Model of a Cell

Model of a Cell Extra Credit

Due September 7, 2012

For this project you will create a 3-D model of a plant or animal cell (your choice) using common materials. Using your textbook, notes and/or the Internet for guidance, you will label the structure on the model with numbers, providing a key to identify the labels.


• The cell can be no smaller than 4” x 6” and no larger than 9” x 12”.

• The cell must be 3-D; therefore, it cannot be a poster or only puffy paint.

• Ideas for materials include: yarn, beads, toothpicks, pipe cleaners, string, straws, Styrofoam, food, play-doh, dried fruit…Use many types and your imagination, but be sure it will stay together!

• You must identify all the organelles listed below for whichever cell you choose. Make sure to include their definition.

• The type of cell, your name and teacher’s name must be identified somehow on the model and key.

• DO NOT label the organelles on the model, use ID numbers. The key will identify which organelle is represented by each ID number.


• Cell membrane

• Cell wall (plant cell only)

• Chloroplasts (plant cell only)

• Cytoplasm

• Mitochondria

• Nucleus

• Vacuoles

This project is due Friday, September 7th, 2012.

Extra Credit is worth UP TO 20 Points

Take your time on this and don’t wait until the night before. Be creative with your choices and most of all have fun!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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