Animal Research Project Rubric

Animal Research Project Rubric

Names _________________________________________

Animal _________________Species: ___________________

Latin Name ___________________________


Investigate the relationships among organisms in a specific ecosystem.

Determine physical and behavioral adaptations that help organisms survive in their environment.

Students will create a handout & PowerPoint or Prezi presentation of an animal they have chosen to research. The presentation will include animal characteristics, habitat, adaptations, and diet.

Name of animal, species, Latin name (In both handout & Presentation) (1 pt)

PART A: Create a student handout (1 page word Document) that includes (10 pts)

o Animals name (common and Latin)

o Brief physical description of your animal w photo!

o Photo of your animals track

o Photo of your animals scat

o Any tracking signs that would help ID the presence of your animal (ex: deer beds, turkey scratches, buck rubs)

PART B Presentation MUST include the following (PowerPoint, or Prezi)

• Characteristics 1 2 3 4 5 ____

o Photo

o Physical description

o Where they are found

o Reproduction (how many times do they mate, do they lay eggs, how many live offspring do they have, do they have a breeding season,

o Unique and identifying characteristics

• Diet 1 2 3 4 5 ____

• Habitat 1 2 3 4 5 ____

• Adaptations 1 2 3 4 5 ____

• Physical vs. Behavioral 1 2 3 4 5 ____

o Show video clip of animal and explain the behavior the animal is demonstrating, Abiotic & Biotic factors found

▪ Example watch video

▪ Snow monkeys in the mountains of japan are demonstrating grooming behaviors, biotic factors are the living factors such as the monkey interactions and the Abiotic factors are the temperature of hot springs, cold climate, & presence of snow.

• Presentation/voice 1 2 3 4 5 ____

• Pictures & Graphics 1 2 3 4 5 ____

• PowerPoint Design 1 2 3 4 5 ____

• Followed Directions 1 2 3 4 5 ____

• Citing Sources 1 2 3 4 5 ____

o APA citations must include 3 sources. Use APA citation machine to cite

PART C: Activity: Following your presentation you must provide some type of hands on activity for your classmates to understand more about your animal. Activity MUST be pre-approved before your presentation: (20 pts)

Activities can include but are not limited to:

• Create your own Kahoot

• Do an Arts & crafts project with the class

• Find an interesting article about your animal and have students read and fill out an article summary

• Create a game (Jeopardy, board game, bingo, hangman, ect)

• Make a school wide scavenger hunt that reveals facts about your animals (like Blue’s Clues

• Create or find a virtual web quest about your animal

• Have students work in groups and create an illustrated children’s story about your animal

• Create or locate a song/rap/ or poem about your animal and create a worksheet where students analyze it

Approved date: ________________ Mrs. Lathrop’s Signature:_________________ _________________________________________________

Total Points: ___/ 81pts Grade _____


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