THz IG Nov 2009 Minutes

IEEE P802.15

Wireless Personal Area Networks

|Project |IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) |

|Title |THz IG March 2011 Minutes |

|Date Submitted |17 March, 2011 |

|Source |Thomas Kürner |Voice: +495313912416 |

| |Technische Universität Braunschweig Institut für |Fax: +495313915192 |

| |Nachrichtentechnik |E-mail: |

| |Schleinitzstr. 22 | |

| |D-38092 Braunschweig | |

|Re: | |

|Abstract |Meeting notes on the 802.15 IG THz March 2011 Plenary meeting |

|Purpose |Meeting Minutes |

|Notice |This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding |

| |on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and |

| |content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.|

|Release |The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly |

| |available by P802.15. |

Minutes of the March 2011 THz IG

Meeting was called to order at 8am March 17th. The patents statement was read and no patent contributions were discussed. The November 2010 meeting notes were approved.

Call for contributions/Changes of the agenda or for any other business, no discussions followed.

Katsuhiro Aijto (NTT Corp.) was appointed as Secretary of the IG THz by the IG THz Chair. The group had no objections to this choice. The chairman welcomed Katsuhiro Aijto in this position.

Three contributions were presented:

Contribution #1 Javier Mateos, University of Salamance (Spain), “Room temperature THz sources and detectors with semiconductor nanodevices”, the ROOTHz project; (Document 15-11-0241-00-0thz)

This contribution gave an overview of the European research project FP7-ROOTHz and addressed the fabrication of room temperature, continuous wave, compact, tunable and powerful THz sources and detectors to (at low cost, if possible) exploiting THz Gunn oscillations in novel (narrow and wide bandgap) semiconductor nanodevices.

Contribution #2 Sebastian Priebe, TU Braunschweig (Germany), “Diffuse Rough Surface Scattering Analysis for THz Communication Systems; (Document 15-11-0146-00-0thz)

This contribution discussed the polarization-dependent impact of scattering on 300 GHz propagation channels in an indoor scenario.

Contribution #3 Sebastian Priebe, TU Braunschweig (Germany), “Spatial and Temporal Dispersion in THz Indoor Propagation Channels”; (Document 15-11-0180-00-0thz)

Angular Spread and RMS delay spread have been investigated in an office scenario employing ray tracing simulations. Based on the results, estimates of maximum symbol rates achievable without intersymbol interference are given

The three presentations were followed by a discussion on the WRC 2012 preparations:

- Hiroyo Ogawa (ARIB) made a short statement about the outcome of the Conference Preparatory Meeting for WRC 2012 with the focus on AI 1.6 and AI8.2 both relevant for THz communications. For the July 2011 Plenary Meeting Thomas Kürner will compile an input document on the status of the preparation of AI 1.6 and AI 8.2.

- David Britz announced that his company together with partners plans to concept and set-up a demonstration system for interference measurements in the THz range with the Earth Exploration Service. David Britz asked for a strawpoll in supporting this idea of interference investigations by the IG THz. The strawpoll was passed with 9 YES, 0 NO and 1 ABSTAIN votes.

The meeting was adjourned at 11.46 am.


Thomas Kürner, TU Braunschweig

David Britz, AT&T

Katsuhiro Aijto, NTT Corp.

Sebastian Priebe, TU Braunschweig

Shoichi Kitazawa, ATR Wave Engineering Labs

Javier Mateos, University of Salamanca

André Bourdoux, IMEC

Hiroyo Ogawa, ARIB

Rick Roberts, Intel

Wor Jin Byun, ETRI

Chio Ngo, Samsung

Michael Chia Y. W., I2R

Leong Siew Weng, I2R


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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