MITOSIS BOOKLETDIRECTIONS: Follow each step below exactly to construct your book. Front Cover: Decorate/design your own “catchy” front cover with a slogan.Page 1: Draw and color a chromosome. Label the sister chromatids and the centromere.Page 2: Title this page, “The Cell Cycle”. Do the following: 1) Tell what the cell cycle is. 2) Write and answer the following question, “What phase does the cell spend a majority of the cell cycle in?”Page 3: Title this page “The Cell Cycle”. Cut out or draw the cell cycle pie graph on this page. Using a blue colored pencil, trace around the parts of the cell cycle that include Interphase (G1 , S, and G2 phase). Color the G1 phase red, the S phase blue, and the G2 green. Next color mitosis orange and cytokinesis yellow. Page 4: Title this page the “Phases of Mitosis” 1) Define mitosis using complete sentences. 2) List the names of the four phase of mitosis in the correct order.Page 5: Title this page “Interphase”. Find or draw a picture of a cell in interphase and place it on this page. Color and label the chromatin red. Color the inside of the nucleus yellow and the cytoplasm blue. Label the nucleus, nuclear envelope and cytoplasm. Under the picture, briefly describe what happens in each of the three parts of Interphase (G1, S, G2).Page 6: Title this page, “Prophase”. Find or draw a picture of the cell in prophase and place it on this page. Color the chromosomes red, the inside of the nucleus yellow, and the cytoplasm blue. Label the following: chromosomes, nuclear envelope, spindle fibers. Write a description of prophase in complete sentences under the picture. Page 7: Title your page, “Metaphase”. Find or draw a picture of the cell in metaphase and place it on this page. Color the chromosomes red and the cytoplasm blue. Write a description of metaphase in complete sentences under the picture. Label the chromosomes and spindle fibers.Page 8: Title your page, “Anaphase”. Find or draw a picture of the cell in anaphase and place it on this page.Color the chromosomes red and the cytoplasm blue. Write a description of anaphase in complete sentences under the picture. Label the chromosomes and the spindle fibers.Page 9: Title your page, “Telophase”. Find or draw a picture of the cell in telophase and place it on this page. Color the chromosomes red, cytoplasm blue, and the inside of the nucleus yellow. Write a description of telophase in compete sentences under the picture. Label the chromosomes, nucleus, and nuclear envelope, and cytoplasm. Page 10: This this page “Cytokinesis in an Animal Cell”. Find a picture of an animal cell in cytokinesis and place it on this page. Color the cytoplasm blue and the chromosomes/chromatin red. Label the cleavage furrow, nucleus, and the chromatin. Under the picture write a description of cytokinesis in an animal cell in complete sentences.Page 11: Title this page “Cytokinesis in a Plant Cell”. Find a picture of a plant cell in cytokinesis and place it on this page. Color the cytoplasm blue and the chromosomes/chromatin red. Label the cell plate, nucleus, and the chromatin.Under the picture write a description of cytokinesis in a plant cell in complete sentences. Page 12: Title this page “Mitosis”. Write a few sentences describing the end result of mitosis. Be sure to address the following: Difference in the number of cells at the beginning & end of mitosis?Compare the number of chromosomes in the each cell at the beginning & end of mitosis.What is the purpose of mitosis?Page 13: Title this page “DNA Replication”Draw an image of DNA Replication. Explain what DNA Replication is. Include the word semi-conservative, parent strand, and daughter strand in your explanation.Page 14:Define Asexual Reproduction.List the advantages of asexual reproduction.Chose 2 of the following to illustrate: budding, binary fission, regeneration, sporulation, and vegetative reproduction. GRADE: 40 Formal Points ................

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