University of Plymouth

School of Biological and Marine SciencesAnimal Ethics Checklist Form for Undergraduate Student ProjectsComplete the following questions concerning your project; you must complete all questions in sequence until your answer falls into a box that is a colour other than green. Once this is the case you should stop and complete the corresponding action.Continue to the next question.You do not need to complete an Animal Ethics Proposal form. You should print off this form and submit it to the School office.You should complete an Animal Ethics Proposal form with your project advisor and submit this to the School office. The form is on the DLE.You should submit a copy of the existing ethical approval to the School office.You should complete a full ethical application and submit it to the Animal Welfare Ethics Review Board.Name:Reg. No:Advisor:Project Title:YesNoDoes the proposed project involve the use of animals or animal tissues? Use of animals includes observational studies.Is your project solely observational, with no direct contact, manipulation or disturbance; and is it conducted in a natural environment (e.g. woodland)?Are you using invertebrates in a non-natural setting (e.g. laboratory)?Does the project involve damage to, or euthanasia of invertebrates?Are you using or observing vertebrates or cephalopods, or using their tissues?Are observational data or tissue samples previously collected and stored (e.g. frozen samples, videos etc.) being used?Are tissues sampled from a wild population of vertebrates or cephalopods, which require handling or euthanasia?Are animals housed in a human modified environment (e.g. zoo, shelter, farm etc.)?Is the project solely observation based with no manipulation of vertebrates or cephalopods?Has your project been ethically reviewed, and to a sufficient standard, by an external University or Institutional (e.g. zoo) ethics board?Is your project exploring a common husbandry procedure or using a technique that is part of normal husbandry (e.g. enrichment)?Does your protocol involve manipulations that are not part of normal care of the species?Does your protocol include treatments (such as isolation) or stressors (such as substantial movement or handling) which may compromise the welfare of the subjects?Does your protocol involve procedures which may inflict substantial pain or suffering on the subjects (e.g. surgical procedures; inoculation with diseases etc.)Is your project part of a wider project, which has already received ethical approval or is conducted under a Home Office Licence?Please also include a copy of this form in your project notebook and appended to your project write up.The Animal Ethics Proposal form should include a brief description of your project methods (after discussion with your advisor) clearly indicating (i) why it is necessary for you to use live animals in your project (ii) how you will use animals in your project and (iii) how you have considered their welfare during the course of your project. Please return the description (no more than 500 words) with a copy of this form as above. You must then wait for ethical approval of your project before you can start work. N.B. you are required to include in the methods section of your project write up an ethical statement saying how the welfare of your study animals was considered.Student Signature______________________________________Plymouth University Advisor Signature________________________________ ................

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