3-D Cell Model

NAME:_____________________________ Date: _______ Science Teacher_____________ Period: __

3-D/Google Slides: Plant AND Animal Cells Model Project

Project Assigned: Thursday, September 22, 2016 Project Due: Thursday, October 6, 2016

Objective: The student will demonstrate understanding of the structure and function of various organelles that make up plant and animal cells. They will create a 3-d model and a Google Slides presentation on a plant and an animal cell.


**Student will make ONE cell 3-D model (Plant or Animal)

• Cell must be 3-dimensional, as shown in class which means it needs to have a front, back, and sides. (Paper posters are not acceptable.)

• Cell must contain the appropriate organelles.

• Cell may NOT be made from anything edible. NO FOOD may be used!

• All parts of your cells must be labeled clearly in order to receive credit.

• Cells should be as accurate as possible. The cell parts should be located where they belong.

For example, the nucleus should be near the center of the cells and chloroplast should be green on the plant cell.

Suggested Materials: Styrofoam balls, Craft foam, Beads, Yarn, Pipe Cleaners, Felt, Pom Pom balls, Crayola molding clay or foam etc.

Below is a table of the organelles that MUST be included in your model:

|Organelle |Plant Cell |Animal Cell |

|1. Cell Wall |( | |

|2. Cell Membrane |( |( |

|3. Cytoplasm |( |( |

|4. Nucleus |( |( |

|5. Vacuoles |( |( |

|6. Mitochondria (Min 3) |( |( |

|7. Chloroplasts (Min 3) |( | |

|8. Lysosome (Bonus) |( |( |

**Student will make ONE Google Slides Presentation (Plant or Animal cell, whichever one was not done in the model)

1. Navigate to

Sign in with email: username@stu.

Username: 1st letter of 1st name + complete last name up to 10 letters +last 4 of student ID Password: full student ID

2. You should have joined your science teacher’s Google Classroom. (see class codes for your teacher and class period below)

3. Use Google Slides in Google Classroom to create your project. Do not go through Google Drive because we will not be able to see it easily and you will be penalized points.

4. Your presentation should be 6 slides for an animal cell and 8 slides for a plant cell. The first slide must include your first and last name, class period, and project title. The remaining slides will be used to represent each of the organelles covered in class. Each slide should contain a: 1-picture of the organelle, 2- a description of the structure, 3- a description of the function and 4- an analogy (comparison) to the human body.

5. Share your Google Slides with your teacher through Google Classroom.

**Parent signature on Letter that goes home is also part of the grade.

Maricle - mmaric@ Bandy- rbandy@ Reynolds- ddoby@

How you will be evaluated:

Grading Rubric 3D Model:

| |4 |3 |2 |1 | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Total points earned |

| | | | | |for 3-D model: |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |_____pts. |

|Model |3-dimensional and accurate |3-dimensional and mostly |3-dimensional but not |3-dimensional but not | |

| | |accurate |accurate |accurate | |

|Organelles are labeled |All organelles labeled |1 missing organelle |2 missing organelles |More than2 missing | |

| | | | |organelles | |

|Organelles are all present |All organelles present |1 missing organelle |2 missing organelles |More than2 missing | |

|in model | | | |organelles | |

|Organelles are in |All organelles correctly |1 organelle incorrectly |2 organelles incorrectly |More than 2 organelles | |

|appropriate location within |located |placed |placed |incorrectly placed | |

|cell | | | | | |

|Total points |100 |80 |70 |60 | |

Grading Rubric Google Slides Presentation:

| |4 |3 |2 |1 | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Total points earned |

| | | | | |for Google Slides |

| | | | | |cell: |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |_____pts. |

|Picture of Organelles |Picture of All organelles |1 missing picture of |2 missing pictures of |More than 2 missing | |

| | |organelles |organelles |pictures of organelles | |

|Organelle Function |Function of All organelles |1 missing function of |2 missing function of |More than 2 missing | |

| | |organelles |organelles |function of organelles | |

|Organelle Structure |Structure of All organelles|1 missing structure of |2 missing structure of |More than 2 missing | |

| | |organelles |organelles |structure of organelles | |

|Organelle Analogy |Analogy of All organelles |1 missing analogy of |2 missing analogy of |More than 2 missing analogy| |

| | |organelles |organelles |of organelles | |

|Total points |100 |80 |70 |60 | |

|Parent Signature |Grade for 3-D Model |Grade for Google Slides |Total points earned for project: |

|(5 bonus points) | | |______/200 = ______% |

Class codes for Google Classroom:

|Teacher: |

|Period |Code |

|2nd |yri7fp |

|4th |hoz88tu |

|5th |zrsqabi |

|7th |fai3rsz |

|8th |vlyabjq |

| | |

Dear Parent/Guardian of 7th Grade Students,

This letter is to inform you that your child has recently been assigned: “3-D/Google Slides: Plant AND Animal Cells Model Project”. Students are responsible for creating an accurate representation of an animal and a plant cell. They are to make their 3-d model of a cell using common household or craft materials and they are to complete their slides through Google Slides.

This project is one of the few projects students should expect throughout the year in 7th grade science. It will count as a “project grade” which will be averaged in the category that makes up 35% of their Science grade. Projects will be assessed based on the rubric that is provided. They ARE REQUIRED to make a 3-d model of one type of cell AND a Google Slides presentation of the cell they did NOT choose for their 3-d model. (They will be demonstrating their understanding of both types of cells)

All students must submit the project the day it is due. 10 points will be deducted each day after the due date. If this project is more than District policy allows, your child will receive a zero which will impact Science grades.

This project is due:

October 6th, 2016.

If you have any questions about this project, please feel free to contact the 7th grade Science teacher through email or a message left with the main office. (210.356.6200)

Email: mmaric@, ddoby@, rbandy@ or crusso@

Thank You,

7th grade Science Team

Please sign below and have your child return this form by September 26th, 2016.


Name of Student: _____________________________________________________________

Science Teacher: Bandy Reynolds Maricle

I have read the guidelines with my child, understand all aspects of the project and am aware of the due date.

Parent Signature ______________________________________________________________

Student Signature _____________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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