APPLICATION PACKAGE FOR SUMMER RESEARCHSubmit an electronic copy ( of your research proposal to the OFFICE OF DR.ANWER on or before JANUARY 31, 2020.GENERAL DIRECTIONS:It is required that the student prepare the proposal with input from the mentor (see web site ). Under no circumstances should the mentor prepare the application, since this is a part of the training process. Each mentor is eligible to sponsor a maximum of two students. If a student plans to conduct research off campus, the primary mentor must still be a member of the TCSVM faculty.Follow these guidelines explicitly for the preparation of the plete the TITLE PAGE (page 1). Both student and mentor should sign this plete the SUMMARY PAGE: In the box provided, describe concisely the specific aims, experimental designs/methods and significance of the proposed research, i.e., "WHY AND HOW YOU WANT TO DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO"RESEARCH PROPOSAL (not to exceed 3 pages): Divide this section into the following subsections:SPECIFIC AIMS: State your hypothesis/objective for the present proposal. (Half a page)BACKGROUND/SIGNIFICANCE: Describe the rationale for your hypothesis/objective under "Specific Aims", and the potential significance of the proposed study. (One page)METHODS: Describe the methods and experimental designs to be used to attain your specific aims. Include a paragraph describing the statistical methods you will use to analyze your results. Explain clearly the extent of your active participation in any method/procedure to be used. (One page)REFERENCES: A bibliography of pertinent references. (Half a page)SUPPLY BUDGET: Include a budget listing major categories of supplies (do not include stipend) needed for the project. State whether the supplies will be provided by the mentor.ANIMAL USE APPROVAL: Students who receive the award will be required to obtain the approval of the Tufts Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) if live animals are to be used in the project. Your mentor may already have such approval. No experiments with live animals should be initiated without this approval.VETERINARY STUDENT SUMMER RESEARCH PROPOSALTITLE: STUDENT NAME: CLASS YEAR: ID NUMBER: US CITIZEN/PERMANENT RESIDENT: Yes or No RACE: DegreeYearAreaInstitutionGPAGRE ScoresV,Q,A,S (%) and/or MCAT Score DEGREES EARNED (List all):PERMANENT ADDRESS: LOCAL ADDRESS CELL #: DVM GPA (If less than 2.75% see Dr. Anwer):MENTOR: CAMPUS:TELEPHONE #: RESEARCH PERFORMANCE SITE: I have prepared this proposal under the supervision of my mentor. Date: Grafton Student signatureI have supervised the preparation of this proposal. I am willing to supervise the research activity and to provide needed laboratory resources if the proposal is funded.Date: Mentor signature2SUMMARY (Do not exceed the space provided)Are you enrolled or plant to enroll in one of our combined degree programs? ___ YES____NOIf yes, specify: DVM/MSDVM/LAMSDVM/IVM Certificate Program DVM/MPHDVM/IDGHVertebrate Animals:____ YES____ NOIf yes, species:Do you plant to submit a senior Thesis? ____ YES____NORESEARCH PROPOSAL (not to exceed 3 pages): ................

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