LESSON PLAN - Manchester University

Interdisciplinary LESSON PLAN

Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences

Manchester College

Teacher: Mr. Leffel Date:10/29/09 Time Period: 1:35-2pm Students:17 Grade/Developmental Level: K1/1 Lesson Focus: Strike Teaching Style: Problem Solving

Collaborating Teacher: Ryan Adams

Standard(s) 1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. 2. Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. 5. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

Performance Objectives

C- TSW understand the class rule by touching their ears when I touch my ears and quickly giving me their attention. The students will understand the sidearm strike by answering questions about technique during my intro and closure.

A – TSW demonstrate working will with others and respecting them by placing the ball back on the tee for them after their turn is up.

P – TSW complete a sidearm strike successfully by using the right techniques each time they strike the ball.


17 poly dots, 17 balloons, 17 foam balls, 17 paddles, and as many baseball tees as possible, animal pictures (I will provide) 8 adult and 8 offspring.

Skill Development

Instant Activity: Station 1- Paddle Ball, Station 2-Throw and Catch, Station 3- Keep it up, Station 4- Rope Jumping, Station 5- Hoopla, Station 6- Switchaa Roo

Fitness Activity: Animal Movements with Stretching Activities

1. Crab Walk 30 secs

2. Stretching: Left arm over head, bending to right side

3. Worm Walk 30 secs (pull themselves across the floor with arms)

4. Stretching: Right arm over head, bending to left side

5. Frog Jump 30 secs

6. Stretching: Legs spread out, arms touch floor in the middle and to each side.

7. Bear Crawl 30 secs

8. Stretching: Butterflies

9. Lunges 30 secs (knees touch the floor)

10. Stretching: Neck rotations

*Have students meet in the middle.

Introduction/Set Induction

Today we are going to learn how to strike using the sidearm technique. Who knows what I mean when I say sidearm? In what sport or game might I use the sidearm strike? (baseball and softball or tennis). Can someone please stand and show me a sidearm strike using just their arms? Now can someone stand and show me a sidearm strike using this paddle? (Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge)

Introduce New Skill

Explanation/Demonstration: Now for the sidearm strike! The key things to remember are:

1) Stands to the side of the object.

2) Keep feet planted in the ground and knees bent

3) Rotate shoulders and hips during backswing, then again during forward swing. Shift body weight forward. Keep eyes on target.

4) If holding an object (racket or bat), hold firmly in the hand, with a flexed wrist.

**Refer to the step by step visual of sidearm strike..

Guided Practice Activity: This activity will have 3 progressions: hand/balloon,

paddle/balloon, and paddle/foam ball. Have poly dots for each person’s own spot.

*Have students walk over slowly and grab a paddle from the basket, then go to their spot, and hand out balloons. *Use Movement concepts here, with the paddles.

Progression 1) Each student will have a balloon and on my command will strike the balloon toward me with only their hand. They will then, on my command, retrieve their balloon and repeat this progression one or two more times depending on their success. Provide feedback.

*Each student will put their balloon down and get a paddle from the basket and then return to their spot.

Progression 2) Each student will strike their balloon toward me on my command using the sidearm strike with their paddle. They will then, on my command, put their rackets down and retrieve ANY BALLOON and move back to their spot. Repeat this progression once. Provide feedback.

*Each student will put their paddle down, hand me their poly dot, slowly take their balloons back to the bag, and then grab a foam ball from the other basket. Set up the baseball tees.

Progression 3) Each student will line up behind a baseball tee that is facing the wall and will set their foam ball on top of it. Have each student hit when we all count together 1, 2, 3, hit! They will then retrieve their ball and set it back on the tee for the next person in line. Repeat any skill cues and then say the count. Repeat this progression until everyone has gone twice. Provide feedback.

**All progressions use Bloom’s Taxonomy: Body Kinesthetics.

Group Activity: Animal Identification (Adult and offspring)

There will be 8 different adult animal pictures with a number on them, on the walls spread out from one another. The students will be in groups of 2. I will give each group a picture of the baby animal that corresponds to one of the 8 adult animals. They will have to decide which baby they have and then go to that corresponding parent animal. Under each adult picture there will be a tee with a ball on it. The number underneath adult animal is how many times each student in each group must hit the ball off of the tee, towards the wall, before they can come back to me and get a new animal. Once each group has seen all 8 animals, the activity will be done. *Assessment rubric is used here…go around to each group and assess them.

**Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences:

Assessment (Form Attached) –This assessment form will be a skill observation checklist and will be qualitative. This means that as long as the students are using the right technique as best they can, they will be successful.


Who had fun today? What animal was your favorite? If I do this (underhand strike) is it a sidearm strike? (Bloom’s Taxonomy: Synthesis) Can someone demonstrate to me a correct sidearm strike? Now what sports use the sidearm strike? Please go home and tell a friend or family member that you learned the sidearm strike today! Have a great week!


* Pangrazi, R. P., & Beighle, A. (2010). Dynamic physical education for elementary school children (16th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pearson/Benjamin Cummings.

* Pangrazi, R. P., & Beighle, A. (2007). Dynamic physical education curriculum guide: Lesson plans for

implementation (15th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pearson/Benjamin Cummings.

Assessment: Skill Observation Checklist

Skill: Sidearm Strike


*Check if technique is used

|Student |Skill Techniques | | | |

| |1. Stands to the side of object. |2. Feet planted, knees |3. Rotation of shoulders and |4. Eyes on target. |

| | |bent. |hips. | |

|Isabel David | | | | |

|Olivia Hutton | | | | |

|Gabriel Barton | | | | |

|Noah Callaway | | | | |

|Ella Pearson | | | | |

|Tyler Eackright | | | | |

|Marcus Haynes | | | | |

|JeremiahHalderman | | | | |

|Grace Haynes | | | | |

|Tabitha Harris | | | | |

|Ethan Haynes | | | | |

|Jayden Harris | | | | |

|Quinn Haynes | | | | |

|Owen Kruschwitz | | | | |

|Jason McIntyre | | | | |

|Jackson Perry | | | | |

|Karissa Cook | | | | |


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