Cell Organelle Project

Cell Organelle ProjectIn order to understand the roles that each organelle plays in a cell we’re going to be doing a project. In this project we’ll be focusing on the functions of each organelle. The manner you display your knowledge will be up to you. Option 1: Cell Brochure1154430376555Design a brochure using the cell as an attraction such as an amusement park, carnival, or hotel. The brochure must include the listed organelles which "delight and amaze" their potential customers. Humor and creativity are encouraged. Use diagrams to illustrate the features of the cell. Creativity is strongly encouraged but you must remember to include the real facts about the cell you choose.Option 2: 3D model of the cell Design a 3 dimensional cell model showing all of the organelles listed for either a plant cell or animal cell. This means it needs to have a front, back, and sides. It cannot be a piece of paper with things glued on it. If you choose to create a plant cell, it must be rectangular and if you choose to create an animal cell, it must be circular. Use common materials such as Styrofoam, cardboard, wood, paper, play-dough,macaroni, dry cereal, string, buttons, pipe cleaners, beads, yarn, etc. Be creative!!? Do not use JELLO, edible fruit or vegetable, or anything that will spoil or spill.? Number all parts on the cell model.? Make sure parts and numbers are securely attached to your model.? Cell model must be 3-D, it cannot be flat like a poster.? Do not use pins or anything sharp.? PUT YOUR NAME & PERIOD ON MODEL!!? Identify your cell as plant or animal using a LABEL.? On a separate sheet of paper, make a list of the numbered organelles from your model and write a 1-2 sentence description of each organelle with their respective numbers. Option 3: Cell CollageDraw a cell diagram on a piece of paper with all of the listed organelles. Then, cut out magazine or newspaper pictures of objects will similar functions as each of the cell organelles. Neatly write descriptions of each organelle and how they relate to the magazine or newspaper you cut out. Paste the cell diagram you drew in the middle of a poster and the diagrams around it. Draw pointers from each of your analogies to the correct organelle on your diagram to create a collage. Creativity is strongly encouraged but you must remember to include the real facts about the cell you choose. Option 4: Cell Journey StoryImagine you somehow ended up inside an animal cell. Use your imagination and scientific knowledge of cells to explain the journey you and your group would embark upon. Be sure to include a labeled cell diagram to clearly illustrate the path of your travels. Some possible ideas of ways to describe your travels include journal entries, a story, photo album with captions, or a fictional story. Be sure to include the listed organelles. Creativity is strongly encouraged but you must remember to include the real facts about the cell you choose. Option 4: Play or a Video Create and film a play with your group members that include all of the listed organelles and their functions. You must hand in the script for your play/video with the dialogue and role of each individual in the group. Your play must incorporate all of the organelles listed for either an animal cell or a plant cell. 782955137795Due Date: 00Due Date: Cell Project RequirementsYou must include the following organelles and their functions/analogies:Animal Cell:Cytoplasm/SkeletonGolgi apparatusMitochondriaCell membraneRough endoplasmic reticulumSmooth endoplasmic reticulumNucleusRibosomesLysosomesVacuole Plant Cell: (Because there are more organelles you can receive up to 2 bonus points for using a plant cell)All of the animal cells organellesChloroplastsCell wallPoint BreakdownOrganelles (5 points each) x 10 organelles = _____________ points (2 points possible EC for plant cell)Neatness (10 points possible) = _____________ points Creativity (10 points possible) = _____________ points _______________________________________Total = _____________ points ................

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