Classification Unit Test

1. What are the characteristics of living things?

Cellular Organization, made up of chemicals, use energy, respond to surroundings, grow and develop, and reproduce.

2. What is taxonomy and who is known as the father of taxonomy?

Taxonomy—the study of how living things are classified. Carolus Linnaeus is known as the father of taxonomy.

3. The process of grouping things based on similarities is called classification.

4. The process by which a new organism forms from the joining of an egg cell and a sperm cell is called sexual reproduction.

5. Binomial Nomenclature is a two part naming system made up of the organism’s genus and species.

6. In the name Puma Concolor, concolor would be the species.

7. Two types of symmetry are radial and bilateral. Humans have bilateral symmetry and starfish have radial symmetry.

Animal Kingdom

8. Chordata phylum contains animals with a backbone. All other phyla contain invertebrates, animals without a backbone. Most animals are invertebrates.

9. An animal whose body temperature does not change when the temperature of the environment changes is called endothermic an animal whose body temperature changes with the environment is called ectothermic.

10. Birds and mammals are endotherms. Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fish are ectotherms.

11. What is the benefit of a bird’s nearly hollow bones? Lightweight for flying

12. What are the characteristics of mammals? Hair/fur, live birth, milk for young, specialized teeth, endothermic, 4 chambered heart.

13. Which class of vertebrates is able to obtain oxygen through lungs and its skin? Amphibians

14. What are 3 characteristics of arthropods? Exoskeleton, jointed appendages, segmented body.

15. Worms are the simplest organisms with a brain.

Plant Kingdom

16. What characteristics do gymnosperms share?

They are vascular, reproduce by having “naked” seeds or seeds that are not enclosed by fruits.

17. What are the characteristics of angiosperms?

Produce flowers and have seeds that are enclosed in fruit.

18. What is vascular tissue and what does it do for a plant?

Vascular tissue is a system of tube-like structures inside a plant through which water, minerals, and food move. Also gives support to the plant.

19. The main function of leaves is to carry out the food-making process of photosynthesis.

Fungi Kingdom

20. What kind of environment do fungi need and why? Moist environment because they have no vascular tissue

21. Bread rises due to the action of fungi called yeast.

22. Most fungi reproduce by making spores.

23. The picture to the left belongs to the fungi kingdom and is commonly called a mushroom.

24. Letter A are the hyphae which grow into a food source and absorb nutrients.

Protist Kingdom

25. Animal-like protists are commonly called protozoan.

26. Plant like protists are commonly called algae. All plant like protists are autotrophs.

27. The third group of protists are called fungus like.

28. The amoeba is an animal like protist that can move using a pseudopod or false foot.

29. The paramecium is an animal like protist that uses cilia to move which are like little hairs.

30. The plant like protist Euglena uses a flagella to move.

Archaebacteria and Eubacteria

31. Archaebacteria and Eubacteria are both Prokaryotes which means their cells do not have a nucleus or membrane bound organelles.

32. Eubacteria are found everywhere.

33. Archaebacteria are found in Extreme environments.

34. Bacteria usually reproduce asexually through the process of binary fission.


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