Cell Analogy Project - Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools

Cell Analogy Project Name:______________________

Now that you have learned about the organelles in a cell, you need to think of an analogy, comparing the cell and it’s organelles to something of your choice, as I did below, comparing a cell to a factory. This project should be on paper LARGER than notebook paper, and should be in full color. The following criteria will be graded:

Include a plant or animal cell picture labeled and colored with the 10 cell parts list below

Include a picture of the cell analogy illustration (city, factory etc.) labeled and colored.

Include a comparison chart (example provided below) which lists the cell analogy parts with their functions and the cell part and their functions. Students can see the comparison more clearly with a chart.

Students can work by themselves, a partner, or a small group no more than 4.

Students will have class time to work on this project.

Please choose ONE type of cell (plant or animal), and check off each organelle as you add it in your chart:

Plant Cell

θ Nucleus θ Mitochondrion

θ Cell wall θ cell membrane

θ Chloroplast θ ribosomes

θ Golgi body θ Endoplasmic reticulum

θ vacuole θ lysosome

Animal Cell

θ Nucleus θ Mitochondrion

θ flagella θ cell membrane

θ lysosome θ ribosomes

θ Golgi body θ Endoplasmic reticulum

θ Contractile vacuole θ cytoskeleton

Please attach this checklist to your analogy! Due ___________________________

The Cell as a Factory:

|Factory Part |Function |Organelle |Function |

|Central Office |Manages activities, initiates production, controls activities of |Nucleus |Control |

| |factory | |Center of the cell |

|Assembly Line |Assembles raw materials to manufacture items |Ribosome |Makes proteins |

|Packaging & Shipping |Packs products for distribution |Golgi Bodies |Packages/transports |

|Conveyer Belt |Moves product within the factory |Endoplasmic reticulum |passageways |

|Generator |Produces energy for the factory |Mitochondrion |Energy/powerhouse |

|Storage area |Stores materials for later use |Vacuole |storage |

|Collection center |Breaks down and recycles used parts |Lysosome |recycles |

|Door |Allows for things to enter and leave the factory |Cell membrane |Protects the cell |

|Bricks and Steel |Construction materials that keep the factory from collapsing |cytoskeleton |Holds cell together |

|Trucks/ 18 Wheelers |Move the factory when it needs to relocate |centrioles |Helps with cell division |


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