62166568580000ANIMAL CARE AND USE PROGRAM REVIEW FORM (Regular Visits)SECTION 4VETERINARY AND ANIMAL CARE PROGRAMName of the institution: FORMTEXT ?????VETERINARY AND ANIMAL CARE PERSONNELTHE VETERINARIANThe availability of professional assistance from a veterinarian with interest in and experience with animals used for research, teaching, testing or production purposes is of prime importance in achieving and maintaining optimal conditions of animal care. Formal arrangements must be made to obtain the services of a veterinarian, at least on a consultative basis, if they are not readily available within the institution.Please make sure that your answers refer to each veterinarian or category of veterinarian (e.g. position as outlined in question 401: clinical veterinarian, director, university veterinarian).400.Does your institutional animal care and use program involve more than one veterinarian providing clinical or administrative services, or ensuring compliance with institutional policies, CCAC policies and guidelines and municipal, provincial and federal regulations (as opposed to veterinarians involved in research / teaching activities)? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No401.For each veterinarian responsible for providing veterinary services (clinical, compliance and administrative) at your institution, indicate their employment status (full-time, part-time, consulting), name, qualifications (professional degrees, years of relevant training or experience in laboratory animal medicine), position (university veterinarian, director, clinical veterinarian) and duties. For all veterinarians, indicate the % of their time spent on each duty:Employment StatusName, Qualifications, and Contact InformationPosition and DutiesTime Spent on Each Duty (% or number of hours) FORMCHECKBOX full-time FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX part-time FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX on a consulting basis FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX other (specify): FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????402.a)If more than one veterinarian is involved, please provide, as appendix 4A, an organizational chart, showing reporting lines, of the veterinary program (if not already done in section 1) FORMCHECKBOX N/Ab)If only one veterinarian is involved, to whom does he/she report? FORMTEXT ?????403.Is/Are the veterinarian(s) providing clinical services licensed to practice? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "No": FORMTEXT ?????404.What measures are in place to ensure adequate veterinary care of the animals should the veterinarian(s) not be available (e.g. formal arrangements with other experienced veterinarians)? FORMTEXT ?????405.Do(es) the consulting veterinarian(s) have a formal contract or job description in place, based on the CALAM Standards of Veterinary Care (2007), to provide veterinary and other services? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX N/ments or additional information: FORMTEXT ?????AuthorityThe veterinarian must have the authority to ensure the provision of comprehensive veterinary care, oversee all aspects of animal care within the institution, and work with the animal care committee to protect animal welfare. Please refer to the 2006 CCAC policy statement on: terms of reference for animal care committees, the CCAC Guide to the Care and Use of Experimental Animals, Volume 1, Chapter I, Section B2, and the CALAM Standards of Veterinary Care (2007) for more information.407.Do(es) the veterinarian(s) have the explicit authority from the Animal Care Committee (ACC) and the institution to ensure the provision of comprehensive veterinary care and oversee all aspects of animal care and use, and is this authority documented in the Terms of Reference? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????408.Do(es) the veterinarian(s) have the authority to euthanize any animal found to be suffering unnecessary pain and/or distress, or pain and/or distress that cannot be alleviated? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????409.Do(es) the veterinarian(s) have unlimited access to all animal housing and procedure areas within the institution? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????410.Describe how the veterinarian(s) work(s) with the ACC to ensure compliance with institutional and CCAC policies and guidelines. FORMTEXT ?????ments or additional information: FORMTEXT ?????Duties, Services, and Responsibilities Veterinary resources within the institution or hired on a consultative basis must be sufficient to ensure that appropriate veterinary care is provided to all animals, as defined in Chapter I, Section B2 of the CCAC Guide to the Care and Use of Experimental Animals, Volume 1, and in the CALAM Standards of Veterinary Care (2007).General Duties412.What practices/procedures are in place to ensure that the veterinarian is aware of all animals kept within the institution, whether for research, teaching, testing, production, breeding, or display purposes? FORMTEXT ?????413.Are all protocols in the institution reviewed by at least one veterinarian when they are submitted for interim or final approval to the animal care committee? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????ments or additional information: FORMTEXT ?????Veterinary Services415.Do(es) the veterinarian(s) respond promptly to requests for veterinary services? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????416.Do(es) the veterinarian(s) participate in the education and training of animal users and animal care staff? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????417.Do(es) the veterinarian(s) actively provide guidance and advice on animal restraint and handling procedures? FORMCHECKBOX Yes – Please give examples: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????418.Do(es) the veterinarian(s) actively provide guidance and advice on technical and surgical procedures? FORMCHECKBOX Yes – Please give examples: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????419.Do(es) the veterinarian(s) actively provide guidance and advice on anesthesia and analgesia regimes, and on the use of antibiotics, tranquilizers and other therapeutic agents? FORMCHECKBOX Yes – Please give examples: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????420.Do(es) the veterinarian(s)actively provide guidance and advice on euthanasia practices? FORMCHECKBOX Yes – Please give examples: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????421.Do(es) the veterinarian(s) actively provide guidance and advice on replacement, reduction and refinement practices and procedures? FORMCHECKBOX Yes – Please give examples: FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????422.a)Is/Are the veterinarian(s) available to advise on animal model selection and development; experimental methods and techniques, particularly for invasive procedures; and the development and application of appropriate endpoints? Please elaborate: FORMTEXT ?????b)Do animal users take advantage of these services? Please elaborate and provide examples, if possible: FORMTEXT ?????ments or additional information: FORMTEXT ?????ResponsibilitiesAnimal Health and Welfare424.Are all animals seen regularly by a veterinarian? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????425.a)How frequently does the veterinarian visit each animal facility? FORMTEXT ?????b) Are animal facility site visits by the consulting veterinarian scheduled on a regular basis and followed by written reports to facility managers, the ACC and senior administrators? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX N/APlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????426.Do(es) the veterinarian(s) ensure that there are health monitoring programs (including sentinel animals if relevant) in place for each species? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????427.Do(es) the veterinarian(s) oversee the development of all pre-operative surgical and post-surgical procedures before they are used on animals? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????428.For animal surgeries, do(es) the veterinarian(s) ensure that appropriate procedures are in place and suitable facilities are available? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????Please list relevant SOPs: FORMTEXT ?????429.Does the veterinarian (and/or a senior member of the animal care staff) assist and monitor animal users, particularly when they are conducting invasive procedures for the first time? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????430.Do(es) the veterinarian(s) ensure that proper precautions are followed for disease control and exclusion of pathogens, particularly for animals that require the highest level of protection (e.g. transgenic, immunodeficient, breeding colonies), and that measures are in place for containment of infectious agents (e.g. isolation room, biohazard level 2 and 3)? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????ments or additional information: FORMTEXT ?????Animal Facilities432.Do(es) the veterinarian(s) contribute to ensuring that appropriate facility management and maintenance procedures are in place? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????433.Is/Are the veterinarian(s) consulted with respect to ensuring that there are sufficient and appropriate facilities for animal-based work, and with respect to planning any renovations or new facilities? Please elaborate and provide examples: FORMTEXT ?????ments or additional information: FORMTEXT ?????Institutional Policies and SOPs435.Do(es) the veterinarian(s) work with the animal care committee (ACC) to draft, review and approve, and implement appropriate species-specific SOPs on animal care, housing and environmental enrichment practices? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????Please list relevant SOPs: FORMTEXT ?????436.Do(es) the veterinarian(s) work with the animal care committee to draft, review and approve, implement appropriate institutional policies on animal care and use? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????437.Do(es) the veterinarian(s) work with institutional health and safety officials to develop and implement appropriate occupational health and safety SOPs for all those who handle or who may be exposed to animals? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????Please list relevant SOPs: FORMTEXT ?????ments or additional information: FORMTEXT ?????ANIMAL CARE PROVIDERSAnimal care providers are in a prime position to ensure both high quality animal care and the success of an experiment through their diligence and daily observation of their charges. Animal care should primarily be in the hands of animal health professionals, with research team members focusing on their specific research work in most cases.439.a)Are only well-trained individuals, qualified in animal care, hired to care for the animals? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????b)Of the total animal care staff (primary responsibility is to provide animal care/ husbandry) please indicate the percentage of formally trained animal health professionals (e.g. AHT, RVT, RLAT). FORMTEXT ?????c)Please indicate the percentage of animal care provided by research team members (as opposed to provided by animal care staff), and the types of care that are provided by research team members. FORMTEXT ?????440.a)Is the animal care staff unionized? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Nob)Please quote the section(s) of human resources policies and/or collective agreements which indicate that basic animal care must be provided at all times, including during labour disputes (are animal care staff designated essential workers?) FORMCHECKBOX N/A FORMTEXT ?????441.a)How is animal care provided during weekends and holidays? FORMTEXT ?????b)What skilled assistance is available in the event of an emergency? FORMTEXT ?????ments or additional information: FORMTEXT ?????ANIMAL CARE PROGRAMQualified animal care staff are responsible for providing daily care for the animals. The animal care staff should communicate directly with the attending veterinarian on a regular basis to ensure that concerns regarding animal health, behaviour, and well-being are promptly and appropriately addressed.Reception of Animals443.What measures are taken before animals arrive to ensure that the animal's health profile is known, and that there are appropriate facilities available for the new arrivals? FORMTEXT ?????444.Who examines animals on arrival and assesses their health status? FORMTEXT ?????445.What quarantine and conditioning procedures are in place? FORMTEXT ?????446.What preventative veterinary programs are in place (e.g. vaccinations, treatments for external and internal parasites)? FORMTEXT ?????ments or additional information: FORMTEXT ?????Animal Husbandry448.What are the housing conditions for each species? FORMTEXT ?????449.If not housed in individually ventilated cages, are non-compatible animals (e.g. in terms of species, source or health status) always kept in separate rooms or units? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????450.Are SOPs in place for species-specific institutional environmental enrichment practices and are any limitations on environmental enrichment from that normally offered to animals in the institution justified to the ACC? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????451.In the case of breeding colonies, herds or fish stocks, what measures/procedures are in place to ensure that comprehensive records are kept and that the numbers of animals bred do not exceed the numbers needed? FORMCHECKBOX N/A FORMTEXT ?????ments or additional information: FORMTEXT ?????Health Monitoring Program453.Are all animals checked daily by qualified animal care staff members? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????454.a)What health monitoring program is in place within the facility (e.g. sentinel animals, serological testing) and what is the frequency of testing? List relevant SOPs. FORMTEXT ?????b)Who is responsible for their application? FORMTEXT ?????455.a)Are complete and accurate health records maintained for all animals or groups of animals? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX NoPlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????b)Who is responsible for this? FORMTEXT ?????456.Are clinical assessments conducted either yearly or semi-annually for large animals (e.g. dogs, non-human primates, cattle, horses)? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX Yes and No FORMCHECKBOX No FORMCHECKBOX N/APlease elaborate if your answer is "Yes and No" or "No": FORMTEXT ?????ments or additional information: FORMTEXT ?????Diagnosis, Treatment, and Control of Diseases458.What diagnostic services (e.g. clinical laboratory, necropsy, histopathology, radiology), whether internal or external to the institution, are used? FORMTEXT ?????ments or additional information: FORMTEXT ?????APPENDICES Please provide the following appendices and use the checklist to indicate that they have in fact been included. If you are not including one or more of the requested appendices, please briefly explain why for each. FORMCHECKBOX Appendix 4A:An organizational chart of the veterinary program (if not already provided in section 1). FORMCHECKBOX Appendix 4B:List of main individuals assigned to animal care along with their qualifications and training, and a brief description of their responsibilities. FORMCHECKBOX Appendix 4C:A copy of the last two veterinary site visit reports provided by the consulting veterinarian. FORMCHECKBOX Additional Appendices (specify): FORMTEXT ?????Please explain if you are excluding any of the requested appendices: FORMTEXT ????? ................

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