Angular 6 Course OutlineContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u TypeScript and ECMAScript 6 (ES6) Fundamentals PAGEREF _Toc5121302 \h 10 features of ES6 PAGEREF _Toc5121303 \h 42.ES6 Classes PAGEREF _Toc5121304 \h 43.ESModules. PAGEREF _Toc5121305 \h 44.Arrow Functions. PAGEREF _Toc5121306 \h 45.Template Litrals. PAGEREF _Toc5121307 \h 46.Scoping Using let,const and var Keywords PAGEREF _Toc5121308 \h 47.Spread Syntax and Rest Parameters. PAGEREF _Toc5121309 \h 48.De-structuring PAGEREF _Toc5121310 \h 59.Static Type Annotations PAGEREF _Toc5121311 \h 510.Decorators PAGEREF _Toc5121312 \h 5Overview PAGEREF _Toc5121313 \h 51. Benefits of Building using Angular: PAGEREF _Toc5121314 \h 52. Understanding Angular Versions: PAGEREF _Toc5121315 \h 53. Single-page Web Application Architectures vs. Traditional Server-side Web Application Architectures: PAGEREF _Toc5121316 \h 54. Angular Style Guide : PAGEREF _Toc5121317 \h 55. Angular Architecture: PAGEREF _Toc5121318 \h 66. What's New in Angular 6: PAGEREF _Toc5121319 \h 67. Upgrading to Angular 6 from earlier versions of Angular: PAGEREF _Toc5121320 \h 61. Installing Dependencies in angular PAGEREF _Toc5121321 \h 62. Using npm as a Build Tool PAGEREF _Toc5121322 \h 63. Understanding package.json and package-lock.json PAGEREF _Toc5121323 \h 6Angular Basics PAGEREF _Toc5121324 \h ponents PAGEREF _Toc5121325 \h 62. Templates: Inline, Multi-line, External with Component-relative Paths PAGEREF _Toc5121326 \h 73. Angular Modules vs. ES Modules PAGEREF _Toc5121327 \h 7Angular CLI PAGEREF _Toc5121328 \h 71.Creating a New Project PAGEREF _Toc5121329 \h 72.Generating Modules, Components, Models, and Services PAGEREF _Toc5121330 \h 73.Customizing the CLI to include CSS Preprocessors (SASS) and other UI libraries: Bootstrap, Material, or Clarity PAGEREF _Toc5121331 \h add, ng update etc., PAGEREF _Toc5121332 \h 7Components PAGEREF _Toc5121333 \h 81. Component lifecycle hooks PAGEREF _Toc5121334 \h 82. Component Communication using @Input, @Output PAGEREF _Toc5121335 \h 83. Component styles PAGEREF _Toc5121336 \h 84. Reactive forms PAGEREF _Toc5121337 \h 8Data Binding PAGEREF _Toc5121338 \h 81. Interpolation PAGEREF _Toc5121339 \h 82. Property binding PAGEREF _Toc5121340 \h 83. Event binding PAGEREF _Toc5121341 \h 84. Two-way data binding PAGEREF _Toc5121342 \h 9Directives PAGEREF _Toc5121343 \h 91. ngFor PAGEREF _Toc5121344 \h 92. ngIf PAGEREF _Toc5121345 \h 93. ngSwitch PAGEREF _Toc5121346 \h 94. ngClass PAGEREF _Toc5121347 \h 95. ngStyle PAGEREF _Toc5121348 \h 9Services & Dependency Injection PAGEREF _Toc5121349 \h 91.Understanding Dependency Injection PAGEREF _Toc5121350 \h 92.Angular’s Dependency Injection System PAGEREF _Toc5121351 \h 103.Registering PAGEREF _Toc5121352 \h 104.Injecting PAGEREF _Toc5121353 \h 105.Hierarchical Injection PAGEREF _Toc5121354 \h 106.Providers PAGEREF _Toc5121355 \h 107.Using the @Optional and @Host Decorators PAGEREF _Toc5121356 \h 108.Using a service to access data PAGEREF _Toc5121357 \h 109.Using a service to encapsulate business logic PAGEREF _Toc5121358 \h 1110.Understanding the scope of services PAGEREF _Toc5121359 \h 11Router PAGEREF _Toc5121360 \h 111.Importing the RouterModule and Routes PAGEREF _Toc5121361 \h 112.Configuring Routes PAGEREF _Toc5121362 \h 113.Displaying Components using a RouterOutlet PAGEREF _Toc5121363 \h 114. Navigating declaratively with RouterLink PAGEREF _Toc5121364 \h 115. Navigating with code using the Router PAGEREF _Toc5121365 \h 116. Accessing parameters using ActivatedRoute PAGEREF _Toc5121366 \h 127.Nested or child routes PAGEREF _Toc5121367 \h 121. Preventing Cross-site Scripting (XSS) PAGEREF _Toc5121368 \h 122. HTTP Attacks (CSRF and CSSI) PAGEREF _Toc5121369 \h 123.Authorization: Router Guards PAGEREF _Toc5121370 \h 12RxJS and Observables PAGEREF _Toc5121371 \h 121. What is an Observable? PAGEREF _Toc5121372 \h 122. How to create Observable? PAGEREF _Toc5121373 \h 133. What is an Observer? PAGEREF _Toc5121374 \h 134. Observer Example PAGEREF _Toc5121375 \h 131.EventEmitter or Observable PAGEREF _Toc5121376 \h 136. Subject and BehaviourSubject PAGEREF _Toc5121377 \h 13Template-driven Forms PAGEREF _Toc5121378 \h 131.NgSubmit Directive PAGEREF _Toc5121379 \h 132.FormsModule PAGEREF _Toc5121380 \h 133.NgForm, NgModel Directives PAGEREF _Toc5121381 \h 134.Validation Directives PAGEREF _Toc5121382 \h 14Model-driven Forms (Reactive Forms) PAGEREF _Toc5121383 \h 141. Importing the ReactiveFormsModule PAGEREF _Toc5121384 \h 142. FormControl, FormGroup, and AbstractControl PAGEREF _Toc5121385 \h 143. Binding DOM Elements to FormGroups and FormControls PAGEREF _Toc5121386 \h 145.Validation Rules, Messages, and Styles PAGEREF _Toc5121387 \h 146.Refactoring ReactiveForms for Reuse PAGEREF _Toc5121388 \h 147.Custom Validators PAGEREF _Toc5121389 \h 141. Built-in Pipes: Using, Passing Parameters, Chaining PAGEREF _Toc5121390 \h 152. Creating a custom Pipe using PipeTransform PAGEREF _Toc5121391 \h 153. Understanding Pure and Impure Pipes PAGEREF _Toc5121392 \h 15? PAGEREF _Toc5121393 \h 15Communicating with the Server using the HttpClient Service PAGEREF _Toc5121394 \h 151. Deciding between Promises or Observables PAGEREF _Toc5121395 \h 152. Making an HTTP GET Request PAGEREF _Toc5121396 \h 153. Sending data to the server using Http POST and PUT Requests PAGEREF _Toc5121397 \h 154.Issuing an Http DELETE Request PAGEREF _Toc5121398 \h 165.Intercepting Requests and Responses PAGEREF _Toc5121399 \h 16Unit Testing PAGEREF _Toc5121400 \h 161.Tools: Jasmine, Karma PAGEREF _Toc5121401 \h 162.Jasmine Syntax: describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach, matchers PAGEREF _Toc5121402 \h 163. Setup and your First Test PAGEREF _Toc5121403 \h 164.? Simple Component Test PAGEREF _Toc5121404 \h 161. Ivy renderer PAGEREF _Toc5121405 \h 172. Angular Material + CDK Components PAGEREF _Toc5121406 \h 173. CLI Workspaces PAGEREF _Toc5121407 \h 174. Tree Shakable Providers PAGEREF _Toc5121408 \h 175. Animations Performance Improvements PAGEREF _Toc5121409 \h 176. NgRx CRUD operations PAGEREF _Toc5121410 \h 187. NgRx State management PAGEREF _Toc5121411 \h 188. NgRx reduce number of api calls PAGEREF _Toc5121412 \h 189. Nx(NRWL)Lazy Loading PAGEREF _Toc5121413 \h 1810. Angular Elements PAGEREF _Toc5121414 \h 1811. Mutable and immutable objects (OnPush strategy) PAGEREF _Toc5121415 \h 18TypeScript and ECMAScript 6 (ES6) Fundamentals Top 10 features of ES6 Classes Functions. Litrals. Using let,const and var Keywords Syntax and Rest Parameters. De-structuring Type Annotations 1. Benefits of Building using Angular: ?. Understanding Angular Versions:. Single-page Web Application Architectures vs. Traditional Server-side Web Application Architectures:. Angular Style Guide : . Angular Architecture:. What's New in Angular 6:. Upgrading to Angular 6 from earlier versions of Angular: ? Blogs 1. Installing Dependencies in angular? HYPERLINK ""? ? ? Courses ? Getting Started with Angular 2. Using npm as a Build Tool?? HYPERLINK "" ?? HYPERLINK "" ? Tutorials 3. Understanding package.json and package-lock.json Basics Components 2. Templates: Inline, Multi-line, External with Component-relative Paths. Angular Modules vs. ES Modules CLI Creating a New Project Modules, Components, Models, and Services the CLI to include CSS Preprocessors (SASS) and other UI libraries: Bootstrap, Material, or Clarity add, ng update etc., 1. Component lifecycle hooks 2. Component Communication using @Input, @Output 3. Component styles 4. Reactive forms Binding 1. Interpolation. Property binding. Event binding. Two-way data binding 1. ngFor 2. ngIf 3. ngSwitch. ngClass 5. ngStyle & Dependency Injection Understanding Dependency Injection’s Dependency Injection System Injection the @Optional and @Host Decorators a service to access data a service to encapsulate business logic the scope of services 1.Importing the RouterModule and Routes Routes Components using a RouterOutlet. Navigating declaratively with RouterLink. Navigating with code using the Router. Accessing parameters using ActivatedRoute or child routes 1. Preventing Cross-site Scripting (XSS). HTTP Attacks (CSRF and CSSI): Router Guards and Observables 1. What is an Observable?. How to create Observable?. What is an Observer?. Observer Example or Observable. Subject and BehaviourSubject Forms NgSubmit Directive, NgModel Directives Directives Forms (Reactive Forms) 1. Importing the ReactiveFormsModule. FormControl, FormGroup, and AbstractControl. Binding DOM Elements to FormGroups and FormControls Rules, Messages, and Styles ReactiveForms for Reuse Validators 1. Built-in Pipes: Using, Passing Parameters, Chaining??? HYPERLINK "" ??? HYPERLINK "" ??? HYPERLINK "" ? Angular 2. Creating a custom Pipe using PipeTransform??? HYPERLINK "" "" "" 3. Understanding Pure and Impure Pipes?HYPERLINK "" ? ... ? When to use pure and impure Pipes with the Server using the HttpClient Service 1. Deciding between Promises or Observables?? HYPERLINK "" ??. Making an HTTP GET Request . Sending data to the server using Http POST and PUT Requests? HYPERLINK "" "" an Http DELETE Request? ? HYPERLINK ""? HYPERLINK "" Requests and Responses? ? HYPERLINK "" ? Mozilla ? Add-ons ? Browser Extensions? ? Home ? LinuxUnit Testing 1.Tools: Jasmine, Karma Syntax: describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach, matchers. Setup and your First Test.? Simple Component Test concepts: 1. Ivy renderer 2. Angular Material + CDK Components 3. CLI Workspaces 4. Tree Shakable Providers 5. Animations Performance Improvements 6. NgRx CRUD operations 7. NgRx State management 8. NgRx reduce number of api calls 9. Nx(NRWL)Lazy Loading 10. Angular Elements 11. Mutable and immutable objects (OnPush strategy) ................

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