Father Reading Every Day – One father and his son, reading ...

Tiger Themed Day Activities:After breakfast and settling in, start your day with a bit of exercise. The Cosmic Kids Yoga Stretch Safari works well here: 5 minutes of energetic yoga - . You could then have a go at learning the Yoga Tiger Pose! Cosmic Kids Yoga can help again - or you could go a bit more serious here - : From there, enjoy a ‘reading lesson’ using this clip from Dynasties by Sir David Attenborough and the BBC - . Discuss the suggested questions together as you watch (these could be written down, discussed orally, done in pairs/groups/individually). Older children can help younger – all children will have a lot to say!ART: Children could then have a go at the attached art activities, completing the half-portraits, copying the leaping tiger picture, colouring in and/or cutting out a tiger mask. Let children select the activities they want to have a go at. Another option would be to follow this YouTube tutorial on how to draw a tiger - : If computers/internet is available, the next activity could be to complete a tiger fact-file, using the template provided or using the computer and their own creativity. Children could research tigers and find out key bits of information about things like habitat/diet/varieties of tiger/endangered/etc… These websites make a great starting point; could also use the map of India provided to mark on the locations of tiger wildlife parks and add information/graphics for the wildlife parks and tiger numbers in India (perhaps stick the map in the middle of an A3 piece of paper to provide room to get creative). Children could present their work to the group, sharing their learning.MATHS: The ‘Tigers in Numbers’ graphics provide a great opportunity for maths talk with different ages. From counting and simple adding with younger children to rounding, addition and subtraction and place value with children in KS2. If you have a mixed group, perhaps they could use the infographics to make up some maths questions for each other! Do what works for you here!LUNCH! Have a look at what tigers are getting up to at lunch time (is it lunchtime everywhere we look? would be a great question here) using the many zoos that have live webcams on their tigers - yourselves active again after lunch by listening to Katy Perry’s Roar - If you really want to get the blood pumping, you could have a go at learning a simple dance for this song - DT: The afternoon provides a perfect opportunity to have a go at the Eden Project’s Den Designer activity. Some small world figures would be great here – they could be going on a Tiger Safari and children could be tasked with building them an appropriate shelter/den. Get outside and see what you can find in the garden/playground to use to build a den. If you are indoors, then cardboard, plastic bottles, cereal boxes, etc are your friend for this activity. Follow the Eden Project planning and you can’t go wrong!READING/WRITING: Children could listen to Judith Kerr’s The Tiger Who Came to Tea being read on YouTube - . As they listen, children could be completing the ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ activities (crossword, colouring, etc - ). One of these activities involves children picking an animal who they would most like to visit them at teatime! Why not put this into a story or comic strip? Use the Twinkl comic book templates to structure work here. Children could share their story ideas, performing for each other/the TIME: Why not finish the day by watching the fantastic Dynasties episode on Tigers. Is there anything more relaxing than listening to Sir David Attenborough and watching wildlife at its most magnificent?! Whilst watching, children could complete the Whipsnade Zoo Tiger activities - or they could be doing some relaxing colouring in. This website has loads of free downloadables - the end of the day, see if children can share something that they have learned. Encourage them to go home and share their learning with others! Don’t forget to take pictures! ................

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