The Exchange Network - Sharing information for a cleaner ...

Exchange Network

Shared Schema Components:

Technical Reference

Version 2.0


Revision Date: May 16, 2006

Core Reference Model Workgroup

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2

Document Purpose 4

1 SC_Accreditation_v1.0.xsd 5

2 SC_Affiliation_v1.0.xsd 6

3 SC_AgencyIdentity_v1.0.xsd 8

4 SC_AgencyType_v1.0.xsd 10

5 SC_ApplicableEnvironmentalCitation_v2.0.xsd 12

6 SC_BiologicalSubstanceIdentity_v2.0.xsd 13

7 SC_ChemicalSubstanceIdentity_v2.0.xsd 20

8 SC_ComplianceMilestones_v2.0.xsd 25

9 SC_ComplianceMilestoneType_v2.0.xsd 28

10 SC_ComplianceSchedule_v2.0.xsd 30

11 SC_ControlMethodology_v2.0.xsd 32

12 SC_CoordinateDataSource_v2.0.xsd 33

13 SC_CountryIdentity_v2.0.xsd 35

14 SC_CountyIdentity_v2.0.xsd 37

15 SC_ElectronicAddress_v2.0.xsd 39

16 SC_EnforcementActionIdentity_v2.0.xsd 40

17 SC_EnforcementActionInjunctiveRelief_v2.0.xsd 42

18 SC_EnforcementDescription_v2.0.xsd 44

19 SC_FacilityManagementType_v2.0.xsd 47

20 SC_FacilityNAICS_v2.0.xsd 48

21 SC_FacilitySIC_v2.0.xsd 49

22 SC_FacilitySiteIdentity_v2.0.xsd 50

23 SC_FacilitySiteType_v2.0.xsd 52

24 SC_FormIdentity_v2.0.xsd 53

25 SC_FormInstruction_v2.0.xsd 55

26 SC_GeographicLocationDescription_v2.0.xsd 56

27 SC_GeographicReferenceDatum_v2.0.xsd 59

28 SC_GeographicReferencePoint_v2.0.xsd 60

29 SC_GeometricType_v2.0.xsd 61

30 SC_IndividualIdentity_v2.0.xsd 62

31 SC_LaboratoryIdentity_v2.0.xsd 64

32 SC_LocationAddress_v2.0.xsd 66

33 SC_MailingAddress_v2.0.xsd 68

34 SC_Measure_v2.0.xsd 70

35 SC_MeasureUnit_v2.0.xsd 71

36 SC_MonitoringCondition_v2.0.xsd 72

37 SC_MonitoringLocationIdentity_v2.0.xsd 73

38 SC_NAICSIdentity_v2.0.xsd 75

39 SC_OrganizationIdentity_v2.0.xsd 77

40 SC_PenaltyIdentity_v2.0.xsd 78

41 SC_PermitAdministration_v2.0.xsd 81

42 SC_PermitEvent_v2.0.xsd 83

43 SC_PermitIdentity_v2.0.xsd 84

44 SC_PermitLimitCondition_v2.0.xsd 86

45 SC_PermittedFeature_v2.0.xsd 88

46 SC_PermitType_v2.0.xsd 90

47 SC_ReferenceMethod_v2.0.xsd 91

48 SC_ReportIdentity_v2.0.xsd 93

49 SC_ReportingCondition_v2.0.xsd 96

50 SC_ReportType_v2.0.xsd 98

51 SC_ResultQualifier_v2.0.xsd 99

52 SC_SICIdentity_v2.0.xsd 100

53 SC_StateIdentity_v2.0.xsd 102

54 SC_SubstanceIdentity_v2.0.xsd 103

55 SC_Telephonic_v2.0.xsd 104

56 SC_TribalIdentity_v2.0.xsd 105

57 SC_ViolationIdentity_v2.0.xsd 106

58 SC_ViolationType_v2.0.xsd 108

Document Purpose

This document provides a technical representation of the Shared Schema Components (SSC). For each SSC, the elements that are referenced and their details (namespace, type, attributes, facet restrictions, and annotations) are provided.

A companion document to this Technical Reference is the Exchange Network Shared Schema Components: Usage Guide, which provides an introduction to the SSCs and guidance to environmental program managers and schema developers on how to incorporate the SSCs into their data flow schemas.

|Version |File Name / Date |Description |

|1.0 |SchemaSchemaComponents-TechnicalReference.pdf |Labeled Last Call Working Draft, published on Exchange |

| |September 29, 2004 |Network website |

|1.1 |SchemaSchemaComponents-TechnicalReference _v1.1.doc |Updates by enfoTech for version 1.1 of the Shared Schema|

| |April 11, 2005 |Components, never published to the Exchange Network |

| | |website |

|2.0 |SchemaSchemaComponents-TechnicalReference _v2.0.doc |Revisions by Ross & Associates for version 2.0 of the |

| |May 16, 2006 |Shared Schema Components – incorporates no additional |

| | |changes in data standards, but aligns the SSCs with |

| | |“Guidance on Namespace Organization, Naming, and Schema |

| | |File Location v1.11” |


element Accreditation

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |AccreditationDataType |

|children |AccreditationAuthorityIdentifier AccreditationNumber |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Information regarding the accreditation of a facility, laboratory or organization |

| | |

element AccreditationAuthorityIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |AccreditationAuthorityIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |AccreditationAuthorityIdentifierContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator used to uniquely identify an accreditation authority. |

| | |

element AccreditationNumber

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |AccreditationNumberDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The identifier from the accreditation authority for the laboratory, individual, or facility. |

| | |


element Affiliation

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |AffiliationDataType |

|children |AffiliationTypeText AffiliationStartDate AffiliationEndDate AffiliationStatusText AffiliationStatusDetermineDate |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The relationship between an individual or organization and a facility, project, or actions. |

| | |

element AffiliationTypeText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |AffiliationTypeTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name that describes the capacity or function that an organization or individual serves; or the relationship between an individual |

| |or organization and a project or action. |

| | |

element AffiliationStartDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |AffiliationStartDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The date on which the affiliation between the organization or individual and the facility, project, or action began. |

| | |

element AffiliationEndDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |AffiliationEndDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The date on which the affiliation between the organization or individual and the facility, project, or action ended. |

| | |

element AffiliationStatusText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |AffiliationStatusTextDataType |

|facets |enumeration |

| |A |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| |I |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The status of an affiliation between an individual or organization and a facility, project, or action. |

| | |

element AffiliationStatusDetermineDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |AffiliationStatusDetermineDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The date on which the status of an affiliation between an individual or organization and a facility, project, or action is determined.|

| | |


element AgencyIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |AgencyIdentityDataType |

|children |AgencyCode AgencyCodeListIdentifier AgencyName AgencyType FacilityManagementType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator and associated metadata used to identify a federal, state, or local agency. |

| | |

element AgencyCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |AgencyCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents a federal, state, or local agency. |

| | |

element AgencyCodeListIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |AgencyCodeListIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionAgencyIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator specifying the code set used to provide an agency code. Can be used to identify the URL of a source that defines the set |

| |of currently approved permitted values. |

| | |

element AgencyName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |AgencyNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A description of the agency code. |

| | |

element AgencyType

Refer to section 4.

element FacilityManagementType

Refer to section 19.


element AgencyType

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |AgencyTypeDataType |

|children |AgencyTypeCode AgencyTypeCodeListIdentifier AgencyTypeName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator and associated metadata used to identify the type of federal, state, or local agency. |

| | |

element AgencyTypeCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |AgencyTypeCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents a type of federal, state, or local agency. |

| | |

element AgencyTypeCodeListIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |AgencyTypeCodeListIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionAgencyIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator specifying the code set used to provide an agency type code. Can be used to identify the URL of a source that defines the|

| |set of currently approved permitted values. |

| | |

element AgencyTypeName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |AgencyTypeNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A description of the agency type code. |

| | |


element ApplicableEnvironmentalCitation

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ApplicableEnvironmentalRegulationDataType |

|children |EnvironmentalCitationText EnvironmentalCitationContext EnvironmentalCitationAuthority |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Local, State, or Federal environmental citation, such as 40 CFR. |

| | |

element EnvironmentalCitationText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EnvironmentalCitationTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code or sections of the applicable environmental regulation. |

| | |

element EnvironmentalCitationContext

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EnvironmentalCitationContextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Identifies whether the environmental citation code or section is federal, state, or local. |

| | |

element EnvironmentalCitationAuthority

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EnvironmentalCitationAuthorityDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The authority responsible for enforcing or implementing the code or section. |

| | |


element BiologicalSubstanceIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |BiologicalSubstanceIdentityDataType |

|children |ITISTaxonomicSerialNumber ICTVdBTaxonIdentifier EPABiologicalIdentifier BiologicalSystematicName BiologicalVernacularName |

| |BiologicalGroupName BiologicalKingdomName BiologicalDivisionPhylumName BiologicalSubdivisionSubphylumName BiologicalClassName |

| |BiologicalSubclassName BiologicalInfraclassName BiologicalOrderName BiologicalSuborderName BiologicalFamilyName |

| |BiologicalSubfamilyName BiologicalGenusName BiologicalSpeciesName BiologicalSubspeciesName BiologicalSynonymName |

| |ProgramSystemBiologicalName BiologicalGroupDescriptionText ProgramSystemAbbreviatedName ProgramSystemName CitationReferenceCode |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The Biological Identification Block provides for the use of common identifiers for all biological organisms regulated or monitored by |

| |environmental programs. |

| | |

element ITISTaxonomicSerialNumber

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ITISTaxonomicSerialNumberDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The unique identification number assigned to an Integrated Taxonomic Information System biological entity. |

| | |

element ICTVdBTaxonIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ICTVdBTaxonIdentifierDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The unique identification number assigned to a virus by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). |

| | |

element EPABiologicalIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EPABiologicalIdentifierDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The unique non-intelligent identification number assigned to a biological entity by the Environmental Protection Agency. |

| | |

element BiologicalSystematicName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |BiologicalSystematicNameDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |BiologicalSystematicNameContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name assigned to a biological entity by a classification identification system. |

| | |

element BiologicalVernacularName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |BiologicalVernacularNameDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |BiologicalVernacularNameContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The vernacular name associated with an occurrence of a biological entity. |

| | |

element BiologicalGroupName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |BiologicalGroupNameDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |BiologicalGroupNameContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name of a collection of biological entities that are related. |

| | |

element BiologicalKingdomName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |BiologicalKingdomNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The systematic name that represents a biological Kingdom. |

| | |

element BiologicalDivisionPhylumName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |BiologicalDivisionPhylumNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The systematic name that represents the biological Division/Phylum. |

| | |

element BiologicalSubdivisionSubphylumName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |BiologicalSubdivisionSubphylumNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The systematic name that represents the biological Subdivision/Subphylum. |

| | |

element BiologicalClassName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |BiologicalClassNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The systematic name that represents the biological Class. |

| | |

element BiologicalSubclassName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |BiologicalSubclassNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The systematic name that represents the biological Subclass. |

| | |

element BiologicalInfraclassName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |BiologicalInfraclassNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The systematic name that represents the biological Infraclass. |

| | |

element BiologicalOrderName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |BiologicalOrderNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The systematic name that represents the biological Order. |

| | |

element BiologicalSuborderName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |BiologicalSuborderNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The systematic name that represents the biological Suborder. |

| | |

element BiologicalFamilyName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |BiologicalFamilyNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The systematic name that represents the biological Family. |

| | |

element BiologicalSubfamilyName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |BiologicalSubfamilyNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The systematic name that represents the biological Subfamily. |

| | |

element BiologicalGenusName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |BiologicalGenusNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The systematic name that represents the biological Genus. |

| | |

element BiologicalSpeciesName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |BiologicalSpeciesNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The systematic name that represents the biological Species. |

| | |

element BiologicalSubspeciesName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |BiologicalSubspeciesNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The systematic name that represents the biological Subspecies. |

| | |

element BiologicalSynonymName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |BiologicalSynonymNameDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |BiologicalSynonymNameContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name that represents one of two or more names applied to a single biological entity. |

| | |

element ProgramSystemBiologicalName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ProgramSystemBiologicalNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name applied to a biological entity in a program system. |

| | |

element BiologicalGroupDescriptionText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |BiologicalGroupDescriptionTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The text describing the relationship of the biological entities in a group. |

| | |

element ProgramSystemAbbreviatedName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ProgramSystemAbbreviatedNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |An abbreviated name that represents the name of an information management system for an environmental program. |

| | |

element ProgramSystemName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ProgramSystemNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name of an information management system for an environmental program. |

| | |

element CitationReferenceCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |CitationReferenceCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents a reference to an official printed copy of an environmental regulation. |

| | |


element ChemicalSubstanceIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ChemicalSubstanceIdentityDataType |

|children |EPAChemicalInternalNumber CASRegistryNumber ChemicalSubstanceSystematicName EPAChemicalRegistryName EPAChemicalIdentifier |

| |ChemicalNameContextName EPAChemicalRegistryNameSourceText EPAChemicalRegistryNameContextName ChemicalSubstanceDefinitionText |

| |ChemicalSubstanceCommentText ChemicalSubstanceSynonymName MolecularFormulaCode ChemicalSubstanceFormulaWeightQuantity |

| |ChemicalSubstanceTypeName ChemicalSubstanceLinearStructureCode ChemicalStructureGraphicalDiagram ChemicalSubstanceClassificationName |

| |ChemicalSynonymStatusName ChemicalSynonymSourceName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The Chemical Identification Block provides for the use of common identifiers for all chemical substances regulated or monitored by |

| |environmental programs. |

| | |

element EPAChemicalInternalNumber

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EPAChemicalInternalNumberDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The unique record number assigned to all chemical substances and chemical groupings for internal tracking within EPA systems. |

| | |

element CASRegistryNumber

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |CASRegistryNumberDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The unique number assigned by Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) to a chemical substance. |

| | |

element ChemicalSubstanceSystematicName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ChemicalSubstanceSystematicNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name assigned to a chemical substance that describes it in terms of its molecular composition. |

| | |

element EPAChemicalRegistryName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EPAChemicalRegistryNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name that the Environmental Protection Agency has selected as its preferred name for a chemical substance. |

| | |

element EPAChemicalIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EPAChemicalIdentifierDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The unique number assigned to all chemical substances and chemical groupings for which a CAS Registry Number does not exist and cannot|

| |be assigned. |

| | |

element ChemicalNameContextName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ChemicalNameContextNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name that identifies the circumstances for which a chemical substance name is used. |

| | |

element EPAChemicalRegistryNameSourceText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EPAChemicalRegistryNameSourceTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The source of the Environmental Protection Agency chemical registry name. |

| | |

element EPAChemicalRegistryNameContextName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EPAChemicalRegistryNameContextNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The type of source for the Environmental Protection Agency chemical registry name. |

| | |

element ChemicalSubstanceDefinitionText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ChemicalSubstanceDefinitionTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The text that provides clarification to the identity of a chemical substance. |

| | |

element ChemicalSubstanceCommentText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ChemicalSubstanceCommentTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The text that provides additional information about a chemical substance. |

| | |

element ChemicalSubstanceSynonymName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ChemicalSubstanceSynonymNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A name that is used as the alternative for representing a chemical substance. |

| | |

element MolecularFormulaCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MolecularFormulaCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents the number of atoms of each element in a molecule of a chemical substance. |

| | |

element ChemicalSubstanceFormulaWeightQuantity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ChemicalSubstanceFormulaWeightQuantityDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The sum of the atomic weights of constituent atoms in a molecule of a chemical substance. |

| | |

element ChemicalSubstanceTypeName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ChemicalSubstanceTypeNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A descriptive name for types of chemical substances. |

| | |

element ChemicalSubstanceLinearStructureCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ChemicalSubstanceLinearStructureCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents the connectivity of atoms in a molecule of a chemical substance as a linear formula, such as SMILES. |

| | |

element ChemicalStructureGraphicalDiagram

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ChemicalStructureGraphicalDiagramDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A graphical representation of a molecule of a chemical substance as a two or three dimensional diagram. |

| | |

element ChemicalSubstanceClassificationName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ChemicalSubstanceClassificationNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name of a schema that classifies chemical substances according to structural similarities. |

| | |

element ChemicalSynonymStatusName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ChemicalSynonymStatusNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name that documents the correctness of a synonym for a specific chemical substance. |

| | |

element ChemicalSynonymSourceName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ChemicalSynonymSourceNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name of the source of an alternate name for a chemical substance. |

| | |


element ComplianceMilestones

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ComplianceMilestonesDataType |

|children |ComplianceMilestoneIdentifier ComplianceMilestoneType ComplianceMilestoneStatusText ComplianceMilestoneStatusDeterminationDate |

| |ComplianceMilestoneViolationResponseIndicator ComplianceMilestoneScheduledDate ComplianceMilestoneCompletedDate |

| |ComplianceMilestoneExpenditureAmount |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Information about the status of implementation, by Defendant/Respondent, of compliance actions required as milestones included in a |

| |Final Order or other enforcement action resolution, including Injunctive Relief, Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEP), and |

| |Penalty or Cost Recovery payments required. |

| | |

element ComplianceMilestoneIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ComplianceMilestoneIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |ComplianceMilestoneIdentifierContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator used to uniquely identify a compliance milestone within a context. |

| | |

element ComplianceMilestoneType

Refer to Section 9.

element ComplianceMilestoneStatusText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ComplianceMilestoneStatusTextDataType |

|facets |enumeration |

| |Implemented by Due Date(s) |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| |Implemented by Determination Date, but Later than Due Date(s) |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| |Not Implemented by Due Date(s) or Determination Date |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The status of implementation by a Defendant/Respondent, on a given date (the Compliance Milestones Determination Date), of any |

| |compliance milestone actions required to have been completed by that date, including injunctive relief, Supplemental Environmental |

| |Projects, and penalty and cost recovery payments required. |

| | |

element ComplianceMilestoneStatusDeterminationDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ComplianceMilestoneStatusDeterminationDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The calendar date the Responsible Authority last determined a regulated entitys status of compliance with the milestone obligations in|

| |an enforcement action resolution instrument. |

| | |

element ComplianceMilestoneViolationResponseIndicator

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ComplianceMilestoneViolationResponseIndicatorDataType |

|facets |enumeration |

| |Y |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| |N |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The designator that indicates whether the Enforcement Agency has taken action in response to a Compliance Milestones Implementation |

| |Violation. |

| | |

element ComplianceMilestoneScheduledDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ComplianceMilestoneScheduledDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Date set by an enforcement action for the full or partial expenditure of funds for a SEP project or other compliance milestone. |

| | |

element ComplianceMilestoneCompletedDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ComplianceMilestoneCompletedDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The calendar date, determined by the Reporting Authority, on which a compliance milestone action required in an enforcement action |

| |resolution has been completed, including, if appliable, all injunctive relief, SEPs, and all penalty or cost recovery payments |

| |required. |

| | |

element ComplianceMilestoneExpenditureAmount

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ComplianceMilestoneExpenditureAmountDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The actual amount (in US dollars) of the SEP or enforcement milestone expenditure. |

| | |


element ComplianceMilestoneType

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ComplianceMilestoneTypeDataType |

|children |ComplianceMilestoneTypeCode ComplianceMilestoneTypeCodeListIdentifier ComplianceMilestoneTypeName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator and associated metadata used to identify a type of compliance milestone. |

| | |

element ComplianceMilestoneTypeCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ComplianceMilestoneTypeCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A code used to identify a type of compliance milestone. |

| | |

element ComplianceMilestoneTypeCodeListIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ComplianceMilestoneTypeCodeListIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionAgencyIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator specifying the code set used to provide a compliance milestone type code. Can be used to identify the URL of a source |

| |that defines the set of currently approved permitted values. |

| | |

element ComplianceMilestoneTypeName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ComplianceMilestoneTypeNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A description of the compliance milestone type code. |

| | |


element ComplianceSchedule

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ComplianceScheduleDataType |

|children |ComplianceScheduleIdentifier ComplianceScheduleIndicator ReturnToComplianceScheduleDate ReturnToComplianceActualDate |

| |ComplianceScheduleDescriptionText |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Information about the types of activities leading to or resulting in a determination of a regulated facility returning to compliance. |

| | |

element ComplianceScheduleIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ComplianceScheduleIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |ComplianceScheduleIdentifierContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator used to uniquely identify a compliance schedule within a context. |

| | |

element ComplianceScheduleIndicator

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ComplianceScheduleIndicatorDataType |

|facets |enumeration |

| |Y |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| |N |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The designator that indicates whether the regulated entity is currently on a legally enforceable compliance schedule (i.e., pursuant |

| |to a Final Order) for return to compliance with the obligation that is the subject of a violation or series of violations. |

| | |

element ReturnToComplianceScheduleDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReturnToComplianceScheduleDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The calendar date, specified in the Compliance Schedule (if any), on which the regulated entity is scheduled to return to compliance |

| |with respect to the legal obligation that is the subject of the Violation Determined Date. |

| | |

element ReturnToComplianceActualDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReturnToComplianceActualDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The calendar date, determined by the Responsible Authority, on which the regulated entity actually returned to compliance with respect|

| |to the legal obligation that is the subject of the Violation Determined Date. |

| | |

element ComplianceScheduleDescriptionText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ComplianceScheduleDescriptionTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Description of the compliance schedule. |

| | |


element ControlMethodology

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ControlMethodologyDataType |

|children |MethodologyTypeText MethodologyDescriptionText |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A process and/or tool used to manage storage, disposal, treatment, or other handling protocols designed for and/or used. |

| | |

element MethodologyTypeText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MethodologyTypeTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The type of process and/or tool designed or used to manage storage, disposal, treatment, and other handling protocols. |

| | |

element MethodologyDescriptionText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MethodologyDescriptionTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The text that describes the process and/or tools that manage storage, disposal, treatment, and other handling protocols designed for |

| |and/or used. |

| | |


element CoordinateDataSource

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |CoordinateDataSourceDataType |

|children |CoordinateDataSourceCode CoordinateDataSourceCodeListIdentifier CoordinateDataSourceName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator and associated metadata used to identify a data source of coordinate data. |

| | |

element CoordinateDataSourceCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |CoordinateDataSourceCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents the party responsible for providing the latitude and longitude coordinates. |

| | |

element CoordinateDataSourceCodeListIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |CoordinateDataSourceCodeListIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionAgencyIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator specifying the code set used to provide a coordinate data source type code. Can be used to identify the URL of a source |

| |that defines the set of currently approved permitted values. |

| | |

element CoordinateDataSourceName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |CoordinateDataSourceNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name of the party responsible for providing the latitude and longitude coordinates. |

| | |


element CountryIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |CountryIdentityDataType |

|children |CountryCode CountryCodeListIdentifier CountryName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator and associated metadata used to identify a primary geopolitical unit of the world. |

| | |

element CountryCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |CountryCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A code designator used to identify a primary geopolitical unit of the world. |

| | |

element CountryCodeListIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |CountryCodeListIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionAgencyIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator specifying the code set used to provide a country code. Can be used to identify the URL of a source that defines the set |

| |of currently approved permitted values. |

| | |

element CountryName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |CountryNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A name used to identify a primary geopolitical unit of the world. |

| | |


element CountyIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |CountyIdentityDataType |

|children |CountyCode CountyCodeListIdentifier CountyName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator and associated metadata used to identify a U.S. county or county equivalent. |

| | |

element CountyCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |CountyCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents the county. |

| | |

element CountyCodeListIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |CountyCodeListIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionAgencyIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator specifying the code set used to provide a county code. Can be used to identify the URL of a source that defines the set |

| |of currently approved permitted values. |

| | |

element CountyName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |CountyNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A description of the county code. |

| | |


element ElectronicAddress

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ElectronicAddressDataType |

|children |ElectronicAddressText ElectronicAddressTypeName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A location within a system of worldwide electronic communication where a computer user can access information or receive electronic |

| |mail. |

| | |

element ElectronicAddressText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ElectronicAddressTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A resource address, usually consisting of the access protocol, the domain name, and optionally, the path to a file or location. |

| | |

element ElectronicAddressTypeName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ElectronicAddressTypeNameDataType |

|facets |enumeration |

| |Email |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| |Internet |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| |Intranet |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| |HTTP |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| |FTP |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| |Telnet |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name that describes the electronic address type. |

| | |


element EnforcementActionIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EnforcementActionIdentityDataType |

|children |EnforcementActionIdentifier EnforcementActionName EnforcementActionDate EnforcementAgency EnforcementAgencyType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Basic identification information used for an enforcement action. |

| | |

element EnforcementActionIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EnforcementActionIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |EnforcementActionIdentifierContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator that uniquely identifies each enforcement action. |

| | |

element EnforcementActionName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EnforcementActionNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The formal name of the enforcement action as shown on the caption of the legal instrument. |

| | |

element EnforcementActionDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EnforcementActionDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The calendar date the enforcement action was issued or filed. |

| | |

element EnforcementAgency

Refer to Section 3.

element EnforcementAgencyType

Refer to Section 4.


element EnforcementActionInjunctiveRelief

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EnforcementActionInjunctiveReliefDataType |

|children |InjunctiveReliefIdentifier InjunctiveReliefSoughtText InjunctiveReliefRequiredText InjunctiveReliefValue |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Information about any injunctive relief sought through, and/or required pursuant to, an Enforcement Action, but not including |

| |penalties, cost recovery, and Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP) obligations. Penalties, cost recovery and SEPs, are addressed |

| |in separate categories. |

| | |

element InjunctiveReliefIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |InjunctiveReliefIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |InjunctiveReliefIdentifierContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator used to uniquely identify an injunctive relief within a context. |

| | |

element InjunctiveReliefSoughtText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |InjunctiveReliefSoughtTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Narrative description of the injunctive relief sought through a Complaint/Proposed Order. |

| | |

element InjunctiveReliefRequiredText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |InjunctiveReliefRequiredTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Narrative description of the injunctive relief required in a Final Order. |

| | |

element InjunctiveReliefValue

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |InjunctiveReliefValueDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The estimated dollar cost to the Defendant/Respondent of carrying out all injunctive relief (not including penalties, cost recovery or|

| |Supplemental Environmental Projects) required pursuant to a Final Order. |

| | |


element EnforcementDescription

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EnforcementDescriptionDataType |

|children |EnforcementActionTypeCode EnforcementActionStatusText EnforcementActionStatusDate EnforcementActionCitation EnforcementActionForum |

| |EnforcementActionAttorneyIdentifier EnforcementActionDocketNumber EnforcementActionResolutionTypeCode |

| |EnforcementActionResponsibleSubOrganizationCode EnforcementActionSupplementalInformationText |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Information used to describe an enforcement. |

| | |

element EnforcementActionTypeCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EnforcementActionTypeCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The type of action taken by a regulatory agency. |

| | |

element EnforcementActionStatusText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EnforcementActionStatusTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The current status of the enforcement action. |

| | |

element EnforcementActionStatusDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EnforcementActionStatusDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The calendar date of the most recent Enforcement Action Status determination. |

| | |

element EnforcementActionCitation

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EnforcementActionCitationDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The citation(s) of the violations alleged. |

| | |

element EnforcementActionForum

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EnforcementActionForumDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The legal forum in which the enforcement action is brought. |

| | |

element EnforcementActionAttorneyIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EnforcementActionAttorneyIdentifierDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Identifies the attorney within the agency responsible for issuing the enforcement action. |

| | |

element EnforcementActionDocketNumber

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EnforcementActionDocketNumberDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Notes the relevant docket number which enforcement staff have assigned for tracking of enforcement actions. |

| | |

element EnforcementActionResolutionTypeCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EnforcementActionResolutionTypeCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The mechanism by which the enforcement action is resolved. |

| | |

element EnforcementActionResponsibleSubOrganizationCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EnforcementActionResponsibleSubOrganizationCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Code indicating the branch/district within the agency responsible for conducting the evaluation. |

| | |

element EnforcementActionSupplementalInformationText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |EnforcementActionSupplementalInformationTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Additional description of the evaluation. |

| | |


element FacilityManagementType

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FacilityManagementTypeDataType |

|children |FacilityManagementTypeCode FacilityManagementTypeCodeListIdentifier FacilityManagementTypeName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator and associated metadata used to identify the type of operation management currently at a facility. |

| | |

element FacilityManagementTypeCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FacilityManagementTypeCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code representing the name of the type of operation management currently at a facility. |

| | |

element FacilityManagementTypeCodeListIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FacilityManagementTypeCodeListIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionAgencyIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator specifying the code set used to provide a facility management type code. Can be used to identify the URL of a source that|

| |defines the set of currently approved permitted values. |

| | |

element FacilityManagementTypeName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FacilityManagementTypeNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A description of the facility management type code. |

| | |


element FacilityNAICS

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FacilityNAICSDataType |

|children |NAICSCode NAICSPrimaryIndicator |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code, or type of industrial activity, occurring at the facility site. |

| | |

element NAICSCode

Refer to section 38.

element NAICSPrimaryIndicator

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |NAICSPrimaryIndicatorDataType |

|facets |enumeration |

| |Primary |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| |Secondary |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| |Unknown |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name that indicates whether the associated NAICS code represents the primary activity occurring at the facility site. |

| | |


element FacilitySIC

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FacilitySICDataType |

|children |SICCode SICPrimaryIndicator |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), or type of business activity, occurring at the facility site. |

| | |

element SICCode

Refer section 52.

element SICPrimaryIndicator

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |SICPrimaryIndicatorDataType |

|facets |enumeration |

| |Primary |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| |Secondary |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| |Unknown |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name that indicates whether the associated SIC Code represents the primary activity occurring at the facility site. |

| | |


element FacilitySiteIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FacilitySiteIdentityDataType |

|children |FacilitySiteIdentifier FacilitySiteName FacilitySiteType FederalFacilityIndicator |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Basic information used by an organization to identify a facility or site. |

| | |

element FacilitySiteIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FacilitySiteIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |FacilitySiteIdentifierContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The unique identification number used by a governmental entity to identify a facility site. |

| | |

element FacilitySiteName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FacilitySiteNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The public or commercial name of a facility site (i.e., the full name that commonly appears on invoices, signs, or other business |

| |documents, or as assigned by the state when the name is ambiguous). |

| | |

element FacilitySiteType

Refer to section 23.

element FederalFacilityIndicator

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FederalFacilityIndicatorDataType |

|facets |enumeration |

| |Y |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| |N |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |An indicator identifying facilities owned or operated by a federal government unit. |

| | |


element FacilitySiteType

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FacilitySiteDataType |

|children |FacilitySiteTypeCode FacilitySiteTypeCodeListIdentifier FacilitySiteTypeName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator and associated metadata used to represents the type of site a facility occupies. |

| | |

element FacilitySiteTypeCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FacilitySiteTypeCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents the type of site a facility occupies. |

| | |

element FacilitySiteTypeCodeListIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FacilitySiteTypeCodeListIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionAgencyIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator specifying the code set used to provide a facility site type code. Can be used to identify the URL of a source that |

| |defines the set of currently approved permitted values. |

| | |

element FacilitySiteTypeName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FacilitySiteTypeNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The descriptive name for the type of site the facility occupies. |

| | |


element FormIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FormIdentityDataType |

|children |FormIdentifier FormName FormRevisionDate FormInstruction FormCommentText |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Basic identification information used to describe a paper or electronic document with blanks for the insertion of details or |

| |information. |

| | |

element FormIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FormIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |FormIdentifierContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Agency assigned form identifier to uniquely identify Report Type at a particular Agency. |

| | |

element FormName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FormNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The actual name of the form. |

| | |

element FormRevisionDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FormRevisionDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Last date the reporting form was revised. |

| | |

element sc:FormInstruction

Refer to Section 25.

element FormCommentText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FormCommentTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Comments used on the reporting form. |

| | |


element FormInstruction

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FormInstructionDataType |

|children |FormInstructionTopicText FormInstructionText |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Detailed instructions on filling out forms. |

| | |

element FormInstructionTopicText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FormInstructionTopicTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The general title or topic of the instruction. |

| | |

element FormInstructionText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FormInstructionTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Detailed description of the instruction on completing the form. |

| | |


element GeographicLocationDescription

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |GeographicLocationDescriptionDataType |

|children |LatitudeMeasure LongitudeMeasure SourceMapScaleNumber HorizontalAccuracyMeasure HorizontalCollectionMethod GeographicReferencePoint |

| |HorizontalReferenceDatum DataCollectionDate LocationCommentsText VerticalMeasure VerticalCollectionMethod VerticalReferenceDatum |

| |VerificationMethod CoordinateDataSource GeometricType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Extensive list of geographic identifiers used to clearly mark an object's precise location. |

| | |

element LatitudeMeasure

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |LatitudeMeasureDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The measure of the angular distance on a meridian north or south of the equator. |

| | |

element LongitudeMeasure

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |LongitudeMeasureDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The measure of the angular distance on a meridian east or west of the prime meridian. |

| | |

element SourceMapScaleNumber

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |SourceMapScaleNumberDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The number that represents the proportional distance on the ground for one unit of measure on the map or photo. |

| | |

element HorizontalAccuracyMeasure

Refer to Section 34

element HorizontalCollectionMethod

Refer to Section 47.

element GeographicReferencePoint

Refer to section 28.

element HorizontalReferenceDatum

Refer to section 27.

element DataCollectionDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |DataCollectionDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The calendar date when data were collected. |

| | |

element LocationCommentsText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |LocationCommentsTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The text that provides additional information about the geographic coordinates. |

| | |

element VerticalMeasure

Refer to section 34.

element VerticalCollectionMethod

Refer to section 47.

element VerticalReferenceDatum

Refer to section 27.

element VerificationMethod

Refer to section 47.

element CoordinateDataSource

Refer to section 12.

element GeometricType

Refer to section 29.


element GeographicReferenceDatum

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |GeographicReferenceDatumDataType |

|children |GeographicReferenceDatumCode GeographicReferenceDatumCodeListIdentifier GeographicReferenceDatumName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Information that describes the reference datum used in determining geographic coordinates. |

| | |

element GeographicReferenceDatumCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |GeographicReferenceDatumCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents the reference datum used in determining latitude and longitude coordinates or vertical measure. |

| | |

element GeographicReferenceDatumCodeListIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |GeographicReferenceDatumCodeListIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionAgencyIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator specifying the code set used to provide a geographic reference datum code.Can be used to identify the URL of a source |

| |that defines the set of currently approved permitted values. |

| | |

element GeographicReferenceDatumName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |GeographicReferenceDatumNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name that describes the reference datum used in determining latitude and longitude coordinates or vertical measure. |

| | |


element GeographicReferencePoint

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |GeographicReferencePointDataType |

|children |GeographicReferencePointCode ReferencePointCodeListIdentifier GeographicReferencePointName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator and associated metadata used to identify a geographic reference point. |

| | |

element GeographicReferencePointCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |GeographicReferencePointCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents the place for which geographic coordinates were established. |

| | |

element ReferencePointCodeListIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReferencePointCodeListIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionAgencyIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator specifying the code set used to provide a geographic reference point code. Can be used to identify the URL of a source |

| |that defines the set of currently approved permitted values. |

| | |

element GeographicReferencePointName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |GeographicReferencePointNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The text that identifies the place for which geographic coordinates were established. |

| | |


element GeometricType

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |GeometricTypeDataType |

|children |GeometricTypeCode GeometricTypeCodeListIdentifier GeometricTypeName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator and associated metadata used to identify a geometric entity represented by one point or a sequence of points. |

| | |

element GeometricTypeCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |GeometricTypeCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents the geometric entity represented by one point or a sequence of latitude and longitude points. |

| | |

element GeometricTypeCodeListIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |GeometricTypeCodeListIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionAgencyIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator specifying the code set used to provide a geometric type code. Can be used to identify the URL of a source that defines |

| |the set of currently approved permitted values. |

| | |

element GeometricTypeName

|Diagram |[pic] |

|Type |GeometricTypeNameDataType |

|Annotation |documentation |

| |The name that identifies the geometric entity represented by one point or a sequence of latitude and longitude points. |

| | |


element IndividualIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |IndividualIdentityDataType |

|children |IndividualIdentifier IndividualTitleText NamePrefixText IndividualFullName FirstName MiddleName LastName NameSuffixText |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The particular terms regularly connected with a person so that you can recognize, refer to, or address him or her. |

| | |

element IndividualIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |IndividualIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |IndividualIdentifierContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator used to uniquely identify an individual within a context. |

| | |

element IndividualTitleText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |IndividualTitleTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The title held by a person in an organization. |

| | |

element NamePrefixText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |NamePrefixTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The text that describes the title that precedes an individual's name. |

| | |

element IndividualFullName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |IndividualFullNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The complete name of a person, potentially including first name, middle name or initial, and or surname. |

| | |

element FirstName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |FirstNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The given name of an individual. |

| | |

element MiddleName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MiddleNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The middle name or initial of an individual. |

| | |

element LastName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |LastNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The surname of an individual. |

| | |

element NameSuffixText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |NameSuffixTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Additional title that indicates lineage or professional title. |

| | |


element LaboratoryIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |LaboratoryIdentityDataType |

|children |LaboratoryIdentifier LaboratoryTypeText Accreditation |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Basic identification information for an entity or person responsible for analysis of substances. |

| | |

element LaboratoryIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |LaboratoryIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |LaboratoryIdentifierContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator used to uniquely identify a laboratory within a context. |

| | |

element LaboratoryTypeText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |LaboratoryTypeTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The classification of the laboratory. |

| | |

element Accreditation

Refer to section 1.


element LocationAddress

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |LocationAddressDataType |

|children |LocationAddressText SupplementalLocationText LocalityName StateIdentity AddressPostalCode CountryIdentity CountyIdentity |

| |TribalLandName TribalLandIndicator LocationDescriptionText |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The physical location of an individual or organization. |

| | |

element LocationAddressText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |LocationAddressTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The address that describes the physical (geographic) location of the front door or main entrance of a facility site, including |

| |urban-style street address or rural address. |

| | |

element SupplementalLocationText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |SupplementalLocationTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The text that provides additional information about a place, including a building name with its secondary unit and number, an |

| |industrial park name, an installation name or descriptive text where no formal address is available. |

| | |

element LocalityName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |LocalityNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name of a city, town, village or other locality. |

| | |

element StateIdentity

Refer to section 53.

element AddressPostalCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |AddressPostalCodeDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |AddressPostalCodeContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The combination of the 5-digit Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code and the four-digit extension code (if available) that represents the |

| |geographic segment that is a subunit of the ZIP Code, assigned by the U.S. Postal Service to a geographic location to facilitate mail |

| |delivery; or the postal zone specific to the country, other than the U.S., where the mail is delivered. |

| | |

element CountryIdentity

Refer to section 13.

element CountyIdentity

Refer to section 14.

element TribalLandName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |TribalLandNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name of an American Indian or Alaskan native area where the location address exists. |

| | |

element TribalLandIndicator

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |TribalLandIndicatorDataType |

|facets |enumeration |

| |Y |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| |N |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |An indicator denoting the location address is a tribal land |

| | |

element LocationDescriptionText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |LocationDescriptionTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A brief explanation of a location, including navigational directions and/or more descriptive information. |

| | |


element MailingAddress

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MailingAddressDataType |

|children |MailingAddressText SupplementalAddressText MailingAddressCityName StateIdentity AddressPostalCode CountryIdentity |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The standard address used to send mail to an individual or organization. |

| | |

element MailingAddressText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MailingAddressTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The exact address where a mail piece is intended to be delivered, including urban-style street address, rural route, and PO Box. |

| | |

element SupplementalAddressText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |SupplementalAddressTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The text that provides additional information to facilitate the delivery of a mail piece, including building name, secondary units, |

| |and mail stop or local box numbers not serviced by the U.S. Postal Service. |

| | |

element MailingAddressCityName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MailingAddressCityNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name of the city, town, or village where the mail is delivered. |

| | |

element StateIdentity

Refer to section 53.

element AddressPostalCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |AddressPostalCodeDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |AddressPostalCodeContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The combination of the 5-digit Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) code and the four-digit extension code (if available) that represents the |

| |geographic segment that is a subunit of the ZIP Code, assigned by the U.S. Postal Service to a geographic location to facilitate mail |

| |delivery; or the postal zone specific to the country, other than the U.S., where the mail is delivered. |

| | |

element sc:CountryIdentity

Refer to section 13.


element Measure

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MeasureDataType |

|children |MeasureValue MeasureUnit MeasurePrecisionText ResultQualifier |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Identifies the value and the associated units of measure for measuring the observation or analytical result value. |

| | |

element MeasureValue

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MeasureValueDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The recorded dimension, capacity, quality, or amount of something ascertained by measuring or observing. |

| | |

element MeasureUnit

Refer to section 35.

element MeasurePrecisionText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MeasurePrecisionTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The precision of the recorded value. |

| | |

element ResultQualifier

Refer to section 51.


element MeasureUnit

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MeasureUnitDataType |

|children |MeasureUnitCode MeasureUnitCodeListIdentifier MeasureUnitName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator and associated metadata used to identify a unit of measurement. |

| | |

element MeasureUnitCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MeasureUnitCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents the unit for measuring the item. |

| | |

element MeasureUnitCodeListIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MeasureUnitCodeListIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionAgencyIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator specifying the code set used to provide a measurement unit code. Can be used to identify the URL of a source that defines|

| |the set of currently approved permitted values. |

| | |

element MeasureUnitName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MeasureUnitNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A description of the unit of measure code. |

| | |


element MonitoringCondition

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MonitoringConditionDataType |

|children |MonitoringSiteDescription MonitoringFrequencyText PermitSampleMethod PermitAnalysisMethod |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Administrative information that describes the monitoring requirements. |

| | |

element MonitoringSiteDescription

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MonitoringSiteDescriptionDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Text that describes the monitoring site with respect to a feature. |

| | |

element MonitoringFrequencyText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MonitoringFrequencyTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The required frequency with which monitoring is to be conducted at the site or location. |

| | |

element PermitSampleMethod

Refer to section 47.

element PermitAnalysisMethod

Refer to section 47.


element MonitoringLocationIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MonitoringLocationIdentityDataType |

|children |MonitoringLocationIdentifier MonitoringLocationName MonitoringLocationTypeName MonitoringLocationDescriptionText |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Basic identification information for the location/site that is monitored or used for sampling. |

| | |

element MonitoringLocationIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MonitoringLocationIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |MonitoringLocationIdentifierContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator used to describe the unique name, number, or code assigned to identify the monitoring location. |

| | |

element MonitoringLocationName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MonitoringLocationNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The designator specified by the sampling organization for the site at |

| |which sampling or other activities are conducted. |

| | |

element MonitoringLocationTypeName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MonitoringLocationTypeNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The descriptive name for a type of monitoring location. |

| | |

element MonitoringLocationDescriptionText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MonitoringLocationDescriptionTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Text description of the monitoring location. |

| | |


element NAICSIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |NAICSIdentityDataType |

|children |NAICSCode NAICSIndustryCode NAICSGroupCode NAICSSubsectorCode NAICSSectorCode |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The NAICS code set used to classify the economic activities of business establishments, grouped hierarchically into economic sectors, |

| |economic subsectors, industry groups, and industries. Industry classifications are further subdivided into national classifications |

| |that are specific to the needs of each country. |

| | |

element NAICSCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |NAICSCodeDataType |

|facets |minLength |

| |6 |

| | |

| |maxLength |

| |6 |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents a subdivision of an industry that accommodates user needs in the United States. |

| | |

element NAICSIndustryCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |NAICSIndustryCodeDataType |

|facets |minLength |

| |5 |

| | |

| |maxLength |

| |5 |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents an industry within the economy. |

| | |

element NAICSGroupCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |NAICSGroupCodeDataType |

|facets |minLength |

| |4 |

| | |

| |maxLength |

| |4 |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents a group of related industries within the economy. |

| | |

element NAICSSubsectorCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |NAICSSubsectorCodeDataType |

|facets |minLength |

| |3 |

| | |

| |maxLength |

| |3 |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents an economic subsector. |

| | |

element NAICSSectorCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |NAICSSectorCodeDataType |

|facets |minLength |

| |2 |

| | |

| |maxLength |

| |2 |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents an economic sector. |

| | |


element OrganizationIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |OrganizationIdentityDataType |

|children |OrganizationIdentifier OrganizationFormalName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The particular terms regularly connected with a unique framework of authority within which a person or persons act, or are designated |

| |to act, towards some purpose. |

| | |

element OrganizationIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |OrganizationIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |OrganizationIdentifierContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator used to uniquely identify a unique business establishment within a context. |

| | |

element OrganizationFormalName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |OrganizationFormalNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The legal designator (i.e. formal name) of an organization. |

| | |


element PenaltyIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PenaltyIdentityDataType |

|children |PenaltyIdentifier PenaltyAmountSought PenaltyAmountRequired StipulatedPenaltyAmountRequired |

| |SupplementalEnvironmentalProjectDescriptionText SupplementalEnvironmentalProjectValueAmount SEPPenalityAssessmentValueAmount |

| |TotalPenaltyValueAmount PenaltyTypeCode PenaltySupplementalInformationText |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Basic identification information used for an enforcement penalty. |

| | |

element PenaltyIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PenaltyIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |PenaltyIdentifierContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator that uniquely identifies each penalty. |

| | |

element PenaltyAmountSought

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PenaltyAmountSoughtDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The dollar amount of any proposed cash penalty set forth in a Complaint/Proposed Order. |

| | |

element PenaltyAmountRequired

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PenaltyAmountRequiredDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The dollar amount of any cash penalty, payment of which is required pursuant to a Final Order. |

| | |

element StipulatedPenaltyAmountRequired

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |StipulatedPenaltyAmountRequiredDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The dollar amount of any cash stipulated penalty, payment of which is required by the Enforcement Agency, pursuant to the terms of a |

| |pre-existing Final Order. |

| | |

element SupplementalEnvironmentalProjectDescriptionText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |SupplementalEnvironmentalProjectDescriptionTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The narrative text describing any Supplemental Environmental Projects required to be performed pursuant to a Final Order. |

| | |

element SupplementalEnvironmentalProjectValueAmount

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |SupplementalEnvironmentalProjectValueAmountDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The dollar value of any Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEP) required to be performed pursuant to a Final Order. |

| | |

element SEPPenalityAssessmentValueAmount

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |SEPPenalityAssessmentValueAmountDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |That portion of the Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEP) Value which is explicitly denominated as a civil penalty assessed in a |

| |Final Order. |

| | |

element TotalPenaltyValueAmount

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |TotalPenaltyValueAmountDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The total value of the penalty required by a Final Order. |

| | |

element PenaltyTypeCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PenaltyTypeCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Code which indicates the type of penalty associated with the penalty amount. |

| | |

element PenaltySupplementalInformationText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PenaltySupplementalInformationTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Additional description of the penalty. |

| | |


element PermitAdministration

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermitAdministrationDataType |

|children |PermitStatusText PermitApplicationCompletionDate PermitIssueDate PermitEffectiveDate PermitExpirationDate PermitRevocationDate |

| |PermitTerminationDate PermitEvent |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Administrative information about the permit. |

| | |

element PermitStatusText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermitStatusTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The administrative or legal status of a permit. |

| | |

element PermitApplicationCompletionDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermitApplicationCompletionDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The calendar date that a permit application was deemed to be complete. |

| | |

element PermitIssueDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermitIssueDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The calendar date that a permit was issued. |

| | |

element PermitEffectiveDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermitEffectiveDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The calendar date that a permit becomes effective. |

| | |

element PermitExpirationDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermitExpirationDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The calendar date that a permit expires. |

| | |

element PermitRevocationDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermitRevocationDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The calendar date that a permit will be or was revoked. |

| | |

element PermitTerminationDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermitTerminationDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The calendar date that a permit will be or was terminated or surrendered. |

| | |

element PermitEvent

Refer to section 42.


element PermitEvent

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermitEventDataType |

|children |PermitEventTypeText PermitEventDate |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Identifies dates associated with a permit or permit application process. |

| | |

element PermitEventTypeText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermitEventTypeTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The text descibing an event associated with a permit or permit application process. |

| | |

element PermitEventDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermitEventDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The date of an event associated with a permit or permit application process. |

| | |


element PermitIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermitIdentityDataType |

|children |PermitIdentifier PermitName OtherPermitIdentifier ProgramName PermitType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Identification information about the permit and the organization responsible for issuing or granting the permit. |

| | |

element PermitIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermitIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |PermitIdentifierContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The alphanumeric identifier assigned to the permit by a permit issuing/granting organization to identify a permit or permit |

| |application. |

| | |

element PermitName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermitNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name assigned to the permit by a permit issuing/granting organization to identify a permit or permit application. |

| | |

element OtherPermitIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |OtherPermitIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |OtherPermitIdentifierContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |An alphanumeric identifier assigned to the permit. |

| | |

element ProgramName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ProgramNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name of the program/jurisdictional authority under which a permit is issued or granted. |

| | |

element PermitType

Refer to section 46.


element PermitLimitCondition

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermitLimitConditionDataType |

|children |ConditionIdentifier ConditionBasisText ConditionStatusName ConditionStartDate ConditionEndDate ConditionDescriptionText |

| |ConditionTriggerText NumericConditionStatisticalBasisName NumericConditionQuantity |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Regulatory limit for a given release that is allowable under a permit. It also contains requirement information used to describe the |

| |conditions for which a release limit will apply. |

| | |

element ConditionIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ConditionIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |ConditionIdentifierContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The reference to a section of a permit that identifies the condition within a specific permit. |

| | |

element ConditionBasisText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ConditionBasisTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The regulatory or technical framework used to define the requirement. |

| | |

element ConditionStatusName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ConditionStatusNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name of the category describing the status of the condition. |

| | |

element ConditionStartDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ConditionStartDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The date on which a condition begins being in effect. |

| | |

element ConditionEndDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ConditionEndDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The date on which a condition ends being in effect. |

| | |

element ConditionDescriptionText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ConditionDescriptionTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The language that explains the requirement placed on the responsible party. |

| | |

element ConditionTriggerText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ConditionTriggerTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The text that describes an event or circumstance that activates a requirement. |

| | |

element NumericConditionStatisticalBasisName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |NumericConditionStatisticalBasisNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name of the statistical basis specified in a limit/numeric condition. |

| | |

element NumericConditionQuantity

Refer to section 34.


element PermittedFeature

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermittedFeatureDataType |

|children |PermittedFeatureIdentifier PermittedFeatureTypeName PermittedFeatureDescriptionText PermittedFeatureOperatingStatusName |

| |PermittedFeatureStartDate PermittedFeatureEndDate |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Information about the permitted feature of a permit. A permitted feature is a unit, physical structure, feature, or process described |

| |in a permit. |

| | |

element PermittedFeatureIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermittedFeatureIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |PermittedFeatureIdentifierContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The alphanumeric identifier or name assigned by a permit issuing organization to identify a permitted unit, feature, or process. |

| | |

element PermittedFeatureTypeName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermittedFeatureTypeNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The type of permitted unit, feature, or process represented by an identifier. |

| | |

element PermittedFeatureDescriptionText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermittedFeatureDescriptionTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The text that describes the feature that is permitted. |

| | |

element PermittedFeatureOperatingStatusName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermittedFeatureOperatingStatusNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name of the category describing the operating status of a permitted unit. |

| | |

element PermittedFeatureStartDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermittedFeatureStartDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The calendar date that the operating status of a permitted feature takes effect. |

| | |

element PermittedFeatureEndDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermittedFeatureEndDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The calendar date that the operating status of a permitted feature is no longer in effect. |

| | |


element PermitType

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermitTypeDataType |

|children |PermitTypeCode PermitTypeCodeListIdentifier PermitTypeName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator and associated metadata used to identify the type of permit issued or granted to a regulated entity. |

| | |

element PermitTypeCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermitTypeCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents the type of permit issued or granted to a regulated entity. |

| | |

element PermitTypeCodeListIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermitTypeCodeListIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionAgencyIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator specifying the code set used to provide a permit type code. Can be used to identify the URL of a source that defines the |

| |set of currently approved permitted values. |

| | |

element PermitTypeName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |PermitTypeNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A description of the permit type code. |

| | |


element ReferenceMethod

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReferenceMethodDataType |

|children |MethodIdentifierCode MethodIdentifierCodeListIdentifier MethodName MethodDescriptionText MethodDeviationsText |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Identifies the procedures, processes, and references required to determine the methods used to obtain a result. |

| | |

element MethodIdentifierCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MethodIdentifierCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The identification number or code assigned by the method publisher. |

| | |

element MethodIdentifierCodeListIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MethodIdentifierCodeListIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionAgencyIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator specifying the code set used to provide a reference method code. Can be used to identify the URL of a source that defines|

| |the set of currently approved permitted values. |

| | |

element MethodName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MethodNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The title of the method that appears on the method from the organization that published it. |

| | |

element MethodologyDescriptionText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MethodologyDescriptionTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The text that describes the process and/or tools that manage storage, disposal, treatment, and other handling protocols designed for |

| |and/or used. |

| | |

element MethodDeviationsText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |MethodDeviationsTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Text that identifies any deviations from the published method reference. |

| | |


element ReportIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReportIdentityDataType |

|children |ReportIdentifier ReportDueDate ReportReceivedDate ReportRecipientName ReportingPeriodStartDate ReportingPeriodEndDate |

| |RevisionIndicator ReplacedReportIdentifier ReportCreateByName ReportCreateDate ReportCreateTime ReportType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Basic identification information used for an official account or statement. |

| | |

element ReportIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReportIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |ReportIdentifierContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The unique tracking number or name assigned by a system or program that identifies a report. |

| | |

element ReportDueDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReportDueDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The date that the report is due to the report recipient. |

| | |

element ReportReceivedDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReportReceivedDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The actual date the report was received by the report recipient. |

| | |

element ReportRecipientName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReportRecipientNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name of the entity or entities directed by the permit or regulations to receive the report. |

| | |

element ReportingPeriodStartDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReportingPeriodStartDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The start date for a series of required reports. |

| | |

element ReportingPeriodEndDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReportingPeriodEndDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The end date for a series of required reports. |

| | |

element RevisionIndicator

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |RevisionIndicatorDataType |

|facets |enumeration |

| |Y |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| |N |

| | |

| |enumeration |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |An indicator to show whether the report is an original submission or a revision. |

| | |

element ReplacedReportIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReplacedReportIdentifierDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The previous Report Identifier this report intends to replace (for revision only). |

| | |

element ReportCreateByName

Refer to section 30.

element ReportCreateDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReportCreateDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The date on which the report was created. |

| | |

element ReportCreateTime

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReportCreateTimeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The time on which the report was created. |

| | |

element ReportType

Refer to section 50.


element ReportingCondition

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReportingConditionDataType |

|children |ReportingFrequencyText ReportType ReportingPeriodStartDate ReportingPeriodEndDate FormIdentity |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Data relating to a series of required reports. |

| | |

element ReportingFrequencyText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReportingFrequencyTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The frequency with which the report is required to be submitted to the report recipient. |

| | |

element ReportType

Refer to section 50.

element ReportingPeriodStartDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReportingPeriodStartDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The start date for a series of required reports. |

| | |

element ReportingPeriodEndDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReportingPeriodEndDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The end date for a series of required reports. |

| | |

element FormIdentity

Refer to section 24.


element ReportType

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReportTypeDataType |

|children |ReportTypeCode ReportTypeCodeListIdentifier ReportTypeName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator and associated metadata used to identify a type of report. |

| | |

element ReportTypeCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReportTypeCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A code used to identify a type of report. |

| | |

element ReportTypeCodeListIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReportTypeCodeListIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionAgencyIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator specifying the code set used to provide a report type code. Can be used to identify the URL of a source that defines the |

| |set of currently approved permitted values. |

| | |

element ReportTypeName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ReportTypeNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A description of the report type code. |

| | |


element ResultQualifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ResultQualifierDataType |

|children |ResultQualifierCode ResultQualifierCodeListIdentifier ResultQualifierName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator and associated metadata used to identify any qualifying issues that affect results. |

| | |

element ResultQualifierCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ResultQualifierCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A code used to identify any qualifying issues that affect the results. |

| | |

element ResultQualifierCodeListIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ResultQualifierCodeListIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionAgencyIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator specifying the code set used to provide a result qualifier code. Can be used to identify the URL of a source that defines|

| |the set of currently approved permitted values. |

| | |

element ResultQualifierName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ResultQualifierNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A description of the result code of any qualifying issues that affect the results. |

| | |


element SICIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |SICIdentityDataType |

|children |SICCode SICGroupCode SICMajorGroupCode SICDivisionCode SICSubdivisionText |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The SIC code set used to classify the economic activities of most of the industries or kinds of business establishments in our |

| |economy. The SIC classification system defines economic activity into 10 divisions. These are further broken down into numeric codes |

| |that define major groups, industrial groups, and industries. Descriptive text is also available to define industrial subdivisions. |

| | |

element SICCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |SICCodeDataType |

|facets |minLength |

| |4 |

| | |

| |maxLength |

| |4 |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents the economic activity of a company. |

| | |

element SICGroupCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |SICGroupCodeDataType |

|facets |minLength |

| |3 |

| | |

| |maxLength |

| |3 |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents a group of related industries within the economy. |

| | |

element SICMajorGroupCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |SICMajorGroupCodeDataType |

|facets |minLength |

| |2 |

| | |

| |maxLength |

| |2 |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents a major group of industrial classifications. |

| | |

element SICDivisionCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |SICDivisionCodeDataType |

|facets |minLength |

| |1 |

| | |

| |maxLength |

| |1 |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents a division in the economy that covers an economic activity. |

| | |

element SICSubdivisionText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |SICSubdivisionTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The text that describes a specific component of an industry. |

| | |


element StateIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |StateIdentityDataType |

|children |StateCode StateCodeListIdentifier StateName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator and associated metadata used to identify a principal administrative subdivision of the United States, Canada, or Mexico. |

| | |

element StateCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |StateCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A code designator used to identify a principal administrative subdivision of the United States, Canada, or Mexico. |

| | |

element StateCodeListIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |StateCodeListIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionAgencyIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator specifying the code set used to provide a state code. Can be used to identify the URL of a source that defines the set of|

| |currently approved permitted values. |

| | |

element StateName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |StateNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A name used to identify a principal administrative subdivision of the United States, Canada, or Mexico. |

| | |


element SubstanceIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |SubstanceIdentityDataType |

|children |SubstanceIdentifier SubstanceName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Identification information for a chemical, biological, or radiological substance |

| | |

element SubstanceIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |SubstanceIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |SubstanceIdentifierContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator used to uniquely identify a substance. |

| | |

element SubstanceName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |SubstanceNameDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |SubstanceNameContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name assigned to a chemical, biological or radiological substance or feature that describes it in terms of its molecular |

| |composition, taxonomic nomenclature or other characteristic (e.g, physical measure). |

| | |


element Telephonic

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |TelephonicDataType |

|children |TelephoneNumberText TelephoneNumberTypeName TelephoneExtensionNumberText |

|annotation |documentation |

| |An identification of a telephone connection. |

| | |

element TelephoneNumberText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |TelephoneNumberTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The number that identifies a particular telephone connection. |

| | |

element TelephoneNumberTypeName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |TelephoneNumberTypeNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name that describes a telephone number type. |

| | |

element TelephoneExtensionNumberText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |TelephoneExtensionNumberTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The number assigned within an organization to an individual telephone that extends the external telephone number. |

| | |


element TribalIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |TribalIdentityCodeDataType |

|children |TribalCode TribalCodeListIdentifier TribalName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Identification information concerning recognized entities that possess immunities and privileges available as a federally acknowledged|

| |American Indian tribes or Alaskan Native entities by virtue of their government-to-government relationship with the Federal Government|

| |of the United States. |

| | |

element TribalCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |TribalCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The code that represents the American Indian tribe or Alaskan Native entity. |

| | |

element TribalCodeListIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |TribalCodeListIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionAgencyIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator specifying the code set used to provide a tribal code. Can be used to identify the URL of a source that defines the set |

| |of currently approved permitted values. |

| | |

element TribalName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |TribalNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The name of the American Indian tribe or Alaskan Native entity. |

| | |


element ViolationIdentity

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ViolationIdentityDataType |

|children |ViolationIdentifer ViolationDeterminedDate ViolationType ViolationSupplementalInformationText |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Basic identification information used for defining a noncompliance with one or more legally enforceable obligations by a regulated |

| |entity, as determined by a responsible authority. |

| | |

element ViolationIdentifer

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ViolationIdentiferDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |ViolationIdentiferContext |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Text or numeric code that uniquely identifies a violation record. |

| | |

element ViolationDeterminedDate

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ViolationDeterminedDateDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |The calendar date the Responsible Authority determines that a regulated entity is in violation of a legally enforceable obligation. |

| | |

element ViolationType

Refer to section 58.

element ViolationSupplementalInformationText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ViolationSupplementalInformationTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Additional description of the violation. |

| | |

element ViolationSupplementalInformationText

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ViolationSupplementalInformationTextDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |Additional description of the violation. |

| | |


element ViolationType

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ViolationTypeDataType |

|children |ViolationTypeCode ViolationTypeCodeListIdentifier ViolationTypeName |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator and associated metadata used to identify a type or class of violation. |

| | |

element ViolationTypeCode

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ViolationTypeCodeDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A code used to identify a type or class of violation. |

| | |

element ViolationTypeCodeListIdentifier

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ViolationTypeCodeListIdentifierDataType |

|attributes |Name |

| |Type |

| |Use |

| |Default |

| |Fixed |

| |Annotation |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |CodeListVersionAgencyIdentifier |

| |xsd:string |

| |optional |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A designator specifying the code set used to provide a violation type code. Can be used to identify the URL of a source that defines |

| |the set of currently approved permitted values. |

| | |

element ViolationTypeName

|diagram |[pic] |

|type |ViolationTypeNameDataType |

|annotation |documentation |

| |A description of the violation type code. |

| | |


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