Francis Marion University

Name: _____________________________ (Don’t forget to put your name!)

KIDNEY CASE STUDY #2 (Human Physiology Lab, Biol 236L)

(Assigned Tue March 31st . DUE completed and emailed back by Fri April 10th by 5pm)

In your email subject line, put Bio 406 kidney case study. I will be getting a lot of emails soon, and need to be able to keep them organized.

You can complete this is Word (or google docs). You can use as much space as needed (or as little) to answer the questions. The blanks I’ve provided are just guidelines. Please use complete sentences, and watch spelling and grammar. If you have questions, email me. I expect you to use Google to look these answers up, but please use reputable sources.

Janice, a 46 year old school teacher, has experienced chronic high blood pressure (hypertension) for the past year. She has been prescribed an ACE inhibitor, Enalapril, to treat her hypertension. Using the lab handout for the kidney lab, and also Google (if needed), to answer the following questions:

1. Which part of the loop of Henle is permeable to water, but not salt (NaCl)? _________________________

2. Which part of the loop of Henle is permeable to salt (NaCl), but not water? _____________________________

3. What is obligatory water loss (both definition, and the actual volume)? ___________________________________


4. Which tubule of the nephron is responsive to ADH? ____________________________________

5. Which tubule of the nephron is responsive to Aldosterone? ________________________________

6. What effect does the hormone aldosterone have on salt and water retention within the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) of the nephron? _____________________________________________________________________________

7. What effect does the hormone aldosterone have on urine output? ___________________________________

8. What effect does the hormone aldosterone have on your blood volume and blood pressure? __________________


9. What hormone does the juxtaglomerular apparatus secrete when it senses that arterial blood pressure, in the renal artery, is too low (below 80 mmHg)? _____________________________

10. What does ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) in the lungs do to angiotensin 1? _____________________


11. What effect does angiotensin 2 have on the adrenal cortex? __________________________________________


12. What effect does the pharmaceutical drug EnalaprilI have on angiotensin 2 production?


13. What effect does EnalaprilI have on aldosterone production by the adrenal cortex?


14. What effect does the pharmaceutical drug Enalapril have on salt, and water, retention by the kidney’s distal convoluted tubules (DCT)?


15. What effect does the pharmaceutical drug Enalapril have on blood volume and blood pressure, and why was this prescription a good choice for Janice’s hypertension?




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