Teacher’s Name:

Teacher’s Name: Spiegel Building: H.S Grade: 9th Subject/Course: Biology

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| |Content | |Essential Questions |Assessment |

|August | | | | |

| |What is Science? |State the goal of Science. |How is Science different from other fields of study. |Test |

| |The Scientific method | |Observation Experiment |Lab: Scientific method |

| |Characteristics of Living Things. |State and describe the steps in the Scientific Method. | | |

| | | | |Test |

| | | | |2-1 Section Review. |

| | | | |Worksheet |

|September | | | | |

| |Nature of Matter |Identify and describe important properties of matter. |How are the internal structures related to cell |Worksheet |

| | | |function? | |

| |Composition of Matter |Describe the structure of the atom. | |Make Model of atom |

| |Compounds of Living Things |List the most abundant elements in living things | | |

| |Compound of Life |List the four most important groups of organic compounds | |Worksheet |

| |Cell Structure |Discuss cell structure | | |

| |Cytoplasmic Organelles | | |Worksheet |

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| | | | |Make edible cell |

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|October | | | | |

| |Capturing energy and converting energy |Discuss the process of Photosynthesis |Would every cell in an organism contain the same |Section Questions |

| |Nucleic Acids |Describe the structure and differences of DNA/RNA |amount of DNA? | |

| |Cell Growth/Division |Describe the four phases of mitosis | |Make a model of DNA |

| |The Cell Cycle |List and describe the stages of the cell | | |

| | | | |Chart Assignment |

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| | | | |Worksheet |

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|November | | | | |

| |The Work of Greg Mendel |Describe experiments of Greg Mendel |How if life different by being able to predict |1 and 2 factor crosses |

| |The Chromosome Theory of heredity |Use a Punnett Square to show how genes separate |offspring? | |

| |Runs in the Family |Explain how human traits are inherited | |Worksheet |

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|December |Modifying the living world |Discuss breeding strategies |How is genetics related to the evolutionary process |Create a Kid |

| |Evolution of life and diversity |Explain Darwin’s Principle of fitness and adaptation | |Worksheet |

| | |Discuss Ethical Issues of GE | | |

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Teacher’s Name: Building: Grade: Subject/Course:

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| |Content |Skills |Essential Questions |Assessment |

|January |Why Classify? |Identify the taxa in the classification system. |How does grouping organisms aid in the investigation of|Classification Assignment |

| | | |Earth’s life forms? | |

| |The first signs of life. |Identify the characteristics of the 1st true cells | | |

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| |The road to modern organisms. |Describe the evolution pf aerobic metabolism | | |

| | | |Are viruses living organisms? | |

| |Viruses |Describe the structure of a virus | |Section Review |

| | | |How are Bacteria different from other organisms? | |

| |Monerans-prokaryotic cells |Explain how bacteria are identified | |Worksheet |

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|February |The Kingdom Protista |List the characteristics and groups of protists |How would life be different if protests became extinct?|Story/Cartoon on Protests |

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| |The Fungi |List and discuss the general characteristics of fungi | | |

| | | |Would the ecological structure change if fungi became | |

| |Fungi in Nature |Discuss ways in which fungi are beneficial to humans |extinct? |Fungi Lab |

| | |Describe the adaptation that land plants evolved |How would life change if land plants became extinct? | |

| |Plants Invade the Land | | |Critical Thinking paper |

|March | | | | |

| |Seed Plants |Discuss the functions of roots, stems, and leaves |How would the ecological structure of the Earth change |Worksheet |

| | | |if plants became extict? | |

| |Evolution of Seed Plants |Identify the three groups of Gymnosperms | | |

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| |Plant Structure |Describe the structure of roots, stems, and leaves | |Test |

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|April | | | | |

| |Cones and Flowers |Describe and Identify the parts of a flower |How are plant and animal evolution interrelated? |Flower Diagram |

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| |Introduction to the Animal Kingdom |Give a definition of an animal | |Test |

| | |Identify characteristics of an animal | | |

|May | | | | |

| |Distinguish between Vertebrates and Invertebrates. |Discuss Sponges, Cnidarians, Segmented Worms, Arthropods, Fishes, |How does an organisms structure and behavior patterns |Labs: Dissecting |

| | |Amphibians, reptiles, Birds, and Mammals |enable it to survive in its environment? | |

| |Evolution of temperature control. | | | |

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