been in feeble health for sometime and for the last 10 days, it was evident that he was on his deathbed. Mr. Schlapia was one of the pioneers of the County, having lived here 45 years. he leaves a widow and four children. John C. and Charles W. Schlapia of near Benton, IA, Mrs. C. W. Clark of Delphos, and Frank Schlapia of California. The funeral was conducted at 2:30 yesterday afternoon from the M.E. Church in Benton by Re. Jones, the Evangelical pastor at Grant City, MO. Mr. Schlapia was formerly a Methodist, but joined the Evangelical church for convenience after moving to Delphos. Burial in the Benton cem.


Note by Jim Robinson: If they married in 1844 and stayed 3 years in PA, that would have them moving to Michigan in about 1847. Staying there about 8 years would have them moving to Iowa in about 1856.

I say this because son Franklin was born in Michigan Mar 18, 1849 and son William Andrew was born in Michigan Dec 26, 1855. Then if they stayed in Iowa 45 years as stated above that would have Daniel dying in 1901, which is on his headstone. See Daniel’s and Elizabeth’s headstones at Attachments A052 and A053. Also see a photograph of Daniel and Elizabeth at Attachment A054.

Daniel and Elizabeth had the following children:

John August 2, 1846 – January 18, 1914 m. Perthinia Rains

Franklin Benjamin March 18, 1849 – November 30, 1921 m. Louisa Gee

Matilda May 9, 1853 – April 24, 1856 died as a child

Daniel's will.

The last will and testament of Daniel Schlapia being in good bodily health and of sound mind and memory, calling to mind the frailty and uncertainty of human life and being desirous of setting my worldly affairs and direction how the estates with which it has pleased God to bless me, shall be disposed of after my decease and hereby revoking and making null & void all other last wills. My will is that all my just debts & funeral charges shall by my executors herein after named be paid out of my estate as soon after my decease as shall by them be found convenient. Item: I give to my beloved wife (Betsy) all the household furniture and Bed & Bedding, with house & lots in Delphos where I now live to be hers as long as she may live. Together with sufficient sum of money annually as is necessary for her maintenance during life and at death she shall have receive the same as I myself.

2 And the remainder of my estate after all the provisions as above has been fulfilled both real and personal to my sons & daughter (their names as follows) John, Charley, Frank, and William deceased and my Daughter Elizabeth Each to share equal. The share of my son William Deceased shall be divided equal between his children names as follows. Perry, Wilbur, Clifford, Angie, Roy, May & Lee each to share equal.

Lastly, I do nominate and appoint my said sons John and Charley to be Executors of this, my last will and testament, in testimony whereof I the said Dan Schlapia have to this my last will and contained on two sheets of paper and to this last sheet, I have subscribed my name and affixed my seal.

The above instrument of two sheets of paper was subscribed to by Daniel Schlapia, the testator in the presence of both of us and was at the same time declared to us by him to be his last will and testament and we at his request sign our names as Witnesses.

Delphos Ringgold Co. Iowa P. L. Prentis

Delphos Ringgold Co. Iowa John W. Bowman

This 3 day of June 1899

William Andrew December 26, 1855 – July 23, 1897 m. Nancy Maria Jarman

Charles Wellington October 29, 1858 – September 4, 1941 m. Attie Legg Gleason

Oliver L. November 17, 1861 – December 25, 1876 died as a teenager

Mary Elizabeth Dec 16, 1865 – May 13, 1940 m. Charles Wilbur Clark

Inda Morra Aug 4, 1868 – August 1, 1869 died as a child

For the other descendants of Daniel and Elizabeth, please see the Family Tree Maker CD that came with this book.

Daniel and Elizabeth both apparently bought and sold land parcels in and around Ringgold Co. IA. If anyone is interested, there are in my files, copies of several of these transactions.

Elizabeth Druck Schlapia has a headstone in

the Benton, Iowa cemetery. It Reads:


Born Jan 5, 1823

Died Aug 7, 1909

Age 88y 7m 2d

William Andrew Schlapia married Nancy Maria Jarman on April 20, 1879. There were several Jarman folks in and around Benton IA and many of them changed their last name to German. Nancy was born April 1859 in Stark Co., Illinois. She died in Benton on February 10, 1939. Their marriage record found in Ringgold County Marriage Records, Volume A, p. 462. Nancy was born April 1859 in Stark Co., Illinois and died February 10, 1939 in Benton, Ringgold Co., IA. She was the daughter of James Jarman, born July 16, 1835 in Ohio and Mary Jane Drake, born 25 July 1839 in Trenton, NJ. She died September 29, 1921 in Omaha, Nebraska. Mary Jane Drake is buried in the Westlawn Cem., Omaha, Nebraska - No headstone.

William’s obituary reads:


Wm. Schlapia of Benton township killed by a haystacker.

Entire Paralysis of the Body is caused – Death results on Friday—Funeral Services Conducted Sunday by Rev. G. N. Thompson of Delphos.

Wm. Schlapia, a farmer living near Benton in Benton township, died Friday at 4:30 p. m., as a result of injuries received by the falling of a haystacker.

Mr. Schlapia, his son Perry, and his brother-in-law were stacking hay Wednesday afternoon on the former’s farm. They were using a stacker of Mr. Schlapia’s own make, which consisted of a large pole 26 feet long, held in position by guy ropes, and with a large iron pulley at the top. As Perry was about to trip the fork, one of the guy ropes gave way, and the pole fill over, the pulley striking Mr. Schlapia on the back of the head as it descended. A deep gash was cut several inches long, and he was rendered unconscious, but was restored by pouring cold water on his head. He was then taken home and medical aid summoned, but it was of little avail. His body was completely paralyzed by the blow, with the exception of the head and organs of speech. He remained conscious until his death, which occurred Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock.

The funeral services were held Sunday at 11 o’clock at the Methodist church, conducted by Rev. G. N. Thompson, pastor of the United Evangelical church in Delphos. The interment was made in the Benton cemetery. Services were in charge of Ringgold Lodge No 570, I. O. O. F. of which he was a member. The Mt. Ayr and Delphos lodges, members from Blockton. Diagonal and Knowlton were present to show the respect and esteem in which the decease was held.

Mr. Schlapia was born Dec. 26, 1855, in St. Joseph Co., Michigan, and early removed to Iowa with his parents. He married Miss Nancy M. Jarman, April 20, 1879, and to this union were seven children all of whom are living. His death will be deeply mourned by a loving wife and children, his parents, a sister, and three brothers. They have much sympathy accorded to them in the hour of bereavement.

Nancy Jarman was the daughter of James Jarman and Mary Jane Drake. We don’t know where James Jarman lies, but Mary Jane Drake Jarman is buried in the Westlawn Cem., Omaha, Nebraska. She has no headstone. As you enter the cemetery, there are two canons on the left side of the road. She is buried directly behind the rightmost canon as you look into the barrels.

William Andrew Schlapia and Nancy Maria Jarman had the following children:

Perry Eldon born February 06, 1880, d. March 26, 1934 m. Jessie Geneva Kennedy

William “Wilbur” Daniel born February 20, 1882, d. March 23, 1938 m. Florence Groves.

Clifford Vallard born May 2, 1885 d. 1947, married a Nancy.

Angie Viola born April 1890 in Benton, IA

Earl Ray born March 09, 1892 d. May 28, 1950 m. Wilma Dillenberg

Louella May born June 1894 in Benton, IA

Austeen Lee born September 16, 1896 d. December 11, 1958 m. Bertha Mae Fertig

For more on the descendants of William Andrew’s children, see my Family Tree Maker CD.

William and Florence were married March 6, 1909 at Dean Lake, Chariton Co. MO.

See their marriage certificate at Attachment A055. See William’s and Florence’s photographs at Attachment A056.

See William’s WW One draft registration card at A057.

McCullogh Cemetery in Triplett, MO. (I will send you pictures of William Daniel and Florence later.)

Notes on William Daniel and Florence: William Daniel was a blacksmith by trade, Florence was a practical nurse. They attended the First Baptist Church in Bosworth, MO.

Deanna Groves has information that William Daniel died of a self inflicted gunshot wound. I will try to verify this. (JR)

In response to a query as to if Dan Schlapia, my first cousin and grandson of Wm. Daniel. Ever heard of Wm. Daniel dying from a gunshot wound?


No, our grandfather William Daniel did not shoot himself.

Here is what the paper said:


Summons Came Suddenly to C.S. Grossman; Wm. Schlapia Passed Away Wednesday Night

William Schlapia, a well known citizen of Bosworth, answered the summons of death at 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 23 (1938). He had been ill for some time with influenza and complications and the end did not come unexpectedly. Mr. Schlapia had been a farmer in that section of the country. His death was accompanied by deep regret to his many friends in the Bosworth community where he was respected by those who knew him. Surviving are the widow, four daughters and one son. Funeral arrangements have not been completed.

This is his obituary:

Wilber Daniel Schlapia was born February 20, 1882 in Ringgold County, Iowa, the son of William Andrew and Nancy Schlapia, and passed away March 23, 1938 at 8:45 p.m. He was born and reared in Ringgold County, Iowa. On March 6, 1909 he was united in marriage to Florence Groves of Synder, Mo., and to this union was born 8 children. Two preceded him in infancy. Those left to mourn his departure are five daughters, and one son, namely Mrs. Goldie White of Bucklin, Mo., Mrs. Viola Robinson of Bucklin, Mo., and Edith Louella and Melva Jean and Albert of the home; also two grand children, Roberta Ann White and James William Robinson, Jr. ; his mother Nancy Marie Schlapia of Benton, Iowa; two sisters Mrs. Argie (Angie) Wilson and Mrs. Mae Quirk both of Marshallton, Ia.; three brothers, Clifford, Ray and Austeen; one brother and his father preceded him in death. Mr. Schlapia was a loving father and husband and will be sadly missed by everyone.

A loving one from us is gone,

A voice we loved is still.

A place is vacant in our hearts

that never can be filled.

The funeral services were held at the Baptist church Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Novak of Marceline. Interment, McCullough cemetery.


We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors who were so kind to us during the illness and death of our dear husband and father.

Mrs. Florence Schlapia and children.

Hope this clears up any confusion. Talk to you later, Daniel.

From Daniel Schlapia:

William Daniel died on March 23, 1938 on their farm near Bosworth, MO. William Daniel and Florence Groves Schlapia are buried at McCullogh Cemetery in Triplett, MO. (I will send you pictures of William Daniel and Florence later.)

Notes on William Daniel and Florence: William Daniel was a blacksmith by trade, Florence was a practical nurse. They attended the First Baptist Church in Bosworth, MO.

Also an email from my cousin Daniel Schlapia, son of Albert, and Grandson of Florence:

Here is the paper clipping of Florence Schlapia's death:


Mrs. Florence Schlapia, a former resident of the Bosworth and Carrollton communities passed away unexpectedly Thursday evening in Kansas City. She had worked as a nurse for a great many years and was engaged in this type of work at the time of her death. Florence Groves Schlapia, daughter of Andrew Foster and Elizabeth Ann Miller Groves, was born in Ringgold County, Iowa, August 9, 1889. On March 6, 1909 she was united in marriage to Wilbur Daniel Schlapia. To this union eight children were born. She is survived by the following children: Mrs. Goldie White of Bosworth; Albert Schlapia of Carrollton; Mrs. Viola Robinson of Merriam, Kansas; Mrs. Edith Winfrey of Carrollton; Mrs. Luella White of Kansas City, Kansas and Mrs. Jean Burkhart of Kansas City, Kansas; also 14 grandchildren; four sisters. Mrs. Mabel Branstuder of Williamette, Ore., Mrs. Martha Crandell, Triplett, Mo., Mrs. Minnie (the rest of the clipping is torn off).

Here is her obituary:


Last rites for Mrs. Florence Schlapia were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Bosworth Methodist church conducted by the Rev. Cal T. Lawson. Burial was in the McCullough cemetery at Triplett. Mrs. Schlapia, a former Bosworth and Carrollton resident, died unexpectedly at 3:15 p.m. last Thursday in Kansas City. Her sudden death resulted from a heart attack. A nurse in Kansas City, she was sixty-four years old. Florence Groves Schlapia, daughter of Andrew Foster and Elizabeth Ann (Miller) Groves, was born in Ringgold county, Iowa, August 9, 1889. On March 6, 1909, she was married to Wilbur Daniel Schlapia in Benton, Iowa. Mr. Schlapia passed away March 23, 1938. After her marriage Mrs. Schlapia resided in Osgood, Bosworth and Carrollton prior to moving to Kansas City. Mrs. Schlapia is survived by six children: Mrs. Goldie White, Bosworth; Albert Schlapia, Carrollton; Mrs. Viola Robinson, Merriam, Kansas; Mrs. Edith Winfrey, Carrollton; Mrs. Luella White, Kansas City, Kansas; Mrs. Jean Burkhart, Kansas City, Kansas. She also leaves four sisters, Mrs. Mabel Branstuder, Williamette, Ore.; Mrs. Martha Crandell, Triplett; Mrs. Minnie Fleetwood, Triplett; Mrs. Alice Taylor, Brunswick; one brother, Ervin Groves, Mendon, fourteen grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Two brothers, Edward and Fred Groves, and two sisters, Mrs. Millie Keller and Mrs. Sarah Smith, and two daughters, Edna Fredonia and Lueta Theal Schlapia preceded her in death. Mrs. Schlapia was a member of the Carrollton Baptist church.


William Daniel Schlapia and Florence Groves had the following children:

1. Edna died before 1928

2. Lueta Theal born November 21, 1910, d. In infancy

3. Goldie Mae born March 6, 1912, d. October 25, 1996 m. T. R. White

4. Albert Lee born October 29, 1913, d March 8, 1999

5. Minnie Viola born December 23, 1915 d. September 25, 1985 m. James W. Robinson

6. Lorah Edith born 1920 d. May 7, 1983 m. Claude Reginald Winfrey

7. Georgia Luella born November, 1927 d. April 19, 2002, m. 1st Edward White, 2nd Walter Kinder, 3rd Walter Rea.

8. Melva Jean, born December 2, 1927, d. January 25, 1982, m. 1st Raymond Burkhart, 2nd William Wohlgemuth.

This is the end of the Schlapia/Schlappig/Schlappich line for my direct line as Minnie Viola Schlapia married James William Robinson, Sr.

For more names in the family, see my Family Tree Maker CD.

See the Death Certificate of my Grandmother Florence Groves Schlapia at Attachment A095.

***** NOTES *****


Johann Ludwig Seaman is the earliest of the Seaman line that I have found. The name is sometimes spelled Saeman.

Johann Ludwig Seaman was born December 16, 1722 in Alsace, France, an area where both French and Germans lived. He died December 12, 1797 in Berks Co., PA. He married Anna Magdalena (last name unknown). She was born May 22, 1722 and died May 24, 1798. Both are buried in the St. Michael’s cemetery, Tilden TWP, near Hamburg, PA.

The Association of Descendants of Johan Ludwig Seaman was formed in 1903, and held its first reunion on ancestral grounds in Tilden township.

Johan Ludwig Seaman, the progenitor, was a native of Alsace, France. At the age of twenty he enlisted in the service of Frederick the Great, of Prussia, as body-guard. After eight years he married, and in 1748 emigrated to Pennsylvania, locating in Bern township, in that part of the district now embraced in Tilden township. He was a large land owner and owned a considerable portion of the township, which his descendants colonized in large measure. His remains are interred at St. Michael's Church. His wife, Catharine, bore him three sons, namely: Eberhart, John and Ludwig, each of whom reared families. John located in western Pennsylvania, where his descendants are very prosperous people, while Eberhart and Ludwig remained on ancestral homesteads. The Seamans are very numerous in upper Berks county and are a very representative and enterprising family. The second reunion was held at West Hamburg in 1904, and was largely attended. The family expects to publish a genealogical history. The permanent officers of the Association are:

Ludwig immigrated on 25 Oct 1748 to Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA on the ship Patience and Margaret.

President, Maj. Charles F. Seaman, Hamburg, Pa.

A. S. Klein, Upper Bern, Pa.

Treasurer, William Seaman, Fleetwood, Pa.

Executive Committee, Dr. J. K. Seaman, Reading, Pa.,

Levi B. Seaman, Berks, Pa.,

A. S. Seaman, Frackville, Pa.,

Joseph S. Seaman, Pittsburg, Pa.,

A. S. Becker, Berks, Pa.

Per St. Michael's Cemetery book, Ludwig and Anna Maria had 5 sons and 2 daughters.

I have found record of the following children:

Jacob Seaman died about 1818

Eberhart Seaman born July 30, 1752 Berks Co., PA died August 06, 1824 Berks Co., PA

Buried at St. Michael’s Church cemetery, Tilden TWP, Berks Co., PA

John Seaman born November 25, 1753, Berks Co., PA died September 09, 1820 Berks Co., PA, buried at St. Michael’s. He married Elizabeth Schlappig, daughter of Johann Daniel Schlappig, Sr.

Anna Margaretha Seaman born January 22, 1756 in Berks Co., PA and died June 16, 1826 in Berks Co., PA. She is buried at St. Michael’s. She married Johann Daniel Schlappig Jr.

Maria Magdalena Seaman born 1757 and buried at St. Michael’s. Married Philip Kaufman.

Ludwig Seaman was born 1762. He died about 1828. He married Anna Resh.

This is the end of the line of Seaman folks who are in my direct line as Anna Margaretha Seaman married my 4th Great Grandfather, Johann Daniel Schlappig.


George Druck, Sr., my 5th great grandfather is the oldest Druck that I have found. George Druck, Sr. was born about 1740 in either Germany or York County, PA. He married a Christina. They had:

George Druck, Jr, my 4th great grandfather, born 1763 Hellam Twp, York, PA and died 1840, Hellam Twp, York, PA. He married Elizabeth Billet, daughter of Kraft Billit and Maria Magdalena Kunkle. Kraft, (1730-1735 – about November 1807 and Maria, 1738-about 1809 were both born and died in Hellam TWP, York, PA. Elizabeth Billit was born November 06, 1757 in Hellam TWP, York PA.

George Druck, Jr. and Elizabeth Billit had:

Gotlieb Druck

George Druck, III December 22, 1788 Hellam Twp, York, PA February 16, 1876 Hellam Twp, York PA. m. Lanah

Polly Druck about 1790 Hellam Twp, York, PA m. Jacob Neff

Elizabeth Druck January 28, 1790 Hellam Twp, York, PA m. John Sipe

John Druck

Kraft Druck about 1794, Hellam Twp, York, PA m. Susanna

John Druck, my 3rd Great Grandfather. John Druck was born about 1791, Hellam Twp, York, PA and died about 1836 in Hellam Twp, York, PA. He married Elizabeth Justin who died after 1850. They had the following children:

Catherine Druck born November 28, 1816, Hellam Twp, York, PA

Samuel Druck born October 23, 1818, Hellam Twp, York, PA died April 8, 1819, in Sherwood Twp, Branch, MI

John Druck born about 1822

Elizabeth Druck born January 05, 1823 in ,Union Co., Pennsylvania and died

August 07, 1909 in Benton, Ringgold Co., IA. Buried in Benton Cemetery.

She married my 2nd Great Grandfather, Daniel Schlapia on September 26, 1844,

In Berks Co., PA

Anna Maria Druck born December 24, 1824, in Hellam Twp, York, PA.

Barbara Ann Druck born August 30, 1826 Hellam Twp, York, PA. She married Samuel L. Shadel, March 13, 1849 in Colon Twp, St. Joseph, Berrien Co., MI. He was born abt 1821,

Elizabeth Ann Druck born November 01, 1828 in Hellam Twp, York, PA.

This is the end of the Druck line in my direct lineage as Elizabeth Druck married my 2nd Great Grandfather, Daniel Schlapia.

***** NOTES *****


The earliest Groves we can find is Henry Groves, born in Virginia about 1760. His wife’s name was Sophia. They had the following children:

Anna Groves

Charles Groves

Mary Groves

Peter Groves

Henry Charles Groves born November 10, 1782 at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia, died Aug 20, 1840 at Delphos, Allen Co., Ohio. He married Margaret Elizabeth Summers, before 1819 at Reeder, PA. She was born December 13, 1790 at Reeder, PA and died after 1880.

John Groves born March 24, 1795, married Polly Summers, born about 1809

Thomas Groves

About Henry Charles Groves:

Henry Charles Groves lived first in VA then moved to PA where he lived until about 1812.

He then moved to Champaign Co., OH at about 1822 and lived there until 1826.

He then moved his family to Allen Co., OH where he died in 1840

This information is from Charles W. Barnard research in Oct. 1997.

He first married Susan Spear in Pa. She was of Irish descent.

She died sometime in 1811, in Reeder, PA.

Margaret Elizabeth Summers was his second wife. Married in Reeder, PA sometime

before 1819. She was born on 13 Dec. 1790 in Reeder, PA.

This information came from Deanna Groves, 27 April 2001, contact: Dr. William E. Groves at weg@nc.

Henry Charles Groves and Margaret Summers had the following children:

John Thomas Groves born May 21, 1819 at Harper’s Ferry, VA

Cyrus Summers Groves born March 11, 1821 at Harper’s Ferry, VA and died March 22, 1890 probably at Knowlton, IA, and is buried at the Knowlton, IA cemetery. He married Mary Jane Foster born December 8, 1833 in Morgan Co., OH, and died January 3, 1913.

About Mary Jane Foster:

Info from web site at

* Mary Jane Foster b. 8 Dec 1833 Morgan Co OH; d. 3 Jan 1913

m. John G Lusk 19 Sep 1868 Marion Co IA

* number of children, if any, unknown

2nd husband of Mary Jane Foster:

m. Cyrus Summers Groves b. 11 Mar 1821 d. 22 Mar 1890

* Cyrus Summers Groves

b. 11 Mar 1821 Harpers Ferry VA; d. 22 Mar 1890

m. Mary Jane Foster b. 8 Dec 1833 d. 3 Jan 1913

* twelve children

Submitter: W Charles Barnard

e-mail: WCB-LLB@worldnet.

Mary Jane Foster was the daughter of Andrew Foster October 08, 1809 Muskingum Co, OH August 22, 1849 Marion Co., IA and Elizabeth Briggs April 11, 1811 Muskingum Co, OH September 23, 1850 Marion Co., Illinois.

Andrew Foster was the son of Unknown Foster, b. probably in Ireland and Sarah Unknown.

Elizabeth Briggs was the daughter of John Briggs, Jr. 1775 Ohio 1839, Montgomery Co., OH and Mary Ellen Boal b. Abt. July 1786.

Mary Ellen Boal was the daughter of Archibald Boal January 30, 1760 County Down Ireland July 20, 1858, Morgan Co., OH and Jane Gordon, 1761 Ireland May 28, 1835 Morgan Co., OH. See photo of Mary Ellen and Archibald at Attachment A066.

More on Archibald Boal:

On May 5, 1789, when their son James was but three days old they left their stone cottage on the mountain side and set sail from the shores of their native land (Ireland) for America. They were six weeks at sea, food and water were practically exhausted when land was sighted. Imagine the joy and excitement which prevailed among that anxious little band of Scotch-Irish! But joy soon turned to consternation when it was discovered on landing that they had been sailing in a circle and had returned to the shores of old Erin. Nothing daunted, they again stocked up with supplies and once more started across the Atlantic. This time they were successful in reaching their destination.

They settled in Milford township of Somerset County, Pa. where Archibald Boal worked at the trade of stone-masonry.

Shortly after the year 1800, they removed to the Northwest Territory locating temporarily in Jefferson County, Ohio, but glowing tales of the bearties of the Muskingum Valley soon lured them on through the wilderness.

Along Meigs Creek they found a location suitable and there established a camp at the forks of the creek which still bears the name of Boal's Fork.

On March 26, 1806 Archibald Boal secured a patent for 320 acres of land in Meigs township for which he paid $339.86. Later he secured additional acreage in Morgan County which he subsequently divided among his four children.

About 1820, the Boals removed to Lemon Hill in Morgan County where they spent their remaining years.

Jane Gordon Boal was born in 1761 and died May 28, 1835.

Archibald survived her almost a quarter of a century passing to a final rest at the grand old age of 98 years, 5 months, 20 days.

They were buried on the farm where they had lived so long but years later when a church was built in the vicinity their remains were disinterred and reburied in the little churchyard on the crest of Lemon Hill.

Cyrus Summers Groves and Mary Jane Foster had the following children:

Andrew Foster Groves born October 10, 1857 in McLean Co., Illinois and died August 14, 1931 in Mendon, MO. He married Anna Elizabeth Miller, born about 1863. She died Feb 14, 1947 in Mendon, MO. She was the daughter of Benjamin J. Miller, born September 6, 1832 in Illinois, died June 15, 1892 in MO, and Sarah Ellen Ruby, born May 27, 1843 in Illinois and died June 1, 1898 in MO.

Peter Groves, born about 1861 Illinois.

Margaret E. Groves, born about 1864 in Illinois.

Malinda B. Groves, born about 1866 in IA.

Charles Groves, born about 1868 in IA.

Cordella Groves, born about 1870 in IA.

Adna Groves, born about 1874 in IA.

Myrtle Groves, born October 18, 1880 in Eugene, IA

About Andrew Foster Groves:

From: Deanna Groves 27 Mar 2001

Andrew Foster Groves, who married Anna Elizabeth Miller, was my husband's great grandfather. Andrew and Anna lived in MO and had 10 children of their own. I believe that Cyrus is buried in Knowlton Cemetery which is close to where we live. Anna and Andrew were married in Ringgold County as well as several other of the children. My husband's name is John.

Change Date: 27 May 2002 at 14:27:48

Father: Henry Charles GROVES b: 10 Nov 1782 in Harpers Ferry, Jefferson, WV

Mother: Margaret Elizabeth SUMMERS b: 13 Dec 1790 in Reeder, Bucks, PA

Marriage 1 Mary Jane FOSTER b: 8 Dec 1833

Married: 4 Sep 1853 in DeWitt Co, , , IL

From the Ringgold Co., Genweb project:


The town of Knowlton was located about 2 miles northeast of Diagonal. Originally it was to be called "Indianville" because of its proximity to an old Indian settlement. Later it was named to Knowlton after a railroad official.

There were 2 churches, 2 hotels, milliners, gristmill, livery stables, mortician, barber, restaurant, post office, and a foundry. Two doctors served the community: Dr. Syp and Dr. E.J. Watson. The local newspaper was published under 3 different masts: Knowlton World, Knowlton Sentinel and Knowlton News.

About 1885 the first steam engine drawn train passed through Knowlton. The railroad kept the town alive through the 1920's.

Disastrous fires, like this one in 1895; the proximity of Diagonal and the closing of the school eventually led to the decline of this pioneer town.

From: Deanna Groves 27 Mar 2001

Andrew Foster Groves married Anna Elizabeth Miller, on September 8, 1880 at her father Ben Miller’s home in Ringgold Co., IA. See Andrew and Elizabeth documents at Attachments A061, A062 and A063. They had the following children:

Mildred Groves

Sarah Groves died before February 14, 1947. Married Abram Smith and had Thelma Smith.

Mable Groves, born June 25, 1880, died June 23, 1913 Married Noley Pease and had Homer, Verna, Beatrice, Edna Annie Alice, Noley, Elinora, Jim, and Marion Toby.

Alice Groves, born about 1881 married Frederick Taylor and had Juanita, Manning, Elizabeth, Wesley, Virginia and Christine.

Mary Groves, born February 28, 1882

Martha Groves, born Abt. 1887 married Charles Crandall.

Edward Groves, born February 21, 1889 died August 25, 1923. He married Gladys Esther Blevins and had Luell Groves.

Florence Groves, born August 09, 1889

Fred Groves, born August 09, 1889 died 1890. Fred was a twin of Florence Groves.

Fred died when he was one year old according to a sworn affidavit by Elizabeth Ann Groves, his mother. Document dated 3 Aug., 1946. This same affidavit affirms the birth date of Fred and his sister, Florence Groves, as Aug 09, 1889. I have a copy of this document (JR) See Attachment A064. Also see her birth certificates at Attachments A064 and A065.

Irvin Leonard Groves, born 1894

Minnie May Groves, born November 22, 1900

About Florence Groves, my grandmother:

In an email from my 1st cousin, Dan Schlapia:

Here is the paper clipping of Florence Schlapia's death:


Mrs. Florence Schlapia, a former resident of the Bosworth and Carrollton communities passed away unexpectedly Thursday evening in Kansas City. She had worked as a nurse for a great many years and was engaged in this type of work at the time of her death. Florence Groves Schlapia, daughter of Wm. Andrew and Elizabeth Ann Miller Groves, was born in Ringgold County, Iowa, August 9, 1889. On March 6, 1909 she was united in marriage to Wilbur Daniel Schlapia. To this union eight children were born. She is survived by the following children: Mrs. Goldie White of Bosworth; Albert Schlapia of Carrollton; Mrs. Viola Robinson of Merriam, Kansas; Mrs. Edith Winfrey of Carrollton; Mrs. Luella White of Kansas City, Kansas and Mrs. Jean Burkhart of Kansas City, Kansas; also 14 grandchildren; four sisters. Mrs. Mabel Branstuder of Williamette, Ore., Mrs. Martha Crandell, Triplett, Mo., Mrs. Minnie (the rest of the clipping is torn off).

(Authors Note: Andrew Foster Groves was erroneously documented in several records as William Andrew Groves. Andrew Foster Groves is his correct name. Also Wilbur Daniel Schlapia’s real name is William Daniel Schlapia. JR)

Here is her obituary:


Last rites for Mrs. Florence Schlapia were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Bosworth Methodist church conducted by the Rev. Cal T. Lawson. Burial was in the McCullough cemetery at Triplett. Mrs. Schlapia, a former Bosworth and Carrollton resident, died unexpectedly at 3:15 p.m. last Thursday in Kansas City. Her sudden death resulted from a heart attack. A nurse in Kansas City, she was sixty-four years old. Florence Groves Schlapia, daughter of William Andrew and Elizabeth Ann (Miller) Groves, was born in Ringgold county, Iowa, August 9,1889. On March 6, 1909, she was married to Wilbur Daniel Schlapia in Benton, Iowa. Mr. Schlapia passed away March 23, 1938. After her marriage Mrs. Schlapia resided in Osgood, Bosworth and Carrollton prior to moving to Kansas City. Mrs. Schlapia is survived by six children: Mrs. Goldie White, Bosworth; Albert Schlapia, Carrollton; Mrs. Viola Robinson, Merriam, Kansas; Mrs. Edith Winfrey, Carrollton; Mrs. Luella White, Kansas City, Kansas; Mrs. Jean Burkhart, Kansas City, Kansas. She also leaves four sisters, Mrs. Mabel Branstuder, Williamette, Ore.; Mrs. Martha Crandell, Triplett; Mrs. Minnie Fleetwood, Triplett; Mrs. Alice Taylor, Brunswick; one brother, Ervin Groves, Mendon, fourteen grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Two brothers, Edward and Fred Groves, and two sisters, Mrs. Millie Keller and Mrs. Sarah Smith, and two daughters, Edna Fredonia and Lueta Theal Schlapia preceded her in death. Mrs. Schlapia was a member of the Carrollton Baptist church.


This is the end of my direct ancestor Groves line as my grandmother, Florence Groves married William Daniel Schlapia and I am of the Schlapia line.

See the Death Certificate of Florence Groves Schlapia at Attachment A095

***** NOTES *****


There are only a few Rubies in our line. The first that we can find record of was just a Mr. Ruby, no other name known. He had the following children:

Asa Ruby born about 1818 in KY, married Annie, born about 1820 in Ohio. Asa and Annie had the following children:

Joseph H. b. about 1843, Illinois

Alice b. about 1845, Illinois

William b. about 1847, Illinois

Hiram b. about 1850, Illinois

Jonathan b. about 1852, Illinois

Mariah b. about 1855, Illinois

Elmirah b. about 1857, Iowa

Manerva b. about 1859, Iowa.

James H. Ruby born about 1820 in KY, married Cyntha, born about 1822 in Indiana. James and Cyntha had the following children:

Sarah E. Ruby born about 1847

Alexander B. Ruby born about 1848

Margaret A. Ruby born about 1850

Mary A. Ruby born about 1853

James W. Ruby born about 1855

Henry A. Ruby born about 1858

Catherine S. Ruby born about 1860

Elenira N. Ruby born about 1862

Charlie R. Ruby born about 1864

Daniella J. Ruby born about 1867

B. F. Ruby born about 1822 in KY, married Polly. B. F. and Polly had the following children:

Sarah Ellen. Ruby born May 27, 1843

James A. Ruby born about 1849

Amos F. Ruby born about 1852

Bartholomew Ruby born about 1855

Valentine Ruby about 1825 in Breckenridge, KY, married Harriet who was born in Vermillion, Indiana. Valentine and Harriet had the following children:

H. H. Ruby born about 1848 in Illinois

Susan J. Ruby born about 1850 in Illinois

John B. Ruby born about 1852 in Illinois

Mary E. Ruby born about 1854 in Illinois

Jonathan Ruby born about 1856 in Iowa

Isaac W. Ruby born about 1858 in Iowa

Colin J. Ruby born about 1861

Philinder Ruby born about 1863

Julia Ruby born about 1865

Alfred Ruby born about 1868

This ends the Ruby line as my direct lineage when Sarah Ellen Ruby married Benjamin J. Miller. They were my 2nd Great Grandparents


The oldest Drake that we can find in our direct line is William Drake, born 1553. He married Joan Merryls, born 1557. They had at least one child:

Robert Drake, born 1581. He married Anne Susan Knopp born 1602, died 1652. They had at least one child:

Captain Francis Drake born 1618, in England. He married Mary Walker and had at least three children:

John Rev Drake

Captain George Drake born 1650 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ. Capt George Drake died November 08, 1710 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ. He married Mary Oliver on Nov 23, 1677.

Elizabeth Drake born 1653, died 1711. She married Hugh Dunn on June 27, 1677 in New Jersey. Hugh was born about 1641, Dover, NH, died November 16, 1694 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ.

About Capt. Francis Drake:

Information on this person is via email from Shirley Murray.

NOTE: This is NOT Sir Francis Drake, the Captain who sailed around the world. That Capt. Drake had no issue.

From the Drake family English genealogy databases.

Captain Francis Drake

- Born circa 1615, England

1CAPTAIN FRANCIS DRAKE - Born circa 1615, England. Died 24Sep1687, Piscataway, NJ. Married Mary Walker. Was the first Commander of the Ancient and Honorable Order of the Jersey Blues (1673- 1685).


From ARTICLE FROM THE CIRCUIT RIDER, Volume VII, Fall 1975, Number 4

The exact nativity of Francis Drake is not Known. The obvious question arises as to whether he was related to Sir Francis Drake. He probably came from either Devonshire, England, or from the Drake Family of Drakerath, County Meath, Ireland. He may have been a collateral relative of Sir Francis.

Captain George Drake and Mary Oliver had the following children:

Andrew Drake born January 20, 1684/85 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ died May 22, 1742 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ.

Jonathan Drake born in 1689 and died in 1788. He married Mary Clawson.

Andrew Drake married Hanna FitzRandolph, 1688-1743. See the FitzRandolph line. They had the following children:

Andrew Drake

Catherine Drake

David Drake

Edward Drake

FitzRandolph Drake

George Drake

Jeremiah Drake born January 9, 1706/07

Johanna Drake

Llydia Drake

Mary Drake

Sarah Drake

Susanna Drake

Jeremiah Drake born January 09, 1706/07 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ and died February 05, 1759 in Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ. He married Martha Dunn on September 18, 1729. They had the following children:

Hugh Drake

Jeremiah Drake

Andrew Drake born May 28, 1734

Andrew Drake (1734) married Rebecca Dunham on February 07, 1764. She was born November 29, 1743. They had at least one child, Jonathan Drake.

Jonathan Drake born November 29, 1743 in Essex County, New Jersey and died June 08, 1885 probably in Nebraska. He is buried in Pleasant View-Denny Cem., near Cambridge, Nebraska. Jonathan married Catherine Ann Dunham born July 8, 1821 in New Jersey and died New Jersey in Nebraska (assumed). She also is buried in Pleasant View-Denny Cem., near Cambridge, Nebraska. Jonathan and Catherine had the following children:

Mary Jane Drake born July 25, 1839

Prudence Ann Drake born March 12, 1843

Jonathan Dunham Drake born January 13, 1845

Emily Drake born June 03, 1848

Cornelius C. Drake born June 08, 1853

More about Jonathan Drake (1743):

sources were listed on the Family Group Record as follows

!-1850 Ohio Census (Seneca Co.)

-1860 Marshall Co. Ill. Cen.

-1880 Ringgold Co. Ia. census

-N.J. marr. Records

-D.A.R. film

-Dunham printed Genealogy

!NAME-SPOUSE'S NAME-MARRIAGE: Pat Vandeveer, of Garden Grove, California, corresponded with The Genealogical Society of New Jersey in 1985. The Society sent her copies of 3 x 5 cards regarding research which had been done on the Drake family. Pat shared copies of the information with Lottie Hendricks. A card is on file at the Society regarding Jonathan Drake, which includes the following information:

!No 6/81 5-F

Name: Jonathan

Line of: Jonathan; (4-E) Andrew; Jeremiah; Andrew; George

Born: 1803 12/6

Married: 1 1828 4/10 wife Anna Maria Porter of Benj. and Mary Porter

2 Catharine Dunham

!NAME-BIRTH-NAMES OF PARENTS: Pat Vandeveer, of Garden Grove, California, corresponded with The Genealogical Society of New Jersey in 1985. The Society sent her copies of 3 x 5 cards regarding research which had been done on the Drake family. Pat shared copies of the information with Lottie Hendricks. A card is on file at the Society regarding Jonathan Drake and his spouse, Rhoda Dunn. Included on the card are the names of their 15 children. The following information appears regarding Jonathan. (as a child, on his parents' card)

!1803 12/6 Jonathan (5-F)

The following found in Nebraska where he died: (may or may not be our Jonathan)

NEGenWeb Project

NE Civil War Veterans

Nebraska Civil War Veterans List

SNDX Name Location Record type Note

D620 Drake, Jonathan C. ........... Amherst .......... 1893 Vet Census ....

Mary Jane Drake born July 25, 1839 Trenton, NJ, died September 29, 1921 Omaha, Nebraska. She married James Jarman, born July 16, 1835 in Ohio. They had the following children:

Anne Catherine Jarman born August 16, 1857 m. John Wilson Barchus

Nancy Maria Jarman born April 1859 m. William Andrew Schlapia

Luella Jarman born 1861 m. Austin W. Reed

William H. Jarman born October 16, 1863 in Illinois m. Marry M.

James S. Jarman born May 26, 1870 in Illinois

Sarah Ada Jarman born October 13, 1873 m. Martin J. Miller

Charles E. Jarman born October 28, 1876 m. Carrie Ida Ailshie

More about Mary Jane Drake:

Information on this person is from an email to me by Patti Walden. (Jim Robinson)

I think the birth date of 25 July 1829 was from Patti Walden.

I also have her birth date as 25 July 1840 from somewhere.

However her death certificate, #A26643 from Omaha, Douglas Co., NE says it is 25 July 1839. I have a digital copy of this cert. JR

I will use 1839. JR

Date of death 28 Sep. 1921 at 1AM at the age of 82 years, 4 months and 2 days, is from same death certificate.

She was bur. at WestLawn Cem., Omaha, attended by Crosby-Moore.

The informant for her death certificate was Mrs. A. W. Reed. Mary's daughter Mary L. Jarman was married to Austin W. Reed, thus we can conclude that she was living with her daughter at the time. The address shown for both Marys was the same on the certificate.

In April 2003, I visited Mary Jane's gravesite in Omaha, Nebraska, at WestLawn Cem. I was able to find her site with help from the people at the office. She has no headstone. (Jim Robinson)

Also: The following notes are from the database of Lottie Hendricks lottieinaz@

Mary Jane Drake Jarman

Born 25 Jul 1839 in Trenton, Mercer, New Jersey

Died 29 Sept 1921 in Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska

Buried in Westlawn Cemetery, Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska

!NAME-BIRTH-MARRIAGE-DEATH-PLACE OF BURIAL: Family Group Record compiled by Pat Vandeveer, of Garden Grove, CA. The sources were listed on the Family Group Record as follows

!-Susie's Bible (Pat notes on the Family Group Record that "Susie is Neil Drakes Gr.-Grand dau.")

-1850 Ohio Census (Seneca Co.)

-1860 Marshall Co. Ill. Cen.

-1880 Ringgold Co. Ia. census

-N.J. marr. records

-D.A.R. film

-Dunham printed Genealogy

!CEMETERY: Pat Vandeveer allowed Lottie Hendricks to make copies of research compiled by Bruce Elbert, of Omaha, Nebraska. In an undated letter, Bruce wrote the following information regarding "Mary Jag. Jarma." who was buried in the West Lawn Cemetery, in Section 2, Lot 17.

--"Mary J. Jarman, buried 9/29/21 - 82 yrs. 2 mos and 4 days old."

Nancy Maria Jarman born April 1859 in Stark Co, Illinois died February 10, 1939 in Benton, Ringgold Co. IA. She is buried in Benton Cemetery, Benton IA. Nancy Jarman married William Andrew Schlapia, April 20, 1879, in Benton, Ringgold Co., IA.

This ends the Jarman line as my direct line as Nancy Maria Jarman married my Great Grandfather, William Andrew Schlapia.

***** NOTES *****


This line in Europe seems to be documented fairly well however, most of the documentation comes from the One World Tree project. Since this project shows whatever is sent in to them by anyone, it would be foolish to rely heavily on it being accurate. However, it is a good place to start if one wants to seriously follow the line. I present it here in case you in the future want to explore the line.

The line starts with Henry Cook who was born in 1460 in Norwich, Norfolk, England. Norwich is in the northeast part of England on the coast. It gets pretty cold there and often snows in winter time. I spent 9 months a few miles east of Norwich in 1956-1957. The one thing I learned there is why they came to America. They were looking for something decent to eat. I hated English food.

We don’t know the name of Henry’s wife, but he had a son, William D. Cook.

William D. Cook was born in Norwich, England on 26 Aug 1481 and he married Martha who was born 03 Jan 1481/82 also in Norwich. They had a son named Francis A. Cook.

Francis Cook was born 17 Jun 1508 in Norwich, England and in 1530, married Suzette Armstrong, in Norfolk County, England. Suzette was born in England. They had a daughter named Susannah Cook.

Susannah Cook was born in 1541 in England and died in 1570 in Salem, Massachusetts.

She married Richard Dunham Singletary who was born in 1540 in Lincolnshire, England and died in 1617 in Salem, MA. They had a son Francis Singletary who was born in Surfleet, Lincolnshire, England and died in 1570 at Salem, MA.

Francis Singletary was born in 1559 in Surfleet, Lincolnshire, England, and died in 1617 in Surfleet, Lincolnshire, England. He married a lady named Agnes, who was born in 1563 in Haverhill, MA and died in 1618 at Surfleet, Lincolnshire, England. They had:

Richard Singletary was born in 1585 at Salisbury, Essex, MA and died on 25 Oct 1687 at Haverhill, Essex, MA. Richard Singletary married a Susannah Cook who was born in 1616 at Haverhill, Essex, MA and died 11 April 1682 at Haverhill, Essex, MA. They married in 1639 at Haverhill, Essex, MA. They had:

Jonathan Singletary who was born 17 Jan 1639/40 in Salsbury, Essex, MA and died 6 September 1706 in Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ. In 1660, he married Mary Bloomfield who was born 15 Jan 1641/42 in Newbury, MA and died in Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ. They had a son:

Nathaniel Dunham. For some reason, he seems to have taken as his last name the middle name of his great great grandfather Richard Dunham Singletary. Nathaniel Dunham was born 10 April 1679 in Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ and died in 1727 at Westfield, Union, NJ. He married Joannah Thornell who was born 25 Feb 1683/84 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ and died in 1730 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ. They had a son:

John Dunham was born in 1708 at Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ and died on 25 April 1725 in Pennsylvania. He married an Ann Hiley or Hiley Ann (something). They had a son:

Nathaniel Dunham was born in 1733 in Woodbridge, NJ and died 10 August 1820 in Clermont, OH. He married Keziah Crosley who was born 1758 in Mapleton, Greene, PA and died in 1820 at Clermont, OH. They had a son:

Jonathan Singleton Dunham who was born 16 February 1786 in Perth Amboy, Middlesex, NJ and died 21 Sep 1856 in Monroe, Clermont, OH. On 19 April 1818, in Clermont, OH, he married Elizabeth Ayers who was born in New Jersey on 02 Mar 1798 and died on 11 February 1881 in Clermont, NJ. They had a daughter Catherine Ann Dunham who married Jonathan Drake on 28 Feb 1839 in Piscataway Twp., Middlesex, New Jersey. At this point, the line merges into the Drake line above.


The Singletary/Dunham line starts with an unusual story.

(Excerpts From Margaret Gardner-Cannefax's: Cannefax-Gardner and Related Lines pp83-84 pub.1972) [Used with permission]

There is a very old tradition about the Singletary family in the United States. In the last quarter of the sixteenth century there was living in England a family of title and large estates by the name of Dunham (Massachusetts records have it Donham). Of this family there were two branches; and in case of death of the last male of the elder branch the title and estates would pass to the nearest male relative of the younger branch. Now "it came to pass" that the "unexpected" did occur. Every male of the elder branch died except one small boy, and one morning he was missing. On investigation it was found his nurse was also missing. A thorough search was made at once, even English bloodhounds were used, but nothing could be found. Time passed and the heir did not appear. There was no evidence that he was dead; and so for some years the property was held in abeyance.

Many years afterward the nurse lay on her death-bed, and there made affidavit that she had been hired to destroy the child. Her heart failed when the test came and she decided to take him to the New World. They finally obtained passage on a ship for America. When they reached the shore she deserted the child and shortly returned to England. She added that she had given the child the name of Single-tarry. Detectives were immediately sent to this Country to investigate the matter; and a young man was found bearing the name of the lost heir of the Dunham estates; and who could give no account of his background. The captain of the ship on which the child was deserted had adopted him under the name she had given, but the Captain was now dead. The number of years that had passed and other evidence were such that no one could positively testify that this was the person sought. While he was believed to be the heir the evidence was not sufficient to satisfy the English court and put him in possession of the property.

Such was tradition that has been handed down through nine or ten generations of the Singletary family. Whenever the name is found in Massachusetts to Texas and Louisiana the bearer of it is familiar with the tradition concerning his or her English antecedents and the founding of the family in America. In a legal document that appears in the archives of Massachusetts recorded in 1702, the whole family is referred to as "Donham alias Singletary."

The name is first noted in the "Domesday Book" as the first tax census made by William the Conqueror was called shortly after he completed his subjugation of England in 1066 A.D. The name also appears in the Book of Hundreds and members of the Singletary family may be found in the vaults of Bury Saint Ives Chapel dating back to the sixteenth century. A coat of arms was granted to the family in the 15th century. From England the family branched out into Scotland and the "Isles." It is now found in almost all parts of Great Britain. It is not known what is the connection of the Singletarys of England and Richard, the first in America.

Richard Singletary in the earliest records is simply mentioned as "Richard Singletary of Salisbury and Amesbury." His birth antedates the earliest New England settlements. He was a great rover, for we find him in Salem in 1637, where he received a land grant; removed to Newbury where he joined the church in 1638. He moved to Salisbury in 1645, to Haverhill in 1653. In 1638/9 he married Susannah Cook and the had nine children.

End of Excerpt.

Now I have to conclude that the Singletarys of England bear no relationship to Richard Singletary who is purported to have been born a Dunham or Donham.

On the Dunham/Donham web page by Audrey Shields Hancock, we find, and use with permission the following:

“Some say Richard was born in 1585, yet another says 1599. He was in Salem, Massachusetts, where he received a land grant in 1637. From Salem he relocated for a time in Newbury, Massachusetts, where he took the oath of a freeman on 7 September 1638. He joined the church there in 1638, having been admitted as an inhabitant of the community in October. He was probably married at that time, for a record exists indicating that "Goodwife Singletary" died 1638/1639 at Newbury, Massachusetts. He perhaps had a son named William by her.

Soon after, Richard and others were granted permission to build a plantation at Merrimac. In the spring of 1639 the Merrimac plantation site was chosen. Richard Singletary was one of those receiving a grant of land in the Town of Colchester, but evidently did not relocate there until later. This settlement was later renamed Salisbury. Richard married again around 1638 to Susannah COOKE, born ca 1616, and they lived in Newbury for a time.

About 1645, they built a home in Salisbury, where Richard was a selectman in 1650. He did not tarry long in Salisbury, for by 1652, he had relocated his family to Haverhill, Massachusetts. With this move came an involvement with others in signing a petition asking the court to revoke Robert Pike's sentence. Robert had supported preaching on the Sabbath by un-ordained ministers, and that was forbidden by the court. He let the court know his disdain for the law and thus was punished for his statement. His supporters were fined for their support and thus, they revoked their support.

In 1653 Richard Singletary received more land and was a selectman in Haverhill in 1655. Richard and Susanna are recorded as having transferred some of their land holdings to members of their family in 1662 and later. Susannah died at Haverhill, Massachusetts on 11 April 1682 at about 66 years of age. Richard's death did not occur until 5 years later on 25 October 1687 at Haverhill at about 92 years of age.”

Marriage 1 Goodwife (wf\o Richard SINGLETARY) ???

Marriage 2 Goodwife SINGLETARY or Susannah COOKE b: BET. 1615 - 1616 in Possibly Newbury, Essex Co., MA

• Married: ABT. 1638 in Newbury, Essex County, MA 15


1. Jonathan Dunham alias Singletary b: 17 JAN 1639/40 in Newbury, Essex County, Massachusetts

2. Eunice Singletary b: 7 JAN 1641/42 in Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts

3. Nathaniel Singletary b: 28 AUG 1644 in Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts

4. Lydia Singletary b: 30 APR 1648 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts

5. Amos Singletary b: 4 APR 1651 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts

6. Benjamin Singletary b: 4 APR 1656 in Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts

7. Richard Singletary b: ABT. 1659


1. Title: Re: #414 David E. Dunham b Jan 1775 NJ

Author: MAHONY, Gratia Dunham

Publication: FTM GenForum: DUNHAM Family Genealogy Forum at


Note: Internet, 16 Apr 1999, Message #414

Call Number:

Media: Electronic

2. 2. Title: DUNHAM Lineage of David M. SHIELDS at DMS59Dart@

Author: SHIELDS, David M. (Jr.) Note: " I have two DUNHAM lines and two CRANE lines.

Dave (LI)"

Richard SINGLETARY and Susanna COOKE


Nathaniel DUNHAM and Joanna THORNELL

David DUNHAM and Esther CRANE

David DUNHAM and Anna CRANE (2nd wife)

Catherine (Caty) DUNHAM and James ROLL

Betsey "Elizabeth" ROLL and David M. DUNHAM (Cranford NJ, parents unknown)

Sarah Ann DUNHAM and John LEBER

Charles Henry LEBER and Rose Ann McMANUS

Rosemary Elizabeth LEBER and David Malcolm SHIELDS

David Malcolm SHIELDS, Jr. and Pamela Townsend DAVIS

Dave says, "Any information shared, should be double checked for correctness."


Note: E-mail 31 Mar 2001 to: Audrey Shields Hancock

Call Number:

Media: Electronic

3. Title: My Singletary/Donham Line

Author: DONHAM, Perry at pdonham@

Publication: FTM GenForum: SINGLETARY Family Genealogy Forum


Note: Internet, 20 Oct 2000, Message # 334

Call Number:

Media: Electronic

4. Title: My Singletary Line

Author: SCHMIDT, Laura (CLOUD) at DigMyPast@

Publication: FTM GenForum: SINGLETARY Genealogy Family Forum at


Note: Internet 18 May 1998, Message #10

Call Number:

Media: Electronic

Text: Richard Singletary 1585 - 1687

............. +Goodwife Lnu

......... *2nd Wife of [1] Richard Singletary:

............. +Susannah Cooke 1615/16 - 1682

5. Title: My Singletary Line

Author: SCHMIDT, Laura (CLOUD) at DigMyPast@

Publication: FTM GenForum: SINGLETARY Genealogy Family Forum at


Note: Internet 18 May 1998, Message #10

Call Number:

Media: Electronic

6. Title: My Singletary Line (#2)

Author: SHELTON, John at sheltonjdjr@

Publication: FTM GenForum: SINGLETARY Family Genealogy Forum


Note: Internet, 18 April 1998, Message #1

Call Number:

Media: Electronic

7. Title: My Singletary Line (#3)

Author: CECIL, Roddy at cecil@

Publication: FTM GenForum: SINGLETARY Family Genealogy Forum


Note: Internet 03 May 1998, Message #5

Call Number:

Media: Electronic

8. Title: DUNHAM-SINGLETARY GENEALOGY, Descendants of Richard Singletary Of Salem, Newbury, and Haverhill, Massachusetts And Deacon John Dunham of Plymouth, Mas

Author: DUNHAM, Kenneth Royal

Publication: Royal Press, Rochester, NY, 1987


Note: Private Collection of Audrey (Shields) Hancock

Call Number:

Media: Book

Page: pp. 21-27

9. Title: Lineage of Beatrice (Dunham) Webb

Author: WEBB, Bea (DUNHAM) at beaw@

Publication: E-mail to ASH

Note: Joseph m #1 Mary ??? and #2 Anna WOOD


Note: Internet, 14 Apr 2001, E-mail Manuscript

Call Number:

Media: Manuscript

10. Title: Researcher, 2002: Gary N. Nelson at seasailor@

11. Title: Lloyd Dunham's SINGLETARY-DUNHAM Lineages

Note: First Line:

Richard Singletary (1) and possible first wife.

Jonathan Dunham (2) Singletary/alias Dunham

David Dunham (3) married Mary Ilsley

David Dunham (4) married Mary Freeman

Isaac Dunham (5) b. abt. 1759 married Ann Gage/Gach

Second Line:

Richard Singletary (1) and possible first wife

Jonathan Dunham (2) Singletary/alias Dunham

David Dunham (3) married Mary Ilsley

Daniel Dunham (4) married Mary Dennis

Daniel Dunham (5) married Catherine Campbell

Daniel (5) is my 5 gr. grandfather and was born in 1730.


Note: Internet, 7 Jan 2003, E-mail to ASH

Call Number:

Media: Electronic

12. Title: Descendants of Richard Singletary

Author: David Lee Dunham at DelcyD@

Publication: Nov. 2002: 20 pages


Note: Sent to ASH

Call Number:

Media: Manuscript

Text: Richard was born abt. 1599 Lincolnshire, England.

(Source: "Dunham-Singletary Genealogy" by Kenneth Royal Dunham, pub: Royal Press, Rochester, NY, 1987, pp. 24-29)

"He may have been married before he married Susannah Cooke.

13. Title: History of the Dunham-Donham Family in America--Founded 20 Mar 1997

Author: STREETER, James A. at james@

Publication: Internet Web Page



Call Number:

Media: Electronic


14. Title: History of the Dunham-Donham Family in America--Founded 20 Mar 1997

Author: STREETER, James A. at james@

Publication: Internet Web Page



Call Number:

Media: Electronic


Text: Born abt. 1599 England

Title: History of the Dunham-Donham Family in America--Founded 20 Mar 1997

Author: STREETER, James A. at james@

Publication: Internet Web Page



Call Number:

Media: Electronic


Text: Richard Singletary & Susanna Cook

married Newbury, Essex Co., MA

Richard and Susannah are known to have had a son, Jonathan Singletary, who later changed his name to Jonathan Dunham and in many records of the time was listed as “Jonathan Dunham alias Singletary.” Richard also had a son named Benjamin who was not of our direct line. It should be noted here that Jonathan is the only child of Richard Singletary who changed his name to Dunham. The rest all continued to use the name Singletary.

JONATHAN SINGLETARY was the son of Richard Singletary, the immigrant ancestor. The question of his biological mother is under research and discussion at this time with possibly four scenarios. The date of his birth is complicated by facts presented within each scenario, and due to the complications of understanding the vital records which were recorded during the period of the Julian Calendar timetable resulting in double datings. Then there is the mystery why Jonathan Singletary adopted the DUNHAM surname in later life to become Jonathan Dunham (alias Singletary) and why his children defaulted to the DUNHAM (alias SINGLETARY) surname and succeeding generations of his line continued to use DUNHAM as their surname. At that period of time, the term alias was not derogatory, but rather a means to insure inheritance, carry on a name, etc.

1638/1639 or 1639/1640

Jonathan Singletary, was born according to various records:

• "SINGLETARY, Jonathan, s. Richard and Susanah, 17: 11 m: 1639"

(Vital Records of Salisbury, Massachusetts To the End of the Year 1849, Topsfield Historical Society, Topsfield, Massachusetts, 1915, p. 218: "Salisbury Births")

• 17 January 1639/40 [Julian Calendar] at Salisbury, Essex Co., Massachusetts (HOYT, p. 317),

• "...Jonathan Dunham, alias Singletary, at Newbury, Mass., on January 17, 1640, of parents Richard and Hannah [sometimes an abbreviated name for Susannah...ash] Singletary." (Monnette, Pt.1)

• Deposition dated 1662 of Jonathan Singletary, aged "about 23" against John Godfrey. (Upham's Salem Witchcraft, Vol. I, pp. 343-346)

• "Jonathan, b. in Plymouth, in 1646; m. in 1669, Mary Bloomfield, also b. in Plymouth, in 1653, and later a resident of Hartford. Jonathan's early life was spent in Hartford, where he formed the acquaintance with Samuel Marsh, a son of John Marsh." (Isaac Watson Dunham, pp. 40-41, erroneously attempts to name Jonathan's father as "Thomas DUNHAM, son of Deacon John Dunham...")

Jonathan Singletary (later Jonathan Dunham) is believed by many researchers to have been a child of Richard Singletary and possibly an unknown first wife, or perhaps the lady known as "Goodwife Singletary," or perhaps Humility Dunham. However, according to numerous records and the vital record given below his mother is given as Susannah Cook(e), who is known to have been married to Richard Singletary. Further study may bring new answers for a mysterious beginning.

In 1662, Jonathan is alleged to have made witchcraft charges against one John Godfrey. Jonathan gave testimony in court but lost the case and then Mr. Godfrey sued Jonathan for defamation of character. Transcripts of this case can be found on the internet by doing a Google or other search.

Jonathan Dunham married Mary Bloomfield in 1660. Jonathan was born 17 Jan 1639/40 in Salisbury, Essex, MA, USA, and died 06 Sep 1706 in Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ, USA. Mary Bloomfield was born 15 Jan 1641/42 in Newbury, MA, USA and died in 1705 at Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ, USA.

On 8 April 1662, Richard and "Susan" (Susanna) SINGLETARY of Haverhill, Essex Co., Massachusetts conveyed 80 acres of land in Haverhill to Mary, wife of Jonathan Singletary of Haverhill...and NOT to their son, Jonathan. This land was bounded by Theophilus Satchwell. (MONNETTE, Part 4, p. 500) Why did the land go to Mary and not to Jonathan? Was Jonathan gone from the family or was this the period of time that Jonathan was imprisoned? Was Jonathan not yet settled, thus his tumultuous lifestyle against the teachings of the fathers of Salem, perhaps put him in jeopardy of loosing land placed in his name. Evidently his parents felt it best to place the land in the hands of his wife, Mary, for the protection of Jonathan & Mary's family. They certainly would not have known the outcome of their son's life, and possibly feared for his family's future well-being. Certainly this step speaks well for the character of Mary (Bloomfield) Singletary.

Then around 1665, Jonathan and Mary removed to Woodbridge, Middlesex County, New Jersey with the BLOOMFIELD family. (HOYT, p. 317...abt. 1665) Apparently with the move came a surname change to DUNHAM, perhaps for anonymity and a different way of life, or perhaps for another reason lost forever in time. Many say that he changed his name in honor of his father Richard Singletary who is purported to really be a Dunham. We will probably never know. At any rate, he and his descendants are forever to be known as Dunhams, although this is not true of his Singletary siblings and their descendants.

About 1670, Jonathan Dunham alias Singletary received a grant of land (270 acres) apparently on the condition that he is to build a grist mill.

In New Jersey, Jonathan erected a grain mill in 1670, and here he appears to have led a respectable life for a time. Information from Roger Singletary, 14 Mar 2004, indicates the mill was located on Papiac Creek near Woodland, NJ and owned 213 acres of land in Woodbridge, NJ. A mill in the area would certainly have brought prosperity and growth to Woodbridge. A mill would have been a fundamental asset to the people in the area and surrounding areas in that time period. In itself, he, as proprietor, would have certainly added to his leadership in the area. He also built a church and a house. The house still exists, as well as does the millstone, which is located at the Trinity Episcopal Church,

Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., NJ


Photo Courtesy of: Audrey Shields Hancock

Thanks to Dave Shields of Long Island for being the HANCOCKs escort & tour guide.

October 2000

Nathaniel Dunham alias Singletary was the son of Jonathan Dunham and Mary Bloomfield. He was born 10 Apr 1679 at Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ and died in 1727 at Westfield, Union, NJ. Nathaniel married Joannah Thornell on 20 Oct 1703 at Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ. Joannah Thornell was born 25 Feb 1683/84 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ and died in 1730 at Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ.

From this point in this document, I will drop the “alias Singletary” since it was not a derogatory term, but rather was used in those times to aid in proving inheritance etc.

Nathaniel and Joannah had the following children:

David Dunham b. 1704, Woodbridge, NJ

Andrew Dunham b. 1706, Woodbridge, NJ

John Dunham b. 1708, Woodbridge, NJ

Elizabeth Dunham b. 10 May 1710, Woodbridge, NJ

Joanna Dunham b. 03 March 1713/14, Woodbridge, NJ

Jerusha Dunham b. 25 September 1712, Woodbridge, NJ

Ephriam Dunham b. 17 November 1724, Woodbridge, NJ

Nathaneil Dunham b. 17 October 1726, Westfield, Union, NJ

John Dunham was born in 1708 at Woodbridge, NJ and died 25 April 1725 in Pennsylvania. John married a woman listed as Hiley Ann. I have not found her exact first and last names, nor any dates for her. They had a son named Nathaniel Dunham.

Nathaniel Dunham was born in 1733 at Woodbridge, NJ and died on 10 August, 1820 at Clermont OH. He married Keziah Crosley who was born in 1758 in Mapleton, Greene, PA and died in 1820 at Clermont, OH. Nathaniel also married a Mary Sutton who was born in 1735 at Raritan, Middlesex, NJ and died in 1774. Of the two marriages, the following children were produced:

By Mary Sutton:

David Dunham born 1769, Middlesex, NJ

Lewis Dunham born 24 Jun 1771, Perth Amboy, Middlesex, NJ

Mary Dunham born 5 May 1774, Mapleton, Green, PA

By Keziah Crosley:

Henry Dunham born 1776, Perth Amboy, Middlesex, NJ

Abel Dunham born 1777, Perth Amboy, Middlesex, NJ

Amos Dunham born 1779, Green Co., PA

Robert Dunham born 16 February, 1782, Mapleton, Green, PA

William Dunham born 13 June, 1784, Mapleton, Green, PA

Jonathan Singleton Dunham born 16 Feb 1786, Perth Amboy, Middlesex, NJ

John S. Dunham born 1834, in Indiana.

I presumed the mother of the children based upon marriage and death dates, however it is only a guess, and even then, William could have been born to either mother. Additionally, some of the dates have to be suspect because of the apparent shifting back and forth between New Jersey and Pennsylvania. It is possible though.

Jonathan Singleton Dunham married Elizabeth Ayres, who was born on 02 Mar 1798 in New Jersey and died on 11 Feb 1881 in Clermont, OH. They had the following children:

Evaline Donham, 1816

Hiley Ann Donham, 1819

Catherine Ann Dunham 8 July 1821, New Jersey, died 8 February 1892 in Cambridge, Frontier, NE

Perry Jackson Donham, 1824

Florella Jane Donham, 1824

Harrison Lafayette Donham, 1825

Mary Elizabeth Donham, 1827

Sarah Elvira Donham,1828

Erasmus Jonathan Donham,1829

Elizabeth Caroline Donham, 1830

Lucien Ross Donham, 1832

Nancy Mariah Donham, 1836

Robert Warren Donham, 1840

Delia Donham, 1847

This line ends as Catherine Ann Dunham married my 3rd great grandfather, Jonathan Drake, see “The Drake Line”.

***** NOTES *****


This is perhaps one of the most interesting lines and is well documented in Europe. I will not go to the extensive work of trying to obtain some of the expensive documents which prove this line. Nevertheless, I will record it here as I feel the line has been well researched.

It starts with a fellow named Conan I, Count of Bertagne, who died June 29, 992. He married Ermengarde Irmgard Anjou and they had at least one child:

Geoffrey Bretagne was b. about 980 d. 1008. He married Avicia b. 977 d. February 21, 1033/34. They had a son named Eudo.

Eudo Duke of Brittany1050 was born in 999 and died January 7, 1078/79. He married Agnes De Cornousille and had at least one child, Ribald.

Ribald, Information found at:

1st Lord of Middleham, -1121 married Beatrix deTallebois. They had Ralph FitzRibald.

Ralph FitzRibald 1080 – 1168 was born in Middleham, Yorkshire, England and married Agatha De Brus. De Brus was a famous name and includes Robert De Brus, King of Scotland, who may be related to Agatha. Information found at:

2nd Lord of Middleham. They had at least one child, Robert FitzRalph.

Robert FitzRalph b. Middleham, Yorkshire, England ,1110-1185 married Helewisa De Glanville. Information found at:

3rd Lord of Middleham. They had at least one child, Ranulf FitzRobert.

Ranulf FitzRobert , Middleham, Yorkshire, England, about 1180 - Bef. December 07, 1251 He married Mary Bigod whose line weaves it way back to France to Gundrada de Normandy. There has been much written about Gundrada. Information found at:

Also at

Also called Gundred by bgertz.

She probably was NOT the daughter of William, I, King of England, aka William the Conqueror.

Most concensus is that she was daughter of Gerbod the Fleming, Earl of Chester

K. S. B. Keats-Rohan, "Aspects of Robert of Torigny's genealogies

revisited," Nottingham Medieval Studies, xxxvii (1993).

Ranulf FitzRobert and Mary Bigod Information found at:

4th Lord of Middleham and Spennithorne.

Held 6 Knights fees in the honor of Richmond. On Mary, Information found at:

Heiress of Menethorpe, Yorkshire, England

Information found at: They had:

Ranulf FitzRanulf b. Bet. 1220 – 1225 and died before 1294. He married Bertrama b. about 1220. By now, you may have figured out that “Fitz” means “son of” much like O’Reilly is son of Reilly and MacDonald is son of Donald. Lord of Spenithorne. Anyway, they had several children, including:

Ralf FitzRanulf Bet. 1250 – 1260 to Bef. 1316. He was born in Spennithorne, England and married Theophania De Lacelles born about 1250 in Kirby-under-Knowles, Yorkshire, England. Lord of Spennithorne. They had:

Ranulf FitzRalph 1300 – after 1343 in Spennithorne. He married Isabel born about 1300. Information found at: Also at

Maule has him sometimes called Ranulf fitz Lacelles. Information found at: Also at

Lord of Spennithorne. They had:

John FitzRandolph before 1325 – before 1369. He married Maude De Campania who was born about 1330. Lord of Spennithorne.

Information found at: Also at

Muade has alternate name of John Fitz Ranulf. They had:

Randulph FitzJohn 1345-1388 who married an unknown woman who was born about 1345. Information found at: Also at

Knight and Lord of Spennithorne.

Maule has an alternate name of Randall Fitz John.

Maule has death aft. 1388. They had:

John FitzRanulph 1374 – 1405. His wife b. abt. 1375 is also unknown. Knight and Lord of Spennithorne.

Information found at: Also at

Maule has his name as possibly Ralph Fitz Randall

Maule says he was beheaded for taking part in rebellion of Henry Percy and other northern magnates. They had:

Ralph FitzRandolph Knight and Lord of Spennithorne Abt. 1398 in England to January 20, 1457/58. Knight and Lord of Spennithorne

Information found at: Also at

bgertz has him born 1389. (date transposition?) He married an Elizabeth who was born about 1400. They had:

John FitzRandolph, I, 1420 - March 05, 1474/75. Lord of Spennithorne. He married Joan Conyers 1428 – after 1485. She was born in Hornby Castle, Yorkshire, England. They had two children:

Ralph FitzRandolph b. bef 1460. Lord of Spennithorne.

John FitzRandolph, II 1460 -1514. He married Edith and had:

Christopher FitzRandolph I 1495 in Langton Hall, Kirby-in-Ashford, Nottinghamshire, England. Died June 28, 1574. He married Jane Langton born about 1499 in Kirby-in-Ashfield, Warwick, Middleham, England and died 1573. They had:

Edward FitzRandolph

Isabel FitzRandolph

Margaret FitzRandolph

Margery FitzRandolph

Thomas FitzRandolph

John FitzRandolph born about 1516

Christoper FitzRandolph II, born 1530 in Hucknall, Sutton-in-Ashford, Nottinghamshire, England and died June 28, 1588 in Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, England. He married Ann Wood, born about 1550 in Normantown, Derbyshire, England and died after 1558 in England. They had:

Anthony FitzRandolph

Christopher FitzRandolph

James FitzRandolph

Edward FitzRandolph I, born 1565 in Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, England and died October 27, 1647 at Kneesall, Nottinghamshire, England. The Maule family has him dying in 1614 at Normantown, Derbyshire, England. He married Francis Howe born 1584 in Normantown, Darby, England died June 07, 1631 at Kneesall, Nottinghamshire, England. They had:

Edward FitzRandolph II, born about July 5, 1607 Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, England, died Bet. 1684 – 1685 in Middlesex Co., New Jersey and is buried at St. James Churchyard, Middlesex Co., New Jersey

Anthony FitzRandolph born September 24, 1609

Ales (Alex?) FitzRandolph born January 19, 1610/11

Christopher FitzRandolph born May 1613

John FitzRandolph born January 14, 1615/16

Joseph FitzRandolph born November 18, 1621

Edward FitzRandolph II married Elizabeth Blossom born 1620 in Leyden Holland and died 1713 at Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ. See the Blossom line below. They had:

Nathaniel FitzRandolph born August 9, 1640 Barnstable, Massachusetts died December 10, 1640 Barnstable, Massachusetts.

Nathaniel FitzRandolph born May 15, 1642 Barnstable, Massachusetts died November 21, 1713 Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ.

Mary FitzRandolph born Oct 1644 West Barnstable, Massachusetts died 1649 Barnstable, Massachusetts

Hannah V born April 23, 1648 Barnstable, Massachusetts died April 13, 1705 Yarmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts

John FitzRandolph born October 7, 1653 Barnstable, Massachusetts died June 19, 1727 at Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ

Elizabeth FitzRandolph born March 1, 1654/55 Barnstable, Massachusetts died 1702, Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ

Joseph FitzRandolph born March 1, 1654/55 Barnstable, Massachusetts died January 18, 1724/25 Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ. Married Joanna Conger,

Note: Two of these brothers are in my direct line of ancestors through the Drake line. Joseph FitzRandolph (1654) married Joanna Conger and had Hanna FitzRandolph who married my 6th great grandfather, Andrew Drake (1684), making her my 6th great grandmother.

Thomas FitzRandolph who married Jonathan Dunham and had Rebecca Dunham who married Andrew Drake (1734), my 4th grandfather.

Thomas FitzRandolph born August 16, 1659 Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts died July 1745, Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ, buried at St. James Churchyard, Middlesex Co., New Jersey.

Hope FitzRandolph born April 2, 1661 West Barnstable, Massachusetts died February 15, 1701/02

Benjamin FitzRandolph born April 16, 1663 Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ

Thomas FitzRandolph married Elizabeth Manning born 1669, Barnstable, Barnstable, Mass. And died March 01, 1730/31 Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ. Buried at St. James Churchyard, Middlesex Co., New Jersey. They had:

Bathsheba FitzRandolph

David FitzRandolph

Dinah FitzRandolph

Lorena FitzRandolph

Thomas FitzRandolph

Elizabeth FitzRandolph born 1619 died March 19, 1731/32

Jonathan FitzRandolph born January 12, 1691/92 Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ died 1783 Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ He married Mary Bonham born October 04, 1691 Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ died Bef. February 25, 1779 Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ. They were married 1715 Piscataway Twp., Middlesex, New Jersey and had:

Able FitzRandolph September 1, 1716

Malachi FitzRandolph April 5, 1718

Keziah FitzRandolph June 18, 1720 Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ died 1770.

Jonathan FitzRandolph October 22, 1722

Lawrence FitzRandolph June 3, 1725

Hugh FitzRandolph June 22, 1727

Martha FitzRandolph May 25, 1729

Elizabeth FitzRandolph November 18, 1731

Mary FitzRandolph April 3, 1734

Samuel FitzRandolph Oct 1738

Pheneas FitzRandolph about 1742

Keziah FitzRandolph married Jonathan Dunham June 18, 1771-March 18, 1778 and they had:

Rebecca Dunham Nov 29, 1743 married Jonathan Drake on February 7, 1764. Jonathan was born May 28, 1734.

Mary Dunham March 3, 1744/45

Tabitha Dunham November 3, 1747

Abraham Dunham May 1, 1750

John Dunham October 30, 1752

This ends the FitzRandolph line as Rebecca Dunham married my 4th great grandfather, Andrew Drake.

However, there is another interesting line that intersects with the FitzRandolph line and this is as good a place as any to lay out that line.

It starts with Ivar of the Uplands Earl of the Uplands (Norway) See ”IVAR OF THE UPLANDS LINE".

***** NOTES *****


The Fuller line is the only line where I can show a direct line to the folks who sailed on the original Mayflower voyage to Plymouth, Mass. My 10th Great Grandfather Edward Fuller was one of the signers of the Mayflower Compact.

The line is as follows:

Direct Descendants of Edward Fuller

From the list of Mayflower Passengers:

Fuller, Edward Died during the first winter. Bp. Redenhall, Norfolk, September 1575, son of Robert Fuller. Married, unknown, by about 1605. A son Matthew born about 1605 was not among those names included in the voyage, but married by about 1630 Francis ______, possibly in England. Matthew died 1678, Barnstable, MA. Edward was brother of Dr. Samuel Fuller. One genealogist reports that Francis’ last name was Hopkins.

1 Edward Fuller b: September 04, 1575 in Redenhall, Norfolk, England d: 1621 in Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts

... 2 Samuel Fuller b: Abt. 1608 in England d: October 31, 1683 in Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts

......... +Jane Lothrop b: September 29, 1614 in Edgerton, Kent, England

........ 3 Hannah Fuller b: Abt. 1636 in Scituate, Plymouth, Massachusetts

.............. +Nicholas Bonham b: Abt. 1630 in England d: July 30, 1684 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ

.............. 4 Hezekiah Bonham b: May 06, 1667 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ d: Aft. 1691

....................+Mary Dunn b: January 19, 1671/72 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ d: November 07, 1699 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ

................... 5 Mary Bonham b: October 04, 1691 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ d: Bef. February 25, 1779 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ

......................... +Jonathan FitzRandolph b: January 12, 1691/92 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ d: 1783 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ

.........................6 Keziah FitzRandolph b: June 18, 1720 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ d: 1770

...............................+Jonathan Dunham b: June 18, 1721 d: March 18, 1778

.............................. 7 Rebecca Dunham b: November 29, 1743

.................................... +Andrew Drake b: May 28, 1734

.................................... 8 Jonathan Drake b: December 06, 1803 in Essex County, New Jersey d: June 08, 1885

..........................................+Catherine Ann Dunham b: July 08, 1821 in New Jersey d: February 08, 1892

.........................................9 Mary Jane Drake b: July 25, 1839 in Trenton, New Jersey d: September 29, 1921 in Omaha, Nebraska

.............................................+James Jarman b: July 16, 1835 in ,,Ohio

............................................. 10 Nancy Maria Jarman b: April 1859 in ,Stark Co, Illinois d: February 10, 1939 in Benton, Ringgold Co. IA

..................................................+William Andrew Schlapia b: December 26, 1855 in St. Joseph, Berrien Co., Michigan d: July 23, 1897 in Benton, Ringgold Co., IA

.................................................... 11 William Daniel Schlapia b: February 20, 1882 in ,Ringgold Co., IA

d: March 23, 1938 in On farm near Bosworth, MO

.......................................................+Florence Groves b: August 09, 1889 in Knowlton, Ringgold County, Iowa d: March 11, 1954 in Kansas City, Jackson Co., MO

........................................................12 Minnie Viola Schlapia b: December 23, 1915 in Benton, IA

d: September 25, 1985 in Kansas City, MO

..........................................................+James William Robinson, Sr. b: July 31, 1909 in Houston, Texas Co., MO d: June 20, 1978 in Yates Center, Woodson Co., Kansas

...............................................................13 James William Robinson, Jr. b: July 24, 1937 in Kansas City, MO, Saint Mary's Hospital

The Names of the Subscribers of the Mayflower Compact

As given by Nathaniel Morton (1669) and Thomas Prince (1736)

|John Carver |Edward Tilly |Digery Priest |

|William Bradford |John Tilly |Thomas Williams |

|Edward Winslow |Francis Cooke |Gilbert Winslow |

|William Brewster |Thomas Rogers |Edmund Margeson |

|Isaac Allerton |Thomas Tinker |Peter Brown |

|Miles Standish |John Ridgdale |Richard Britteridge |

|John Alden |Edward Fuller |George Soule |

|Samuel Fuller |John Turner |Richard Clarke |

|Christopher Martin |Francis Eaton |Richard Gardiner |

|William Mullins |James Chilton |John Allerton |

|William White |John Crackstone |Thomas English |

|Richard Warren |John Billington |Edward Doten |

|John Howland |Moses Fletcher |Edward Leister |

|Stephen Hopkins |John Goodman | |

BAPTIZED:   4 September 1575, Redenhall, Norfolk, England , son of Robert Fuller and Sara Dunkhorn

DIED:   the first winter at Plymouth, sometime between January and April, 1620/1

MARRIED:   name unknown, came on the Mayflower




|Matthew |England |bet. 25 July and 22 August 1678, Barnstable, MA |Frances (---), probably in England |

|Samuel |c1608, England |31 October 1683, Barnstable, MA |Jane Lothrop, 8 April 1635, Scituate, MA |

Edward Fuller, his wife, and his son Samuel came to America on the Mayflower.  They had lived in Leyden, Holland for a short period of time, but originally came from Redenhall, Norfolk, England.  Edward Fuller's father was a butcher by trade, and his brother Samuel was a doctor and deacon.  Edward's occupation, however, remains unknown.  He and his wife both died the first winter.


Francis H. Fuller, "Early New England Fullers," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 55(1901):192-196.

Francis H. Fuller, "Fullers of Redenhall, England," New England Historical and Genealogical Register 55(1901):410-414.

Bruce Campbell MacGunnigle, Robert M. Sherman and Robert S. Wakefield, "Was Matthew Fuller of Plymouth Colony a Son of Pilgrim Edward Fuller?", The American Genealogist 61(1986):194-199.

Bruce Campbell MacGunnigle, Mayflower Families for Five Generations: Edward Fuller, volume 4 (Plymouth: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1990).

Eugene Aubrey Stratton, Plymouth Colony: Its History and Its People, 1620-1691 (Ancestry Publishing: Salt Lake City, 1986).

Edward Fuller’s son Samuel Fuller married Jane Lathrop on April 8, 1635 in Scituate, Plymouth, MA

Samuel Fuller was b. about 1608 in England and died October 31, 1683, in Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts.

Jane Lathrop was b. September 29, 1614 in Edgerton, Kent, England

Samuel and Jane had Hanna Fuller, born about 1636 in Scituate, Plymouth, Massachusetts

She married Nicholas Bonham b. about 1630 in England. Nicholas Bonham d. July 30, 1684 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ

Nicholas and Hanna had Hezekiah Bonham b. May 6, 1667

Hezakiah Bonham was b. May 06, 1667 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ and d. after 1691 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ.

Hezakiah Bonham m. Mary Dunn b. January 19, 1671/72 in Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ and died November 07, 1699 Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ

On October 04, 1691, Hezakiah and Mary had Mary Bonham.

From the papers of Ducky Drake we find:

From Ducky Drake's papers:

Hezekiah Bonham was born in 1670 (possibly in New Jersey), married in 1690, Mary Dunn, daughter of the pioneer planter, Hugh Dunn, one of the original patentees of the town in 1666.

Hezekiah represented the Bonham family at the foundation of the old Baptist Church. His father, Nicholas, had died nearly five years before the organization of the church. Hezekiah and Mary Bonham had four children recorded at Piscataway before Mary's death in November, 1699. Hannah Bonham, their third child, was your ancestor, and she married Benjamin Stout, a grandson of Richard and Penelope (van Prince) Stout.

In 1697, Hezekiah had received his patent for land, in the right of his late father, Nicholas. In 1698-9, Hezekiah joined others in the purchase of Maidenhead (now Lawrenceville, NJ); he removing there sometime between 1699 and 1712. He soon remarried - this time to Miss Bishop of Maidenhead. By this marriage there were fifteen children added to the first four.

We do not know the date of Hezekiah's death.

Mary Bonham m. Jonathan FitzRandolph b. January 12, 1691/92 Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ d. Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ.

Mary Bonham was b. October 04, 1691 Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ and d. Bef. February 25, 1779 Piscataway, Middlesex, NJ

See the FitzRandolph line for a continuation of the line through Jonathan FitzRandolph and Mary Bonham’s daughter Keziah FitzRandolph, to the Dunham line, the Drake line, the Jarman line to the Schlapia line.


Although this line is documented several places in European history, I would not bet the farm on how accurate the line is.

It starts with Ivar of the Uplands Earl of the Uplands (Norway)

Child 1: Glumra, Eystein the Noisy, Earl of the Uplanders, b. 788

Glumra Eystein the noisy born 788 married Ascrida Ragnvaldsdottir and had:

Ragnvald I, Eysteinsson died about 894 married Ragnhild Hrolfsdottir.

About Ragnvald: Eysteinsson, Ragnvald I the wise of More

Acceded: ABT 872

Died: ABT 894


AKA Rognvald Mere-Earl.

Father: Glumra, Eystein the Noisy, Earl of the Uplanders, b. 788

Mother: Ragnvaldsdottir, Ascrida

Associated with , Groa

Child 1: Rognvaldsson, Hallad, Earl of orkney

Child 2: Rognvaldsson, Turf-Einar, Earl of Orkney

Child 3: Ragnvaldsson, Hrollaug

Married to Hrolfsdottir, Ragnhild (Hildr)

Child 4: Ragnvaldsson, Ivar

Child 5: Ragnvaldsson, Rolf the Ganger, Duke of Normandy 1st, b. 846

Child 6: Ragnvaldsson, Thori the Silent, Jarl of More

Ragnvald I, Eysteinsson and Ragnhild Hrolfsdottir had:

Rollo Ragnvaldsson 1st Duke of Normandy born 870 in Norway, died 932. He married Poppa de Valois, Dutchess of Normandy.

NOTE on Rollo:

Ragnvaldsson, Robert (Rollo) of Norway, Duke of Normandy 1st

Born: 870, Norway

Acceded: 911

Died: 932


See Europäisch Stammtafeln Band II tafel 36.

Father: Ragnvaldsson, Rolf the Ganger, Duke of Normandy 1st, b. 846

Married 886 to de Valois, Poppa of Normandy, Duchess of Normandy

Child 1: Normandy, William I LONGSWORD of, Duke of Normandy 2nd

Child 2: , Robert of Corbeil, Count of Corbeil

Child 3: , Crespina

Child 4: , Gerletta

Child 5: , Kathlin

Child 6: , Adele of Normandy, b. ABT 917

Married 912 to , Gisela

Rollo and Poppa had:

William I, Longsword, 2nd Duke of Normandy who died Ragnvaldsson, November 17, 942. He married Sprota Senlis.

About William I Longsword:

Normandy, William I LONGSWORD of, Duke of Normandy 2nd

Acceded: 932

Died: 17 DEC 942

Father: Ragnvaldsson, Robert (Rollo) of Norway, Duke of Normandy 1st, b. 870

Mother: de Valois, Poppa of Normandy, Duchess of Normandy

Associated with Senlis, Sprota (Adela) of

Child 1: Normandy, Richard I the Fearless of, Duke of Normandy 3rd, b. 933

Child 2: D'Ivry, Raoul

Married 935 to Vermandois, Luitgarda of

William Longsword and Sprota Senlis had:

Richard I The Fearless, 3rd Duke of Normandy born 933, Fecamp, France and died November 20, 966 in Fecamp, France. He married Gunor of Crepon and had:


Richard II, 4th Duke of Normandy

Avicia married Geoffrey Bretagne born about 980-1008 Geoffrey Bretagne intersects with the early FitzRandolf line at Eudo (see the top of FitzRandolph line).


The Kunkle line begins with Hans Kunkle, my 11th great grandfather was born about 1530 in Glasshouse, Neuhutten, Germany. He married Anna Catherine Wolfgang born about 1535 in Glasshouse, Neuhutten, Hesse, Germany and died 1571 in Glasshouse, Neuhutten, Hesse, Germany.

Most of the Kunkle information is from my cousin Ernie Dawson.

Hans and Catherine married about 1554 Glasshouse, Neuhutten, Hesse, Germany and had:

Johann Jurg Kunkle, born 1565 in Glasshouse, Neuhutten, Germany and died 1633 in Glasshouse, Neuhutten, Germany. He married Elisabeth Christina Houser born 1573 in Glasshouse, Neuhutten, Germany and died 1633 in Glasshouse, Neuhutten, Germany. They married before 1592 in Neuhutten, Hessen, Germany. They had:

Johann Nicolas Kunkle born about 1593 Glasshouse, Neuhutten, Germany

Johann Georg Kunkle born about 1595 Glasshouse, Neuhutten, Germany died 1645 in Florsbach, Gelnhausen, Hessen, Germany

Johann Michael Kunkle born 1600 Glasshouse, Neuhutten, Germany died May 15, 1676 Glasshouse, Neuhutten, Germany

Frantz Kunkle born 1605 Glasshouse, Neuhutten, Germany

Jonas Kunkle born 1610 Glasshouse, Neuhutten, Germany, died 1682 Wickenrode, Germany.

Lorenz Kunkle born 1615 Glasshouse, Neuhutten, Germany, died Biebergau, Unterfranken, Bavaria, Germany

Johann Michael Kunkle, married Anna Katherine Naumann born 1605 in Neuhutten, Hessen, Germany and died January 1, 1649/50 in Glasshouse, Neuhutten, Germany. They married in 1624 in Glasshouse, Neuhutten, Germany. They had:

Johannes Kunkle

Conrad Kunkle born 1627

Jurg Kunkle born 1629

Johann Nicolaus Kunkle born 1631 Neuhutten, Hessen, Germany

Hans Kunkle born 1636 Neuhutten, Hessen, Germany died April 7, 1735 Breitenborn, Hessen, Germany

Sebastian Kunkle born 1640 Neuhutten, Germany died February 16, 1684/85 Glasshouse, Neuhutten, Germany

Johannes Heinrich Kunkle born December 4, 1645 in Neuhutten Hessen Germany and died August 21, 1669 in Neuhutten Hessen Germany.

Anna Christiana Kunkle born September 3, 1648 Neuhutten, Hessen, Germany

Anna Margarethe Kunkle born January 1, 1649/50 Neuhutten, Hessen, Germany

Johannes Heinrigh Kunkle married Anna Elizabeth born 1650 Neuhutten, Hessen Germany and had:

Andraes Kunkle born December 27, 1668 Neuhutten Hessen Germany

Johann Balthasar Kunkel born November 30, 1671 Neuhutten, Hessen, Germany died November 16, 1737 Neuhutten, Hessen, Germany. He married Maria Margaretha born 1660 Neuhutten, Hessen, Germany died April 22, 1734 in Neuhutten, Hessen, Germany and they had:

Johann Philipp Kunkle born March 17, 1700/01 Neuhutten, Hessen, Germany

Maria Elizabeth Kunkle born November 13, 1703 Neuhutten, Hessen, Germany died November 15, 1703 Neuhutten, Hessen, Germany

Johann Christian Kunkle born July 17, 1707 Neuhutten, Hessen, Germany

Johann Gotlieb Kunkle born April 28, 1714, died before November 12, 1776 Hellam Twp, York, PA He married Christina Barbara born 1720 in Germany died October 19, 1751 Hellam Twp, York, PA. Married about 1738 in York Co. PA. They had:

Maria Magdalena Kunkle born 1738 in Hellam Twp, York, PA died about 1809 Hellam Twp, York, PA.

John Balthasar Kunkle born September 25, 1742 Hellam Twp, York, PA died August 23, 1812 in Hellam Twp, York, PA

Maria Catherine Kunkle born January 22, 1743/44 Hellam Twp, York, PA

Gotlieb Kunkle born February 18, 1745/46 Hellam Twp, York, PA died Before April 30, 1822 in Spring Garden Twp., York Co., PA. He married Agnes about 1769 in York Co., PA

Maria Elizabeth Kunkle born May 8, 1749 Hellam Twp, York, PA died November 07, 1835

Maria Magdalena Kunkle married Kraft Billit born between 1730 and 1735 died about November 1807 in Hellam Twp, York, PA They had:

Elizabeth Billit born November 06, 1757 who married my 4th great grandfather, George Druck, Jr. See the Druck Line.


The Blossoms are anther interesting line that intersects with our Schlapia line via the FitzRandolphs. The oldest Blossom that we are aware of is John Blossom, father of Peter Blossom, born about 1535 in Great Shelford, Co. Cambridge, England. He died June 15, 1597. He married Annabel who was born in County Cambridge, England and she died 1617 in County Cambridge, England. They were married September 21, 1567.

About Peter Blossom:

From the FitzRandolph Family Site, the below is extracted:

Shirley Hampton - Aug 31, 2004 Viewers | Reply to this item More info from TAG Apr 1988:

Peter Blossom, b. abt 1535 Great Shelford, Co. Cambridge, EN; d. 15 Jun 1597 Stapleford, Co. Cambridge, EN; m. 21 Sept 1567 Great Shelford, EN to Annabel, b. Co. Cambridge, EN, d. aft 4 Oct 1617 Cambridge, EN.

Peter was s/o John Blossom & unk.

Other spouse, Margaret Roger.

Children of Peter & Annabel:

i. Francis Blossom, b. 21 Jan 1570/71 Great Shelford,

EN; d. 8 Feb 1570/71 Great Shelford, EN.

ii. Ann Blossom, b. 30 Dec 1571 Great Shelford, EN.

iii. John Blossom, b. 2 Apr 1574 Great Shelford, EN

d. 26 Oct 1625 Great Shelford, EN; m. 24 Oct

1602 Great Shelford, EN Annis Kinder.

iv. Alice Blossom, b. 5 Aug 1576 Great Shelford, EN;

d. 9 Sept 1576 Great Shelford, EN.

v. Thomas Blossom, Sr., b. abt 1580 Little Shelford,

EN; d, bef 25 Mar 1633 Plymouth, MA; m. 10 Nov

1605 in St. Clement's-Cambridge, Co. Cambridge,

EN to Anne Elsdon.

other minor children unk.

Peter Blossom and Annabel had:

Francis Blossom January 21, 1570/71 Great Shelford, Co. Cambridge, England died February 08, 1570/71 Great Shelford, Co. Cambridge, England

Ann Blossom December 30, 1571 Great Shelford, Co. Cambridge, England

John Blossom April 02, 1574 Great Shelford, Co. Cambridge, England died October 26, 1625 Great Shelford, Co. Cambridge, England. He married Annis Kinder on October 24, 1602 at Great Shelford, England.

Alice Blossom August 05, 1576 Great Shelford, England died September 09, 1576 Great Shelford, England

Thomas Blossom, Sr. Abt. 1580 Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England died Bef. March 25, 1633 Plymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts. He married Ann Heilson (Elsdon?), born about 1584, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England. They married on November 10, 1607 at St Clement's-Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England. They had:

Unnamed Blossom, b. 1617 The Netherlands, died April 1617 The Netherlands

Unnamed Blossom, b. 1620 The Netherlands, died before 1625 The Netherlands

Elizabeth Blossom, b. 1620 Leydon, Holland (The Netherlands) d. 1713 Woodbridge, Middlesex, NJ. She married Edward FitzRandolph, II, (1607) on May 10, 1637 at Scituate, Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Thomas Blossom, Jr., b. about 1623 Netherlands, d. April 22, 1650 Massachusetts. He married Sarah Ewer.

Peter Blossom b. about 1627 Netherlands, d. June 1706 Massachusetts. He married Sarah Bodfish.

Elizabeth Blossom Timeline (as posted at the FitzRndolph family site):


1580: Elizabeth's father, Thomas Blossom, born in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, England. (off-site link to virtual tour of modern Wisbech)

23 June 1583: Elizabeth's mother, Anne, is baptized in Soham, Cambridge, England.

1598: Thomas' mother remarried and moved to Cambridge.

10 November 1605: Thomas and Anne marry in St. Clement, Cambridge, England.

5 July1607: Elizabeth's future husband, Edward FitzRandolph, is born in Sutton-in-Ashford, Nottinghamshire, England.

1609: Thomas and Anne recorded as members of the Pilgrim community in Leiden.

1610: Thomas gives Anne power of attorney to sell two messuages in Cambridge that she had inherited from her maternal grandfather.

1617: Thomas and Anne are living in Pieterskirkof Street in Leiden, Holland, where a child of theirs is buried in the churchyard there. (Off-site link with pictures of Leiden)

July 26, 1620: Thomas and an unnamed son leave the port of Delfthaven, Holland, where the family had gone (living in Leiden) to escape religious persecution of Separatists or Brownists, aboard the Speedwell. They join the Mayflower and set sail, but the Speedwell leaks and returns. Once again they set out, but the ship again leaked. (off-site link to picture of Delfthaven.)

September 6, 1620 Some members of the combined group return to Holland by way of England, including Thomas and his son. The Mayflower continues.

1620, after September 6: Elizabeth is born.

Sometime between date of Mayflower departure and December 15, 1625: Elizabeth's brother dies. Dates come from letter from Thomas to William Bradford, reporting that the son who had gone on the Mayflower with him was dead.

May 1, 1629: Elizabeth, her parents and two brothers, sail on another ship named the Mayflower for Plymouth.

15 August 1629: Arrive in Plymouth. Elizabeth is about nine years old. (Population of Plymouth in 1630: 300. Source: Brief Timeline of American Literature and Events) (Plimouth link goes to official Plimoth Plantation site.)

1630: Edward emigrates to MA with Winthrop Fleet as part of the Great Migration (See Nathaniel FitzRandolph's family history and The Winthrop Fleet by Charles Edward Banks)

1 July 1633: Elizabeth's father dies of infectious fever, (smallpox) which killed many people at Plymouth. His death is mentioned by William Bradford in "Of Plymouth Colony." (off-site link)

17 October 1633: Anne remarries to Henry Rowley, a widower with small children. (off-site link to article on Henry)

1634 Elizabeth's family moves to Scituate, MA and Henry is elected freeman.

January 8, 1634-35: Henry and Ann are listed as members of John Lothrop's church. (off-site link)

1636: Edward FitzRandolph settles in Scituate, MA and builds the town's 38th house. (Recorded in John Lothrop's diary).

10 May 1637 Elizabeth and Edward marry in Scituate, MA. She is about seventeen. He is about 30.

14 May 1637: Edward joins the church.

1639: Elizabeth's family moves to Barnstable, MA

1639: Elizabeth and Edward move to Barnstable, MA. Many people from Scituate left for Barnstable this year, following Rev. John Lothrop, due to a battle over baptism.

After 1639: Elizabeth's mother dies.

4 August 1640: Elizabeth and Edward's first child, Nathaniel, is baptized

10 December 1640: Nathaniel dies at age 4 months. He is buried in their calf pasture.

1641: Edward serves as a juryman.

15 May 1642: Elizabeth and Edward's second child, named Nathaniel after his brother, is baptized.

1643: Edward listed as able to bear arms in New Plymouth.

6 October 1644: Elizabeth's daughter Mary baptized

23 April 1648: Elizabeth's daughter Hannah baptized.

1649 Elizabeth's daughter Mary dies.

1 June 1649: Edward sells his home. They move to West Barnstable.

1650: Henry and Anne move to Falmouth, MA (Did any children accompany them?)

2 June 1650: Edward and Elizabeth's daughter Mary, named after her sister who died, is baptized.

7 October 1653: Edward and Elizabeth's son John is baptized.

1 March 1656: Edward and Elizabeth's son Joseph is baptized in Barnstable.

1657: Elizabeth and Edward's daughter Elizabeth is born.

1659: Edward and Elizabeth's son Thomas is baptized.

2 April 1661: Edward and Elizabeth's daughter Hope, my direct ancestor, is baptized.

November 1662: Edward and Elizabeth's son Nathaniel is married in Barnstable to Mary Holley.

1663: Edward and Elizabeth's son Benjamin born. No record of his baptism.

15 January 1668 Edward and Elizabeth's daughter Mary marries Samuel Hinckley, who is the brother of Thomas Hinckley. (Thomas is the last governor of Plymouth.)

6 November 1668 Elizabeth's daughter Hannah marries Joseph Taylor.

1669: Elizabeth and Edward move to Piscataway, NJ, because the New England patriotism and religion were too restrictive.

28 January 1670: John Taylor, first child of Hannah FitzRandolph and Joseph Taylor born.

9 February 1670: John Taylor, first child of Hannah FitzRandolph and Joseph Taylor dies at age 12 days.

6 November 1671: Mercy Taylor, second child of Hannah FitzRandolph and Joseph Taylor born.

1673: Elizabeth and Edward's daughter Elizabeth, about 16 years old, becomes pregnant by John Langstaff, a married man. John appears in court and signs a bond that he will support the child. Elizabeth gives birth to John Langstaff, Jr. (John, Sr. has another son named after him as well.)

24 October 1674: Hope Taylor, third child of Hannah FitzRandolph and Joseph Taylor born.

June/July 1676: Elizabeth's husband, Edward, dies in Middlesex County, New Jersey. Is buried in Saint James Churchyard in Piscataway (now Edison).

1676: Elizabeth granted 300 acres in Piscataway township. (Must have been after death of Edward. John FitzRandolph granted 60 acres. (source: History of Piscataway Township 166-1976 by Walter C. Meuly.)

22 August 1676: Elizabeth and Edward's daughter Elizabeth marries Andrew Wooden.

5 Sep 1677: Seth Taylor, child of Hannah FitzRandolph and Jasper Taylor, born.

22 December 1680: Elizabeth and Edward's daughter Hope marries Ezekiel Bloomfield.

21 March 1680: John Taylor (2) born to Hannah FitzRandolph and Jasper Taylor (5th child).

2 October 1681: Elizabeth's son John marries Sarah Bonham.

6 April 1682: Eleanor Taylor, sixth child of Hannah FitzRandolph and Jasper Taylor, born.

26 April 1682: Eleanor Taylor, sixth child of Hannah FitzRandolph and Jasper Taylor, dies at age 20 days.

29 April 1684: Jasper Taylor, seventh child of Hannah FitzRandolph and Jasper Taylor, born.

30 June 1685: Elizabeth remarries, to Captain John Pike. Age 65.

January 1686: John FitzRandolph one of the men assigned to look after the building of the new meeting house. (Source: History of Piscataway Township by Walter Meuly)

1686/7 Elizabeth's son Joseph marries Joanna Conger.

23 November 1686: Elizabeth and Edward's son Thomas marries Elizabeth Manning.

1688/1689: John Pike dies.

16 July1689: Elizabeth and Edward's son Benjamin marries Sarah Dennis in Piscataway.

1692: Thomas FitzRandolph chosen selectman of Piscataway (Source: History of Piscataway Township by Walter Meuly.)

1693: Hope Taylor, daughter of Hannah FitzRandolph and Jasper Taylor, marries Joseph Sturgis.

20 May 1701: Seth Taylor, son of Hannah FitzRandolph and Jasper Taylor, marries Susannah Sturgis.

1702 Elizabeth and Edward's daughter Elizabeth dies.

1705: Elizabeth's daughter Hannah dies.

1705: Hope Taylor, daughter of Hannah FitzRandolph and Jasper Taylor, dies. (Same year as Hope's mother.)

1706: Elizabeth and Edward's daughter Hope dies.

12 April 1706-7: Elizabeth's son Nathaniel marries his second wife, Jane Hampton

21 September 1713 Elizabeth's son Nathaniel dies.

1713 Elizabeth dies. (Source FitzRandolph Traditions)

17 December 1721: Captain Seth Taylor, son of Hannah FitzRandolph and Jasper Taylor, dies.

1726: Elizabeth's son Joseph dies.

19 June 1727 John FitzRandolph dies.

4 January 1737/8 Elizabeth's daughter Mary (second Mary) dies.

1745: Edward and Elizabeth's son Thomas dies.

1746: Edward and Elizabeth's son Benjamin dies.

Information found at: Also at

Came with parents to Plymouth in 1629.

In 1633, moved to Scituate, Mass., after her mother married Henry Rowley of that town.

After Edward died, she remarried (June 30, 1685) to Capt. John Pike, and thus is ancestor of

Gen. Zebulon Pike (Pike's Peak)

Buried beside first husband in west corner, St. James churchyard, Piscataway, N.J.

trisha leo - Jul 24, 2003 View | Viewers | Reply to this item

Categories: Blossom History With their unmarried children, Elizabeth and Edward moved to Piscataway in 1676.

Elizabeth, after his death, married Captain John Pike, June 30, 1685.

Thomas Blossom, born 1590, in England,, migrated to Leyden, Holland. Then emigrated to Plymouth, Mass., 1629......{d} 1633. Elizabeth was born at Leyden.

The sons of Edward and Elizabeth, Joseph, John, Thomas, and Benjamin were Baptists, while Nathaniel was a Quaker.

Captain John Pike of Woodbridge, 2nd husband of Elizabeth, is an ancestor of General Zebulon Pike.

Thomas Blossom left England for Leyden, Holland on account of religious persecutions. He was the one who sailed on the Speedwell in 1620, but who returned to Leyden, where Elizabeth and also a son, Thomas, were born. The family later emigrated to Massachusetts.

Elizabeth’s marriage to Jonathan FitzRandolph ends the Blossom line of our direct descendants. However, two of Elizabeth and Edward’s sons, Joseph FitzRandolph and Thomas FitzRandolph both intersect with our Drake line.

1. Joseph FR + Joanna Conger

Hanna FR + Andrew Drake (1684)

2. Thamas FR + Elizabeth Manning

Jonathan FR + Mary Bonham

Kezia FR + Jonathan Dunham

Rebecca Dunham + Andrew Drake (1734) grandson of Andrew Drake (1684).

***** NOTES *****


The earliest Prachthauser we can find record of is Hans Prachthauser, b. 1550 at Brachthausen, Nordrhein-Westfallen, Germany and died about 1622. He married about 1580 at Brachthausen, Nordhrein-Westfallen, Germany. His known children were:

Johan Prachthauser, born 1585 Brachthausen, Nordrhein-Westfallen, Germany died December 21, 1662 Hainchen bei Netphen, Nordrhein-Westfallen, Germany He married Ela Budenbender who died December 10, 1662 at Hainchen bei

Netphen, Nordrhein-Westfallen, Germany (More below)

Maria Prachthauser, born about 1590 Brachthausen, Nordrhein-Westfallen, Germany. She married Melchior Henken on August 14, 1616 at Irmgarteichen, Nordrhein- Westfallen, Germany.

About Hans Prachthauser:

From a translated German website

Hanss Prachtheuser-462

Hanss Prachtheuser is so far the earliest with security

ancestor of the trunk who can be proven . Its name mentioned into that

Trusting entries of its children Johan (oo 6,9,1609) and Maria (oo14.8.1616). There

it in the baptizing books and registers of deaths of Irmgarteichen - beginning 1609

- is not registered, makes we its birth around 1550 and its death

on 1622. In addition already only its become in the Bicken ' schen legat

Children Johan and Maria mentioned. Whether Hanss Prachtheuser had further children,

is not so far well-known.

Johan Prachthauser and Ela Budenbender had several children, (see below), but the one in our line was Thomas Prachthauser (see below).

About Johan Prachthauser:


Brachtheuser/Prachtheuser/Detlefs/Zachertz ancestor research. (Note: this is a German site which can be translated but be careful because it translates Surnames! - thus Brachthauser becomes breaking house s and Prachtheuser becomes splendour houses (sic).


Johan Prachtheuser-463 [ parents ] was born 1585. It died on 21 December 1662 in Hainchen with Netphen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. He married Ela Budenbender-477 on 19 March 1626 in Irmgarteichen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

Further marriage ceremonies:

Sailbacher, Margretha

Ela Budenbender-477 died on 10 December 1663 in Hainchen with Netphen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. She married Johan Prachtheuser-463 on 19 March 1626 in Irmgarteichen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

They had the following children:

F i Anna Budenbender-478 received the infant baptism on 17 November 1622. [ notes ]

M ii George Prachtheuser-479 was born 1628 in Hainchen with Netphen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

M iii Thomas Prachtheuser-480

F iv Catharina Prachtheuser-481 was born on 16 November 1631 in Hainchen with Netphen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

F v Trina Prachtheuser-482 was born on 28 November 1632 in Hainchen with Netphen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

F vi Elsa Prachtheuser-483 was born on 12 November 1634 in Hainchen with Netphen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

F vii Ursula Prachtheuser-484 was born on 3 August 1636 in Hainchen with Netphen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

M viii Joes Prachtheuser-485

M ix Philipp Prachtheuser-486

Thomas Prachthauser born January 10, 1629/30, Hainchen bei Netphen, Nordrhein-Westfallen, Germany, died November 06, 1668 Hainchen bei Netphen, Nordrhein-Westfallen, Germany. He married Anna Reudershauser, born December 01, 1622, Grissenbach bei Netphen, Nordrhein-Westfallen, Germany, died July 15, 1668, Hainchen bei Netphen, Nordrhein-Westfallen, Germany. They married on January 11, 1653/54 at Irmgarteichen, Nordrhein-Westfallen, Germany.

About Thomas Prachthauser:


Brachtheuser/Prachtheuser/Detlefs/Zachertz ancestor research. (Note: this is a German site which can be translated but be careful because it translates Surnames! - thus Brachthauser becomes breaking house s and Prachtheuser becomes splendour houses (sic).

Thomas Prachtheuser-480 [ parents ] was born on 10 January 1630 in Hainchen with Netphen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It died on 6 November 1668 in Hainchen with Netphen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. He married Anna Ruedersshauser-487 on 11 January 1654 in Irmgarteichen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

Anna Ruedersshauser-487 was born on 1 December 1622 in Grissenbach with Netphen, victories, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It died on 15 July 1668 in Hainchen with Netphen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. She married Thomas Prachtheuser-480 on 11 January 1654 in Irmgarteichen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

They had the following children:

F i Gela Brachthauser-488

M ii Jorgl Brachthauser-489

F iii Anna Cathrin Brachthauser-490

F iv Margreth Brachthauser-491 was born on 1 May 1660 in Hainchen with Netphen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It died on 28 July 1662 in Hainchen with Netphen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

M v Philip Brachthauser-492

M vi Johan Brachthauser-493 was born on 13 January 1667 in Hainchen with Netphen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It died on 3 December 1667 in Hainchen with Netphen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

Philip Brachthauser, born June 24, 1663 at Hainchen bei Netphen, Nordrhein- Westfallen, Germany, died April 08, 1719 at Ewersbach bei Dietzhölztal, Lahn- Dill-Kreis, Hessen, Germany. He married Magdalena Schmidt on January 27, 1685/86 at Ewersbach bei Dietzhölztal, Lahn-Dill-Kreis, Hessen, Germany. She died 1704. About Philip Brachthauser:


Philip Brachthauser-492 [ parents ] was born on 24 June 1663 in Hainchen with Netphen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It died on 8 April 1719 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany. He married Magdalehn Schmidt-496 on 27 January 1686 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany.

Further marriage ceremonies:

Pupil, (Annels) Anna Elizabeth

Magdalehn Schmidt-496 died 1704. She married Philip Brachthauser-492 on 27 January 1686 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany.

They had the following children:

F i Christina Brachtheuser-497 was born on 14 March 1687 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany.

F ii Elsbeth Brachtheuser-498 was born on 1 September 1688 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany.

M iii Philipp Brachtheuser-499 was born on 9 January 1690 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany.

M iv Philipp Brachtheuser-500 was born on 7 February 1692 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany.

M v (son) Brachtheuser-501 was born on 13 February 1695 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany.

M vi Adam Johann Brachtheuser-502

M vii Henrich Jost Brachtheuser-503

Adam Johann Brachtheuser born January 20, 1697/98 at Ewersbach bei Dietzhölztal, Lahn-Dill-Kreis, Hessen, Germany. Death date and location not known. He married Anna Elizabeth Debus, born about 1700 at Ewersbach bei Dietzhölztal, Lahn-Dill-Kreis, Hessen, Germany and died September 04, 1772 at Ewersbach bei Dietzhölztal, Lahn-Dill-Kreis, Hessen, Germany. They married July 01, 1721 at Ewersbach.

About Adam Johann Brachtheuser:


INEWIY William Young, "Cochran Family", alyoung@hal-

Brachtheuser/Prachtheuser/Detlefs/Zachertz ancestor research. (Note : this is a German site which can be translated but be careful because it translates Surnames! - thus Brachthauser becomes breaking house s and Prachtheuser becomes splendour houses (sic).

Occupation: Heimberger = Local chief, also mentioned Vulgo = shopkeeper

Adam Johann Brachtheuser-502 [ parents ] was born on 20 January 1698 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany. He married Anna Elizabeth Debus-513 on 1 July 1721 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany.

[ notes ]

Anna Elizabeth Debus-513 died on 4 September 1772 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany. She married Adam Johann Brachtheuser-502 on 1 July 1721 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany.

They had the following children:

F i Anna Maria Brachthaeuser-514

M ii Adam Johann Brachthaeuser-515 was born on 9 January 1724 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany. It died on 21 January 1724 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany.

F iii Elisabetha Brachthaeuser-516

M iv Johannes Brachthaeuser-517 was born on 3 July 1727 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany. It died on 10 July 1727 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany.

F v Anna Margaretha Brachthaeuser-518

M vi Daniel Johann Brachthaeuser-519 was born on 15 November 1731 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany. It died on 25 December 1733 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany.

F vii Christina Maria Brachthaeuser-520

M viii Adam Johann Brachthaeuser-521

F ix Catharina Maria Brachthaeuser-522 was born on 12 August 1740 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany. It died on 3 October 1757 in Ewersbach with Dietzhoelztal, Lahn Dill circle, Hessen, Germany.

Anna Margaretha Brachthauser married my 5th great grandfather, Johann Daniel Schlappig, Sr.

This ends the Brachthauser/Prachtheuser line as it intersects with my Schlapia line.

***** NOTES *****


This begins my wife’s side of the family. Her parents were William Campbell and Beatrice Noble of Rowdy, KY. Thus, the Campbell line is her paternal line.

There are several different views of where and how the Campbells arrived in the old Clay County, KY.

First, a little note about the counties because as time went by, county lines changed, new counties were created and old counties were broken apart. All of Kentucky was once a part of the state of Virginia. Kentucky was one large county of Virginia.

Madison County, Virginia (later Kentucky) was formed from Lincoln County, Virginia.

Clay County, Kentucky was formed from Madison and Floyd Counties. It was created in 1806.

Perry County, Kentucky was formed from Clay and Floyd Counties. It was created on 2 Nov 1820.

Breathitt County, Kentucky was formed from Clay, Estill, and Perry Counties. The county was created in 1839.

So when you read a document that says someone lives in a certain county, keep in mind the year that the event occurred. Also keep in mind the timeline when you look for census records for a person. Some of our ancestors lived in the same house, but over the years lived in Clay, Perry, and Breathitt counties.

The farthest Campbell in Lena’s line that we can positively identify is Caleb Campbell, born 1803, Clay County, KY and died 1894, Perry Co., KY. Caleb married Sarah Frances “Frankie” Miller, born about 1804 to William Joseph Miller, Sr. and Elizabeth Cockerel. The identity of Caleb’s parents has not been shown conclusively. There are several theories, old stories, etc, but none verified. At the end of the Campbell line, I will express at least one of the theories.

One of Caleb Campbell’s brothers was a John Jackson Campbell who is buried in the Chestnut Gap Cemetery above Ary, KY. John Jackson had a son Caleb J. Campbell who I assume was named after John’s brother. The 1880 census for Breathitt Co., KY shows John Jackson Campbell and his wife Patsy (Martha Patsy Dinah Smith) living with Caleb J. Campbell. It shows that John Jackson Campbell was born in North Carolina, his father (presumed to be Zachariah Campbell) was born in Scotland and John’s mother Patsy was born in Wales. See the census record at Attachment A087. This is the single document that I can find to support Zachariah as the father of Caleb Campbell and his brother John Jackson Campbell.

Caleb and Frankie are both believed to be in Chestnut Gap Cemetery on Ball Creek, up the mountain and through the coal fields. They are believed to be marked by two little angel houses, see Attachment A066. I was told this by Mr. Victor Jones, a retired schoolmaster who lives in the area and is also a descendant of Caleb. Caleb Campbell and Franky Miller were Lena’s 3rd Great Grandparents.

Caleb Campbell and Frankie Miller were married December 25, 1821, in Perry Co, KY.

They had the following children:

Caleb Campbell, Jr. born 1818

Zachariah Campbell, born 1822

Lewis “Lute Campbell”, born February 8, 1825 died October 23, 1915 buried in the Lewis Lute Campbell Cemetery which was donated by him and named after him. Old Lute Campbell is Lena’s 2nd great grandfather through her father William Campbell, Laura Belle Napier and “Granny Franks” Franky Campbell.

Mary Campbell, born 1827

William James “Buck” Campbell born March 11, 1829 died June 05, 1918 buried in the Campbell-Napier Cemetery on Mt Zion Rd, off 16MileCreek Rd. Perry Co, KY. Buck Campbell was also Lena’s 2nd great grandfather through William, Sam “Shag”, and James Campbell.

Andrew Campbell born 1832

John D. Campbell born December 5, 1838

NOTE: Lewis Lute Campbell is the grandfather of Lena’s grandmother, Melda Campbell who married John Dewey “Dee” Noble.

William James “Buck” Campbell is grandfather of Lena’s grandfather, Samuel “Shag” Campbell, who married Laura Bell Napier. This makes Old Caleb Campbell Lena’s 3rd great grandfather through any of these three routes:

1. Bill Campbell, Sam Campbell, James Campbell, Buck Campbell, Caleb Campbell.

2. Bill Campbell, Laura Napier, Franky Campbell, Lute Campbell, Caleb Campbell.

3. Bea Noble, Melda Campbell, Emanuel Campbell, Lute Campbell, Caleb Campbell.

Lewis “Lute” Campbell born February 8, 1825 in Kentucky and died October 23, 1915 in Stacy (Rowdy), Perry Co., KY. He married Rachel Allen born January 1827 and died 1914. She was the daughter of Sam Allen and Susan Sizemore. According to Pam Duff Enright, Lena’s cousin, Lewis donated the land where now lies the Lewis Campbell cemetery, next door to the Mt. Carmel church in Rowdy, KY. Lewis and Rachel are buried there as well as many other family members.

Lewis' death certificate has him dying Oct. 23, 1916, at 90 yrs, 8 mos, 15 days, in Stacy, KY (Now Rowdy, KY). Death Cert. # 25516 Vol. #52. See Attachment A086.

However his entry on the KY Vital Statistics CD has Oct. 23, 1915 for the same cert. For Lewis and Rachel’s headstones, see Attachments A077 and A078. A photo of Lewis Campbell and Rachel Allen is at Attachment A024.

Census records in Kentucky show:

1850 Perry Co., KY Census has:

54 Lewis CAMPBELL 25 M

Rachael 22 F

Samuel 4 M

Elvira 2 F

1860 Perry Co Census has:

359/357 Lewis Campbell 35 M

Rachel 33 F

Elvira 14 F

Samuel 12 M

Polly 8 F

Logan 6 M

Emory 4 M

Rebecca 2 F

1870 Perry Co. KY Census Lost Creek Pct. 5 has:

38-38/5 Campbell Louis M W 59 Ky Farmer, (Lewis "Lute") s/o Caleb & Frances Miller Campbell

38-38/5 Campbell Rachel F W 45 Ky Keeping house, d/o Samuel & Susan Sizemore Allen

38-38/5 Campbell Mary F W 18 Ky At home

38-38/5 Campbell Zackariah M W 17 Ky At home

38-38/5 Campbell Lute M W 15 Ky At home

38-38/5 Campbell Susan F W 11 Ky

38-38/5 Campbell Frankey F W 5 Ky

1880 Perry Co KY Census Dist 2 Part A has:

118-121 Campbell Lewis M W 55 M KyKyKy Farmer, s/o Caleb & Francis Miller Campbell

118-121 Campbell Rachel Wife F W 53 M KyKyKy Keeping house, d/o Samuel & Susan Sizemore Allen

118-121 Campbell Rachel Dau F W 17 S Ky At home

118-121 Campbell Susan Dau F W 14 S Ky At home

118-121 Campbell Peggy Dau F W 13 ? Ky

118-121 Campbell Amanuel Son M W 9 ? Ky Emanuel

1900 Perry Co. KY Census Troublesome Creek dist 4 has:

HH 128/128

CAMPBELL, Lewis head 75 Feb 1825 54 KKK

Rachel wife 73 Jan 1827 54 KKK

In his book "Behold He Cometh In The Clouds" George Washington Noble speaks of Lute Campbell as follows:

"We arrived at the house were the infair was to be held. Lewis Campbell, the father of Samuel Campbell, who had married, had moved to another farm and given the farm where he lived to Samuel. His mother had cooked the dinner there. A good crowd was there when the bridegroom and bride arrived, and it was not long until dinner. Winney, the widow, was there, and I was glad to see her and she was glad to see me. Old Lute Campbell, as we called him, and I were cousins and I always liked him, because he was of my nature and full of fun and always on a joke with someone. He had a pint bottle of brandy and took me out and gave me a dram. I was no drunkard, but would drink with my friends to please them. You could not insult a mountain man of Eastern Kentucky higher than to refuse to drink with him. Lute said, I would like for us to give Ave and Peg a dram. They were Avey Roberts and Peggy Combs. They were both widows. Peggy was about the age of Lute and he wanted to get them out to devil them about marrying. I said, You stay here and I will bring them out. He said, All right. I wanted to have fun. I was well acquainted with Ave and she and Lute were cousins. I knew she would understand Lute. I went in and told Ave and Peggy that Lute was out behind the house and had a dram for them if they would go out with me and get it, as he did not want to bring it into the house. Peggy said, I am not going to have anything to do with Lute Campbell. I said, “Let us go out and drink up his brandy, anyhow, and hear him joke. Ave said, Yes, a dram won’t hurt us," She said, Well. I will go with you, but I won’t fool my time with Lute. We went out and said to Lute. Draw your bottle. He laughed heartily and began joking them. He was about half drunk. He said, It looks like Peg would marry; she looks willing enough. Peg said. There are so many married men who have got women trying to court, that I am afraid to marry. That rather beat Lute right at the start. Lute Campbell was a fine man and did not mean any harm when he talked. It was the rule in that country, and I am safe to say that there are as many virtuous women in Breathitt and Perry counties, Kentucky, as any place. Several stayed all night, and had all the playing and fun they wanted: for there was not a religious person nor sinner there that day nor night; we were all in the world without light from the Lord. Mason Miller and I came home after being gone two days and nights full of vigor and life."

Page 252 Behold he cometh in the Clouds by G W Noble (b. 1844)

On Thursday, November 20, 1902 my brother, James B. Noble passed to his reward. He was taken sick and thought he was going to die. I was at Jackson on the grand jury. They telephoned 20 miles to me that he was likely to die and wanted me to come and see him.. That was the first message I had ever received over a telephone. The grand jury was dismissed that evening. I bought a lantern and Lewis Campbell and I walked a near way thru the woods to the mouth of Trouble­some to Needy McIntosh’s. Lewis stayed all night there and I went on home. Next morning I went about nine miles to his house. When I got there he could not talk, but I saw that he knew me, and I stayed a while I saw that he was going to die and that I could not do anything for him, They had sent and had Dr. Summer, of Hazard, with him. He had plenty company to wait on him. That night he died, and was buried the next day at the mouth of Cockerell’s Fork. ,where his mother, first wife, oldest child and some more of his children were buried.

Lewis “Lute” Campbell and Rachel Allen had the following children:

Samuel Campbell born 1846 died after 1899 m. Betty Combs

Elvira Campbell born October 13, 1847 died after 1890 m. Alfred Roberts

Mary Polly Campbell born October 12, 1852 died between 1896 – 1947 m. Jefferson Sizemore.

Zachariah Campbell born about 1853

Logan Campbell born March 12, 1854 died before 1884, m. Louise Combs

Lute Campbell born about 1855

Emory Campbell born August 12, 1856 m. Mahala Fugate

Susan Campbell born about 1859 m. George Washington Gwinn

Caleb Campbell born 1860

Rebecca Campbell born December 25, 1862 died December 23, 1943 Indiana m. Lewis Little Lute Campbell

Franky “Granny Franks” Campbell born 1863 died 1952 m. Hiram Napier. Granny Franks was Lena’s great grandmother through her father, William Campbell then his mother, Laura Belle Napier Campbell.

More on Franky below.

Rachel Maranda Campbell born March 17, 1864 died April 09, 1945 m. Fletcher Drew Gwin b. October 09, 1856 d. August 02, 1942

Margaret Campbell born March 11, 1868 died November 17, 1941 m. James Buchannan Jeams Noble b. July 15, 1869 d. January 10, 1923

Emanuel “Man” “Nicklestick” Campbell born March 1871 died May 05, 1965 m. Rushia Stacy b. 1871 d. July 08, 1959. Man Campbell was Lena’s great grandfather through her mother, Beatrice Noble, then Melda Campbell who married Dee Noble. See Emanuel and Rushia’s headstone at Attachment A079.

Franky “Granny Franks” Campbell born 1863 in Perry County and died 1952 and is buried in the Lewis Lute Campbell cemetery with her husband, Hiram Napier, born July 12, 1857 in Perry County, KY and died July 10, 1910. See Franky’s and Hiram’s headstones at Attachment A082 and A083.

Hiram Napier and Franky Campbell had the following children:

Susan Napier born 1880

Laura Belle Napier born July 12, 1885 in Stacy, Perry County, KY died September 19, 1971 in Columbus, Indiana.

Drew Napier born February 10, 1889

Emery Napier born December 1889 died April 1, 1950 m. Elizabeth Jane Campbell

Rushia Napier born February 28, 1893 died March 29, 1937 m. Emery Campbell

Samuel Napier born May 14, 1895 died April 28, 1931

John D. Napier born August 12, 1899 died April 24, 1923

Laura Belle Napier married Samuel “Shag” Campbell, son of James Campbell (1852) and Rachel Noble in about 1902, See the William James “Buck” Campbell line just below. Also see that line for Laura Belle and Sam’s children.

William James “Buck” Campbell born March 11, 1829 and died June 05, 1918 married Mary Polly Allen, daughter of Sam Allen(1806) and Susan Sizemore.

About Buck Campbell:

1850 Perry Co., KY census has:

50 William CAMPBELL 21 M

Polly (ALLEN) 18 F

1870 Perry Co., KY Census Lost Creek Pct. 5 has:

36-36/5 Campbell Buck M W 48 Ky Farmer, s/o Caleb & Frances Miller Campbell

36-36/5 Campbell Poley F W 37 Ky Keeping house, (Polly Allen)

36-36/5 Campbell Cole M W 19 Ky At home

36-36/5 Campbell Samuel M W 16 Ky At home

36-36/5 Campbell James M W 14 Ky At home

36-36/5 Campbell Frankey F W 6 Ky

36-36/5 Campbell Lewis M W 5 Ky

1880 Perry Co. KY Census has:

105-105/1 Campbell William M W 51 M KyKyKy Farmer, s/o Calab & Francis Campbell

105-105/1 Campbell Polly Wife F W 47 M Ky Va Ky Keeping house

105-105/1 Campbell Wilson Son M W 22 S Ky Farm laborer

105-105/1 Campbell Sarah Dau F W 18 S Ky

105-105/1 Campbell Samuel Son M W 16 S Ky

105-105/1 Campbell Samirah Dau F W 14 S Ky

105-105/1 Campbell Andy Son M W 13 S Ky Farm laborer

105-105/1 Campbell Joel Son M W 11 S Ky Farm laborer

105-105/1 Campbell Rachel Dau F W 9 S Ky

106-105/1 Campbell Surilda Dau F W 7 S Ky

105-105/1 Campbell William Dau F W 5 S Ky (son?)

105-105/1 Campbell Pearl Son M W 2 S Ky

1900 Perry Co., KY Census Lost Creek Dist. has:

HH 202/203

CAMPBELL, William head 71 Mar 1829 50 KKK

Polly wife 67 Dec 1832 15-12 KKK

SIZEMORE, Jefferson gson 21 Mar 1879 KKK

CAMPBELL, Cora gdau 12 Nov 1887 KKK

Rachel dau 29 Dec 1870 KKK

William son 24 Jun 1875 KKK

Pearl son 22 Sept 1877 KKK

In his book, "Behold He Cometh In The Clouds", Col. Geo. Wash. Noble said that Old Buck and John Campbell were his cousins. They were actually his second cousins. He said that Buck and John never went into the army, they just stayed home, and weren't bothered.

This is shown below to be not true.

************************************************************************Research provided by Steve Bowling at the Breathitt Co. Library at Jackson, KY is as follows:

CAMPBELL, William Private Co. C

March 11, 1829 - June 5, 1918

Nickname "Buck" living in Perry county in 1860

s/o Caleb Campbell and Francis (Miller) Campbell 5'9", black hair, dark eyes

(age 42 in 1865 - indicating birth around 1824), bro. to Sgt. Andrew Campbell & Pvt. John D. Campbell

enlisted Oct. 1, 1862 in Whitesburg, KY., present in the Summer of 1863

Captured in Breathitt County on Mar. 8, 1864, taken to Louisville Prison, transferred to Camp Chase Prison

in Columbus, Ohio on Mar. 26, 1864.

Released on oath by order of the President on June 6, 1865,

m. Polly Allen (1835-1910), buried in Campbell-Napier Cemetery, Rt. 267, 16 Mile Creek in Perry, Co.

Confederate Marker. See the following attachments:

A069 William James “Buck” Campbell civil war headstone

A070 William James “Buck” Campbell headstone

A071 Mary Polly Allen Campbell headstone

William James “Buck” Campbell and Mary Polly Allen had the following children:

Cole Campbell born about 1851

Susan Campbell born 1851

James Campbell born October 3, 1852 died October 28, 1931 married Rachel Noble who was born October 10, 1860 in Buckhorn, Breathitt, KY and died May 10, 1936 and is buried at Campbell Cem. on Rowdy Mtn, with husband James on the property of Lena’s cousin Else Campbell. James and Rachel were Lena’s Great Grandparents. See their photo at Attachment A088.

Wilson Campbell born January 1858 m. Delilah.

Betty Campbell born 1859

Sarah Campbell born 1862

Franky Campbell born 1864

Samuel Campbell born 1864

Lewis “Little Lute” Campbell born about 1865 m. Rebecca Campbell born December 25, 1862 died December 23, 1943.

Savannah Campbell born 1866

Andy Campbell born 1867 m. Sythanna

Joel Campbell born 1869 m. Margaret Roberts

Rachel Campbell born 1870

Serilda Campbell born 1873

William Campbell born June 21, 1875

Pearl Campbell born 1877

James Campbell and Rachel Noble continued:

For James and Rachel’s headstones, see Attachments A080 and A081.

From 1852 Perry Co. birth records:

Child sex born County Father Mother

James Campbell male 3 Oct Perry William Campbell Polly Allin

1880 Perry Co KY Census Dist 2 Part B has:

114-117 Campbell James M W 26 M KyKyKy s/o William & Polly Allen Campbell

114-117 Campbell Rachel Wife F W 24 M KyKyKy Keeping house

114-117 Campbell Ira Son M W 4 ? Ky

114-117 Campbell William Son M W 2 ? Ky

114-117 Campbell Andrew Son M W 10/12 ? Ky

114-117 Hughs Mary NR F W 10 ? KyKyKy

1900 Perry Co. KY Census Troublesome Creek dist 4 has:

HH 122/122

CAMPBELL, James head 47 1852 26 KKK

Rachel wife 45 Jun 1854 26 KKK

William son 23 May 1877 KKK

Andrew son 20 Jul 1879 KKK

Samuel son 18 Oct 1881 KKK

Emery son 16 Dec 1883 KKK

Lousia dau 10 May 1890 KKK

Polly dau 6 Dec 1893 KKK

Lucretia dau 1 Nov 1898 KKK

1920 Perry Co., KY Census - Troublesome Pct 3 has:

82-85 Campbell Jas, Sr. Head M W 67 M Ky Ky Ky Farmer

82-85 Campbell Rachel Wife F W 62 M Ky Ky Ky

82-85 Campbell Louis Son M W 18 S Ky

James Campbell and Rachel Noble were married about 1913. He was born October 03, 1852 in Perry Co., KY and died October 28, 1931. She was born October 10, 1860 at Buckhorn, Breathitt Co., KY and died May 10, 1936. She was the daughter of Ira Noble (1819) and Rachel Fugate(1820). See James Campbell’s birth record at Attachment A072.

They had the following children:

Ira Campbell born November 04, 1875 died December 19, 1954 m. Orlena Hall. They are buried at the James Campbell Cemetery on Rowdy mountain.

William Campbell born 1878

Andrew BulletEye Campbell born July 15, 1878 died May 05, 1953. Else Campbell said that Little Jim Campbell shot his uncle Andrew while Andrew was sitting on a pile of rocks by a corn field just southeast of the James Campbell cemetery. Andrew married Maude Smith. Jim would later go to prison for shooting and killing his brother Douglas Campbell.

Samuel “Shag” Campbell born October 1881Perry County, KY died 1947.

Emery Campbell born June 10, 1883 died May 06, 1943 m. Rushia Napier, daughter of Hiram Napier and Franky “Grannie Franks” Campbell.

Mahala Campbell born 1887

Louise “Lew-Ice” Campbell born May 20, 1891 died December 04, 1980 m. John Campbell

Polly Campbell born 1893 died April 05, 1928 m. a Combs man.

Lucretia Campbell born October 30, 1898 She is buried at the James Campbell cemetery on Rowdy Mountain.

Louis Campbell born about 1902

Samuel “Shag” Campbell married Laura Belle Napier daughter of Hiram Napier and Franky Grannie Franks Campbell. Laura Bell was born July 12, 1885 in Stacy, (Rowdy) KY and died September 19, 1971 in Columbus Indiana. Sam Campbell was killed by falling ice while rounding the curved path into Francis' branch right after going over the swinging bridge walkway according to his granddaughter Lena.

For Sam Shag and Laura Belle’s headstones see Attachments A075 and A076.

1920 Perry Co., KY Census - Troublesome Pct 3, has:

57-60 Campbell Sam Head M W 36 M Ky Ky Ky Farmer

57-60 Campbell Laurabelle Wife F W 32 M Ky Ky Ky

57-60 Campbell Elsie Dau F W 15 S Ky

57-60 Campbell Hiram Son M W 13 S Ky

57-60 Campbell Andy Son M W 11 S Ky

57-60 Campbell Rachel Dau F W 9 S Ky

57-60 Campbell Arnold Son M W 7 S Ky

57-60 Campbell Bill Son M W 5 S Ky

57-60 Campbell Stella May Dau F W 1 S Ky

Sam and Laura Belle had the following children:

Elsie Campbell born February 2, 1904 Perry Co., KY died February 27, 1982 bur. Noble Cemetery, Rowdy, KY R5 N13 Married Jordan Noble son of Andrew Noble and Polly Ann Neace. He was born January 1894 Perry Co., KY died September 20, 1976, Lexington, KY bur. Noble Cemetery, Rowdy, KY R5 N14 They had:

Unnamed girl

Unnamed boy

Audry Noble

Thedis Noble

Adam Noble

Luther Noble

Homer Noble

Mitchell Noble

Etta Rose Noble

Fitch Noble

Billy Ray Noble

Arliss Noble

James Noble

Hiram Campbell born October 15, 1905 Perry County, KY died October 22, 1978 Lexington, KY bur. Noble Cemetery, Rowdy, KY R7 N2 Married Dorothy Noble, dau. of Andrew Noble and Polly Ann Neace and they had:

Polly Ann “Dooney” Campbell born March 03, 1932 m. Virgo Lamb

Andy Campbell born June 30, 1934

Wilbur “Hoots” Campbell born March 13, 1936

Edna Mae Campbell February 12, 1938 died November 23, 1995

Rachel Campbell born September 15, 1940 died December 28, 1946

Arnold Campbell April 05, 1943

Karmel Campbell June 15, 1945

Garrett Campbell September 30, 1947 died October 28, 1991

Sammy Campbell April 01, 1950 died December 28, 2004 Georgetown, KY bur. Bluegrass Memorial Gardens in Lexington, KY

Mark Campbell born September 02, 1952

Andrew Campbell born March 3, 1908 Perry Co. KY died January 06, 1939 Frances Branch, Rowdy, KY, bur. Lewis Campbell Cem. Rowdy, KY R4 N11

Rachel Campbell born June 1, 1910 Perry Co. KY died July 17, 1995 (Probably Florida). She married William Red Campbell son of John David Campbell and Sarah Sally Ann Noble. They had the following children:

Vernon Campbell August 18, 1931

Agnus Campbell born June 11, 1932 died 1999

Herman Campbell born November 01, 1935

Therman Campbell born January 28, 1945

John S. Campbell born September 27, 1946

Mitchell Campbell September 27, 1946

Arnold Campbell born August 1, 1912 died October 15, 1972 Frenchburg, KY. m. Christine Coldiron born August 26, 1911 died August 03, 1985. No children. Both buried at Gibbs Cemetery at Frenchburg, KY

William Campbell born January 14, 1915 (See William Campbell below)

James Campbell born March 3, 1916 d. March 09, 1916 bur. Lewis Campbell Cem. Rowdy, KY R4 N3 as Campbell Infant Death certificate says ‘Mch 12, 1917’.

Stella Campbell born 1918 died January 20, 1964 in Lexington, KY D. Cert. 00410, bur. Lewis Campbell Cemetery, Rowdy, KY She married Elliot Adams who died July 04, 1979. They had:

Wilma Faye Adams (Lena’s 1st cousins)

Shirley Adams

Marva Jean Adams

Mahala “Haley” Campbell born April 18, 1921 died June 11, 1994 Mahala 1st married Sullivan Noble (Said to have had one daughter.) Sullivan said this to me on several occasions. Mahala married 2nd Woodrow Duff. They had the following children:

Laura Mavis Duff (Lena’s 1st cousins)

Sarah Avis Duff

Linda Kaye Duff

Lonnie Duff

Jay Marcus Duff

Joyce Leona “Sugie” Duff

Robert Campbell born March 9, 1924 Stacy, Perry Co., KY died July 23, 1982 Lexington, KY bur. Lewis Campbell Cemetery, Rowdy, KY R4 N14. He married Nora Edwards (March 31, 1927 - June 30, 2005). They had the following children:

Woodrow Campbell (Lena’s 1st cousins)

James Alvin Campbell

Mervin Campbell

Herbert Campbell

Magalene Campbell

Kathlene Campbell

Mitchell Campbell

Faron Campbell

Stella Jean Campbell

Freddy Campbell

Denver Ray Campbell

Hazel Campbell born December 5, 1926 died June 20, 1971 buried Hillcrest Cem., sect. 5, lot 68, grave 8, Lexington, KY She m. 1st Aaron Duff (February 26, 1920 - March 27, 1987). They had the following children:

Vonnell Duff (Lena’s 1st cousins)

Robert Ray Duff

Geneive Cookie Duff

Lana Ruth Duff

Pamela Sue Duff (Enright)

Hazel married 2nd Eugene Long. (No children).

Maggie Campbell born April 5, 1928 Ary, Perry Co., KY died June 11, 1991 Geneva, Florida and buried at Deltona, FL. In May 1953, she married Otho Fields Kimball and had at least two children:

Edna Faye Kimball m. Mark Douglas Adams and had:

Otho Douglas Adams

Althea Nicole Adams

Effie Maye Kimball m. Roger Dixon Shely and had:

Michael Dixon Shely

Edna Faye and Effie Maye are Lena’s 1st cousins.

William Campbell born January 14, 1915 at Rowdy, KY and died January 7, 1963, married Beatrice Noble, daughter of John Dewey “Dee” Noble and Melda Campbell.

Beatrice was born April 19, 1920 in Stacy, (Rowdy) Perry County KY. For Bill Campbell’s headstone, see Attachment A076.

William died 7 Jan 1963 while digging coal from a small mine on his property. The roof of the cave fell in and a large slab of rock, 7 ft. long and 8 in. thick fell on him.

They had the following children:

Stirgle Campbell born January 25, 1935 Rowdy, KY and died July 1, 1951 of an accidental gunshot would while hunting. See his alleged headstone at Attachment A084.

Lena Marie Campbell born January 10, 1939 in Hindman, KY. She married me, James William Robinson, Jr. on April 4, 1955 in Clarinda Iowa.

Glena Faye Campbell born February 07, 1942. She married Carl Clifton Howell.

Winfred “Jack” or “JC” Campbell born September 02, 1944. He married 1st Charlotte Brasseau and had a son Zey Campbell. He married 2nd a Kim and had a son Robert William Campbell.

Janice Campbell born January 1947 died September 29, 1947 in Mt. Mary Hosp., Hazard, KY. Death certificate says she was 8 months old at death. January 1947 birth date derived from death date minus 8 months.



Date 470929

Age U/1


Residence INDIANA

Volume 056

Cert 27695

Deathvol 47

See Attachment A073 for Janice’s death certificate.

Emanuel Campbell , son of Lewis “Lute” Campbell, was born March 1871 in Perry County, KY, died May 05, 1965 at Rowdy, Perry County, KY and Rushia Stacy born 1871 died July 08, 1959 are both buried at the Lewis Campbell cemetery, in Rowdy. Emanuel was known as both “Man” Campbell and “Nicklestick”.

Man and Rushia had the following children:

Elizabeth Campbell born January 1890 died July 25, 1896. She married Lute Sizemore and had Tisha Sizemore, b. 17 October 1914 and d. 3 September 1986.

Hester Campbell born May 1, 1891 died July 25, 1896, m. James Campbell and had Hazel, Elvira, Emery, Rosalee, Menida, Willis, Ida, Willard, Bethena, and Millard.

Cecil Campbell born October 19, 1893 died November 21, 1921 m. a Belle.

Logan Campbell born May 28, 1894 died January 02, 1971 m. Callie Campbell, daughter of Wesley Campbell and Martha Godsey and they had Nancy, Callie, Millie, Cleveland, and Charles.

Tisha Campbell born March 28, 1896 Perry County, KY died December 08, 1929.

Troy Campbell born March 21, 1897 Perry County, KY died April 19, 1918.

Elsie Campbell born June 10, 1899

Melda Campbell born June 27, 1900 died April 11, 1996 in Frankfort, KY. Melda married John Dewey “Dee” Noble. See the Noble line for more information.

Willie Campbell born March 4, 1907 died July 21, 1989. Willie married Polly Ann Hamilton, daughter of Clay Hamilton and Martha Fugate. They had Carter, Herman, Goldie, Jewell, Speed, Tivis, and David. This is the end of this fork in the branch, as Melda married Lena’s grandfather, John Dewey “Dee” Noble. See the Noble line.

Now I will make a few notes about suspected Campbell ancestry. It is not documented as accurate, so do not cite it as fact unless you do your own research and find proof.


There is much controversy about who the parents of Caleb Campbell are.

Some say the father is each of these three gentlemen:

William Campbell who m. Nancy Ann Couch

John Campbell who m. Mary Polly Couch (sister of Nancy Ann)

Zachariah Campbell who m. Nancy (a different Nancy than the Nancy Ann Couch, sister of Mary Polly)

This wife Nancy may also be a Nancy Sherley

Victor Jones, in his article entitled “Early Troublesome Creek Settlers and Their Descendants”, in the “Kentucky Explorer” magazine, September, 2001, feels that John, William and Zachariah are three brothers who came to Kentucky starting with Zachariah in the early 1790’s. He also feels strongly that Zachariah is the father of Caleb, but cannot prove it with documents. Mr. Jones also feels that Zachariah Campbell is buried in the Noble #1 Cemetery, in Watts, KY near the grave of Nathan and Virginia Noble.

Although I have no proof, I lean toward Zachariah Campbell being father of Caleb and Lewis Campbell, based upon the comments of Victor Jones of Hardshell, KY, and Stephen Bowling, Director of the Jackson, KY library. Lending credence to this had sons named Zachariah. Also see Attachment A087 which shows that the John Campbell and his wife, parents of Caleb Campbell (1803) and John Jackson Campbell (1792) were born in Scotland and Wales.

The following may or MAY NOT be our Zachariah Campbell:



Rank - Induction: PRIVATE

Rank - Discharge: PRIVATE

Roll Box: 33

Roll Exct: 602

Source Information:

Direct Data Capture, comp. War of 1812 Service Records. [database on-line] Provo, UT: , 1999-. Original data: National Archives and Records Administration. Index to the Compiled Military Service Records for the Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During the War of 1812 M602, 234 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration.

The 1880 Breathitt County Census has the following:


Caleb 42 KNT (this would be Caleb son of John C Jackson Campbell)

Catharine 32 KKK

Margaret 11

Jenny 8

William 5

Mary 2

John 85 NC, Scotland, Wales (father)(this is John C. Jackson Campbell s/o Zachariah Campbell) Again, see Attachment A087.

Patsy 82 TTT (mother)

Note that Caleb's father was John. This would be John C Jackson Campbell. It says John was born in N (North Carolina), and John's father was born in Scotland. This points to Zachariah who was supposedly born in Scotland, whereas John and William, sons of Patrick were born in NC. Perhaps this Zachariah Campbell is not a son of Patrick Campbell, but is of a different lineage.

It is not known who Zachariah's wife Nancy is. There is a 28 page document on file at the Kentucky Historical Society outlining the descendants of Zachariah Campbell.

The original document mentions only "Nancy" as his wife.

Someone has penned in the last name "Couch", but left no evidence in support of the entry.

Shenandoah County, VA Marriage Bonds shows:

Nancy Sherley married John Campbell, 31 Aug., 1789 (Could this be our John Zachariah Campbell?)

Jacob Sherley married Mary Miller, 27 June, 1831

Zachariah Shirley married Barbara Kagey, 15 Aug., 1825

In his book "Dozens of Cousins" O'Connor says that Zachariah and his wife Nancy Couch & children came from TN to KY c1795 and settled at Campbell's Branch, near what is now Haddix, KY.

See photo in Zachariah's scrapbook in this database. Victor Jones of Hardshell, KY, says that Wilgus Mack of Campbell's Bend, KY on route 15, says this headstone for Nathaniel Campbell is near the grave of Zachariah Campbell. The Headstone reads "Nathaniel Campbell DeCd May 26, 1861, However, Stephen Bowling of the Breathitt Co. Library told me that he believes that Nathaniel was a grandson of Zachariah.

No other proof given.(JR)

Posted by James Stamper on April 11, 1997 at 08:40:41:

John Campbell married Nancy Sherley on Aug 31, 1789 in Shenandoah Co, VA. This John may be my ancestor. Does anyone out there connect to this couple or to other Campbells in the area? The John Campbell I am searching for named a son Caleb. Does this ring a bell with anyone?

Also from James Stamper:

From: "James A. Stamper"

Subject: Zachariah Campbell - for Jenny and others

Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 07:12:09 -0500

There is much to cast doubt on "Zachariah" as the name of the Campbell

from whom many of the Campbells of Perry and Breathitt Co., KY descend.

I have seen the old handed down information which says his name was

Zachariah and accepted it for a long time until I found information to

the contrary. Rev. J.J. Dickey was a circuit rider in the mountains of

Kentucky, and in the late 1800's he made a practice of asking older

people about their ancestors and writing down what they said. One of

the people he interviewed was Phoebe Campbell Noble, daughter of Lewis

Campbell. According to her, her grandparents were John and Nancy

Campbell, who came to the Perry/Breathitt Co. area from the Shenandoah

Valley of Virginia. She proceeds to name John and Nancy's children

(Caleb, Lewis, John Jack, etc.) and tells about how John Campbell

deserted his wife and children and left the territory and never came

back. This is borne out by the fact that the 1830 census shows a Nancy

Campbell as head of a household. The name Zachariah, in my opinion,

actually came into the family a generation or two later when Lewis

Campbell married a daughter of Zachariah Fugate. This is most likely

how Dr. Zach got his name. I too am descended from this line, and I

believe Phoebe Campbell Noble would have known the correct names for her

grandparents. Interestingly, there is a marriage record in Shenandoah

Co., VA in 1789 for John Campbell and Nancy Sherley. I have no proof

that this is the same John and Nancy who came to southeast Kentucky, but

the time fits very nicely with the birth of their children.

From: "James A. Stamper"

Subject: Still another John Campbell

Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 11:37:47 -0400

My John Campbell and wife Nancy came to the Perry/Clay/Breathitt Co.,

Ky. area about 1810. According to a later interview with his

grand-daughter, he and Nancy came to Kentucky from "the Shenandoah

valley". I find that a John Campbell married Nancy Sherley in 1789 in

Shenandoah Co., Va. Am trying to prove that this is the John who came

to Perry/Clay/Breathitt Co., Ky. area.

Following by Jim Robinson:

My wife is a descendant of Caleb Campbell and also of his brother Lewis Campbell.

Everything that I have found so far just adds to the confusion.

Caleb and Lewis may have been sons of John Campbell who may have been son of Patrick Campbell, Jr., and Elizabeth James.

Caleb and Lewis may have been sons of William Campbell who may have been son of Patrick Campbell, Jr., and Elizabeth James.

Caleb and Lewis may have been sons of Jonathan Zachariah Campbell who may or may not directly be related to Patrick Campbell, Jr., and Elizabeth James.

No one that I can find has even proven which if any of them were Patrick Jr.'s sons.

************************************************************************A researcher (Michelle Campbell, I think) at "" writes:

"John Campbell and his brother William came to this area from North Carolina by 1810. They were apparently sons of Patrick Campbell. They married sisters, Polly and Nancy Couch, respectively. John and William settled at a place now called "Campbell Bend" on the North Fork of the Kentucky River in the present-day Krypton/Yerkes area. "

She has William (son of Patrick Jr.) as father of Caleb, Lewis, John "Jack", Mary "Polly", and others.

She has William married to Nancy Ann Couch.

She has William's brother John married to Mary "Polly" Couch.


Betty Thomas Finger at: , has Zachariah as the father of Caleb, Lewis, John "Jack", Mary "Polly", and others. She has Zachariah married to Nancy Ann Couch.

Who is Nancy Sherley? I have seen her referenced as possibly married to one of these brothers.


See extract below from database at : Urton Genealogy

and the question arises: Are William Campbell and Zachariah Campbell one and the same. Note the same birth years below.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Husband: Patrick C. CAMPBELL

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Born: ABT 1728 at: Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Married: at:

Died: at:

Father: Patrick CAMPBELL

Mother: Delelia THOMPSON

Other Spouses:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wife: Elizabeth JAMES

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Born: 1745 at:

Died: at:

Father: William JAMES


Other Spouses:


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: John CAMPBELL

Born: 1763 at: Wallens Crk On New River, Ashe County, NC

Married: at:

Died: 1867 at: Perry County, Kentucky

Spouses: Mary "Polly" COUCH

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Zachariah CAMPBELL

Born: 1765 at:

Married: at:

Died: at:

Spouses: Nancy

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: William Zach CAMPBELL

Born: ABT 1765 at:

Married: at:

Died: at:

Spouses: Nancy Ann COUCH


Back to me (JR). Note the same birth year for Zach and Wm. Zach?



Yet another view. This from:

4. MARTHA "PATSY DINAH SINK" SMITH (RICHARD2, WILLIAM1) was born June 13, 1800 in Sullivan Co. Tenn., and died Aft 1886 in Perry Co, KY. Married JOHN JACKSON C. CAMPBELL, November 17, 1817 in Clay Co. Ky, son of JOHN CAMPBELL AND POLLY COUCH.



RALEIGH CAMPBELL, born 1819; died Unknown

NANCY CAMPBELL, born 1819; died January 23, 1915. Married GABRIEL "LOBBY" RITCHIE; October 2,1835


WILLIAM CAMPBELL, born Abt 1822; died Unknown. Married HANNAH MILLER

MALETHA CAMPBELL, born 1823; died Unknown; Married JACOB BEVERLY

ELIZABETH CAMPBELL, born October 26, 1826; died June 25, 1912, Breathitt Co. Ky. Married HENRY HUDSON.

JOHN CAMPBELL, born 1832; died Unknown. Married ELIZABETH CLEMONS, February 19, 1854, Breathitt Co. Ky.

MARANDA CAMPBELL, born 1833; died Unknown. Married ABIJAH WHITE

SUSANNAH CAMPBELL, born 1835; died Unknown. Married WILLIAM B. COMBS

CALEB CAMPBELL, born September 27, 1837; died July 29, 1905. Married CATHERINE SMITH; Abt. 1885

KATHERINE CAMPBELL, born 1838; died Unknown.

LEWIS CAMPBELL, born 1840; died 1858. Married MATILDA FUGATE

JUDAH CAMPBELL, born 1842; died Unknown; Married WILLIAM FUGATE

MARY POLLY CAMPBELL, born 1845; died 1926; Married ZACHARIAH FUGATE III; Abt. 1870

(We know that Matilda Fugate did not marry the Lewis above. She married his uncle Lewis (b. 1799), who was brother of Caleb who was born in 1803.



we find:

3. Nancy Couch also known as: Anny Couch (2.Mary2,

1.Squire1) m. William Campbell. William: They were living in Clay County

in 1810 and were listed in the 1820 as head of household. There is a William

Campbell living in Mason County, Kentucky, in the 1790

Kentucky Census.


+ 4. i John Jackson Campbell b. 20 August 1795.

5. ii Polly Campbell b. 1790.

6. iii Charles Campbell b. 1792.

+ 7. iv William Campbell b. ca 1794.



I seriously doubt whether the Zachariah Campbell of Carter County, TN came to KY.

The following deed was found at:

This Zachariah Campbell bought land in Tennessee when it was still a part of North Carolina.

If this is our Zachariah, this took place about 10 - 20 years before they came to Kentucky in 1810. I seriously doubt that this is our Zachariah Campbell. Jim Robinson).

CARTER COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - Edward Smith to Zachariah Campbell, 3 Feb 1790

Carter County, Tennessee (formerly Washington County, North Carolina)



Carter County, Tennessee, Deed Book Vol. A, pp. 77-78

Carter County Court Clerk, Elizabethton, TN

[On 3 February 1790, in Washington Co., NC (now TN), Edward Smith sold to

Zachariah Campbell, for the sum of £25, 100 acres, being the same land deeded

to Edward Smith by the State of North Carolina on 7 August 1787.]

"This Indenture made third day of February in the year of our Lord one

thousand seven hundred and ninety between Edward Smith of the County of

Washington in the State of North Carolina planter of the one part and

Zachariah Campbell of the State and County aforesaid of the other part

Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of twenty five pounds in

hand paid by the said Zachariah Campbell to the said Edward Smith the receipt

and payment whereof the said Edward Smith doth hereby acknowledge and himself

therewith fully contented and satisfied hath for himself and his heirs

granted, bargained and sold and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell,

alien, ? , release and confirm unto Zachariah Campbell his heirs and

assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in

the County of Washington in the State aforesaid Beginning at a marked black

walnut tree standing in a hollow above the first big spring below the fork of

the path on the South side of the Iron Mountain and running thence South

thirty five degrees west one hundred and eight poles with the foot of the Pond

mountain to a marked dogwood and white oak thence west thirty two poles to a

marked hicory [sic], thence north forty degrees west forty eight poles to a

marked lynn standing on the west side of a small branch at the foot of the

Iron Mountain, thence north thirty degrees East two hundred and forty eight

poles with said mountain to a stake, thence South four degrees west one

hundred and eighty five poles to the Beginning containing one hundred acres be

the same more or less as granted to the said Edward Smith by a deed from our

States office bearing date the seventh day of August in the twelfth year of

our Independence A.D. 1787 To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of

land with all and every of its appurtenances & also the reversion & reversions

remainder & remainders, rents and services thereof and all the Estate, right,

title, claim and property of him the said Edward Smith, his heirs forever of

in and to the said tract or parcel of land and premises and moreover the said

Edward doth covenant and agree to and with the said Zachariah Campbell that

him the said Edward Smith his heirs, Executors, administrators to the said

Zachariah Campbell his heirs or assigns will forever warrant and defend from

all person or persons claiming or to claim the said premises by from him or

them or any of them or any other person Whatsoever In Witness Whereof the

said Edward Smith hath hereunto set his hand and fixed his seal the date first

above written.

Signed, Sealed and delivered Edward Smith [SEAL]

in presence of us Thos. Whitson

Jeremiah Campbell & Joseph Ford

August Term 1791 this Deed was duly acknowledged in open court and

same is recorded and ordered to be registered

Registered July 8th 1797" Test J. A. Sevier CC

Thus far, I have found no records of Zachariah Campbell in Perry or Breathitt Counties, KY. Although Victor Jones says he has seen land records where Zachariah Campbell took deed to land in the area. I have found the same for Caleb and Lewis, but not for Zachariah. I will continue looking. Victor Jones told me that he has seen land documents for Zachariah Campbell.


The Napier line is perhaps the oldest line we can document on Lena’s side of the family. Based upon data found at the Clan Napier site:

I believe this to be the correct line for Lena’s Napiers.

The line goes all the way back to:

John le Nae-Peer

From the Napier Clan Site in the UK:

The 13th century John Napier was probably the person referred to as "Johan le Naper del Counte de Dunbretan" in the "Ragman Rolls", the document which records all the Scotsmen who were forced to swear homage to King Edward I of England between the years 1291 and 1296. As well as John Napier of Kilmahew, two other Napiers signed the "Ragman Rolls", "Matheu le Naper de Aghalek (del Counte de Forfare)" and "Johane le Naper ---(tenant le Roi du Counte de Pebbles)". This shows that there were other Napier families in Scotland at the end of the 13th century. So far, nobody has shown that they were related to the Kilmahew Napiers. In fact, nothing is known about these other families at this time.

John le Nae-Peer had a son:

Donald Nae-Peer, who was born before 1300. He was father of:

John of Kilmahew Napier, born before 1280 and died after 1304. I know that 1280 comes before 1300, but that is what the source document had. How long before 1300, I don’t know. Next in line is:

John of Kilmahew Napier, birth date not known, but died after 1333. It is not known for sure if this is the same John as above. Next in line is:

Duncan of Kilmahew Napier, born before 1400. Then comes another:

John of Kilmahew Napier, who died after 1441. Then another:

Duncan of Kilmahew Napier, who died after 1462. Then came:

Robert of Kilmahew Napier, who died after 1497. Next is:

John of Kilmahew Napier, who was born about 1500 and died in 1548. Next is:

Patrick Napier of Blackyards born in 1536 and died in 1585. He had a son:

Robert Mungo Napier born about 1580 Edinburgh, Scotland died about 1633 in Scotland, married Frances Anna Drummond born about 1586 in Scotland. They had the following children:

Patrick Napier, Sr., born about 1610 Edinburg, Scotland, died February 26, 1667/68 in York County, Virginia. He married Joan Wallas born about 1608 on July 04, 1628 in London. They had the following children:

Archibald Napier born about 1630

Christopher Napier born about 1631

Katherine Napier born about 1632

Valentine Napier born about 1633

Dr. Patrick Napier, Jr., born about 1634 in England, died March 01, 1668/69 Jamestown, York County, Virginia. He married Elizabeth Booth born November 15, 1641 York County, Virginia and she died April 05, 1717 York County, Virginia. They were married before November 10, 1658, Jamestown, James City County, Virginia. Notes for Dr. Patrick Napier: In the book "Early VA, Immigrants between 1623-1666", Patrick Napier is listed as being brought in 1655 by Peter Ford to Gloucester Co., VA. They had the following children:

Robert Napier, Sr. May 02, 1660 Hampton Parish, York County, Virginia and died 1744 in Henrico County, Virginia. He married Mary Perrin born about 1665 in Henrico County, Virginia and died in 1715 in King William County, Virginia. They were married on October 11, 1688 in St John's Church, Richmond, Virginia.

Frances Napier Abt. 1663 She was born at Burgess, Northumberland, Virginia

Patrick Napier Abt. 1667 Burgess, Northumberland, Virginia.

Robert Napier, Sr. and Mary Perrin had the following children:

Rene Napier Abt. 1690 King Edward County, Virginia died October 30, 1751 Goochland County, Virginia. He married Winifred Champion born before 1722

Patrick Napier October 01, 1692 Henrico County, Virginia died August 23, 1774 Albermarle County, Virginia. Married Martha Claiborne born before 1717.

Booth Napier October 01, 1692 New Kent County, Virginia died February 21, 1780 Goochland County, Virginia. Married Christina Norvell.

Frances Napier February 05, 1694/95 Henrico, Mecklenburg County, Virginia died Aft. October 25, 1777 Fluvanna, Virginia. She married Benjamin Woodson, 1698- 1778.

Robert Napier, Jr. born September 19, 1697 New Kent County, Virginia died January 05, 1763 Albermarle County, Virginia. He married Mary Tarleton Hughes born Henrico County, Virginia died Aft. December 09, 1755 Albermale, Virginia. They had Stephen, Francis, Patrick Judith, Joyce, Mary, Robert, and Ashford.

Katherine Napier October 12, 1700 St Peter's Parrish, New Kent County, Virginia. She married John Adams born bef. 1700

South Napier about 1702 New Kent County, Virginia

Elizabeth Napier December 25, 1704 St Peter's Parrish, New Kent County, Virginia and died Aft. October 1751

About Robert Napier, Jr. (1697):

Robert was brought into court in July 1732 for calling Anthony Hoggatt, Gentleman, a fool. The story was that a grand jury met in Sept Court 1730 to rule on a case against Judity Ballow and her bastard child. The jury verdict ordered to be record was... "We find the defendant guilty," John McBride - Foreman. The court ordered the defendant to pay unto the church wardens of St. James Parish the sum of five hundred pounds of tobacco and cask with costs and a lawyer's fee. The defendant however was in luck for Roger Powell and Anthony Hoggatt stated, "We'll pay 50 pounds current money if the child is named William and not chargeable to St. James Parish." The record is silent on why Roger Powell and Anthony Hoggatt came to Judith's rescue in such a generous fashion. This led to Robert Napier being brought into court for calling Hoggatt a fool. Napier readily admitted his guilt, said he was drunk at the time, and was ordered to pay five shillings current money to the church wardens of St. James Parish for being drunk. Was involved in a lawsuit in 1746 in Goochland Co., VA. Robert's will was probated May 12, 1763 in Albermarle Co., VA; all of the children but Patrick were named: Stephen, Frances, Judith, Gibson, Ashford and Robert.

Robert Napier, Jr. (1697) and Mary Tarleton Hughes had the following children:

Stephen Napier born about 1723 Henrico County, Virginia, died Bef. October 04, 1787 in Fluvanna County, Virginia. Married Tabitha Cocke on about 1751 in Goochland Co. VA.

Frances Napier born about 1725 Albermale, Virginia married Reuben Francis

Patrick Napier Sr. born about 1726 Albermale, Virginia died abt 1796 Montgomery County, VA

Judith Napier born about 1726 South Carolina married Jacob Gibson born abt 1722 VA died 1793 Fairfield, SC

Joyce Napier born about 1728 in VA, married John Hammond

Mary Napier born about 1730

Robert Napier born about 1731 died 1805. He married Elizabeth Woodson

Ashford Napier born about 1734 in Goochland County, Virginia died June 1801 in Franklin County, Virginia. He married Mary Ann Staples on about 1767 in Goochland County, VA.

Patrick Napier Sr. married Judith Burke born March 10, 1742/43 in Augusta Co., VA. She died before 1800 in Montgomery County, VA. They married about 1759 in Augusta Co., VA and had the following children:

Thomas Hughes Napier born about 1760

Edward Napier born about 1764

Rene Napier born about 1766

Patrick Napier, Jr. born about 1768 Montgomery County, Virginia, died 1834, Harlan Co., KY On July 11, 1788, he married Fanny Brumfield in Montgomery Co., VA She was born about 1767 Montgomery County, Virginia and died before 1822 in Virginia.

Judith Napier born about 1770 Montgomery County, Virginia and died in Giles Co., VA On February 17, 1789 she married Jesse McComas in Montgomery County, VA

Dicey Napier born November 8, 1773 Montgomery County, Virginia died 1849. On September 07, 1791 she married John Chapman.

Lucy Napier born about 1774 Montgomery County, Virginia died December 23, 1849 in Jasper County, Illinois. On February 5, 1793, she married Moses McComas.

Nancy Ann Fox Napier born about 1776 Montgomery County, Virginia. On February 06, 1798 she married Charles Woodley King in Montgomery County, Virginia

Margaret Napier born about 1778 Montgomery County, Virginia died December 12, 1830 Sevier County, Tennessee married Euane.

Patrick Napier, Jr., and Fanny Brumfield had the following children:

Edmund Napier born about 1790 VA died 1866 Clay Co., KY m. Sarah Howard born VA, died KY

Micajah Napier born June 23, 1793 Lee County, Virginia died August 08, 1882 Perry Co., KY m. Rhoda Fouch Clemons and Leannah Lewis.

James Napier born about 1795 Lee County, Virginia died 1842 Clay County, Kentucky m. Franky Hoskins. He also married Elizabeth Howard born about 1800.

Thomas Napier born about 1796 VA died December 14, 1861 Lee Co., VA m. Eleanor

Judith Anne Napier born about 1798 died 1852, KY m. Dryden Howard

Elizabeth Napier born about 1800 died January 15, 1852 Perry Co., KY m. Hiram Howard

William Napier born about 1802 died before 1850. m. Sally McCarty

Jerome Patrick Napier born about 1804 Montgomery County, Virginia died 1852 m. Mahala Strong.

John Rene Napier born about 1805 Lee County, Virginia m. Ruth Haskins

Francis Napier born about 1807 married a Mr. Gavin

Mary Napier born about 1813 Lee County, Virginia died November 24, 1878 Breathitt County, Kentucky and married James Oaks.

Stephen Napier born about 1819 in VA, married Polly Holliday born about 1820

James Napier and Elizabeth Howard had the following children:

Edward G. Napier born about 1813 Perry County, Kentucky died Bef. 1870 in KY. Edward m. Perry County, Kentucky born about 1814 died before 1880.

Franklin Adron Napier born April 23, 1814 Harlan County, Kentucky On January 10, 1835 he married Emeline Jackson in Harlan Co., KY

Patrick R. Napier born about 1816 Knox County, Kentucky On September 28, 1839 he married Elizabeth Pace in Perry County, Kentucky.

Samuel Napier born about 1819 Harlan County, Kentucky on March 01, 1842 he married Susan Combs in Perry County, Kentucky

James Napier born about 1824 Harlan County, Kentucky. On February 22, 1844 he married Louisa Maynard in Harlan Co. KY.

John Napier born about 1830 Harlan County, Kentucky

Polly Napier born about 1835 Harlan County, Kentucky

Daniel Napier born about 1841 Harlan County, Kentucky

Micajah Napier born 1852 m. Sally Whitaker

Micajah Napier and Leannah Lewis had the following children:

Will Napier b. Unk d. Unk

Stephen Napier b. 1819 d. 1896 Perry Co., KY

James Patrick Napier b. 1823 d. abt. 1873, m. Mary Campbell d/o Caleb Campbell and Franky Miller

Leannah Napier b. 1824

Edmund Napier b. 10 March 1826 d. 14 February 1911.

Rachel Napier b. abt. 1827 d, 1891

Elizabeth Jane Napier b. 1829 d. 1905

Mary Polly Napier b. June 1829 d. after 1902.

Patrick Napier b. 1830

Tarleton Gerome Napier b. 1832

Micajah Napier Jr. b. 1833 d. abt 1910

Margaret Peggy Napier b. 1836

Martha Napier b. 1838 Perry Co., KY d. Washington Co., Arkansas

James Patrick Napier and Mary Campbell, daughter of Caleb Campbell and Sarah Frances ”Frankie” Miller had the following children:

Micager Napier born 1844 m. Patience (1846) and had Polly (1868) and Franky (1870)

Francis Napier born 1846

Martha Napier born 1848

Caleb Napier born 1850

William Napier born August 7, 1852 m John Napier born 1855 Saul, Perry Co., KY died 1929 Saul, Perry Co., KY m. Elizabeth Barger born August 12, 1859 died 1922, Perry Co., KY

John Napier born 1855 in Saul, Perry Co., KY, d. 1929 in Saul, Perry Co., KY.

Hiram Napier born July 12, 1857 Perry County, Kentucky died July 10, 1910.

Granville Napier born 1859

Elizabeth Napier born 1862

Leannah Napier born 1865

Isaac Napier born 1867

Micajah Napier Jr. b 1833 d. abt 1910 married Elizabeth Campbell, daughter of Hiram Campbell and Susannah Eversole, daughter of John Eversole of The Carolinas and Elizabeth Judd of the Carolinas. Hiram and Susannah had the following children:

Harrison Napier b. abt 1856 in Kentucky.

Tarleton Napier born abt 1859 in Kentucky.

Sally Napier born 9 March 1860 in Kentucky.

Rachel Napier born abt 1862.

Rebecca Napier born abt 1864.

Susan Napier born abt 1867.

Hiram Napier married Franky “Granny Franks” Campbell, daughter of Lewis “Lute” Campbell and Rachel Allen. Franky was born 1863 Perry Co., KY, died 1952. They had the following children:

Susan Napier born 1880

Laura Belle Napier born July 12, 1885 Stacy, Perry Co., KY died September 19, 1971 Columbus, Indiana. She married Samuel “Shag” Campbell in about 1902.

Drew Napier born February 10, 1889

Emery Napier born December 1889 died April 01, 1950 m. Elizabeth Jane Campbell and had Rachel Napier born October 22, 1918

Rushia Napier born February 28, 1893 died March 29, 1937. She m. Emery Campbell born June 10, 1883 died May 06, 1943. He was son of James Campbell and Rachel Noble. They had:

Myrtle Campbell

Little Jim Campbell

Hiram Campbell

Douglas Campbell

Andrew “Kingfish” Campbell

John E. Campbell

Lewis Campbell

Arvile Campbell

Shirle Campbell

Louise Campbell

Samuel Napier born May 14, 1895 died April 28, 1931

John D. Napier born August 06, 1899 died April 24, 1923

This ends the direct line of Napier ancestors as Laura Belle Napier married Sam “Shag” Campbell, Lena’s grandfather.


The Noble line is my wife Lena’s maternal line. The well documented Nobles in the United States begin Nathan Noble who in the late 1700s came to the upper Kentucky River area. They are the most interesting folks to read about and know. However, the Noble line goes back to the 1560s. Documentation is sketchy in this timeframe but several people have researched the line and come to the same conclusions. Much information on the early Noble line comes to me from Linda Badertscher a researcher and member of the Noble descendants.

It starts with Hewe Noble who married Christian Nelson on June 16, 1569 in St. Andrews Ch., Penrith, Cumberland, England. Hewe and Christian had the following children:

Ann Noble born 1569 a daughter

Gawen Noble born 1571 married Jane Hurd who was born 1594

Hewe Noble, Jr. born 1571

Marion (Mariane?) Noble born 1579 a daughter.

Thomas Noble born 1579

Kirshen Noble born 1599 a daughter

Gawen Noble (1571) and Jane Hurd had the following children:

Margaret Noble born 1603 a daughter

Marion Noble born 1605 a daughter

Ann Noble born 1607 a daughter

William Noble born 1609

Thomas Noble born 1615

Isabel Noble born 1617

Gawen Noble born 1622 married Ann Musgrave born 1622 and had the following children:

Ann Noble born 1646

Gawen Noble born 1648 in England died 1693 in England. This Gawen married Elizabeth Fletcher in 1677 at Cumberland, England.

Margaret Noble born 1654

Gawen Noble (1648) and Elizabeth Fletcher (1653-1727) had the following children:

Ann Noble

Barbara Noble

Elizabeth Noble

Isabella Noble

Mary Noble

William Noble

George Noble born 1685 England died September 14, 1735 Prince Georges County, MD. This George married Charity Wheeler born May 19, 1699 Prince Georges County, MD and died September 03, 1735. They married on January 27, 1719/20 in Prince Georges County, MD They had the following children:

Elizabeth Noble born about 1722

Anne Noble born about 1725 m. Zachary Wade (b. aft. 1771)

Thomas Noble born April 19, 1727

George Noble, Jr. born 1729 m. Elizabeth Beal on about 1751

Thomas Robert Noble born 1704 New Mill, Banffshire, Scotland died March 03, 1762. He married Mary Mollie Gilbert born about 1706 in New Mill, Banffshire, Scotland.

ABOUT Thomas Noble:

Born in 1704 in New Mill, Banffshire, Scotland, Died March 3, 1762 in

Frederick, Maryland.

Spouse: Mollie Gilbert, married in Prince George Co, Maryland.

Children: George Noble, Thomas Noble.

See ref: at George Noble Jr.

According to an unsigned 10 page document in the Noble folders at the Kentucky Historical Archives,

Thomas studied 3 years at Aberdeen Seminary. He left there for America, arriving in Maryland. He became a tobacco trader. Upon returning to Scotland to visit his parents, he met and married Mollie Gilbert and had four children, in order, George, Nancy, Elizabeth, and Thomas. These children were raised in eastern VA.

The birth order of the four children George, Nancy, Elizabeth and Thomas is from the same 10 page document. (JR)

Have another birth date of 1727 from: Data on this person is from a one page document entitled "NOBLE LINE" found in a "Noble" folder in the library at Kentucky Historical Society. This document also referred to Thomas' wife as Mary Ann Wade. I can't verify its truth. (JR)

Thomas' birth date from:



The following is from an email from Linda Badertscher:

Noble Family Tree ( I have this back to 1590) Just getting this completely verified over Seas.

This is Thomas Noble's Line

Thomas married Mollie Gilbert and they had 4 children that were raised and married in the eastern part of Virginia. There names in order of age:

George(SR) married MaryAnn Thomas Alexander



Thomas married Elizabeth Clare Sedwick. and had 16 kids.

George(SR) and MaryAnn had 3 sons and 2 daughters:

Mary Ann Noble married Edward" Eli" Swearingen

George Noble (JR) married Sarah Emaline Saunders ( some say Missy Saunders)

Thomas Alexander I Noble married Mary Guinn

Kate (Katheryn) married major Henry Stubblefield

John married Miss Berryhill and they had 2 daughters (Anna and Emily)

George Noble (JR) and Sarah Saunders had 8 children:




John-(This is where my line comes in. I have it pretty complete to 2003. –Linda)

Mary Sarah

Martha Patsy

Emelia "Millie"


Now Thomas had a brother George and he married Charity Wheeler. They had 5 children and they used the same names from the past.

Elizabeth died at age 13

Anne married Zachary Wade

Thomas married Mary Ann Wade

George married Elizabeth Beall

John only lived 2 months and a few days

James-look this over and see if this helps you separate the names- Linda

P.S. If you have any questions let me know. Have you found any other info or new information?

This is the end of the “ABOUT THOMAS NOBLE”

Thomas Robert Noble (1704) and Mary Mollie Gilbert had the following children:

George Noble, Sr. born 1724 died 1801 Fredrick Co., Long Marsh, VA.

Nancy Noble born aft. 1724

Elizabeth Noble born aft. 1725

Thomas Noble, Jr. born 1732

George Noble, Sr. (1724) VA married Maryann Thomas Alexander who was born 1724 Fairfax, VA and died 1785. According to an unsigned 10 page document in the Noble folders at the Kentucky Historical Archives, Maryann’s father, Gerald Alexander who married Mary Dent, was a wealthy man, and Alexandria, VA was named after him. The large estate which they inherited was sold and they moved to Frederick Co., VA, where they purchased the home known as Long Marsh, on the Shenandoah River. They were known as having a very attractive home and many slaves. Information on this person comes from a 10 page Noble document found at the Kentucky Historical Society - No author given. (JR) According to this document, the city of Alexandria VA, was named after this gentleman. Gerald Alexander’s line descends from John Alexander as follows:

John Alexander m. Elizabeth and had:

Robert Alexander I m. Pricilla Ashton who had:

Robert Alexander II m. Anne Fowke who had:

Gerald Alexander mentioned above.

George Noble, Sr. (1724) and Maryann Thomas Alexander had the following children:

George Noble, Jr. born 1751, Scott Co., VA died Breathitt Co., KY m. Julie Winnie Saunders who was born about 1760 in Cullpepper Co., VA

NOTE: Both Victor Jones and Linda Badertsher (well established researchers) have George Noble, Jr.’s wife as Sara Emaline “Missy” Saunders I can’t prove it either way.

Thomas Alexander Noble born 1753 m. and Unknown Gwin (or Gwinn)

Kate Noble born 1755 m. Henry Stubblefield

John Noble born 1757 m. Unknown Berryhill and had:

Anna Noble

Emily Noble

George Noble, Jr. (1751) and Julie Winnie Saunders had the following children:

Mary Sarah Noble born after 1770 m. Flint Fugate

William Noble born 1775 VA died about 1849. He m. 1st before 1795 in VA a Patsy Unknown.

They had Hiram Noble.

Hiram and his wife (name unknown) had

George Buckeye Noble who m. Sarah Campbell and had

Wm. Panther Noble.

John Whorton Noble born about 1824.

William m. 2nd Rachel Allen born Abt. 1781. William Noble and Rachel Allen married in Clay Co., KY. Both are buried on a hill next to the Marshall/Noble Cemetery. They had at least two children:

Ira Noble b. 1819 m. Rachel Fugate d/o Johnathan Fugate and Lettie Wells.

John “Soldier John Noble” abt 1832 m. Catherine Katie Fugate.

Emelia Noble born 1780 NC m. George Washington Watts

Nathan Noble born 1781 Culpepper VA or Richmond, Henrico Co., VA died March 23, 1858 Lost Creek, Breathitt Co., KY. He m. Jane Virginia Neace, b. 1786 in VA, d. September 15, 1881. Both are buried in Noble Cem #1, on highway 15, Lost Creek, near Watts, KY. See their headstone at Attachment A085.

Enoch Noble born 1797 VA died before 1910 He married Leah Palmer, who was deaf. Leah was born 1800 and died November 16, 1856. They were married in 1821 in Perry Co., KY. Enoch and Leah had the following children:

Edward Noble born 1829

David Noble born about 1830

Polly Noble born 1834

Stephen Noble born 1836

George Washington Noble born about 1838

Merinda Noble born about 1842.

Enoch married 2nd, Sarah Salyers b. after 1820 Harlan Co., KY died after 1860, Breathitt Co., KY and had:

William Billy Noble

Ned Noble

John Noble born 1832 (If correct, he would have been Leah’s son.

Elizabeth Noble born 1857

Jane Noble born 1859

John Noble born about 1805 (DOB estimated from 1860 census which says he is 55.)

John m. Sara Taulbee and had at least three children:

Sam Henry Noble

Ira Noble born about 1843

Isom Beecher Noble born about 1846. Linda Noble Badertscher, mentioned above is of this line.

Martha Patsy Noble born 1805 m. Andrew Miller born 1799. Andrew Miller was a brother of Lena’s 3rd great grandmother, Sarah Frances Frankie Miller who married Caleb Campbell. Married on June 20, 1832, in Perry Co., KY. It is written in a book by Tyrol Noble that after the first winter, some of the first group went back to Virginia for supplies and brought back with them Patsy and Millie (Emelia) Noble, sisters of Nathan. George Washington Noble called her "Aunt Patty" in his book, "Behold He Cometh In The Clouds".

Mollie Noble born after 1805 m. John Abner

Nathan Noble and Jane Virginia Neace were among the earliest pioneers to trek to, and settle, in the Lost Creek and Troublesome Creek areas of present day Breathitt County, KY. See local history stories at the end of the Noble line. They had the following children:

Nathan Noble, Jr. (1st), born 1798 Perry Co., KY. Died 1798, Perry Co., KY. The Noble Family group placed a small headstone at the site of his grave, near the rockhouse cave in which the Nobles spent that first winter in Kentucky.

Samuel Noble born after 1798

James B. Noble born 1800

Sally Noble born 1808

William Billy Noble born 1809 Lost Creek, Breathitt Co., KY died January 31, 1897 Lost Creek, Breathitt Co., KY. Married Lettie Miller, d/o William Joseph Miller, Sr. and Elizabeth Cockerell born 1811, Clay County, KY died December 20, 1895 Cockerell’s Fork, Watts, KY. William and Letty had the following children:

Mary Polly Noble born 1827 m. William Bangor Fugate.

Jennie Noble born Dec 1, 1828 Lost Creek, Breathitt Co., KY died November 26, 1912 bur. Cockerell’s Fork, Perry Co. KY m. Martin Fugate s/o Henley Fugate, Sr. and Matilda Stamper.

James Boston Noble born about 1820 d. November 20, 1902, m. Mary Ann Neace d/o Sam Neace and Nancy Fugate.

Levina Noble born 1834 d. March 1915. Married William Penn Panther Noble (1832-October 19, 1902)

Alexander Noble born 1837 m. Winnie Sizemore.

Sarah Ann Noble born 1840 m. Jeremiah Combs.

Simpson Noble born 1843 died June 06, 1864 in battle – Civil War. Married Tabitha Fugate.

George Washington Noble born July 17, 1844. This is the author of the book “Behold He Cometh In The Clouds”.

Lawson Noble (often spelled “Losson”, born 1811 Killed in Civil War. Married Margaret Peggy Francis born 1818.

Nathan Noble, Jr. (2nd) born about 1812 in VA. per 1850 census. Died in MO. m. Nellie Neace, born about 1813 in KY per the 1850 census.

About Nathan Jr. (2nd): According to an unsigned 10 page document in the Noble folders at the Kentucky Historical Archives,

this is the second Nathan Noble Jr. Nathan and Virginia's first son was also Nathan Jr. While moving from their original camp down to Lost Creek, the little boy caught a cold and died therefrom. Since there were so many children, they decided to call this son Nathan Jr. also. This Nathan was reported to be the ninth child of Nathan and Virginia. After growing to manhood, this Nathan Jr. move to Missouri along with several of his brothers and sisters. He served with the Confederacy.

Information on this person is from a 10 page unsigned document I found at the Kentucky Historical Society in Frankfort.

The first Nathan Jr. died the same year as he was born. Later, Nathan and Virginia named another son Nathan Jr.

I refer to them as Nathan Noble Jr., 1st and Nathan Noble Jr., 2nd. (JR)

According to the 1840 Breathitt Co. Census, Nathan Jr. had the following household members:

13. NOBLE, NATHAN JR 10001 12001

1 male age 0-5

1 male age 20-30

1 fem. age 0-5

2 fem. age 5-10

1 fem. age 20-30

Additional Info from 1850 Nodaway, Andrew Co., MO census. Co. D, MO S M CAV

His Headstone is at National Cemetery at Springfield, MO.

John L. “Jackson” Noble, born 1813 Perry County, KY died 1896 m. Elizabeth Davidson born 1823, KY both bur. Noble Cem., Watts, Breathitt Co,. KY

John L. “Jackson” Noble and Elizabeth Davidson were my wife’s great-great-great grandparents. A Josephine Oliver says that Elizabeth was a Williams, not a Davidson, but I have seen no proof of this.

Margaret “Peggy” Noble born October 15, 1813 Clay Co. KY died July 24, 1895, m. Alfred A. Tea Judge Combs born September 10, 1813 Buncombe Co, NC died March 12, 1891 Breathitt Co., KY. Both bur. T-Point Cem, Clayhole, Breathitt Co., KY.

Lydia Noble born March 25, 1815 m. Henry Ephriam Fields born February 16, 1818.

Mary “Polly” Noble born March 15, 1818 died February 23, 1907 in MO. Married Andrew Andy Harvey born October 17, 1816 died September 06, 1897 in MO. Both buried at Greenwick Cemetery, Lincoln Twp., Andrew Co., MO.

Elizabeth “Betsy” Noble born 1820 m. Wylie Miller (1837-1917)

Juda Noble born 1822 m. Hiram Hard Sizemore, Sr. born 1825.

George Washington Noble born 1824 KY died 1862 m. Phoebe Campbell born 1829. They had the following children:

Minnie Noble

Lewis Henry Noble born 1848 m. Martha Pattie Watts d/o Millie Watts.

Dick Noble born 1849 married Ann M.

Missouria Ann Noble born 1850 m. James Doc Noble s/o Lawson Noble and Margaret Peggy Francis.

William Nathan “Honeysuckle” Noble born 1853

Rhoda Jane Noble born April 5, 1854 m. Isabelle Gambill

James Buchannan Noble born 1856 m. Elizabeth Turner

Caleb Jacob Lovejoy Noble born November 19, 1858 m. Sarah Jane Noble born December 22, 1877 died April 26, 1954.

Polly Noble born June 1861 m. Hiram Watts born 1855, s/o Ambrose Watts and Polly Ann Noble.

Henry Noble born after 1827 m. Isabel Ibby Aikman, b. 1825. They had:

Betty Noble m. Daniel White

George W. Noble died when a child.

Katie Noble died when a child

Mack Noble died when a small boy.

Mary Noble m. Nimrod Fugate

Sarah Nobel born 1842

Nancy Ann Noble born 1843 m. John Deaton.

Washington Noble, born 1845.

Polly Noble m. Ambrose Watts born February 07, 1842 KY, died February 18, 1920, Tumbling Branch, Haddix, Breathitt Co., KY

Granville Pearl Noble m. Isabelle Neace d/o Jacob Neace and Mariah Fugate.

Mariah Noble m. Henry Neace

John Noble died when small boy.

Effa Noble m. William Garnett

Armina Noble m. Joseph Neace

Nancy Noble born 1830. In about 1848, she m. John Jar Fly Campbell, son of Lewis Campbell and Matilda Fugate (Lena’s 3rd great grand aunt and uncle.

John L. “Jackson” Noble and Elizabeth Davidson had the following children:

Clayborn Noble born January 1831 Missouri see 1860 Perry Co, KY census. Died after 1910 in Hazel Green, KY. Married Nancy Allen d/o Sam Allen and Susan Sizemore. Clayborn and Nancy were Lena’s great-great grandparents.

William Noble born 1846 died at Crows Nest VA Civil War Battle.

Matilda Ann Noble born 1848 died September 1865 m. James Neace (1854) s/o Jacob Rale Neace and Polly Akeman

Louvica Noble born about 1850 KY and had a son George Washington Noble born September 1865 Unknown whether she was married.

Polly Noble born about 1852 m. William Fugate

Lawson (Losson) Noble born 1854 m. Tabitha Neace born January 29, 1856.

Armina Noble born 1858 m. Nathaniel Neace born 1859.

Simpson Noble born February 1859 KY m. Katherine Smith, born March 1859 KY

Clayborn Noble and Nancy Allen had the following children:

John Noble born 1860 m. Catherine Katie Neace born 1860 d/o Jacob Neace and Mariah Fugate.

Andrew Noble born May 9, 1866 m. Polly Ann Neace who was born August 28, 1868 and died October 10, 1939

Jack Noble born about 1868

Samuel Noble born July 25, 1869 Perry County, KY, died January 06, 1952 Perry County, KY, married Matilda Neace d/o Jacob Neace and Mariah Fugate. She was born 1871, Perry County, KY and died August 10, 1916 in Stacy (Rowdy), Perry Co., KY.

Lawson (Losson) Noble born June 6, 1871 died February 10, 1936 m. Margaret Neace d/o Peter Neace and Levicy Noble, both bur. Red Hill Cemetery, Perry Co, KY

Mary Noble born December 1873 m. an Unknown Couch man.

Elizabeth Noble born 1877 – 1907 m. Floyd Campbell 1871 - 1941

Catherine Noble born July 1879

Colby Noble born March 1884

Henry Noble born April 1887

Ira Noble born January 1, 1890 died July 08, 1965, m. Emma Lou Elam born April 14, 1893 died October 18, 1959 both bur. Edwardsville Cem., Morrow, OH

Samuel Noble and Matilda Neace are both buried at the Sam Noble cemetery, in Rowdy, KY. They had the following children:

Lucinda Noble born August 1882

Mariah Noble born April 1885

Ibby (Isabel?) Noble born September 1886 died June 10, 1916. Married Alfred Allen. She is bur. At Noble Cemetery, Rowdy,

Noah Noble born July 9, 1888 died October 24, 1979 m. Callie (?) born September 03, 1892 died May 27, 1974. Both buried in Noble Cemetery, Rowdy, KY.

Phoeba Jane Noble born August 1888 died January 18, 1975 m. Clifton Ritchie born about 1888 and died August 06, 1949 in Nicholas Co. KY. J L Noble told me on 7 Oct. 2003, that at the time of his death, Sam Noble was married to this Phoeba Jane and that she was his wife, not his daughter. Requires more research.

Wash Noble born August 1889

Andy Noble born March 1891 died 1971. Married Delilah Allen. Andy is buried at Noble Cemetery, Rowdy, KY R4 N3.

John Dewey “Dee” Noble born December 24, 1891 Perry Co., KY died October 14, 1973, Frankfort, Franklin Co., KY m. Melda Campbell, d/o Emanuel Campbell and Rushia Stacy. Melda was born June 27, 1900 died April 11, 1996, Frankfort, KY. Both are buried at the Sam Noble Cemetery, Rowdy, KY.

Leslie Lula Noble born January 1893

Armina Noble born April 1900

Emory Noble born July 4, 1904 Rowdy, Perry Co., KY died March 13, 1965 m. Elizabeth Stacy born October 02, 1906 died October 09, 1972, both bur. Noble Cemetery Rowdy, KY.

Kelly Noble born October 16, 1917 died August 30, 1921

John Dewey “Dee” Noble and Melda Campbell were Lena’s grandparents. They had the following children:

Beatrice “Bea” Noble born April 19, 1920 Stacy, Perry Co., KY. She m. 1st, William Campbell s/o Sam “Shag” Campbell and Laura Belle Napier. They had:

Stirgil Campbell January 25, 1935 Perry County, KY died July 01, 1951, Rowdy, Perry Co., KY in a hunting accident.

Lena Marie Campbell born January 10, 1939, Hindman, Knott Co., KY, m. James W. Robinson Jr.

Glena Faye Campbell born February 07, 1942 m. Carl Clifton Howell.

Winfred Campbell born September 02, 1944 Ary, Perry Co., KY m. 1st Charlotte Brasseau m. 2nd a Kim.

Janice Campbell born January 1947 died September 29, 1947 Mt. Mary Hosp., Hazard, KY

Beatrice m. 2nd Edward Bates and they had Eddie Ray Bates.

Beatrice m. 3rd Matthew Howell and they had Susan Howell who had Matt and Jacky.

Sullivan “Seven” Noble born March 18, 1922 Sullivan told me that he had been married to Mahala (Haley) Campbell and had a daughter.

Miles Noble born March 18, 1924 Perry Co., KY died April 17, 1994 at SS Mary & Elizabeth Hosp., Louisville, KY m. Sheba McIntosh who died soon Aft. April 17, 1994. They had: Wanda Noble and Christine Noble.

Athana Noble born March 11, 1925 died Bef. 1980 m. Unknown Gillion

Imogene Noble born December 31, 1927 Perry Co., KY m. Unknown Cobb

James Lee Noble born May 12, 1932 m. Estella Ruth Jones

Hargis Noble born September 12, 1935 Rowdy, Perry Co., KY Never married.

Wireman Noble born February 04, 1939Rowdy, Perry County, KY m. Betty Ann Hutchens born December 05, 1943 Frankfort, Franklin County, KY. They had:

Donnie Ray Noble born October 14, 1959

Norman Lee Noble born May 23, 1961

Annette Noble born November 16, 1962

David Allen Noble born June 16, 1964

Dale Noble born November 22, 1966

Tony Noble born July 22, 1973 died July 25, 1973 Frankfort, KY

Wireman told me that his name originally was Norman and that he had a twin brother named Wireman who died at birth. Due to a mix-up in the birth certificates, Norman took his brother Wireman’s name.

J L Noble born October 27, 1940 Rowdy, Perry County, KY Regina Shain

Dallas K. Noble born December 30, 1943 Rowdy, Perry County, KY, m. Bonnie Jean Clemmons born August 18, 1945 in Central City, Muhlenberg County, KY. They had the following children:

Lisa Jean Noble born October 5, 1963

Carol Ann Noble born February 14, 1966

Richard Keith Noble born January 9, 1969

This ends the Noble line of our combined families. There are more children of course, but naming them would serve no real purpose, and possibly cause identity problems.

More about the Nobles:

In a talk with Granville Pearl Noble by Margaret F. Bishop in 1939, Margaret tells the story thusly:

“Tom Noble came from Scotland to Virginia, then returned to Scotland, married, and came again to Virginia. He settled on the Clinch River or Shenandoah Valley. I don't know whether he was the father of Nathan or not. Somewhere late in the 1790s probably the Nobles came into Kentucky. Nathan, Bill, and Enoch came; they were brothers. Nathan's wife was Virginia Neace, one quarter Indian. Her two brothers, Austin and Henry came too. Jake Neace and Sam Allen came later. They brought mules, horses, guns, and dogs. A gun and a dog were worth more than a thousand acres of land in those days.

Henry Noble was my grandfather. He was the son of Nathan Noble and Virginia Neace. Henry had nine sisters and three brothers. Henry was the youngest. He married Isabella Akeman, my mother. I'm Henry's son and I married Isabella Neace. Yes, related to me. Henry Noble had nine girls and four boys. I had 12 children, 7 boys and 4 girls. Sons of Granville P. Noble were Elijah, lake, John, Elijah, and Jerry. Elisha, author of Bloody Breathitt, joined the U.S. Army before the Spanish-American War. He was crippled and discharged; he did not fight in the Spanish-American War. Lake and John enlisted in the Spanish-American War. They returned home. Lake shot and killed several men and escaped, a fugitive from justice, several years ago. Jerry got in trouble some years ago. I don't know if he served time in the state penitentiary or not. He had a general store in Jackson for several years, but returned to the country about three years ago. Elijah taught school many years, now in ill health. His wife is County Court Clerk.

One of my great uncles settled down South somewhere; they still call the place Noblesville. I believe it is in Alabama. Yes, Nathan's brother, I believe his name was John Noble. Nathan and the people who came with him came through the Licking River and across to Buckhorn Creek. I don't know if they crossed the mountain between the Licking River and Quicksand or not. I recall that they told about Nathan and his party coming through the Cumberland Gap, because a big snowstorm came on and they had to stay there about two weeks. I have heard them mention Green River, too. They came down streams and through the forests. They marked their line they traveled through. My grandmother told me this. She was 113 years and a few months old at her death. Oh, she's been dead about 40 or 50 years, for my children are over 50 years old. They said Tom Noble came here to Virginia from Scotland when they threw America open for people to come in. No, they never had trouble with Indians. They told me about the Indians coming one time. They came through from Chilicothe, Ohio, where they had a village. The Indians went straight through here. They were on the way to Flint Mountain, after flint. Flint Mountain is on the head of the South Fork of the Quicksand Creek. The early Nobles are buried on the Noble family burying ground on the old home place. They had rock sides and ends to their graves, but some of them have been torn down. The graveyard is on the Solomon Combs home place. Yes, he's related; his mother was a Noble.

I can read, but I can't write. I learned a lot of things from nature. I was about 7 years old when I first went to school. My uncle, Lawson Noble, taught the school. The schoolhouse was on a hill; down over the bank in a hollow was a creek. The schoolhouse was built of logs with logs split for seats. One of these logs stood out from the wall with the split side up and we laid our books on it. I ran away from school one time. Uncle Lawson wouldn't let me out. I watched my chance to slip out when he wasn't lookin'. I had to leave my book and cap on this split we used for a table, then I raced down into the hollow and across the creek. Next morning when I returned to school, Uncle Lawson asked me why I ran away. I told him I just couldn't stay there any longer that day, for I'd got to worryin'. He gave me a lick or two, but not very hard, then laughed at me. It was my first time in school and I'd not gotten used to it. This school was at the mouth of Leatherwood where it empties into Lost Creek. The building had a dirt floor and no windows. They cut a hole for the door. They had a fireplace that you could light the fire from inside or from outdoors. It was built that way. When I was about five years old there was only one store in Jackson. It was near where the Jefferson Hotel now stands, on the same side of the street.

We had an awful hard time during the Civil War. They took our horses and we had to dig holes in the ground to plant the corn. We couldn't get a price for anything about the middle of the war. I was about 18 years old then. I was called pretty wild. Uncle Lawson was killed then. One time when me and my sister were going to the mill we were taken prisoner by Capt. Bill Strong of the Union Army. He had the Home Guards. They killed a lot of people around here then. Captain Bill was afraid we would tell we had seen something. They kept us about two days and one night. Before they took us prisoner, they shot at us. Jack Fugate told me he was trying to shoot as many men as lie could, trying to kill two at a time. He shot me through the wrist, see the scar? Now when people get to fighting, I tell them the law is alright; if you don't bother the law, it won't bother you. We raised flax and cotton, and the women made all the clothing. The women did the field work, too. The men did the hunting for the meat and to get leather for coats and boots. As a boy, I killed all the squirrels we needed, for a meal, with small stones and rocks. All kinds of wild animals were plentiful then, plenty of wild turkey and lots of pigeons, so many they'd darken the sun at times. They all left all at once, don't know where they went; some people said they went across the sea.

Yes, we'd salt wells, one on Lost Creek. I made salt, myself, during the Civil War. We would pump the saltwater by hand, then we'd put it into the big salt kettles and boil it about two days and a night. When it boiled down, we'd have salt. The neighbors came a long way to get the salt. During the war we just made enough. for our own use because we couldn't get a price for anything.

I lived at Leatherwood. I had about 600 acres of good timber and some coal veins, till I had to give it up. I went over near Hazel Green in Wolfe Co. and lived there 10 years. I owned timber there, white pine, spruce, and sweet gum. Another man set a mill on my place and we sawed all I didn't want to float down the river. Buck Creek was a line on my place. We cut logs and floated them down the creek to the Red River and then on to market.

Father owned only about 600 acres, about two miles above the mouth of Leatherwood. It had fine timber on it, white oak, chestnut oak, and yellow poplar. It had five veins of coal. Jake got into trouble and Father sold it.

The Akemans, my mother's people, lived on one side of the Kentucky River, and Allen Moore's family lived across the river. This was up at Barwick. Mr. Josiah Akeman lived on the James Moore property. James was a son of Allen Moore and the father of Mrs. Dora Noble, County Court Clerk. Her husband was Mr. Elijah Noble, mentioned earlier. His father, Granville Pearl Noble, lived with them in Jackson.

My father had a two-story log house. We climbed a ladder up to the attic. I remember the first Indian I ever saw. At home they had scared us children with tales of what the Indians would do to us. There were two full-blooded Cherokee, Jackson and Polly Porter, who lived at the mouth of Troublesome. She was the woman doctor (midwife). They were friendly. Later they moved to Lost Creek. They had two boys, Dave and John Jackson Porter, and two girls, Marg and June. One day John Jackson Porter came to our house when I was just a little fellow. I climbed into the attic and looked down the hole I had climbed through. My mother had him come into the house to sit by the fireplace and get warm. I stuck my head out so far that I lost my balance and fell into the Indian's lap. He grabbed me and I was so scared that I caught my hands in his long black hair and pulled his head back so far it nearly broke his neck, or so the Indian said. I thought I had to fight him first or he'd fight me, but he finally loosened my hold. He married a white woman, a Miss Couch. Dave married a Negro. Some of their younger generation are around here in Jackson now.”

Nathan Noble/The Man

Written By Barb Graham

The name Nathan Noble has become very familiar to all of us in our

research. I would like to look beyond the name and see if we can find the

man who was ancestor to us all. The first thing we know of him he led a large party out of Virginia through the rugged, dangerous mountains of southeastern Kentucky to settle in what we now know as Breathitt and Perry Counties.

This would have been a rather large party to have been traveling through

the mountains on foot and horseback .We have found written records that Nathan's brothers and sisters, and also the brothers of his wife Virginia Neace were in the group. Jeremiah Noble, grandson of Nathan and Virginia in an interview with Rev. John J. Dickey, which is now part of The Dickey Diaries Collection, talks of Nathan, Enoch and William, he also mentions brothers of Virginia, Jacob, Austin and Henry Neace.

Jeremiah also names four Fugate brothers, Jonathan, Eli, Levi and Zachariah, he says they "came about the same time", so we don't know if they were actually part of the Noble group.

Also in an interview done in 1939, written by Margaret F. Bishop, who was doing a history of Breathitt Co., Granville Pearl Noble, son of Henry Noble and grandson of Nathan and Virginia gives us more information. He names another brother to Nathan, John Noble, who traveled on to Alabama from Kentucky. Granville tells us Nathan and his party brought with them, mules, horses, guns and dogs.

If anyone has not read this interview with Granville Pearl Noble, you should definitely do so. At the time of the interview he was 92 yrs old and gives us a wonderful picture of how the families lived during his early life (pre and post civil war).

We have not found any information to indicate the party of travelers met with any disasters. The journey, although probably quite difficult was made safely.

From this first record we can see Nathan Noble our ancestor as a strong leader, dependable, resourceful and determined.

Next we find Nathan and William on the 1811 Tax list for Clay Co Ky., (Breathitt Co. was formed in 1839 from parts of Clay, Estill and Perry Co's). So we now know our Nathan was a very hard working man to have acquired land by 1811, also a law abiding citizen who paid his taxes.

Our next written record of Nathan comes from the Perry County Court Order, Book A, the June term of 1822.Here we find Nathan Noble, along with John Haddix and Henley Haddix, appointed by the court to lay out a roadway. The page is torn so we cannot get the information on where the roadway was. We see Nathan Noble here as a valuable, trusted member of the community being entrusted by the court with civic duties.

The next written record of Nathan also comes from the Rev. John J. Dickey Diaries part 3, Rev. Dickey writes of a Rev, Carlisle Babbitt, a circuit rider who once reproved Nathan for cooking on Sunday. On the reverend's next visit, Nathan served him cold bread. Rev. Babbitt asked for some of the warm bread Nathan had cooked for himself but he did not get it. Here we see in Nathan a man who believes in God, unselfish (feeding the travelers) and in the cold bread I see a great wit and sense of humor.

We can trace Nathan and his family on census records, 1830 Clay Co Ky., 1840 Breathitt Co K., 1850, Breathitt Co Ky., to his death in 1858. These records show Nathan and Virginia with many children and grandchildren and most of them stayed in a very close area for many years. This shows Nathan to be a family man, someone his children and grandchildren wanted to be close to, admired and respected.

We have looked at all the factual knowledge we have of Nathan Noble so let's add it all up and see what we have. Here are the words that came to mind and were used in describing him, strong leader, dependable, resourceful, determined, hard working, law-abiding, valuable, trusted, believer in God, unselfish, great wit, sense of humor, family man, admired, respected.

What a wonderful person our Nathan Noble must have been. Wouldn't you love to have known him!

NATHAN NOBLE/THE MAN Written By Barb Graham Sept.11, 2005 Reprinted with permission.


The Earliest we know of in this line is:

Stephen Millier, Sr. born about 1753. Stephen married Mary Bishop born about 1754. They had the following children:

Martin Miller

Sam Miller

Stephen Crockett Miller, Jr.

William Joseph Miller, Sr., born 1773 in North Carolina, and died about 1840 in Breathitt Co., KY.

William Joseph Miller, Sr. married 1st, Elizabeth Cockerell who died about 1821. They had the following children:

William Joseph Miller, Jr.

Andrew Miller born 1799 in Virginia

Sarah Francis “Franky” Miller, born about 1840 in Clay County, KY.

Sam Miller born 1810, Perry County, KY.

Lettie Miller born 1811, Clay County, KY and died 1820 Cockerell’s Fork, KY. She married William “Billy” Noble, son of Nathan Noble.

John B. Miller born about 1815.

Hannah Miller born about 1820.

William Joseph Miller, Sr. married 2nd Mary Polly Campbell, born 1780 in North Carolina. She was the sister of the early settlers, Caleb and Lewis Campbell.

Francis Miller, a son, is the only child I know of to William and Mary Polly.

At this point the Miller line merges with the Campbell line as “Franky” Miller married Caleb Campbell. See “The Campbell Line”.

***** NOTES *****


The first in this line is Moses Cockerell. Not much is known about him. Moses was the father of Elizabeth Cockerell who married William Joseph Miller, Jr. See “The Miller Line” above.

There are several linear lines from Elizabeth to my wife, Lena Campbell Robinson.

Direct Descendants of Elizabeth Cockrell

1 Elizabeth Cockrell d: Abt. 1821

.. +William Joseph Miller, Sr. b: 1773 in NC

.. 2 Sarah Frances Frankie Miller

……..+Caleb Campbell b: 1803 in Clay Co., Ky

....... 3 Lewis Lute Campbell b: 08 Feb 1825 in Kentucky

........... +Rachel Allen b: 1828 in Rowdy, Perry, KY

............ 4 [5] Franky Grannie Franks Campbell b: 1863 in Perry County, KY

................ +[4] Hiram Napier b: 12 Jul 1857 in Perry County, Kentucky

................. 5 [6] Laura Belle Napier b: 12 Jul 1885 in Stacy, Perry County, KY

..................... +[7] Samuel Shag Campbell b: Oct 1881 in Stacy, Perry Co., KY

..................... 6 [2] William Bill Campbell b: 14 Jan 1915 in Kentucky

......................... +[1] Beatrice Noble b: 19 Apr 1920 in Stacy, Perry Co., KY

.......................... 7 [3] Lena Marie Campbell

............ 4 Emanuel Campbell b: Mar 1871 in Perry Co., KY

................ +Rushia Stacy b: 1871

................. 5 Melda Campbell b: 27 Jun 1900 in Perry Co. KY

..................... +John Dewey Dee Noble b: 24 Dec 1891 in Perry Co., KY

..................... 6 [1] Beatrice Noble b: 19 Apr 1920 in Stacy, Perry Co., KY

......................... +[2] William Bill Campbell b: 14 Jan 1915 in Kentucky

.......................... 7 [3] Lena Marie Campbell b: 10 Jan 1939 in Hindman, Knott Co., KY

....... 3 Mary Campbell b: 1827

........... +James Patrick Napier b: 1823

............ 4 [4] Hiram Napier b: 12 Jul 1857 in Perry County, Kentucky

................ +[5] Franky Grannie Franks Campbell b: 1863 in Perry County, KY R4 N6

................. 5 [6] Laura Belle Napier b: 12 Jul 1885 in Stacy, Perry County, KY

..................... +[7] Samuel Shag Campbell b: Oct 1881 in Stacy, Perry Co., KY

..................... 6 [2] William Bill Campbell b: 14 Jan 1915 in Kentucky

......................... +[1] Beatrice Noble b: 19 Apr 1920 in Stacy, Perry Co., KY

.......................... 7 [3] Lena Marie Campbell b: 10 Jan 1939 in Hindman, Knott Co., KY

....... 3 William James Buck Campbell b: 11 Mar 1829 d: 05 Jun 1918

........... +Mary Polly Allen b: 25 Dec 1832 d: 08 Dec 1910

............ 4 James Campbell b: 03 Oct 1852 in Perry County, KY d: 28 Oct 1931

................ +Rachel Noble b: 10 Oct 1860 in Buckhorn, Breathitt, KY d: 10 May 1936

................. 5 [7] Samuel Shag Campbell b: Oct 1881 in Stacy, Perry Co., KY

..................... +[6] Laura Belle Napier b: 12 Jul 1885 in Stacy, Perry County, KY

..................... 6 [2] William Bill Campbell b: 14 Jan 1915 in Kentucky

......................... +[1] Beatrice Noble b: 19 Apr 1920 in Stacy, Perry Co., KY

.......................... 7 [3] Lena Marie Campbell b: 10 Jan 1939 in Hindman, Knott Co., KY

***** NOTES *****


The Fugate line from which my wife Lena descends is not proven to the degree that some of the other lines are proven. It is fairly reliable back to Martin Fugate and his wife Sarah Clark. But beyond that, I have only recorded what I have found on the internet without substantial documentation.

The earliest Fugate that we find is my wife’s 8th great grandfather, James Fugate and was born in Yarmouth, England and married Em Lambe. They had three sons that we know of, named James, William and Peter Fugate.

Peter Fugate, born about 1650 in France married Frances Mould. Peter Fugate died between 1699 and 1701 in Baltimore County, Maryland. Peter and Frances had six children that we know of named Ann, Francis, John, Martin, Randolph and Josiah Fugate.

Josiah Fugate, born in 1680, died about April 1757 in King George County, Virginia. He married Mary Martin, daughter of John Martin. Mary Martin was born in 1692 and died after 1757. They had one child that we know of named Martin Fugate. born in 1725 in Moccosin Valley, Russell County, Virginia and died in 1803 in Russell County, Virginia.

Martin Fugate was born in 1725 in Moccosin Valley, Russell County, Virginia and died in 1803 in Russell County, Virginia. Martin Fugate married Sarah Clark, born in 1726 in Russell County, Virginia. Martin and Sarah were married in 1751 in Virginia. They had seven children that we find named Colbert, Francis, Henley, Nancy Ann, William, Zachariah, and Benjamin Fugate.

Benjamin Fugate was born in 1750 in Frederick County Virginia and died in 1837 at Troublesome Creek, Pigeon Roost, Perry County, Kentucky. He married Hannah Devers who was born in 1753 in Virginia and died in 1853 in Breathitt County, Kentucky. Hannah’s parents might have been Charles and Jane Devers but this is not proven. Benjamin and Hannah had nine children that we find and they are:

Martin Fugate, born 1783, Russell Co., VA, died 1838, Breathitt Co., KY

Andrew Fugate, born 1784

Charles D. Fugate, born 1785

Zachariah Fugate, born 1785, Russell Co., VA, died 1825, Perry Co., KY

Franky Fugate, born 1789

Henley Fugate Sr., born 1798, VA, died about 1875

Katherine Fugate, born 1793, VA, died 12 October 1855, Troublesome Creek, Breathitt Co., KY

Flint Fugate, born 1795, VA, died 6 August 1863, Breathitt Co., KY

Hanna Fugate, born 1810, died after 1880.

Henley Fugate, Sr. 1798-c1875 married first, Tabitha McIntosh who was born in 1792. They had the following 8 children:

Delilah Fugate

Samuel Fugate born 1818

William Fugate born 1824

Henley Fugate, Jr. born 1826 died 1882, Perry Co., KY

John Duckham Fugate born 1826

Mariah Fugate born 1827

Zachariah Fugate born 1828

Katie Fugate born 1832

Katie Fugate, born 1832 married Austin Neace, son of Jacob Neace and Polly Francis. They had:

Austin Neace, born 03 Jun 1829, died 26 Oct 1919

Jacob Rale Neace

Henry Neace

Nancy Neace

Polly Neace

Delilah Neace

Henley Fugate, Sr. also married second Matilda Stamper, daughter of Lewis Stamper and had 13 children named Joe, Pricie, Abt. 1835, KY, d. Bet. 1860 – 1863; Fanny, Abt. 1836; Lewis, 15 Apr 1837; Alfred, Abt. 1840; Daniel, 1842; Susan, Jun 1843; Mary Polly, abt. 1844, Haddix, KY; Benjamin Franklin, Abt. 1847 Sarah Sally, Abt. 1852; Margaret Peggy, 02 Sep 1855; Martin, 04 Jun 1857; and Shadrack W. Fugate Sr., Abt. 1860. These are not in my wife’s direct line.

Mariah Fugate, born 1827 married Jacob Neace born 1816. He was the son of Austin Neace 03 Jun 1829-26 Oct 1919, and Katie Fugate born 1832. Jacob and Mariah had 9 children:

Green Neace born 5 August 1870, KY, died 2 September 1922 at Ned, Lost Creek, KY.

Isabelle Neace born about 1849

Nellie Neace born about 1850

Malinda Neace born 1854

Tabitha Neace born 29 Jan 1856

Nathaniel Neace born 1859

Catherine Katie Neace born 1860

Polly Ann Neace born 28 August 1868, died 10 October 1939, KY

Matilda Neace born 1871 Perry Co., KY died 10 August 1918, Stacy (Rowdy), Perry Co., KY

As you can see from above, there are two descending routes from Henley Fugate, Jr. to Matilda Neace who married my wife’s great grandfather, Samuel Noble.

1. Henley Fugate, Jr. had a daughter, Mariah Fugate who married her nephew, Jacob Neace. They were the parents of Matilda Neace, my wife’s great grandmother.

2. Henley Fugate, Jr. also had a daughter, Katie Fugate, who married Austin Neace, the father of the Jacob Neace in paragraph 1 above. Their son Jacob Neace married his aunt, Mariah Fugate, also of paragraph 1 above.

3. So the two routes are:

a. Henley, Mariah, Matilda.

b. Henley, Katie, Jacob, Matilda.

At this point, the Fugate-Neace line merges with the Noble line as documented above in the Noble Line.

Matilda Neace married Samuel Noble 1869-1952. See him in “The Noble Line”.


This line begins with Henry Neace. We don’t know much about him except that he apparently was born and died in Virginia.

Henry Neace married Ann Bush, daughter of James Bush (b. 1756) and Mary Polly Plunkett. James Bush was the son of Philip Bush.

James Bush and Mary Plunkett had four children, Austin, (b. unk.); Drury, (b. 1760); Ann, (b. 1765 and d. Bef. 04 Oct 1825 in Breathitt Co., KY); and Mary, (b. 1765).

Henry Neace and Ann Bush had six children that we know of:

Henry Neace

James Neace

Polly Neace

Austin Neace b. about 1785 – 1790 in Virginia.

Jane Virginia Neace b. 1786, Russell Co., VA, d. 15 Sep 1881 in Breathitt Co., KY, Jenny m. Nathan Noble, see The Noble Line.

Jacob Neace, Sr. b. 1787, married Polly Francis, and had six children that we know of:

Austin Neace, b. 3 June 1829 and d. 26 Oct 1919 married Katie Fugate who was b. in 1832.

Jacob Rale Neace

Henry Neace

Nancy Neace

Polly Neace

Delilah Neace

Austin Neace b. abt 1790 in VA married Malinda Allen b. abt. 1800 in VA or NC. Malinda died about 1879 in Breathitt Co., KY. They had the following children:

Judge Jacob Neace, b. about 1820 and d. before 1900. He married Mariah Fugate b. abt. 1830, daughter of Henley Fugate and Tabitha McIntosh.

Samuel Neace b. 1824 married Nancy Fugate b. 1822 daughter of Eli Flint Fugate and Mary Sarah Noble.

Joshua Neace b. abt 1827

Rachel Neace b. abt 1828 married William Fugate.

Ann Neace. B. abt. 1832

Judge Jacob Neace and Mariah Fugate had nine children:

Isabelle Neace abt. 1849 married Granville Pearl Noble, son of Henry Noble and Isabelle Ibby Aikman.

Nellie Neace abt. 1850 married Mason Miller, son of Andrew Miller and Martha Patsy Noble.

Malinda Neace 1854 married Jeremiah Noble, son of James B Noble and Mary Polly Turner.

Tabitha Neace b 29 Jan. 1856 married Lawson Noble, son of John L. Jackson Noble and Elizabeth Davidson.

Nathaniel McCracken Neace b. 1859 married Armina Noble, daughter of John L. Jackson Noble and Elizabeth Davidson.

Catherine Katie Neace b. March 1860 married John Noble, son of Clayborn Noble and Nancy Allen.

Polly Ann Neace b. 28 August 1868 married Andrew Noble, son of Clayborn Noble and Nancy Allen. Polly died 10 October 1939.

Green Neace b. 5 August 1870 married Orpha Noble, daughter of George Washington Noble (the author) and Arrena Noble daughter of James B. Noble and Mary Polly Turner. Green died 2 September 1922 and Orpha was born 5 June 1873 and died 18 March 1954.

Matilda Neace b. 1871 married Samuel Jackson Noble, son of Clayborn Noble and Nancy Allen on 28 August 1879 in Perry Co., KY. Matilda died 10 August 1918 in Stacy (Rowdy), KY and Sam was born 25 July 1869 and died 6 January 1952. Both are buried in the Sam Noble cemetery in Rowdy, Perry Co., KY.

See Samuel Jackson Noble in “The Noble Line” for continuation of this line.


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