Science Lesson Planning Template

Science Lesson Planning Template

5 E Learning Cycle Model

Context Issues of the Lesson

|Unit or Lesson Title: |Unit: 4 |

| | |

| |Building Blocks of Our Body |

|Grade Level |5th-7th |

|Topic/Theme/Nature of the Investigation: | |

| | |

| |What Are Cells? |

| | |

|NGSS Performance Expectation(s) |LS1.A: Structure and Function |

|Next Generation Science Standards |Develop and use a model to describe the function of a cell as a whole and ways parts |

| |of cells contribute to the function. MS-LS1-2 |

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|NGSS Dimension 1 component |Modeling |

|(Scientific and Engineering Practices) |Developing and Using Models |

|Dimension 1 |Modeling in 6–8 builds on K–5 experiences and progresses to developing, using, and |

| |revising models to describe, test, and predict more abstract phenomena and design |

| |systems. |

| |Develop a model to describe phenomena. (MS-LS1-2) |

|NGSS Dimension 2 component |Scale, Proportion, and Quantity |

|(Crosscutting Concepts) |Phenomena that can be observed at one scale may not be observable at another |

|Dimension 2 |scale. (MS-LS1-1) |

|NGSS Dimension 3 component |All living things are made up of cells, which is the smallest unit that can be said |

|(Disciplinary Core Ideas) |to be alive. An organism may consist of one single cell (unicellular) or many |

|Dimension 3 |different numbers and types of cells (multicellular). |

| |Within cells, special structures are responsible for particular functions, and the |

| |cell membrane forms the boundary that controls what enters and leaves the cell. |

| |. |

|Duration: |3-4 Class Periods |

Planning Stages Within the 5-E Inquiry Model

|Engage |


|Students are given labeled diagrams of animal and plant cells. They are asked to explain similarities and difference between the two |

|examples. |

|What is the teacher doing? What are the students doing? |

|Teacher is creating opportunities for students to expand their knowledge on cells by comparing structures and functions through various|

|activities. |

|Students are collecting evidence to show their growth in knowledge on how cells function. |

|Explore |


|Student identify the necessary organelles found in the plant and animal cells |

|Students begin to explain how each organelle function in the cell. |

| |

|Activities (list) |Driving Question |

|Students are given pictures of both plant and animals cells labeled. Students work | |

|in groups of no more than 3 to collected data on seminaries and difference they | |

|observe in both cell diagrams. Student report out on information they collected to |Why are cells important to the building blocks of |

|other groups. Questions what organelles seem to be important in each cell type? Tell|our body? |

|why? | |

| | |

|Students will use food items to reconstruct plant and animal cell. i.e. square |What structures and functions are the same or |

|(Plant cell) round (animal cells) . Use various candies or healthy snacks to |different in both plant and animal cells? |

|represent the organelles found in each cell. Question what items you would use to | |

|represent the organelles in a plant and animal cell. Explain why you would use these| |

|items. | |

|Student will compare their plant and animal models with others students to explain | |

|why they constructed their model. | |

|Student Communication Product: (written report, oral presentation, poster, etc.) |

|(consider showing “Models” of student products to help student identify characteristics of quality) |

| |

|Students will construct a booklet, foldable that reflect the function of organelles |

|Explain |


|To provide students with additional resources to build knowledge about cell organelles and their functions |

|To provide workable definitions and compare organelle functions to other systems.. |

|Content Media: (written material, video, teacher lecture, technology) |

|Teacher directed activities( Use of technology below will help further explain functions of cells) |

|Teacher provided stations to explain functions of organelles in plant and animal cells. |

| |

|Students are placed in groups of 4 to review power point presentation on Plant and animal cells. Student will complete a guided outline|

|related to the presentation to complete. They will report on their findings with another group. |

| |

| |

|Sample of possible PowerPoints to use with students. Small group: |

| |

|Free PowerPoint Presentations - Introduction to the Cell, Plant and Animal Cell, Cell Theory, etc. |

| Reinforcement of animal and plant cell terms |

|(Cells) Free 30 Day Trial for online simulations that power inquiry and understanding (Cells) Free 30 Day |

|Trail for Movie Clip and Quiz |

| |

|Student Communication Product: (assessment, unit test, written report, oral presentation, poster, etc.) |

| |

|Student will do oral presentation on the power point presentations they reviewed |

|Elaborate |


|to extend students' conceptual understanding through application or practice in new settings |

|Activities: |

| |

|Students will participate in a scavenger hunt related to organelle functions. Given cards with clues for function and organelles. |

|Students will self-check using answer key when completed. Students will record |

| |

| |

|Content Media: (written material, video, teacher lecture, technology) |

| |

|Study Jams Scholastic. com Plants students will use this site to do pre and post quiz. Look over vocabulary words and view short |

|video |

| |

| |

| |

|Extending/Application Questions for Whole/Small Group Discourse: |

| |

| |

|Student Communication Product (assessment): (unit test, written report, oral presentation, poster, etc.) |

| |

|Evaluate |

|PURPOSE: In this phase students assess their ability to recreate model for plant and animal cell. |

| |

|Skill/Reasoning Learning Objectives |Assessment Instrument |

|Teacher need to assess prior knowledge then compare with post test |Pre’ Post testing over material to be covered. |

|to determine growth of student knowledge. | |

| | |

|Student are able to write about the cell model they completed | |

| |Lab sheet works with completed diagrams of their cells and |

| |explanations. |

| | |

|Students have the ability to engage in an argument that supports | |

|their learning by using collected data. | |

| |Students will compare two function oof organelles and create if the|

| |statements (cause and effect) using their data to support their |

| |claim. |

| |If this organelle was missing from the cell then |

| |________________would cause the cell to |

| |because________________________ |

|Knowledge Learning Objectives |Assessment Instrument |

| | |

|Persuasive essay on which organelle is more important and why. |Rubric for identifying part function purpose and importance of |

| |the organelle.. |

| |“My organelle is the most important one in the cell because….) |

| |Outcome presented in debate format.. |


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